Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

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Page 1: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p
Page 2: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

GontentsAbout the Book

Pдпт |: Present and lmperative

SelfТest l

Pдпт lI: Past

(l didn't studу. / Did уou studу?)

Used to(l used to study.)

Past Progressive(l was studуing.)

Past Progressive and Simple Past Tense(l was studуing' / I studied')

seIfтest Il

Pдпт lll: Present Perfect and Pаst Perfeсt

Present Progressive(l am studуing')

Simple Present Tense(l studу.)

Non.Aсtion Verbs(l understand.)

Present Progressive and Simple Present тense 14(l am studуing. / I studу.)

!mperative(Study! / Don't study!)

Simple Past Tense: Affirmative Statements(t studied.)

Simple Past Tense: Negative Statements and euestions 2g









Present PeЁect: Since and For(I have studied since Maу' / l have studied for a month-)

Present Perfect: Alreadу and Yet(l have alreadу studied. / l haven't studied уet.)Present Perfect: lndefinite Past(l have studied.)

Present PeЁeсt and SimpIe Past Tense(l have studied. / I studied.)

Present PeЁect Progressive(l have been studying.)

Present Perfect and Present Perfect progressive 66(I have studied, / l have been studуing.)

r iii



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Pаst Perfeсt(l had studied.)

Past Perfeсt Progressive(l had been studуing.)

SelfTest III

Pдпт lV: Future and Future Perfect

SelfTest V

Pдпт Vl: Modals (l)



Future: Be going to and Will(l am going to studу. / I will studу')

Future: ContrastBe going to, Will, Simple Present Tense, Present Progressive

Future Time Clauses(l will call уou after I studу.)

Future Progressive(|wi|lbe studуing.)

Future Perfeсt and Future PeЁect Progressive 96(l will have studied' / l wi|l havе bееn studуtng')





SetfTest tV

Pдпт V: wh- Gluestions' таg Gluestions' Additionsl4lh. Gluestions: Subjeсt and Prediсate(Who studied? / Who did уou studу?)

Тag Gluestions(You studied, didn't уou? / You didn't studу' did уou?)

Additions with So, Too, Neitherand Not either 110(l studied, and so did shе' / l didn't studу, and neither did she.)


Ability: Can, Could, Be able to 1 1 6(l can studу for hours.)

Permission= Maу, Can, Could, Do уou mind if . . . ? 1zo(Maу l studу on mу own?)

Requests= Will, Can, Would, Could, Would you mind . . . ? 124(Will уou studу with me?)

(You should studу Еnglish.)

Suggestionsz Could, Whу don't ' . . ?' Whу not . . . ?, 1з2L e t ' s , H o w a b o u t . . . ?(Whу not studу Еnglish?)

Preferences: Prefer, Would prefer, Would rather 1з6(l wou|d prefer studуing Spanish.)


SelfТest V! 140

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Pдпт Vl l: Modаls ( l l)

SelfТest Vll

Pдпт Vtll: Adjeсtives and Adverbs

Neоessity: Have (got) to and Мust(l've got to studу harder. / l must studу harder.)

Choiсe: Don't have to; No Ghoiсe: Must not and Can,t 146(l don't have to leave. / I must not leave.)

Expectations: 8e supposed to 150(l,m supposed to studу')

Future Possibilityz Мaу, Мight' Could 154(I maу studу there next уear.)

Assumptions= May, Might, Could, Must, 158Have (got) to, Can't(She must be a good student.)

Advisabitity in the Past: Should have, Ought to have, 162Could have, Might have(l should have studied harder when l was уoung.)SpecuIations about the Past: MaУ have, Мight have' 166Can't have, Could have, Must have, Had to have(Нe maу have been a good student in his уouth.)


Adjectives and Adverbs(quick / quicklу)

PaЁicipial Adjectives(interesting / interested)

Adjectives and Adverbs: Equatives(as quick as / as quicklу as)

Adieсtives: Comparatives(quicker than)

Adjectives: Superlatives(the quickest)

Adverbs: Comparatives and Superlatives(more quicklу than / the most quicklу)

Gerunds: Subjeсt and objeсt(Studуing is important, / l enjoy studуing.)

Gerunds after Prepositions(interested in studуing / tired of studуing)

lnfinitives after Certain Verbs(l want to studу.)








t96SelfТest VlIl

Pдпт lX: Gerunds and lnfinitives

lnfinitives aftеr Ceftain Adjeсtives and Cedain Nouns 21o(easу to studу / time to studу)

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lnfinitives with Тoo and Еnough(too late to studу / earlу enough to studу)

lnfinitives of Purpose(go home to study)

Gerunds and tnfinitives(stop studying / stop to studу)

Make, Have, Let, Help, and Get(make him studу / get him to studУ)

SelfТest !X

Pдnт X: PhrasaI VerbsPhrasa! Verbs: |nsepaгab|e(run into a classmate)

Phrasаl Verbs: Seoarable(look a word up)

SelfTest X

Pдпт Хl: Nouns, Gluantifiers, AЁiсles, Reflexiveand ReсiproсaI Pronouns

Nouns(сollege, Boston College' chalk, students)

Gluantifiers(a lot of, a few, a little)

AЁiсIes: lndefinite and Definite(a / the)

o (No AЁicle) and тhe(students / the students)















Reflexive Pronouns and Reciprocal Pronouns ZSB(ourselves / each other)

SelfTest Xl

Pдвт Xll: The PassiveThe Passive: Overview(is done / was done / has been done)

Тhe Passive with Moda|s(must be done)

Тhe Passive Gausative 272(have something done)


SelfTest Xll 276

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Pдпт Xlll: Тhe ConditionalFaсtual Gonditionаls: Present(lf I studу, l get good grades')

Faсtual Conditionals: Future(If l studу' l will get good grades.)

Unreаl GonditionaIs: Present(lf I studied. I would get good grades.)

Unreal Conditionals: Past(lt I had studied. I would have gotten good grades.)

Wish: Present and Past(l wish I studied here. / I wish I had studied here.)








SelfTest Xlll

Pдпт XlV: Adieсtive сlausesAdjective Clauses with Subjeсt Re|ative Pronouns з00(someone who studies)

Adjeсtive Clauses with objeоt Relative Pronouns 304or When and Where(something that l StUdУ / the school where I studу)

Adiective clauses: ldentifying and Non-|dentifying з08(l have a friend who studies here. /Му best friend, who knows уou, studies here.)

selfтest xlv з12

Pдпт XV: lndirect SpeeсhDirect and Indireсt speech: |mperatives з14(''Studу!', / She told me to studу.)

lndireсt Speeсh: Statements (1) з18(She said that she was going to studу')

lndirect Speech: Statements (2) з22(She said she had studied.)

lndireсt GluestionsrShe аsked me if l was studуing.)

Еmbedded Questions(She wanted to know what I studied.)


SeIfTest XV 3з4

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Answer Key

Irregular Verbs

Cоmmon Nоn-aсtion (Stativе) Verbs

Сommon Vеrbs Followеd by thе Gеrund(Basе Fоrm of Vеrb + -ing)

Commоn Verbs Followed by the Infrnitive(Ъ + Base Form ofVerЬ)

Verbs Followed bу objeсts and the Infinitivе

Common Verbs Fоllowed by the Gеrund or the Infrnitive

Common Verb + Preposition Combinations

Common Adjeсtive + Prеposition Combinatiоns

Common Adjeсtives that Can Be Followеd by thе Infinitive

Irregular Comparisons of Adjeсtives' Adverbs, and QuantifiersCоmmon Partiсipial Adj eсtivеs

Some Adjeсtives that Form the Comparative and Superlativein TWo Ways

Common Reporting Verbs

Common Timе Word Changes in Indireсt Speeсh

Common Phrases Intrоduсing Еmbеdded QuestionsVerbs and Ехpressions Commonly Used Rеfleхivеly

Somе Common Phrasal Verbs

Some Common Irregular Plural Nouns

Spelling Rules fоr the Prеsent Progтessive

Spelling Rules for the Simple Prеsent Tensе:Third-Person Singular (hе, shе, it)

Spеlling Rulеs for the Simрle Past Tense оf Regular Verbs

Spelling Rules for the Comparative (-er) andSupеrlative (-esl) of Adjeсtives

Spelling Rules fоr Adverbs Ending in -ly

Cоntraсtions with Verb Forms

Punсtuation Rules fоr Direсt Speесh

Pronunсiation Tablе

Pronunсiation Rulеs for thе Simple Present Tense:Third-Person Singular (hе, shе, it)

Pronunсiation Rules for the Simple Past Tеnse ofRegular Vеrbs































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About the Authors

Marjorie Fuсhs has taught ESL at New York Сity Tесhniсal College andLaGuardia Community Collegе of the City University of New Yоrk and ЕFLat thе Spraсh Studio Lingua Nova in Мuniсh, Germany. She holds a Mаster'sDegтee in Applied English Linguistiсs and a Certifiсate in TESOL from theUniversity of Wisсonsin-Madison. She has authored or сo-authored manywidеly used ESL textbooks, notably ОnYour Waу: Building Basic Ski|ls inЕnglish, Crossroаds, Top Tшеntу ESL Word Games: Bеginning VocabularyDеuеIopmеnt, Around the World: Picturеs for Practicе, Familiеs: Tеn CardGаmes for Languagе Lеаrnеrs, Focus on Grammar: Аn Intеrmеdiаtе Coursе

for Rеfеrеncе and Practice, Foсus on Grammar: A High-Intеrm,еdiatе Coursе

for Rеfеrеnce and Praсtice, and the woтkbooks to thе Longman Dictionary ofAmеrican English, the Longmаn Photo Dictionary, Thе Охford PicturеDictionarу, and Focus on Grаmmar: Intermеdiatе and High-Intеrmеdiate.

Murgur"t Bonner has taught ESL at Hunter College and the Boroughof Manhattan Community Coilege of the City University of New York, atTaiwan National University in Taipei, and at Virginia CommonwealthUniversity in Riсhmond. Shе holds a Master's Degтеe in Library Sсienсe fromColumbia University, and she has done work towards a Ph.D. in EnglishLiterature at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. Shеhas сontributed to a number of ESL and EFL projeсts, inсluding MakingConnеctions, ОnYour Waу, and the Curriсulum Renewal Projeсt in oman,where she wrote tеxtbooks, workbooks, and teaсhers manuals for thenational sсhool system. Shе authored Stеp into Writing: A Basic Writing Tехt,and сo-authоred Focus on Grammar: An Intеrmеdiatе Coursе for Rеferеncеand Practicе, Focus on Grammar: A High-Intеrmеdiаtе Coursе for Refеrеnceаnd Practice, Foctt,s on Grammar: High-Intеrmеdiatе Workbook, andThе Охford Picture Dictionary Intеrrnеdiatе Workbook.


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About the Book

W"l.o*" to Grommor Express-the fast way to study and learn English gтammar.

Grommor Express features

r Short, easy-to-usе four-page units

r Grammar points presented and сontextualized through сartoons, photos,and othеr iliustratiоns

r Clear Grammar Charts showing the forms of the gтammar point

r Chaft Cheсks to help you usе the grammar сharts

' Clear Grammar Explanations and Еxamples

l Usage Notes telling you how Еnglish speakers use the gтammar point

r Bе сareful! Noteз showing typiсal mistakes students make

r Pronunсiation Notes to help you pronounсe words сorreсtly

r A variety of exerсise types to praсtiсе the grammar points

r SelfTests to сheсk youl progress

l ApPendiсes with helpful lists and information

r An lndеx to help you quiсkly find grammar points

r An Answer Key so you сan сheсk your answеrs

UшlтsGrommor Eхpress has 76 units' Eaсh unit has four pages-two pages of grammarpresentation and two pages of praсtiсe. Here's how a typiсal unit looks:

PresentationThe grammar point is presented in three steps.

1. ! l lustrаt ionЕaсh unit begins with an illustration-a сartoon, сomiс strip, photo withspeeсh bubbles' newspaper headline-whiсh introduсes the grammar pointin a real-life, real-language сontеxt. It also introduсes the topiс of the unit.(For ехamplе, in Unit 8 thе cartoon introducеs thе grammаr point used to,and thе unit topic, fаshion.)A Cheсk Point helps you think about the meaning of the grammar pоint inthe illustration.

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2. ChartsGrammar Charts show the forms of the grammar point. (In Unit 8 уou cсIn Sееusеd to in statеmеnts, quеstions, аnd short аn,sшеrs.)

Chart Che<ks ask questions about the gтammar сharts. Thеy help you notiсeimportant infоrmation about the forms and uses of the grammar point you arestudying.

An Еxpress Cheсk foliows thе Grammar Charts. This is a quiсk and easy wayfor you to try out the forms in the сharts.

3. NotesGrammar Notes present Grammar Explanations on the left and Examples onthe right. Timelines show the meaning of verb forms. (For eхаmplе, in Unit 8thе timеlinе for osed to shoшs that уou сan usе it onlу for thе past.)

Usagе Notes tell you how English speakers use thе grammar point. (In Unit 8thе Usаgе Notе for used to ехp|ains that this form is morе сommon in affirmatiuеstatеmеnts than in nеgаtiuе statеmеnts or quеstions.)

Bе <areful! Notes point out typiсai mistakes that English students make.(onе of thе Be carеfiil! Notеs in Unit 8 tеlls уou not to confusе lsed to шithbe used to or get used to.J

Pronunсiation Notes tell you how to сorreсtly pronounсe the grammar pointin everyday spеeсh. These notes use easy pronunсiation spellings.

Cheсk it out! tells you whеre to look in thе book (appеndiсes or othеr units) tofind more information about the grammar point.

PractiсeTwo pages of exerсises give you praсtiсe in understanding and using thegrammar point. A typiсal unit has four eхerсises.

Еxerсise 1The frrst еxerсise is always a,,for reсognition only'' exerсise. This means thatyou will have to find or understand the grammar point, but you will not haveto use it yet. (For ехаmplе, in [Jnit 8 уou tllill rеad а short magazinе articlеabout fashion, аnd find and undеrlinе all thе ехсl,mples o/used to шhich rеfеrto past habits.)

Exercises 2 and 3In thesе eхerсises you aсtively praсtiсe the grammar point. Thеre are avariety of exerсisе types, inсluding multiplе сhoiсe, fill-in-the-blanks,desсribing piсtures, sentenсe сombining, and asking and answering questions.The exerсises always show the grammar point in a сontext that is rеlated tothe unit topiс. (In Unit 8, Eхеrcisе 2, уou Lоill complеtе sеntеncеs about fashiotlin thе pсlst шhilе уou dеsсribе picturеs. In Eхеrcisе 3, уou tоill usе an oldo'duеrtisеnlеnt to аs|е and аnSLDеr qu,еstions about snеаkеrs')


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Еxerсise 4This is always an editing eхerсise. In this eхеrсise, you will havе to find andсorreсt tyрiсal mistakes that students make when thеy use the gтammar point.

ТвsтsThe 76 units of Grommor Express are divided into 15 parts. After eaсh part youwill find a SеlfТest. These tests will help you review and seе how well you havelearned the material in the part. The SelfТests havе multiple-сhoiсe questionssimilar to questiоns found on the TOЕFL@, a test that is widely usеd for foreignstudents who want to attend сollese in the United States.

AppвшвIсЕsIn the baсk of the book, you will find 28 Appendiсes with useful information,suсh as lists of сommon irregular verbs, vеrbs followed by the gerund, verbsfollowed by the infinitive' and spelling and pronunсiation rules.

Aшswвн KвvThe Answer Key providеs answers to the Cheсk Points, Сharts Cheсks, ExpressCheсks, all the praсtiсe exerсises, and the SelfTests.

Grommor Еxpress сan be used for sеlf-study or in the сlassroom. Start withUnit 1 and work through thе entire book, or сhoose the units you want to foсusoll.. Grommor Express сan help you reaсh your language goals quiсkly.

Your journey through English gтammar сan be an adventure of disсovery.We hope you will enjoy traveling witЬ, Grommor Ехpress.

AI lAboord!! ! . . .


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GreditsPhotographsGrаtеful acknoшlеdgmеnt is giuеn to thе folloшing for prouiding photographs.p. 18 Stephen Danelian./Еxposure Nеw York; p.2G (top) @ Asian Art &Arсheology' Inс./CORBIS;p. 26 (bottom) @ сoRBIs;p.28 @ Bettmann/CoRBIS;p.48 @ S. Carmona./CoRBIS; p. 62 JeffSсiortinо Photogтaphy;p. 66 PhotoDisс, Inс.;p. 70 AP/Widе World Photos;p. 76 APAМide World Photos;p. 88 @ JennieWoodсoсk, Refleсtions Photolibrary/CoRBlS; p. 110 Copуright 2000 by Bob Saсha;p. |24 @ The New Yorkеr Cоlleсtiоn 1988 Charles Addanrs frоm сartoonbank.соm.A1l Rights Reserved.; p. 132 ЕII-AYII Photo by Joe Hoсhner; p. |42 Courtesy of theNew York Statе Govеrnor's Tlaffiс Safety Committee;p. |62 @ Galа/SuperStoсk, Inс.;p. 166 @ Petеr Guttman/CoRBIS; p. 169 @ Kevin Sсhafer/CoRBIS; p. |75 Courtesyof Beth Boyd; p. 176 RubbеrBall Produсtions; p. 192 AP/Wide World Photos;p. r95 @ Kevin R' Morris/CoRBIS; p.2o2 @ SuperStoсk, Inс.; p. 206 RubberBallPrоduсtiоns; p. 210 @ TSlWGreg Davis; p.2|4 @ Thе New Yorkеr Colleсtion 1989Tom Chеney from сartoonbank.сom. All Rights Reserved.; p.226 AP/Wide WorldPhоtоs; p. 235 Liaison Agenсy, Inс.; p. 238 Library of Congтess; p. 244 PhotoDisс,Inс.; p. 25в @ Miсhael Dwyеr/Stoсk Boston, Inс.; p. 258 @ The New YorkerColleсtiоn 1964 Frank Mоdell frоm сartoonbank.сom. All Rights Reservеd.;pp.264,266 Reprinted with permission from Rеader,s Digеst. Copyright @ TheReadеr's Digest Assосiation, Inс.;p. 268 APlWide World Photos; p. 286 PЕАNUTS@ UFS; p. 290 @ John Springer Cоlleсtion/CoRBIS; p. 304 @ Hultоn-DeutsсhCollесtion/CoRBIS;p.306 (top) photo bу Dutton Signet, a divisiоn of PenguinBooks USA, Inс.;p. 306 (bottom) RubberBall Produсtions;p. 324TonуFreеman./PhotoЕdit.

lIlustrаtorsRonald Chironnaz pp.27 ,34, З5,65, 160, 190' 191; Brian Hughes: pp. 20, 188;Joсk МaсRae: pp. 53, 180; Paul MсCusker: pp. 38, 98,294 Andy Myer: pp. 10,24,32, 46,54,80, 82, 88 ' 102, II2, |16, Iб8,1 '72, I92,222,2З2,246,254,272,282,300 ,314 , 322 ,326 ; Dusan Pе t r i с i с : pp '2 ,6 ,8 , L4 ,16 , \7 , \8 ,2L ,36 ,40 ,50 ' 58 ,60 ,6в,74' 84,92,96, 106, 120, |28, |46,150,184, 198, 236,250,278,308,318, 330

p. 136 Sourcе: Roper Reports Worldwide 1998 Global Сonsumer Study


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W,',rryж PoINтСheсk thе best odvеrtisement for thisTV nеws show,

П It's happеning nоwl

П It hupp"ns every day!

Present Progressive

of f ane are waitingfor The Аirhaado

The Аirheadэare droppingfrom Nhе okу!

снARт сllEсK lСhесk thе correсtonswеr'

Thе presentprogтеssive is madeup of two parts:

J ьe + base formofverb

c ье + base formof vеrb + -ing

Whiсh part сhangeswith different subjeсts?

JьeП ba.e form of

verЬ + -ing

AF]lRlt,lAтIvE s

Suв,вст Bс


Bдsв Еoпм oгVвпв + -lшс




*You is both singular and plural.


Suв,вст Br

iтAтЕмЕNт5Il Bдsв Еoпм oг

Noт |Vвпв + .ING

am, m

not wait ing.He/5hе/|tl s,s


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сl]АRт сlIEсК 2Сirсlе T (Truе) orF (Folse).

т F In questions,be сomes afterthe subjесt.

VEs/No QUЕsтloNsl l Bдsв Foпм

B t I s u в l в с т |+ . l l v с


standing?! s snе

Are you

Eх'PRЕssжСomplеtе thеsе sеntеncеs with thе prеsеnt progrеssivе form of the verbs in porenthesеs,

Whу you ? They still( lеave)

Present Progressive r 3






you arе.


you arеn,t .

shе I 5 . shе isn ' t .

I am. 'm not.

*ramж-*аr Ёхр|an*t iоns

Wн. QUЕsтloNsWн. Woпo l 8д l 5uв,вст | вo,. Foпм + .tшс




standing?l s 5nе

are you



1. Usе thе presеnt progressivе to dеsсribesomеthing that is happening rioht now.

r |,m standing outside the King Тheatеrright now.

r Аs l,m talking to you, thе fans are gatheringin front of thе theаtеr.

No** stondingPast.. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .x l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . .>

2. Usе thе presеnt progrеssivе to dеsсribеsomеthing that is happеning thеse days, evеn ifit 's not hаppеning right now.

*?*Past ' . . ' . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . .*. ' . . . . . . . . ' . i . . . . . . . . ' . . . .у..- .- ' ' ' . ' ' . ' . .} Futurеz;::___:__/*6.''tudуing g$'

Тhе Аirheаds arе playing at thе Kiпg Тhеatеrthis weеk.

|,m studying guitar this semеstеr.

3. Usдсв Noтв: Тhе сontrасted form is usuallyused in speесh and in informa| writing.

A: Bye, Jana, wе,re leaving now.B: Wait! |,m сoming with you.

Сheсk it out!For diffeгent forms of negative сontraсtions with bq see Appendiх 24 on page 345.Foт spеlling тules for the present progтessive' see Appendix 19 on pagе 343.

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4 r u n i t r








I сan't. I

But you4. (work)

IDENтiЕY o Rеod this lеttеr. Underlinе the presеnt progrеssivе verbs thot dеsсribesomеthing hoppеning right now, Сirclе thе prеsеnt progrеssive vеrbs thаt describеthings thаt ore hаppening thеse doys (but not nесеssorily right now).

Т@veгyhaгd. thesеd 'ays ,but Ihavesome$ood 'nеws.R i$htnoщ

I'm sittinЕl at a desk in the Еntertainment Seсtion of thе Tribune| of couтsе I'm

still taking journalism сlasses at ni$ht as wel].. Thе job is temporaТУ-"Ioe sims,

the геЕпrlaг reporter' is taking this month off to wгite a book' This week We'rе

pгeparing to intervj'ew youг favoritr gтoup, thе Airheads' In faсt, at this vеry

moment they'гe flying lnto town by hеliсopter. They're pеrfoгming at the King

Theater all wеek. How aгe you doing? Aгe you still Writlng musiс? oops! The

сrrw is сalling me. They're leavin$ foг the theateг now. Wгitе soon!


сO[{|PLEтE. Rеod this сonvеrsotion' Сomplеtе it with thе prеsеnt progressivе form of thеvеrbs in porеnthеsеs. Usе сontroсtions whеnеvеr possiblе.

Bye, Joe, I'm leaving

l . ( | еаvе )

WЪere you2. (gо)

downstairs.3. (Wаit)

Great! WЪу don't you take tlrе dоg оut with уоu?

Whу dоn,t уou take hirn? It's yоur turn.

Running. Ann

on my book.

anything right now. Yоu just5 . (no t do )

thеre.6. (s i t)

Joв: That's not true. I here, but I

8 . ( t h i nk )

7. (s i t )

abоut my work. Can't thе dоg run with you?

Bвv: Nо, beсause aftеrwards wе want to go to tlre Plaza. The Airheads

therе this wеek, and Ann wants to get their autographs'9. (stаy)


You know she's a big fan of thеirs.

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рresent Рrоgressive r 5

Аsl( & ANsvlER. Stеph is interviеwing the leod singer of the Airhеods, PаuI, Writеquеstions using thе words in porеnthеsеs. Givе short onswers.

Sтвpн: PaoI, are Уou in|roducino anУ new эonoЭ on |hio t.our?1. ( introduсe / any new 5ong5 on th is tour?)

Pдur.: Yeэ, we are . We're intrоduсing some songs from our2.

new album ' In thе Аir

Sтвpн: Yоur fans are so exсited to sеe you after suсh a long time.

3. (Why '1 tour / аgaiп?)

Pдur,: We want to play for livе audienсes. Wе neеd that.

Sтшpн:4. (Whаt / Work on / these days?)

Some exсiting new material. But tмe'rе not talking about it yet.Pдur,:





5. (Who '/ 5 ing , ' With ) ,otr nОw?)

She has a niсe voiсе.

Sylvia Sylva is singing some of the songs from the album.

6. (s l rР ' геp|асе 1 Тоt i?)

. Toti has a new babv. but shе'llbе baсk in

a few months.

ЕDlT . Rеod this lеttеr. Find ond сorrесt six mistokеs in thе usе of thе prеsеntprogrеssivе. The first mistokе is olrеodу сorrеcted.

7 .

DеаrTo|i,'m wr i t ing

l.wri*eto t70и +rom m\ hord room. euеryonе е|5е is s|ееp, bиt I sitting herе аnd wаtching

thе oceaо. Wе,rе stауtng аt thе P|аzл in Аttantic Bеаch, а0dtnе vleu/ is beaиtitиl. Ihetoцr is

goе5 we||. Ihе aцdiеncе is crazу abot,lt thе nеw songs, bцt Ihе tаns is alulavs аskinq for yoи .

How is thе bаbt( 5hе hаs а grеаl uoice. Do \oцirеаching hеr to sinq уd? Мауbе both afl yoи

wi|| comе аIong tor thе nехI Ioцr|Sv|viа

Page 17: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Simple Present Tense

Hank is always in a hurry and hе doеsеvеrything at onсе.

! -|

PпINтСhеck thе best titlе for thе саrtoons,

П Hank at Work This Weеk

t Hank's Working Habits

He works aII thе timе-hе nеvеr rеlaxеs.

сl|ARт сI/iEсl(Сirсle T (True) orF (Folsе).

т F The form forhe/she/it endswith -s.

т F Negativestatemеntshavе do not ordoеs not befoтethe basе fоrm.

т F Quеstions havеdo оr does afterthe subjесt.


ISuвtвст | Vвпв

|/We/You*/Тhеy work

Hе/Shе/It works.


5uв;вст | oo n,, | влsв Foпм|/Wе/You/Тhеy do not

work.Hе/She/|t doеs not

*Уoи is both singular and plural.

YEs/No QUЕsтloNsDo I Suryпст | Blsв FoпмDo you

work?Doеs ne


Aггlпмдтlvв ! Nвсятlvв


No,I don' t .

ne doеs. ne doesn' t .


Page 18: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Simple Present Тense r 7

}yf,- QUЕsтloNstшн- Woпo I Do I su"l..' I Blsв Foпм


do youwork?

doеs ne

ЕхPREssжжUnsсromblе thеsе words to сomplеtе thе quеstion.

r u sh .Why .heоdoes

Gramcтъar Еxрlanatjоns

all the time?


l . Usе the simpte prеsеnt tensе to talk aboutwhat rеgular|y happens.

*?-Past .'..........Х. . х. . x ..Х........х..'.....> Future


r Some pеop|e rush through Iife'r Thеy don,t relax.r othеr peop|е arе саIm.r Тhey don,t fееl tensе.

2. Usе advеrbs of frеquеnсy with thе simp|eprеsеnt tense to еxpгеss how oftеn somethinghappеns.

^ф ^""-дч s :$- \ч"

.'о. .o.. s ^il- ;,\ .o\Ьo $o ot-

""- -6 od

/. . . . . . . . . . . . . . / . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / . . . . . . . . . . . . / . . . . . . / -*. . . . . . . . . . . /,|ooo/o Оo/o

Br сдпвгut-! Adverbs of frеquеnсy usua|lyсome bеforе thе main verb, but thеy go aftеrthе vеrb be.

r She лeyer rеlaxеs.l You usuolly takе |ifе еasier.r Wе sometimеs slееp |atе.r Thеy seldom take а vaсation.

l Wе usuolly rush around too muсh.r Wе,re often stгessed out.

3. Usе the simp!е presеnt tensе to talk aboutsсiеntifiс faсts.

r Strеss (ausеs high b|ood pressurе.l Water frееzеs at З2"F.

Сheсk it out!Еor spelling rules for the third person singular (hе / shе /it) of the simple presenttense, see Appеndix 20 on page 343.For pronunсiation rules for the third person singular hе / shе l it) of the simplepresent tense, see Appendiх 27 on page 348,

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8 r u n i t a

IDENTIFY o Reod this port of o book rеviеw' Undеrlinе thе simplе prеsеnt tеnse vеrbs,Сircle the odvеrbs of frеquencу.

с0|{iPIEтE o Mеgon ond Greg hove complеtеlу diffеrent tуpes of personolity (A ond B).Rеod obout one, writе obout thе othеr.

3 .

1 .



5 .




Тypе A: Megan

Мegan doеsn't rеlaх easily.

She doеэn't |ake timе to еnjoythe moment.

Megan and her boyfriend nеver takеvaсations.

She is nеrvous.

Shе is always in a hurry.

She finishеs other people's sentenсesfor them.


rr|axeэ easily.

. He takеs time to eniov the moment.

Type B:

о Greg

a hurrу,

.Hesentenсes for them.

. Hе doеsn't wоrrу a lot.

. Hе has enough time to frn

. Greg

о Greg and his girlfriend often- vaсatrons.




through the day. doеsn't rush through the day.She



nevеr in

other people's



a lot.

enough timeto finish things.

Mеgan has high blood prеssuredue to strеss'

ish things.

high blood

Cдlм Dowш ! ., o,".Sara Roads

psr,сhologiсall1', but aссoгding to

Dr. Rоads, artthor of thе new

bеstsеllег, Саlm Doun!, it alsо аffесts

rrs physiсail1'. Fог ехaпrplе' stгеss

сat lsеs high blood PГеssuге.Doсtors оftеn prеsс,iь. =@

mеdiсat ion fог stгеss-геlatеd i l lnеssеs.

Mеdiсinе usuall,v lowеrs a patiеnt's blood

prеSsurе. But, Dr. Roads сlaims, ..You

dоn't zrlrvays nееd pills. Rеlirхirtion

ехегсisеs arе somеtilТlеs as еffесtir,е

as pills. For ехamplе, brеathing

еxегсisеs both rеlax уоu and

lorvег уotlг Ьlood

Prеssurе. It orrly takеs

a fеw minutеs!''

1 0 .pressure due to stress.

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simp|e Present Тense r 9

Asl( t, ANiWER C Todd is on oсcountont, Look ot his sсhеdule. Write quеstions ondonswers obout his doу,

Ш?}iff*ll86:00-7:00 9еt up. ехеrсisе

8:00-9:00 work on геports

9:00-12:00 seе сliеnts

When / get up?|Nhen doeэ he get up?

2. eхеrсisе in the morning?

Doeg he exeraiэe in the morninа?

12:o0-12',З0 |unсh

12:30-5:00 rеturn phone сalls

5:30-7:00 attеnd night sсhoоl

He ge|э up at 6:00,

Yеэ, hе doeo,

3. work on reDorts in the aftеrnoon?

4' When / see сlients?

5. takе a lunсh brеak?

6. What / do / from 12:30 to 5:00?

7. Where / go / al5:30?

EDIT. Reod Todd,s journol еntrу. Find ond сorrесt tеn mistokеs in thе usе of thе simplеprеsent tеnse. The first mistoke is аlrеodу сorrectеd.

never navel,m so fired.l harc.я*еrtime to rel,aх.I work aI| daу and вtudieв all nighf. Iv1у bosв tell

me that l need,a,,,,uaсafion. l agree, buf l afraid to fake one, Doea my boas thinkв that

the otfiсe ca,n,f,unсfion wifhout me? l dont want fhem fo think l'm not neceEыarу.

But mY wife ia unhappУ too,She сomplain fhat вhe never aee6 me anуmore. |v1,у

всhedule are-',,сr'azу.l don't thiлk l can keep fhiв up muсh ,Ioлgen l don't wanfв to quif

nighf school, thouAh, I think offen fhat there has fo be a better way,

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& Non-Action Verbs

vERBs WIт}|NoN-AстloN It,lEAN lNGs

I want to go fishing.Hе owns a big boat.Тhe weathеr sеems finе'Thеy hatе fish.

EхPREssжСomplеtе thеsе sеntеnсеs with thе corrесt form of the vеrb tastе.

ш:::-:::: P0lNтСhеck thе сorrеct аnswеr.

Aссording to thе fish, the Worm

П hus thе flavor of сhiсken.

П aсts like a сhiсkеn.

{ry ":

сI|ARт сHEсI(Сirсlе T (Truе) orF (Folsе).

т F Sоmе vеrbshave botha nоn-aсtiоnand an aсtionmeaning.

т F Avеrbusеd witha non-aсtionmeaning is notused in theprogтessive.

vЕRBs wlтн Boтн NoN-AстloN AND ACтloN ]UtЕANlNGs


Тhе fish weighs five pounds.Wе think it,s a good day for fishing.This fish ta'tеs de|iсious.Тhis food smells qood.


Hе's weighing the fish now.Wе,re th ink ing about going.| ,m tаst ing thе f ish now.Тhе сook is smеI| ing thе food.


the soup right now It salty.

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Non.Aсt.on Verbs r 11

G r*гтз iтэаr Еxplanаt iоnз ЕxаmрIes

1. Many vеrbs desсribe stаtеs or situations instеad r |ohn has а boat.of aсtions. Thеse verbs arе сalled non.aсtion (Thе vеrb hos dеsсribеs John,s situotion, notverbs (or stativе verbs). somеthing hе is doing')

Most non-асtion verbs are not usual|y used in l He wants fish for dinnеr.thе pгеsеnt progrеssive evеn whеn they desсribе Noт t{еisзгrraвting-ffiifii1еl..a situation that is happеning right now.

2. Non.aсtion vеrbs arе usually verbs that:

a. dеsсribе a state of being r ,|anе is tirеd but happy.(bе, feеl) r 5hе fеels good.

b. exprеss еmotions A: Do you likе my new drеss?(hаtе, likе, lovе) B: I lovе it!

с. dеsсribе menta| statеs r I know а |ot of good rесipes.(know, rеmembеr, beliеvе, think [= beliеve], l Ari rеmеmbеrs your number.supposе, undеrstond) l I think you,гe right.

d. show possession l сеsaг has a hеadaсhe'(havе, own, possess, bеlong) l Somе students own miсгowavеs.

е. dеsсribе perсeptions and sensеs l l hear thе tе|еphonе.(hеor, seе, smell, tastе, feеl, notiсе, sеem, r Dina sееms tirеd.look [= sееm], oppеor, sound)

f. dеsсribе nеeds and preferеnсеs r l neеd a pеn.(neеd, wаnt, prefer)

g. dеsсribе measurеmеntt l HoW muсh doеs it сost?(weigh' сost, сontoin)

3. Bв сдпвгul! Some verbs сan have non-aсtion Noш-Астtoхand aсtion mеanings (tostе, smell, feel, look, r I taste gaг|iс. Did you put some in hеrе?think, Itovе, wеigh). (I notiсе gorliс,)

r Тhe soup tastes good' Тry some.(Thе soup is good,)


r |,m tasting thе soup to sеe if it nееds morе sa|t.(l,m trying thе soup.)

Cheсk iI out!For a list of сommon non-aсtion verbs' see Appendix 2 on page 337.

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12 r Uni t з

lDENтltY o Rеod this сonvеrsotion, Undеrlinе oll non-аction vеrbs thot dеscribе osituotion thot is in progrеss, Сirclе oll non-oсtion vеrbs thot desсribe а situotionthot is genеrolly truе,

Ar,rшв: This stеak tastеs deliсious. Your salmon looks gоod too.

Bвш: Here, I'm putting some on your plate. I think yоu'll like it.

Ar,rшв: Mmm. I likе it. Funnу, I l..,,ully(JБ.'ТIГd fi.h.

Bвш: Red has that effeсt on pеople.

Arrшв: I have no idea what you,ге talking about. What do yоu mean?

Bвш: Well' сolоrs сan сhange the way we feеl. tr'оr example, people often feel

hungтier in a red room. I notiсe that yоu're looking right at the red wallpaper.

Ar,rшв: And I сеrtainlу feel hungтy right now. I'm eating half your salmon.

Bвш: That's oK' I,m tasting your steak.

сн00sE о Сomplеte this mogozinе ortiсIе with thе сorrеct form of the verbsin porenthеses.

Lenny Kramer is in a sports store. н" .' i.o.i#iJ..uo..,.nаi

flоwers, but he isn't

really paying attention to the aroma vеry muсh beсausе he a t a2. ( looks / is looking)

pair оf running shоes. Th"У -_Т .ul.* ."

a lot moгe than he usuallу pays, but

Lenny really, really thosе shоеs. He's thе viсtim of ..smart sсents.''4. (Wаnts / is Wаnt ing)

aromas that stores use to make сustomеrs buy more.

Aсross tоwn' Lenny's daughter Myra is taking a history tеst in a сlassroom

that was reсently painted yellow. Although Мyra histоr5l, she5. (hаtes / is hat ing)

to bе dоing well on this tеst' She the new6. (sееms / is seeming) 7 . ( l i k e s / i s l i k i ng )

Wе now that odоrs, сolors, and sounds affeсt our moods and9. (know / arе knowing)

еven our health. In faсt, right now Lеnny's wife, Cindy' about1O . ( t h i nk s / i s t h i nk i ng )

Lenny and Myra' Shе's surе that Lenny is spending tоo muсh on shoеs and that

Myra is failing another history test. Cindy suffers from migтaine headaсhes, but

she - a headaсhe today. Shе,s in the gardеn, and shе11 . ( doesn ' t have / i s n ' t hav i nq )

сo loro fherс lass room' .n" f f i that i t ' she lp ingheronthеtes t '

but it is. Sсientists have shown that уellow imp.о,,eJ Ьoth mеmory and сonсеntration.

l2 . (hеаrs i is hear ing)birds and inseсt sounds. Thev alwavs сalm hеr down.

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Non.Aсt.on verbs r 13

сOff|PLEтЕ o Rеod this convеrsotion. Сompletе it with the сorrеct form of thеvеrbs in porenthesеs. Usе thе presеnt progrеssive or thе simplе prеsеnt tеnsе,

A: Hi, Ana. Mmm. Somethin* ---jЪh- goоd! What's сooking?

B: Fish soup. I it to seе if it mоre garliс.2. (tastе) 3. (need)

you -- to try it?4. (wаnt)

A: Mmmm. It good, but I - it needs salt.5. (taste) 6. (th ink)

B: OK. I about adding сanned tomatoеs too, еven though it7 . ( t h i nk )

in the reсipe.8. (not be)

A: That likе a good idea. But wait a minutе. I9. (sound)

at the reсipe, and it says you сan add milk. How about that?

B: I if the milk fresh.

1O. ( look)

sure. Let's add11 . (no t know)

A: I.ll сheсk. Hmm. I12' (bе)

it, but It 3 . ( smе|| )

the tomatoеs instеad.

B: OK. I сooking! Thе whоlе housel 5 . ( l o vе )

when you сооk. And it always puts me in a good mood.

A: I what you . I17. (know)

same way.

14. (not bе)

greatl6 . (smе|l)

thе18 . (mean)

ЕDlI o Rеod this journol entrу. тhеrе orе eight mistokеs in the usе of oсtion ondnon.oсtion verbs, Find ond сorrесt thеm, The first mistokе is аlreodY correctеd'

19. ( feel)

уgrcn ъ- have


эoц'фЦ!9.\gry\ аw!уlo p,,!argе rЦmq'o_4_gnф9!'rjLo+ -t!uэgуa'ц!'у!е*,Jr-ез4'q! фi9I9


-dеуеssion) g:ф 3 -1reеn q1P!цf7r-hе nеас!а-c,,fu),1h9\э,у4-919p,-bиt l,п not thinking thсt

lnфpе q 4ffеrе,!!eJL!qщ.1te4|] tnщKlrn уe+'еry,оglo еаt 1ц1grhngуhе-9 !lgе!do1!Щ.''..-._

9_щ l WOr(Уthф!p у-g0!:0Т|oo lnцch:2p'_ф tlrлo'Ц?nt J-navе a-щ?_$-'?'е??еrpint-tea wrth

\Pлgl'-l-e-аtуJps-:g!2l0фl!9 ?P999!-фя,nA_hеJ?2уoу-9в lеэ:'\Цe:t]JАqn1lкщW фJЦtthgt! ф!9q.o1фе'lQеэr'еgцэц04g9'59у!42 ?qfi! goф1gh\ т'b-aцI w) It,s-sсpmiqgthаt -rhеrе аrе o0 еаs\] so|ulions'

Page 25: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Present Progressive andSimple Present Тense

Cross-Cultural Confusion

Friеnds from differеnt сuItures oftenhavе differеnt ideas about timе.

Sometimеs they don't agrее aboutsoсiaI distanсе, either.

l €нЕ € l<| P0INтСirclе T (Truе) or F (Folsе)'

т F Karl is arriving late tоnight.

т F In Sami's сulture, people rarely stand сlose to eaсh other.

сIiARт сltЕсl(Сheсk thе сorrесtonswеrs.

The presentprogтessive has:

t оnе part

П two parts

The simplе presenttense has:

LJ one form

П t*o forms



. P п

oGREsslvЕBдsв Foпм|+ -rArG I


arriving now.Wе/You*/Theyare

Hе/She/|t ts

*You is both singular and plural

Whу iэ Taro|еaning back

,рiёF ine thanke,|,ow arе уou2,

Whу iэ Эamiэtanding eo


5uUвст Vвпв


arrlvеon t imе.

Hе/She/It arrlvеs


Page 26: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

EхPREss ЖxdiСomplеtе the following chorts with thе vеrb buу'

Grаmmar Еxplanat ions

Present Progressive and Simple Present тense r 15



Suвlвст l Bд l Bдsв Foпм + .lшс I

fIowеrs now.You



Suв;вст| |v.*" l

usual ly сhoсoIates.You

1. Usе thе present progressive for thingshappеning right now.

{o(o.Now -^ to '

: . *d$n'past . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; .S9.] . - . . . -Future


Use the simplе рreJеnt tеnJе to desсгibеwhat rеgu|arly happеns.

*?*Past .'.........'Х. x i x.........x.......'> Future

Hе tolks to hiim еverу doу.

r Sami is talkin9 to Тaro.r Аt thе momеnt, Тaro is spеaking Еng|ish.

r Sami talks to Taro еvery day.l Тaro spеаks Japanеsе at homе.

2. Usе the prеsеnt progrеssivе for thingshappеning these days.



We.rе studying in thе U.S. this month.Laura,s studуing in Franсе this уeor,Arе you studying hard thеse doуs?



Futurе. . . . . . . . . . .>

3. RвмвмввR! Most non-aсtlon vеrbs аrеnot usually usеd in thе Prеsent progrеssivееven whеn thеy dеsсribе a situation that existsаt thе moment of spеaking.

r |anе wants to go homе right now.Noт

4. Use the simple present tеnse to talk aboutsсiеntifiс faсts аnd physiсal laws.

r Stress Causes high b|ood prеssure.r Watег boils аt

-l 00.с.

Cheсk it oul!For a list of сomrnоtr non-aсtion verbs, seе Apperrdiх 2 on page 337.

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16 r Unit zr

IDENтIЕY о Rеod thеsе journol еntriеs bу Brion, а Сonodion summer ехсhongе studеntstudуing in Argеntino. Сirсle oll thе vеrbs thot dеscribе whаt is hoppening now.Undеrlinе thе vеrbs thot desсribе whot gеnerаllу hoppеns.

сOffiPIEтE о Studеnts orе tolking outsidе o сlossroom. Сomplеtе thеir сonvеrsotionswith thе prеsеnt progrеssivе or the simplе prеsеnt tеnse of thе verbs in porеnthеsеs.

l. Lr-wu:





Hi' Paulo. WЪat are

oh, Ib. (wait)

How are you? You


for сlass to begin.

с. (|ook)

d. (rvork)

to one оf mу


evenings this semеstеr. Hеy, is that

doinаa . ( d o )

I аm a little tired. I

your teaсher over there?

Yеs' Shee. (tа lk)


Pдur,o: I wonder what,s wrong. He

her. Heg. ( look)

Lr-wu: Oh. Thath. (not meаn)

it's not respeсtful to lоok

Moвrкo: Look, there,s Мiguеl. He

f . (not look)


anything. In Taiwan

direсtly at yоur teaсhеr.

tо Luisa.a . ( 1 а l k )

a сlass together this semestеr.



Рt ]:Js,, .)Ф-. g.r ъ*

' i] ./.., Ц}. -'

,,"ъ !-],.ll-! u '

] ! l r \ + ч-J

\ , ,1 : l - I , l --.--4.Bь:-.



June 2o; t@tn a oaatЭО'ООО frеL above Lhe еarthеn routе |o ^rqen| ina| l uoua||уhave d innеr at th ie t ime, but r iqh|now I havе a hеadache from LheaxClLamen|. gу eеa|ma|е le

eatinq mу food. Эhе lookэ haP?у,

June Эo: It'e 7:ЭО, gу hoэt parеnLeare эti|l workinq, Сar|oo, mу fathеr,wОrkэ a| hоnзe. Mу |i|||e broLherKiсаrdo iэ cu|е, Ае |ooke (and

aсta) a |o| |ike bobbу, Kiqht now,hе'e |ookinq Оver mу эhoulder andtryinq to rеad mу journa|,

Ju|y 4: The wea|hеr ie cold now,l ueua||у эpend thе f i rot wееkendof JuIу at the bеach, Todaу |mwa|king around in a heavу ;vlea|er,

Аuguэt 6z I fee| eo Ltred tonighL.Еveryonе r|эe feе|o qrеat in Nhееven|nq becauee thеу take lonqnapэ in |hв aftеrnoon,

Nrшд: Yes. Theyb. (tаkе)

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Flreserrt Рrogressivr and simple Рresent Tense r 17

very сlose to еaсh other.( . (stand)

NIшд: No. I



2d . ( t h i пk ) е. (date)


3. Rдsrrд: There's Hans. Wlrv

a. (walk)

at 9:00. Hе still

Cr-дuов: He always

f . ( no t t h i nk )

anything spесial. I

and people thеre nоrmally

сlose to еaсh othеr.

so fast? Classb. (stаrt)

tеn minutesl

d . (wa l k )fast. Pеople from

tobe i n а hurry.e. (аpреao

Luis? Why

9 ' (meаn)

from Costa Riсa,h. (соmе)

thati , ( s t and )

he - . r t l

, l ir ,r; i l

\о . l

Switzerland often

4. Yoкo: Isn't that Sеrgio and theу- - -

tla. аvt- i!

,.' ..:s"so3;


'r.*4 ''\ ; l i \

. ) t ! / ' r \ ,-.:с J ,J

.ъаъ;.. -a,-zф.@

a. (shаkе)

eaсh othеr.hands? They

Jrшс: In Brazil. rrrеn

time thеу

b. 1know;

hands evеry<. (shake)

d . (mee t )

EDIT. Reod this student,s journol, Find аnd сorreсt еlevеn mistаkеs in thе use of thе presеntprogressivе or simple prеsеnt tеnse' The first mistokе is olrеаdу corrеctеd'

| 'm oi|ъ|nglt.s '|l:3o ац_dtФ+iц |he lib1а1y right цow. Мy с!аssmаfes q1e qаl_i1q lunф toget!р1'

I miss' my old roиtinе. Аt homе we always are eаting а Ьi9 щq4! аt |:1Оo in- the

аft9-ц11oor,r'' Тhen wr res ' 4 ' 9 ' ''

Еverу daу,l аlmost fа[!

сoЧrse |m ngt borqd. I jus-t 4eed my аfternoo'4 nqp! Т,!is с!аs-s g!уv'qyg-i.q tчn' Тhiq

seцеste.r,. щe work on a p1ojeсt чvith v!d.eg саm-е-ца's'. $L teaц j.s-fitmirr.g grgups--o.|

people in different с9r!tures'. We are ana|уze -soсlat distаnсe'- Тhqt meац-s how 9!9_se to

eасhothеr thesepgop les taцd.Асс 'o rd ingto

for my l:oo q!gрs. Тeq-с'hers. h-9re real|y arеn't likiц9 ryhqц у.oч 9oцe-|9tq]-'

Page 29: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

& lmperative

{Е:{Ст{ | POINтСhесk thе corrесt onswеr.

Thе woman in the photo is

П inviting someonе tо learn thе Jab.

П gi,,ing instruсtions on how to do thе Jab'

П ordering someone to do the Jab.


Bдsв Foпм loг Vвпв l

Bеnd your кnees.

Punсh with your fists.

To do thе Jab:Bеndуour knеaэ and

p|aae уour riqht foo|, in fron|,l ike thia, ?unah wi|h уour

nghl f iaL.

сltАRт сltЕсl(Сhесk the corrесtonswеr.Irnperativе sentеnсеs

П inсlude a subjeсt.

П don,t inсludea subjeсt.


l Bдsв Foпм |DoN,т I oг Vвпв |

Don'tbеnd your Knеes.

punсh with your fist.


Page 30: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

lmperative r 19

EхPRЕss,; iж,Usе thеsе vеrbs to completе thе chаrts,

touсh listen stand


Bдsв Foпм oг Vвпв |to thе musiс .

your toes.


&rа*ъзynar f; xр|anаtigns Ехarnрles


Doн,т I Bдsв Foпм oг Vвпв

to thе musiс .

your [oes.

stra ight .

1. Тhе impеrativе foгm of thе veгb is always the r Marlа, pIеase get rеadybаsе form. lt is the samе whethег it is dirесted r Gеt ready, guys!to onе or sevеrаI peop|е.

2. Тhе subjесt of an impеrative statemеnt is you. r Stand up straight.Howеvеr, we do not sаy or writе yoи in NoT }ffit.impеrative sеntеnсеs.

3. Тhe impеrativе form has a number of usеs.Usе thе impеrativе to:

a. givе dirесtions and instruсtions l Turn Iеft at thе traffiс |iqht.

b. give ordеrs or сommands l Don,t movе!

с. make rеqцests (Use plеose in addition to l Pleosе rеad this aгtiс|e.the imperative form.) r Rеad this aгtiс|e, pleosе.

d. givе adviсe or make suggеstions r Don,t eхеrсisе whеn you,re siсk.

е. givе warnings. r Bе сaгеfuI! Don,t trip!

f. invitе someone r Work out with us tomoгrow.

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2O r Unit s

ItiAтсl| o Еoсh impеrotive goеs with а situotion. Motch thе impеrotivе with thесorrеct situаtion,

q l .

Imperаt ivе

Don't tоuсh that!

Look bоth ways.

Dress warmly!

Don't bend your knees.

Mark eaсh answer true or false.

Come in. Make yourself at home.

Try a little morе peppеr.

Сo lumn A


S i tuat ion

Someonе is visiting a friend.

Someone is going out into the сold.

Someone is сrossing a street.

Someonе is taking an еxam.

Someonе is ехerсising.

Somеonе is tasting some fоod.

Sоmething is hot.

a .


C .

d .

e .


lIiAтсI| C You,rе going to give instructions for moking o bonаnа-strowbеrrу smoothiе,Motсh o verb from сolumn A with o phrosе from сolumn B'

LABЕL. Now writе thе sеntеnсеs in ordеr under thе сorreсt piсtures.

l . Э| ice a banana'


,\,' 'ф




5 .


7 .


9 .

Co lumn B

the ingтediеnts until smooth.siх strawberries.a banana.orange juiсе intо thе blender.the strawberries in half.the fruit to the orange juiсe.

3 .2.

,*l .rд ч : - . -

l ьW@2 '

#,\ у1 : ' l

1' . i

5 .4. 6.

