© 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All Rights Reserved. Adobe Confidential. Dr. Allen Partridge | Adobe eLearning Evangelist Louder, Faster, Funnier Humor in eLearning

Louder faster-funnier, humor in eLearning

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Dr. Allen Partridge | Adobe eLearning Evangelist

Louder, Faster, Funnier – Humor in eLearning

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The big picture

What’s so funny? And Why?

Current Context – the status quo

Humor – the potential

Designing appropriate humor


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What’s so funny? And Why?





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Current Context


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No room for comedy in eLearning


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The offensive consequence: When humor goes wrong


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Diminished Learning: Off-topic outcomes


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Waiting for the next gag: Entertainment over Learning outcome


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Humor: The Potential

Instead of saying, “Let’s use humor,” pitch a specific idea

(“What if we used a Twilight Zone theme and…”). This

shows the team what you mean by “humor” and gives

them something to reject.

Laugh, and your learners laugh with you. Maybe.

--Cathy Moore


One e-learning solution I was involved in creating had

a feedback loop that included comments like, “are you

just guessing?” That just sounds real doesn’t it? … It

sounds like something a person would say.

“Rich, what are you doing buddy, just guessing?”

Humor in the design of eLearning

--Janet Clarey

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How can humor be used effectively in eLearning

Who doesn’t like to have a good laugh? I could certainly

do with some laughter, particularly if I have to stare the

screen for 30 mins or so to complete an eLearning

course …

3 Ideas to Include Humor in E-learning

--Aruna Vayuvegula


Clearly any funny stuff you add to courses needs to

be directly on topic, and further the educational

content upon which the course is focused.

Make ‘em Laugh. Is Comedy Appropriate in


--Allen Partridge

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Understanding & applying the research

…a growing body of research suggests that, when used

effectively, classroom comedy can improve student performance by

reducing anxiety, boosting participation and increasing students'

motivation to focus on the material.

How laughing leads to learning

-- Zac Stambor


Professors Are from Mars®, Students Are from

Snickers®: How to Write and Deliver Humor in the

Classroom and in Professional Presentations

--Ron Berk

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Designing appropriate humor

See audience’s point of view

Stay on topic

Is it funny?

Could it be offensive?

Is this the moment?

Consider an ice-breaker

As response to assessment

Show negative consequences


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