The film poster shows the use of a bold and clear title, this clearly communicates to the audience, quickly, what the name of the film is, without this then the form of advertisement is a waste. If the title is unreadable then the film poster is pointless, therefore in my film poster I will ensure that the title is the main focus of the poster, with the image and other features being additions. One feature that me and my group have forgotten to think about is the tagline of our film. This film uses “Hunted by your future, haunted by your past”, referencing the use of time travel within the film, while also hinting to the idea that the two protagonists are the same person from a different time along their own timeline. For our film poster we must come up with an effective tagline that indicates towards the narrative and genre. Contrasting to our film poster, the “Looper” film poster comments on its notable actors. As in, the actors in the film that the audience are likely to recognise from other popular films, therefore aiding in the advertising of the film. Our film poster will not include this feature as there is no point in referencing actors, who aren’t known, on the poster as it serves no advertising purpose. The featured image is the second most important feature, besides the title, as it is the aspect that draws the attention of the audience, second to the title. The image is also important as it translates the theme and tone of the film into a visual format. In our film poster we intend to translate the theme of crime, seduction and manipulation into our image. The Director and Writer “Rian Johnson” is put in small writing on the film poster, this is so that any fans of this particular director or know his other works are likely to want to go see this. Even if the director isn’t well known it is good to put the name of them on the film poster as it shows ownership and the film comes across more professional. On our film poster we will use this as we want to present our director as professional and important.

Looper Film Poster Research

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Page 1: Looper Film Poster Research

The film poster shows the use of a bold and clear title, this clearly communicates to the audience, quickly, what the name of the film is, without this then the form of advertisement is a waste. If the title is unreadable then the film poster is pointless, therefore in my film poster I will ensure that the title is the main focus of the poster, with the image and other features being additions.

One feature that me and my group have forgotten to think about is the tagline of our film. This film uses “Hunted by your future, haunted by your past”, referencing the use of time travel within the film, while also hinting to the idea that the two protagonists are the same person from a different time along their own timeline. For our film poster we must come up with an effective tagline that indicates towards the narrative and genre.

Contrasting to our film poster, the “Looper” film poster comments on its notable actors. As in, the actors in the film that the audience are likely to recognise from other popular films, therefore aiding in the advertising of the film. Our film poster will not include this feature as there is no point in referencing actors, who aren’t known, on the poster as it serves no advertising purpose.

The featured image is the second most important feature, besides the title, as it is the aspect that draws the attention of the audience, second to the title. The image is also important as it translates the theme and tone of the film into a visual format. In our film poster we intend to translate the theme of crime, seduction and manipulation into our image.

The Director and Writer “Rian Johnson” is put in small writing on the film poster, this is so that any fans of this particular director or know his other works are likely to want to go see this. Even if the director isn’t well known it is good to put the name of them on the film poster as it shows ownership and the film comes across more professional. On our film poster we will use this as we want to present our director as professional and important.

Lastly is the release date which is one of the essential items on a film poster as it communicates to the audience when they are able to view this in the cinema, therefore by leaving this out then the audience are unable to know when they are able to go see the product.

Page 2: Looper Film Poster Research

Film Title


Notable Actors

Featured Image

Release Date

Director and Writer