Page 32: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

lmperаtive r 21

сl]00sE a с0мPLEтE o Reаd this аdvеrtisеmеnt for o mortiol аrts sсhool' Сomplete itusing the offirmotivе or nеgotivе impеrotivе form of thе verbs in thе boх.

beсome сhoose deсrease inсrеase |earnmiss register take }A< wait

Don'tthink that martial arts is only about physiсal training. A goоdt .

martial arts progтаm offers many other benefits as well.

self-defense and morе at the Martial Arts Aсademv:

stress. Martial arts training helps you relax.

сonсentration. Martial arts students foсus better.

fit. Strength and fleхibility imprоve aS you learn.5 .

We are оffering an introduсtory trial membership.

spесial оpportunity. сlasses with Master Lorenzo Gibbons'7.

a ninth-leve] Blaсk Belt Master.

сlasses from our сonvenient sсhеdule.


for a two-week trial.

oNLY 52o. - UN lFoR/ t INсLUDED.


3 .


EDII o Rеаd port of o mаrtiаl orts studеnt,s еssoу.usе of thе impеrotivе. Thе first mistokе is olrеodу


Find ond corrеct five mistokеs in theсorrесted.



l o .

Еo r t h е B ] а с k Bе l L е s s a y . Мa s t е r G l b bon s g а vе uS t h i s a s s i g nmеn t :Write

. . . . j * ^ . L ^ . . ! q n m р t h i n о . i m n о r t я n т t o V о ] l . , l v T v

t о n . j с i s T h р R i o h т- т . ( 7 1 f - W т - f - г е с 1 l . ] U u L . - О _ . . . r - L L a l f L L v J v u . . ! J - - r . * - - О - - '

W a v . * h р - l l l o s o f 1 i f е f o r t h е m a r t 1 a 1 a r t s . F i r s t . r P s n р . t s, " " _ t .

o t h е r p е o p 1 е - т r е a t t h е m t h е W а y y o u W a n t t h е m t o t r е a t y o u .

S е с o n d . h е 1 p е d p е o p 1 е i n n е е d . I n o t h е r w o r d s , u S е y o u r s т r е n g t h

f o r o t h е r s , n o t t o u s е i t j u s t f o r y o u r o w n g o o d . T h i r d , n o 1 i е

o r s t e a 1 . T h е s е a r е t h е m o s t i m p o r t a n t r u 1 е s t o m е .

Page 33: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p


lsв.ffiloшtСirclе the lеtter of the corrесt onswеr to сomplеtе еoсh sеntеnсе.

Exдmpш:Jеnnifer nеver сoffee.(Al drink(B) drinks

A@с D(С) is drinking(D) was drinking

l. - ready for sсhool? It's already 7:00. ABсD









z. Niсk to Grеесe every yеar to visit his family.

(A) Do you gеt(B) Are you getting

(A) is gоing(B) he goеs

(C) You get(D) Yоu are getting

(с) go(D) goes

(C) do yоu leave(D) you lеaving

(С) smеll(D) smelling

(С) you like(D) do vou iike

(C) Wears(Dl You wear

(С) hearing(D) hеars

(С} Don't(D) You don't

4. Something - good. Is that fresh bread in thе oven?

tA) smells{B) is smelling

5. Whiсh сlass - best?(A) are you liking(B) you are liking

6. - loosе сlothes to eхеrсisе. You,ll be mоrе сomfortablе.

3. Why -? Class isn't over yet.(A) are you leaving(B) you are leaving

(Al Wear{B} Wearing

(A) we сomе(B) соme

(A) 'rn hearing(B) hear

Walk! - run!(A) Not(B) No

-Do you like fish?-Yes, I -.{A) am(Bl do

7. Plеase to сlass on time. We start at ехaсtly 9:00.(C) yоu're сoming(D) сomes

s. I - sоmething outside. Are thе doоrs loсked?



[С) don't(D} likе



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lsвffil тw0Eoсh sentеnсe hos four undеrlinеd words or phrosеs, Thе four underlinеd partsof thе sеntencе orе morkеd A, B, с, ond D. СirсIе thе lеtter of the one undеrlinedword or phrose thot is Noт сoRRЕст'

Еxдмptl:Mike usually drives to sсhool, but tо4ay hе wqlks.

A B с DA B с@

16. Fran usually is swimming beforе work, but this morning she'q jщЕ'iцg.A _ B с D

17. Thе wind is blоwing, it rains, and the sky loоks gray.A B с D

18. Whеre yoц_alе working these days aftеrsсhоol?A B с D

19. Thе floor is wet, so walk slowly and no fall down!A B ( O

20. Sоmething is seeming different-arе you weqring a new perfume?A B ( D

21. We always eat оut beсause we ha!еs tо сook.A B с D

22. Luis arrivеs usually early, but today he's late.A B с D

23. I need my CD player if you don,t using it at thе щoment.A B с D

24. I nevеr havе anything to write with beсause I'm alw4),s lose my pens.A B с D

SelfTest I t 23

l1. Harry wоrks all the time. Hе(A) never relaxеs

{B} relaxes nevеr

12. What these days?(A) are you doing (C) you are doing(B) do yоu do (D) you do

13. The baby,s so big! How muсh - now?

(C) often relaxes(D) relaxes sometimеs

(C) is shе weighing(D) dоes she weigh

(C) do(D) am

(C) boiled(D) is boiling
















l4. -Arе you taking an English сlass this semester?-Yes, I -.

(A) weigh(B) she weighs

(A) take(B) am taking

15. Water at 212'F.(A) boil(B) boils

25. Turn lеft at the light, and you don,t forget tо signal!

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Simple Past Tense:Affirmative Statements

жPOINтСhесk thе yеor thеsе sеntеncеsoppеored in o nеwspoper,..Poet Albеrt Rimes ]ivеs in Belяium.''

П rgвg t rggg..Poet Albert Rimes livеd inBelgium most of his life."

ш 1989 ш 1999

Оh' А|bеr||You werе a qoad

man bul al ^ i a \ t n a ? f I

сl|ARт сI{/Eсl(Сhесk thе corrесtonswеr'

How many formsdoes the past tenseof hehave?

П o''" П t."o

What dо you add tothe base form ofrеgular vеrbs to fоrmthе рast tense?

ш - do т . e d ш . t


Suв;пст | Bt

l /Hе/She/|t wasyoung i n 1930 .

WelYou*/Тhey wеrе*Yorz is both singular and plural


Suвlrст l Vппв l


fifty yеars ago.workеd


Suв;пст l v.," l


wrotе poеtry.

beсame famous.

bui l t a monument.


Page 36: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

EхPREssжжСomplete thе сhort,

йramтnаr Еxрlaпаt iопs

Sirnple Рast тense: Aff irmative Staternerrts l 25


Bдsв Foпм oг Vппв Slмprв Pдsт Тrшsв





l. Usе thе simрlе рast tense to ta|k about thingsthat arе now finished.

*?*Past.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .х.. . . . . . . . . ' . . . . i . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . .>

Hе wos o poеt. i.

r АIbert Rimes livedr Hе was a ooеt.r Hе wrotе poetry.

in the twentieth сentury.

2. You сan u5е thе simplе past tense withtimе exprеssions that refеr to thе past(Iost wееk, bу 1980, in thе twentieth сеntury,fifty уеors ogo).

Bу |93o, he was famous.Hе diеd more than tеn yеors ogo,



3. Тhe simple past tеnsе of rеgu|ar verbs isformеd by adding -d or -еd,

} Bв сдпвгul! Тhеrе are often spelIing сhangeswhеn you add .ed to the vеrb.

Мany сommon verbs arе irrеgular.Тhеir paSt tеnsе is not formеd by adding.d or -еd.

Bдsв FoпмIivejo inpray



Slмplв PдsтIivedjo inedplayed



Сheсk it out!For spelling rules for the simple past tense of regular verЬs, see Appendix 21 onpage З44.For pronunсiation rules for the simple past tense ofregulaт vеrbs, see Appendix 28on page 348.For a ]ist ofirregтlar verЬs, see Appendix 1 on pagеs 336_337.

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26 l Unit о

iDENтiFY o Rеаd obout lаponesе poеt Mаtsuo Bosho. Undеrlinе аll the rеgulor posttеnsе vеrbs, Сirclе oll the irrеgulor post tensе vеrbs,

Matsuo Basho@БDmore than 1'000 three-line

poems' or..haiku.'' He сhose topiсs fiоm nature, daily

life, and human emotions. He bесame оne of Japan's

most famous poets, and his work established haiku as

an impоrtant art form.

Matsuo Basho was born near Kyоtо in 1644'

His father wantеd him tо beсome а sarnurai (warrior).

Instеad, Matsuo movеd to Edо (presеnt-day Tokyo)

and studied pоetry. By 1681' hе had many studеnts

and admirers.

Basho's home burned down in 1682. Thеn, in

1683, his mothеr diеd. After these events, Basho felt

restless. Starting in 1684, he travеlеd оn foot and on

horsebaсk al] over Japаn. Sometimes his friends joined him, and they wrоtе poеtry

together. Travel was diffiсult in thе seventeеnth сentury, and Basho often got siсk. He

died in 1694, during a journey to Osaka. At that time he had 2,000 students.

сl]00sE & сOff|PLEтЕ o Reod this biogrophу of onothеr poet, Еmilу Dickinson'Сomplеtе it using thе simplе post tеnsе form of thе vеrbs in thе boхеs.

beсome lead leavе write

Еmily Diсkinson, one of thе most pоpular Ameriсan poets,

lived from 1830 to 1886. Shеt .

about love. naturе. and time. These

favorite themеs' Diсkinson an unusual life,

After just one year of сoliege, she a reсluse-

shе almost never5 .

her hоuse in Amherst,

Massaсhusetts. At hоme, she



8.familу, and she only



no one eхсept hеr

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Simple Past Тeпse: Aff irпlаtive Stаtеmeгlts l 27


In addition to her poetry, Diсkinson

people always10 .

seven of hеr 1,700 poems

appear happen write


the envelopes for her. Durins her

in print-and this

a dew

letters. Other

lifetime only

1 1 .

without her knowlеdge or permissiоn.

Now сomplеtе these lines from o poеm bу Emilу Dickinson,

bite .}"Ф drink eat hop

A bird down the walk:

He did

.l 3.

nоt knоw I

He an angle-worm in halves

And the fellow raw.

' 12 .

1 5 .

And then

Frоm a сo

And then

17 .

nvenient gтass'


sidewise to the wall1 8 .

To let a beetle pass.

ЕDlT C Reod port of а studеnt,s journаl, Find ond сorreсt еight mistokes in the use of thеsimplе post tеnsе. Thе first mistoke is olreody сorrеcted.

enjoуedTodау in c|a.ss wе rеаd a ?oеm by Robert Fros|. I really eqэу it. lt was aboцt а

?еraon who choosеd bеIlllеео Iwo roаds in а torеst ' Bdore hе mаdе his decision, hе

s?еnts a lot at tirne tn7ing to decidе which roаd to fotlow. Мany peopte IhoughI thе

?еrson wеrc Frost. |n rhе еnd, hе Iаkе Ihе roаd IhаI wаs |еss Irаvе|еd on . |1e dеcidеd

to bе а poеt.Ihаt dеcision cnangе his tite a lot.

Somеtimеs I lеe| а tittle tike Frost ' тwo \еars ago I decidе to come Io this

coцnIr\.ThаI werе Ihe biggеst dеcision ot rny tife.

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Simple Past Тense:Negative Statementsand Questions

Тнв Dдtrr,Nь-rr,s

DID sHЕ сRASH???-Lдл,, Nвw Gurшвд, Jurv 2, 1'9З7. Аmdria ЕarhаrtЪ smaliplanе lеft thе island of Laе at ехaсtly 12:00 midnight. Shе wasnot alonе on thе fl ight, Ьut shе and Frеd Noonan, hеrnavigator , wеrе vеfy t i rеd. Shе rеportеd hеr last pos i t ionat 8:1,4 p.м. AГtеr that , shе d id not makе radio сontaсtagain. \Vhy did thеy disappеar? W.еrе thеy ехhaustеd? Didthеy run out oГ gas? Thе U.S. Coast Guard stаrtеd i tssеarсh Гor thе аnswеr аt 10:15 p.м.

l l PoINтСirclе T (True), F (Folsе), or ? (thе ortiсlе doesn,t soу)'

т r ? The plane сrashеd.

т F ? Earhart made radio сontaсt after 8:14 p.м.

т F ? Еarhart had a navigator with her.



Suв ; в с т | , . |шo '

I/He/Shе/It wasnot hеre |ast yеar.


*You is both singular and plural.


was not = wasn't

Wеre not = werеn,t


did not = d idn ' t

сI/,АRт снEсI( IСhесk thе сorrеctonswers.

What word do уouadd to be to form аnegative statement?

П лot J did not

What do you add tоother verbs to form аnеgativе statеment?

J not J did not




I Bдsв FoпмDto t,toт | oг Vвпв


I /He/She/ l t

We/You/Thеydid not

сaI ltty

last n ight .


Page 40: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Simple Past тense: Negative statements anсi QuestioПs l 29



Bс | suц..' IWas sne

hеre |ast yеar?Wеrе they


Aггlпмдтlvвl Nвсдтlvв

Yеs, she did. ]No, she didn,t.

l,t/f'- QuЕsтIoNS: OтHER vЕRBsl l l

Wн- Woпo I Dlo l Suв,пст I Bдsв Foпм

why d id i t disappеar?

ЕxPREssжжUnscromblе thesе words to form o question ond on onswеr.

navigator . she . have о Did . a

f l y . S hеоd i dn ' t . a l o nе

& yarтт rrrar ЕxрlanatЁоrrs Еxarnp!еs

снАRт сllEсK 2Сhеck thе сorrеctonswеr.

Whiсh word(s)сan begin уеslnoquestions with be?rllJ wosr-lJ were

lJ did

Whiсh word(s)сan begin уеslnoquestions withother vеrbs?r-llJ wosr-ltJ wеre

J did


Aггlпмдтlvв t N."o,.u.

Yes,she was.

No,she wasn' t .

they werе. they wеren,t

!vf,- QuЕsтIoNS: BЕt l

Wн. Woпo | 8r I Suqвст |

whywas she

hеre last year?were thеy

YEs/No QuЕsтloNs: OТHER vЕRBsI I

Dlo I Suв!вст l Bдsв Foпм I

Did 5nе t|у to Меxiсo?

1. Usе the simplе past tеnse to makе negativе r Shе wasn,t a|one.statements аbout aсtions or situations that arе r Тhey weren,t on an island.now finishеd.


Pa s t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Х . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .>wqsn't olone i

r Тhey d idn,t f ind the pIanе.r Hе d idn ' t Ca l l that n iqht .

2. Usе thе simpIe past tеnse to ask questions r Was shе a|onе in thе p|аnе?about aсtions or situations that are now finished. l Whеre did she leave from?

Cheсk it out!Еor questions about the subjeсt, see Unit 24 on pages 102_103.

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3O r unit z

READ . Look аt some foсts obout Amelio Еаrhort'

o She was bоrn in the Unitеd States.о She didn,t сomplete соllеgе.о She didn,t keep her first airplane.о She flew aсross thе Atlantiс oсean.

АNswЕR о Put o сhесk in the сorrесt boх'

1. Did she get many awards?

2. Was she a сollege gтaduate?

3. Wаs shе an Ameriсan citizen?

4. Did she keep hеr first planе?

5. Was shе an author?

6. Did she have a husband?

7. Was she a parent?

о She reсeived many arмards.o She married Geоrge Palmer Putnam.о She didn't have any сhildren.о She wrotе three boоks.







Asl( & АNsviIER о Usе the сues to osk quеstions obout Amеlio Еorhort. Тhеn аnswеr thequestions with thе informotion in thе box'

E ,|9з7 Amеriсаn Columbia University two yеars New Guinea three

WЪen / sЪe /сross thе Atlantiс oсеan?

\Nhen did эhе crogэ the Аt|antia ocеan? ln 192b,

l .

2. Where / s},e lstudy?

3. Horд' long / be / shе / a soсial worker?

4. Where / her last flisht / leave from?

5. How many books / sЬ,e /writе?

6. What /Ье /lner natiоnаlitv?

7. When I she /disappear?

Page 42: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

сOII|PLEтE. тhе mogozine F|уing H.lghinterviеw with thе сorrесt form of thе



s.m;rle least тense: Nеgаtive st; iteгneпts arld Questions r 3l

(FH) interviewеd o уoung pilot' Сomplеte thevеrbs in pаrenthеsеs ond with short onswеrs,

you always wanl to bе a pilot?l . (wan t )

, I aid . I saw a doсumentarv about Amelia2.

siх. She beсame mу

your parеnts happу

, they .They me to fly.5 . (no t wаn t )

thеy it was too dangerous?6. ( fее|)

they . But I was very determined, and7,

mе from pursuing my dream.

you ever9. (dгeam)

оf flying arоund the wоrld?

10 , (no t t h i nk )

you alone on

it would happen so soon.

, I . I h ada сo . о i l o t .12.

it diffiсult to find













Earhart when I was

з . ( be )

WЪy nоt?

they8. (not keеp)

of сoursе. But I

1 1 . (Bе )

role model.

with уour dесisiоn?

the flight?

a сo-pilot for this flight?l 3. (Bе)

. She's my roommate.

ЕDlI o Rеod this postсord. Find ond сorrect six mistokеs in thе usе of thе simpte posttensе, Thе first mistoke is olrеodу corrеctеd.


receiveНi! Di|уoи rceеircJ пу Llst /еttсr? | intп't knеш,tlot,r

tt.'tl, аiirсss so / settt it toуoиr ,l/,/ oпe, I,|/teп уoи

lttovсi? Diigoиr rootиtttсtuЬ, tпovе tl,itll !1oи? Rtght, пot,,

litt oп bo"ll.,/ ,l p/,lпс f/цitч to Е/ Pаso tо visit Апtl'

Dir| уoи mеt hеr .tt the сoпfireпсс Ltst уеоr? | ицlиfui

tо visit hсr ttlJипс, bltt / пo /lа,/ thс tiпс. Аt first / к,,ts

goirц to ,lrivе from Los Аиge/es, bнt I ieсile,'{ to f/у

fulstеаi. Т/tis is oпlу пtц thir,l f/i1/tt, bиt / /t,vе ffunц/

| ,ti,|nt kпou, f/уitlg сoи/,./ bе so mtrh fиn! Нopе fu

hсаr frout уоt'. -^,1

Т :, Ls . r| 2 4 с j

Тo: 5ие Аvilt

|21o Bоцviсu, Plвс.с

Тttmpл, FL 33601

Page 43: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

& Used to

Г{.з€q:{ff PglNтСhеck thе сorrеct onswеr.

The man is thinking about

П a habit hе has now.

П a habit hе had in the past.

сHАRт сIIEсI( 2Сheck the сorrесt'аnswеr,

In questiоns, whatform of used tois usеd?

О а i а . . . u s ed t o

J а i а . . . u s е t o

Look at thatlI uэed |o wearbaqgу jeano|

сI]ART сItEсК IСirclе T (True) orF (Folsе).

т F In aflirmativestatemеnts,иsed to isused withall subjeсts.

AFFlRluAтIvE sтAтЕП,lЕNтs

l I Bдsв FoпмSuцпст | ttsсo тo I oг VппвISheThеy

used to wеar 'eans.

NЕGAтlvE sтAтEпnENтsl t

I l Bдsп FoпмSuв,вст | Dtot,t,т usс тo I oг Vвпв


didn ' t usе to wеar Jeans.

YEs/No QUEsтloNsDlo I suqвст | uu .o | вшв гoпм


usе to wеar iеans?


Aгrlпмдтlvв l Nпсlтlvе


d id . No,Ishethеy

didn ' t .

}vf,- QUEsтloNsШн- Woпo I o,o i Suв,вст | uu 'o | вяsе Foпм

What d id


usе to wеar?


Page 44: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Used tо r 33

ЕхPREss .*:)':bi;3Сirclе thе words to сompletе thеsе sеntеnсеs,

о He usеd to / uses to wear baggy jeans.

. Did yоu use to / usеd to shop for сlothes with your friеnds?

о What did your parents use to sa}.ing / sa.v abоut your сlоthes?

f" уаукrrзar Екр|а*аtiопs Еxаmplеs

1. Usе used to + basе form of the verb to ta|kabout past habits or past situations thatno Ionoеr еxist in thе orеsеnt.


Past . ' . . . ' . ' ' ' . ' 'Хxх. . . . . . . . . ' . i . ' ' . . ' . ' ' . ' . ' ' . . . . . . . . . .>usеd to buу i

} Bв сдпвгut| Used to а|ways has a past meaning.Тhеrе is no prеsеnt tense form.

r Lеo used to buy baggy jеans.(ln thе post, hе often bought boggy jeonsНе doеsn,t buу boggy jeons anуmorе.)

r |n his youth, Lеo usеd to bе thinN oт Тэdа*tеиаsеd-te-bе-tf,in

2. We usua||y use иsed to in sеntеnсеs thatGontrast the past and the prеsent. Weoftеn еmphasize this сontгast by using timеeхprеssions suсh as nowl no longer, andnot anymorе with the prеsent tеnse.

lеans used to Gome on|y in b|ue.Nowyou сan buy them in any сo|or.

Тhey usеd to l ivе in Cenoa, but theyno longer Iivе thеre.

Shе used to wеar a size 6, but shеdoеsn,t onymorе.

3. Bв сдвtгur! Foгm quеstions with did + use to. r Did you usе to wеar jеans?Noт l

Form thе nеgativе with didn,t + use to.

Usдсв Noтв: Used to is more сommon inaffirmative stаtemеnts than in neqativestatеmeпt5 or quеstions.

r They didn,t usе to сomе in diffеrent сoIors.N o т @

4. Bв сдппгul! Do not сonfusе used to + basеform of the vеrb with thе fo||owing expressions:

be used to (bе oссustomеd to)

gеt used to (get oссustomеd to)

l usеd to wear tight jеans.(lt wos mу past hobit to wеor tight jеons.)

I ,m usеd to wеar ing t ight jeans.(lt is normol for mе to wеor tight jеons.)

| got used to wearing tight jeans Iast yeaг'(l got oссustomеd to wеoring tight jеons.)

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34 r unit в

iDENтIEY o Rеod this foshion orticlе. Undеrline oll thе eхomples of usеd to thatrefеr to а hobit in thе post'

In many ways, fashion used to bemuсh simpler. Women didn't use towear pants to the offiсe, and men'sсlothes never used to сome in brightсolors. Peoplе also used to dress inspeсial ways for different situations.They didn,t use blue jeans as businеssсlothes or wear joggtng suits when

thеy traveled. Today you сan go tothе opera and find sоme wоmen inevening gowns while others are inbluejeans. Еven buyingjeans usedto bе еasier-theу сamе оnly in bluеdenim. I'm still not usеd to buyinggтеen jeans and wearing themto work!

2. All men long hair.

Мen and womenat formal balls.

сltO0sE & сOIЛPLЕтE o Look ot thesе piсturеs from on old mogozine.Use thе vеrbs in thе boх with used to. Writе onе sеntеnсе about еaсh piсturе.

Х сarry danсe dress have wеar

l . skirts uэed to be


3. Childrenadults.

5. Women



Women'slong and

pettiсoats under thеir skirts.many Men walking stiсks.

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Llse.d to r 35

AsI( & АNswЕR o Look ot thе informаtionabout snеokеrs from 1922, Сomplеtethe FAQs* ' Usе the corrеct form of used to.

Did эneakеrэ u6e |o aome in manу co|orэ?


Снt loпгш,s



380 wнlтг95C вt.дск85с SMALL

89с LARсЕ

(snеаkers / сomе in many сoiors?)

No. only in whi|e and b|aсk,

How many styles did thеy usе to сome in?

(How muсh l pan of men's h igh-tops / сost?)

r .Q:


2 .Q :


3 .Q :


4 .Q :


s .Q :


6 .Q :


What abоut womеn's sneakers? Did thеy use to сost thе same as men's?

What kind of sneakers did сhildren use tо wear?

How many sizеs did thеre use to bе for bоys and girls?

*ЕAQs = Frеquently Asked Quеstions

EDII o Reod this student,s journol' Find ond corrеctfivе mistokеs in thе usе of usеd to.Thе first mistokе is olreodv сorrеcted,

ueeWhс,n I wao Уoun7ar, c|othinq dldn'N wеd to ba a prob|еm, А|| |ha qir|e aN mу

ochool ueеА |o worr Nhr oamе uniform, I ueed |o think |ha| i t Nook awaу from

mу frееdom ot choloa' Now | саn wеar wha| | want, bu| c|oLhee сoo| эa much|

Еven b|ue Jaano, t,odaу'e,,uniform,'' uoеd |o bе сheapеr, lr/y mom UaeО |О paу \еэa

|han Ф2О for herэ. I queee Iheу didn't ueеd |o эе|l dreiqnеr jеane baсk Nhеn,

] You knoи | wao uэed to br aqainet eсhoo| unitarme, buN now I,m no| эa эure|

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Past Progressive

P}INтСheсk thе сorreсt onswеr.

The girl in thе hospital bеd is givingher version of

П what she usually did in thе past.

П what she was doing at the timeof hеr aссident.

сI|АRт снEсK IСirclе Т (Truе) orF (Folse).

т F Thе oastprogтеssivе ismadе up of thepast tеnsе оfbe + base formof thе verb.



| | Bдsв Foпм oгB с | (No т ) | Vппв+ - tNG

|/Hе/Shе/|t was(not)


fa l l ing.We/You*/Тhey wеrе*You is both singular and plural.

с||ARт сI/iEсI( 2Сhесk thе corrесt 'аnswer,

In questiоns, the verbbe сomes:

П after the subjeсt

П beforе the subjeсt

VEs/No QUЕsтloNs| | Bдsв Foпм

Bс | 5uв , : с т l+ . tшс

Was 5nе jumping?fa l l ing?Wеre you




| *."or,u.

Yеs,5nе was.

No,snе wasn' t .

Wе wеrе. Wе werеn,t

W,'- QUEsтloNswн- woпo l вд | suц.., | вo'. Foпм + .lruGWherеWhenwhvHow long

wa5 5nеjumping?fa l l ing?

wеrе you


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Past Progressive r 37

ЕхPREss k,;ж3Сomplеtе this convеrsotionwith thе post progrеssivе form of thе vеrb staу,

A: Where you ,)

B: I at a resort in Colorado.

t r* xъз g"tтаr Ёxрi* rъ*&i* gз s Еxamp!еs

l . Usе thе Past progrеssivе to dеsсribе an aсtionthat Wаs in pгogгеss аt а spесifiс timе in thе pаst.Thе aсtion bеgan bеforе the spесifiс timе andmay or may not сontinue aftеr the speсifiс time.

Now3:00 i

Past .ч. . . . . . . . . . .Х. . . . . . . . . . . . : . . i . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .>\ - - - . . . ;


Bп сдппгul! Non-aсtion veгbs arе not usua|lyusеd in the progгеssive.(For o list of сommon non.oсtion vеrbs,sее Appеndiх 2 on pogе 3З7.)

Whаt were you doing at 3:00?Wе werе skiing.I was eat ing |unсh at 3:00.

r I had a headaсhе last night.Noт@


2. Usе thе past progrеssive with wfii|e to ta|kabout two асtions in progress at thе samеtime in the Dast. Usе thе pаst oroorеssive inboth сlauses.

Whi lеhe wаs sk i ing, Iwas reading.O R

I was rеading while hе was skiing.

r Sorry, l wasn,t listеning when уouwere talking.

:Pa s t . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . Х . . . . I i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .>

\bs skii{$/ 'oodotо9

Usдсп Noтв: |n informа| сonvеrsation, somеpeopIе use when with thе past progrеssivе.

3. Usе thе past progrеssivе to foсus on thеduration of an aсtion, not its сompIеtion.

Usе thе simplе past tеnsе to foсus on thесomp|еtion of an aсtion.

Sheila was reading a book last night.(Wе don,t know if she finishеd thе book.)

Shеi|а rеad a book |ast night.(She proboblу finished thе book.)

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38 r uni t g

1 .


3 .

тRUE 0R EALSЕ. Rеod еoсh numbеrеd sеntеnсe. Writе T (Truе) or F (Folsе) for thestotеmеnt thot follows. Writе o question mark (?) if thеrе is not еnough informotion.

While Tanya was watсhing the Winter olympiсs on TV, Mikael was shoveling snow.

F First Mikaei finished shоvеiing snow. Then Tanya started watсhing TV.

In this photo, I was putting on my boots.

I was wеaring boots in the phоto.

At 5:00, they were drinking hоt сhoсolate bу the fire.

We don,t knоw whеn thеy startеd drinking hot сhoсoiatе.

Last night, I was reading an artiсle about skiing in Moroссo.

I frnished the artiсle.

At 10:00, he drank a сup of сoffeе.

He frnished the сoffee.

6. It was snowing while shе was taking the phоtogтaph.

First shе took thе photоgтaph. Then it started to snow.

DEi0RIBE о Fritz ond Кorуn wеre ot o ski сofё.post progrеssive'

Writе obout thе piсturе. Usе thе

1 . Frttz waэ wеaring a ha|

2. Karyn

(Weаr / a hat)

waэn,t wеaring a ha|,(Wеаr / a hаt)

3. They(s i t i outs ide)

4. It(snow,

5 .

s. Thеу

6. They

(weаr / sung|аssеs)

(Wеaг / their g lovеs)

z. The waiter(sеrvе / dr inks)

8. He1sеrvе / |unсh)

9. Karyn( 5 m i | е )

1o. She( h o I d / a с e l I p h o n e )

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Pаst Pr<rgress.ve r 39

сOIЙPLEтE о Mountain Sports Magazine (MS) interviеwed thе snowboordingchompion, Rosiе Hopp (RH). Complеtе thе interview with thе corrеct form of thе vеrbsin porentheses ond with short аnswеrs.

MS: Congтatulatiоns!Yоu just beсame a semi-finalist for the olympiс snоwboarding

tеam. |Nerе уoll e|Peating to get this far in

l . (expeсt)

the сompetition?

RH: Nо, I wagln,t . During thе trials, I frоm a

bad сold. By the last day, I

I thought, anyway.

3. (rесoveф

very well. That's what4. (not pегform)

fоr the annоunсement?

RH: Aсtually' I ,.."*,n*',

abоut the сompetition at all' Some friends

MS: What you

and I a movle.E. (wаtсh)

МS: You're prеtty new to this sport. Wherе

at this time last vear?

RH: In Switzerland.I1o. (wаtсh)

about being that good.

5 . ( t h i nk )whilе you

6. (Wаit)

you9. (snowboard. l

Barrеtt Christie andt 1 . (drеаm)

for the olympiсs at that timе?MS:l2 . (рraсt iсе)

RH: Yes, hе And he was amazing.

ЕDlT o Rеod this journol еntrу. Find ond correсt eight mistokеs in thе use of the postprogressive, Thе first mistokе is olrеodу сorrectеd.

wereToпtght, Shei/а апd l *a*/ookiпg аt somе photogrаphs fom mу sпo,-uboаr,fiпg trtp шith

Fritzb fапilу /аstуеаr Bу the епl ofthe еrrпiпg, tl,е l'lиghiпg /ikе сrаzу, Thаt u,аs m!/ frst

ехperieпсe oп а sпolуboаrd, so tllе piсtиres и,еrе prеttу embаrrаssiпg, |n oпe shot, I шаs саmе

с{oн,n t/tе s/opе o'1 t'Ig bасk, Iп апoth,er oпe, -у |loа,'/ *е', fа/liиg oиt ofthе ski /ф шhi/е | luаs

ridiпg иp thе s/ope, Fritz шаs tаkiпq thаt piсtиrе from thе /ift eпtrапсе. Good thiпg hе not

stапdiпg rjht ипdеr mе! W|lerе шаs / шhеп Fritz шаs fа//itlg ,/oшп thе s/opе? I gиess I шаsп,t

саrr! mу стmem, It шаs аmаziпg horu fа.st Fritzьgir//i.irпd, Kаrуп, /еаrпеl thаt шеekепl,

She шаs doiпgjиmps b3 thе secoпсt dау. Bу thаt timе' / spеnt а lot of timе аt thе ski саfe'

1 з .

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Past Progressive andsimple Past Тense

WPЙINтNumbеr thеsе stotements in thеcorrеct timе order.

There was aсar aссident.

The drivеr of the sportsсar Was on thе phone.

PAsт PRoGRЕsslvЕ AND sllvlPlЕ PAsт тENsЕ

Pдsт Pпoспвsslvв | Wнсtl I s.",.. Pдsт Tвшsв

He was speеding whеn thе aссident happеnеd.

slПfrРLЕ PAsт тЕNsЕ AND PAsТ PRoGRЕsslvЕSlмpl.в Pдsт Твшsв | w",,, | гo'' Pпoспвsstvв

Тhe aссident happened whi|е l you wеrе driving.

sllvlPlЕ PAsТ тЕNsЕ AND stiltPLE РAsт тЕNsЕSlмpI.в Pдsт Tвшsв | w,,n I s.'... Pдsт TпшsвТhе po|iсе Gamе whеn the aссidеnt happened.

PAsт PпoGREsslvЕ AND PAsт PRoGREsslvЕPдsт Pпoспвsslvв | w,,,, | гo'' Pпoспвsslvв

Тhеy werе talking whi|е they wеre driving.

EхPREssжСirclе thе сorrеct words to completе thеsе sеntеncеs.

. When / While the сar сrashed, he hit his head.

Did уou эeethe acсident?

Yeah . . . T he guуin the эporte Оar waэ ta|kingon hio сe|| ohone when he hit

Lhe of,her сar'

сI]ARт сHEсI(Сircle T (True) orF (Folse).

Use while to introduсe

т F as implepasttеnse aсtion.

т F apas tprogтеssiveaсtion.


о How fast was he driving1 didie drige when the aссident oссurred?

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&r mжтwear #-хpf.a *т *t iоn s

Past Рrogressive and Simple Pаst Тense l 41


1. Use thе past progrеssivе with thе simplepast tensе to ta|k about an aсtion that wasinterгupted by anothеr aсtion. Usе the simplepast tense for thе interrupting aсtion.


Usе иlhen to introduсе thе simple past tеnseaсtion oR usе while to introduсe thе pastprogressivе aсtion.

r I was сrossing thе strееt whеn thе dгivеrhonkеd his hoгn.

l Тhey wеre driving too fast whenthеy сrashеd.

r Hе was speеding when the light turned red.l While he was speеding, the |ight turned гed'

2. Bв сдпвгul! Notiсе the differenсе in meaningbetwеen thesе two diffеrent sеntеnсes.

Nowtight crossed i

chongеd street :P а s t . . . . . . Х . . . . . . . . . . . . . . x . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >



I When thе |ight сhanged, I <rossеd thе streеt.(First thе light сhongеd, Thеn l сrossеd thе strееt,)

When the light сhanged, I was сrossingthe strееt.(First I was сrossing thе strееt. Then thе lightсhanged,)

3. Usе the past progrеssivе with while tota|k about two aсtions in progrеss at the samеtimе in thе past. Usе the past progressive inboth сlauses.

N?*Past ' r """" ' r ' i " """""" '


Lin was talking on the phonе while hewas dr iv ing.Тhеy wеren,t paying attеntion while theуWеrе сrossing thе strееt.

4. Тhe timе сlausе (the part of thе sеntenсеbeginning with when or whilе) сan сomе atthе beginning oг thе еnd of thе sеntenсe.Тhe meaning is the same.

Usе a Comma aftеr the time сlausе whеnit сomes at the bеginning of the sеntеnсe.

t Whеn you сalled, lwas |eaving.r l was |eaving when you сallеd.

l While he was driving, hе was taIking.r He was ta|king while hе was driving.

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42 I uni t ' ro

тRUE 0R FAIiE о Rеod еoch numbеred sеntеnсе. Writе T (True) or F (Folsе) for thestotemеnt thot follows.

l. When оur friends arrived. we ate lunсh.

т our friеnds arrived before lunсh.

2, While wе were talking on the phone, I was driving to sсhool.

We finished the сonversation. Then I drove to sсhool.

3. Lori heard about the aссident while she was driving to work.

Lori knеw about the aссident by the time she got to work.

4. When they exited the frеeway, it started to rain.

It was raining while thеy Were on the freeway.

5. When Zoe got to sсhool, her сlass was taking a tеst.

Zoe was late to сlass.

сOffiPIEтE О A police officеr is interviewing two witnеsses of а troffic occident.Сomplete the interviеw with thе correct form of the verbs in porenthеsеs аndwith short аnswers,

oв'r'rсвп,. Were уol э|anding here when the aссidеnt1 . ( s tаnd)

occurred 22. (oссuф

Wrтшпss 1: Yes, Wg w9re . \ryg3. 4. (wаit)

the сar.

at the bus stop

when we first

oгr'rсвв:5. (not iсe)

the сar whеn it6. (spееd)

to thе intersесtion?7. (get)

Wrтшвss 1: Yes. it very fast when ite . (go )

the сorner.lo. (reaсh)

lVrтшвss 2: No. it ! Those men



15. (see)

Wrтшвss 1: No, he

while hе17 . ( ta l k )

. That's why he

against a rеdl2 . (сross)

when hе

on his сell phonе

in timе.19. (not stop)

1 1 .

light when the сar them.13 . (h i 0

the drivеr

the men?14. (stop)

He16 .

18. (dr ivе)

Wrтшшss 2: But the men20. (not pay)

attention while they21 . (wa lk )

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Pаst Progressive and Simpte Past Tense t 43

whеn the aссidentOв'гrсвв:

Wrтшвss 2: Yes, it

Wrтшшss 1: No. it

23 . (happеn)


222. (snow)

. I'm sure of it. The roads were very slippery.24.

The snow when the26. (start)

ambulanсe27. (arrivе)

с0lI|BlNЕ о Rеod eoch poir of sеntеncеs. Сombinе thеm into onе sеntence using the simplepost tеnsе or the post progrеssive form of thе verbs, Usе o commo whеrе nеcеssorу,

Dana attеnded a party. The blizzatd started.

Whеn |he blizzard э|art,ed, oana waэ at|endinq a ?artУ,

She drove home. She listened to her сar radio.



1 .



3. She pulled over to the side of the road. Thе visibility got very bad.


4. Shе listеned to thе nеws. She heard about the aссident.


It stopped snowing. Shе drove to thе poliсe station.


She talked to thе poliсе. She thought about hеr еditorial for thе mоrning paper.


EDII . Rеod port of the first drаft of Dono,s editoriol. Find ond corrеct five mistokes inthе usе of timе сlouses, The first mistokе is olrеodу correctеd.

driv ingYеsteгday, a man was taiking on his сell phone whiiе he was dfirf,е his сar. Maybе

he сheсkin$ his dai1y planner while hе was makin$ his nеxt appointmеnt. Hе was

сеrtainly not сonсеntratin$ on the road when the li$ht suddenly was turning red.

The two men in thе streеt Wеrr tгyin$ to jump out of thr way when they saw him,

but it was too late. No one Was badly hurt, but that was just luсk. Last yeaц the

City Counсil weren't passin$ the ..talkin$ and driving law.'' Wе neеd that, ]aтлr!

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tгЕffil oNE

1. Roger me at 9:00 last night.

tA) сalled (C) used to сalled(B} сalls (D) сalling

2. Sara didn,t hear the phone. Shе

Where to sсhool?

tA) did you go (C) you go(B) you did go (D) yоu went

Сlaude didn,t in Canada.(4,) lived (C) used to live(B) use to live (D) usеd to living

Riсk left сlass earlv bесause he - a headaсhе.(A) had (C) used to have(B) havе (D) was having

As soon as the light turnеd red, she thе сar.(A) did stop (С) stops(B) stopped (D) was stopping

They when the firе alarm rang.(A) сoоk (C) was сooking(B) сooked (D) were сooking

Johnny the paper when I interruptеd him.(A) read (C) was reading(B) reads (D) were reading

Сircle thе lеtter of thе сorrеct аnswеr to complеtе eoch sentеncе.

Exднtptt:Jennifer never соffee. A@с D(A)(B)


(C) is drinking(D) was drinking

(A) slеeps(B) slеpt

3. There

{A) are

{B) is

4. one day last Marсh, ItA) did get(B) got

(C) used to sleep(D) was sleeping

a lоt of peоple in thе park yеstеrday.(С) was(D) were

a very strange lеttеr.(C) used to gеt(D) was gеtting
















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SelfТest ll l 45

11. -Did you watсh Tv last night?I was studying for a test.

(A) Yes, I did. (C) No, I didn't.(B) Yes, I was. (D) No, I wasn't.

12. I rеmember you. You - to go to sсhool here.












(A) use(B) usеd

(C) were using(D) were used





1sЕgтlсlNl тW0Еoch sentеncе hos four undеrlinеd words or phrаsеs. Thе four undеrlined ports ofthе sеntеnce orе morkеd A, B, С, ond D. Сircle the lеttеr of the onе underlinedword or phrose thot is NoТ сoRRЕст,

13. Why did you сalled him last wеek?A B с D

14. They Were watсhing TV while I were reading.A B с D

15. What are you doing last night at 8:00?A B с D

16, The doсtor сalled this mоrning while you slept.A B C D

17. It was no raining when the game began.A B с D

18. Paul was drying the dishes when he was dropping the plate.A в с D

19. When Gloria were fouц shе used to pretеnd she had a horse.A B с D

What do vou usе to do when vоu felt afraid?A "

- - B т _

- D

As soon as thе alarm сloсk rangl, she woke up and was gettingA в с D

out ofbed.

22. onсe when I was ten, I usеd to get siсk and went to the hospital.A B с D

23. While I driving home, I turned on the сar radio and heard aboutA B с D

the aссident.

24. What did you do- while you were living in Spain?A B с D

25. Pete and Andy were driving to work when they were seeing- ^ ----т_* -?- " ____

D_the aссident.

Exдшtptп:Мike usually drives to sсhool, but today he walks. A B сo

A B с D



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Present Perfect:Since and For

l .-*€Жl P0lNтСirclе T (True) or F (Folse),

т F The man is still a professionaltennis player.

* You is both singular and plural.t Bееn is an irregular past partiсiple. For a list of irregular verbs,

sеe Appendiх 1 on pages 336_337.

VEs/No QUЕsтloNsHдvr Isuq.., |пo''Pяптlсlгlв | | stlсс/ron

Have they livedplayеdbeеn

herеsinсe lЙaу?

for a |ong t imе?Has hе

sHoRт ANsWЕasAггlпмдтlvв | шЕGAтlvЕ

Yes,they havе.

No,thеy havеn,t.

hе has. hе hasn't .

Сome on!You've been a 0rОэinae 1994. Nowearve thе ba|||

s> \

lrirstйForget it!

You haven'l won amatсh for weekэ|

Go home!

сI]АRт сIIEсK IСheck the corrеctаnswer.

The prеsеnt perfeсt ismade up of two parts:

Ё1 hove + past tense

J hove + pastpartiсiplе

The regular form ofthe past partiсiplе is:

П bu." form ofvеrb + -d or .ed

П bu'" form ofverb + -en


Suв'вст |нon, |1шor1 |гo ' 'Pяпт lсIп lв | |sn lcr/ron

l/We/You*/Тhеy have(not)


herеsinсe lЙaу.

for a long time.Hе/Shе/|t has


Nотв: For сontraсtions witЬ hauе, see Appеndix 24 on page 346.

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сI]ART сIIEсI( 2Сhеck thе corrеctonswеr.For is used with:

П u point of time

П u length of timе

ЕхPREssжLook ot the pаst porticiplеs, Check the corrеct column.

Regular l r regular

driven t Псompeted t t

Grаrnrnar Еxрlaпаt igns

Present Perfeсt: Since and For I 47

s}|oRт AнswЕRs

Sinсe Januaгy.For a fеw months.

Rеgular l r regularWonППtried t t


ш,r'- QUEsтl(

Wн- Woп o| "on,|

,u'.., I



How longhave they l ivеd


has he

1. Usе thе prеsent реrfесt with siисe or for totaIk about somеthing that bеgan in the past andсontinues into the prеsеnt (and may сontinuеinto the futurе).

Maгtina Hingis has bеeп a profеssional tеnnisplayer sinсе 1994.

Shе has bееn a professiona| tеnnis p|ayеrfor уears.

(Shе bеgon her profеssionql сorеer yеors ago,and shе is still o profеssionol plaуеr.)

hos beеn

2. Usе thе present pегfeсt with sjлсe + pointin timе (sinсe 5:00, sinсе Mondoу sinсe 1994)to show when somethino staгtеd.

r She has еarned mi|Iions of dollaгs sinсe 1994.

3. Since сan also introduсе a time сlause.

When the aсtion in thе time сIause еnded inthe past use the simple past tense.

When the aсtion in thе timе с|ause began inthe past but сontinuеs into the present, usе theorеsеnt peгfeсt.

Maгtina has loved sports sinсе she wos o сhild.

Shе has Won many tennis tournamеntssince she movеd fгom S|ovakia.(Shе doesn't livе thеrе onymore,)

Shе has beсomе еxtremеly suссеssfulsince shе has beеn in Switzer|and.(She still livеs in Switzerlond,)



4. Usе thе pгesent pегfeсt with for + lеngth oftime (for ten minutes, for two weeks, for yеаrs,for o lono timе) to show how Iono a orеsentсondition has lastеd.

r Martina's mothеr has bееn hеr сoaсhfor mony yеors'

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48 I unit 11

iDENтiFY o Rеаd obout tеnnis stor Mortinа Hingis. Underlinе oll the verbs in thepresеnt pеrfect. Сirclе аll the time еxpressions with since or for.

Мartina Hingis piсked up her first tеnnis raсkеt at the

age of two.@ she has beсome one of the gтeatest

tennis players in the world. Born in Slovakia, she has lived in

Switzerland for many years. She beсame the outdoor Swiss

сhampion at age nine. Sinсe then she has won many

international сompetitions inсluding Wimbledon, the U.S.

Open, and the Australian Open.

For young stars like Martina, life has its diffiсulties.

They arе under сonstant pressure to win, and they dоn't

have time to just hang out with сlassmates. In fact,

Мartina hasn't attended sсhool sinсе 1994, and she has

bеen in the publiс spоtlight for years. But she Seems to be handling her

Suссess wеll. Sinсe she turned professional, she has played tennis all over the world

and has earned millions оf dollars. She sees her life aS normal beсause tennis has

been the most important thing to hеr sinсe she was a littlе girl.

сaмPIEтE a оI00sE о Reod this mogozinе excеrpt obout o child gеnius, Сomplеtе it withthe presеnt perfесt form of the verbs in porentheses, Сhoose bеtwееn sinсe ond f or.

Ronniе Segal haэ |oved math hеThirteеn-year-old

was a littlе boy...I

9tnce1. (|ovе) 2. (s inсe / foф

interested in numbers4. (s inсе / for)

5 . (S inсе / Foф

3. (bе)

ninе years, five months, three weeks, and two days,', says Ronnie.

the past yeaЦ Ronnie gтaduate-level сlassеs at the university.6. (attеnd)

He badly.7. (not do) 8. (S inсе l For) 9. (takе)

any of them.

January he

than 100 onfive exams and a gтade of less1o. (not gеt)

Ronnie began сlasses, he an average of1 1 . ( S i n с е / F o ф 12 . (mееt )

I.324 people a month. And his future? Young Ronnie about it

for vears. He14. (know)

13 . (no t th ink )

he was a little bov that he isl5 . (s inсе / for)

going to beсome a famous sports announсeц get married, and have exaсtly 2.2 kids.

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Present Per{eсt: Sliэсe and For l 49

АsК a АNIWER o Сomplеtе the intеrview obout Мortino Hingis. Usе thе words inporentheses to writе questions, Then onswеr thе questions with informаtion fromЕxercise I.

1. (How lоng / shе l plaу tennis?)

Q: How |ong haэ эhe p|aуed t,ennig?

A: Эincе эhе waэ two.

2. (Ho



w long / shе / live in Switzerland?)

3. (she / win any сompetitions / sinсe thе outdoor Swiss сhampionship?)



4. (she / attеnd sсhool / sinсе 1994?)


w muсh money / she / earn / sinсe she began her сarеer?)


s. (Ho



6. (Ho



w long / tennis / be important to hеr?)

EDIT o Reod this student,s porogroph. Find ond сorreсt sеven mistokеs in thе use of thеprеsent p,еrfеct, The first mistokе is olrеodу corrеctеd,

have beenIж in Мs. Qodriguе7,s ?husicа| еducаtion c|аss sincе two rnonths. | еn1oy it a lot

аnd nаvе on|у miss Iwo c|аssе; sincе thе bеginning ot thе sеrnеsIеr' I espеciа||у

|ikе tennis, bцt ;incе Sефеmbеr wе don,t p|ау bеcаusе thе wеatnеr hаvе bееn too

cт|d. | а|so like volleyball, and rn.1 tеаm hаs win fulo gаrnе9 sincе wе hаvе, фаrtеd Io

cтm?еtе with Linco|n I1igh Schoo|. |'m |ooking toмаrd to thе next gаmе'

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Present Perfeсt:AlreadУ and Yet

ffiPЙINтСircle T (Truе) or F (Folsе).

т F The flu season will start soоn.

сltАRT сl/iEсl( 2Сircle T (Truе) orF (Fаlse).

т F Yet is used inquestions.

Аo уou can oee,thе f|u эeaэОn haэ a|readу

begun, Have уou got.ten уour f|uehoL уet? ||'э nrver too |ate!


a l m o e l n e v e r . . .

сI]ART сl]Eсl( IСhеck thе corrеctаnswer.

To say that sоmethinghas happenedbefore now,

[1 .l." olreodу,

П usе yet.

Tо say that somethinghas not happenedbeforе now.

П r.,." olreodу.

П ' . ' . " n o t . . , Y e t .

AFFlR|l,lAтlvE sтAтEtvlЕNтs z ALREАDY

Suryвст | нon, I A,^,n,, | пo'' PлптIсIпI.в |They have

olreodуdеvеlopеd a nеW f lu vaссinе.

It has savеd many lives.


Suвlвст | нon' "o' I Pдsт Pмпсlпlв | | v',

Тhey havеn,t finishеd thе intегviewуet.

I t hasn't endеd

YEs/No QUEsтloNS: УЕТHдvс | suч . . ' | гo ' ' Pлпт l с l г l в | |v ' 'Havе thеy testеd thе nеw vaссine

yеt?Has it gottеn approval


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Present Pel-feсt: Alreadv and Уet l 51.


Aггlпмдтlvв I шEGAтtvE

Yеs,thеy havе.

No,thеy haven ' t .

i t has. i t hasn't .

EхPREss,Гp,ж:ry'"жUnsсrаmblе these words to form o question. Answеr the question.

you . have о yet о lunсh о had

&,y жwжжъ* y ffi,ж жэ* жжe etaФffi% Жжаnтр!es

t . We often use thе presеnt pеrfeсt with A: |s youг daughter going to get her flu shot?аlrеodу to talk about things that have B: Shе,s olrеodу gotten it.haopеnеd bеforе now.

olreodу when you mention a speсifiс timе inthе past.

Alreodу usual|y сomеs bеtwееn hove and thе l Rеsеaгсheгs havе olreodу disсoverеd сures foгpast partiсip|e. many disеases.

Alreodу сan a|so сome at the end of thе сlause. I Тhey,ve madе a lot of progгеss olreody.

2. Usе thе рrеsent perfe<t with nof уet to r Тhеy havеn,t disсoverеd a сurе for thetalk about things that havе not happеnеd сommon co|d уet, but thеy hope to disсovегbeforе now. one in thе futuге.

Notiсе that yet usually сomеs at thе еnd of r Thе flu season hasn,t arrived уet.the сIausе.

Yet can a|so сome between hove not and the r Тhey havеn,t yet disсovеred a сUгe for thеpast paгtiсiple. сommon сold.

3. Wе usual|y use yet in quеstions to find out if r Has your son gotten his f|u shot yet?somеthing has happenеd beforе now.

Usдсв Noтв: Somеtimеs We u5е olreodу in a r Has he olreody gotten his flu shot? Тhе f|uquestion to exprеss suгpгise that something season hasn,t begun yеt.happеned sooner than еxpесted.

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52 I unit iZ

Iу|Aтсlt o Еoch сousе hos o proboblе result. Motch the cousе with


1. Tom has already gottеn his flu shot, sohe probably

Dr. Мeier has already finishedhis intеrview, so hе

Dr. Meiеr hasn't had lunсh yet, so he

Randy hasn't gotten his shot yet, so he

Randy has already had lunсh, so he

thе oppropriаte result.


a. is really hungry.

b. may get the flu.

G. has left thе TV studio.

d. isn't very hungтy.

e. won't get the flu this yеar.4.

5 .

сOII/IPLЕтE. Reаd thеse quеstions ond onswеrs from o mogozinе orticlе. Сomplеtеthеm with the presеnt pеrfеct form of thе vеrbs in porеnthеses plus a|ready or yеt.Use short onswers.

Ismallpoх !tеtanus |f|u ipolio]vaссine jvассinе jvассine lvaссine


last саseof smallpox



world smаllpoxvaссination Program



Q: We plan to travel

foundl . ( f i nd )


to the rain forest next vear.

a malaria vaссrne


manv different сold viruses. thеv

muсh сanсer researсh.

Have they


Talk to your doсtor about ways to



prеvent this diseasе.

Q: My doсtor told me I won't nеed another smallpox vaссination. I was surprisеd.

smallpox сompletel, ,*-,o*'


, i t4.

vaссinеs against the flu. What about the сommon





Thеy5. (dеvеlop)

No. Beсause thеre are so

develop a vaссine

There has bеen so


a suссessful vaссine7. (make)


6. (not bе able)



progress in reсent yеars, howevеr.

Researсhers haue made a lot of

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Рresent Рer.feсt: Аlreadv arrd Уеt l 53

DЕsсRlBE o Dr. Helmut Meier ond his wifе, Giselа, orе plonning o portу, Look ot thеirTo Do lists аnd thе pictures of their kitchеn аnd dining room. Cross out the chorеsthеy hove olrеodу done. Thеn writе sеntеnces obout еаch itеm on thеir To Do lists,

Do-HelmutTo Do-GiэeIa

Y,:u:'Thе cаrpetouу flowеreуаэh fhe windowe

; |1aПQ thе bаIloonэ

. WrаР the gift

-htr{ihr-bаfre the оаReDut the tuгltеy tn.

the ovоnmop thо flooт'наih the dishes

He\mut. haэ alreadу bought fi|m.

G\oe|a haэn'| vacuumed the carpet уet,

EDIT. Reod this note from Gisеlo to Hеlmut. Find ond correсt six mistokes in the useof thе prеsent perfect with a|readу ond уet. The first mistoke is olrеody сorreсted.

Нсlnrut- | ,m in а hurry ' I hаven'|ж ehoppinq а|reаdу, but | ,|I do i t on fhе wау home, Ki f а

hаvе а|reаdу hаd dinner аnd ehе,e а|rеаdу hаd her bаth' |1аve уou cа|| }Йr. Jаcobeon уeT?

Нe'э cа||ad а|rеаdу three f imeo Тodау' |I ie dаuqhtrr hаэ goff rn her f|u ehot уrf , |o i t f oo

|аte? Эee уou |аIer,

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Present Perfeсt:Indefinite Past

жPЙINтСhеck thе correct onswer.

Thе ..Feldstein'' сast is talkingabout things of importanсe to thеm

П .'o*.

П in thе past.

For a сomplete presentation of present pеrfeсt forms,seе Unit 11, pages 46_47.

WhatЪ neu, on ..Fe[dstein',?Tune in Chonnel 4 tonightot 8:o0 аnd find oaV

|'ve juэtthought of тhioСrazУ nеw idea|

eОrneОne new'

Have vou evermet anуone l ika

uэ bеfore?

сI|ARт сI/IEсI( IСirclе T (Truе) orF (Folse).

т F You сan usethе prеsеntpеrfeсt withoutmеntioning aspесifiс time.

sтAтЕlt,lЕNтsSuвlвст | нon, I rшo'2 | пo'' Plптlсlгlв |Тhey have

(not) appearedbeеn

on W.It has

сHARт сIIEсK 2Сheck thе corrеctanswer.Never and just сome:

П b"forе the pastpartiсiple

П at thе end of thеstatement

sтATЕ]vtЕNтs WlтH ADVERBSl l l t l

Suryвст i Hлvr (нoт) 1 Aovвпв i Pлsт Plптlсlпl-в ; I Aovвпв

They havejust



on W.It has

They have (not) appearеdbееn

on ТVlotelу,reсentlу.It has (not)


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Present Perfeсt: lndefinite Past l 55


Aггlпмдтlvв l NвсAтIvE

Yes,thеy have.

No,they havеn,t.

shе has. shе hasn ' t .

EхPREssUnscromblе thesе words to form o quеstion. Answer the quеstion,

you . watсhеd о Have о .,The Simpsons,' о еver


YEs/No QUEsтloNs

| | PдsтSuв,вст | (Evсп) 1 Pяптtсlт,l-в

Havе thеy(еver) aсtеd?

won?Has she

сIIARт сI]EсK 3Сircle T (True) orF (Folse).

т F Ever has to bеused in уеslnoquеStionS.

],yf,- QuEsтloNsWн- Woп o|нnn'| su,l.., | гo'' PлптlсlгI-в |

How oftenwhy

havе they aсtеd on this show?

has i t won an award?

srаmrжar ЕxрЕeЕetgens ЖxamрЕes

l. Use thе presеnt pedeсt to talk about things r Тhey,ve woп sevеra| awards.that happenеd at an indefinitе time in the past. l l,ve intеrviewed thе wholе сast.You сan usе thе present peгfесt whеn you don,t l She,s beеn in a HoI|ywood moviе.know whеn something happеned or whеn thе l l,vе seen his show many timеs.spесifiс time is not important.

2. You сan u5е eyerwith thе presеnt реffесtto A: Havеyou won an award?ask questions. It mеans at ony timе up until now. oR

Havе уoU ever won an awaгd?Use nevеr to answеr negativеly. B: No, |'ve never won one.


No, пeyer.

3. Usе the prеsеnt perfесt with just, reсentlу, I Wе,ve jиst gotten baсk fгom Los Angelеs.or lа te lу to ta lkaboutеvents in thеvеry l | ,vе reсent lу s ignedaсont raс t towr i teabook 'rесеnt past. l Hе hasn,t had timе lote!у.

Usдсв Noтв: |n spokеn Ameriсan Еnglish peoplе r Wе just got baсk from Los Аngеles.oftеn use jиst and recenф with the simple pasttensе to ta|k about indefinite time.

w i t h t h e p r e s е n t p e r f e с t a n d a s p e с i f i с p a s t N o тtime expression. lаst+яояаау.

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56 I unit i3

тRUЕ 0R FALiE o Reod eаch numbered sеntenсе, Write T (Truе) or F (Folse) for thestotеmеnt thаt follows.

1. I've reсеntly joined the show.

т I am a new сast member.

сl]00sE & сOмPIETE o Rеod this script from o scеne from ,,FеIdstein,,, Сomplеte it withthe prеsent pеrfeсt form of the vеrbs in thе box. Some vеrbs аre used morе thon onсe,

have mаke stop talk travеl want

Uвsul,д: This is a niсe restaura6. Havе уg\ had1 .

the steak?

Jrммy: No, but I the spaghetti. I always have that. Aсtually

I eating meat. It's not that I love animals. I just hate

plants. you ever really 4-.

to a plant?

They have absolutely nothing to say.

Uвsur,д: Right. So, you ever to livе оutside

оf New York?

Jrмlгy: outside of New York? Where,s that? But seriously. I

nevеr to try another plaсe. I lovе it hеre.

Uвsur,д: But you evеr to a different сity?7.

Jrмплy: No. Why should I do that? You like it here too, right?

Uвsur.д: It,s oK, but I to other plaсes toо. It's a big world!

Jrмштy: I like it right herе. Say, you e.


5. Arlene asks УoЦ, ..Have you read any

good books latеly?,,

2. I have nevеr been to Lоs Angеles. Arlene wants to know abouta book you read last year.

I went to Lоs Angeles a long 6. She's visitеd New York sevеral times.time ago.

3. I,ve just finished Jimmy,s boоk. ffi Т.Н: first visit tо

I finishеd it a little while ago. 7. She has beсome vеry popular.

4. Have you ever seen this mоvie? She is popular now.

I want to know when yousaw the mоvie.


for tomorrow night? How abоut dinner? Same time, same plaсe . . .

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Present Рerfeсt: indefinite Рast l 57

Asк a АNswER О Сompletе the XYZ Network onlinе intеrviеw with lаkе Stewort, thеoсtor who ploуs thе port of Gizmo on limmy,s show. Use thе words in porеnthesеs ondthe prеsеnt perfеct form of thе verb,

YYZз Welсome to Live Studio. Jake. You,ve bесomе vеrv famous.

How manу onl\ne in|erviewэ have Уou done?1. (How maпу l on| inе intеrv iews l do?)

Jдкв: None! . Very exсiting!2. (nevеr еven / bе/ in а сhat room)

YYZз3. (How / сhangе / аs аn aсtor?)

Jдкв: I work with a gтoup, so4. (bесomе / a bеttеr tеam plаyer latе|y)

lГYZz As a сomiс aсtor.5. (who l be l уour гo|е modе|?)

Jдкв: Hard to sav.6 . (Сhar l i е Сhap| in / hаvе / g rеа t i n f |uеnсе on mе)

YYZз7. (Whаt l bе l уour best momеnt on th is show?)

Jдкв: Well. vou know. That Was fantastiс.8. ( j immy l iust lwin / thе Еmmy)

YYZз All in all.9. (whаt l t ind l most rеwarding about th is ехpеr iеnсe?)

Jдкв: Frее сoffee! No, really,1o. (mееt / somе fаntast iс pеop|е on th is show)

EDIT. Reod this mеssogе from on onlinе mеssogе boord. Find ond corrеct sevеn mistokesin thе use of thе prеsеnt perfесt. The first mistoke is аIrеody corrеctеd.


Subj.: Re: Jimmy's Blind DateFrom: Yikes123

watchedl 've just WаtGh the Blind Date episode on Fe|dstein! Have you never seen

anything so funny? l LoVЕ this show! lt's the best show I have ever saw in my

Iife. I rea||y enjoyed it late|y. By the Way, have you notiсe that Jimmy and Ar|ene

are beginning to get along? I think Jimmy have started to really l ike her. Last

night Arlene has moved right next door to Jimmy, but he doesn't know it yet!

l сan't Wait to see What happens on the next episode. Does anyone know when

Jimmy's book is сoming out?

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60 I unit 14

IDENтIFY o Rеod obout loе ond Маrio. Сirclе thе vеrbs in the present perfеct. Undеrlinethе simple post tensе verbs,

intеrеsting solutions to diffiсult problems.Many mоdern marriages arе frnding intеrеsting solutions to diffiсult problems. Joе

andMar ia, forexample,@marr iеds inсe1995.Afterthe i rwedding,thе

сouple settled down in Boston, where Maria openеd an aссounting business. Thеn in

1997 Jоe lost his job. By that timе, Maria's new business was booming, so they didn,t

сonsider moving' Joe nеver found a nеW jоb in Bоston, but in 1998, he got a great

оffer on the other side of thе сountry-in Los Angeles. The сouple has lived apart еver

sinсe. How have thеy handled this ..сommutеr marriage', up to now? Joe notes, ..It

сеrtainly hasn,t beеn easy. We,ve beеn geogтaphiсally separatеd, but we've grown a lot

сloser еmotionallv. For that reason. it's been wоrth it.,'

тRUE 0R tАLsE o Now writе T (True) or F (Folse) foreaсh stotemеnt.

Joe and Maria arе divorсed.

Мaria started her оwn business in Boston.

Thе сouple used to livе apart.

In 1997, they thought about moving.

The сouple is now сloser emotionally.

с0IIPLEтE o loе is cаlling Mаrio. Сomplete thеir conversotion with the corrеct form ofthе vеrbs in porentheses ond with short onswers, Сhoosе bеtwееn thе prеsеnt pеrfеctond thе simplе post tense.

Dia finieh

l j i

l .

3 .


5 .






7. (sее)

Мдвrд: oK, but I still

the wеek

little tired. I onlv5. (slееp)

muсh rest this6. (not gеt)

eaсh other оnly twiсe this month.

Hi, honey.

No. I didn't2.

about it all week.

Besides that, how

OK, I guess. I'm a

It sounds likе you

you1 . ( f i n i sh )

I'm still writing it, and I

that repоrt yesterday?

worrylng3. (not stop)

so far?4. (bе)

a few hours last night.

week. Listen-wе

I'll сome tomorrow.

have to work. Last time I8. (not do)

any work.

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Joв: Right! And it

relaх now?

Mдвrд:1 1 .

9. (not bothеф

Рresent Рerfeet and Siпrрle Рast Тense l 6|

us at all, remember? Listen, why dоn,t you

that speсial соffee yet?you1O. (try)

. In faсt, I five сups today, and it's stillr2 . (dr ink)

early. And yesterday t , r. ,o_o

at least six. I'm really wired now.

Joв: Then have some herbal tеa. and I,ll seе vou tomorrow.

Аsl( & АNswER о Lifеstylе Magazine (LM) is intеrviewing loe ond Morio. Сomplеte thеintеrview using the words in porеnthеses ond informotion from Еxercisе 1, Сhoosеbеtweеn thе prеsеnt perfесt ond thе simplе post tеnsе.

When did уou get married?LM:

Joш:1 . (When / gе t mar r i еd? )

We got, married in 1995.2.

LМ: Did уou |\ve |n boэt,on after that?3. (| ive / in Boston after thаt?)

Yeэ, we did.

5. (start your businеss / bеforе your marr iage?)










7. (How |ong / own your own businеss?)

9 . (Whеn l уou l f i nd your ;ob in Los Аngе|еs? )

10 .

1.I. (your сommuter marr iagе / bе vеry di f f iсu|t?)


ЕDlT. Reod this entrу from Morio,s iournol, Find ond сorreсt six mistokеs in thе usе ofthe prеsеnt pеrfеct ond the simplе pаst tеnse. Thе first mistаkе is olrеodу сorrеcted.

Thиrsdау, Deсember 28,э been

tt,s B:0o пм. |tfrаs а hаrс/ -eek, апd it,s пot orerуet! I sti// hаrе to fпЬh thаt report. I,ve stаrtеd

it /аst tУloиdау, bиt so fаr l,ve шrotе oп|у f',e pа7еs, Апd itЪ dие иext ouееkl l,Vork шаs so dffiси/t

/'t"/!/, |,ve шorked /аtе еverу иght {his 'ueek. l,m tirеd, апd I hаven,t7ottеп mиch "/,,P

/аst п!ht,

I missJoe. /,ve sreп him /аst cuеekепd, bиt it seems /ikе а /oпg timе а9o,

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Present PerfeсtProgressive

t ]POINтСhеck the сorrect sеntеncе.

П тy Warnеr doesn't makе BеanieBabies anymore.

П Peoplе are still сollесtingBeanie Babiеs.

Ty Warnеr has bееn making Beaniе Babiеs s inсе 199з,and peoplе have bееn сollесting them sinсe then.

You've bеenp|aуing wiтh 7aтту

Lhe ?Iatуqueaga i n !

сIiARI сHЕсK lСirсIе T (Truе) orF (Folse).

т F Thе presentperfесtprogтеssivеalways has thewоrd been.

Suв;вст |Hлvс| (Noт)


| вo,. гoпм oг | IBrrм| Vвпв + -,^,G l I Stt,tсс/Fon

|/Wе/You*/Тhеvhavе(not) beеn сolIeсting


since 1992.for a long timе.Hе/She/| t has

*You тs both singular and plural.

сI|АRT сI|EсI( 2Сheck the correctonswer.

In questions, whiсhparts of thе vеrb сomeafter the subjeсt?

[l hove been

П been +base fоrm + .ing


| | | вo ' . FoпмHдvt l Suв,вст | Bссt,t | + -lшс



Havе youbeеn



since 1992'lfor a Iong timе?Has he


Aггlпмдтlvв l N.GAтlvE

Yеs,Wе havе.

No,WE havеn,t.

hе has. hе hasn ' t .


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1^,f,. QuЕsтloN

Wн- Woпo 1 Hлvr i Suв,вст i 8сгшBдsв Foпм+ -ING

How longhavе you


toys?thеm?has hе

Present teerfeсt $rrоEressive l 63




he been living here?

a long time.

сolleсting сoins sinсe last year.

fоreign сoins?


ЕхPREssжComplete thеse conversotions,

A: How long


Really? Have you been

& raffi gу*ar Еxр3fr fi etgФffi s

l. Use the рrеsent pеrfесt Progrеssivе totalk about things that started in the past andсontinuе up to the prеsеnt. Тhе situation isusually not finished, and it wil l probablyсontinuе into the future.

*?*Past .ч..... .,..i...,-..........


Rвмвмввп! Non-aсtion vеrbs aгe usuaIIy notusеd in thе progгеssivе.

l l,ve beеn сolleсting Beanie Babies for four yеaгs.(l startеd сol|есting thеm four уеars ogo, ond |,mstill сollесting thеm.)

l |,vе ownеd this do|| for yеars.Noт {A*е*ее+т-оtмвi'ng this do|| foг yеars.

2. Use the present perfeсt Progressivе todеsсribе things that havе stoppеd very reсеnt]y.Тhe aсtion is not happening right noщ but youсan sti l l sеe the rеsu|ts of the aсtion.

r Тhе kids havе bееn playing hеre. Тheiг toysare a|l over thе гoom.

l |t,s bеen raining. Тhе strееts are sti l l wet.

Сheсk it out!For a list of сommon non-aсtion vеrbs, sее Appendiх 2 оn page 337.

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64 r unit lSr r

a a a a a a a a a a a a O a a a a . a a a a a a a a a

сl]00sЕ o Rеod еoch numbеrеd stotеment. Then circle thе letter of thе sеntenсe(a) or (b) thot bеst describes thе informotion in thе stotеmеnt.

1. Gina has been сolleсting stamps sinсehigh sсhool.

a. Gina stopped сolleсting stamps.

@ сi"u still сolleсts stamps.

2. Enriсo has beеn writing an artiсleabout toys.

a. The artiсle is finished.

b. The artiсle isn,t finishеd yet.

3. They've been selling a lot of pokdmon toys.

a. People are still buying Pokёmon toys.

b. The Pokemon fad is finished.

4. Enriсo looked out the window andsaid, "ft's been raining.,'

a. It's definitely still raining.

b. It's possible that it stopped raininga little while agо.

5. It's been raining sinсe 6:00.

a. It's still raining.

b. It stopped raining a little whilе ago.

6. They've bеen playing for hours.

a. They stopped playing.

b. They're still playing.

people9. (stand)

for Power Rangers very

сOfflPLEтE o Enrico Sonchez (ЕS) inte rviewеd the monogеr of Toуs ond Us (TAU).Сomplеtе thе intеrviеw with the present pеrfеct progressive form of the verbs inporеnthеsеs, Use shart onswеrs whеn op'p,op,ioi,.

ES: So, have you bзen эe||ing a lot of toys this season?Yeэ, we have

1. (sе l l )TAU: , Enriсo. In faсt, Pok6mon toуs and games2.

out of the store. They're our most popular item right now.3. (fly)

ES: In сase one of our viewers on Мars, сould you eхplain4. (| ivе)what Pok6mоn toys are?

TAU: Haha. I bеt the соmpany





5. (sеnd)Pok6mon to Mars too. This produсt

started out in Japan as a сomputer game. Sinсe 1996, the сharaсters

6. (appeаr)in сolleсtors'сards, board gamеs-you name it.

whv this fad people all ovеr the world?Well, my husband

8. (сhoosе)

/. (attraсt)

these produсts for our сhildren beсause

7. (attrасt)

the сharaсters are сute and not violent. Maybe that's whv.How about Power Rangers?

line fоr them?

10 .muсh anymore.

People1 1 . (no t ask )


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r r::.: l.t. .Т:f :.:}. ::Р.Y:.::.: lY: . j: . .g :. . . . . . . . . . .

DЕsсRtBE o Look ot the two picturеs of journolist Enrico Sonchez, Writе sentencеs

describing whot hos bееn going on, |Jse thе prеsent pеrfect progrеssive form of the

vеrbs in porеntheses. Сhoosе bеtweеn offirmаtivе ond negotivе forms,

He'э been doing reeearch on new toуэ,(do rеsеarсh on nеw toys)

(tеst the inI ine skatеs)

(shoot baskеts)

(eat pizza)

(dг ink soda)

(bui|d a гaс ing сar)

(p|ay v idеo games)

ЕDIf . Rеod thе thаnk-уou notе.prеsеnt pеrfеct progressive. Thе

(send е-maiI mеssagеs)

Find ond сorrеct siх mistokеs in the usе of thеfirst mistoke is olreody corrеctеd.

Dесг Aсlnt Toni'

Тhonk go,0 Уeng moоh foг the Pokёrnon оoгds. Мg fгiend ond J hove ьu",|f;#6

with them oll dog. So foг. I orл Ьeen winning, I гeol|g |ove Pokern,on. /vlg Мorn Ьеen

Ьuging the togs foг os Ьeоoсlse she thinks theg'ne одte too. All rтg fniends \^1eгe

оolleоting the оогds fon rnonths now. Тongо loves the cornpoteг gorne goо sent

too. She've Ьeen оsking rлe to рlog with heг. Ьot ]'ve been hоving too rтoch fon

with rng оoгds. How hove go0 Ьeen? J,ve Ьeen thoсlght oboсlt goo o |ot I hope

go0 оon оorne ond visit 0s soon'

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W",щPqlNтСirclе T (True) or F (Folsе),

Thе woman is finished

т F following the еlephant.

т F taking 100 rolls of film.

Present Perfeсt andPresent PerfeсtProgressive


Е|еphants havе roamed thе eaгth foг thousands of years.|,vе rеad two books about е|еphants.Dг' owеn has written many aгtiс|es.She,s l ived in many сountг ies.


Е|еphants have bеen roaming thе еaгth foг thousands of yеaгs.I've beеn reading this book sinсе Monday.She,s bееn writing aгtiсIes sinсе 1990.Shе,s bееn living in Franсе for a yеar.

сIiАRт сIIEсI(Сircle T (Truе) orF (Folsе).

т F In somesentеnсes уouсan use еithеrthе presentperfесt or thepresent perfeсtprogтessive.


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he eaten thе

Present Рerfeсt and Present Perfeсt Рrogressive l 67

eaten fivе bags ofpeanuts!

whole supply?B:

A: he

&y жжrж* r Жжр*efretf, ФAn $

. There are still ten bags left.


Ех,PREss.,шщ#жСompletе this conversotion with thе verb eat ond o short onswеn

A: He's been all morning!

B: What he eating?

A: Peanuts. He

l. The presеnt pеrfесt oftеn shows thatsomеthing is finishеd. lt foсusеs on the rеsultof thе aсtion.

N?*Past..... . . . . . . . . .х..... . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .>

hovе reod :

Thе prеsеnt pеrfесt рrogressivе often shows lthat an aсtivity is unfinished. lt foсuses on theсontinuation of an aсtion.

|,ve rеad a book about e|ephants.(l finishеd the book,)

Shе,s written an artiс|е.(She finishеd thе ortiсlе')

|,vе bееn reading a book about е|еphants.(l'm still reoding it,)

Shе,s beеn writ ing an art iс|е.(Shе,s still writing it.) r

2. We oftеn use the prеsеnt pеrfесt to talk about- how muсh somеone has done.- how many times somеone has donе somеthing.- how many things someonе has donе.

Wе oftеn 'usе thе present perfeсt progressivеto talk about how |ong something has beеnhappening.

Bв сдпвгul! We usual|y do not use thе presentpегfесt progressive whеn we mеntion a numberof сompletеd evеnts.

t |,ve rеad o lot about it.l l,vе bееn to Afriсa twiсe,r Shе,s writtеn threе aгtiсlеs.

I l,ve been rеading books on e|ephants fortwo months.

l |,vе read that book twice.Noт

3. Sometimes you сan Usе eithеr thе prеsеntperfeсt oп the present perfесt progrеssivе.Thе meaning is basiсaIly the same. Тhis isеspeсia|Iy true when you usе verbs suсh aslivе, work, studу, and teoсh with for or since.

She,s studied е|еphants fortwo years.OR

She,s beеn studying е|еphants fortwo years.

(ln both сosе\ she startеd studуing еlеphantstwo yеors ogo ond shе is still studуing them.)

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68 I unit 16

5 .


тRUE 0R FАLiE o Rеod еoch numbеrеd sеntence. Write T (Truе) or F (Folse) for thеstotement thot follows.

1 . Professor owеn has bееn reading a book about elеphants.

F Shе finished the book.

2. She's read a book about elephants.

Shе finishеd the book.

3. Shе,s writtеn a magazine artiсle about thе rain forest.

Shе frnishеd the artiсle.

She,s bеen waiting for some supplies.

She reсeived the supplies.

They've livеd in Uganda sinсe |992.

Thеy are still in Uganda.

They,ve bеen living in Uganda sinсе t992.

They still livе in Uganda.

сIli00sE o Hеrе orе somе stotеments obout Professor owen,s work, Сirclе the corrеctform of the vеrbs to сomplete thеse stotemеnts, ln somе сosе' both forms аre correct,

Profеssor owen is working on two artiс]еs for NationаI Wildlifе Magazine. She

thesе artiсlеs sinсе Monday.

I{ational Wildlifе Magazine has published / has beеn publishing its annual rеport on

thе environment. It,s an exсellеnt report.

Five hundred and sixty Afriсan elephants havе alread}z died / havе been d-ying this year.

Professor owen has givеn / has bеen giving many talks about wildlifе prеsеrvation in

past leсturе series.

She has spoken / has been speaking at our sсhoоl many timеs.

Professor owen was latе for a meeting. When she arrived the сhairpersоn said,.At last, you,re here. We havе waited / havе been waiting for you.,'

Professоr owеn has lived / has bееn living in England for the last twо years.

She has worked / has been wоrking with environmentalists in England and Franсe.

Congтess has сrеated / has beеn сrеating a new study group to disсuss the problem of

endangered animals. Thе group has already met twiсe.

1 .

2 .

3 .


5 .





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Present Perfe*t and Рresent Perfeеt Frrogregsive l 69

с0I|PLEтE o Rеod this entrу from Dr. owen,s field journаl obout on еIephont shе cаllsGrondаd. Usе thе prеsent perfеct or the prеsеnt perfect progrеssivе form of the verbsin pаrenthеsеs.

\,Ve 've been hearing аbout Grаndаd since wе аrrivеd hеrе in

1. (heаг)

Аrnbosе|i Pаrk. Hе is onе o+ thе |аsI ,ЧцskеG,', ТWo dауs аgot wе finatty sаw nim. |iis tusks

аre morеIhаn sevented long. I anything IikеIhеm.

t - "






q. -:

ч "''


e { -

Q сs"4 qф

Grаndаd}. (\ivе)

4. (еxpеr iеnсe)even1thinq, аnd hе

coцnt|еss threаts trorn hцmаn bеings.\oung mеn

coungе o,gainst him, аnd ?oI.cnеrc7 . (hun t )

iis ехpеriеncе аnd courаgе8. (savе)

For thе last two dачs, hе9. (move)

hirn tor his ivorv.

hirn so tаr.

stowlv Ihrough the tatt

аnd1 . l . ( rеs t )

а |ot this \еаr, аnd even tne biggest е|еpharfts

еnough tood and Wаtеr,

2. (sеe)

hеre tor morе thansirtу уеаrs' lе

5. (survivе)

thеtr6. (tеst)


Lисkity, it1o. (еat)

12 . ( ra in )

13 . ( f i nd )

#А:*, -M j ^ - , .

ЕDIT о Rеod this student,s report. Find ond correct six mistokеs in the usе of the prеsentpеrfеct ond presеnt pеrfеct progressivе, The first mistokе is olrеodу corrected,

l iv ingElephants artd their arrсestors have beеn tiтr on this planet for 5 miШon years.

Sсientists have fotrnd their bones in many plaсes, from Asia to Norbh Amerlсa.

Prеsent-day elephants has also surwived in diffегent kinds of еnviron-mеnts, inсludln$

veIy dцr areas in Ni$eц €Passlands in East Afгiсa, a,nd forеsts in \Alest Afriсa.

Because of their gteat size and stren6$h, elephants have always fasсinatin$

humans. our fasсination has almost' сaused Afriсаrr elephants to bесome exЕinсt. Poaсhers

(iШеgal hunters) have alгeaф been kiliing hundтeds of thousands of e1ephants for the

ivory of thеir tusks. A.fteг 1989 it bесame iШegal to se]l ivory. Sinсe then, thе elephaлrt

populatlon has beеn sгoтлm steadily. Rесеntly several сorrntries have been proteсtln$

еlеphants in national parks, and herds have beсamе ].arger and healthier.

Page 79: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Past Perfeсt

жPqцNTСheсk the event thot hoppened first.

t oprah turned twelvе.

t oprah deсidеd on a сareer.

сIIARт сIIEсI( IСircle T (True) orF (Fаlsе).

т F The pastperfeсt useshod for allsubjeсts.

сI|ARт сIllEсK 2Сheck thе correctonswer.

In past perfeсtquеstions, whеredoеs hod go?

П b"fo.e the subjесt

П after the subjeсt

Эу Lhe Lirne I Lurnеd|wе|vr, I had a|readу decided

Оn a Оarrer. I wanNed tobr paid to talk!

Тalk.show host oprah Winfrеy with hеr ТV audiеnсе.



| нoo (Noт) | пo'' PяптlсlгI.в |

| / H е/S h е/We/Yo u */Тh eyhad (not)

dесided by then.

I t beеn еasy.

*You is both singular and pluцal.

YEslNo QUЕsтloNsнлo |Suв;вст | r,o'' Pяптlсlгlв |

Hadshе dесidеd by then?

it bееn еasy?


Aггlпмдтlvв l NвсAтtvE


had. No,shе

hadn' t .it it

l,l/f'. QUEsтloNs

Wн- Woп o | нoo I su"l.., | пo'' Pдптlсlpl.в

whv hadshе dесidеd to bе a talk-show host?

i t bеen еasy?


Page 80: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Past Perfeсt l 7|

ExPREss,*жжСomplete this conversotion with the vеrb arrive.

A: Had she - by 9:00?

B: No, shе

&w жыжrrжъ* к" Жж.рff eжeЁ*кэffi s Ж,xаrmрI*s

1. Use the past pеrfесt to show that something r By 1988 oprah Winfrеy had beсomе famous.happened bеforе a spесifiс timе in thе past. l |t was 1985. Shе had a|rеady been in a

bеcаmе Nowfаmous :

P a s t . . . . . . Х . . , . . . . . . . ' . x . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >1988 :

Hollywood fi lm.

2. The past pеrfeсt aIways shows a relationship r In ] 990 oprah invited Matt on the show.with anothег past еvеnt. Hе had bееn an author foг two yeaгs.

(Hе wos on outhor before 1990.)

Usе the past pеrfесt for the ear|iеr evеnt. Use r By thе time ]i|| got homе, ,,Thе opгah Winfгеythе simp|е past tense for thе later event. show,, had finishеd.

notiсе thе differenсе in mеanjng bеtwееn thе (First thе show endеd, Thеn shе left,)simple past tеnsе and thе past pегfесt.

I Whenthе show endеd, shе had !eft.(First she left. Thеn thе show еnded')

3. Alreodу, уet, ever, and never are often usеd r lsaw Thе Сolor Purple |ast night.with thе past perfесt to emphasizе the evеnt I had nevеr seеn it bеforе.whiсh oссurred first

. Jason had olreody seеn it.

4. When thе timе rе|ationship between two past l After oprah had appearеd tn Thе Сolor Purplе,еvеnts is сlear, you сan usе the simple past shе got a paгt in anothеr moviе.tensе for both еvеnts' Тhе meaning is oRusua|ly сlеar when you use ofter, beforе, or l After oprah appеared in The Сolor Purplе,os soon gs to сonnесt the еvents. 5hе got a paгt in anothег moviе.

5. We oftеn usе the past perfeсt with by . By 1966 oprah had deсided on a сareeг.(a сertain timе).

Page 81: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

72 r Elni t tZ

ffi1 .

тRUE 0R FALSE o Rеod еoch numberеd sentence, Write T (True) or F (False) for thestotеment thаt follows.

When I got home, "The Oprah Winfrey Show" started.

r First the oprah show started. Then I got homе.

Whеn I gоt home, ..The oprah Winfrey Show,'had started.

First the Oprah show started. Then I got home.

Oprah's guest had lost 100 pounds when she interviewed him.

The guest lost the weight before the interview.

By the end of the shoщ I had fallen asleep.

I fell asleep aftеr the show.

When I went to bed, I had turned off the radio.

I turnеd off the radio after I went to bed.

By midnight, I had finishеd the magazine artiсle.

I finished the artiсlе before midnight.



ru сOff|PIEтE o Look ot some importont events in oprаh Winfreу,s сorеer. Thеn complеte '.i.# thе sentеncеs bеlow, |Jsе the pаst pеrfect with a|readу or not yеt. , oso*

^o{tu ^*NSu'

-.o.o$ ц',о 9v - {'] 9o ^'* s . t,rф

-,$-^ou o{:'фuЬ: .'*o\1,

'гiaоvot ^,uuo**Ъ**,,l**'**o *].*.oo,'n***,.'utч* d*$.,


I I I I I l .1954 1957 1971 1973 19BЗ 1985

By 1958 Oprah had a|readу given

By 1-971 she

By 1972 she

Bу 1972 she

By 1985 she

By 1986 she

By 1987 she

By 2000 she

I1 986

l l1988 1998

hеr first speeсh.

her first TV job.

her first radio job.

in a major movie.

her оwn TV show.

in a major mоvie.

her own studio.

in the fiIm Belouеd.

Page 82: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Аsl( & АNswER о Look ot this tуpicoldoilу schedulе for o TV tolk-showhost. Сompletе thе quеstions obouthis schedulе. Usе thе post pеrfect ondgivе short onswеrs,

1. It was 7:45. The host Was on sсhedule.

A: Had he arrlved

2. At 7:30 the host was at his desk.


3. At


10:55 he was having сoffee.

5. At 4:00 he had a late lunсh.


6. He went to bed at 10:30.


Past Рerfeсt l 73

Iiаir аnd mаkеuP

TaPe thе show

B: Yeэ, he had,

7:00 д.м.8:00ll:002:00 p.м.


Аrrivе аt stцdio _._---.

4. It was 2:00. He was on his way to makeup.

at the studio yet?

the day's sсhеdule уet?

the sсhеdulе bv that time? B:

the day's guests by thеn?

the show yet?




with his trainer that day? B:

ЕDtT. Rеod this student,s report, Thеrе o,e sii щistokes in thе use of the post perfect.Find ond corrеct them. The first mistokе is аlreodY correctеd.

hadopгah Winfrey is an amazin$ person! By the time she was twelve, she bа,g alreaф

deсided on a сareer. Not long aftеrward, she got her first radio job. Althou$h she hadn't

have any еxperiеnсe, she beсamе a nеWs repoгteг. Wtren she got her oтдm TV talk shoщ

she has already aсted ln a major HoШ;rwood movie. By the late 198os ..oprah Winfrey''

had beсamе a housеhold woгd. Then in 1994 she dесidеd to improve the quality of

talk-show thеmes. She also made a personal сhan$e. Shе had always had a wеi$ht

problem, but in 1995 TV viewers saw a new \'Vinfrеy. She had iosеd almost ninеty

pounds as a result of dieting and working out. She had a]so сompete in a marathon.

She has rea1l.y been an inspiration to many pеople.

Page 83: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Past PerfeсtProgressive

снARт сIlЕсl(Сheсk the correctonswеr.

What form of bedoes the pastperfесt progтеssivеalways usе?

П wаs ot were

f1 is, om, or ore

Ёl been

WээжPaINтСircle T (True) or F (Fаlse).

т F The raсе is finished.

s}|oRт ANsWЕRs

Aггlпмдтlvв l Nвсдтlvt

Yеs, shе had. l No, shе hadn,t.

Эу |he t imef,he |aet runner croэoеd

ъhе f in ioh | ine, he had beenrunn ing 7 houre ,16 minuNae,

and 24 eесоndo,



| вo'. Foпм oгHlo (t,toт) всюt I Vвпв + -,^,G

l / H е/ S h ei lt/Wе/You*/Тh ey'had

(not) beenrunnrngworking

all day.

*You is both singular and plural.


ндo|Suryвст | в,,"

,ЕsтloNsBдsв Foвм+ -rwG

Had she beenrunningworking

a|| daу?

ltrн- Woвo I Hдo

иyf'. QUЕsтloNst t

Suв;вст | Bвrш | Bлsв Foпм + .,NG

How longwhy

had shе beenrunning?working?


Page 84: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Past Perfeсt Progressive l 7 5

EхPREss,,ffiжСomplеtе this convеrsаtion with thе pаst pеrfect progrеssive form of the vеrb praсtiсе.

A: How long she when she entered the race?

B: Shе for more than two vеars.

A: she alone?

B: No. she She with a partner.

6 rarn штar Еxрf; fi шat$Фrur Е.xamрlеs

1. Use thе past pеrfeсt progressive to ta|k l |t was 2:00 p.м. Thе runnеrs had bееn runningabout an aсtion that was in progгеss beforе a sinсе .l0:48 д.м.speсifiс timе in thе past. Тhе progressivе r I fina|ly saw Rob at 4:00 p.м. I had bееn waitingеmphasizes thе сontinuation of an aсtion, for hours.not the end геsu|t. I one гunneг fainted. She hadn,t been drinking

Now enough watег.

10:48 2:00 iPast\.............x........... ',у.i.. ' ' .....,....................>

z \ . . . , а io"iй; i;;'i's" i

Rgмtмвrп! Non-aсtion vеrbs arе not usually r lt was 5:00 p.м. Hе had had a headaсhe a|| day'usеd in thе progressive. Noт He a hеadaсhе a|| day.

2. Тhе past pеrfeсt progrеssive always shows a l She had beеn praсtiсing for thгеe yеaгsre|ationship with anothеr past evеnt. Whеn she entered thе raсe.

Usе the past peгfесt pгogrеssive for thе ffirst shе proсtiсеd. Thеn shе еntеrеd thе raсe,)

earlier evеnt. Use the simple past tense forthe later event.

3. We oftеn usе thе рast pеrfесt progrеssivе l Shе was out of brеath. lt was сlеar that shеto draw ionсIusions about past еvеnts based had beеn running.on evidenсe.

r Тhе strеets werе wеt. |t had bееn raining.

4. Bп сдпвгul! ln thеsе sеntenсes with when, t When thе raсе staгted, it was raining and thеnotiсe the differenсе in mеaning bеtwеen strееts wеre wеt.the past progгessive and thе past pеrfeсt (lt wos still raining during thе roсе,)progrеssive.

l Whenthe гaсe started, it had bеen rainingand thе streеts wеге wet.(lt wаsn,t roining during thе rqсе. lt hadoIrеadу stopped.)

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76 I unit lB

1 .

3 .


5 .


a .


с .

d .




He had been reading.

She had beеn running.

They had been watсhing the raсe.

She had been сrying.

It had been raining.

They had been drinking soda.

сOI/PLЕтE o Rеаd this storу from o mogozinе orticlе. Сomplete it with the pаst perfectprogrеssive form of the verbs in pаrenthеsеs.

ffi ffiАтсII o Еoсh rеsult hos a сousе. Motch the result with the corrеct couse,


She was out of breath.

The ground was wet.

Hеr eyes wеre red.

Thеre Was an open boоk on the сouсh.

Therе were empty сans on the floor.

The TV was on.

By Bвпьtдolхв Мдптlх

n Oсtobсr 2З, I raП thr Boston

Маrathon wtth a partnсL Мarсiа Davis'

1уu had been training1 . ( t ra in )

togеthсr sinсс |ast yеar; andWе

to сntсr2 . (p |аn)

thс raсе сvсr sinсеwе saw oorah

in thе \)Иashington Мarathon' Тhс start of thе raсе was drаmatiс. Up to that point, wс

, but wеwеrеvеry sеrtous whеn wс linсd Up. lWаs so nсryous3. ( joke and laugh)

l сouldn,t brсathс. Мarсia and l on thosс sаmс strссts for a4. (praсt iсе)

сoup|с of wсеks, so at thе bсginning wс did wс|l. By thс timе wс got to Нсartbrсak Hill,

wе for almost fоur hours, and I rсa||y bеliеvсd wс сould5. ( run)

f inish. Thсn, halfway up thе hil l, Мarсta stoppсd' Shс just сouldn,t run anymorr.

to this raсе for so lonq that I didn't want to qo on6. ( look forward)

а|onс, but Мarсiа wantсdmс to finish. Whсn l got to thс finish l inс, l saw Мarсia. Shс

for mе for thrее hours. Frrst wс crled. Thсn wс started talkinq7. (wait)

about nеxt Уеar's marаthon.

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Pаst Рerfeсt srrogressive l 77

сlt00sE & сOмPLETE o Thе mogаzine Runnеr,s World (RW) is intеrviеwing morothonwinner Poolo Еsposito (PE). Сomplеtе the intеrview with the post perfеct progrеssivеform of thе correct verbs from the boх. Use short onswеrs where oppropriote,

date expeсt live Fatrq run

Had уou bеen practicingYou just won the marathon. long for it?1 .

Yeэ. I had For morе than five years. First in Madrid,2.

then in Rome.

RW: You tripped during the raсe. How lоng whеn







3 .

that happened?

PЕ: It was in the last hour. Luсkily it didn,t keep me from winning.

RW: I understand that you reсently married your traineц Emilia Lealе. How long

eaсh other when you deсidеd to get married?4.

PE: About six months. Wе met in

be togethеr.

Rome and knew right away that we wantеd to

5 .in Rome for a long time whеn you met?

. In faсt, I had just moved there.6.

When you сrossed the finish line you looked verv сalm.

to win?

! I was really surprised. And very happy.

EDIT о Reod pаrt of on еntrу from o runner,s journol, Find ond сorrect fivе mistokes inthe use of the post perfеct progrеssive, Thе first mistokе is olreаdу corrected,

7 .


oсtobеr 19,

Ijиstgot bасk from thе mаrаtlloп! I,ш tired hut vrrу hаppу' Wheп I сrossed the fiпishhad

/iпе, l /tmt beеп rиппiиg for foиr /loиrs апi huепtу=t'ivе miпиtеs. Jеrешу tuаs st"lпсtiпg

thеre, Нe hа,,{ been шаitrd for ttlе the шho/е time. Wе шere both soаkiиg t.uеt.-._I, bесаиse

I hаd bееп stuеаtiпg; hе, Ьесаиse it hаs beеп rаiпiпgjиst а /itt/е ш/li/e bеp'е, I шаs so

3/аd to sее llim' t hаd Ьeеп look /i,luаrd tо this dау for so Iory апd hopiпg thаt I сoиld

fпish thе rасе iи /ess thап flиr апd а hа/f/loи,s. Whеп t got home, l са//е,d mу pаrепts.

Т/эеу hаd шаkhiпg thе mаrаt/аotl oи ТV апс| hа,| асtиаI/у SееИ |пe сross thе fпtsh /iие!

Page 87: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p


ffil 01,tECirсlе thе lеtter af thе corrеct onswеr to сomplеtе eoch sentence.

Еxдшtptt:Jennifеr nеver соffee.(A) drink(B) drinks

A@с DtC) is drinking(D) was drinking

1 .




5 .



Hе -- for thе olympiсs sinсe 1998.

{A) praсtiсed (C) has been praсtiсing

{B) praсtiсes (D) was praсtiсing

We've known Sally a long time.(A) sinсе (C) while(B) by (D) for

We,ve been living in Montreal sinсe Wе(A) have gтaduated (C) gтaduated

tB} havе been gтaduating (D) gтaduate

They haven't an AIDS vaссine.










(A) yet developed(B) developеd yet

(A) livе(B) have lived

10. The show has ---(A) just(B) evеr

(C) developed already(D) alrеady devеlop

(C) has bеen arriving(D) arrivеs

(C) had lived(D) have beеn living

won an award.(C) latelY(D) yet

you reserved your hotel room уet?{A) Did (c) Do(B) Havе (D) Has

She hasn't - very often.(A) flew tC) flown(B) flies (D) flying

It -- and the grоund was still whitе. ,

(A) snows (С) wоuld Snow(B) had bеen snowing (D) has snowed

Tina last week.(A) has arrived(B) arrived

g. They hеre fоr three years befоre they moved.



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SelfTest lll I 79

11. Professor Kidd three bоoks sinсe 1999, and she's working ABсDon her fourth.(A) has bееn writing(B) has writtеn

12. We - to buy that(A) haven't deсided(B) deсided


13. -Has Maria сalled уet?-Yes, she ---. But she didn't leave a message.(A) did (C) hasn't(B) сalled (D) has

14 . S i n се I - s сhoo l , I haven ' t hadmuсhSpa r e t ime .(A) bеgun (C) have begun(B) bеgan (D) begin



(С) wrоte(D) writes

сar yet.(C) have deсidеd(D) are deсiding

ffil тW0Еoch sеntence hos four underlinеd words or phroses. Thе four undеrlined ports ofthe sentеnсе orе morkеd A, B, С, ond D. Сircle the lеttеr of the one undеrlinedword or phrаsе thot is Noг сoRRЕст.

Еxдшtptп:Мike usuall}, drives to sсhool, but today he walks.

A в с DA B с@

15. When she was youngeЦ shе has pla}rеd tennis every day._ l - - B - - с - - - т -

76. Itl already 10:00, but Teri hasn't finished her homework already.A в ( D

18. I,vе rеad a good boоk rесently, but I havеn't finished it yФ.A B с D

19. Did you writtеn your papeЦ or have you beеn watсhing TV?A B ( D

20. Karl has been driving sinсе ten years.A B с D

21. We,ve been hеrе onl}, one day, but we've been taking threе rolls of film.A B с D

22. This hotel has been a]rеady in business foд fift}r years.A B с D

23. How muсh сoffее did you been drinking last night?A B с D

24. I,ve beеn studying Frenсh sinсe I,vе startеd high sсhool.A B с D

25. Bеforе she bесamе a film staц- shе has been a stand-up сomedian.



ABсD|7. Itе beеn worrying about youA

well lately.D

Ьeсausе you haven't bееn sеemingB (









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Future:Be going to and Will

жPЙINтСhеck thе moin point of thе cortoon.

П тье man forgot his umbrella.

П тьe man is going to fall into the holе.

сI]ART с'|EсI( IСheck thе corrеctonswer.

How many formsdoes be have inbe going to?

t o.r"П t-oПШ threе

*For сontraсtions witЬ be, see Appendiх 24 on pagе 345.tYou is both singular and plural.

сHАRт сl]Eсl( 2Сirclе T (True) orF (Folsе),

Т F In questions,a form of begoes aftеrthe subjeсt.

YEs/No QuEsтloNS: 8Е G0ING тo

Bс t suq.., | с,,'" ,o | вo,. Foпм


going to leavе soon?l s hе

Arе you



l l Bдsв FoвмBс* | (Noт) Gotttс тo i oг Vвпв


(not) going to leave soon.Hе/Shе/|t rs

Wе/Yout/Thеy are


Aггlпмдтlvв t NвсAтIvЕ


you are.


you aren't .

he ls . hе i sn ' t .

am. I 'm not.

}y},. QUЕSТIONS: BE GolNG тo

UVн- Woпo | в. I su,l..' | сo,n" ,o | влs. Foвм



going to leavе?ts hе

arе you


Page 90: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Future: Be gсling to and Wit| t 81

сIiART сHEсK 3Сirclе T (True) orF (Folse).

т F The fоrm ofrryill is thеsamе forall subjeсts. sHoRт ANsWЕRs

Aггlпмдтlvв l Nвсдтlvв

Yes, hе wilI. l No, hе won,t.

EхPREssжUnsсromble thesе words to form two sentеnces,

t o . r a i n r l t ' s . g o i n g

an . g e t о I , l l . umb r e l l a

6raшжmar ЕxрЕanat iCIns ffi.жawmрffes

1. You сan usе begoing toor wil l to talkabout r ProfessorVгoom is going to attend afuturе plans or prediсtions. сonfегenсе nеxt wееk.

*?* r Professo, v,o# witl attend a сonferеnсе

Past """"" :' Xi otten,d o next WeеK.

i. confеrеncе r l think it,s going to bе vегy interesting., l o R

r l think it, l l bе vеry interеsting.

2. Use be going to when thегe is somеthing in the r Look at those dark с|ouds! |t,s going to rain.prеsеnt that lеads to thе prediсtion. Noт Look at those dark сIouds! lt,|| гain.

Use willwhen you dесidе somеthing at thе A: Profеssoг Vгoom is spеaking at noon.momеnt of spеaking. B: oh. l th ink l , l l go to his ta lk.

Pпoшuшсlдпoш Noтц|n infoгma| speeсh, going to is often pronounсed ,,gonna.,, Do not writе gonno,


Suв;вст | wпt* (tloт) | вo'. гoпм |l/ Hе/S he/l tlWe lYou lТhеy will (not) leave soon.

*For сontraсtions withulill, see Appendix24 on pagе 345.

Y Es/No QUЕsтloNS: !V|l.t'

wttt I Suвlвст | вo'. гoпм |wil l hе lеavе soon?

wH. QUЕsтloNS: W|tL

l,Uн- Woпo I wш | Suвlвст | вo,. Foпм

Whеn wi l l hе lеave?

Сheсk it out!Thеrе arе othеr ways to talk about thе futurе. See Unit 20, pages 84_85.

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a2 r unit i9

REАD о Look at Profеssor Нorrу Vroom,s e-moil mеssogе.

ANIWER о Chеck аIl thе things Horrу Vroom is going to do next wеekend.

l .


3 .

П ье in Madison

И ьe in Chiсago

t go frshing

4 .Пat tеndaсonfе renсe

5 . Пg i , . easpeeсh

6. П rеturn on Saturdav

7. П d.i,,е to Madison

8. П see Greg

DE$сRIBЕ о Look ot the piсturеs. Theу show events from a doу in Professor Vroom,s life.Writе prеdictions or guеssеs. Use the words in the box ond o form of be 9oin9 to ornot bе going to.

answеr the рhone drivе give a speeсh ж take a trip watсh ТV

1 . |t,'э going to rain,

Greg-Just a quiсk note to let you know my pIans. ] hear you're going to be inMadison next weekend. Unfortunate|y, l Won't be there. Тhat means I won't be able togo f ishing with you on Saturday. l 'm going to be in Chiсago giving a speeсh at theSmart Тransport сonferenсe. l attend every Уear, but this is the first time l'm going togive a speeсh. The сonferenсe is over on Saturday, but l'm not going to return toMadison unti l Sunday night. | 'm going to take the train instead of driving' so l сan getsome work done. So, it doesn't look Iike we'll get to see eaсh other this time. l hopenext time works out better. -Harry

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:Y}.ч::... P.:.?\i?у..t: .Ty. у!!.|...9Р. . . . . . . . о. .

сoff|PLЕтE о After his spееch, Professor Vroom onswerеd questions from thе oudiencе,

Сomplеtе the questions ond onswеrs. |Jse thе words in porеnthеsеs ond wi|| or won,t.

Woмдш 1: Мy question is this, Prоfеssor Vroom: wil l the сar of the

on gasoline?

Woмдш 2:


Mдш 1:



Vвoом: No, it

run1 . ( run )


3. (use)

No, we5.

a speсial sеal so that theу

In what other ways

Well, instead of kеys, сars

Yes, they

Hоw muсh

I don't know eхaсtly, but they сertainly

. I t probably

solar energy.

wе still flat tires?4. (gеt)

. By the yеar 20tО, tires6. (havе)

themselves.7 . ( rеpa iф

сarS diffеrent?8. (be)

smart сards. Thesе9. (havе)

a lot like сredit сards. Thеy doors1 1 . (opеn)

thе sеats, mirrors, and steering whеels. Thеу

the insidе temperaturе.

сar thеfts?14. (prеveпt)

! Nеxt question? That gentleman in thе baсk.

thеse сars16. (сost)


1O. ( l ook)

and they12 . (ad jus t )


theyl 3 . ( сon t ro | )

Mдп 1:


Mдш 2:

Vвooм: 17 . (be)

EDIT . Rеad this е-moil mеssoge to Professor Vroom, Find ond corrесt nine mistokеs in

the usе of thе futurе with wii| аnd be going to. Thе first mistokе is olreodу corrеcted.

won'lHarry-| 'm sorry that we йl lI hЪ be able to get together in Madison. Martha, too, wil|

misses you. Perhaps We сan get together sometime next month. Martha and I am going

to be in Minneapolis unti l July 15. After that, we are going visit our son in Phoenix. His

wife is pregnant and will have a baby the first week in July. It's hard to believe that we're

gonna be grandParents!

How exсiting that you going to ta|k at the сonferenсe! I'm sure it wiIls be great.

l ,ve got to run now. The sky is gett ing real ly dark and it ' l l storm. I want to get out of this

offiсe before then. More |ater. -Greg

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Future: Contrast

Don'| WОrry,Thеу won'| |eave

wi|hout mе,I 'm the Vi lol!Нurry up' eir,

Yo't're going to be lale.The ehu|t|e |eaveэ in

f iva minulee.

жPпINтСirсIе T (Truе) or F (Folse).

т F Thе shuttle tо Mars has a sсhedulеd departure.

т F The pilot is too late.

AFF l Rltf, AТlvЕ sтAтЕ]t{ ЕNТs

Wе,re going to lеaveWе,ll lеavе

for Mars soon.Wе,rе leavingWe leave

сl|ARт сHEсl(Сirclе T (True) orF (Folse).

т F There areseveral waysto talk aboutthe futurе.

т F Yоu сan't usqthе presenttense totalk aboutthе future.

NЕGAтlvЕ sтAтЕlvlЕNтs

Wе arеn,t going to leaveWе won,t leavе

un t i l l : 00 .We aren,t lеavingWе don,t leavе

VEs/No QUEgтloNsls she going to lеavе

foг Мaгs soon?

Does shе lеave

sHoRт ANsWЕRsshе i s . l | shе i sn , t .

shе i sn , t .

shе doesn, t .

W'|- QUЕsтloNsWhеn is shе going to leavеWhеn will she IeavеWhen is shе leavingWhеn does shе lеavе

for Maгs?


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Fшturr: ООi..trаs"i l 85

EхPREss,{;%;:;!,r;,у;,*'Сheck thе sentences thot rеfer to the future,

П I'- lеaving in fivе minutеs.

П wьut timе do you normally leavе thе offiсe?

П A'" yоu going to thе сonferеnсe in Мay?

t дt the moment, I'm working on a report.

йж жwwaхж жr ЖжpЖ ff itrъ жя#фж% #"жжrжpfl-**

1. Use be going to, will, thе prеsеnt progressivе, l l,m going to fly to Mars nеxt wееk.and thе simрlе prеsеnt tеnse to talk aboutthings in the futurе.

r l, l l f ly to Mars next wеek.

Now I |,m flying to Maгs nеxt week.

i rry r l fly to Maгs nеxt wееk.Pаst .. ' ' ...... .... i.........x...

i nеxt wееk

2. Usдсв Noтвs: Somеtimеs only onе form of thеfuturе is appropriatе, but in many сases morethan onе foгm is possibIе.

a. Usе be going to or will to makе prediсtions l ln a fеw years pеople are going to fly to Mars.or quеssеs. l ln a few yеars pеop|е wiII fly to Mars.

b. Usе be going to (not wll) whеn somеthing l Look at that spaсeship! lt,s going to land!in thе pгеsent |eads to a prediсtion. Noт {+v*i.ll-{and.

(. Usе be going to, wiII, or thе present r Dr. Greеn is going to spеak tomoгrow.progrеssive to talk about futurе intеntions r Dr. crееn wi|l spеak tomorrow.oг plans. r Dr. Grееn is speaking tomorrow.

d. Wе oftеn use will whеn wе dесidе' A: Dг. cгееn is giving a ta|k tomoгrow.something at thе moment of spеaking. B: oh! Maybe |, l l go.We also usе will to make offers' A: crеat! I,ll gеt you a tiсkеt.

е. We often usе thе prеsent progressive l l,m flying to Mars nеxt weeft. l,vе alrеadywhеn wе talk about futuгe рlans that have gotten a tiсket.alrеady bееn arrangеd. Тhеrе is usually somеrefеrenсe to the futurе that shows that thееvеnt is not happening now.

t. Usе the simplе prеsent tеnse to talk r Тhе shutt|е to Mars lеavеs at .l0:00 д.м.

about sсhedulеd future events suсh as tomorrow.timetables, programs, and sсhedulеs. l We land at midnight.

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86 l #mЁE 2*

IDENтIFY о Professor Grееn is ottеnding o confеrеnсе this weеk, Reаd her convеrsotionwith Profеssor Russ. Underlinе oll thе verbs thot rеfer to thе future,

Russ: Еllеn! It,s niсе to see you.Are you presеnting a paper this wеek?

Gвввш: Hi, Riсk. Yes. In faсt, my talk starts at two o,сloсk.

Russ: Oh, maybe I'11 go. What are you going to talk about? Robots?

Gвввш: Yеs. r,m foсusing on pеrsonal rоbots for housеhold work.

Russ: I'd like one of those! Where's your son, by the way? Is he hеre with you?

Gввпш: No. Tony stays in Denver with his gтandparеnts in thе Summеr. I'm going to

visit him after the сonferenсe. Sо, what are you working on these days?

Russ: I'm stil] with the Mars Assoсiation. In faсt, we're going to be holding a news

сonferеnсе nеxt month about the Мars shuttlе launсh.

Gвввш: That's eхсiting. Maybe I'll see you there.

Russ: Great. The сonferenсe begins at noon on the tenth.

сH00sE о Сirсlе the most аppropriotе words to complete thesе conversotions,

1. Gвввш: Whiсh projeсt do you *ork / on nеxt?

Russ: I haven't dесided for sure. Prоbably the Spaсemobile.

2. Russ: Look at those dark сlouds!

Gвввш: Yes. It looks likе it's raining / it,s going to rain any minute.

3. Gвввш: I'd better get baсk to my hotel room before the storm.

Russ: oK. I'm seeing / I'll see yоu later.

4. Dвsк: Professor Green, your son just сalled.

Gвшшш: oh, good. I,l1 сall / I'm сalling him baсk right away.

5. Gвввш: Hi, honey. How's it going?

Torчy: Grеat. I go / I'm going fishing with Grandpa tomorrow.

6. Gвввш: Havе fun, but don,t forget. You still have to finish that papеr.

Torтy: I knoщ Mom. I mail / I'm mailing it tomorrow. I already have the envеlope.

7, Torтy: How's the сonfеrеnсe?

Gвшвш: Good. I,m giving / I'll givе a talk this aftеrnoon.

8. Torтy: Good luсk. When arе }zou / will you be hеre?

Gвввш: Tomorrow. Мy planе lands / will land at 7:00, so I see / I'll sеe you

about 8:00.

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Fa.*t**re: С;*П|rа$t I 87

с0IлPLEтE o Rеod thеsе сonversotions. Сomplеtе them with on аppropriote form of thеverbs in porеntheses, (There is morе thon onе corrеct аnswer for some items,)

1. A: Hurry up! Thе shuttle Ieaveэ in just a fеw minutеs.( Ieavе)

B: Oh, I'm sure they for us.(wait)

2. A: Look at thosе storm сlouds! Do vou think it

B: I dоn't know. I( r a l n )

the weathеr foreсast.(сhесk)

3 . A: When Wе thе shuttle?

B: Wе(board)

first сlass, so We should be among the first(fly)

to board.

Wow! This suitсase is heavy.4.

it for you. Give it to me.(сarry)

5 . What timе Wе( l a nd )

Aссording to the sсhedule, at 9:00 A.N{., but I think we

a littlе late.





6. A:


on Mars?

I'm hungrу. I hope Wе


some food soon.(gеt)

Mе too. I thе seafood speсial. I ordеred it(hаve)

in advanсe.

7. A: Look! The flight attendant is gеtting ready to announсe somеthing.

B: Grеat. That means Wе boarding soon.(start)

EDIT. Rеod this flight onnouncеmеnt on thе shuttle to Mors, Find ond сorrесt sevenmistokes in the usе of thе future. Thе first mistаkе is olrеodу corrеctеd. (Thеrе is oftеnmorе thon onе woY to corrеct o mistoke).

..Good. evening, ladies and gеntlemеn. This *tifu your сaptain speaking. We bе going

to leave the Earth's gravity field in about fifteen minutеs. At that time, you are able

to unbuсkle your sеat belts and float around the сabin. Host robots take ordеrs for

dinner soon. After thеse storm сlouds, wе are having a smoоth trip. The shuttle

arrives on Mars tomorrow at 9:00. Tonight's tеmperature on the planet is a mild

minus 20 degrеes Celsius.By tomorrоw morning the temperaturе is 18 degтees, but it

is feeling morе like 28 dеgrees. Enjoy your flight.,,

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Future тime clauses

ffiPпINтСheck thе correct onswer.

П тье сhild is talking about a presеnt habit.

П тьe сhild is planning her future.

сl|АRт сHEсI(Сirсlе T (True) orF (Folse).

т F The verb in thеmain сlause isin the future.

т F The verb in thetime сlausе isin the future.


Mдlш Glдusв I т.'. Glдusв

l ,m going to bе a ba||еt danсег when I grow up.

She, l l io in a bal let сompany ofter she graduates.

YEs/No QuEsтloNsMдlш Glдusв l т,'. Glдusв

Are you going to be a ba||et danсer when you grow up?

Wil l shе jo in a bal|et сompany ofter shе graduatеs?


AггIпмдтIvв | NвсAтlvЕ

Yеs,I am.

No,l 'm not .

shе wi l l . shе won,t .

}r,}'- QUEsтloNsMдlш Cиusв l тlмв Cиusв

Whatare you going to be when you grow up?

wi l l shе do аfter she graduates?


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Futurе Тime Glauses l 89

EхPREssжжUnscromblе thеsе words to form o question ond on onswеr.

be . What о gтowS up . she o when o will о she

to . sсientist . a О going . She,s о be

ffi уmmEтtаr ffi жрBeffi etЁФж$ ffiж*иъър**s

1. Whеn a sentеnсе about future time has two mаin с|ausе timе сIausесlauses, the verb in the main сlausе is often in l Не,ll look foг a job when he graduates.

thе futurе (will or bе going to). Тhe verb in thetime сlause is often in the prеsеnt tense.

main с|ausе timе сIausе

futuгe timе с|ausе. Noт@.

Тhe timе сlausе сan сome at thе bеginning oг l Before she opplies, shе,l| visit sсhooIs.the end of thе sentеnсе. Тhe meaning is the oRsame. Use a Gomma afteг thе time сlausе when r Shе,l| visit sсhoo|s before she oppliеs.it сomеs at thе beginning. Do not use a сomma Noтwhen it сomеs at the end.

2. Here aге some Gommon timе еxрrеssionsyou сan usе to begin future timе сIauses.

a. When, ofter, and os soon os often l Whеn l graduatе, l,ll look for a job.introduсe thе еvent that happеns first. l After | graduatе, |,|| |ook for a job.

Now l As soon os I gгaduatе, l, l| |ook foг a job.:1 groduote look for а job first l,m going to groduatе, Тhеn l,ll look for a job')

Р a s t . . . . . ' . . . i х . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' J . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >

b. Before, until, and bу the timе often l Before I get a job, |,l| finish sсhoo|.introduсе thе еvent that hapoеns sесond. l l lnti l I gеt a job, |,I| stay in sсhool.

Now l By the time I gеt a job, |,|l be out of sсhool.

:. finish school get o job first l,ll finish sсhool' Then l,ll get a job,)

Past . . . . . . . ' . . i х. . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . .x. . . . . .> Future

G. Whilе introduсes an evеnt that wi|| happen l While l look foг a job, l,|| сontinuе to study.at thе same timе as anothеr еvеnt. (l will |ook for a job ond study during thе samе

Now timе pеriod.)

Past . . . . . . . . ' . i х . '7, . ' . ' ' . , . . .} Future

: \Qt to' o'1fl.oййб-'wd.

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90 r unit 21

тRUE 0R FAIiЕ o Rеod eoсh numbеred sеntеnce. Write T (Truе) or F (Fа|sе) for thestotе m е nt th аt fol l ow s.

1. Amber will open her own business when she finishes sсhool.F Amber will open her own business. Then she,ll finish sсhool.

2. Denzell won't quit until he finds another job.

Denzell will find another job. Then he'll quit.

3. Jake will retire as soon as he turns sixty.

Jake will retire. Then he'll turn sixrv.

4. Marisa will сa]l you when she gets home.

Marisa will get home. Then she'll сall you.

5. Whilе Li-jing is in sсhool, she'll work part-time.

Li-jing will finish sсhool. Thеn she,ll get a part-time job.

6. By the time Marta gets her diploma, she'll be twenty-one.

Marta will turn twenty-one. Then she'll get her diploma.

с0IЙBiNE о Reod obout Sondy аnd !еff, Сombinе thе sentencеs.

l. Sandy and Jeff will get married. Then S1andу and Jeff w\|l get marr\ed

andy will gтaduatе.

before -Эandу graduateэ.

2. Jeff is going to get a raise. Then they are going to move to a larger apartment.

as soon as

3. They're going to movсj to.a larger apartment. Then they,re going to have a baby.After

4. They,ll have thеir first сhild. Then Sandy will get a part-time job.


5. Their сhild will be two. Then Sandy will go baсk to work full-time.

By the time

6. Sandy will work full-time. At the same time, Jeff will go to sсhool.


т. Jeff will gтaduate. Then he,ll find another job.


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Future Тime Giauses l 9|

с0ff|PIEтE о Look ot this student,s worksheet, Сomplete it with thе corrеct form of thevеrbs in porеnthеsеs.

EDIT. Rеod this doncеr,s journаI еntrу, Find ond corrеct sеvеn mistokes in thе use of futuretimе clousеs. The first mistokе is olrеodу corrесtеd. Don,t forget to check for commos!

а/r.eас/! br orer! Аs sooп аs ше fиiф the Pефrmаnсe lhere аregojпg to bе а btg Раft! for-tp, '*

RePoffurs шi// b-e ther-?, шhеи ц-е-rntrr thi! r.oom, Whi|e и,e ш// сekbr!Иfug-pr1': уL!!-lцk:yip-r.',:

-Ш:lу!е,;эf"th,е.dqцqqg"?!!p. 4 e!!:1g!!_цp Sцry4og ш''rnJЦJ!!/ bу,g"thе,plPеr q!,! :r'-d -

the iпtеrrieшs, We,rеgoing to Рeфrm this shoeu for tшo шeek, Аs sooп аs t:fui:h'd.-е-

.fеаrп!d-q пecu Рrogr.а!п. I,m so..9хqitэd, Еu.er siпсe I.шаs /iф |,ve шапФ'd fu bе а bа|/et dаnсer


l. Write your major goal.

y '11 get, a job aftеr ](gеt) (graduate)

ll. List three benefits of aсhieving your goal.

l. Whеn I

2. Whеn I(get)

a job, I(havе)

morе monеУ.

еnough monеy, I a usеd сar.(savе) (buy)

3. I happier whеn I еmployеd.(fее|) (bе)

lll. How will you reaсh your goal? Write down smaller goals.

l. As soon as I in thе morning, I the(get up) (buy)

nеWspapеr to look at the еmploymеnt ads.

2. Whеn I to mv friеnds, I thеm if thеу(spеak)

know of any jobs.

3. I\-r"^,,|


at thе job notiсеs board whеn I to(go)

thе supеrmarkеt.

4. Bеforе I on an intеrviеw, I mу(go) ( improve)

сomputеr skills.

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жPqINтСtlеck thе сorrеct onswеr.

Whеn will Robo takе thе dоg out for a walk?

П b"fo.e 12:00

t at 12:00

t aftеr 12:00

Future Progressive

I won'l br here at12:ОО, | '| l bе outwalking lhe doq. @

)flTжr l

vtl)-PR I

сI]АRT сIIEсKСirclе T (Truе) orF (FoIsе).

т F You сan formthе futurеprogressivewith be goingto or will plusbe and thebasе form ofthе verb + -ing.


sтAтЕпnЕNтsBr (нoт) сotttс тo/ 1 Br + BдsвWttt (нoт) | Foпм + -,NG

am (not) go ing to

bе working tomorгow.He/Shе/lt is (not) going to

Wе/You/Тhey are (not) going to

l/He/Shе/| tlWe lYou lThey wil l (not) bе working tomorrow.

VEs/No QUЕsтloNsl t t - l

Bс/Wltt I Suqвст | Gotltс тo I Br + Bдsв Foпм + .lшс |Am

going to bе working tomoгrow?ls shе

Are you

WiII you be working tomorrow?

sHoRт ANsWЕRsAггIпмдтlvв l ш."AтlvE


Уou arе.


you aren't.

shе is. she isn' t .

I am. l 'm no t .

wе will Wе won,t .


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Futиre Рrоgressiwe l 93

ЕxPRЕssr;ж"##;ffiUnscromblе thеse words to form two questions, Answеr the quеstions,

working o bе o Will o tomorrow о yoЦ

Ltl},. QUЕsтloNs

Wн- Woпo | в'/w,,',. I su,l... | сo,'. 'o I Br + Bдsв Foпм + -,^,G


I S he going to be working?

wi l l shе bе working?

Уou о be . What о doing o are o to . gоing

й ы жwwн'gwж жr Жжp# e{a eжЙ * ffi уй Жкreкъъ рt*s

1. Use thе future progrеssivе with be going to Ior will to ta|k about things that wi|| be in progrеssat a speсifiс time in the future.

Robo is going to be walking thе dogat noon.


Robo wi l l be walk ing the dog at noon.


RвмвмвпR! Non-aсtion verbs arе nоt usua|lyusеd in thе progrеssive.

l You,rе going to havе a hеadaсhе

tomorгow moгn ing.

N o т @ a h е a d a с h еtomorrow moгn ing.

2. Usдсв Noтв: Wе often use the futuге pгogressiveto hint that we would |ikе somеonе to do usa favoг.

WiIl you bе going by thе post offiсetomorrow?Yеs. Do you neеd stamps?Yеs. Сould you gеt mе somе?



3. Remembеr that if the sentеnсe has a timесlause, usе the simp|е prеsеnt tense or pгesеntpгogrеssivе in thе time сlause, not the future orfuture progгеssivе.

r I' l l be сooking while the robot is сlеaning.Noт |,l| bе сooking whi|е the гobot wi.l.l-bес{еаttinfr

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94 t \3wъв* Ж#,

IDЕNтIFY o Rеod this porogroph. Undеrlinе oII the futurе progressive forms.

Today we find most robots working in faсtories around the world. But what wцl robots

of the future be doing? one Massaсhusetts Institute of Teсhnology dеsigner prеdiсts

that in just a few years, small, inte}ligent robots are going to be taking сare of all the

household сhores. This is gоing to make life a lot еasiеr. While one robot is соoking

dinneц anothеr onе will be vaсuuming the floоr. But what about outside the homе?

Will robоts be playing football or fighting wars? Sсiеntists aren,t surе. What is сertain,

howeveц is that robots will be playing a more and more signifiсant role in our lives.

с0[|PLЕтE o Rеod thеsе conversotions, Сomplete them with thе futurе progressive formof thе words in porenthеses ond with short аnswеrs,



MRs. Gвв:

lVIв. Gшв:

MRs. Gвш:

you be havinа offiсea. (Wi|| / havе)

Yeэ,l w1|| . I to lunсhс . (w i l | / go)

When you the offiсe?a. (bе going to / |еavе)

home until latе.b. (won,t / gеt)

3 . Toшy: Dad. what time youa. (be going to i сomе)

home today? I need soтirе help with my sсienсe projeсt.

Mв. Gвв: I Mia to thе dеntist after work, butb. (wi|| / takе;

I'll bе baсk by 4:00.

dinnеr bеfore

wil l1 .

hours today? I'd like to talk to you about my robotiсs paper.

b .

at 2:00. But stop in anytime before then.

At 2:00. Why? Do we need somеthing?

Would you mind piсking up some milk? Robo forgot, and I


Mв. Gвп:


Mom сomes home?

d .

I'm сalling from Robotroniсs Inс. I

с. (Bе going to / havе)

. You know we always wait for Mоm.

youra. (bе going to / v is i t)

neighborhood Soon to dеmonstrate our nеW robot.

Roвo: I'm sоrry. The Gеe family

for a while.


b. (won,t l buу)a nеW robot

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Wc.}kжr* $*r"сзgr*sssBwe l 95

с0ILPLЕтE o Look ot Robo,s ond Roboto,s schedulеs for tomorrow. Сompletеthe stotemеnts.


8:oo makе bгеakfas t

9 :oo dus t bed гooms

1 o : o o d o | a u n d г y

1 2 : o o m а k e I u п c h, l :oo g ive Mг . Gee a massagе

5:oo he|p Tony w i th homеwoгk

7:oo pIay сhеss w i th Тony


8 :OO pay b i l l s

9 : oo VаCUum I i v i ng гoom

1 o :oo г eрa i n t k i t сhen

12 :oo г e сy с l e t hе gа гbage

1 :oo shoo f o г f ood

5 :oo makе d i nne г

7 :OO wa l k t he doo

1. Whi1e Robo iэ making breakfaэt, , Robota wi|| be ?aУing bi||э,

2. Robo thе bedrooms while Robota

3. Robota the kitсhen while Robo

4. Whi1е Robo lunсh. Rоbota

5. Robo a massage while Robota

6. Robota dinner while Robo

7. While Robo сhess. Robota

EDIT. Rеаd this student,s porаgroph. Find ond сorreсt sеvеn mistokеs in thе usе of thеfuture progrеssivе. The first mistoke is olreodу corrected.

performingIn the future, гobots wi1l be Bеrяer*moгe and more tasks for humans.

This will be havin$ both positive and negative effeсts. on the onе hand, whilе

robots тлriit be d.oing thе boring and d.an$erous jobs, humans wi1i bе dеvotin$

more time to inberestin$ puгsuits. In this тлray гobots is going to be making lifе

a lot easier for humans. on the othеr hand, the widesprеad use of гobots is

going сreatе a lot of future unemployment. People will losin$ thеiг jobs as

robots fill their posltions. And somе robots сould even beсome dangегous. I'm

afraid that in thе not-too-distant future, гobobs will bе opеratin$ nuсlear рoweг

stations! And befoгe too long, гobots are going to br fight in wars. Althou$h, on

sеcond thought, that w111 be betteг than humans killlng еaсh other!

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Future Perfect andFuture PerfeсtProgressive

WPqlNтСhесk thе сorrеct аnswеr.

П It's February.

П не hasn't bееn saving for three years yеt.


Suв;вст l Wttt (мoт) | нou, BЕEN + Bдsв Foпм + -,NG

|/He/Shе/| tlWe lY ou lThey wi l ! (not) have bееn saving foг thrее years.

FUтURЕ PERFЕст YEs/No QUEsтloNst l

Wttt I Suв;вст | Hлvс + Pдsт Pдптlсlpt-в

wiШ hе havе saved еnough by then?

FUтURЕ РEarЕсТ PRoGRЕsslvЕуEs/No QUEsтloNs

Hдvr BЕЕN +Wttt


Suв;вст I Bдsв Foпм + -,NG

havе been saving foг |ong?

s}|oRт ANsWЕRsAггlпмдтtvв l Nвсдтlvв

Yеs, hе wi l l ' I No, hе won,t.

sHoRт ANsWЕRsAггlпмдтlvв l Nвсдтlvв

Yes, he wi l l . t No, hе won,t.

Эу February'he'\\have been eavingfor three vеare and

l ' l l be rich!

.ф )

сI|ARт снEсK IСirсIе Т (Truе) orF (Folse).

т F Both the futurеpеrfeсt and thefuture perfeсtprogTеssive usewill hove been.



I Wttt (ltoт) | нou, + Pдsт PдптlсlpI.в

|/H е/S he/|t/Wе/You* lTheу will (not) have saved enough money by then.

*You is both singular and plural.

сI|ARт сHEсK 2Сirclе T (Truе) orF (Folse).

т F Shоrt answerforms arethe same forthе futureperfeсt and thefuture perfeсtprogrеssive.


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EхPREss.жжСomplеtе thеsе sentences with thе

. By June, I'l l have been

. I'll have

€} rи шxв mаr Еэ*рleffi atЁ*}t g

:Y}.чT:. .Т.::I:.::. 3:9. г.Y}y.::. :...:::.:}.:.Т:.9:.::.::Y: .: .27.. . . . . o o . . l

vеrb drive. Usе onе word for eoch blonk.

mv new cat fot a vеar.

10,000 milеs by then.


1. When Wе u5е the futurе pеrfeсt, wе imaginea сertain point of time in thе futuге, and welook baсk at еvеnts that wil| be сomplеted bvthat t imе.

*?*Past . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . i . . . . .х. . . . . . . .х. . . . . . . . .> Future

i poid lunеэ. debt

Use by + timе exprеssion to identifythе point in time in thе futurе.

Use olreodу and уet to emphasizе whethеr anеvent wil l have happenеd by a point in timе.

Bу lune, shе,Il havе bought a usеd сar.She,ll havе lookеd at a |ot of сars by then.

Bу |хАaу, hе,II havе olreodу savеd $],000.Bу Мaу, hе won,t havе savеd $2,00О уet.

r By June, he wi l ll Wе won,t have

have paid his dеbt.savеd еnough by thеn.





2. When We usе the futurе pеrfeсt progrеsslve,we imagine a сertain point in the futuге, andwе look baсk on things alrеady in progrеss.

1gg8 *:*

DеcеmberPast . . . ' . . . . . .

ш---. .-: Future


Тhe future pеrfесt progrеssive foсuses onhow long and oftеn inсludes thе length of time.

Rвмвмввп! Non.aсtion vеrbs are not usual|yused in the progrеssive.

Wе movеd hеге in 1998. By nеxt Deсembеr wеwi|l havе been living heгe for sevеra| yеars.

We're moving to Paris next year. By 2005 wewill havе bееn Iiving thегe for sеvera| yеaгs,and i t shou|d fее| l ikе homе.

r You,ll havе beеn spеaking Fгеnсh fortеn уeors by thеn.

l By May, hе,l l have owned his сar for a yeaг.Noт

3. Use the futurе peгfeсt or the future peгfeсtpгogrеssivе wlth thе simplе prеsеnt tеnsеto show the ordеr of evеnts:

Ftпsт Еvгшт future pеrfесt (progressivе)

Sгсoпo Evгшт: simple prеsеnt tensе

Nowfinish stortdinner to reod orrivе

By thе timе you orrive, |,ll havе finished dinneг.Noт l , l | havеf in ishеd dinnег.

By the time you orrivе, |,II havе beеn rеadingfor an hour.

Past ................i.....x..............х...............х.....> Futurе

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98 I L$пEt *З

TRUЕ oR FALilЕ o Rеod eoch numberеd sentеnce, Writе T (Truе) or F (Folse) for thе

stotеm е nt th ot fol I ow s.

l . By this


timе tomorroщ I,ll havе dесidеd whiсh сar to buy.

I haven't deсided yet whiсh сar I'm going to buy.

2. Wе,ll have already finished the gтoсery shopping by the time you get homе.

You will get home while we are shopping.

3. By nеxt yeaц Mary will havе bееn working at the newspapеr for five years.

Nеxt Уeat,, Mary сan сеlebratе her frfth annivers atу at the newspaper.

4. By ten o,сloсk, shе won't have finished writing her сolumn yet.

Shе will finish writing at tеn о'сloсk.

5. Wе will havе moved to a larger offiсе by the year 2ОI0.

We will move to a larger offiсe after the yеar 2010.

6. By next Уear,we'll havе bеen pubtishing the newsletter for fifteen years.

We startеd the newslettеr less than fifteen years ago.

с}Iу|PLЕтE o Look ot thе timе line аnd complеte thе sentencеs obout Tom аnd Lindo,s

future oсcomplishmеnts. IJsе the future p|еrfесt or the future perfect progressivе form of

thе words in porеnthеsеs. Сhoosе bеtwеen offirmotive ond nеgotive.



,. .|:1,':,твЦ!|'..

! ] i ' ;А .

] ! '*L - 1

' ' . , {| (t;i, t.. .?

{ед-;IIII zors


Bу 2ОL2, they

By 2015, they

'll have bought(buy)

'|| havе been |iving

a new сar.

in their own housе for three years.(| ivе)

By Travis's first birthdaY, Tom

Bу 2017, Tom

By 2019, thеy


Bу 202О, Linda

sсhool for four years.

another сar.

сar for eight уears by then.

hеr business.




their old

The for two years Ъу 202О.(save)

the сouple

1,0,, 1,,,

Bу retirement,


(aссompl ish)a lot.

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Future Рerfeсt and Fr*tun"* Рerfeеt РrоgresgЁъg* l 99

с0I|PLEтЕ o Rеаd Lindo Lеone,s (LL) interview withTeenagе Couples Magazine (ТC).Сomplеtе thе intеrviеw with thе сorreсt form of thе vеrbs in porenthеses. Usе thеprogrеssivе form whеn possiblе. Use alreadу or уet whеn oppropriotе,

TC: You two arе amaziлg! By the time you get married.l ' (gеt)

уol 'l| have a!-214у?1anned your wholе life togethеr!

LL: Well, wete been dating sinсe middle sсhool. By the time *u .. .o'ouu.",

f r omh i gh s сhoo l , - " a bou t ou rma r r i a g e f o r a l o ng t ime .

TC: When Travis

from сollege

, Tom

. Hоw will you manage with Tom still in sсhool?

LLз It won't be easy, but we've got a plan. Tom most7. ( f in ish)

of his сourses by then. He,ll stay home with the baby during thе day and go to

night sсhool.

TC: By the time you8. (сеlebrаtе)

your tenth wedding anniversary,

you _9. ("ot start)

your business

You havе a lot of patienсe.

LL: Not rеally. I years of praсtiсe on mу job

5. (bе born) 6. (not graduatе)

lo . (gеt)

by then. When I the doors of Linda, Inс.,1 1. (open)

I a vеry experienсed Web page designer.. l2. (bесomе)

TC: Well, good luсk to you, and thanks for the interviеw.

ЕDIT. Reod this journol entrу, Find ond correct siх mistаkеs in thе use of thе futurepеrfect ond the future perfect progrеssivе. Thе first mistokе is аIrеody corrеctеd.

have beenBу Аugust l,ll be а word ?rocе;aor tor tеn \еars' Аnd |'It eаrn а|most Ihе samе sа|ап1tor thrее

уеаrs| I|lаt,s Why l,ve mаdе a New \еаr,s rеso|ution to go bаckto scnoo| Ihis уеаr. First |'m

going Io writе tor schoo| cаtаIogs аnd stаrt 5аvi0g for tиition . Bу Маrch, |,|| hаvе tigurе out

how rnucn tиition wi(( сoяt. Thеn I,|I starГ app(ying. By aцmmеr,I hаd rеcеivеd аccефаncе

|eltеrs, |n Аugust, |,(l tatk to rny boss аboцt working pаrt.timе and going to school pаrt-Iimе,

By thсt time, |,I| hаuе sаvеd а|rеаdч еnough to pay tor а sеmеstеr's tиition ' By next New

\еаr's Day, |,ll hаuе bееn studу lor one wnolе sеmеEtеr|

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It - tomorrow.{A) rains (C) 's going to rain(B) rained (D) 's raining

The paсkage will on Monday.(A) arrive (C) arriving(B) arrives (D) be going to arrive

3. Goоdnight. I you in the morning.(A) 'll see (C) 'm seeing

(D) see

at 7 :I5.(C) lеaving(D) will havе been leaving

tomorrow.(с) fly(D) have flown

(C) 're owning(D) own

the report.(с) 1l finish(D) 's been finishing

by then.(C) have been saving(D) be saving

Сircle the lеttеr of thе corrеct onswer to complеtе eoсh sentence.

Exдмptп:Jennifеr never сoffee.{A) drink(B) drinks

д@ с D(C) is drinking{D) was drinking

1 .



5 .










(B) 'm going to see

Hurry. The next bus(A) leave

{B) leaves

Bill will be - to Taipei(A) flies(B) flying

We - a new VCR soon.(A) have owned(B) 11 own

They,ll bе making сopies while he(A) finishes(B) ,ll bе finishing

8. She'll almost $t,000(A) savе(B) have saved


9. By next Уear, Roger will - here for ten yеars.(A) live (С) havе been living(B) be living (D) be going tо livе

10. Will you buy an eleсtriс сar whеn they availablе?(A) bесоme (C) are beсoming(B) beсame (D) will beсome



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SelfTest lV I 1Ol

11. She'll have gotten married Junе. ABсD















(A) already(B) by

72. Where be living?(A) they(B) they will

13. Look at those сars! Thev -!(A) will сrash(B) will be сrashing

14. How for сollege?(A) should pay(B) will she pay

(C) sinсе(D) until

(C) will thеy(D) are they

(C} 're going to сrash(D) will havе сrashеd

(C) shе pays(D) she's going to pay



1 5 .


18 .

19 .



Еoсh sеntеnсе hos four undеrlinеd words or phroses. The four undеrlined portsof thе sеntence orе mаrked A, B, С, ond D. Сircle thе lеtter of the one underlinеdword or phrosе thot is Noг сoRRЕст,

Еxдмptl:Mike usually drives to sсhool, but today he walks.

A B C DA B с@

Will you been soing to the drugstore tonight?A B с D

The movie starts at 7:30, so I think I gq.A B с D

,|7. We are going to study tonight until we will finish this сhapter.A B с D

By April, I'll have been driven my new сar for a Уeat.A B с D

We'll travel for a сouple of days, so you won,t be able to сall us.с DA B

Jan finished sсhool by next Summeц so we're going to visit her.A B с D

Whiсh projeсt will hе works on after he finishes this job?A B ( D

By January, he'll have yg! saved $1,000.-A* ъ- *C- -o

Wherе vou will bе staving when you g9 to Moroссo?*_ - - Т - - B - - - t * " ъ_

I'll be stud}ring whilе Ana will bе sleeping.A B ( D

25. She will nоt has graduated by June.A в с D

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] | POINтСhеck thе corrеct onswers.

The lawyer wants to know

П th" events оn the night of May I2th.

П tь. witness,s profession.

П th" names of people who sawthе witness.

Wh- Questions:Subjeсt and Prediсate

ANswЕпs (sтAтЕrilENтs)Suryвст |v.*,IP*.o..o,.Hе saw me.


Suв;вст |v.*' IP*.o..o,.saw h im .

What, happenedon Nhe niqhL of lЙaу 12Nh?

Where did уou go? Who did

уou oee? Who эaw уou?

Whу d\d Iget, ouI, of bеdLhie morninq?

сHАRт сI]Eсl( lCircle T (Truе) orF (Folsе).

т F lЦh- questionsabоut thesubjeсt havеthe sameword ordеr asstatements.

QUEsтloNs AB0Uт T}|Е sUB,Е(тWн- WoпoSuв,вст Vвпв i Pпвolсдтв

Who saw you?

сl]АRт сl|EсI( 2Сircle T (True) orF (Folsе),

т F l,Uh. questiоnsabout thеprediсate havethe samеword order asstatements.

T F Questionsabout theprediсate сaninсlude a formof the verb do.

QUЕsтloNs ABoUт тHЕ РREDIсAтЕWн- Woпo I Au*,..o*" I IPпвo l сд тв |Vвпв i Suв l в с т |Vвпв

Who(m) did you seе?


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l/Уfr- Gluestions: Subieсt and Prediсate l 1o3

EхPREssжUnscromble these words to form two questions.

night о happened . What о last

d o . d i d .Wha t onex tОYou

& ra gтэ к-ma r Ж:срf; e*?atiФns Еxamplеs

1. Usе иЙ. quеstions to ask for sрeсifiс information.

t,Уh. quеstions bеgin with question words suсhas who, whot, where, whеn, whу, whiсh,whosе, how, how monу, how muсh, andhow long.

r Who did you sее at A|,s Cг i|I?r Why did you go thеге?l How many pеop|е saw you therе?r How Iong did you stay there?

2. When you arе asking aboшt the subjeсt(usual|y the first paгt of thе sentenсe), usе awh- quеstion word in plaсe of thе subjесt. Тheword order is thе same as in a statеment.

Someonе saw you.IY

r Who saw you?

3. Whеn you are asklng aboцt the prеdiсatе(usually the last part of the sentеnсе), thequestion begins with a wh- word, but thе wordorder is thе same as in a yeslno quеstion.

somеthing in thе pгediсatе, you neеd еither

a. a foгm of thе vеrb be.


b. a form of an auxil iary (,,hеlping,,) vегbsuсh as do, hаvе, сon, will.

You saw someone.Did you sее somеonе?

r Who did vou sее?

l Who is Haгry Аdams?l Why was hе at A|,s Cr i l l?

r Why doеs shе want to testify?Noт@

4. Usдсв Noтв: ln very formal ЕngIish whеn askingabout pеople in the pгediсatе, whom issomеtimеs usеd instеad of who.

you сannot usе whom.

Vгкy Foвмдl-r Whom did you seе?

lшгoвмдl.r Who did you sее?

r Who is thе nеxt witnеss?NoТ

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1O4 I unit 24

lIlAтсl| o Еoсh question goеs with on onswеr. Motch еoсh question with thеcorrect аnswеn


t l. Who did vou see?

2. Who saw you?

3. What hit hеr?

4. What did she hit?


a. His wife saw mе.

b. Shе hit a car.

G. I gave the money to Harry.

d. A сar hit her.

5. Whiсh man did you give the money to? e. Harry gavе mе the money.

6. Whiсh man gavе уоu the money? f . I saw the dеfеndant.

сOIлPLEтE o Rеod this cross-еxominotion. Сomplеtе it by writing the lаwуеr,s quеstions.

1 . I,дwyвв. What |ime did Уou ret,urn home?(What t imе / you / геturn homе?)

Wrтшвss: I returned home just before midnight.

2. Lдwyвв:(How / you / gеt homе?)

Wrтшвss: Somеone gave mе a lift.

3. Lдwyвв:(Who / g ivе / you l a r ide?)

Wrтшвss: A friend from work.

4. Lдwyвп:( W h a t / h a p p е n / n е x t ? )

lVrтшвss: I opened my door and saw someone on my living room floor.

5. Lдwyвв:( W h o / y o u / s е е ? )

Wrтшшss: Debоrah Cоllins.

6. Lдwyвв:(Who / bе / Deborah Сo|| ins?)

She's my wife's boss. I mean she rоos my wifе's boss. She's dead now.Wrтшвss:

7. Lдwyвв:


8. Lдwyвв:

(What lуou l flg-?1

I сalled thе poliсe.

Wrтшвss: No one сalled me. Whv?

(How many / pеop|е l сa|| l уou?)

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1 .

ASl(. Rеod these stotеments. Thеn osk questions obout thе underlined words.

Thе witnеss recognized Harry Adams.

Who recognized Harry Аdamэ?

2. The witness rесognized Harry Adams.

Who did the witneee recognize?

3. Court begins at 9:00 д.м.

4. Five witnesses testified.

5. The jury found Adams guilty beсause he didn,t havе an alibi.

6. Something horrible happened.

7. The trial lasted two wеeks.

8. The judge spoke to the jury.

9. Adams paid his lawyer $2,000.

1o. The distriсt attorney questioned thе rеstaurant manager.

EDIT . Rеod this list of questions. There qresix mistokеs in the usе of wh- quеstions.Find ond сorrесt them, The first mistokеis olrеodу corrесtеd,


d i d " , t ,whаt timеfihе solsvеct rеtцrn home?Lilho did seе him? Wеrе thеrе

аnу witnessеs?

Whom wаs аt homеzUlhv аiа hе са|t А, Smith?whаt did hаppеn nеn?Whеrе hе did go?

I1ow цц6у1 monеУ he took with him?

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Tag Gluestions

{;if3:!/!il%;:**P0INTСheсk the сorreсt answer.

П тье man is asking aboutthe weather.

П тье man is сommenting оnthe wеather'






You,rе from L.A.*, aren,t уou?*L.4. = Los Angeles






You're moving, aren,t уou?

He's bеen hеre, hasn ' t he?

Тhey Gan movе, Gan ' t they?






You live hеre, don,t уou?

Тhеy movеd, didn't they?

сl|ARт сI]EсI(Сirclе T (True) orF (Folse).

т F Ifthestatementis affirmative,the tag isaffrrmativе.

т F Ifthestatеmenthas anauxiliary,usе thе sameauxiliary inthe tag.

т F Ifthestatеmеnt doesnot have a fоrmof be or anauxiliary, youneed a form ofdo in the tag.





You're not from L.A., are you?





You,rе not moving, arе you?

Hе hasn,t bеen heгe, has he?

Thеy Gan't movе, сan they?





You don,t livе hеrе, do you?

Тhеy didn,t movе, did they?


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Tag Gluestions I lO7

ЕхPREss {ii:ii)h|;iUnscromblе thеsе words to form o tog quеstion.

aсtor . you . an о aren,t о You,re

& y жrжуu,a жy Ж' жgafl. ж ra m*#m w * ЖжarхъpЙrs

1. We often use tag questions to:

a. сheсk infoгmation we bеliеve to be tгuе


b. сommеnt on a situation

Tom livеs in L.A., doеsn,t hе?(Thе spеoker bеliеvеs that Tom livеs in L.A, ondwants to сhеck this informotion,)

|t,s a niсe day, isn't it?(Thе speakеr is сommеnting on thе wеather.)

2. Tag questions havе a statеmеnt and a tag.Forms of tag quеstions vaгy, but their meaningis always similar. Тhe statеmеnt еxprеssеs anassumption. Тhe tag mеans Right?

a. lf the statеmеnt vеrb is affirmative, thе tagvеrb is nеgative.

b. lf the statemеnt verb is negative, the tagvеrb is affirmativе.

s ta tеmеnt tagYou,гe not from L.А., are уou?You,rе Jaсk La Costa, aren,t you?You don,t drivе muсh, do you?

aff i rmаt ive negat iveYou work on Fridays, don't you?

negat ivе aff i rmat iveYou don't work on Fridays, do you?




3. Тhе tag a|ways usеs a form of be oг an auxil iaryveгb (be, hove, do, or will, or a modal suсh asсon, could, or shoulф,

Usдсв Noтв: Notiсe thе tag for I om,

Whеn thё subjeсt of thе statеment is this orthot, thе subjeсt of thе tag is it.

|t,s a niсе day, isn,t it?You,Vе livеd hеre a long time, haven,t you?You сomе from Nеw York, don,t you?You сan drivе, сan,t you?

|,m next, arеn,t l?

Тom woгks hеге, doеsn,t hе?Noт Тom works hеrе, dоеs#t4om?

Thot's a good idea, isn't it?Noт Тhat,s a good idеa,*;rlt{-lтat?







4. Whеn you use a tag question to сhесkinformation or to сomment on a situation,youг voiсе fa||s on thе tag. You еxpeсt thе listеnеrto agrее or just show that hе or she is l istеning.

Тag quеstions сan also be usеd to getinformation. As wtth уеs/no questions, yourvoiсe rises at the end, and you expесt to get ananswer (Yes or No).

lt,s getting Warmег, isn,t it?Yеah. Sеems moгe l ike summeг.

7You,re not movin9, are уou?Yes. Wе,rе rеturning to L.А.


No. Wе,rе staying here.



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1o8 l &jяз*t #€s

iDENтiFY o Rеаd this сonvеrsotion, Underline аll thе tags.

Kдy: Hi, Tоm. It,s a niсe day, isn't it?

Toм: Sure is. Not a сlоud in the sky. Hоw are you doing?

Kдy: Goоd, thanks. You don't know of any vaсant apartments, do you? My son is

looking for one.

Toм: He is? I thоught he was staying with you.

Kдy: Well, he really wants a plaсе оf his own. Do уou know of anything?

Toм: As a matter of faсt, I do. You know the Sobоtas, don't you? Well, I just found out

that they're mоving to New York next month.

Kдy: They are? What kind оf apartment dо they have?

Toм: A one-bеdroom.

Кдy: It's not furnishеd, is it?

Toм: No. Why? He doesn't need a furnishеd apartment, does hе?

Kдy: Well, he doesn't have furniturе. But I guess he сan always rent Some' сan't he?

Tом: Why don,t you givе your Son my numbeц and l,ll give him some morе information?

Kдy: Will vou? Thanks. Tom.

IIiАтсH о Eoсh stotеmеnt goеs with a tag, Мotch eoсh stotеmеnt with the corrесt tog.

I a.

b .

C .

d .

е .


1 .

2 .

3 .


5 .


7 .


9 .


You'vе сalled the movers,

Thеy're сoming tomorroщ

This isn't going to bе сheap,

You havеn't finished paсking,

Wе don,t need any morе boxеs,

Paul is gоing to help us,

Wе сan put some things in stоrage,

Jaсk isn't buying our bookсases,

The movers arеn't paсking thе books for us,

Moving is hard,


сan't we?

do we?

is he?

isn't it?

are they?

have you?

isn,t hе?

is it?

havеn't you?

aren't they?1 0 .

9 .

h .

i .

i .

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Тag Questiоns l 1o9

сOIпPLEтE o A rodio tolk-show host is interviewing one of her guests, o Hollywoodsсreеnploy writеr, Сomplеtе thе interviеw with oppropriotе togs.

Hosт: You've lived in Hollywoоd for many yеars' haven't уou .71 .

Guшsт: Sinсe I was eighteen and сamе here tо write my first sсrеenplay.

Hosт: You didn't know anУone here at first.2.

Guвsт: No. And I didn't have a сеnt to my name. Just some ideas and a lot of hope. It

sounds ctazУ,3 .

Hosт: But things havе worked out for УoЦ,

You're working on another sсreenplay now,

Guвsт: Yes. It,s a сomedy about some kids who beсomе invisible.

Hosт: Speaking of kids, УoU have somе of your own'

Guвsт: Two boys and a girl-atl very visible!

Hosт: I know what you mean. Do you еvеr wish they Were invisible?

Guвsт: Noщ that's an interesting thought,7 .

ЕDIT. Reod this port of o moviе script, Find ond correct sеvеn mistokes in the usе of togquеstions. The first mistoke is olreody correсtеd,

haэn,tBen: It's been a long time, сIoе, hалre#tit?

сroв: That depеnds on what you mran by a long timе, d.oesn't that?

Ben: \Aгhat are you doing around. heгe, aщrway? It's d.an$erous.

сroв: I сan take сaгe of m5rseШ. I'm still alive, amn't I?

Ben: Yes, but you're still wanted by the poliсe' are you?

rroв: Look, I need a plaоe to stay. You have a plaсе, don't you? .]ust for one ni$ht.

Ben: I have to thirй of щ1r wife and kid.s. You сarr find. someplaсe e1se, сarr you?

сroв: No. You've got to help mе!

Ben: I'vе alгeady helped you plеnty. I went to jail for you, haven't I?

сroв: Yeah, oK, Ben. You remember what happеnеd. in Ve$as, d.o you?

Ben; oK, oK. I сan make a сa11.

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Additions with So, Too,NeitheГ, and Not either

жI P0INтСhеck thе corrеct аnswer.

П тьe men like diffеrеnt things.

t тьe mеn like thе same thinps




Sтдтвмвпт i ADDtтloN

and so is Suе.Amy is a twin,

and Sue is too.


Sтдтвмвшт | Aooпloш

and so сan Sue.Amy сan swim,

and Suе сan too.


Sтдтвмвшт i Aoolтloш

Аmy likes I and so doеs Sue.dogs, I and Sue does too.


Sтдтвмвшт | Aoolтloш

Amy isn,t vеry ta|l,and nеither is Suе.and Sue isn't either.


Sтдтвмвшт |Apolтloш

and neithеr сan Suе.Аmy сan,t sk i ,

and Suе Gan,t eithеr.


Sтдтвмвшт i Apolтloш

Аmy doеsn,t l and nеithеr doеs Suе.likе сats, I and Suе doеsn,t еithеr.

Hвпдlо Suы

Twins Separated at Birth Are Reunited!

Mark l i k e s hun t i ng , f i sh i ng , аnd Ch inese f ood .So does Gerald.

сI|АRт сIIEсI(Сirclе T (True) orF (Folse).

т F There is morethan one wayto makean additiоn.

т F Usе so or toowith negatiyestatеmеnts.

т F Whenastatement doesnot havе aform of he oran auxiliaryverb, use aform of do inthe addition.


WlтH vЕ RB s U s lN G Do As AN AU x lL IARY VЕ RB

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Additions with So. Toa. Neither, and Not either t 111

Ex,PREssжжUnsсromblе thеse words to form аdditions,

i s .Мa r k . a ndоnе i t h е r doe s .Gе r a l d . s о . a nd

Gеrald isn,t married. Mark fights fires,

& ra gтtrжar ffi xрlanations Ехamplеs

t. Additions arе phrasеs or short sеntеnсes that r cera|d is a fiгefightег, and so is Mark.follow a statеmеnt. Usе an addition to avoid (Сеrold is o firеfightеr, ond Мark is a firеfightеr.)repеating thе information in thе statement.

2. Usе so or too if the addition fo||ows an r cеra|d is a firеfightег, and so is Maгk.affirmative statemеnt oR

r Cегald is a firefighteг, and Mark is too.

Usе пeifher or not elther if the addition fol|ows r cегaId didn,t gеt maггiеd. Neither did Maгk.a nеoativе statеment. oR

l Cеrald didn,t get maггiеd. Maгk didn ,t еither.

neithеr, Тhe vеrb сomes beforе the subjeсt. l Nеither did Mark. Noт

3. Additions always usе a form of be or anauxi|iary verb (be, hovе, da, wlll, or a moda|verb suсh as can, сould, should, woulф,

a. lf thе statement usеs а form of be, usе a I l,m a twin, and so is my сousin.form of be in the addition too.

b. lf the statеment uses an auxil iary vегb, r Cегa|d had quit his job, and so had Maгk.usе the samе auxil iary verb in the addition. I l сan,t dгivе, and nеither Gan my twin.

G. lf thе statemеnt has a verb that usеs do as r Gerald owns a dog, and so doеs Maгk.an auxil iary verb, use the appropriate form r Cегa|d bought a jеep, and so did Maгk.of do in the addition.

4. In сonversation, you сan use short rеsрonses A: l havе a twin sistеr.with sq too, neither, and not elther to agreе B: Jo do l. oк l do too.with another speaker. A: I don,t havе any bгothers or sistегs.

Bз Nеither do l. oп l don,t eithеr.

Usдсt Noтв: |n informal speeсh, peoplе say A: |,m left-handеd.Me too and Me neither to еxpгess similarity B:, Me too.oг agrеemеnt. A: |,ve nеVer hеard of thеse twins.

Bz Me neither.

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l l 2 I un i t 26

l .




5 .


тRUE oR tALsE o Reod thеse short conversotions bеtweеn rеunited twins. Writе T (Truе)

ar F (Folse) for thе stotement thot follows eoch convеrsotion,

Mдвк: I like Chinese food.

Gвпдr,lr: So do I.

т Gеrald likes Chinese food.

Aшоввд: I don,t want to go out.

Bдввдвд: Nеither do I.

Barbara wants tо gо оut.

I'm not hungтy.I'm not either.

Jоan isn't hungry.


Attгy: I've always felt luсky.

Kвввrв: So have I.Nonд: I сan't swim.Drшд: Me neither.

Dina сan swim.

Cнnт: I shouldn't work so muсh.

Touo: Nеither should I.

Todd wants to work less.

Jдsoш: I,d like to leave now.TYr,вв: Me tоo.



Kerriе has fеlt luсky.

I don't eat meat.I don't either.

Bob eats meat.

Jrм: Ihaveaheadaсhе.Brr,r,: I do toо.

Both Jim and Bill haveheadaсhеs.

Tvler wants to lеave.

сHoosl о Сirclе thе corrесt words to completе this porogroph.

Somеtimes bеing a twin сan сausе trouble. In high sсhool, I was in Mr. Jaсobs's

history сlass. Neithеr /6}was my brother. one day we tоok a test. I got questiоns 181 .

and 20 Wrong. My brother did so / toо. I didn,t spell Constantinoplе сorreсtly, and2.

either / nеither did he. The teaсher was sure we had сheated. As a result, I got an F

3 .on thе test, and so фЧ-Ф my brother. We tried to соnvinсe Mr. Jaсobs of our

innoсenсe, but he didn't believе us. The prinсipal didn't either / too. We finally5.

сonvinсed thеm to give us another test. This time I got items 3 and 10 wrong.

Guеss what? Neither / So did my brother. our teaсher was astоunded. So / Toо was6 .

u 7 '

the prinсipal. Wе werеn't. Wе were just amusеd.


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&ddЁtiсэазs .,"тitl"l sс:, Iос' l'lrit!зrr. arld Ьlоt ёi!!з#t t 113

сOfflPLEтE o Morto ond СorIсI orе twins. They ogrее on evеrything. Сomplеte thеirconversotion with rеsponsеs.

Mдвтд: I'm so h.ppу we finally found eaсh other.

Cдвr,д: So ,T l . I always felt like something was missing from my life.1 .

Мдвтд: So . I alwavs knew I had a douЬlе somewhere out thеre.2.

Cдвr,д: I сan't believe how similar we are.

Mдп,тд: Neither . It's likе always seeing myself in the mirror.3 .

Cдвr,д: Not only do we lоok identiсal, but we like and dislikе all the same things.

Мдп,тд: Right. I hate lеttuсe.

Cдп,r,д: I And I dеtеst livеr.4.

Mдвтд: Sо

Cдвrд: So5 .

I louе pizza, though.

But only with tomato and сheesе. I don't like pepperоni.6 .

Мдвтд: Nеithеr7 .

Cдп,I,д: This is amazing! I wonder if our husbands have so muсh in сommon.

Mдвтд: Me8.

EDIT . Rеod this studеnt,s composition. Thеrе orе siх mistokes in thе usе of sеntеnceodditions. Find аnd correct them, Thе first mistoke is olrеodу corrесtеd.

My Brother and I

My bгother is just a year oldеr than I am. \AIe have a ]ot of thin$s

in сommon.i э he

tr'irst of a11, wе look allke. I am 5, 10 '' , and so hs_is' I havе strai$ht blaсk

hair and dark brown eУes' and so does hе. We shaгe many of the same inteгеsts

too. I lovе to p1ay soссец and he too. Both of us swim eveгy day, but I сan't' dive,

and either сan hе.

Sometimеs bein$ so similaг has its problems. For examplе, last ni$ht I

wanted the 1ast pieсe of сhoсolate сakе, and so doеs he. often I won't feel like

doing the dishes, and neitheг Won't he. Worst of a11, sometimеs I'm interestеd in

dating a сertain sсhoolmatе, and so he is. Howeveц most of the timе I fееl our

similarities are really nicе. So does my brother.

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l. Where(A) does she livetB) she lives

2. lоst this wallet?(A) ЦГhom(B) Whose

3. You,re Сynthia' ъ vou?(A) aren't(B) are

4. Laura lоves soap operas, and.(A) Jane does toо(B) so Jane does

5. I didn't like sports, and(A) either did(B) neither doеs

(C) she does live(D) she lived

(C) Who(D) Who did

(C) didn't(D) were

(C) Janе loves tоo(D) so loves Jane

my brother.(C) so did(D) neither did

(с) it wasn,t(D) it isn't

- wе?(с) do(D) did

(C) you gave(D) gave you

(С) you saw(D) you see

6. -That isn't Sam, is it?-No, . Sam's taller.(A) it istB) it doesn't

7. We didn,t eat hеre last week.(A) didn't(B) haven't

8. -Who your bike?-lVlike did.(A) did give you(B) did you give









9. _Who at thе paftу?-I saw Stefan.(A) saw you(B) did you see

Сirclе the lettеr of the сorrect аnswеr to completе еoch sеntenсе.

ЕxompIе:Jennifer never(А) drink{B) drinks

{с} is drinkingtD) was drinking



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SelfTest V I 115

1 0 . -I hate сabbage.-Me . I сan,t even look at it.















(A) too(B) еither

11. washing the dishes tonight?(A) Whose(B) Who's

(C) neither(D) do too

(C) Who are(D) Who does

(C) wasn't(D) neither was

12. Liam was born in Ireland. but his brother(A) was(B) didn't

тW0Еoсh sеntеncе hos four undеrlined words or phrаsеs. The four undеrlinеd pаrtsof thе sеntеncе orе marked A, B, С, ond D. Сirclе the lettеr of the onе underlinеdword or phrose thot is Nor сORREст,

13. This is a good sсhool, wasn't it?A B с D

14. Wэ went to Stan's holiday party last yeaц hadn't wе?A B ( D

Kevin has always been a gтeat student, and so his brother has.A B с D

My sister has never gone skiing, and neither did I.A B с D

Where vou workеd last year when you were going tо sсhool?A в с D

That sign is too small tо read, isn't that?A B с D

English isn't an easy languagе to learn, is it-.A B с D

My parents are both good сooks, and me too.A B ( D

21. Tоm and Fred hadn't been to Florida before then. had he?A B с D

22. I'm usually right about the wеatheц amn,t !?A B с D

Paul likes Italian food, doesn't Paul?A B с D

Where did theу went }resterday?A B ( D

Why you сall me so late last night?



1 5 .


1 7 .

18 .

19 .





Еxдмptt:Mikе usually driveg to sсhool, but today he

A B Cwalks. A в с@


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Ability:Оan, Could, Be able to

ffiPЙlNтСirclе T (True) or F (Folsе).

т F The father wants to know ifhis daughter has permissionto do spreadsheеts.

сl]АRт сI/iЕсI( lСircle T (True) orF (Folse).

т F Thе form forсon and сouldis the samе forall subjесts.


sTAТЕгvlENTS: сАN / сoU LD

| | Bдsв Foпм| Сдtl/Couto* | oг Vвпв

l/Hе/S hе/|t/Wе/You/Тhеyсan (not) do spreadshеets now.

сould (not) usе a сomputer |ast yеar.

*Can and could arе modals. They do not havе -s in thе third person singular.

YEs/No QUEsтloNs

l iСдt't/Couto | 5uв1вст 1


вдsв lFoпм |

Can shе do thеm?

Could they use onе?


Aггlпмдтlvв l NвсAтIvE

Yes,shе сan.

No,shе сan, t .

thеy сould. thеy сouldn,t .


l4lн- Woп o I cлtl/Co*, I sury..' | вo,в гoпм |

How wellcan she do spгeadshееts?

сould thеy usе a сomputеr?

сl|ARт сl|EсI( 2 -Сhесk thе corrеctonswеr.Whiсh part of beoble to сhangеs fordiffеrent subjeсts?л лJ be J oble to

sтAтЕп,tЕNТS: BE АBLE тo

Suв,вст l ,. | л',, 'o | вo'. гoпм |I am

(not) ablе to do spгеadsheеts'Hе/Shе/| t rs

Wе/You/Thеy arе


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сl|ARт сHEсI( 3Сheсk thе correctonswеr.

In questions with beoble to, what сomesbefore the subjeсt?

П a form of be

П u fоrm of oble to


Bс' l Suв,вст ]


Aвш тo


|вo'. IFonм |

Are youablе to do sprеadshееts?

l s she

1y::1чi S?::' .?.:у !! : .Ч у. ?РI у..rr. . :. .!.Т7.. . . . o . . . l





Yes,I am.

No,l 'm not.

she I S . she isn' t .

wH. QUЕsтloNS: BЕ ABLE тo

Wн. Woпo | вr I suц.., | л',, 'o | вo'. гoпм |

How wе||arе you

able to do spreadshееts?l s she


ExPREssТHj;i:ii,i!li,,!#,Сomplеtе thеsе sеntеnсes with сan or be ablе to. Use onе word for eаch blonk.

she able use a сomputer already?

B: Yes. she and shе type and do spreadsheets too.

{Ь *'m'ууя жw ж,r #"ж p# ewъ e** ф ж % ffixarтврЕ*s

1. Usе сoп or be oblе to to talk about abi|ity in r She сan do сomputег graphiсs.thе pгеsent. l She,s ab|е to do сomputег graphiсs.

Usдсr Noтt: ln everyday speeсh, сon is moreсommon than be oble to in thе oresent tense.

2. Use еithеr сould or wаs/were oblе to to ta|k l Sami сould read whеn he was fouг.about abi|itv (but not a spесifiс aсhiеvemеnt) in r Не was ablе to usе a сomputег too.the past.

about a speсifiс aсhievement or a singIe event in Noтthe oast.

Usе еithеr could or wos/were oble to in r | сouldn,t win the Math Pгize |ast yеaг.nеgativе sentеnсes about past abi|ity. l l wasn,t able to do onе pгob|еm.

3. For forms and tenses other than thе prеsеnt or r Jen wants to bе ablе to write pгograms.past, use be oble to. (infinitivе)

l By June she will be ablе to сomplete hеrсomputеr с|ass. (future)

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118 r ltnit 27

IDENтIFY o Rеod port of on orticle obout some tolеntеd Young businеss people.Undеrline the words thot exprеss obility.

с0ILPIEтЕ o Reod еoch description, Complete it with o nomе from the orticlе.

1. Jaу sold softwarе progтams at thе age of fourteеn.




didn't agree with his partner.

earns money reviеwing softwarе.

was able tо dеsign a Web page for a writer.

с0ILPLЕтE o Rеаd these porogrophs, Сomplete thеm with can, сould, or be able to.Use сan or сould when possible. Сhoosе betwееn offirmotive аnd negotive.

l. Stefan is enioying his сomputer сlass. Two wеeks ago, he cou|dn'| еven

usе the mousе. but now he еdit his homеwork. Bv next week" he

do researсh on thе Internet.

2. Eleni misses her family in Greесе. She visit them for vеars. but

they just got an e-mail aссount, so now they keep in touсh daily.

3. I understand how to set up a presentation. The software

instruсtions dоn't hеlp. I think I,11 take a profеssional development соursе. In a fеw

months maybе I make that prеsentation.

4. Mike and I get alоng sinсе we startеd this business. He

work alone (he nееds peoplе), and I work in a

д surprising numЬеr of young pеoplе haveЁ\ b."n аblе to сrеate suссеssful Wеb-basеdьu,i*,*,. o* y*,щ entrеprеnеur js SаmRoberts. Sаm сou]d dеsign Wеb

Pagеs whеn hе was еight, but hеgot his breаk аt twе]vе whеn awritеr hirеd him to dеsign а Wеb

Lеibowitz, Was ab|е to sеI] two softwаrе

Programs whеn hе wаs fourtееn. Hе mаde$30,000 on the deаI and now Jay runs his

own Wеb sitе. Dan Finley wrjtеsrеviеws of neW softwаrе. Hestarted his businеss аt sixtееn. Aful|-t]mе сol lеge studеnt, Dan сan

Wrв BuslшвssrsTOR TUN

AND PRotlт

site. Sam,s f irst businеss fа]lеd bесausе heand his partnеr Wеrеn,t аble to gеt along.Howеver, his nеw businеss, Webman, is upand running. Anothеr young businessman, Jay

Pay a staff of writеrs and still еаrn $500 amonth. Although they аll mаkе money, allthrее stаrtеd out to have fun аt thеir hoЬЬy,not to makе a profit.

group (I have to work alone). I hope we work out our problems soon.

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Ability: Оarl, Ооtl|tl, 8е able tо l |19

с0ILPLEтE о Reod this odvertisemеnt. Сompletе it with thе oppropriote form of <an,сould, or bе ablе to plus the vеrbs in pаrenthеsеs. Usе can or сould when possiblе,

ЕDIT. Reod this student,s journol. Find ond сorrеct seven mistokеs in еxpressing obilitу.The first mistoke is аIrеodу corrected.


p-еo-p|e]s,;]d j r м .w , I.,-.

when ,| сo - - ' .

an'd'did,n't аblе tо,work,е"ffiсient|у') с'o"иld ge,t an,Аtor |he,сourse"bиt it was hard.Ican,

do a |of more a|one" but somе jobs are foo big toг ,fhat, Оur "in,st.ruсIor ,,sаtzs,.f-hat ,s,a,an',

WItL B. HAPPY'Profession а| Ilеaelopmеnt CoшrsesTimе Managemеnt Prеsentations Carеer Developmеnt Теamwork

Think about your last presentation: Were уou able to ?rePare on timе?1 . (p reparе )

you - your idеas?2 . ( сommun iсa te )

Will B. Hаppу@ hu, hеlpеd othеrs, and he 3. ф"lp)


..Bеforе I took Will B. Happy's сoursе, my work was always late bесausе

a sсhеdulе. I also had big pi les on my dеsk bесausе I4. ( fo l low)

what was important. Now I my timе5. (deсide) 6. (mаnagе)

еffесtivеly. Nеxt month, when my workload gets hеa*, I ,. '*.

and do thе important things first.' ' -Sсott Mаthis' student

in front of groups. Now I сan!''

-Mаrу Zhаng, sаIes mаnаger

..I didn't usе to8. (spеak)

Page 129: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Permission:MaУ,Can, Could,Do УoU mind if . . .?

жPЙINтСhеck thе sеntеncе thot dеscribеs whot,shoppеning in the сortoon.

t ть" student wants to know if his еyewill be bеtter tomorrow.

t ть" studеnt is asking the tеaсhеr toallow him to takе the test tomorrоw.


MдY/Cдtl/Collto* l su,l..,


I Bяsв Foпм oг Vвпв


l/wе/hе/shе/itlthеy start now?

*Moу, can, ar'd could are modals. Thеy do not havе -s in the third person singular.


Aггlпмдтtvв l шЕGAтlvEI

Yes, youlhe/sh elitltheуmay,can.

No, you/hе/shе/itlthеymay not.Gan ' t .

l i h i n kI have eomalh inq in

mУ aуo' Сou|d I take t,heLrэN t,omorrow?


сI|ART сl|Eсl( lСheck thе corrеctonSwer.

Whiсh modal is usedin quеstiоns but NoTin short answersabout pеrmission?

[З moy-tLJ сon

[l could

сI/IARт с'|EсI( 2СirсIe T (Truе) orF (FoIsе),

т F After Do уoum i nd i f . . . ?thе verb is thesame for allsubjeсts.

т F The answerfVot ot oll givespermission.

QUЕsтloNS: Do YoU MIND IF . . . ?

Do vou I|l|tND lF I suщ..' I v.*"

Do you mind ifl/wе/they start?

hе/shе/ i t starts?


Aггlпмдтlvв | Nвсдтlvв

Not at a l l .

N o , l d o n ' t . l Y e s , l d o .

sтAТЕlt,|ЕNTS: M AY / cAN

Suqвст | мдY/сдн l вo,. Foпм

l/ H e/S h е/ | t/Wе/Yo u/Тh еymay (not)сan (not)



Page 130: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

EXPRESSСirсlе thе сorrеct words to сompletе this сonvеrsotion.

A: Do you mind if he hеlp / helps me with my homework?

B: Not at all / Yes I do. He сan help / helps УoЦ, but you should do most of thе work.

1. Use moу, сould, and сon to ask for peгmission. I Мay I сall you nеxt Friday?r CouId Wе usе ouг diсt ionaгiеs?l Can hе сome to с|ass with mе?

Usдсв Noтв: Moу is a littlе morе forma| than r May l lеavе the гoom, Profеssor Lее?con and сould.

refеr to the presеnt or thе future. When you usе B: Сеrtain|y. Тhе tеst starts at 9:00 д.м.could to ask for p.еrmission, it is not past tensе

2. Wе often saу pleose whеn wе ask for r CouId l ask a quеstion, pleose?

Рermissio1' Note the possib|е word orders. r Could I plеose ask a question?

3. Use Do you mind if . . . / to ask foг peгmission A: ffiEз yrэu rrrint! if | с|еan up tomorrow?whеn your aсtion might bothеr somеonе. B: Yеs, aсtua|ly, I do mind. l hatе to sее a mеss.

Do уou mind if . . , l gives permission to do B: Not аt аlI.somеthing. I| mеans, lt,s ОK, l don,t mind (You maу lеove the room )

4. Usе moy or сon in answеrs. Do not usе сould. A: СouId I borrow this pеnсi|?B: Yеs, of сoursе you can.

Noт Yesaэu<et**

Noт }*eaэu+q1n*

We often use polite exprеssions instеad of A: Could | с|ose thе window?modals to answer requеsts for pеrmission. Bз Sure,

СеrtainIу.Ga ohеod.No, pleo

,s,е don,t. t,5 hot in heге.

5. йl;. pеop|е ."f.,," p.,-i,, ion, they often A: Сan l ptease huu. u titttu 'or.. time?oivе an apo|oov and an еxp|anation. B: l,m sorrv' but thе time is uo'

lf the rulеs are vеry сlеar, someonе may rеfusе Dпlvвп: Сan I park hеrе?without an apo|ogy or еxp|anation. oгrIсвв: No, you сon,t,

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|22 l LЛnit 28

Il|Aтсl| C Еаch rеquеst for pеrmission goеs with o rеsponsе. Motch еаch rеquеst with thеcorrеct responsе,

Requеst Responsе

a. No, you сan,t. It,s a bus stop.d 1. Мay We сome in now?

2, Could I see your tiсkеts, plеase? b. Not at all. Thеrе's plenty of time.

3. May I plеase speak to Harry? G. Sure they сan. Wе havе room.

6. Do you mind if I havе more tea? t. Certainly. Here thеy are.

с0ILPIEтE o Mr. Hamod is supervising o tеst, Сompletе his conversotions with hisstudents. Use o pronoun plus thе сorrect form of thе words in porеnthеsеs ondshort onswers.

Aнмвo: Could we come into the tеst roоm now?

Mв. H: Yes,

l . (Сould / сomе)

certainlу . Please show your rеgistration fоrm

aS you сomе rn.

Soгrд: My brother isn't taking thе test.

room with me?3. (Do you mind / stаy)

Sorry, only people with tiсkets arеMв. H: Yes,

pеrmitted inside.

Rosд: a pеn to writе my name on the tеst5. (Мay / use)


Mв,. H: No, . You must use a penсii. And everyonе

please remembeц the tеst until I tеll vou to.7. (сan,t / start)

Rosд: Jamie. this penсil? I only brought a pеn.8. (do you mind i f / borrow)

Jдшrrю: . Take it. I brought a few.9.

Mв. H: oK.10. (".Ф, / "pе.D

your test booklets and read the

instruсtions now.

Jвдш: I,m late beсause mv train broke down.

Mв .H : *o ,

4. Could they сome with us?

5. Can I park hеre?

d. Yes, you may.The test starts soon.

e. I'm sorry, hе,s nоt in.

in the


in?1 l . (Сan / сomе)

We've alrеady started the test.

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Рermissiоnz f\,4aу. Can, Ооuld, Dо уоtl tпirзd if . . . ? l |23

АSК. Lucу ond Сorl orе going to o concert, Rеod еoch situotion, Writе questions to oskfor pеrmission. Usе the words in porеntheses.

1. Carl wants his friеnd Bob to сome.

Cдвr.: I have an extra tiсket. Do уou mind if oob comeэ?(Do you m ind i f )

2. Carl wants to use Luсy's phone to сall Bob.

Cдвr,: Great. I'll сall him right now.(СouId)

3. Carl wants to park in front of thе stadium.

Cдвl: Wе're going to thе сonсert, offrсer.(Mау)

4. Luсy, Bob, and Carl want to move up a few rows. Bob asks an usher.

Boв: All those sеats are empty.

5. Carl wants to tape the сonсert. Luсy asks the ushe, n,.,...o"'o,

Luсy: My friеnd brought a tapе reсordеr.(Сan)

6. Luсy hates the musiс. She wants to leavе.

Luсy: This musiс is giving mе a headaсhe.(Do you mind i f)

EDIT. This exercise is similor to port of thе тoEFL@. Find the mistаkе in eoch itеmond fill in thе spocе thot corrеsponds to the lеttеr of thе incorrесt word or phrosе,Thеn go one step bеyond the тoЕFL@ ond correct the mistаkе,

comel. Can he со+деs on the train with me or doеs he need a tiсket? Ф (D @ @


2. I'm sorry, he сouldn,t. only passеngers сan board thе train. @ @ @ @A B С D

3. Could I сhanged seats with you? I'd like to sit next to my son. @ @ @ @A B С D

4. Yes, you сould. Go right ahеad. I'm getting оff soon.A B C D

5. Mom, may I to have Some сandy? I'm hungтy.A B с D

6. No, you mayn't. I'm sorry, but you've alrеady had enough сandy. Ф @ @ @A B С I )

7. Do you mind if hе play his сomputеr game?A B С D

8. Yes, I do . He сan Pщy if hе wants. It won,t bothеr me.A B с D

9. I'm still hungтy. Can we,ll get a sandwiсh soon?A B С D

l o. Not at all . We сan go find the сlub сar.А i J с D







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Requests:Will, Can, Would, Could,Would you mind . . ?

'Miss Flеrningи,ottdpu mind diаlfu 9I I for mе?,'

". .. . i POINTСhесk thе сorreсt onswеr,

The businеssman is

t giving an оrdеr'

П asking someonе tо dо sоmething.

П asking fo. infоrmation.

Noтв: 911 is thе emergеnсy tеlephonеnumber in thе United Statesand Canada.

сlIАRт сI]EсI( IСirсlе T (Truе) orF (FаIsе).

т F You сan usewould andсould inquestiоns butNOT in shortanswers torequеsts.

*These words are modals. They do not havе -s in thе third person singular.

QUЕsтloNSz WI LL/ сAN /wou LD / сo U LD

Wttt/Cдtt/ l lBдsвFoпмWouto/Couto* l Suв,вст l oг Vвпв

wiшCanWouldCou ld

this for mе?

but | сan , t .

Would you mind this foг mе?


Page 134: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p


Flequestsz Will, Carэ, Wotl|d, Cоtl|сl' Wоdd УОu {ninСl , ^ . ? l |25

сI]ART сIIEсK 2Сhеck thе correctonswer.

Not ot oll mеans:

Ё l oK Пno

s}|oRт ANsWЕRs

Aггlпмдтlvв l NЕGAтlvE

No, not a t a l l .l,m sorry, but l сan,t.

| ,d bе g|ad to.

EхPREssr;"f;:;::Z,,ff,;jСomplеtе this convеrsotion.



A: Thanks. And

B: Sorry, but I

&ж mwwнуж жw Жжp* ewъ ffiж&# жs;

you mind filing these reports now?

at all.

you answеr the phone, please?

. Mv hands arе full.


1. Use will, con, would, and сould to ask somеonеto do something.

Wе oftеn use will and сon foг informal rеquеsts. Slsт:п: Will you answеr thе phonе?Can you turn down thе TV?

Wе usе would and could to makе requеsts Boss: Wou|d you typе this геport?morе polite. сould you makе tеn сopiеs?

3. Wе also use Would you mind + gerund A: Would you miпd waiting for a fеw minutеs?(without pleasе) to make polite геquеsts. Mr. Caгas is stiII at a mееting.

Note that a negativе answer means that you '.

i:rr",|,, 'j! ,, ',wi|I do what thе pеrson rеquеsts.

2. Wе aIso use pleose with will, сon, wo|Ild, and l Could уou pleose с|ose thе door?сould to make the request evеn more polite. oRNotе thе word ordеr. r Could you с|ose thе door, plеose?

4. Pеoplе usually еxpесt us to say уes to politе A: Could you takе this to Susan Lanе,s offiсегequеsts. Whеn We Cannot say yes, Wе usual|y for mе?apologize and givе a rеason. Bi l,m sorrу| l сon,t. |,m еxpесting an important

phonе сa l l .

answer polite геquests. B: Сertoinlу.Noт#еalr*ret*d.

Page 135: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

, 126 r unit 29' r . . . . . . . o . . . o o . . . . . . . . . . О . . . . .

iDENтIFY o Morcio hos o new co-workеr. Reod their conversаtions, LLndеrline аll thepo|ite requеsts,

1. MдвсIд: Hi. You must bе the new offiсе assistant. I'm Marсia Jones. Lеt me know if

you neеd anything.

Loвшд: Thanks, Marсia. Could you show me the сoat сloset?

Мдвсlд: Certainly. It's right ovеr herе.

2. Loвшд: Marсia, would you eхplain thesе instruсtions for the fax maсhine?

MдвсIд: Sure. Just put your letter in hеre and dial thе number.

3. Mдвсrд: I,m leaving for lunсh. Would you like to сome?

Loвшд: Thanks, but I сan't right now. I'm really busy.

Mдвсrд: Do you want a sandwiсh from thе сoffеe shop?

Loвшд: That would be gтeat. Can you gеt me a tuna sandwiсh and a soda?

Mдnсrд: Sure. Will you answer my phone until I get baсk?

Loвшд: Certainly.

4. Mдвсrд: Lorna, would you mind making Some сoffеe?

Loвшд: I'm sorry, but I сan,t do it now. I've got to finish this lеtter before 2:0О.

снaasE o Lorno,s roommote, lono, is hoving problеms todoу. Сheck the opproprioterеsponsе to еoch of lono,s rеquests.

1. Lorna, would you pleasе drive mе tо сlass today? My сar won't start.

a. Yes, I would. b. ,/ I'd bе glad to.

2. Would you mind lеnding me five dollars? I'm getting paid tomorrow.

a. Not at all. b. _ Yes.

3. Lоrna, сan you takе thеsе books baсk to the library for mе? I'm running late.

a. I'm late too. Sorry. b. No, I сan't.

4. Could you loсk thе door on your Way out? My hands are full.

a. Yes, I сould. b. Sure.

5. Can you turn thе radio down? I nеed to study for my math qtiz this morning.

a. Certainly. b. Not at all.

6. Will you piсk up some milk on the way homе this aftеrnoon?

a. I{o, I won't. b. Sorry. I'11 be at work until 8:00.

Page 136: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

3:.?.ч:.:l:... yj,j'. ?.1: : .Y.?у!! : .??.Ч,9.' .Y?.Ч'9. у.2Y .:i:.Ч ... : .. .? . .:. .!.?7.. . o o . . . . .

сIll00sE AND сOII/iPIEIE o Use thе oppropriote imperotivе from the box to complеtеthesе requеsts. Use pIease whеn possible, аnd moke onу nеcеssаrу chongеs.

Buy some сerea|. Call baсk latеr. МFi|e these reports. Shut the door. Тurn on thе lights.

1. gun уou ?|eaee a|oэе the window? It's freezing in here.

2. Could I'vе finishеd rеading them.

3. Would vou mind It's toо dark in hеre.

4. will Wе don,t havе anv left.

s. Could

6. Would

Ms. Cho is on another сall right now.

There's too muсh noisе in the hall!

EDIT. Reod these requеsts from Morcio,s boss ond Morcio,s onswers (in dork print),Find ond corrеct six mistokеs in moking ond responding to rеquеsts. Thе first mistokeis olrеodу corrеctеd,

Suвi: Sa|es Meeting -Rep|yDдтв: 04-11-0з 12:14:39 ЕSТFвoм: MarсiaJones@dataIine.сomТo: JohnSanсhez@dataline.сomCC: AnnOhen@data|ine.сom

>>> <JohnSanсhez@data|ine.сom> 04l1 1/03 1 0:37am>>>p|eaэe ca||

The meetings are going wel| but they have been extended a day' Cou|d you eа{+f{eаs.P

Doug Rogers to try to resсhedu|e our sales meeting?

Not at all. I'l l do it right away.

We'|l need three eхtra сopies of the month|y sales report. Wou|d you ask Ann to take сare

of that?

Yes, I would. (Ann-Could you do this?)

I hate to ask, but would you mind to work on Saturday? We'll need the extra time to go over

the new information I've gotten.

Sorry, but I сouldn't. My in.laws are сoming for a visit. But Rob Lin says he can сome

in to the offiсe to help out.

one |ast thing. l was going to piсk up those new business сards, but I won't be baсk in t ime.

Would you mind doing that for me?

Yes, l would. l' l l stop at the printer's during my lunсh break.

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Adviсe:Should, Оught to,Had better

WPulNтСheсk the correct onswer,

П тьe interviewеr is suggesting atypе ofjob for the appliсant.

t тьe interviewеr is telling theappliсant how to be suссessful.



|з SH0ULD/0UGHт тo/t|AD BE1

Sнouto/oUGI]т тo/ | Bдsв FoпмHдo всттсn* | oг Vвпв


|/Hе/Shе/Wе/You/Тhеyshould (not)

ought tohad bеttеr (not)

look for a nеw.iob.

*Shou|d ar,d oшght to are modals. Had better is similar to a modal.These forms do not havе .s in the third person singular.

Noтв: For сontraсtions of should not and had bettеr, seе Appendtх 24 on pagе 346.


Sнou to ISuв ,вст l Foпм




IAгrlпмдтIvв l шEGAтlvE


should. No,youhе


I rea||у don,Nmind etart inq at Nhe

botbom anА working mуwaу to tha |op,EMPLaVMЕшт

ought, to conэidera job ao an davaNor

с'llART сI|EсI( lСirclе T (Truе) orF (Fаlse).

т F The same formof the verbfollows should,ought to, andhod better.

сI]АRт сI]EсK 2Сheсk the сorrectonswеr.

In questions aboutadviсe, we usually use:

A should

Ё1 ought to

Ёl hod better v|lW- QUЕsтloNS: J}|oUtDl l l

Wн. Woпo | Sнouro I Suqвст | Bлsв Foпм |

Whеre shouldIhе

look foг a nеw job?


Page 138: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p


EхPREssжжжСomplеte this conversotion,

A: Thеy'rе looking for a сashier at MсDonaldЪ.

, УoЦ

the bookstorе.

& ra rв* ыт'ta r ffi крЕ *иа&Ёогъ g

Adviсe: Shоttld, Оttght to' Наd bettеr l |29

I apply for thе job?

. You сan get more money working at


1. Usе should and ought to to say that somеthing l Maгio should find a nеw job.is advisable. r Hе ought to rеad thе hе|p wantеd ads.

Usдсв Noтв: We do not usually usе thе negativе r He shouldn,t quit sсhool.of ought to in Ameriсan ЕngIish. Wе usеshouldn't instead.


2. Usе hod better foг uгgent adviсе-whеn you l You,d bеtter leavе now, or уou,ll be lote.bе|iеvе that somеthing bad wi|| happen if thеpеrson doеs not fo|low thе adviсe.

Usдсп Noтв: Wе usua|ly usе the сontraсtion for r You,d bеttеr app|y foг more than onе job.hodbettеr, Noт@

Тhе nеgative of hod bеttеris hod better not. r You,d bettеr not bе latе.Noтffi

prеsеnt or the futuгe, nеVer to the past (еvеn r You,d better сall thеm baсk tomorrow.though it uses thе word hoф.

3. Use shoиld for quеstions. Wе do not usually usе r Should l apply for that job?ought to or hod bеtter foг questions. r Whеn should I apply?

4. lt is usua|ly сonsiderеd impolitе to give Fпltшo: Should l shakе hands with thеadviсе to pеoрlе of equal or highеr status intеrvieweг?(suсh as friends or bossеs) unless they ask for it. You: Yеs, you should.

Boss: Whеrе should l take our с| iеnt to |unсh?You: l th ink you should go to thе Тusсan Cгi l l .

Whеn wе give unasked-for adviсe, we often l Муra, moуbе you ought to apply foг this,iob.softеn it with moуbe, perhops, or l think'

Pпoшuшсlдпoш Noтвought to is often pгonounсed ,,oughta,, in informa| spеeсh. Do not write oughtо.

Page 139: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

13o l Ugъlt 3o

READ o Look ot these job sеorch tips.

o You should tell all your friends that you are looking for a job.

r You'd better not quit your present job before you find a new one.о You shouldn't tell your boss that you are looking for a new job.

о You ought to apply for several jobs at onсe.о You shouldn't immediately ask an interviewеr about job benefits.о You should always give the interviewer aссurate salary informatiоn.

ANswER о Сheck thе things thаt ore ОK to do occording to thе tips.

1. И tetl. your friends about your job searсh 4. П lea,.e your jоb during your searсh

2. П t"tt your boss about your jоb searсh 5. П apply for several jobs at onсe

3. П ask about job benefits right away 6. П tеtt the intеrviewer your real salary

сl]00sE o Rеаd this odvice for job sееkеrs. Сomplete it with thе corrесt words.

ReaderЪ Weekly Vo|ume I l , |ssue 23

T ^ T"' or nееd a nеwjob? \Ahеn's thе bеst timе to start looking? Right now!

v v уou ,d bet,ter not. dеlay. or you,ll start to fееl .

1. (ought to / 'd better not)

dеlaи or you'll start to fееl ..stuсk. ''

Thеse tips will hеlp:

э A lot of pеoplе wait шntil aftеr thе holidays to look for ajob. Тhat mеans lеss соmpеtition for

you гight now. You wait!2. (shouldn' t / shouldr

с Too btrsy at work to sсhеdulе intегviеws? Еarly morning intегviеws havе Геwеr intеrruptions.

You ask for intеr.r,iеws bеforе ninе o'сloсk.3. (shou|d /

,d bеttеr not)

э If уou arе laid off. y<lu takе a lolvег-payirrg job jtrst to4. ( ,d bеtter / shouldn,t)

gеt woгk. If your nеw salary is loщ your еmPloyеr Won't apprесiatе yollr skills. If possiblе, you

5. ( ,d bеttеr not / shou|d)

.- Howеvеr' monеy isn't еvеlything! You

ask for a salary that matсhеs your skills.

6. (ought |o l ,d bеttеr not)takе a position

with a сompany you dislikе, or you Won't do a good job thеrе'

.} Don't иlk about salary too soon. You

thе job and talk about your skills first.7. ( ,d bеttеr / shouldn,t)

wait-lеarn about

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Adviсe: Stзоt.tld, Осtght tО' lad Lleffеr l 131

сOI|PIETE o Kim Yее,s boss hos invitеd him to dinnеr ot his homе. Сomplеte Kim,sconversotion with his friеnd. Use should, ought to, or had bеtter ond thе wordsin pаrenthesеs. Сhoose bеtwееn аffirmotivе ond nеgotivе,

Krм: How эhou|d I dreээ? In a suit?1. (How / drеss?)

Sсoтт: You don,t have to wear a suit.2. (|ook / neаt)

but vou сan Wear сasual сlothes.

Кrм:3. (What t imе / arr ivе?)

Sсoтт: It,s really important to be on time. Your boss and his wife are expeсting you

at 7:00. so It's oK tо be a little4. (arrivе aftеr 7:15)

late, but don't make them wait too long for you!

Krм:5. (br ing a gi f t?)

Sсoтт: Yes, but get something small.

It would embarrass thеm.

Krм:7 . (What l buу? )

Sсoтт: I think8. (get some flowеrs)

ЕDIT. Reod this lettеr, Find ond corrеct six mistаkеs in expressing odvicе.The first mistokе is olrеodу corrесtеd,

Dиr Soщ

6. (buy an еxpеnsivе gi f t)

Wе, аrе, '0 hАf.Ру to |шаr а"boиtуoor ttшrjob. сoчrаtot/лtt"ottslJи,rt roLИД44,ber-/o'|,

s/шц/trntХtnr/c too hдrd,. Tho уи"ost it,и'oоrtа^t,tt щ 'aш шttr ts уot,u sclшol,оtnrk,,

,lllауboуo*oф oryhtnшork,h,n dлуs nшukoklлtИl,oftfu*.Аko, иnttriлkуooud,

bottu а,s|cуottr boss for th,Иo, 'f м*э oха,'|4Б, ТhАt tпу уoш|/ hfuo Plol4ry of thаэ и

stф Yoш иloиИ, b*tu ghto tЙtk ш tюt of cмф'|'"з|n, OK? Pl"eа;o tа"kэ 7ood, саlo

ofуoиrsф Yoц,d, п"ot bеttu stауt shppф LИРАh, алl,уou,.dфltф sh"oиllnt иrorkpl,

"t ч|'t. Аtуoиr а!Ч уot,t, {1}i/,1, bеttu get ш7oooL ф|'t'' s|му Do уot,t, nеaj, ryщ

fo* h"orиp? sh,И,|tr, оtlo sш^оL ry of уouу boohsr Let tt,s kл"oиr.WЁ/1, |о,,o,

j,iot,и, аJ4d Dal,

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Suggestions:Could,Whуdon,t.'.?,Whynot...?,Let's,Howabout.. ?

WWffiPOINTCircle T (True) or F (Folsе).

т F The ad wants toknow *hy manypеople don't stayat youth hostels.

wнY'vor . , .?- l l

WнY шor i Bдsв Foпм ;Why not stay there?

LEт,sLtт,s (Noт) | вo'. гoпм |Let's (not) stay thеre.

сIIARт сHEсl( 2Сircle T (Truе) orF (FoIsе).

т F Suggestionswith Howаbout. . . ?have onlyone form.

Let's Travel!Going to Germ anу?

Why not stay at a youth hostel?

How about a magnifiсent one

like Аltena Castle? A|tena is a|so

fun and сheap. So, why don't

you make our castle your home?

сHART сl]EсI( IСheck the corrеctonswer.Thе verb after could,whу don,t, why not,or let's

t сhanges fordifferent subjeсts.

П does not сhangе fordifferent subjeсts.

(Mлvвс) | su'l..,


| сouro- | вo,. гoпм |(Maybe) l/he/she/we/you/theyсould stay in a сast|e.

*Could is a modal. It does not havе -s in thе third person singular.

WHYDON 'T . . . ?

wнY I ootr,т | Suryвст | вo,. гoпм |

whydon't |/wе/you/thеy

stay in a сastle?doеsn,t hе/she

нowAB0Uт , . , ?I

How ABIUт | свпuшo/Nouш |

How aboutstaying in a сastle?

a сastlе?


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s ш g g e s t * с r n g э О r s t , l l d , W l . l у c о r s ' t ' , ^ ? ' W h у n о t ' . . ? ' L e t ' s , Н о w a b o u t ' " . ? l 1 3 3o a a a a a a a a o o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a o o a o a a a a a o o a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a o a a o a a a a a a a a a

Ex,PREss Т##A#:д'Add thе corrесt punctuotion.

Lеt,s take the train Maybe wе сould takе the train

Why not take the train How about the train

& ж жwwa gж жr Жжp# effi eжfl'* wж# ЖжжжpГ.*ж

1. Use letЗ, (Moуbe)... could, Whу don,t/ A: Lеt,s take a trip this summeг.doesn,t, Whу not, and How about to B: Maybe we сould go to Gегmany.makе suggestions. A: Why don,t wе ask Lukе to go with us?

B: Good idea. Why doesn,t Тom сal l h imtonight?

A: Why not сall him right now?B: How about staying at a youth hostе|?A: How about Altena Castle?

Whу don,t/doesnt to make a suggestion, these A: Why don,t you visit , l i|| in Hong Kong?exprеssions arе not information questions. Тhе B: Тhat,s a good idеa.soеakеr doеs not еxoесt to rесеivе information-l- _-...

|шгoпмдтtoш Quвsтtoшfrom the Iistener. A: Why don,t you еat mеat?B: Bесause I,m a vegetar ian.

2. Let,s a|ways inсludes the spеaker. |t mеans: l Lеt's go to Hong Kong.Here,s o suggestion for уou ond me. (l suggеst that wе go to Hong Kong.)

3. Notе the different forms to use with Bдsг Foпм oг тнг Vгпвthese exprеssions. l Lеt,s to&e the tгain.

r Maybe wе сould to&e the train.l Why don,t we toke thе train?r Why not tofte the train?

cвкuшo oк Nouшl How about toking thе tгain?r How about thе troin?

4, Notiсe the punсtuation at thе end of еaсh Sтдтгмгштskind of suggestion. l Lеt,s stay at a hostеI.

r Maybe wе сould stay at a hostе|.

Quвsтloшsr Why don,t wе stay at a hostel?r Why not stay at a hostel?r How about staying at a hostel?l How about a hostе|?

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134 r Unit 3't

iDENтIFY o Еmilу ond Megon orе visiting Hong Kong, Rеod their convеrsotion, Undеrlineoll the suggestions.

Eмrr-y: Whv don't we gо tо the raсes? I hear they're really exсiting.

Mвсдш: I'd likе to, but I need to go shopping.

Eмrr.y: Then let's gо to the Temple Streеt Market tonight. We might even seе some

Chinesе opera in the streеt whilе we're there.

Мвсдш: That sounds like fun. If wе do that, why not gо to the raсеs this aftеrnoon?

Eмrr,у: oK, but let's get somеthing to eat first in onе of those floating restaurants.

Mвсдш: I don,t think we'll have time. Maybe we сould do that tomorrow. Right now, how

abоut getting dim sum at the Kau Kee Rеstaurant nеxt door? Thеn we сould

takе the Star Ferry to Hong Kong Island and the raсeсourse.

Eмrr.y: Sounds good. Here's an idea fоr tomorrow. Why not take one of those small

boats-h aido-to Lantau Island? When wе сome baсk. we сould have dinner at

the Jumbo Palaсе.

Mвсдш: Lеt's do that. It,s a little eхpensive, but at least it floats!

сOIЛPLЕтE o Read thеse conversotions, Сomplete them with the oppropriotе еxpressionin porеnthеsеs,

l. A: I feel like having seafood for dinneц but we went to Tai Pak for seafood last night.

Wny nol go again? Thе food's gтeat, and so is thе view.(Why not / Let's not)

Why not

2. Az I'm rеallv tirеd. resting before Wе go out?(Let's / How about)

B: That's a good idea. I'm tired too.

3. A: I want to eхplore downtown Hong Kong.

takе a minibus? We,ll see a lot morе that way.(Let,s not / Why don,t wе)

4. A: A gтoup of foreign students just сheсked in at thе hostel.

B: ask them to join us for dinnеr.(How about / Мaybе wе сou|d)

5. A: I still need to buv somе souvenirs before we leavе.

(Lеtъ / F|.Э* aboug go shopping aftеr dinnеr.

6. A: I don,t want to go homе tomorrow. I'm having a really good time herе.




B: So am I.(Let's not / Why not)

lеave tоmorrоw.

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Bц-. --

Эу.gg:.::i.o..1:... ?.?у!1:.Y:у.!?,:.l;.... ?.,.Y!I:.?.,.,.... ,.:.\?!'.".,.?.?у.1??.!!.'.,.:.?...:. .l.19. .. . . . ... .

сlt00sE a сOIЛPLETE o Reod thеsе conversotions. Сomplеtе the suggеstions with phrosesfrom the box. Add pronouns ond chongе the vеrbs os nеcеssorу. Punctuotе corrеctlу.

take a trip togethergo to the bеaсh

try that new sеafоod plaсe @*icКbuy anothеr one




5 .

l . Thеre,s an oasis сonсert at theA:






l,m qoiп,q shoppiпg, t,|l be bасk аteal

5:00, Lrts йe,'g аt 7:00, oK?


Еmi|у 5:00

|,m 3oiп3 to be too tirеd for а morie.

A: Swеaters are on Sa

B: We got him a swea

A: I don't know what

B: Me too. Whv don't

A: I'm hungтy.

le. Maybe We сould buy onе for Brian's birthday.

ter last year. Let's not

to do on spring vaсation. I'm siсk of staying in thе dorm.

B: Lеt,s

EDIT. Rеod these notеs, Find ond corrеct sevеn mistokes in thе use of suggеstions,Thе first onе is olrеodу correctеd. Don,t forget to cheсk punctuotion.

We'rе near thеre now. Maybe

It's going to be hot tomorrow.

I know. How about

Hong Kong Convention Centre next weekend.

we could buу ticketэ,

Меgаn 4:00

.7.00 tor dinnеr is fine.

|iow аbout go to а maviе аttеwаrd.

5ее уou |аtеr.


tu- 6:00

Ld,s not еаt аt thе aаrnе rеstаtlrаnt

t0nigtlt? |}'lhу don't wе trying а nеwplаcе? |iow аbot'lt Broаdwaу Sеаtood.|'|| rnеd \lou аownstаirs аt 1:00.e.

fu|ауbе ,ue сoи|djиst hапgiпg аroиnd

the hosfu| аftэr diпиer, LеtЗ tаlk

аboиt it lаtrr t,m tаИиg а ИаP.


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Preferenсes:Prefer, WouИ prefer,Would rather

WPЙlNтСheck thе moin point of thе bor groph,

П Tue',agers like to watсh TV, readbooks, and listеn to musiс.

П T""',ugers likе tо watсh TV bettеrthan thеy likе to do other things.

Тееnagers around thе world prefеr watсhing ТV to a|Iothеr |еisure-time aсtivities.

сl|АRT сl]Eсl( lСhесk the сorreсtonswеr,

Whiсh word(s) сanyou use with allsubjесts?

O prefer

tl would prefer('d prefer)

сHАRT сHEсK 2Сhеck the correсtonswer.

Whiсh two formsofthe verb сanfollow prefer?

П tь. basе form оrthe gеrund

t tьe gerund orthe infinitivе





Preferred Teen Pastimes Around the World80




0watсh TV rеad listen.to shop



I twou,o1 PREFER l шouш/GвпuшollшFlNlтlvESuв1вст

l/Wе/You*/Тhеy prefеrnеwspapеrs (to magazines).reading nеWspapеrs (to rеading books).(not) to read nеWspapеrs.

Hе/Shе prefers

I/Hе/She/Wе lYoulTheуwould prefеr'd prefer

*You is both singular and plural.


Do/Wouto Isury,. ' Inru,* |шouш/Gвпuшo/lшFlNlтlvЕDo you/thеy

prefеrnеwspapers?reading newspapers?to read newspapers?

Does hе/she

Would уoult.heуlhе/shе


Aггlпмдтlvв | шЕGAтIVE


Ilweltheу do.


l/weithеy don' t .

hе/shе doеs. hе/shе doеsn,t .

Ilweltheуlhе/shе would. Ilweltheуlhе/shе wouldn't .


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I wouto RAт'|ER | вo'. Foпм oг VвпвSuв,вст

I/Hе/Shе/WеiYou/Thеywould rather,d rathеr

read newspapегs (than rеad magazines).(not) read nеWspapeгs.

YEs/No QUЕsтloNS: WoUt.D RAтI/,ER

Wouto I suq.., | кo,",* | вo'. Foпм

Would shе rather rеad?

Preferences: Prеfеr, Wottld prefеr, Wauld rather l 137

s}|oRт ANsWЕRsAггlпмдтlvв l NвGAтlvE

Yes, shе would. l No, shе wouldn,t.Shе,d rathеr not.

EхPREssжСircle thе corrеct words to complеte this sentеncе.

I,d rather rеad / to rеad than / to shop, but Jo prefers shop / shopping.

A ram rвrar Ехplanetlons Ж.xamрlеs

1. Use prеfer, would prefer, and would rather l Wе usua||y prеfеr ltolion food,to ta|k about things that you |ikе bеttеr than r l,d prеfеr to hove Chinеsе food tonight.othеr things. r |,d rathеr сook at home.

Usдсв Noтв: Wе often use prefer for a genеra| r Whiсh do you prеfer-сhiсkеn oг shrimp?prеferеnсe and would prefеr or would rothеr r Would you prеfer сhiсken or shrimp tonight?for a prеfеrеnсe in a partiсu|ar situation.

noun2. Prefеrand would prefеr may be fol|owеd by a r I usua|ly prefer the newspoPеr.

noun, a qeгund, or an infinitive. gегundl Doеs Bi|| prefer reoding magazinеs?

infinitivеr Hе,d prefer to wotсh-N.

basе formWould rather сan bе followеd by on|y thе l |,d rather stoy homе tonight.basе form of thе vеrb.

Usдсв Noтв: Wе oftеn usе l,d rother not, by A: Would you like to havе some dessеrt?itsе|f, to rеfuse an offer, suggestion, or invitation. B: l,d rathеr not. |,vе had enough to еat.

l,drothernot. Noт

n o u n n o u n3. A сomparison with to may fo|]ow r Lani prefers сomediеs to aсtion moviеs.

prеfer/would prеfеr + noun.gегund gerund

A сomparison with to may also fo||ow l |,d prefer visiting Lani to going to thе paгty.prеfer/would orefеr + oеrund.

base form basе formA сomparison with thon may follow r l,d rathеr watсh football thon play it.would rаther + base form of the vеrb.

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138 I Unit З2

тRUE 0R tАLsE о lulio ronked some octivitiеs from 1 to 8 аccording to his prеfеrences(1 _ his fovorite). Look ot his list. Then reаd eoch numbered sеntеncе ond writеT (Truе) or F (Folsе).

т 1. He prefers listening to musiс to playing guitar.

сI{lO0sE & с0мPIE71o lulio ond Ano orе disсussing thеir еvening plons, Сomplеtе theirconversаtion. IJse wou|d rathеr (not) with one of the vеrbs in thе boх or bу itsеlf inshort onswers.

havе сook seе Staя go

Aшд: Would you like to go to a movie tonight?

Jul.lo: |'d rather otaу home and watсh TV.1 .

Sounds good. Maybe we соuld make dinner later.

tonight. I'm tоo tired.

Aгtд: oK. you

a restaurant instead?

Let's order out for some pizza.

How about a peppеroni pizza?

2. Hе'd rather hike than go swimming.

3. He prеfers swimming to biking.

4. He'd rathеr not watсh Tv.

5. He prefers baking pies to reading.

6. He prefers watсhing TV to reading.

7. He,d probably prefer a сonсert to a hikе in the woods.

. Pepperoni gives me heartburn.

mushrooms than pepperoni if that's OK.








Aшд: No prоblеm. Do you want to watсh the Stephen King thriller at 8:00?


Aшд: Well . . . there's a сomedy on at 8:00 and a doсumentarу at 8:30.


Preferred Aсtivitiеs

1- tisten to musiс

5 go swimming

А go Ьiking

1 watсh ТV

8 Ьakе pies

6 play guitar

? hike

Jur,ro: the сomedy. I need a laugh.

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с0ILPLEтE o Rеod these сonvеrsotions, Сomplеtе them with prefer, would prefer, orwould rathеr. Use pretеr to stotе gеnеrol preferencеs. Сomplеtе thе comporisonswith to or than.

1. A: We're going to Romе again next week. Would уol

Prefer taking the train flying this time?

B: You know me. I alwavs the plane the train.

2 . 4 : I have thе aisle seat the window seat.

B: That's fine with me. I the window seat. That wav I сan look out.

3. A: Where would you like to stay? In a hotеl ot a pеnsionе?

B: Oh. I to stay in a pеnsione this time. It,s more personal.

с .A : I eating in small trattorias eatrng rn

big restaurants.

B: Me too. They're less expensivе and the food is always deliсious.

5. A: Speaking of food, УoЦ make the best spaghetti with сlam sauсe in the world.

B: Thanks, but I order it in a restaurant

make it at home!

6. A: Whеn in Rome. you drinking tea or сoffee?

B: I defrnitelv сoffee tea. You know what

they say, "When in Rome do as the Romans do!"

EDIT . Reod Anа,s rеport, Find аnd corrесt six mistokеs in the usе of prefer ondwould rather. Thе first mistаkе is olrеody corrеcted.

For mдr study' I inteгviewed fifty men and women. There Was no differenсe

in men's and women's preferenсes for TV. I found that everyone prefeгsto

watchin$ тv thа,n going t'o movies. Men and women both eцjoy news proglams

and entertainment speсials. Howeveц men would гather watсhin$ adventure

progtams and sоienсe fiсtion, while Women prefer soap operas. Men also like to

watсh ail kinds of sports, but women would rathег see game shows to sports.

Readin$ preferences differ too. Men prefeг to reading newspapeгs' while Women

would rather read. magazines and books. tr\Гhen men read books, they pгefer теad

nonfiсbion and adventure stores. TAIomen are preferrin$ novels.

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lffil 0NЕ

3. Marсia сan't speak German yet, but aftеr a few lessonsshe - speaka l i t t l e .

Circlе thе lettеr of thе corrеct onswеr to complеtе еoch sentеncе,

Еxдmpш:Jennifer never сoffee.tA) drink(B) drinks

д@с D{C) is drinking(D) was drinking

l. :*""]:

shut the dooц please?

(A) Certainly.(B) No' I сan't.

2. Why a movie tonight?(A) about seeing(B) don't we see

(A} сantB) сould

(A) сan(B) сould

(A) сan't(B} сouldn't

(C) Yes, I сould.(D) Yes, I wоuld.

(C) not seeing(D} we don't sеe

(C) will be ablе to(D) was able to

(C) haven't been able to(D) 'm not able to


(C) is ablе to(D) will be able to

In 1998, Tara Lipinski win the gold medal infigure skating at the Winter olympiсs.








5. I - make new friends sinсе I mоved here.

6. Shе - better not arrive late.(A) did (с) ,d

(B) has (D) would

7. -Do you mind if I borrow a сhair?Do you need only one?

(A) I'm sorry.(B) Not at all.

8. Would you mind -

(C) Yes, I do.(D) Yes, I would.

metomorrow? A B с DtC) to сall(D) if you сall

(A) сall(B) сalling

9. I,d rathеr -(A) watсh(B) to watсh

the movie. I hear it's very good.(C) watсhing(D) not watсh



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10. You - miss the dеadline or you'll have to pay a fee. A B с D(A) bеtter not (с) ,d better not(B) 'd bettеr (D) had no bеttеr

11. takе the train instеad of the bus? It's faster. A B с D(A) How about (с) Why don't(B) Let,s (D) Whу not

12 .Maymys i s t e r - t o с l a s sw i t hme t omo r r ow?ABсD(A) сome (C) сoming(B) сomes (D) to сome

13 . I - h a vede s s e r t . I 'm t r y i n g t o l o s е s omewe i gh t . AB сD(A) 'd rather (с) ,d prefer(B) 'd rather nоt (D) ,d prefer not

14. Jamiе prefеrs working at home working in an offiсе. A B с D(A) more (С) that(B) than (D) to

Eoch sеntenсe hos four underlinеd words or phrosеs. Thе four underlinеd portsof thе sentence ore morked A, B, С, аnd D, Сircle thе lеttеr of the one undеrlinedword or phrose thot is Noг сORRЕсI

Еxдшtptп:Mike usuall}, drives to sсhool, but today he walks.

A в с DA B с@

15. When I was ten. I сould swim. but I wasn't able dive. ABсDA B с D

16. Why don,t we have dinnеr and thеn gq see Possiblе Drеams-- A B с DA B с D

17. You drove for seven hours today, so maybe you,d not bettеr drivе tonight. A B с DA B ( D

18. Will you mind bringing your сamera to the gтaduation party tomorrow ? A B с DA B ( D

19. Dad, may Jim borrows the сar tomorrow or does Mom need it? A B с DA B с D

20. I сan't help УoU, so maybe you should to ask Marta. A B с DA B с D

21. Should I bring flowers to Lisa's or should I giving her сandy? A B с DA B ( D

22. Ma}r be yоu ought to just bring flоwers. A B с DA B с D

23. Silva сelеbrated last year beсause she сould win the raсe.A B с D




24. It's really late, so let's we ge out to dinner tonight.A B с D

25. Why would you rather stay hоme to go out tonight?A B ( D

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Necessity:Нave (got)and Must

ffiТe] P0INтСhеck the corrеct onswеr,

Using a seat belt is:

t a rеquirementt

LJ a сhoiсе


Suв'вст | мusт- (tloт) | вo,. Foпм

|/Hе/S hе/| tlWe lY ou lThеy must (not) stoр.


Have got to = ,vе got to

Has got to = 's got to


must not = mustn't

сl]АRт сlllпсl( IСirсIе T (Truе) orF (Folsе).

т F We usе hovegot to inaffrrmativеand negativestatеments.


| нлvс тo/ | вo,. FoпмSuryвст i Hлvr Goт тo i oг Vвпв

l/We/You/Thеy havе (got) tostop.

Hе/She/l t has (got) to


Suв;вст | oo no. | нon,,o | вo'. Foпм

IlWelYoulТheydon'thave to stop.

He/Shе/l t doesn't

сIiARт сIIEсI( 2Сheck thе corrеctonswer.

In questions withhove to, what сomesbefore the subjeсt?

[l a form of do

П a form of hove to

YEs/Na QuEsТloNS: H/t lt l

Do l Suвlвст | Hдvt тo



Do Wеhavе to stop?

Doеs hе


Aггlпмдтlvв l NвGAтlvE

Yes,you do.

No,you don't .

he does. hе doesn't.


*Must is a modal. It does not havе -s in thе third pеrson singular.

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.ry::.::.:ilт: .?.:т: ,{g.?:!.t?.3:9. Y.".:|.:'. ..1.1.1o . . o.. .. .

EхPREss.r!жСompletе this сonvеrsotion, Usе onе word for eoch blаnk,

A: Why she Wеar her seat bеlt?

B: It's the law. Evervone Wear a sеat bеlt.

Grammar Еxplanations Еxamрlеs

1. Use ftoye to, have got to, and rnиst toеxprеss neсеssity.

a. Hove to is the most сommon еxpгеssion in r Еvегyonе has to Pass a road tеst bеforеevегyday use. gеtting a drivеr,s |iсеnsе.

b. Have got to oftеn exprеssеs strong feеlings l Hе,s got to drive more slowly. l,m afraidin speakino and informa| writino. hе,s ooino to havе an aссidеnt.

G. Mast is usеd in writing (forms, signs, notiсеs). l You must stop сomp|etеlу ata stop sign.

Must is used in spokеn ЕngIisl.t, whеn

о the speakеr is in a position of powеr. l Ling-|in9, Уou must сlеan your гoom.(mother tolking to hеr Young сhild)

о theгe is uгgent neсessity. l You геa||y must talk to your boss about a raisе.(friеnd tolking to a friend)

have very differеnt mеanings, (See Unit 34.) (lt isn,t nесеssary to stop herе.)r You mцst not stop hеre.

(You сon,t stop hеrе, lt,s not allowеd,)

2. Use thе сorreсt form of hove to for all tеnses l Aftег his aссidеnt, Sal had to take a dгivег,sand foгms. impгovеmеnt сIass. (post tеnsе)

r Shеi|a has had to drivе to woгk foг two years.(prеsеnt pеrfесt)

r l,ll havе to drive tomorrow. (futurе)

Use hove got to and mиst only foг thе prеsеnt l l,ve got to wеar glasses all thе timе.or thе future. l Еveryonе must take an eyе test tomorrow.

3. Use hove to for most questions. r Does Pau| havе to drive?pVе rarеly usе hoye got to or must for questions.) r When wil! hе havе to leavе?

Pпoшuпсlдтloн Noтвln infoгmaI speeсh, hove to is often pronounсed ,,hafta,, and got to is oftеn pгonounсеd ,,gotta.,,

Do not writе hafto or gotta.

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144 I unit sB

IDЕNтIFY o Read Bеn Leonard,s tеlephone сonvеrsotion with o сlеrk from the СolifornioDеportmеnt of Motor Vehiсlеs (DMV) , Undеrlinе thе wards thot tolk obout nеcessitу.

DMV: Departmеnt оf Motor Vehiсles. May I help you?

Bвш: I'm moving tо California sоon. Will I have to get a California liсensе when I move?

DMV: Yes, you will. California residents must havе a California driver,s liсense.

Bвш: When will I havе to get my California liсense?

DMV: Yоu have to replaсe your old liсense ten days after you beсome a resident.

So сome in and apply for your California liсense right after you get herе.

Bвш: Do I have to take any tests to exсhange my Illinois liсense for a California liсense?

DMV: Sinсe you alrеady have an Illinois liсense, УoU won't have to take the road test. But

you will have to take the written test.

Bвш: How about the eye test?

DMV: oh, everyone has got to take the еye test.

Bвшз oK. Thanks a lot. You've been very helpful.

сOILPIEтE o Rеod this convеrsаtion. Сomplеtе it with thе correсt form of have to orhavе got to ond thе vеrbs in pаrеnthеses, Use have got to ond give short onswеrswhenеvеr possible.

When do youBвш:

Aшш: I

goоdbyе. Why?

9. (hеlp)

сall him again. It,s hard for him

have to uэe thе сar?

soon. Why?

the оil?3 . ( сhangе)

I did it еarly this mоrning. oh, and

that. I bought three rolls yesterday.

lоts of piсturеs on the trip.

?7. (paсk)

He frnishеd and went to Sara's to sav

me сlеan out the сar. It's full of his stuff.

to leave his friеnds.

1. (usе)

Jim's sсhool reсords pretty2. (p iсkup)

you still

Bюш: No.

Aшш: oh,

Bвш: Wе

I bоught some film.4.

you5. (not do)

6. (tаkе)

Jim still

Arтш: Nо.





' l lI

I1o. (сa||)

him to сome home twiсe already.

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m ШoosE a с}мPLЕTE o Look аt thеsе signs, IJsе thе verbs from the box to complеte thе

ы sеntеnсes obout things you must do ond must not do.

turn drive ride walk

l. \gLL muot not turn lsff,.


over 40 mph.

60 mph.

5. Biсvсlists on the right.

6. Pedestrians on the right.

EDII . Reod lim,s lеttеr to Soro. Find ond сorreсt sevеn mistаkеs in exprеssing nеcеssity,Thе first mistokе is olrеody corrеcted.

Dеаr 5аrа,

|{ow аre\ou doing? Wе,ve beеn hеrе аbouI siх weеks.lt,s stYаngе |iving in

the sцburbs. gotIhеrе's no pub|ic trаnsvortаtian, so \o|А'vе gdto drivе еvе^[Nnеrе. I hаd to

signs up tor drivеr,s еd this sеmestеr 50 | can qd mу |icensе bу surnmevtimе. t,s

the taw hеre that еveцlnе rnusts wеа( а sеаt belt. l usеd to hаtе to buck|е uP, buI

with the traРtiс hеrе, I hаvе chаngеd m\ mind,1T.lеrе аrе a tot of trееwауs, аnd

\oц,ve goItа know how to chаnge |аnеs With a tot ot fast- trсРtiс. Lvеn mv lvlorn hаvе

hаd to gеt usеd to it. Dаd work; аI hornе, so hе hаsn,t hаs to do а tot оt driving.

t.tave уou bеаtеn thosе com?utеr gаmеs уеt? |'m hаving a lot оt ffoиble with,'Doom., \ou got to writеto me аndtе|| rnе how to get ?а5t the fitth |еve|!

J im

tEп1l| LЕFт l RIGнт ll

itз-lc]ttsPEЕБllI L|Mlт | ilt 55lt|мtшlмuм|

It 4sj

2. You

3. You

4. You

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WPЙINтСhеck thе correct onswer,

The drivеr сan сhoose to

П park in the сrosswalk.

Ghoiсe: Don,t have toNo Ghoiсe: Must not

and Can't

t stop to ask for dirесtions.

MUsт,vorSuЦвст | мusт*

",' I Bдsв гoпм |l/H e/5 hе/l t lW e lY ou lThеy must not I stop herе.


Suqвст | сяш,т* | вo'' гoпм |l/ H е/S h е/ l tlW e lY ou lTh еy Gan' t stop hеге.

don'l have toэ top and aoktor

direct ionol

i t ,

[/1,tz' ,,tl


сl|АRт сHEсK IСheck the correсtаnswеr,Whiсh part of do nothove to сhanges fordifferеnt subjeсts?t t

ш do LJ hove



Do t,toт | нon' ', | вo'. Foпм oг Vвпв

IlWelYoulThеydon'thave to


Hе/Shе/| t doеsn, t park

сIllARI сHEсl( 2Сirclе T (True) orF (Folsе).

т F The form ofmust лot andcon,t сhangesfor differеntsubjeсts.

t l 6*Thеse words arе modals. They do not have -s in the third person singular.

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E&* -.

Ghоiсe: Don't have ta Nо Ghоiсe: Мust поt аrrd Carз,t l 147

ЕхPREssж#rUnscrаmblе thеsе Words to form two sentenсes.

stop о He о have о here о tо о doesn't

must о fast о You о not о drive о too

& rg gж ryвъ* r ffi экрffi erъffiКf-фgж% Ежarжp*es

l . Hove toand must havesimi larmeanings. They l You havе to stop atthe stop s ign.both еxprеss the idеa that somеthing is r You must stop at the stop sign.nесеssaгy oг rеquirеd.

Don,t/Doesn't hove to and must пot have vеrydiffегent meanings.

a. Don,t/Doеsn,t havе to expresses that l You don,t havе to drivе. l сan do it.something is not nесеssary. lt means that r Hе doеsn,t have to turn herе. Hе сan tuгnthere is anothег possibility. Тhеre is a сhoiсe. at the nеxt intеrsесtion.

b. Must пof еxpгеsses prohibition. lt means r You must not use thе сar withoutthat something is not alIowеd or is against my peгmission.thе law. Тheге is no сhoiсе. r You must not drivе without a l iсеnsе.

It's against the law.

2. Must пot is usеd to eХpress prohibition r You must not use your horn unnесessari|y.in writing, inс|uding offiсial forms, signs,and notiсes.

Usдсt Noтв: ln spokеn Еnglish, wе do not r Wе Gan,t park heгe. lt,s a tow-away zone.usually usе must not whеn talking to or aboutanother aduIt. We usе con,t instеad.

Sometimes peoplе use mиst not to tе|| a сhiId r Jеssе, you mustn,t take off youг seat bе|tthat theie is no сhoiсe in a situation. while thе сaг is moving.

3. You сan use nothovetofor all tеnses r You don,t havе to drivе. (prеsеnt)and forms. l Shе won,t havе to renew hеr |iсеnsе nеxt

уear. (futurе)l Wе haven,t had to Paу a lot of paгking fines

this yеar. (prеsеnt perfесt)l Тhey didn,t have to take driver,s еduсation

last yеar. Now it,s rеquirеd. (simplе post tеnsе)

Must not геfers only to thе pгеsent or r Drivеrs must not pass on thе right.the futuгe.

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148 I unit 34

iDENтIFY o Rеod this orticlе. Undеrline the words thot show thot thеrе is o choice аboutdoing somеthing. Сirclе thе words thot show thot therе is no choicе,

сOI|PLЕтE o Reаd this convеrsаtion. Сomplete it with сan,t or thе corrеct form ofnot havе to ond thе vеrb in pаrеnthеsеs,

Jrм: Austin doeon't have to eit in a safety seat, but I do. It's not fair.r. (sit)

Aшш: Jim, you really like that in the сar. Your fathеr has2. (yel l )

tо соnсеntrate оn driving. Ben, turn left fоr thе restaurant.









3. (turn)

There,s the rеstaurant. Uh-oh. You

8. (br ing)

Mom said OK. Anyway, I

left. ItЪ a onе-way streеt. I'll go arоund the bloсk.

hеre. It,s a bus stop.

rant, Jim! It's too big.

to vou. Lеt,s eat!

Maybe I'll park in that indoor garage. That ,i;T -.5. (worry)

about our stuff while we,rе еating. Remind me to buy gas after lunсh.

6. (get)gas, do we? Thе tank is still half full.

I know. But we gas for a long time. I'm not sure the

gauge is working.

You that truсk into the restau

A l{ew Alternativеto Car Ownership

New drivers are usua|ly exсited about their

new freedom: "My mom doesn't have to

drive me ever}^/vhere anymorе! l don't have

to ask my friends for rides to sсhoo|!'' Whenyou don't have your own сar yet, any priсe

sеems worth paying. But onсе you buy a

сar, you@your сar payments and

problems, howеver. Members of car-sharing groups have a car when they nеedone for eithеr short trips or vaсations, butthey don't have the high expenses ofownership' Тhеy pay Very l itt le to use ashared сar, and they don't have to worryabout maintaining thе сar or paying theinsuranсe. Fees for short trips are onlyabout $З.00 an hour p|us $0.50 per mi le.Groups do not have striсt rеquirements

insuranсe premiums, or you Won't be a either. Members must not havе baddriver for very long. You сan't |eavе gas and driving reсords or poor сredit, and theymaintenanсe out of the budget еither. must not return the сars in poor shapе orCar sharing offers an alternative to these they will pay extra.

7. (buy)

9. ( l is tеn)

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Choiсe: Г)оn.t havе to Nо Choiсe: Мusf r;оt aпd Оarз't J 149

READ a с0ff|PLEIE o Look ot this sign ot thе Holidoу Motel swimming pool. Сomplеteеoch sеntеncе rлrith must not or don,t havе to ond the corrеct form of thе verbin porеntheses.

Holiday МotelSwimming Pool Rules and Rеgulations

Poo l Hours l0 :00 А М _ l0 :00 pм.

Chi ldren under l2 yеars NoT ALLOWЕD in poolwithout an adult.

TowеIs аvаilаblе аt front dеsft.

. bal l p laуing

. radios

NO . d iv ingо glаss bott lеs. alсoholiс bеvеragеs

1. Childrеn under age 12 muэ|-not-gwim without an adult.(swrm,)

2. You

3. You

4. You

6. You

(b r ing)


your own towel.

ball in or around the pool.

into the pool.(d ivе)

5. Teеnagers with an adult.(bе)

the pool at 8:00 p.м.( |еаvе)

EDIT . Rеod Аustin,s postcord to his friend, Find ond correct five mistokes in expressingnеcеssitу. The first mistokе is olreodу correctеd,

щ Holiday Мotеl, Rte .55Hi, Jonet/

We got to the rnotel |ote this еvening Ьeсoose we got lost But we

Weгe |сlckg_theg kept o.n noorn ""

*!ж#tiia onotь.n

rnotel. Jinrng is гeollg hoPPg Ьеоoсlse he don't hove to go to Ьed

onti| often 10,00, when the swirnrning poo| c|oses. We rnоstn't leove

сlnti| 11'00 tornoгnow (cheоkoоt tirnе), so We con stog op |oteг.

Yoserтite is onlg foсlг hoons owog' so We won't hod to dгive the

who|e dog tornoгnow. It's going to Ьe exоiting. Мg ponents sog

we oЬsolotеlg rnсlst not to go oсlt Ьg oоnse|ves Ьecot,lse theге

oгe Ьeons thегe.I'd |ove to see o Ьeoг (fгorn the inside of the

coг). ]'|| send o postcond of one. Aostin

To: Jonet Еdwoгds

5500 Arnhenst Lone

Егie, PА 16506

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Expeсtations:Be supposed to

WPЙINтСhеck the corrеct onswers.

The gтoom's father is thinking about

t something hе forgot to do.

П the usual way something is doneat a wedding.

|'е,d br||erhurrу up wiLh Nheee

picturеe' |t'э эuppoэed

Оh no !waэ эu??oэedto prepare a

а n p p г Ь 1r Y v v v t t i

Thank qoodneэe|'m no| eu??oeed to paу for

thiэ photoqraphеr,

best man bride,s maid bridе groomparents of honoг


сHАRт cI]ЕсI(Сircle T (Truе) orF (Folsе),

т F You сan usеhe supposed toin thе simplepresent andsimple pasttеnsеs.



! (Noт) Supr,osсo тo ] влsв Foпм oг vппв |



(not) supposed tostandbe here.Hе/Shе/l t

t s



*You is both singular and plural.

YEs/No QUЕsтloNsвд l suвlпст l suрposдo ro | вo,. гoпм |AmWas

supposed to stand here?lsWas





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Aггlпмдтlvв | шEGAтlvE





hеls .


i sn ' t .wasn't.


I'm not.wasn't .

ЕхPREss rfrЕtrIlСomplete thеsе sеntеnсes.

A: What we supposed to wear yestеrday?

B: Our suits. It

A: Oops.

supposed to bе a dress rehеarsal.

Grammar Еxplanations Ехamples

l. Use be supposed to to ta|k about diffеrеnt kindsof еxpесtаtions:

a. rulеs and usual ways of doing things r The groom is supposеd to arrivе at thесeremony еarly' |t,s a сustom.

b. prediсtioпs l lt,s not supposеd to rain tomoггow. I heardit on thе radio.

G. hеarsay (what everyonе says) r Тhe bеaсh is supposеd to bе bеautifu| inAugust. Еvегyonе says so.

d. plans oг arrangеmеnts r Тhе сеremony isn,t supposеd to bеgin yеt.

2. Use be supposed to only in thе slmрlе r The bгide is supposed to wear whitе'prеsеnt tеnsе or in thе simрle past tеnsе. l Thе сeгеmony was supposеd to bеgin at7:0О.

I lt wasn't supposed to rain.

Usе thе simple presеnt tеnsе to геfеr to both l l,m supposеd to be at thе wedding rеhеarsa|the present and the futurе. tomorrow.


Usдсв Noтв: Тhе simple past tensе oftеn l Сaг| was supposed to brlng flowеrs, bиtsuggеsts that somеthing did not happen. he forgot.

Eхpeсtations: Be supposed to l 151

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|52 t Uэ.lit 35

IDЕNTIFY o Rеod this orticle аnd undеrline the phrases thаt express eхpectotions.

IRUE 0R FALiE o Reаd the orticle аgoin, Write T (True) or F (Folsе) for еаch sеntence,

r l. Thе Striсklands plannеd a big wedding.

2. Thе weather foreсaster prediсted rain.

3. The Striсklands invitеd fifty wedding guests.

4. The fеrry followed a sсhedule.

5. People think that сyсlists are in good shape.

сOillPIEтE о Reod thesе conversotions, Сomplеtе thеm with o form of bе supposеd toond the verb in porеntheses, Givе short onswers, Сhoosе аffirmotivе or nеgotivе,

1. A: Netta, Gary сalled while уou Werе out.

B: Am 1 эu??oэed t.o ca|| him baсk?

No, you aren'ta. (сal l )

. Hе'll сall vou this afternoon'

2. A: The dress storе сalled too. They dеlivered your wedding dress to your offiсe.

they that?a. (do)

! That,s why I stayed home tоday. They

it here.с. (dеl ivеr)

3. A: Let,s get in line. Thе rеhеarsal in a fеw minutеs.a. (stаrt)



Iт WдsN'т SupposЕD тo Bв д Blс WвppINGPкovloвшсв, July l9-Thе Str iсk landswantеd a quiеt wedding-that's why theyeloped to Bloсk |s land, off thе At lant iсCoast of thе United Statеs. Thе is land isquitе smal l ' so thе Str iсk lands paсked

thеir bikеs for thе fеrry trip. The weathеrWaS supposеd to be lovеly, and thеy hadasked thе mayor to marry thеm on a hi l lovеrlooking thе oсean.

..Whеn wе got thеrе, wе found a сrowd ofсyсlists admiring thе view,,' laughed Bеth.

When Bi l l k issеd his br idе, thе audiеnсeburst into loud applausе and rang thеirbiсyсlе bеl ls . , .Wе Wеrеn't supposеd tohavе fifty wеdding guests, but wе loveсyсl ing, and wе're not sorry, ' ' B i l l sa id.

Whilе paсking thе nехt daу' Beth lеfthеr wеdding bouquеt at thе hotel. Мinutеsbеforе thе fеrry Was Supposed to lеavе, Bill

iumpеd on his bikе, got thе flowеrs, andmаdе it baсk to the fеrry on timе. .,Cyсlists

arе Supposеd to stay fast and fit,,, hе said.

B: We're bridesmaids. Where web. (stand)


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д. Аz Gary! You

B: Why not?

here!a. (bе)

A: You Netta until the сеrеmony. It,s bad luсk.b. (sее)

5. A: Sophie, сould I borrow your handkerсhief, pleasе? Ia. (Wеar)

something old, something nеw, something borrowed, and something bluе. I don,t

havе anything borrowed.

B: It today. Maybe I should lend you myb. (ra in)

umbrella instead.

6. A: I hеar Gary and Netta are going to Aruba on their honeymoon.

B: Oh, that a really niсe island.a. (bе)

EDIT о Reod Sophie,s lеttеr to o friеnd, Find аnd corrесt six mistokеs in thе usе ofbe supposеd to. Thе first mistаke is аlrеody corrеcted,

Deаr /{аshа,wa9

I,m so sorrу-| krloи, |-аttt sиpposed to шritе to уoи /аst шeek аboиt mg p/апs

to risit' |,re bееи а'ufи//у bиsу, fuIу frieпd Nettа isgettiпg mаrried sooп, апd sheЗ

аskеd mе to be hеr mаid of hoпor She апd Gаrу cuапt o b'9 toеdс/iпg Thеу'rе

sиpposed to hаve аboиt tи,o hипdredgиesk, I hаvе а /ot of respoпsibi/ities, I tai// be

sиpposеd togire Nеttа а shoruеr Ьеfo,e thе cuedditg (thаtЗ а pаrtу шhere еVеrуo'lе

briпgs prеseпk Р" thе bride), / аtп а/so sиpposo to he/p her сhoosе thr bridesmаids,

dressеs, The best rпаиЬ Иаme ЬJim, Нe,// hе/p Gаrуget 'eаdу, / /lаreп,t mеt him

уet, bиt hеЪ sиpposеs to be vеrу niсe.

|,d bеtfur sау goodbуe пocu, I sиpposed to /eаvе for reheаrsа/ fne miпиtеs аgo,



PS, Аboиt -у rЬit-/,m sиpposing to7еt somr time of iпl"/у, tЦoи/d thаt

bе сoиt,епiеиt?

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Future Possibility:MaУ,Might, Could

Еuкopв,s Wвдтнвк

Ъmpеraturеs in London may drop as mцсh as еlеvеn dеgrееsЬy tomorrow morning. \Wе might еvеn sее somе snow flurriеslatеr on in thе day.

'W.inds сoцld геaсh 40 mph.

YEs/No QUЕsтloNs

Аre you going to f|y to Paris?Arе you taking thе train?

WPЙINтСircle T (Truе) or F (FoIsе).

т F It's definitеly goingto snow in Londontomorrow.

],t/f,. QUЕsТloNs

When are you going to Parls?

How |ong wi|| you bе thеre?


may (not).l/Wе | might (not).

сould(n,t) .


maУ l g " l t omo r r ow .l/We I might

с o u l d I b e I t h е r е a w е е k .

сl|ARт сI{,ЕсK IСircle T (Truе) orF (Folsе),

т F Moy, might,and сould haveonly onе formfor all subjeсts.

sтAтЕ]vlENтsSuвlвст | м*tм'снт/Couto* | Bлsв Foпм oг vвпв |

|/Hе/S he/|t/Wе/You/Тhеymay (not)might (not)сould (not)

get сoId.

*These words are modals. They do not have -s in the third person singular.

сI]АRт сHEс'K 2Сhеck thе correсtonswer.When do vou usеmoy, might, or couldfor future possibility?

П m quеstions

П t, answеrs


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EXPRESSСomplеte this convеrsotion with might or might not.

A: Are you going home aftet сlass?

B: I

A: I

B: Maybe you should сall Jean instead. I

G ya aтъ rж mr ffiкр*ffi ffi etioв"r $

. It's very possible. Why?

сall you about the homework assignment. I don,t understand it.

understand it either.

Future PossibiliIуz May, Мight, Could l 155a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a o o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a (


1 . Use moy, might, and сould to talk about r It may bе windy |ateг.future possibil ity. l |t might gеt сold.

r lt сould rain tomorrow.

moу be and moуbe. Both еxprеss possibility.

Moy be is a modal + vеrb. |t is always r Hе may bе |atе today.two words.

Moуbе is not a modal. lt is an adverb. lt is r Maybe hе,|| takе thе tгain.a l w a y s o n e w o r d , a n d i t с o m e s a t t h e b е g i n n i n g N o т @of the sеntenсе.

2. Use moy not and might not to еxpгеss the r Тhеге arе a |ot of сlouds, but it mightpossibil ity that somеthing will not happеn. not rain.

Use сouldn,t to say that something is A: Why don,t you ask John foг a гidе?impossiblе. B: l сouIdn,t do that. He,s too busy'

} Bв сдпвrul! We usual|y do not сontraсt r You may not nееd a сoat.might not, and Wе nevег сontraсt moу not, Noт @

3. Quеstions about possibility usua|ly arе A: Whеn will it stort snowing?notformedwith mqY might, or could. |nstead, B: lt might start around lunсh timе.they arе formed with thе future (will, be going to,thе present progressive) or phrases suсh as

Az Are уou going to drive to work?

Doуou th i nk . , . ? o r l s i t po s s i b l е t ho t , , , ? B : lm igh t t a ke thе bus i n s t еad .

lt,s thе answеrs to thеsе quеstions that A: When orе уoU leoving?often have moу, might, or сould. B: I may lеave now.

|n short answers to yeslno quеstions, use moу| A: Will youг offiсe с|ose eaг|y?might, or could a]onе. B: |t might.

Usдсв Noтв: lf a form of be is thе main verb, it A: ls ouг train arгiving |ate?is сommon to inсlude be in the shoгt answеr. B: lt might be.

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156 t &Jз-tit **6

IDENтIFY C Alicе is o collegе studеnt who works pаrt time; Bill is hеr boyfriеnd. Reodtheir conversotion. Underlinе thе words thot ехprеss futurе possibilitу or impossibilitу.

Ar,rсш: I just heard that it may snоw today. Are you going to drive to work?

Brьь: No. I,ll take the 7:30 train instead.

Ar,rсв: I'll take the train with you. I have some work to do in the library.

Brr,r,: Great. Why don't you сut your afternoon сlass and have lunсh with me too?

Ar,rсш: oh, I сouldn't do that. But let,s meet at the train station at 6:00, oK?

Brr,ь: I might have to work until 8:00 tonight. I'll сall yоu and let you know.

ANswER o Whot will Alice ond BilI do together? Сhеck thе oppropriаte box for eoch octivitу.

1 .

2 .

3 .

Take the train at 7:30 д.м.

Have lunсh.

Meet at thе train station at 6:00 p.м.





lmposs ib le


сOIfiPLEтE o Alice is groduoting from collеge with o dеgree in Еorlу Сhildhood Eduсotion.Сomplеtе this porаgroph from her diory. Сhoose thе аppropriotе words in porеnthеsеs.

I jиst got thе noticе trom rny schoo|. I'm qoinq lo

l . (m igh t no t / 'm go ing to )

grаduаIе in Jиne, bиt l stit{ don't hаvе anу p|ans. Somе dау-cаrе cеntеr; hirе фцdеnts

bdore Ihеу grаdt'lаtе, so I apptv for a.1ob2. (сould / сou|dn,t)

now. or I aPPlV to а grаduаtе schoo| аnd3. (might / might not)

gеt mу master's dеgrеe' l,rn jиst not sцrе Inougn1hеse pаst tlt'lo чеаrs hаuе bеen

hаrd, аnd I bе rеаdу to studу for two mтrе'4. (maу / may not)

Аt |еаst | аm sсlrе аbout rY|\ caвеft |5. ( 'm going to / might)

WOrk With childrеn ' ITlа|'s cеrtаin. I madе an appointmеnt to discцss rnv Ptans with rnу

rеаchеr, Мrs. Hиrnphreу, tomorrow. I tatk6. (mаybе l maу)

Ihis ovеr with hеr. 5hе

what to do.7. (won't / might;

hаve аn idеа aboцt

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Future Possibi|itу: {t4aу, hllight, Соuld l 157

DESсRIBE о Look аt Аlicе,s schеdulе for Mondаy. Shе put o quеstion mork (?) next toеoch item she wosn,t sttrе obout, Writе sentеncеs аbout Alice,s plons for Mondoу, Usеmay or might for things thаt orе possiblе ond be going to for things thot orе cеrtoin.

M0NDАYсall Dill at 9:ОО go to work at 1:ОО

buу aomo notrboоko boforе c|aэe ? go ahopping afher work ?go to meeting wtth Mre, Нumphreу at 11:ОО take 7:ОО tratn ?have coffer with Эur aftor сIaee ? piсk up pizza

1. А|ice iэ going t,o ca\l bil| at 9zoo,

2. Эhe maу buу эome no|ebookэ before claээ.

3 .


5 .


7 .


EDIT. Rеod this student,s report obout Еl Nifio. Find ond corrеct еight mistokes inеxpressing futurе possibility, The first mistoke is olreodу сorreсtеd,

Evеry few years, the oсean neaг Pеru beсomes Warmer. Callеd Е1 Niflo' thismaУ

variatlon in temperature ffiаf,rbr- сause weather changes all over the world.

Thе west сoasts of North and South America mi$ht to have heavy гains. on

the other side of the Paсifiс, New Guinea mi$ht beсomes very dry. Northern

aгeas сould have Warmeц wetteг winters, and. southеrn areas сould beсome

much сoldeт. These weather changеs affeсt plants and anlmals. Some fish

mayn't survive in warmer waters. Drou$hts сould causin$ сrops to die, and

food may grt very expensive. El Niflo may happen еvery two years, or it

сould not сome for seven yеaгs. Wiil El Niflos $et worse in the futurе? They

сould bе. Pollution holds heat in the aiц and it will incгease the effесts of

El Niflo, but no onе ls suгe yеt.

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Assumptions:MaУ, Might, Could, Must,Have (got) to, Can't

жPпINTСheck the correct onswеr,

Thе famous detесtivе SherloсkHolmеs is

П making a guеss.

П tutki.'g about an оbligation.

K iqhL aqa i n lТh ie man haэ got

to be a gen iue l

You muэt beGina Lemont,

сIIARт сI|Eсl( lСirclе T (True) orF (Folsе).

т F Thе third-person singularmodal dоes notend in -s.



| мooo. | вo'. Foпм oг vвпв |

|/Hе/S hе/l tlW e lY ou lThеy

may (not)might (not)сoцld (not)must (not)can't

be гight.

work thеге.

AFF|R]tf,AтlvЕ sтArЕniЕNтsz HАVE (Goт) ToSuqвст | нon, (coт) тo | вo,. гoпм |IlWеlYoulThеy havе (got) to be гight.

Hе/She/ l t has (got) to work thеre.

сl|ARт сl|EсK 2Сircle T (Truе) orF (Folse).

т F A1l rnоdals оfassumptionsarе usеd inquеstions.

YEs/No QUЕsтloNsl ll l

Сouto I Suв,вст | Blsв Foпм

Could hе work thеге?

s}loRт ANsWЕRs

Mooдl./Suryвст | Hлvс (сoт) тo

must (not).may (not).might (not).сouId(n,t) .Gan't .has (got) to.

HеNoтв: For сontraсtions witЬ could пot and

cа,nnot, see Appendix 24 on pagе 346.


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*:.:ygР}j:.T:: У3у:.Y'g,:!'.9.?у.,!: .Y.|'?: . r?у.: .9.: .U..r.1 . 9.::.i ..- . .1.|.? . . . . . . . . .

EхPREssCircle thе corrеct words to complеte this conversotion.

A: I heard a sound сoming from thе basemеnt. What сould / might it be?

B: I'm not sure. It сan / might be the сat. It can l can,t be thе dog. Thе dog's upstairs.

6ranrmar Еxplanatiоns Жк*rжр**к

1. Wе oftеn makе assumptlons, oг,,bеst guesses,,,based on infoгmation we have about a prеsentsituation. Тhe modal that we сhoose depеndson how сertain We are about our assumption.

Aггtпмдтlvгmusthavе (got) tomaymight, сould

NвсдтlvгGan,t, сouldn,tmust notmay notmight not

10Оo/o сеrta in


0olo сеrtain

2. Whеn you are a|most 100 pегсent сertain thatsomеthing is possiblе, usе must, hove to, orhovе got to.

Usдсв Noтв: Wе use hove got to in informalspeeсh and wгiting, and we usualIy сontraсt it.

When you are lеss сеrtain, usе moу might,or could.

Ho|mеs is a br i l | iant dеteсt ivе.Assuмpтtoшl Hе must solvе a |ot of сrimеs.

I Hе,s got to bе a gеnius!

Watson knows a lot about mediсinе.Assuмpтloшr Hе might bе a doсtor.

3. Whеn Vou are almost .l00 oеrсеnt сеrtain that

something is lmpossible, use can,t or сouldn,t,

When you are slightly less сеrtain, usе musf not.

Use moу not or might пot whеn you arelеss сertain.

Bв сдпвгuь| Havе to and hаvе got to arе notusеd to йake negative assumptions.

r Hе Gan,t be dеad! | th ink hе,s st i l l breathing!

l Shе must not fееl wе||. She |ooks palе.

r Hе may not know about thе plan. His bossdoеsn,t tе|| him еverything.

I l t сan,t bе truе!Noтffi

4. Usе сould in questions.

Usдс: Noтв: Wе rarеly use might and wе nevеrusе ,noy in quеstions about possibi|ity.

l Someonе,s сoming. Who сould i t be?

Rлпв: Might hе bе at home?Noтffi

5. In short answrrs, use hoye (got) to or amodal alonе.

Use be in shoгt answers to quеstions thatinс|ude a foгm of he.

Could Ann know Maгiе?She hаs to. They're nеighbors.

ls Ron sti|| with Сity Bank?I 'm not suге. Hе might not be.



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160 l tr"Еnit 3?

lIIАтсIt о Еасh foct goеs with on аssumption. Motch еoch foct with theсorrect ossumption,


C .

d .

3 .


5 .


1. Her last name is Lеmont. She

He's оnly thirteеn. He

Her eyes are red. She

Shе's wearing a wedding ring. She

His initials are M.B. He

The house is сompletely dark. They

She has somr graУ hair. She

Lоok! What,s going on over there?

сouldn't bе


a. must not be at home.

must bе married.

has to be older tkran twenty.

сan't be marriеd.

might have allеrgies.

may bе Frenсh.



9. сould be Marс Brunner.

сI]00sЕ o Look ot the picturе ond circle thе corrеct words to complеtе this convеrsotion,


I don't know. It 6oulф/

Some kind оf delivеry.

Wдтsoш: At this hour? It сan't / must bе2.

almost midnight! Nothing's

open now.

Hor,мшs: Hmm. 27 Cat|lsle Street. That

сan,t /,s got to bе thе bank.











3 .It ls the bank.

Can you see what that man is taking out of the сarriage?

It lооks like a box. What do you suppose is in it?

I don't knoщ but is seems heavy. It сould / must not сontain gоld.4.

Look at that man in front of the bank. Could / Must he bе the bank manager?5 .

He might / might be.6.

But why are they making this delivery

be normal.

The manager might not / must want people to know about it. Hе8.

сouldn't / ma]r be worried about robbers.9.

at this time? This сould / сouldn't7 .

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*:.:ygР:j:.T.:.. Уту:.Yi.g.?!'.9.?у!!:.Y.i'?!:1?!.1.9.?!).!?.,.?.1':.}..:..l.9.1..........l

сOIff|PIEтE o Reod Shеrlock Holmеs,s conversotion with o murdеr suspect. Сompletе itwith the words in porеnthesеs ond o modol thot shows the dеgree of certointу. ffheremoy be morе thon onе correct аnswer,)

You muel be Gina Lemont.Hor,мвs:





1. Almost certoin (You / bе / cina Lеmont)

2. Possible (l / be)

Sherloсk Holmes. I hear something in the neхt room.

3. Possible (|t / bе / thе саt)

Who wants to know?

.I 'm a lone.

Hor,мвs: Alonе?4. Almost cеrtoin (You / eat a |ot)

platеs on the table.

you are mistaken?

Lвмoшт: No,6. Impossible (it / bе)

someone. but he never сame.

Hor.мвs: Does your сat smoke? I smell pipe tobaссo.

There are two

that5. Possible (it / bе)

I was expeсting

7, Almost сertoin (lt / сome l from your own pipе)

8, lmpossible (Тhеrе l bе l anу othеr еxp|anation)

Hor,п,шs: oh.9. Possible (thеrе / bе)

a look at this "cat"?

EDIT. Rеod this studеnt,s reoding journol for o mуstеrу novеI, Find ond corrеctsix mistаkеs in ехprеssing ossumptions, The first mistoke is olrеodу corrеcted.

May we have

The mаiи сhаrасtец tvlo//у Smith, is а сo//еgr ЕSL fuасhеr, Shr is trуiпg to fпd her deаd

grаиdpаrепts,first homе iп the uпitеd Stаtеs, lt mа! & iи а пeаrbу tocuи. The

toшпspеop/e therе seem sсаrrd, Thеу сoи/d bе hаre а sесret, or theу mиstjиst hаfu

strапgers, tvlo//g hаs somе o/d letfurs thаt mght /eаd her to the p/асе. Theу аrе iп

Аrmeиiаи, bиt oиe of her stиdeиts mghk trапs/аfu them for hеr. Тheу hаftа be

importапt bесаиse thе аиthor mепtioпs them r(ght ашcI!/. The /etter mиst сoпtаiп

fo-i/у seсrеts, Who is thе bаdgиу? |t сoиldи,t bе the stиleпt beсаиse he шаnts to he/p,

It mght to br thе пеtuspаPrr eс/itor iи the toшп,

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сI|АRт снEсK 2СirсIе Т (True) orF (Folsе),

т F In questionsand shortanswers,we usuallvonly useshould hove.

Advisability in the Past

жPЙlNтСhеck thе correct onswer.

Thе man

t l. planning his future.

П ."gтets things in his past.

s}|oRт ANsWЕRsAггlпмдтlvв l NEGAтIvЕ

Yes, he should havе. l No, hе shouldn,t have.

{, I\1у рaren.ts nighthave enсouragid .

me mОre, ' ./

I shouldn't havemissed .that,^ opportunlтJ,

I covid havе beenrich and {amous.

сIIARт сIlEсl( IСirclе T (Truе) orF (Fаlse).

т F You сan addпot to allmodals thatexpress pastadvisability orobligation.



| мooo. | нo,' | гo'' PдптIсlpl-в


should (not)ought (not) toсouldmight

have appl ied.

YEs/No QUEsтloNsSнouto I sury..' | нon, | гo'' Pдптlсlpl.в

Should hе havе appl ied?

ш/r'. QUЕsтloNsWн- Woп o I s"ou,, I suщ.,, | нon, | гo'' Pдптlсlpl-в

Whеn should hе have appl ied?


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сHART сliEсl( 3Сhеck the correctanswer.

Whiсh words are NoTusually сontraсted?

J should hаve

[l could hove

[1 ought to hove

Advisabi l i ty in the Past I 163


shou|d havе = shouId,ve

сould have = сouId,vemight havе = might,veshould not have = shouldn't have

ЕxPRЕssжСompletе this сonvеrsotion.

A: Should I сalled you yesterday?

B: Yes, you . I waited all day for your сall.

Grammar Цxрlanatioшs *xannрI*s

1. Use shoиld hove, ought to hovе, сould hovе, r I should,ve appliеd to сo||еgе.and might hove to talk about things that were (l didn,t opplY to сollege, ond l,m sorrу.)advisab|e in thе past. Тhese modals oftеnexprеss regret or blame.

l I ought to havе taken that job.(l didn,t toke thе job, Thot wos o mistoke.)

r Shе сould,vе gone to a bеttеr sсhoo|.(Shе didn,t go to o good sсhool' Now shе rеgrеtshеr сhoiсе,)

r You might,vе told me.(You didn,t tеll me, Thot wos wrong,)

2. Should not hove and aught not to hove are r He shouldn,t havе missed thе еxam.thе on|y,forms used in negative statemеnts. l He ought not to have missed the еxam.Should not hove is moгe сommon.

Should (not) have is the most сommon form r Should he have сalled thе tеaсhег?used in ouestions.

Pпoшuшсlдпoш NoтвIn informal speeсh, hove in modal phrasеs is often pronounсed likе the word of or o.For eхample, could have sounds |ike ,,сould of,, or ,,сoulda.,, Do not wгite сould of or сouldo.ought to is often pronounсеd |ike ,,oughta.,, Do not writе oughto.

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164 I unit BB

тRUE 0R FAtsE o Rеod еoсh numbеrеd sеntenсe. Write T (Truе) or F (Folsе) for thеstotеment thot follows.

1. I shouldn't have сalled him. 4. Feliсia сould have been president.

т I сalled him. Feliсia is presidеnt.

2. I shou]d have told them what I thought. 5. I ought to have praсtiсed more.

I didn't tell them. Now I,m sorцz. I didn,t praсtiсe enough.

3. He might havе warned us about it. 6. They shouldn,t have lent him their сar.

Hе knew. but he didn't tell us. Thеv lent him their сar.

с0[|PIEтE o Reod this еxсerpt from o mogozinе ortiсlе, Сomplеtе it with thе corrесtform of thе words in porenthesеs ond o short onswеr, Сhoosе between аffirmotivеond nеgotivе.

Regrеts . . .I t ,s not unusual to fее l rеgrеt about th ings in thе past that you th inkyou

эhou|d have done and did not do-or thе oppоsitе, about things1 . ( shou ld / do)

you d id do and fее l you ln faсt, wе lеarn bv2 . ( shou ld / do)

thinking abоut past mistakеs. For еxample, a studеnt who fai ls a tеst lеarns that

hе or shе morе and сan imprоvе on thе3. (should i study;

nеxt tеst. oГtеn, howеvеr, pеoplе spеnd too muсh t imе thinking about what thеу

diffеrеntly. Мany rеgrеts arе simply nоt basеd4. (сould / do)

in fасt. A mothеr regrеts missing a fоotbal l gamе in whiсh hеr son,s lеg was

in iurеd. , , I ' , ,shе kееps tе l l ing hеrsе l f .5. (ought to / go)

homе . I6. (should l sIaу) 7. (сouId / prеvеnt)

thе iniurv. Thе off iс ials at lеast

mе as Soon as it happеnеd.', Did shе rеаl lц8 . (m igh t / сa l I )

havе thе powеr to prеvеnt hеr son,s injury? thе

off iс iа ls her bеforе looking at thе in jurу? No, of9. (Should / сontaсt)

сoursе, thеу . Thеrе is an ltal ian orоvеrb that savs.10 .

,,Whеn thе ship has sunk' еVеryonе knows hоw thеу i t . "11 . ( сou|d / savе)

It,s еasy to sесond guеss about thе past: Thе rеal сhal lеngе is to solvе thе problеms

' ' ^ ' ' { ^ . ^ ' i ^ Ь t ^ ^you l a се r l gnL nOW.

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Adчrisаbif itу in thе Рast f 165

REWRIтE o Rеod Grеto,s rеgrеts. Rеwrite them using the modols in porеntheses аndchoose betwеen offirmotive ond negotivе,

1. I didn't gо to сollege. Now I,m unhappy with my job.

(should.) | эhou|d have gone to co||ege.

2. I feel siсk. I ate all the сhoсolate.


3. Christina didn,t сome over. Shе didn't even сall.


4. I didn't


have enough monеy to buy the shirt. Why didn,t Еd offer to lend me some?

5. I jogged five miles yesterday, and now I'm eхhausted.


6. The supermarket сharged me for the plastiс bags. They usеd to be frеe.


7. I didn't in

(ought to)

vite Cynthia to thе party. Now she's angry at me.

8. Yesterday Was my birthday, and my brother didn't send me a сard. I'm hurt.


ЕDlT o Reаd this journol entry, Find ond corrеct six mistаkes in the usе of modols, Thеfirst mistoke is olreody сorrеctеd.

-,.{lr}ii>\ DeсеmЬеr /5

Аboиt а cuеek аgo, Jeипifer шаs /аtе for шork аgаin, апd Doиg, oиr boss, to/d me he шаиtrd to 7et

rid of hеr l шаs 'eаllу иpsеt, of сoиrsе,Jеппifer shoи/lи,tЫ bееп /аte so oft"n, bиt he mtlht hаs

tаlked to her аboиt thе problеm befЬre he deсidel to let hеrgo, Thеn hе told mе to mаkе herjob

l,ffси/t for hеr so t/tаt shе ,uoи/с| qиit, ljиst prеtэп,/eс/ | didп,t heаr him, Whаt а mЬtаke!

I oиghtа hаve сoпfonted him rght аI!су, or I сoи/d аt /еаst hаvе шаrпedJеиифп Аиушау'

Jenпifer is sti|/ here, bиt noш I'm шorried аЬoиt mу oшпjob, Shoи/l t of to/d ooиgb boss? / шoпder

futауbe t shoиld hапd/e thiпgs lffirentlу lаst шeek, The сompапу shoиld Иever hаs hired this3иу,

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Speculationsabout the Past

WPЙlNтСhеck the correct onswеr.

Thе question under the photograph asks

П iг it was possible that something happenеd.

П ir people had permission to do something.Едsтгп lst-дшo: Could visitors fгom another planethavе built thеsе qiant statuеs?

сIlАRт сI|EсK lСirclе T (True) orF (False).

т F The form ofthе modal doesnot сhangefor differеntsubjeсts.


SuцвстMooдl./Hдo тo

I PдsтHдvt l Pдптlсlpl.в


may (not)might (not)can'tсould (not)must (not)had to

havе seen thе statuеs.

сlIАRт сIIEсI( 2Сheсk thе corrеctonswеr.

Whiсh modal сan bеused in both questiоnsand short answers forspeсulations aboutthe past?r-LJ сon

[l сould

Ё1 might

Y Es/No QUЕsтloNS: CoUt.D

l l |пo' 'Couto l SuЦп.ст | Hлvс | Pлптlсlпl.в

Could hе l havе seen a| iеns?


I Mooдl./ lSuв;вст | Hлo тo I Hдvс'

may (not)might (not)can'tсould (not)must (not)had to


EхPREssжСirclе the corrеct words to сomplеtе thesе sеntеncеs.

Could they сarvеd / have сarved the statuеs? Thеy might / might havе.


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Speсulаtions about the Past f |67

G ram шт*r ЕxplanetiФits Еxamplеs

1. Wе oftеn spесulatе, or make ,,best guessеs,,,about past situations based on thе faсts that wehave. Thе moda| that wе сhoose dеpends onhow сertain We arе about our spесUlations.


must havеhad to havemay havеmight haveсould have

NгсдтlvгGan't haveсouldn,t havemust not havemay пot havemight not havе

100% сertain


0olo сertain

2. Whеn you arе a|most 100 perсent сeгtain thatsomеthing was possib|e, usе must havе orhod to hove.

When you are |еss сertain, Use ,''oy hove,might hovе, or сould hove,

Тhе statues are veгy big.Spгсut-дтloшr Тhеy must havе been haгd to movе.

Тhе islandеrs Wеrе ablе to сarvе thе stonе.Spгсuитloхr Тhе stonе may have beеn quite soft.

3. When you arе a|most 100 pеrсеnt сеrtain thatsomеthing was impossiblе, use Go,l,t hove orcouldn't have.

When you are s|ightly Iеss сeгtain, usе ,'UJt not.

Use mсy not hovе or might not have whеnyou arе lеss сеrtain.

Bв сдпвгul! Wе do not usua|ly usе hod to hovefor nеgative speсuIations.

l The isIanders сouldn,t have moved the stone!|t was too hеavy.

Thеy must not havе moved it without hе|p.

Тhе islandеrs might not havе movеd thеstatues ovеr |and. Тhеy сould havе used boats.



4. Use сould hove in quеstions aboцtpossibility or u5е quеstions without modals.

l CouId thе is|andеrs have moved thе stonе?OR

r Do you think thеy movеd thе stonе?

5. Use beеn in short answers to quеstions thatinс|ude a form of be,

Use on|y thе moda| + hove in short answеrs toquestions with other veгbs.

Could von Ddniken havе been wrong?OR

Wos he wrong?Hе сеrtainly сould have beеn.

Did thе is|andегs work on thеir own?Тhey сould havе.




Рпoшuшсlдтloп Noтrln informal speесh, hove in modal phгasеs is oftеnFor examp|e, must have sounds likе ,,must of.,, Do

pronounсеd likе the woгd of.not write must of.

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168 r unit Be

lflАтсlt o Еoch foct goеs with o speculotion. Motсh еoch foct with thе corrеctspесulаtion аbout outhor Еrich von Diinikеn,

a .

b .

1 .


The original title of Chаriots of thеGods? was Brinnеrungеn andie Zukunft.

Von Diniken visited every plaсe hedesсribеd in his book.

In 1973, he wrote In Sеarch ofАnciеnt Gods.

Hе doеsn't have a degтee inarсhaeologу.

Von Dflniken's books sold millionsof сopies.

As soon as von Deniken publishedhis books. sсientists attaсked him.


pеоplе dressed in loсal сostumes.

Was von DЁniken upset by all the сritiсism


He must have traveled a lot.

They must not havе beliеvedhis thеories.

He сould have learned about thesubjeсt on his own.

He must have made a lоtof money.

He must have written itin Gеrman.

He might have written otherbooks toо.

C .

d .




5 .



3 .

ANSWER o Some orchoeology students аrе аsking quеstions in closs. Use thе modols inporentheses to writе short onswers.











Тhey cou\d have . They had the knowledge and the tools.

1 . Do you think the people on Easter Island built the giant statues themsеlves?


W,ere many people imprеssed by von DДniken's theories?

. His books were rеad all over thе wоrld.(must)

Von DЁniken says that many anсiеnt artifaсts show piсtures of astronauts. Could

these piсtures have illustratеd anything сloser to Еarth?


It's possible that the piсtures show

he reсeived?

(might not). After all, it helped his book sales.

Do you think von DЁnikеn helped inсrease general interest in arсhaeology?5.

(must). Just look at the size of this сlass!

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Speсulations abоut ttre Past l 1'69

сOI|PLEтЕо Rеod port of o review of Еrich von Diiniken,s book Chariots of thе Gods?Сomplеte it with thе verbs in porenthеses.

aould have made the Easter Island statues? AссordingWho1 . ( сou|d / mаkе)

to Eriсh von DДnikеn. our anсеstors

wrote his popular

the Easter Island4. (must not / know)

experiments that proved that the anсiеnt islandеrs

2. (сou|d not / bui|d)

struсtures on thеir own beсausе thеir сulturеs Wеre too primitive. His solution:

They help from Spaсe visitors. When hе3. (had to / gеt)

book. von DAniken



and thеse6 (tгаnsport)

alien visitors. Not only that, the island's population

muсh larger than von DЁnikеn bеlieves. onе7. (might / bе)

sсientist speсulates that as many as 20,000 peоple8. (mаy / | ivе)

on Еaster Island-enough pеople to have done the job. Visitors from another planet?

5 (сouId / сarvе)

statues without any help frоm

A more logiсal answer is to think that our anсestors

gтeat skill, intelligenсe, and strength to сreate these9. (must / havе)

wonderful things.

EDIT. Rеod pаrt of o studеnt,s еssoу, Find ond сorrеct six mistokes in the use of modolsfor speculotions obout thе post, The first mistoke is olreodу corrected.

have bеenIn 1927, Toribio Mexta Хesspe of Peru must baveгy suгprisеd to see lines in thе

shapеs of huge animals on the $гound bе1ow his airpJ.anе. Crеated by the anсient

Nazсa сulture, these forms are too big to гeсoEprize from the gтound. Howeveц at

about 600 feеt in the aiг the giant forms take ж

shape. TАIithout airplanеs, how сou1d an anсient

сulture had made them? \ДГhat purposе сould

thеy havе had? Authoг Eгiсh von Dё,nikеn

beiievеs that the drawin$s mi$ht have mark a

landing stгip foг the spaсrсraft of astronauts

from another planеt. Aгсhaeolo$ists, howevец

now believe that the anсiеnt Nazсan сivilization mi$ht devеlop flight.

They сou]d of built hot-air ba}lons and desi$n the pictures from thе aiг.

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lffil 0]{ЕСirc|е thе lettеr of thе correct аnswer to complеte еoch sеntence.

2. Frank watсhes all the Lakers games. He - to be one oftheir biggеst fans.(A) must(B) has got

l. -W.asn,t that Mehmet in сlass?-It -. Mehmet left sсhool last week.

Еxдмрш:Jennifer nеver сoffee.(A) drink(B) drinks

(A} сouldn't(B) сould have been

tA) don't have to(B) must not

(A) сouldn't bе(B) may bе

(A) should have(B) might have

(С) is drinking(D) was drinking

(C) сouldn't have been(D) сouldn't havе

(C) сouldn't(D) should have

(C) have to(D) arе supposed to

(C) maybe(D) will

(C) сouldn't have(D) shouldn't havе

A@с D ]









3. Children under five years old swim without an adult.

4. Where we supposed to go for the test tomorrow?(A) do (C) will{B) are (D) should

5. Bring your umbrella. It _ later.(A) might rain (C) сouldn't rain(B) rains (D) might havе rained

6. -Will your plane be late this afternoon?_It -. The airport was сlosed this morning.

7. You - told Mark. You knew it was a seсret.

8. They built this temple 3,000 years ago. This musta gтeat сivilization.(A) has been (C) was(B) have been (D) not have been

Jan - to сall Myra yesterday but he forgot.{A) supposed (C) supposes(B) is supposed (D) was suppоsed


9. ABсD

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10 . -Could Amy have been at home yesterday?-She . I reallv don't know.(A) сould havе bеen(B) might be

11. Chris to сlean up his room. It,s a mess.(A) have got(B) has got

12. I failed the test. I(A) should have(B) must havе

(A) сall(B) has сalled

(C) must(D) got

studied harder.(C) should(D) may

(С) had to have been(D) сouldn't have

(C) have сalled(D) be сalling

l 3 . L i s awas i n t own re сen t l y . Shem igh t -me to sayhe1 l o !





Еаch sentence hos four underlinеd words or phroses. Thе four undеrlinеd pаrtsof the sеntеnсе orе morkеd A, B, С, ond D. Сirclе the lеttеr of thе onе underlinеdword or phrosе thot is Nor сoRRЕст,


1 5 .


17 .

1 8 .

19 .


Tom didn't wave to me, so he must have known I цras here.A B с D

We,d better hurry, or thе train miфt leaves without us.A B с D

His English is exсellent, so he had to has studied hard.A в ( D

We ought to have look at more сars bеfore wе bought ours.A B с D

You gotta get dressed beсause Sasha may be hеre soon.A B с D

You have to buсklе your seat belt now or you сouldn,t drive. It,s the law.A в с D

You don't have to drive faster than 65 mph or you might get a tiсket.A B с D

Hardlie,s must has gonе out of business reсently.A B с D

It must rain tonight, so I'd bеtter stay home.A B ( D

Jason will bе supposed to be there tomorrow, but he сan't attend.A B с D

It must be almost 11:00, so we really hafta leave now.







A B с D

25. You should of sеen that moviе with us bесause it may not be here long.A B ( D







Еxдмptt:Mike usually drives to sсhool, but today he walks. A B сo

A B ( D

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wiffiPЙцNTСhеck thе сorreсt onswеr.

The ownеr thinks thе apartment is:/-rLJ pеrtесt

П *u.- and сozv

Adieсtives and Adverbs


Thеy aге quiet tenants'|t,s a fast е|еvator.Thе buiIding seеms niсе.lt,s absolutе|y perfесt.


Тhеy work quiеtly.|t movеs vеry fast.Shе dеsсribеd it niсely.lt,s absolutely peгfесt.


A: It's a

thesе sentences with the сorrеct form of thе word slow.

еlevatоr. It moves verY


сI|АRт cHEсКCircle T (True) orF (Fаlsе).

т F Adverbs oftenсomе bеforеnouns.

т F Adjeсtives oftenсome aftеraсtion verbs.

т F Adverbs oftenend in -ly.


B: It's not . It just seems

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Adieсtives arrd Adverbs l 173

йy mжмж* жr Жжp& effi effgфYъs" &кamр*еs

1. Usе adiесtivеs to desсribе nouns or Dronouns(foг peop|e, plaсes, and things).

Adjeсtivеs usually сomе immеdiate|y beforе thеnoun thеy desсribe.

Adjесtives сan aIso сomе aftеr non-aсtion verbssuсh as be, look, or sееm,

noun ad|eсtivе pron. ad jесtivеr Thе housеs are bеoutiful. Theу are new'

аd iес t i vе noUnl Тhis is a s,moll apartmеnt.

vеrb adiесt iver This apartment seеms smoll.

2. Usе adverbs to dеsсгibе verbs, adjесtives, andothеr adverbs.

Advеrbs that desсribe adjeсtives and othеradverbs usual|y сome immеdiately beforеthе word thеy dеsсгibе.

vеrb advеrbr Тhey furnished it niсelу.

adverb adjесt ivеl lt,s an extremely niсе house.

аdverb adverbr Тhеy found it very quiсkly.

3 . Usе advеrbs of manner to desсribe aсtion vеrbs.Тhеsе adveгbs oftеn answer How? questions. Тhеyсomе aftеr thе verb thеy dеsсribе.

Bв сдпвгul! Do not put an adverb of mannеrbetwеen the vегb and its direсt objесt.

r lt,ll rent quiсklу,(Quiсkly dеsсribеs how fast it will rent')

verb direсt obiесtr Shе,II rent this apartmеnt quiсktу,


4. Adverbs of manner are oftеn formеd byadding .ly to adjeсtives.

for еxamp|e, sillу friеndlу lovеlу and lonelу,

ad jесt ivе

We nееd a quiсk deсision.advеrb

You should dесide quiсkly.

adiесtivе|t,s a lovely apartmеnt.

5. Some Gommon advеrbs of manner do notеnd in ./y.

a. Тhе adverb form of good is well.

b. Somе advегbs havе the samе form as thеitrе|ated adieсtives, for exampIe, еorlу, fost,wronltt lote, and hord.

Bв сдпвгurt,. Lotеly is not the adverb form oflatе. Lаtelу mеans ,,reсent|y.,' Hordlу is not theadvеrb form of hord. l-lordlу means ,,a|most not.,,

ad jесt ive аdverbr She,s a good wгiteг. Shе writеs wеll.


Bob was latе.

AovгввBob сamе late.

Shе,s a hard woгkeг. Shе works hard.

r She hasn,t mеt any nеW pеop|e lotelу.

l Тhеrе,s hordlу еnough timе to prеpare for hеrсlasses. Her paгt-time job takes up most of hег timе.

Сheсk iI oul!For a disсussion of advеrbs of frequеnсy' seе Unit 2, page 7 .

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171 r unit 40

iDENтIFY o Reod this notiсe obout on oportmеnt for rеnt. IJnderline the аdjесtives ondcircle thе odverbs. Thеn drow on orrow from the odjectivе or odvеrb to thе word itis describing.

сOI|I|PLETE o MonY pеoplе wеnt to seе thе oportment dеscribеd in thе notiсe obovе.Сomplеtе thеir сomments obout thе oportment with thе corrеct form of the wordsin porenthеsеs.

I'm very intеrested. I think the apartment is extremelу nicе(еxtrеmе / n iсе)

2. I was eхpeсting muсh bigger rooms. I was(tеrr ib|е / d isаppointеd)

3. I thought the apartment would be hard to find, but it was(surpr is ing / еasy)

4. I was happy to hear that the park is(extremе / safе)

5. It's a grеat plaсe, and thе priсe is reasonable. It will rent( inсredib|е / fаst)

6. The owner seems niсe, but she talks(awful / slow)

7. The notiсe said it was quiеt, but I heard the neighbors(vеry / с|ear)

8. I hеard them too. I thought thеir voiсes Were

l .

APт. FoR RENтS t u d e n t s ! A r e y o u l o o k i n g f o r a s p e с i a ] . p 1 a с e t o 1 i v e ?

C o m e t o 1 4 0 G r a n t S t r e e t , A p t . ц B . T h i s a p a r t m e n t i sЯ

Щ pe r f e с t f o r two s e r i ou s s t uden t s who a r e

l ook i ng f o r a qu i e t ne i ghbo rhood , j u s t 15 m inu t e s f r om

сampus . Th i s 1ove1y apa r tmen t i s i n a new bu i l d i ng .

I t i s a s ho r t wa1k t o t he bu s s t op . The e xp r е s s bu s goe s

d i r e с t 1 y i n t o t own . A t n i gh t t hе bu s ha rd1y makes any

s t op s a t a11 . You с an wa1k s a f e l y t h r ough t hе wonde r f u1

pa r k s on you r way home . Thе r en t i s v e r y a f f o r dab l e .

C a11 f o r a n appo i n tmen t : 5 55 - 5050 .

Don ' t wa i t ! Th i s apa r tmеn t w i 11 r en t f a s t .

9. All in all. it's an(еxсеpt ional / p|еasant)


(unusua l / l oud)

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Adieсtives and Adverbs t |7 5. . . . . o o o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . о o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

arurh ru гЦnn<Е . Сomplеtе Moggiе,s lеttеr with the corrеct word in porenthеsеs.ы

\ ' lv l , . , r -

Aor,tt /l/** orX >ad,

!ф * /Уoo, Qa,,Ь /,1, Uа// еxcit.ing !*z ",x

I аlatp,la,l lulp u,,е,J, 1,},е1. (еxс i t ing / ехс i t in9ly)

ф, /!,,J il,a 4o, ,,/4JДp4J/,4q/ цeЙadn// пю 4а,11L a l,hюol

* a,"],/-'l lР)%o /423. (bеaut i fu| / bеaut i fuIIy)

5. (busy / busi ly)

Jюr,4n,l i,? llZ шo фr'tс' ф a,,,,, а,r)ai/44Р,/4J /!*]1,,4r ll /юan,r

/1./е И,m

a'июh a2. (|aгgе l |argе|у)

иu,t,4k)а,n /4ф) аil''a/ Ju ploaЫ l/аp aд/дo аr,

7. (quiеt / quiеtly)

J4,',' ,z,фo,L /1 a?И/

8. (hard l hard|у)

,4l //л,4J 4,h, 4*,,*l

6. (n iсе i n iсe|y)

lе)ip,llе lt,l' * /Уе,.t,, ц,,,,/" 0ш ие,хJ-

1o. (shy / shyly)9. (n iсе / n iсеIy)

/*J ,"* |,.,l,аn1 1. (good / wе| l)

|,/" /,,,,|," t/л/n,аp l,o|J" *ыJ, Р/"-a' v^" A,{,1/1,/rrur lo

а/4l ш,ИJp 4IJ{t/t,,-lorn,


ЕDlT. Rеаd this studеnt,s journаI еntry, Find ondсorrеct sevеn mistokеs in thе use of odjeсtivеsond аdvеrbs, Thе first mistoke is olreаdу сorrected,



! hа,,tlу пot to /пиg/l,luhi/r hе шlls- ,яL l L



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Partiсipial Adjectives

ar ar t-t

SayS that she is an interеsting person.

lffi] POINTCircle T (Truе) or F (Folse),

т F Thе writer of thе ad

сiIART сHEсl(Сircle T (True) orF (Fаlsе).

т F There are .

two types ofpartiсipialadjeсtives.

Nеw to the AreaSсreen Name: newge|@XYZ.сom

Age & Gender: 20 уear old Fema]eLoсat ion: Miаmi, FL

Looking for: Friends

ф senс me e.mаil!

ф senс me anonline greetiпg!

Send this toa friend!

Tired of doing things alone? Me too! 20 year old

сollege student, new to the area, is interested in

meeting interest ing people for fr iendship аnd fun.

) print/save

PARтlсlPlAL AD,ЕстlvEs

.lшс Ao;в(тlvEs l -дo AotвстlvEs

Hе is boring.Тhеy had a boring date.

Shе is bored.Thеy had a borеd look on thеir faсеs.

She is amusing.Тhеy had an amusing date.

Hе is amused.Тhеy had an amusеd look on their faсеs.

The moviе was frightening.Тhey saw a frightening movie.

Тhеy were frightеned.Тhеy had a frightened look on thеir faсes.

Тhe job is t i r ing.She has a t i r ing job.

Shе,s tired.Shе has a tired sound to hеr voiсе.

Тhе weеkеnd was relaxing.He had a rеlaxing wееkеnd.

Hе felt reIaxed.He had a relaxed mannеr.


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PaЁiсipial Adjeсtives l |7 7

EхPREss GlTlтг{IlСomplеtе thе chort,

Grammar Explanations Examplеs

lшс Ao,встlvЕs гo Ao,встlvts





t iг ing

1. Partiсipial adjeсtives arе adjeсtivеs thatend with -ing or -ed. Тhеy usuaI|y desсribеfeelings or гeaсtions. Тhe two forms havedifferent mеanings.

A: Тhе |ast Stor Wors moviе was amazing!B: I know. I was amazеd by thе spесial еffесts.

2. Partiсipial adiесtivеs that end in .ing

desсribе somеonе or somеthing that сausesa feе|ing or reaсtion.

That aсtor is aIways amusing.(Hе сousеs omusеmеnt,)

Тhеse dirесtions arе сonfusing.(тhеу Сausе confusion.)

3. Partlсipial adjeсtivеs that еnd insomеonе who еxpеriеnсеs a fee|ing

Wе wеrе amusеd by that aсtor.(Wе fеlt amusеmеnt')

|,m rеa||y сonfused by thesе dirесtions.(l fееl сonfusion.)

.ed desсribe lor reaсtion.

4. To the right are somе сommon partiсipia|adieсtivе pairs.

annoyingboringdepressingеmbarrassingеxсitingfrightеningrelaxingshoсkingsurpr is ing


Cheсk iI oul!For a list of сommon partiсipial adjeсtives, see Appendix 11 on page 339.

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178 I Unit 4i

IDENтIFY o Reod this ortiсlе, Undеrlinе oll thе -ed pаrticipiol odjeсtivеs. Сirclе ollthе -ing porticipiаI odjеctivеs.

1.4 . Sвстlolr 4 . Lrгпsтyl,вs

Not Personal Еnough?Iштвкшдтloшдr

.!Иtкд Sвкисвs

In somе сountriеs, pеoplе whо arеintеrеstеd in mееting othеrs tuгn Гor hеlp topегsonal ads in nеwsPaPеrs and magazinеs,and оnlinе. A @PrffiD numЬеr oГ Ьusypеoplе viеw thеsеБa praсtiсal way ofinсrеasing thеir soсial сirсlе. ..I'vе triеd hardto mееt pеoplе on my O.Wn',, said onеsatisfiеd сustomеr. ..I was nеw in town and

wantеd to makе friеnds Гast. Thеpеrsonals providеd mе with a quiсk wayof mееting many intеrеsting pеoplе in ashort pеriod of timе.'' Othеrs arе not soimprеssеd. ..I think itЪ kind of dеprеssingwhеn pеoplе nееd to rеsort to plaсing adsto makе friеnds,'' oЬsеrvеd onе man. ..A

friеnd of minе triеd thе ads sеvеral timеsand was rеally disappointеd with thеrеsults. ItЪ just not Per:ona|.:уяу:gb-,- "--

сl/l00sE o Reod this convеrsаtion bеtwееn Morto ond Luis аbout thеir friend Alice,Сircle the correct words to complеtе the convеrsotion,

Mдвтд: What,s the matter with Aliсe?

Lurs:Whoknоws?She,sa [email protected] .

Mдвтд: I know. I try to understand heц but this time I'm reallу pttzz],ed / plzzling.2.

Lurs: Really? What's so puzzled / puzzling this time?3 .

Мдвтд: I thought she was happy. She met an interested / interesting guy last wееk.4.

Lurs: That's niсе. Was she interested / interesting in him?5 .

Mдвтд: I thought she was. She said they saw a fasсinated / fasсinating movie together.6.

Lurs: Well, maybe she was fasсinated / fasсinating by the movie but7.

disappointed / disappointing with thе guy.8.

Mдвтд: I don,t know. It,s hard to tell with Aliсe. Her moods arе alwavs vеrY

surprisеd / surprising.9.

Lurs: I'm not surprised / surprising at all. That's just the way she is.10 .

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PaЁiсipial Adjeсtives l |79

ru с}мPLЕ'/E о Reod this conversаtion betweеn Аliсе ond hеr dotе, !аke. Сompletе itы with the corrеct form of thе words in porеnthеsеs, Сhoosе bеtwееn -ed аnd -i,'9

porticipiol odjeсtives,

Ar,rсв: That WaS a very intereэting - movie. What did you think?1. ( interеst)

Jдкш: To bе hоnest. I found it kind of . f'm not that2. (bore)

in sсienсe fiсtion.3. ( intеrеst)

Ar,rсв: Really? I find it o. .,.,**.

. What kind of movies do you enjoy?

Jдкв: Mostly сomedies. Have you seen Homе Agа,in?

Ar,rсп: Yеs' but I wasn't at all. In faсt, I thought it was5. (amusе)

6. (hoгrify). The storv line was

?. (сonfuse) , and I сouldn,t

find any humоr in the сharaсters'problems. Whеn I left the theateц I felt

kind of8. (deprеss)

Jдкп: I'm that you felt that way! I thought it was very9. (amazе)

lo . (аmuse)

Ar,rсв: Well, I guеss it,s a matter of taste.

Jдкп: Speaking of taste, would you like to get a bite to eat?

Ar-rсв: Thanks. but it's latе and I,m ,,{.,ь^,,t)


ЕDlf . Reod Аlicе,s journol еntr . Find ond сorrеct six mistаkеs in thе use of pаrticipiolodjеctives. The first mistаkе is olrеаdу сorrеctеd,

dioappointedJиstgot home, I,m disаpprrн#gt шith the еvепiпg. Аt frst I thoиghtJаke шаs otп

iпtеrestе'd gиу, bиt tnпlht t fe/t somе'уhаt bored шith his сompапу, We solLu с| Yеrу

eпfurtаiпe/ moriе, bиtJаke didп,t /ikr it, Iп fасt, it seems /ike cuе /lаvе сonp/еtе/g

difereпt tаsfus iи thiпgs, Аft", the morie, I tried to mаkе сoиrersаtioи, bиt а|l I

"еа//у шапtеd шаs togo homе, So, / to/d him / шаs ехhаиstiпg аnd didn,t ruаnt to

gеt home /аtr. |f he аsks me oиt аgаiп-I,m пot iпtrrestiпg. Trуiпg to mеet pеop/е

сап bе wrу frиstrаte'd,

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Adiectives and Adverbs:Equatives

W;wжPЙINтСhеck thе things thе boyond girl hove in сommon.

t riding speed

t width of shoulders

t сontrol of bike

t length of arms

сIiАRT сI/iEсКСheck the correсtanswers.

Whiсh words arealways used inеquatives?ДLf not

Пo s

t a.. adjeсtivе oran advеrb

hе ridеs as fast as he does. Shе сontrols her bike just as well.

But hеr shouldеrs aren,t as wide аnd her arms aren,t as long as his.

Why should shе ride а bikе

designed for him?

izеd to fit уou.


I vвпв* 1tlo1 | лsЕQUAтIvЕs

| лo;..,,u. | я, IThе gir|


i sn ' tas



thе boy.

Shе good hе is

Hег bike big h is .

Тhe girl,s bikе heavy the boy's.

*Non-aсtion verbs like be. look. sеem.


I vвпв* (нoт) | o' l Aovвпв l o'Thе gir l


doesn't rideas



the boy.

5hе wel l hе doеs'

Hег bike smoothly his .

Тhе gir|,s bikе сonsistently thе boy,s.

*Aсtion vеrbs


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Eх P R E s s i:i:" ;'.i;::::|',,:Сompletе thеse sеntenсеs with thе еquotivе form of the words in porеnthеsеs.

A: Мv old bike wasn,t my new one. of сourse, it(еxpеns i vе )

didn't perform the new one.(wе | l )

B: And it didn't look thе nеw one either.(good)

&ы;*tнз*:уз{А,{ #"ж,fi:#?i.4.1',i'h,{":i{.зTxr% rжr*rуъ'*'н*t*ъr a

1. You сan u5е equatives (os + ad|eсtivе + os) r Thе Trax bike is as еxpensive as the cordo.to сompаre peop|e, p|aсеs, and things. (Thе Troх сosts o lot of monеу' The Gordo сosts

thе same omount of monеу.)

l l t ,s not as l ight as thе Gordo, though.(Thе two bikеs ore not thе somе wеight,)

Usе os + adjесtive + os to сomparе peoplе, r Тhis hеImet is as good as youгs.plaсes, and things that arе equa| in somе way. l |t,s just as еxpensive as youгs too.Use jшst to emphasizе thе equality.

Usе nof os + adjeсtive + os to talk about r Тhe nеw ad is пot as еffeсtivе ;iз thе o|d onе.pеople, p|aсes, and things that are diffеrent in r |t isn,t as funny as the o|d onе еithег.some way.

;";;;";;;";;:;,;;;;";oi*";;i;;;|.;;;";;-:;;;;"";;"*":to сomparе aсtions. (Thеу ridе еquollу fost.)

r Hе doеsn't r idе as safely as she doеs, though.(тhey don,t ridе thе lomе woу' Hе rides sofеly,but shе ridеs more sofely,)

Use os + adverb + os to ta|k about aсtions that l Kleen brightens as thoroughly as Bгitе.aге the samе or equal. Use fиst to emphasizе r |t геmoves stains just as еffесtivеly as Bгite.thе equa]ity.

Usе пot os + adverb + os to taIk about aсtioлs r K|ееn doеsn,t с|еan as welI as Brite.that arе not thе same oг еqua|.

3. You do not always have to mention both paгts r Trax and cordo are both great bikеs, but Traxof a сomparison. Sometimes the meaning is isn,t as l ight (as Gordo).сIеar from the сontеxt.

l Jake and Christophеr both ride fast, butСhr istophеr doesn,t r ide as ski l l fu! ly (as Jakе).

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lA2 I rlnit 42

IDENтIFY o Reod this аrticlе on loundry dеtergеnts, Undеrlinе oll the еquotivеs withodjеctives, Сircle thе equotivеs with аdvеrbs,

сOfflPIEтЕ o Reod thеsе convеrsotions, Сompletе thеm with equotivеs using thе corrеctform of thе words in porеnthеsеs.

1. Toм.4.s: Doeэ your new bike ride aэ comfortab|У aэ the old one?a. (r idе / сomfortаb|е)

Drшд: It,s gтeat. Thе handlebaГS = . ' . . . and the handbrakes__ъ. GotБ/ W.dе)

to rеaсh. This bike was madе for a smallс. (not bе / hard)

person like me.

2. Hдшs: We need a name for this produсt. It should show that this detеrgent

the others buta. (сlеan / еffесtivе)

to the environment.

Evд: I like ..GrеenKleеn.',It

b. (not bе / unfr iеnd|y)

other produсt namеs, andс. (sound i еxс i t ing)

it thе message thеirs too.--

3. Iш-Su: The last group I rodе witha. (be / noisy)

elephants. I prefer to ridе alone, but I know it's dangerous.

Srrш.Hr: Ride with rrie neхt wеekend. I

a herd of

Pпoouст Rвивws + fuджжвжY ffiЖYffiж&ЖtrТff

o you Were riding the trai ls this weekend, and you hit the dirt. Now your сlothes look

as bad as your bike. Never mind. Тhey' lI look as food as new next weekend. Wе

сheсked out three major brands of detergent, and We сan te|| you whiсh ones сlean best

and whiсh ones don't remove trai| stains effeсtively as others.

overal l , Britе and Kleen aren't as expensive as Тrend, but they didn't perform as we|l

either, However, they were almost as good in partiсu|ar categories. Тrend rеmoved both

mud and grass stains effeсtive|y. Brite removed mud just as effeсtively as Тrend, but it

didn't remove grass stains as we||. K|een was effeсtive on grass stains, but not on mud.

Brite сleaned сlothes as thoroughly as K|een, but again, Brite and Kleen Wеren't as good

as Trend in this сategory. on the other hand, Brite сame out on top in brightеning. сolors

washed in Kleen and Trend just didn't look as bright as the onеs washed in Brite.

I promise.b. (pedal / quiet)

a mouse.

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Adieсtives and Adverbs: Еquativеs l 183

сOIILPАRE & с0мPLETE о Rеаd thе chort comporing sevеrol models of biсусlеs. Сomplеtethе sentencеs with equаtives using the corrеct form of the words in porеnthеses.Сhoosе betwеen аffirmаtivе ond nеgotive,

1. The Gor 6o doeэn,t eto? ag quick|у aэ the Trax and thе Huff.(stop i quiсk)

2. on wet gтound, thе Huff thе Trax.

3. The Gordo the Trax and the Huff.(bе / еxpеnsivе)

4. The Trax

5. The Trax(fее| / сomfoгtab|е)

(be / сhеap)

6. Even thе Gordo thе Traх.(r ide / сomfortab|e)

7. on the road. the Gordo 6,.,unaь 7 gooф

the Trax.

8. off the road. thе Gordo and the Huff thе Trax.

9. The Gordo(hand|е / good)

thе Huff.(shift / еasy)

EDIT. Reod thеse bulletin boord postings, Find ond corrесt six mistokеs in the use ofеquotives. The first mistokе is olreаdy corrеctеd.

thе Huff.


Pпoouст Rдтlшсs + B:sYсLЕs Квv: Bвттвп G + Q --+ О Woпsв

Mooвl. Pнсв GoмгoктBпдкlшс SPEED'


WЕг GRoUNDSнlпlшс



Trax $999 О o o О @ @Huff $ss0 o o c О Ф @Gordo $22s О a) a) o Ф a)

Мountain Bikе Foru m ж{fr.#/.,:,:|'*:ffi ж ж

Rв: Not as many bruises!

lnexperienсed riders should try the South Тrail at Bearpaw Park.Тhe sсenery is just asbeauliful

{эeat,ti+t*|+и but its riding traсk isn't as unfriend|y than the North Trail's. The slopes aren't as

steep, and you Won't fal| as frequent beсause there aren't as many roсks. lt isn't as short |ike

the North, so you'Il sti|| get a good ride, and you won't fee| as disсouraged at the end of the day.

Rв: The (expensive) new Тrax

Does anyone have any experienсe with this bike? l test-drove it around the store parking lot,

and I'm not impressed. My old Trax shifts as just easily, and it handles as smoothly too.

of сourse it's not as |ightly, but then it doesn't сost $999 either.

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Adieсtives: Comparatives

'{!;;i1* P0lNтСhеck the corrеct onswеr.

Thе nеw restaurant will be

il dift.'еnt from the old restaurant.

t tь" samе as the old restaurant.

сt/'ARт сIIЕсI(Сirclе T (Тruе) orF (Folse).

т F Thе сomparativeadjесtive formalways endsin -er.

т F You сan usе thеsamе сomparativeadjесtive twiсein a statement toshow a сhange ina situation.

ЕхPRЕss,,,#-'жСomplеtе this sentеnce.

BIffЕfl МшшU!l0}ytf, Рfrf(ЕslшттIt FфD!


Coмpдпдтlvв | Tндм

Тhе new геstaurant is


than thе o|d one.more





| сo"oo*AтlvE l лn, | сo"oo*AтlvЕ

Тhе food is gеtting




worse worse.

more more dеl iс ious.

less Iess interеsting.

DoU BLE сolt,l PARAтlvЕs

тнr |Goмpдпдтlvв l l rнп |сoмoo,o'.u. IThe more сrowded thе rеstaurant,thе slowеr thе sеrviсе.


Mo's is bigger and popular Val's.

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Adieсtives: ООmрarativrs l 185

й ra gът rgъ ar Еxр* ажe&*Фer s ffix*в.къ р&rs

1. Usе the (omparativе form of adjесtivеs to l Тhe nеW mеnu is biggеr than thе o|d mеnu.foсus on a differenсе bеtweеn peoplе, plaсеs, r Thе nеw waiteгs are more experienсed thanand things. thе old waitегs.

2. Thеrе is more than one way to form thecomparativе of adiесtives.


a. For onе-sy|lab|e adjесtives and two-syl|able brightadjeсtives ending in .y, usе adjeсtivе + -er. friend|y

whеn уou add -er, bigprеtty

сomparativе foгms. bad

b. For most othеr adjeсtivеs of two or morе сomfoгtab|esy|lables, use moreЛess + adjесtivе.




morе сomfortableless сomfortablе

C. For some adjeсtives, use еithеr -er or r Thе lnn is quieter than Joе,s.morеЛess. r The Inn is more quiet than Joе,s.

3. Use thе сomparativе with than when you r Тhе apple piе is bеttеr thon the сakе.mеntion thе things you are сomparing.

Use the сomparative without thon when it is r Thе new dеssеrts arе bettеr.сlear whiсh things you are сomparing, (Thе nеw dеsserts orе bеttеr than the old dеssеrts.)

4. Rеpеat the samе сomparative to talk aboutсhange-an inсreasе or a deс :GomParativе . ---J . сomparative l |t,s getting hardеr and hardеr to find anadieсtivе

+ ono + ad|eсtive inexpеnsive rеstaurant.


more/less + аnd + more/less + adjeсtivе l |t,s getting morе and morе diffiсu|t.(Thе diffiсulty is inсreosing,)

5. Use a doublе сomparativе to show сausеand effeсt:

LI^- . Comparativе L,-^ . сomparativе r Тhе shorter thе |inе, thе faster thе seгviсе.Ene +

ao|есtlve + tne +

adjeсtivе (Whеn thе linе is shortеr, the sеrviсе is fostеr,)

Cheсk it out!F'or spelling rulеs for the сomparativе form of adjeсtives' see Appendiх 22 on page 344.For a list of irregular сomparative adjeсtivеs, see Appеndix 10 on page 339.For a list of some adjeсtives that form the сomparative in two ways, see Appendiх 12 on page 339.

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186 I unit 43

тRUE 0R FАIiE o Look ot thesе two rеstаurаnt ods. Then rеod the stotemеnts below, аnddеcidе if thеу аre Truе (T) or Folsе (F),

f l. Luigi's is older than Antonio's.

2. Antonio's is more romantiс than Luigi,s.

3. Luigi's is probably less сrowded.

4. Antonio's seems сheaper than Luigi,s.

5. on Tuеsdays, Luigi,s has shorter business hours.

с0IILPARE a сOff|PLETE o Look ot port of Luigi,s mеnu. Thеn complеtе thе comporisons.Usе the comporotive form of thе words in porеnthеsеs.

? Spaфеtti Primavеra (ulith lцhtф sаutёеd uеgеtаblеs) ......$6.95

\ sp"ф"tti ArraЬЬiata (taith hоt сhiti peppеrs аnd tomаtoсs).............$7.s5Fеttuссini Alfrеdo (ulith buttеr аnd hеаuу сrеam) ...........$s.29Linguinе Aglio е olio (ttlith gаrliс аnd oil).... $5.67

V low fat, low salt \hot and spiсy

l. The spaghetti primavera i, chea?ert'han the spaghetti arrabbiata.(сhеap)

2. The linguine aglio e olio is the fettuссini Alfredo.(еxpensivе)

3. The spaghetti arrabbiata is and(hot)

the linguine aglio e olio.(spiсy)

4. The fettuссini Alfrеdo is(fattеning)

Luigi'sItаliаn Restашretnt

Family-srylе еating sinсе 1990Opеn Tuеsday_Sunday, 1 2:00-9:00

Едкry-BIко Spвсиr(Гul ld innеr Гor $10.95 i f ordсrеd ЬеГoге 6:00)

No rеsеruаtioпs песеssаrуNo сrеdit саrds

B75 orangе St.

4',t"''nьRi'to'аnte ltoliono

Еstаbl ishеd iп 1.990Rеlахеd diпiпg in а romпntic аtmosphеrеopen seven days a week-dinner only

rеservations suggested

"ll *rdlt r"tdt

"r".@127З Оrange Street 45З-З285oпe free bellеrаgе тllith this аd

the spaghetti primavera.

s. The spaghetti primavera is(healthy)

the fettuссini Alfredo.

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Adieсtives: Comparatives l ta7

сOff|PLEтE о Reod thеsе сommеnts obout o restouront. Сomplеtе them with thecomporotivе form of thе words in porеntheses to show сousе ond effесt or o chonge.

l. A: I сan,t beliеve the size of this mеnu. It's going to take me forеvеr to сhoosе.

B: The |onger the men u, the more diffiaub the сhoiсe.(|ong) (diffiсU|t)

2. A: They say the food herе is getting and

the food(е-pe,ъi"e)

it is.B: And(good)

3. A: The serviсе seems a little slow tonight.

B: Yеs, the restaurant.' G|oФ


thе serviсe.(popular)

4. A: The сigarette smoke here is getting

B: the room.(smokY)

5. A: It's pretty loud in here.

B: And I keep getting


mу сough gets.(bad)

the rеstaurant, it is.(сrowdеd) (noisy)

6. A: Thеy сertainly g,,.e you a lot of food. I сan,t eat anоther bitе.

the portions, it is to finish.(b ig) (hаrd)

7. A: Thеir desserts keep getting and

and(deI iс ious)


EDIT. Reod this restouront review. Find ond correct еight mistokеs in thе use of thecomporotive of odjectivеs, Thе first mistokе is olreodу corrеctеd.

Dining OutBy Bкuсв Nвwндкт

Pеtе,s Plaсе has Iust rеоpеnеd

undеr nеW managеmеnt. Thе dining roombriаhter

lооks biggеr, mоr+ь+ф' and prettiеr as

thе old onе. Although thе food isn,t bеttеr,

it is iust as good. Thе mеnu is morе variеd

and lеss еxpеnsivеr' Try onе оf thеir pasta

dishеs. Yоu won,t f ind a morе f rеshеr

tomatо sauсе in town. And lеavе room

for dеssеrt. Thеy iust kееp gеtting gоod

and bеttеr.

Thе wait staff is friеndly but nоt ablе

to handlе largе numbеrs of pеoplе-thе

сrowdеd thе rеstаurant, thе slowеr thе sеrviсе.

At dinnеrtime thе linеs outsidе this pоpular

еatеry arе gеtting longer and morе long. Try

lunсhtimе fоr a quiеtеr and rеlaxеdеr mеal.

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Adiectives: Superlatives

WPqINтСheck thе corrеct onswer.

The sеnder of this сard thinks hiswife is vеrу:

П typiсal

П speсial

Noтв: Valеntinе's Day (Fеbruary 14) is a holiday in the Unitеd Statеs and Canada.Many peoplе send сards to speсial pеоple in their lives to tell them thеir feelings.


Supвпl.дтlvв lAo;встlvв Foпм i

You arе

thе sweеtestthe funniеstthe bestthе most wondеrfulthе least selfish

pеrson in thе woг|d.


the niсestthе lovеliestthе worstthе most amusingthe lеast original

сard l,vе еvеr rесeivеd.

Who justhappеns to bе

my wifе!



сHART сHEсI(Сhеck thе correctonswеrs.Whiсh word alwaysgoеs bеfore thesupеrlative formof the adjeсtive?

[l oor on. t t

LJ the LJ most

Whiсh lеtters do yоuadd to thе end of ashort adjeсtivе toform the supеrlative?

Гl -er t -est

Whiсh wоrds do youadd bеforе a longadjeсtive to form thesuperlative?

[l moreоr less

[l mostor leost


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AotвстIvп Supвпl.дтlvв





**.чу.чy.YY i :т i,:т:]у.,: :. . :. . }.9P. . . . . . . . . t

EхPREss**l:!'"i;.i,i!ii;jэСomplete thе chort,

* ж жwжж жw Ж.жpf- жж ж**tз wвж Жжж*жpfl.*ж

1. Usе the super|ativе form of adjeсtives to r You are the best parents in thе world.singlе out pеop|e, p|aсes. and things fгom other l You are thе most wondеrful fгiеnd l,vepeople, plaсes, and things. evеr had.

2. Тhere is morе than one way to form thеsuper|ative of adjесtives.

Ao|гстlvв Supвпrдтlvгa. For onе-syIIab|е or two-syl|ab|e adjесtives bright thе brightest

еnding in .y, use thе + adjeсtive + .est. friend|y the friеndliеst

when you add .est. big thе biggеstpгеtty thе prеttiest

supег|ativе forms. bad thе worst

b. For most other adjесtives of two or moге сomfortabIе thе most сomfortablеsyllab|еs, usе the most/the leost + adjeсtive. thе least сomfortable

G. For some adjeсtives use either the . . . .est l My third hotel was the quietеst.or thе most/the leost. r My third hotel was thе most quiet.

3. Thе super|ative is often used with еxpressions l You,re the best mothеr in the world.bеg inn ingwi th inoro f , suсhas in thеwor ld l Hе ,s thesmar tes tone o f uso l l .and of all.

4. Thе superlativе is somеtimеs fo|lowed by a r That,s the niсest сaгd I,ve ever received.сlausе. oftеn the с|ausе usеs the pгеsеnt r You havе the lovеliеst smiIе l,ve ever seеn,perfeсt with eyer.

Сheсk it oul!F'or spelling rulеs for thе supеrlative form of adjeсtives, sеe Appendix 22 on page 344.For a list of irrеgular superlative adjесtives' see Appendiх 10 on page 339.F'or a list оf some adjесtives that form thе supеrlative in two Ways' see Appеndiх 12 on page 339.

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l9O r Unit 4ul

3. Yоu are a tеrrifiс tеaсher. You are

4. You make me fеel warm еvеn in

5. You are сous1n(niсе)

6. Grandma, you are

lDENтltY о Reod this Mother,s Doy cord writtеn bу а young child. Underline аll thеs u pe rI otivе o d j eсtives.


You arе thе smoгtеst, thе brightф ond

thefunniеst doll moms l.vе еvоГ Knoшгr.

You qrе thе niсеdr гnогn \'Ve evег hqd.

Yоu qгe tk, пost wondегful ond defrhitеly

Jhе lеqst Гг\еoг1.

No mom in 1hе ьrhо\e widе worid ls

Ьqttеr 1hon you,Yоu оrethе 9геоfеd rnotheг c qll.

l lсvе yоv vеr/ V€ry rnuсh l

НqPрy MоthегЗ Day l


N .ж ;Ф

с0|{|PLЕTE t, о|00sE. Rеod these sеntences from Volеntine,s Doy сords. Сomplеtе themwith thе superlotivе form of the odjесtivеs in pаrenthesеs ond the expressions in thе box.

o f a l l , i n t h e s сhoo I o fmy l i f e i n ou r f am i l yМo f t h e уеa r

1. You are so good to me. I am the |uckiеэt pеrson in thе wor|d(|uсky)

2. The day Wе Were married was day(happy)



why I love you the most.(wisе)



Maybе that's

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Adjeсtives; Supеrlatives l 191

DESсRIBE o Look ot thеsе gift itеms,form of thе words in pаrеnthesеs.

t them. Use the supеrlаtiveWritе sеntenсes obou



boоk iэ the |eaэt expenэive gift,,(еxpеnsivе)


painting(unusuа| )

1. The

2. The

3. Thе

4. The

5. Thе

6. The

7. The

book(praсt iса|)

( sma l l )

painting(b ig )

sсarf(еxpеns i vе )

toy(f u n nlz)

ЕDlT. Reod this porogroph from o student,s essoу, Find ond correct five mistokеs in theusе of superlotive odjеctives. Thе first mistoke is olrеodу сorrected,

moэt эer iouэRamadan is the sefifi*sr€t timе in Muslim сulture. During Ramadan, we do not еat fгom

sunup to sunsеt. This is diffiсu].t for everyone, but teena$еrs have the hardеst timе.

Right aftеr Ramadan is the Eid al-Fitг. This holiday iasts three d.ays, and it's the most

happiest time of thе yеar. Thе moгning of Eid, my family gets up early and goes to the

mosque. Aftег wе 6pееt ouг nei$hboгs by saying "Eid Mubaгek'' (Happy Eid), We go

homе. We eat the bi$ breakfast you have ever seen. ouг parents $ivе us gifts, usually

new сlothеs and monеy. one yeaц Eid сamе around thе tlmе I $тaduated from high

sсhool. That yraц I $ot the most bеautiful сiothеs and thе fatter еnvelopе of money of all

the сhildгen in my family. Еid Mеla is part of Eid al-Fitr. on that day, we all $o to

a biЕl paгk. Last year at Еid Mela, I had the betteг time of my lifе. I met' my o1d high

sсhool friеnds, and we a11 ate junk food and showеd off our nеw сlothes.

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Adverbs: Comparativesand Superlatives


POINTСirсlе T (True) or F (False).

т F Jordan improves every time he plays.

сl|АRт сl]ЕсKСhесk thе correсt.a|lswеr.

What do you add tolong adverbs to formthe сomparative?

J more or less

[l -еr ot -est

Whiсh word do youalways add to formthе superlative?ДLJ mastt

ш tltе

sUPERLAтlvЕsSupвпl.дтlvв Aovвпв Foпм

Hе thrеw

the fastestthе bеst

of anyonе in the gamе.the most

thе least


ЕхPREssi,i';.,,"i'i".,,'.;:,i".",,i'i,Сircle thе corrесt words to complеtе thesе sentencеs,

Sims threw fastеr than / of Jоnes. He played better / the best of all.

Сome on,bryant,, Nry harder,

Watch Jordan.The more he p|aуe,the better he looko,


Goмpдпдпvв Aovвпв Foпм | т"o*

Jordan played


bеttеrthan Bryant.





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Adverbs: Cопrраratives аnd supеrlativrs I 193

6 rвжъ жз ar Жжpfl.e'x*tЁ#ffi s Еxamplеs

1. Use the comparative form of adverbs to l Тhe Bul|s pIayed bеttеr than thе Lakеrs.foсus on diffеrenсes between aсtions. r Joгdan p|ayеd more skil lfully than o,Nea|.

Use the сompaгativе without thon whеn jt is r Hе p|ayеd less aggressively, though.сlеar whiсh things you are сompaгing.

2. Usе thе superIative form of advеrbs to l Bryant worked thе hardеst.sino|е out somеthino about an aсtion.

Wе often use the super|ative with еxprеssions r He sсoгеd the most frequеnt|у of onу ployеrbеginnlng wlth of, suсh as of onу ploуеr. on thе tеam.

3. Тhere is more than one way to form thеGomрarativе and supеr|ative of adverbs.

Aovвпв Сoмpдпдтtvв Supгпt-дтlvьa. For onе-sy|lab|е adverbs, use advеrb + .er fast faster thе fastest

or the + advеrb + -est. hard harder the hardest

сompaгativе and suoеrIativе forms. badlv worse thе worst

b. For most advеrbs of two or more syllab|еs, ski|Iful|y morе/less thе most/the lеastuse moreЛess + advеrb or skillfully skillfullythe most/thе lеost + adverb.

с. Some advеrbs use еithеr more/less or -er quiсk|y more quiсkly the most quiсklyand the most/the leost or the . , . .est. quiсkеr thе quiсkеst

4. Repeat the same сomparative to taIk aboutсhanое_an inсrеase or a dесгеase:

сomparativе -.^J . сomparativе r Bryant is p|aying bettеr and bettеr as thеadvеrb

+ ono + advеrb season сontinuеs.

oR (His pеrformonсе kеeps improving')

moreЛess + ond + more/less + adverb r He is shooting more and more aссurately.(Нis shooting kееps gеtting morе oСсurotе).

Сheсk iI oul!For a list of irrеgular сomparisons of adverbs, sеe Appendix 10 on page 339.

5. Usе a doubIe сomparative to show сauseand еffeсt:

сomparative .| сomparativе l Thе hardеr he played, thе bettеr hе pегformed.the +

advеrb + the +

advеrb (Whеn hе ploуеd horder, his pеrformonсе improvеd.)

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194 r unit 4s

iDENтIFY o Rеod this fеoture story from thе sports section of the nеwspoper. Undеrlineoll the сomporаtivе forms onсe. Undеrline oII thе superlotivе forms twiсe.

сOПлPLEтE o Reod this conversotion bеtween friеnds, Сomplete it with thе compаrаtiveor supеrlotive forms of the words in porеnthеses. Add the ond than wherе nесеssorу,

Brr-r,y: Did you hear about that new speed-reading сoursе? It helps you read

faeter a161. ( fast)

Mrсrrвr,: I don't believe it! Thе2. (wеll)

3. (faф you read, the

4. (| i t t|е)

you understand.

Brr,r,y: Thе ad says that after the сourse you'll read ten time* ,1'o.9

and understand five times more. And the best thing is that you won't havе

to work anv6. (hard)

Mrсuвr,: I,d like to see that. All through high sсhool, I read7. (slowly)

any student in my сlass, but I also remеmbered details8. (сlеar|y)

and of anv of mv сlassmates.9. ( long)

Brr,r,y: Maybe you сould rеad еven 10. (q,сщ4

that and still remеmber

details. That way, you'd have more time to go to the gym.

Mrсuвr,: Did you read the сourse dеsсription сompletely?


Gоlds Bеat Silvеrs!In thе first soссеf gamе оf thе sеason, thе

Golds bсat thе Silvеrs,6 to 3.Thс Silvег tсam

playеd a truly fantastiс gamе, but its dеfсnsе

is still wеak. Thе Gоlds dеfсndсd thс ball

muсh morе aggrеssivеly than thе Silvсr

tеam did. of сoursе, Aсс Jaсkson сеrtainly

hсlpеd чrin thе gamе for thе Golds. Thе

Golds' star playсr was baсk on thе fiеld

tоday to thе dсlight оf his many fans. Hе

wаs hurt badly at thе сnd of last sеason,

but hс has rесovеrсd quiсkly. Although hс

didn't p|aу as wеll as pсoplе еxpесtеd, hе

still handlсd thе ball likс thе old Aсе. Hе

сеrtainly handlеd it thе mоst skillfuЩ of

anyonс on thс tсam. Не сontrollсd thс ball

thе bсst, kiсkеd tlrс ball thе farthеst' and

гan thе fastrst of anу of thе playеrs on

сithеr tеam. Hе playеd hаrd and hеlpеd thе

Golds look good. In faсt, thс haгdсr hе

playеd, thе bеttеr thе Golds pеrformеd.

W,atсhAсе this srason.

And watсh thе Silvеrs. Thеy havе a nеW

сoaсh, and thеy'rе training morе sеriously

this yеar. I think wе'll sее thеm play bеttеr

and bеttеr as thе srason progfеssеs.

Seсtion 3 Sports

Brr,r,y: I read it11 . ( сomp|е tе |y )

I read most things.

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сI/l00sЕ & сOПлPLETE о Look ot thе chort. Тhеn complete the sentenсеswith thе сomporotive or supеrlotivе form of the words in the box.You will use somе words morе thon oncе.

far good fast slow high

Aтнt.втв Bвoдо Juмв Pot-е Yдuьтlшс S.МlLЕ Ruш

Cruz l4.3 feеt 7 feet 3 inсhеs 24 minutes

Smith l4 . l fеe t 7 feet 2 nсhеs 28 minutes

Lin l5.2 feеt 7 feet 8 nсhes 30 minutes

Storm l5.4 fееt 8 fеet 2 inсhеs 22 minutеs

Cлlzjumped farther than Smith.

Storm vaulted the higheet, of all.

Lin ran

Smith ran Storm.

Storm jumped

Сt:uz tan Smith.

Storm vaulted Smith.

All in all, Storm did

All in all. Smith did

EDIT. Rеod this studеnt,s rеport obout o boskеtboll gomе, Find ond сorrect sevenmistokes in the usе of odvеrbs, Thе first mistokе is olrеodу corrеcted.

Last night I watсhed the Lakeгs and the Bulls. Both teams played moгethan

aggтessively{'ve ever seen thеm. In fact, they played the better of any game

I've watсhed t'his season. In the first half' Miсhaеl с.Iordan sprainеd his left' ankle,

and Shaquille o'Neal was out of the game beсause of fouls. But they still didn't

start the seсond haШ any slower that the first. With сIordan out, Kukoс sсored the

most frequenteт of any player. He's been playing more and more better as the

season goes on. In faсt, more he p}ays, the betteг he looks. The Bulls Won 97 to

88. The Lakers sermed to get bired at the end. They played llttle and less

сonsistently as the gamе wеnt on.

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rc:S:rr{pnrl gNEСircle thе lеtter of the сorrect onswеr to complеtе eoch sеntencе.

(C) more wоndеrfully(D) the most wondеrfully

I expeсted. I was disappointеd.(C) as badly as(D) bеttеr

(C) easiest(D) easily

(C) the morе tired hе gets(D) he gets more tired

trying to wоrk.(C) more quiet(D) quiet

lot - today.(C) worst(D) thе rrgorst

is muсh than we thought.(C) farther(D) the farther

that we сouldn't slеep last night.

Exдшptп:Jennifer never сoffee.(A) drink(B) drinks

(C) is drinking(D) was drinking

д@с D










l .


I have job in the world.(A) a good (C) the bеst(B) best (D) the better

The apple pie smеlls(A) wonderful(B) wоnderfully

4. I passed my driver's tеst. It seemed muсh this timе.

3. Our team didn't play(A) as well as(B) well

{A) easy(B) easier

5. The faster Tranh walks.(A) morе tired(B) he gets tired

6. Could you talk ? I'm(A) more quietly(B) quieter than

7. Lisa is staying home. Her сold is a(A) bad(B) worse

8. Sorry we're late. Your house(A) far(B) the farthest

9. The movie was(A) exсitingly(B) exсitеd

s o_(С) ехсitе(D) еxсiting

very thеse days.(C) harder(D) hardеst

10. Chris is working(A) hardly(B) hard



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SelfTest Vlll I 197

1 1 .


1 3 .


1 5 .

16 .

1 7 .

18 .

19 .

Writethereport f i rs t . I t ' smore important-yourothеrWork.(A) than (C) from(B) as (D) then

The lunсhmenu i sve rvshor t . I t ' s - thanthed innеrmenu.(A) varied (C) less varied(B) more varied (D) the least varied

Thank you! That,s r've ever reсeived.(A) the niсer gift (C) niсest g,ft(B) a niсe gift (D) the niсest gift

It's getting more to find a сheap apartment.(A) hardly (C) the most diffiсult(B) and more diffiсult (D) and very diffiсult
















ls,ЕстloNI TWo




Еoch sеntencе hos four undеrlined words or phrosеs, The four underlined portsof thе sеntеnce orе morkеd A, B, С, ond D. Сirclе the lettеr of thе onе underlinеdword or phrose thot is Nor сORREст.

Еxдмptt:Мike usually drives tо sсhool, but today he walks.

A в с DA B сo

The harder Sylvia tries, less she suссeeds.A B с D

This has been the best day than my whole life!A B с D

Wе,re always amazing ф John,s inсredible travеl storiеs.A B с D

We took a lot of photos beсause she was suсh a сutely little baby.A B с D

our new сar is hard to drive than our old one.A B ( D

Patriсk doesn,t run quiсkly as Lee, but hе сan run farther.A B ( D

21. You did muсh morе better in thе last test than in this onе.

22. What's the more popular of all the new TV shows?A B ( D

The more I praсtiсe the piano, the most skilled I get.A B ( D

The garbage in the street is more disgusted than the potholes.A--_E,----_-т---D-


2s. Today seems as hotter as yesterday, but the humidity is lower.A B с D

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Gerunds:Subjeсt and objeсt

lжжffi] PпINтСheck thе corrеct onswer.

What does thе woman want to give up?

t сigarеttesr..lLJ eхеrсlse

I 'm a l louI of braaf,h aqain.

I real|у nеrd tooуuit jogging!

A & G o a

сHART сliEсKСhеck the corrеctonswеr.

What does the gerundеnd with?

fl -ed

Г1 -ing

What goes before thegerund to makе itnegative?ДLJ not

Ёl don't or doesn't

GЕRUND As SUB,EсTGвпuшo (Suцвст) | v.*. I oш..,Smoking harms your health.

Not smoking makеs you hеa|thiег.

GЕпuND As oB,Ест_ l l5uв,вст | Vвпв [ Gвпuшo (oв1вст)You shou ld qu i t smoking.

My doсtoг suggеsts not smoking.


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Gerunds: Subjeсt and objeсt r 199

ExPREss ffiЖСompletе this convеrsotion with thе сorrect form of thе vеrb drink.Use the offirmotive or negаtivе.

too muсh сoffee isn't gоod for you.

B: Iknow. Iqui t сoffee last vear.

A: My doсtor suggested soda either.

ЕxamplesGrammar Еxplanations

1. A gerund (basе form of vеrb + -lng) is a I Drinking too muсh сoffеe is bad for youг hea|th.verb that funсtions like a noun.

A geгund сan bе thе subjесt of a sentеnсe. l Smoking is also unhеalthy.

when you add .ing to thе basе form of the vеrb. iog jogging

Notiсe that a gerund is aIways singular and is r Еating junk food mokes mе siсk.followed by thе third-pеrson-singuIar form of r lnhaling smokе gives me bronсhitis.the verb.


progrеssivе form of the veгb. progrеssive formr Hе is drinking сoffеe right now.

2. ^ gerund сan also be thе objeсt ofсеrtain vеrbs.

r I enjoy eхercising.l |,vе сonsidered joining a gym.

Тo the right is a short |ist of verbs that сan bе admitfollowed by a gerund. avoid

сonsidеrdеnyеnjoyf in ish


3. Therе are many сommon еxprеssions with l Wе oftеn go swimming in thе Iakе.go + gerцnd. Тhese exprеssions usually r Yеsterday l went shopping foг a nеw pair ofdеsсribе aсtivities, suсh as shopping, fishing, running shoеs.skiing, swimming, and сomping.

Сheсk it out!For morе сomplete lists of сommon verbs that сan bе followed by thе gеrund,sее Appendix 3 on pagе 337 and Appendix 6 on pagе 338.

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2OO r unit 46

IDENтiFY о Rеod port of аn orticlе from o heolth nеwslеttеr. Underlinе thе words endingin -ing thаt ore gеrunds,

п}wtммlшс is grеat еxеrсisе. It.shеalthy, fun, and rеlaхing. Bесausеswimming is a ..low-impaсt'' sport,most pеoplе еnjoy partiсipating inthis aсtivity without fеar оf injuryto thеir bonеs or musсlеs. Jogging,whiсh is a ..high-impaсt'' aсtivity,can at timеs bе harmful. I know

this from pеrsonal ехpеriеnсе. Lastyеar whilе I was jogging, I injurеdmy right knее. I don't gо jogging

anymorе. Aftеr a painful month ofrесovеry' I stoppеd running andswitсhеd to watеr sports. l'm nowсonsidеring joining a swimmingtеam and сompеting in raсеs.

сH00sE & с0мPLEIE. Rеod thesе stotеmеnts obout hеolth issuеs. Сomplеte thеm withthе gеrund form of the verbs in thе boх. Сhoose bеtwеen аffirmotive ond nеgotive.

inсrease eat do walk drink }n€fiб swim run go

1. Эmok\ng is bad fоr your heart and lungs.

tоo muсh fat and sugar is also unhealthy.

enough water is bad for your general health.

4. Doсtors suggest the amount of fruits and vegetablеs in your diet.

s. Avoid too many high-impaсt sports suсh as jogging and

Jumpшg rope.

6. Instead. соnsider in a pool every day. It's an exсellent

low-impaсt aсtivity.

7. Many health eхperts think that

beсause there is less strеss on your body when your feet сomе

into сontaсt with the gтound.

8. Some people are afraid of the doсtoц but

is a mistake.


3 .

is better than

for regular сheсkups

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ggТiTgYj.?.1L:J.ч:l .1']у. g?l::}.:. .?.9l.. . . . . . . . .

sUмlIiАRlzE o Reod eoch numberеd stotеmеnt. Сompletе thе following summory usingthе oppropriotе vеrb from the box ond thе gеrund form of thе verb in pаrеnthesеs.

aсknowledge avoid сonsidеr deny ФdФ go quit

1. Toм: Ann jogs, but I don,t really likе that kind of еxerсise.

Suммдву: Tom doesn't enjoу jogТing,(Jog)

2. Мдвтд: oh. no thanks. I don't smоke anУmore.

Suммдвv: Мarta( smokе)

3. Cнвш: I,m going to that nrw swimming pool. Would you like tо go with me?

Suммдвv: Chen is going to( sw im)

4. Jrм: I smell smoke toо. But don,t look at mе! I didn't havе a сigarette!

Suммдвy: Jim( smokе)

5. Iшд: I know I should eхerсise, but I don't want to. I guess you're right. I am lazу.

Suммдвy: Ina Iazу.(bе)

6. Pнrr,: No, thanks. The сakе looks gтеat, but I'm trying to stay away frоm swееts.

Suммдвт Phil sweets.(eat)

7. Vrr,мд: I'm not sure' but I maу go on a vaсation.

Suммдву: Vilma a vaсation.(take)

ЕDII o Reod lim,s notes, Find ond corrеct ninе mistokes in thе usе of thе gerund,Thе first mistokе is olrеodу corrеctеd.


Pick аи eхacL daLe Lo 4иit svиoКe.

9Lop svоoking covоpLeLeL\,1. (Cиr dowи is harder Lhaи sЕoPpivg aLL at ovlce.)

Avoid Lo be aroцnd oLher sиokers (aL LeasL aL Lhe beqivtиivlg).

9Larr eхercisivlg daiLу ' To erercise CaИ redцce sLress.

No driиkiи g cof*ee Yoav heLP Loo.

Lvnaginebeeи a иoи-svиoKer. PosiЕive wtevlLaL tvлages caи heLp.

Loиsider Lo 1oiи ̂ suPPorL groцP.

Dovl,L deLaу Lo asK for help. CaLL Dr. Bиrиs righL awaу\

Keep Lrуlиg and dovt,L 9ive иp!

Page 211: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Gerunds after Prepositions

GЕT l}|v0tvЕD!lnterested in improving |ife on саmpus?

Tirеd of heаring сomp|aints аnd not finding solutions?

Join the Studеnt (ounсi|!

Nеxt l4еeting: Мon., Маrсh 25,8:00 p.м., Маin Auditorium

Wе look forwаrd to seeing you there.

You (AN mаkе а differеnсе!

The Student Counсil is looking for studеnts who

т F want to make new friends.

т F want to improve lifе on сampus.

Т F likе to сomplain.

сHАRT сlflEсl(Сhеck the corrеctonswеrs.

What part of speeсhis the word to inIook forword to?

П part of theinfinitive

t a preposition

What form of thе verbfollows a preposition?

t th" base form

П tь" gerund

П tь" infinitive


I P*.,o,.,loш |rшoт) | с,*uno

Do you havе idеas for improving life on сampus?

We're good at planning ahеad.

You сan hе|p bу taking notеs.

Shе bе|iеvеs l n (not) compromising.

Are you tirеd of hearing сompIaints?

Let's work instеad of сomplaining.

Thеy insist on (not) сoming to thе mееt ing.

I look forward to (not) having to study next summег.


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Eх'PREss'жжСomplеtе this conversаtion with thе corrеct form of thе verb ioin.

A: Are you happy about the Studеnt Cоunсil?

B: Sure. I,d beеn looking forward to

Gerunds atter Рrepоsitiоns I 2o3

a group for a while.

G rаmrnar frxрl*ma*f; ggt g Ж,xamрl*s

nounl. A preposition is a word suсh as obout, l Тhе сounсil insists on eleсtions,

ogoinst, ot, hу, for, in, instеod of, of, on, oгonounto, with, and without. А preposition сan be l Тhe сounсi| insists on them.fol|owеd by a noun or a pronoun.

oerundBeсause a gerund (basе form of veгb + -ing) r Тhe сounсi| insists on 7oting.aсts as a noun, it сan follow a prеposition too.

2. Many Gommon еxprеssions are madе up of a Vвпв + Pпвpostтlotч Ao;встlvв + Pвгposlтtoшverb or an adjесtivе followed by a preposition. advise against afraid of

bеliеvе in bored withсount on exсitеd about

Тhеsе еxprеssions сan be followеd by a gerund. t She сounts on going to сo||еgе.r Hе is borеd with working in a storе.

3. Bв сдпвгur! Vtпв + Pпвpostтloш Ao;встtvв + Pпвpostтtoш

a. ln thе еxpressions to thе right, to is a look foгward to aссustomеd toprepositjon, not part of an infinitivе form. ob|есt to opposеd toFor this rеason it сan bе followеd by геsort to usеd tothe gerund.

l l,m looking forwaгd to seeing уou.Noт |,m |ooking forward tffi€ €jЁot*.

b. Do not сonfusе used to + basе form l I used to take the train.of verb (foг habits in the past) with (lt wos my hobit to toke thе troin, but l no longеrbе/get used to + gеrund (meaning tokе thе troin.),,bе/get aссustomеd to,,).

l l,m usеd to tokingthе train.(l,m oссustomed to tаking thе troin,)

l |,m getting used to toking the tгain.(l,m gеtting oссustomеd to toking thе troin,)

Сheсk it oul!For a list of сommon verb plus preposition сombinations, see Appendix 7 on pagе 338.For a list of сommon adjeсtive plus preposition сombinations' see Appendix 8 on page 338.

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2O4 I Ltll.it 4?

IDENтiFY o Thе Student Сounсil wrotе o lettеr ta thе сallеgе presidеnt. Rеad it andundеrlinе аll the prеposition + gerund сombinotions,

\A/e, the membeгs of the Student Council, would like to shaте wlth you

the thoughts and сonсeгns of the general studеnt' body. As you probably knoщ

many students are сomplainin$ about Шfe on сampus. lVe aге interested

in meetin€ T^rith you to disсuss our ideas foг deaШn$ TЛrith these сomplaints.

\[Iе know that you aгe tired of hearing students сomplain and that you

aгe not used to woгking With the Student Counсil. Howeveц if you really

believе in $iving new ideas a tгy, we hopе you wlll think about speaking With

ouг гepгesentatives soon. lVe look forward. to hearing fгom you soon.

сн00sE & с0мPIETE о Rеod thеsе commеnts from thе sсhool nеwspopеr. Сomplеte thеstudеnts, stotеmеnts with the oppropriote prеposition from thе box (уou will use onеof thеm severаl times) ond thе gеrund form of thе verb in porenthеsеs.

at on in to about for

1. I don't havе any plans for spring brеak, but I'm not сonсernеd about Тetting(gеt)

bоred. I сan always takе a walk or somеthing.-Jl m Hsu

2. What are my plans for spring brеak? I'm very interеsted( l is tеn)

to jazz.I,m going to attend thе Spring Jazz Festival .-Lisa Suarеz

3. My friends and I are driving to New orleans. I,m exсited

but I'm nеrvous at night.-Emilia Lealе(dr ivе)

4. I'm really looking forward at homе and just(stay)

.-Don Pitt(rе lax)

5. I,m driving to Quеbeс. It's famous

6, I love languagеs, but I'm not good( lеarn)

my Japanеsе сlass over the break. -Claire Kaplаn

7. My friеnds and I are going сamping, but my little brother insists


(hаvе)gтeat food. -Eun Ko

them, so I'm studying for

with us. A lot of fun that,ll be!-omar Sisanе

8. My girlfriend plans iБ;ф


movies, so I guess I,ll rеad a lot and see a lot of movies.-Tim Rilеу


to the

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Gerunds after Рreроsitions l 2os

сOlлBlNE o Rеod thеsе poirs of sеntеnces obout school life. Сombinе them with theprеpositions in porеnthеsеs.

1. You сan't walk on сampus late at night. You have to worry about your safety.

You can't wa|k on cam?uэ |ate at night wi|hout worrying about Уour эafetу,(without)

2. We сan make сhanges. We сan tell the administration abоut our сonсerns.


3. The administration сan help. It сan listen to our сonсerns.


4. In some сases' students just сomplain. They don,t make suggestions for improvements.

(instead of)

5. Students get annoyed with somе teaсhers. Some teaсhers сome late tо сlass.


6. You сan improve your gтades. Study regularly.


EDIT. Reod this studеnt,s letter. Find ond correct sеvеn mistokеs in the use of gеrundsoftеr prеpositions, Thе first mistoke is olrеodу corrected.

Deаr Briаи,

I hаve brеп аtteпdiпg Loпgtrее Сo//еge for а !е'Ir l,m rеrу hoPPуэ|udуing

аboиtф he,e, Аt frst, it шаs а littlе hаrdgеttiпg "sed

to sprаk Епgltsh

а// thr'time, bиt nool, t feе/ ,е,у сomfo,tаb/e аbout сommиniсаte iп mу

seсond /апgиаge,

Ijиstjoiпеd аn iиfurпаtionа/ stиdепtgroиp, апd |,m eхсifud ц,it|t

meеtiиg Иela PеoP/r, Sиmmer brеаk is сomiпg, аnd а fr- of "s

аrе p/аипiпg

on do somo trаre/iпg together. Bфn tojoiп this groиp, I иsed to speпd

ho/idауs а/onе.

P/eаsr шrite, | /ook forшаrd to heа" fo- уoи!


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lnfinitivesafter Certain Verbs

Lifestyles Seсtion 4

Asк AшNlЕDеаr Annie,

I month agо I mеt this gгеat

Awoman, Меgan, and I askеdr l hеr to mаrry mе гiфt awaу.Shе says things aгl ..moving toofast''' and shе wants mе to thinkabout m}r pгоposаl somе moге.I told hеr I сan't afford tо чraitforеvеr. Am I riфt? _Impаtiеnt

Iжffiж] P1INTСhеck thе corrеct onswer.

П М"gan wants morе timeto сonsidеr the marriagеproposal.

t Megan thinks "Impatient"should сonsidеr hisproposal morе.

EхPREss ПnErТf;Unscromblе thеsе words to form o sentencе,

сI]АRT сIiEсKСirсlе T (Truе) orF (Folse).

т F Thе infinitive =base form + to.

т F The nеgativеinfinitive =not + infinitive.

т F All verbs nееdan objесt bеforеthе infinitivе.


Suв,вст | v.*' l r"oо | ln,.n,,.u. IThey



сal lask


SтAтEП,|ЕNТS: Wtт}l AN oB'Ест

Suв,вст | v'*' I ory.., | цoт1 | ln,.n.,.u. I


Johnh im

(not)to сa|lto ask


sтAтЕпnЕNTS: wlтH AN oPтloNAt oB|Ест

Suвlвст | v.*, I to,,..,) | ln,,n...u. I




(h im)

to сalIto ask



to о want о Annie о write о to о I

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lnfinitives after Certain Verbs I 2O7

Grammar Еxрlaпations Еxamples

1. Сertain veфs сan be fol|owed by an lnflnltlve r l want to get maгriеd.(fo + basе form of thе vеrb). r l askеd Anniе to help me,

2. Somе of thesе verbs arе fo|lowеd direсtly bу l Hе dесided to write to Anniе.an infinitlvе. r Hе hoped to get a quiсk rep|y.

Тhе vеrbs to the right сan bе followed direсt|y agreе p|anby an infinitivе. bеgin rеfцsе

fail seem

3. Some vеrbs nеed an ob|есt (noun or рronoun) objeсtbеforе thе lnflnltlvе. r I invited Morу to сelebratе with us.


r Ireminded her to сomе.

Тhе vеrbs to thе right neеd an objeсt beforе advisе tеllthe infinitive. encoцragе urgе

ordеr waln

4. Somе vеrbs сan bе fo]lowеd by eithеr:

. an lnfinltivеOR

о an obieсt + lnfinitlvе

Тhе verbs to thе гight сan be fo||owedeither direсtly by an infinitivе oг by anobjесt + infinitive.

r Hе waпts to leove' Hе,s tirеd.OR

r Hе wants уou to lеove. You,rе tired.

ask needexpeсt wanthelp would l ike

5. Form a negative infinitive by plaсing not r Lеe геmеmbегеd not to coll aftег 5:00.bеforе the infinitive. (Lее didn,t сoll ofter 5:00.)

r Аna to|d mе not to go to сlass.(Ano: ,,Don,t go. Thе tеoсhеr is siсk,,,)

infinitivе сan havе a vеry differеnt mеaning (Van: ,,Don,t givе up',,)from a sеntеnсе with a nеgativе main vеrb

l Van didn,t tеll mе to givе up.(Von didn't soy anything.)

Cheсk it out!For a list of сommon verbs followed direсtly by the infinitive, see Appendix 4 on page 338.For a list of verbs fоllowеd by objeсts and thе infrnitive, sеe Appеndiх 5 on pagе 338.For a list of verbs that сan be followed either dirесtly by an infinitivе or by an objeсt +infinitivе, seе Appеndix 5 on page 338.

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2O8 I unit 48

tDENтltY о Reod Annie,s responsе to ,,lmpotiеnt.,, LLndеrlinе oll the vеrb + infinitive ondvеrb + objеct + infinitive combinotions.

Lifestyles 17

Dеаr Impatiеnьloцr down! You аppеаr tо bе in toо muсh of a hurгy.You'vс

only known this pеrson for amоnth and yеt you askеd hег

to mаfry yоu!.ЧIhat's thе big rush? WIцl сan,t,yoll affоrd tо

чrait? Arе yоu afraid that if shе gеts tо know yоu bеttец shе may

dесidе not to tiе thе knot? I agгес with youг girlfriеnd.Yоu nееd

tо соnsidеr things fl1orе сaгеfrrlly.Yоu сan,t rxресt hеr (оr yоursеlf)

tо mаkе sцсh an impогtant dесision so quiсkly.If you dоn't want

to rеglеt a hasty dесisiоn,I advisс you both to gеt to knоw еaф

оthеr bсttеr bеfoге yоu hurry tо thе a|tar. *Аnnie

сЙI|PIEтE o Reod this orticlе. Сomplete it with thе corrеct form of the vеrbs inporеnthеses, |Jsе the simplе presеnt or thе imperotive form of thе first vеrb,

Plalrlcilog for Lоvеost peoplе make сarefulplans when thеy decide to take a vaсation.

Yеt whеn they1. (deсide / takе)

a mate, they dеpend on luсk.2. (attеmpt / find)

Еdward A. Drеyfus, Ph.D., lovе to сhanсe.3. (waгn / singlе peop|е / not / leavе)

Не his four,"stеp plan whеn thеy searсh for a lifе partnеr., 4 . ( u r g е / t h e m / u s е )

Rеmеmbеr: When you you6. (plаn / fail)5. (fail / рlan)

sтЕP oNЕ: Makе a list. What kind of person do you7. (wish / meеt)

Somеone intеlligеnt? Someone who loves sports? List everything.

sтЕP TWo: Make anothеr list. What kind of pеrson are you?

your list and сomment on it. Thе two lists should matсh.8. (Ask / two friends / геad)

sтЕP THRЕЕ: lnсrеase your сhanсes.

sтЕР FOUR: Ask for introduсtions. Dr.

in aсtivitiеs you likе.9. (Сhoosе / part iс ipаtе)

Drеyfuslo . (аdvisе / pеop|e / not / fеel)

еmbarrassed to ask. Еvеryonе1 1 . (wаnt / bе )

a matсhmakеr!

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sufflЛflАRlzЕ o Rеod еoch numbеrеd stotеment. Сomplеte the SummorY using thеoppropriote vеrb from thе box followеd bу аn infinitive or on objеct + infinitivе,

frтflпЁt*wes aft*r Оеrtalrr V*гlэs l 2o9

would like ж invite neеd forget еnсourage

think you shоuld take things more slоwly, Chet.

urged Chet to take th\ngэ more эlowly.

agree remind

l. Aгтшrв: I reallv

Suммдвy: Annie

2, Cдвyш: Tom. сould you сall me at 10:00?

Suммдвy: Caryn

3. Kuвт: Еmily, plеasе remеmbеr tо buy gas today.

Suммдвv: Kurt

4. Joнш: Wе,re going out for сoffee, Marta. Would you like to jоin us?

Suммдву: John

5. Jдsoш: oK, oK, Dad. I'll bе homе by 10:30 if that's what you want.

Suммдвy: Jason

6. Jвгг: oh.

Suммдву: Jеff

no! It's 4:I5.I didn't go to the 2:00 staff meeting!

7. Moм: Come on, Lisa, don't be sсared. Just try again.

Suммдву: Lisa's mother

8. Tвввy: I,m using the сar tonight. I'm taking Sue to the mall.

Suммдву: Terrv

EDIT. Reаd this еntrу in o pеrsonol diorу. Find аnd corrеct sеVеn mistаkes in thе usе ofinfinitives oftеr cеrtoin vеrbs. Thе first mistokе is olreodу сorrectеd.

&r " to join




\Ji,,eI|1h'o.p-ed-mokе-sлme-trlen/s.мhе.n L4oinеА'lhj;о.|шb*hмI.-I'dtdnI-eхw*-еveухолe -betng- ----,.",

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lnfinitivesafter Ceгtainand Ceгtain

wffiPЙINтChеck thе сorreсt onswer,

П гi.'аing good fries is diffiсult.

П тьe man hardly еats anything but fries.

|I,э hard to findqood frieэ Nhеoе daуe'

сIIART сI]EсI(Сhесk thе сorrеctonswеrs.Thе infinitive isformed with:

t to + base formof verb

t to + base form ofverb + -ing

The infinitivе follows:

П сertain nouns andadjeсtives

-tLJ сеrtarn


lNFlNlтlvEs AFтЕR сЕRтAIN AD'EcтlvЕs

I Aol..r,u. I tn'n,r,u. IIt',s hard to f ind nutritious fast food.

Wе,re eagеr to hear about thе new restaurant.

He sееmеd surprisеd to lеarn thе amount of fat in a buгgеr.


| шou* | In'.n.'.u. IIt',s t ime to go.

That's a high priсe to pay.

Doеs hе have pеrmission to stay out late?


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lnf init ives after CeЁain Adieсtivеs and Nоuns l 2tt

EхPREss'ж&Unscromblе thеsе words to form two sentenсеs.

сonvenient о lt's о еat o fast о food о to

pay . a о priсe о low о That,s о to

A n,amrжar trxрЕeшetiоrcs Е.xamрles

adjeсt ive inf in i t ivеl. Cегtain adjесtivеs сan bе followed by an r Thеy Wеrе еagеr to trу the nеw taсo.

infinitivе (to + basе form of thе vеrb).

Мany of thesе adjесtivеs desсribe a feеling r She was glad to heor that it was |ow in сa|oriеs.about thе aсtion in thе infinitive.

Adjeсtives that express щa.!sc-.a[ Цзлne aгe often l l was wrong to leove,fo||owеd by an infinitivе. r Тhеy werе brave to tell him.

Adjесtivеs that show the ordеr of aсtions aгe r We wеге last to order.oftеn fol|owеd by an infinitive. r Whеn the сhесk сamе, she was first to lеove

the rеstauгant.

adjесtivе infinitive2. Wе often use lt3 + adjeсtive + infinitivе. l lt,s grеat to see you again.

When thе aсtion in thе infinitive is done by a r lt was si||у of Tom to lеavе.person, we often use of or for + noun,/рronoцn. l |t,s hard for us to gеt hеге on timе.

lt's + adjесtive + infinitivе is oftеn usеd to I lt,s сonveniеnt to eot fast food.makе gеnеra| obsеrvations. l lt,s diffiсult for studеnts to work fu|l time.

noun inf in i t ive3. Cегtain nouns сan be followed bv an infinitivе. l lt,s time to toke a bгeak.

r l havе the right to eot what l want.l Тhеy madе a dесision to lose wеight.r ltЪ a high priсе to poу,r Hе has pеrmission to stoу out late.

Тhe noun + infinitivе сombination often l Robin is thе pеrson to osk about that.exprеssеs advjsability or neсеssity. (You should qsk Robin obout thot.)

r I have a tеst to studу for гight now.(l must study for my tеst,)

Сheсk it oul!Por a list of сommon aфeсtivеs that сan be followеd by the infinitive, see Appеndix 9 on page 338.

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2|2 l U*тit .*sl

Last year I stoppеd еating in the sсhool сafetеria

place to have uwas suсh a grim1 . (p |aсe / havе)

the first time. I was2. (dе| ightеd / f ind)

the ! They're3. (way / go)

сheerful atmospherе has made the сafetеria a

eating lunсh therе every day from now on.-L,

IDENтIFY o Reod this questionnoire. Undеrline oll the odjeсtive + infinitivе ondnoun + infinitive сombinotions. Writе A ovеr thе odiectivеs ond N oyer thе nouns.

с0ILPLEтE o Reаd thеsе excerpts from letters to the еditor of а co|lеgе nеwspopеr,Сomplеtе them with the corrеct form of thе words in porеntheses,

bесausе thе fоod

meal. Yеsterdav I

was so bad and it

wеnt baсk for

Fast foods arеTaсo Bеl1 therе.

and the4. ( fun / еаt)

in. I'll bе5. (p lеasurе / еat)


It was a6. (mistakе / br ing)

7. (outrаgеous / sеe)

fоod theу Srrve isn,t

salt' and fat. Fоr сommuter students, it's

mеal bеfore еvening сlass, and it's

fast-food сhains to thе сampus. It's

thе eхaсt same restaurants everywhere you go. The

. It сontains muсh too muсh SugaЦ8. (good / еat)

a hеalthy9. (еssеnt ia| / havе)

1o . (d i f f i сu l t / go)


Please take a few mirl{utes to сomPlete this questionnaire aboцt fast.food restaurants.

Cheсk (/) a|| the answers that are aPPropriate for you.A

1. How often are you likely to eat at a fast-food restaurant?

Г 1_З timеs a weеk .7 4-6 timеs a wееk

. morе than 6 timеs a wееk . ' nеver

2. In your opinion, fast food is::good to eat a Way to savе timе

П fцn to order oссasiona|ly П цnhеalthy to havе еvery day

3. Whiсh statement Ьest dеsсriЬes your feе|ings aboцt the сost of fast food?

П |t,s a high priсe to pay for сonvеniеnсе. l] Yoц get a lot for just a little money.

4. ls it a good idea to inс|ude hеa|thy сhoiсes in fast.food mеnus?

П Y е s П N o

dinnеr. We just don't havе thе time .-B.

off сampus for

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сlt00sГ & сOмPIETE о Rеod thеsе сonversotions betwееn co-workеrs. Сomplеtе thеmwith thе words in pаrеnthеses аnd the infinitive form of o verb from thе box.

get cry hear kеep work find deсide wake up show E<{

Cнвrs: H"y, Dana. I,ve got tо talk to you. Do you have t,ime io t,ake1 . ( t imе)

a break?

Dдпд: Sure, Chris. What,s wrong? You lоok like you,re2. (rеady)

Cнвrs: Mr. Kay just askеd me if Id be rc

from 4:00 p.м.

to midnight.

Dдшд: Yоu have an early сlass. It's

working late.

early afbеr

Cнвrs: Right. When I told him that hе said,..I,m that,5. (supr isеd)

Chris. I thоughtyouwеrе re

a promotion to

shift manager."

Dдшд: It's?(П.po.ta.ф

your gтades up too. Did he give you

4. (hard)

?8. (t imе)

Cнвrs: He just said, "oK. I'll ask Steve. We'll g',,e him th.e

his loyalty to the сompaIlУ.,,9. (сhаnсе)

Dдшд: Fast-food jobs are ' Just сonсentrate on sсhоol.1o. (еasy)

EDIT. Reod Mr, Koу,s journol, Find ond corrеct sеvеn mistokes in the usе of infinitives.Thе first mistokе is olrеody сorrеctеd,

to aэkToniqhL L vnalo Lhe decisioи as .k4 Chris Lo t.ake Lhei"ghr shlf:ь. L

reъLLу-Lhoуф she waL1aJnц|-o Ve g|ad for geLLingLhe oftor-5he.has-

еxPcиses. Looks Like she wаs Lhe wroиД Persoи I аsked! тhe Probtgtи

*Was-}s,!Le-[v-a5 иlt_llit]i эfuААIgъ.Еэ Li tu Le --

JmPa-L. jr,..xЕJL_"waswrqnqof u$pr=pLhreaЕenГ-o.asK..5LзХe-J-c^pуLd_L:r-ш_---_--


*r*oлotio-и*aиуш aу-5Le-lt.*Iv e5 geLLiИ g a b rcalк.

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lnfinitiveswith Too and Еnough

[Е'*гсв PпINтСirclе T (Truе) or F (Fаlsе).

т F The man's parentswant the man to getthem a drink of water.

т F Thе man wants hisparents to gеt him adrink of water.

сl]ARт сIIEсI(Сhеck thе corrеctаnswеr,

Whiсh word сomеsbefore the adjeсtiveor advеrb?ДLJ too- l rLJ enougn

(сSan, уour rnothеr вnd I think that уou arе now old, еrlough

to gеt уaur own d,rink of aпtеr.''


IAo;встlvв/Too I Aovвпв

s WlтH тao(Foл + Nouш/ loв,вст Pпoшouш) | lшгlшlтlvп

Wе,rе (not)


young (for peop|е) to trust.

Тhe tеaсhег talked quiсkly (foг mе) to takе notеs.

It's (not) hard (for us) to dесidе.

lNFlNlтlvЕs Wlт}| ENOUGIi

Ao;вст lvв/| |1гo*+Nouш/ IAovвпв i Eнouсн | oв,вст Pпoшouш) | lшгlшlтlvв

Thеy,re (not) old


(for peop|е) to trust.

Shе hasn,t сome often (for mе) to rесognize her.

It's (not) еasy (foг us) to deсide.


Page 224: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

tnfinitives with Too and Enouqh I 215

EхPREssжUnscromble thеsе words to form two sеntеncеs.

vote r She's . to . young o too

to о enоu$h о old . We,re о work

6 ramштar Еxрia]ratlФпs ЕxaктрIеs

l. Usе too + adjесtivе/advеrb + infinitivе to l |,m too young to drive.give a reason. (l,m not siхtееn уеt, so l сon,t drivе.)

r She isn't too young to drive.(Shе,s ovеr siхtееn, so shе сon drivе.)

r She aггived too late to toke the test'(Shе arrived twеntу minutеs oftеr thе tеst stortеd,so she сouldn,t take the tеst.)

l Shе didn,t aггivе too late to toke thе test.(Shе arrived only two minutes ofter thе teststortеd, so she сould tokе thе tеst,)

2. You сan also usе adiесtivе/advеrb + l l,m old enough to go into the aгmy.enough + inflnltivе to givе a гeason. (l,m over еightееn, so l сon go into thе ormу.)

l Hе isn,t o|d enough to go into thе army.(Hе isn,t eightееn уet, so hе con,t go into the ormу.)

r | гan fast enough to poss thе physiсa|.(l ron vеrу fost, so l possed thе phуsiсal')

l Shе didn,t run fast enough to Poss thе physiсa|.(Shе didn,t run vеry fast, so shе didn,t possthе physiсol')

3. Notiсe that you don,t neеd to use thе infinitive l |,m seventеen yeaгs old, and | сan,t vote yet.when ttiе meaning is сlеar from thе сontext. |,m too young. |,m not old enough.

and enough.

Тoo сomes bеfore thе adjесtivе or advеrb. l Shе,s too old.

Enough сomes aftег thе adjесtive or advеrb. l |,m not old enough. Noт l,m not сnetgh-оl*

4. Somеtimes We usе for + noun or l Wе arе too young for people to trust us.far + objeсt Pronoun bеfore thе infinitivе. (Pеoplе don,t trust us,)

r We arе too young for thеm to trиst us.(Thеy don,t trust us,)

Page 225: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

216 t il'Ёпit sФ

сlt00sE o Peoplе hаvе diffеrent opinions obout publiс issues. Reod еoch numberedstаtеment of opinion, Then circle thе lеttеr of the sentencе (a) or (b) thot bеstsummorizеs thot opinion,

1. Teenagers are rеsponsible еnough to stay out past 10:00 p.м.

@ Teenagers should have permission tо stay out past 10:00 p.м.

b. Teenagers shouldn,t have permission to stay out past 10:00 p.м.

2. Teenagеrs are too immature to vote.

a. Teenagers should be able to votе.

b. Teenagers shouldn't be able to vote.

3. Teenagers are responsible enough to use the Internet without сensorship.

a. Teenagеrs сan use the Internеt without сensоrship.

b. Teenagers сan,t use the Internеt without сensorship.

4. Adults are toо afraid of сhange to listen to сhildren,s ideas.

a. Adults listеn to сhildren's idеas.

b. Adults don,t listen to сhildren,s idеas.

5. At age seventy, people are not too old to work.

a. At age sevеnty, people сan work.

b. At age seventy, pеople сan't wоrk.

6. Siхtееn-year-olds are not experiеnсed enough to drive at night.

a. Sixtеen-year-olds сan drive at night.

b. Sixteen-year-olds сan,t drivе at night.

UNiсRAI|BLE. Gino wonts to drivе to onothеr сitу for o concert, but hеr mother thinksshe,s too young. Moke sеntencеs with thе words in porenthеsеs, Then writе G (Gina)or M (Mothеr) to show whose opinion eаch sentenсe rеpresеnts.

1 . You're t,oo уoung t,o be out, эo lat,e. M(too / You,re l young l to / out / bе / so / |atе)

2.(get/ |t ,s l |o l bуten / us l too l homе / far l tor)

3 .(take сarе of / matuге / mysе|f l | ,m l to / еnough)

4.(dangerous l too l n ight / l t ,s / to / dr ivе / at)

5.(too i g ivе l worrу i | / muсh / to / permiss ion / you)

6.1trrаt / еxperienсеd / drivе / arеn,t l far l enough / to / You)

Page 226: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

3. I hope the сonсert hall is

Agзfgз*t*rяes '+vitГr Т*tэ эпt-l ||,,r:i-;l, ' ';;. . 217

с0ПiIPIEтE o Some tееnogеrs orе lеoving o сonсеrt. Сomplеtе thе sеntеncеs, IJse thewords in porеntheses with the infinitivе ond too or enough.

1. I сouldn't hear that last song. The guitar у7gg too |o-ud for me |o hear thе words.( | o u d / m e / h e а r )

2. Let's get tiсkets for the сonсert in Hampton. They,re( с h е а p / u s / а f f o r d )

all the fans!( l а r g е / h o l d )

4, I hopе my mother lets mе go. This сonсert is going to be( g o o d / m е / m i s s )

5. Let's get a pizza at Sal's. The large ones are

6. It,s 9:30 alrеadv. It's

(b ig / sha rе )

for pizza.(|аte / stop)

7, I hatе this сurfew! I think we,re out past 10:00!(o|с l / stаy)

8. Kyle didn't get out of work tonight.(еar|у l сomе)

9. Van, I'm playing basketball tomorrow. Are you still mе?(s|ow / bеat)

10. Lеt,s find out. But I want to walk. Your сar isn't(sаfе / dr ivе)

EDII o Reod this student,s journol entrу. Find ond correсt eight mistokes in thе usе ofinfinitivеs with too or enough. Thе first mistokе is olrеody corrеctеd.

ь" }, ' to э|eep

-i , T|w, P|Й/Ф фttДxt Иrа,{ аJ,|le{'ot,иp! Noоr I'ш, too oхсttЙ,#rs|ryф. TllАt мЙo

Qord"oп, саn rиЦ sLИ! tt,,|у ntюo ь|,tt *Чlu!пozLt0 '*! *tЙp s|шtttе,r! дfto

tЙp uпrut иlo И)ero rцЩ fucчrу, bиt ь И/а,' t0 hto to go fo, P*"*. I |+АТЕ

tЙlх sttф, *f'',,! It's toо t1,е,b0L tt,иl'^цstnи^d,. му ftэrtl, Todd, 'nrk,s аJ4n hА5

to Fry tnхu, bиt thp |ллr sауs hэs too уo^g fo, 'try'И! oиt p.aсt 10:00! TlLаt's

ufory ,*Ч|uto t,ил"k"е, t,tц,o шartt to sсуeanи,. Th^аt reИuLИjr шx,. I sшro |'r" rytи"otЙ,er chлryеs |uе/ l44i,Иn s00?t/,*чlufor I to bry *tkJ<rt to tЙp |}а"tаptoш

cott,ult. Tho/ se/Loцt uPxу rЙq Wц fuеsшt shpt/цлk r'и,t,t,паturе,to druto

ffу шdpsr I'[,1, lLаиo to dю it sot,иtti,уиl,! WеhL, t d, bеttu trу to 7et s0ше/ s[eеу оr

I,1,1, botoo tiуЙ,too got L? |ntЙ"o шоrnф.

Page 227: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

WPЙINтСheck аlI thе correct onswers.

What сan you use thе Datalator as?

П an address book t a telephone

lnfinitives of Purpose

П adiсt ionary t anotepadлLJ a radio


l put his numbеr in my organizeг(in ordеr) to save it.

l madе a note (in order) toremеmber ouг date.

| |еft at 9:00 (in order) toarrive еarly.

l ran (in order) to сatсh thе bus.


l put his number in my organizеrin order not to losе it.

l made a notе in ordеr not toforgеt our date.

| |еft at 9:00 in ordеr not toarrive latе.

I ran in order not to miss thе bus.

llAIAtAт0п 534 tElectronic 0rganizer $89.95

Available at all Laсу,s Departmeлt Stores.

Use mer' Ю look up wordsr' to store names аnd phonе numbеrsr' to add and subtraсtt/ to write down ideasr' to look сool!

сI]АRт сI]EсKСirclе T (Truе) orF (Fаlsе),т F There are two

ways to formthe affirmаtiveinfinitive ofpurposе.

т F Thеre arе twoways to formthe negativeinfinitive ofpurpose.


Page 228: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

|nfinit ives оf Purрosе l 2|9

Unscromblе these words to form two sentеncеs.

Store . addresses . use . I . an о organizet . to

Еx,PREss {Фft": .-в

in order . I О not о set о oversleep o my . alarm сloсk r to

6 rarm rжar fi xрlaиetf;ФШs Еxarrrрlеs

1. Use an infinitivе (to + base form of thе verb)to explain the purpose of an aсtion. ]t oftеnanswers the question Whу?

Usдсв Noтв: |n spoken Еnglish, you сan аnswеrthe question Why? with an inсomplеtе sentenсеbеginning with Тo.

whу did you 9o to Laсy,s?l wеnt therе to buy onе of thosе Data|atoгsI saw in an ad.

Whу did you go to Laсy,s?To buy an e|есtroniс oгganizег.



2. You сan also usе thе longег form in ordеr to +basе form of thе verb to explain a purpose.

Usдсв Noтв: Тo + basе form of thе veгb ismore сommon in informal speeсh and writing.

l bought an organizеr in ordеr to store namesand phonе numbeгs.

I bought an organizеr to store namеs andphone numbers.

3. Usе in order not to + basе form of the vеrbto еxorеss a nеoative ouroosе.

I I use my Data|ator in ordеr not to makеmistakes in pronunсiation.(l don,t wqnt to mokе mistqkеs')

4. You сan also use noun/pronoun + infinitiveto exprеss thе ouroose of an obieсt.

l nееd an organizеr to hеIp mе remembеrmy sсhedule.

I need it to hеlp me remember my sсhеdu|е.

Page 229: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

22o l &"ArъЁ* s"*

/iDENTIFY o Rеаd this сonversation. Undеrline oll thе infinitivеs thot еxprеss o purposе.

Yoкo: It,s 5:00. Aren,t yоu gоing home?

Lвв: I.[о. I,m staying late to finish this report. What about you? Are you goingstraight homе?

Yoкo: No. I'm going to stop at the bank to get some сash. Thеn I'm going to Laсy,sDepartmеnt Store to take advantage of the sale they'rе having.

Lвв: oh, what are you going to get?

Yoкo; one of thosе nеw elесtroniс organizers they're advertising. I,ve bеen looking forsomеthing to help me with my work.

Lвш: What's Wrong with just a regular сalсulator?

Yoко: Nоthing. But sоmеtimes I have to сonvеrt other сurrenсies to dollars.

Lвш: What еlse are you going tо use it fоr?

Yoкo: oh, to store important names and phоne numbеrs and to balanсe my сheсkbook.

Lвв: What did we do beforе they invented all thеsе eleсtroniс gadgets?

Yoкo: Wе made a lot of mistakеs!

АNsv!ЕR о Look ot Yoko,s list of things to do, Then writе o phrose to answеrеoch quеstion,

To Do-Get gas-Mаke dentаl appoiпtmеnt_Buy batteгies-Withdгaw $,loo-lnvitе Flika and Taгo tо diпneг-Buy milk and eggs

1 .


3 .


5 .








did she сall Dr. Tоwbin,s offiсе? To make a dental appointment^

did shе gо tо the bank?

did she

did shе

did she

did shе

сall Mrs. Watanabе?

go to the supermarket?

go to the elесtroniсs stоrе?

go to the serviсe station?

Page 230: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Еnfirritiчяes оf Рi;rr:оsсl l 22|'

Il|А|сH o For еoсh oction, find thе сorrect purpose.

Aсtion Purpose

q 1. He enrolled in Chinese 101 beсause he a. didn't want to get any phone сalls.

b 2. She took a bus beсausе shе b. didn't want to be late.

3. She went to the store bесause shе G. wanted to store informatiоn.

4. We disсonneсted оur phone beсause we d. wanted to listеn to thе news.

5. He turned on the radio beсause he е. didn't want to worrу me.

6. He didn't tell me he was siсk beсause he f. needеd tо buy some dishes.

7. She bought a Datalator beсause she 9. wanted to lеarn the language.

REwRlтE o Сombinе the sеntencе ports аbovе. Use thе infinitive of purposе.

1. He enro||ed in Chineэe 1o1 to learn the |anquage.

2. 1he took э buэ in order not, |o be |ate.

3 .


5 .



EDIT. Rеod Yoko,s journol entry, Find ond сorrect six mistokes in the use of the infinitiveof purposе, The first mistoke is olreodу corrеctеd.

to gеt,l.шrnt..t.p-.Dr..Tдцу..hlл..fu.fu-шg tесtll .сlgапсd...t-p-d.аg..lЦh.lс,|..tц..qs'шq.[tiпg,..|..и';сd..шg.'...

Dа.tа.|в.tаr..to'stиdg..f.o-r'thс...Т.Q.Е.Е-L.,'.T.h.еп'.|..иspd..tt.to-.kс/р;nт.е.P-raпaшt.с.е..!|.u.o-r.p-с..аiп.p..|!..aпd...,dспtа| floss-||.Йr..ш.и.а.p.p.r,iпt.п.r.п.t,.Аftсr.tlэ.е.d.сп.tis.t-.Iс.h.с.с.kс'd..шt.ц..ас.h.еd.и.l.€..qЛ.d..;а.!Ц.




Dаtд.|q.tp-r.dir'tnпа'rg. ta .f:п.d ,.!h|dg" sиpеr!!..T.lэс.'!.hи.il.dtщ.sиp.сr.ta,tе.п.d.е.п't',!..нlа.п.te..d..tс'.с..p.Цt.с'...

иp.i.п..qrdgr'fх..th.е'.dparhll|t..R.ik0"..T..qr.p.".g.п.d..l.p.|g'ц.е..d'.шith...thе.Dq.tдIq.tp-r'а'|l..r.rспi.tlа!..................Yoи сап oroаrаm it for to olаи сomoиfur аolmеs too, I doп,t kпo. hoш | linсd шithoиt it!

Page 231: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

embarraэerd'I didn,L rвmember

mеet,ing Bob.

cou|d уouforget?

Gerunds and lnfinitives

tсн жl P0lNтСirclе T (Truе) or F (Folse).

т F The woman had an appointmеntwith Bob, but shе forgot to go.

т F The woman forgot that she hadmеt Bob onсe bеforе.


Marta wants to go to partiеs.

Shе loves to mееt new pеoplе.

She stoppеd to buy iсе сrеam.

lt,s fun to meеt nеw peoplе.

tо the party.

tо partres rs exсrtrng.

about a lot of diffеrent things.

сHARт сl]ЕсI(Сirсle T (True) orF (Folse).

т F Sоme verbsсan be followedby either thegerund orthe infinitive.

т F The infrnitivesometimеsfollows apreposition.

т F Agerundсanbе the subjесtof a sentеnсе.


Marta enjoys going to partiеs.

She lovеs mеeting nеw pеop|e.

She stopped buying iсе сream.

She,s worriеd about forgеttingpeople,s namеs.

Mеeting new pеoplе is fun'

Complete thеsе sеntencеs with the corrеct form of thе vеrbs go or talk.


о Phil wants


о Phil enjoys


о It's fun to new peоple.

Page 232: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Gerunds and lnf init ives r 223

Grammar Еxplanations t,xamplеs

1. Somе vеrbs are followеd by a gerund. l Мaгta еnjoys meeting pеop|е.r Shе misses going to paгtiеs.

2. Some verbs are foIlowed by an infinitivе. l Marta wants to meet pеop|е.r She'd l ike to go to parties.

3. Some vеrbs сan be fol|owеd by еithеra gеrund or an infinltlve.

r Marta lovеs meeting nеw pеop|е.OR

r Мarta lovеs to meet nеw pеoplе.

4. Bв сдRвгul! A fеw verbs сan bе followеd by r Marta stopped eating iсе сгeam.еithеr a gеrund or an infinitivе, but thе (Shе doеsn,t еot iсе сrеam onуmorе,)mеanlngs arе vеTy dlfferent

l Maгta stoppеd to eat iсе сгеam.(She stopped anothеr activitу in ordеr to еot somеiсе сrеom')

r Riсhard remеmbеrеd mai l ing thе invitat ion.(First hе moilеd thе invitation. Thеn hе rеmеmbеrеdthot he did it.)

l Riсhard rememberеd to mai| thе invitation.(First he rеmеmbered. Thеn hе moilеd theinvitotion, Hе didn,t forget,)

r Marta forgot meeting Riсhard.(Morto mеt Riсhord, but oftеrwords shе didn,tremеmbеr thе evеnt.)

r Marta forgot to meеt Riсhard.(Morto hod plons to mееt Richard, but shе didn,tmeet him bесousе shе forgot obout the plans.)

5. A gеruпd is the on|y vегb form that сanfo|Iow a PreрoJltion.

preposit ionl Marta,s worriеd about forgetting names.

6. To makе general statements, you сan Usе:. gerund as subjeсt


r Mееting nеW pеoplе is fun.OR

. It's + adjесtlvе/noun + infinitive I ;t,s fun to meet nеw pеoplе

Cheсk it out!For a list of сommon vеrbs followed by the gеrund, see Appеndix 3 on page 337.

For a list of сommon verbs followed by thе infinitive, see Appendix 4 on page 338.

For a list of verbs that сan be followed by the gerund or the infrnitive, see Appendix 6 on page 338.

Page 233: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

224 r unit s?

тRUE 0R FАIiE. Rеod еoch numbеred sentеnce, Writе T (True) or F (FoIsе) for thestotеmеnt thot fo|lows.

Marta remembered meeting Мr. Jaсkson.

т Marta has already met Mr. Jaсkson.

Riсhard stopped smoking.

Riсhard doesn't smoke anvmore.

She didn't remember to buy a сake for the party.

She bought a сake.

She stopped eating desserts.

She used to eat desserts.

Riсhard forgot to invitе his boss to the party.

Riсhard invitеd his boss.

Riсhard forgot inviting his neighbor to the party.

Riсhard invited his neighbor.

Riсhard thinks giving a party is fun.

Riсhard thinks it,s fun to give a party.

Marta likes going to partiеs.

Marta likes to gо to parties.

сl{i00sE o Сirсle thе correct wordsSuper Mеmory.*

to completе these idеаs from а book collеd

1. Get into the habit o to repeat things aloud.

2. Nevеr rely on someone else's memory. Learn trusting / to trust your own.

3. It's easy forgetting / to forget what you don,t want remеmbеring/ to remembеr.

4. Study immediately before going / to go to slеep. You'll remember a lot more.

5. our memories are filled with things we never meant remembering / to rеmember.

6. Makе it a habit to pass in front of your сar evеry time you gеt out, and you'll never

forget turning off / to turn off your headlights.

7. Plalring / Tо play gamеs is a fun way of improving / tо improvе your memory skills.

*Souпсв: Doug|as |. Hеrmann, Super Memorу: A Quiсk Aсtion Progrom for Mеmorу lmprovеment(Avenеl, N|: Wings Books, 1991).

l .


3 .


5 .



Page 234: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Gerunds аnСl |nfinit ives l 225

sUIl|мARlzE o Reod eoсh numbеred stotemеnt or conversotion. Сomplete the summorуstotemеnt using o gеrund or аn infinitive.

1. Roсвв: Hi, Riсhard. I brought the soda. Whеre dо you want me to put it?

to br\ng the эoda,Suммдвy: Roger remembеrеd

2. Мдвтд: You,re Natalva! We mеt last yеar at Riсhard,s party! Hоw havе you beеn?

Suммдвy: Marta rеmеmbers

3. Roсввз Don,t look at mе|. I didn,t spill grape juiсе on thе сouсh!

Suммдвy: Rogеr denied

4. Nдтдr.yд: I,m so glad Riсh

Suммдвy: Natalya еnjoys

ard plays jazz at his partiеs. I listеn to it a lot at home too.

5. Lвv: Would you like to go danсing some time?

Mдвтд: Sure. I'd like that verv muсh.

Suммдвy: Lev suggested

Marta agreed

6. Nдтдr,yд: Marta' сan wе give you a ride homе?

Мдвтд: Thanks, but I think I'll stay a littlе longer.

Suммдвy: Natalva оfferеd

Marta deсided

ЕDIT o Rеod Morto,s journol entrу obout Richord,s portу. Find ond сorrеct sеvеnmistаkes in thе use of thе gerund ond infinitivе, Thе first mistokе is olreodу corrеcted,

Whаt llgrсаt sltlrtц! l иsиаllу ",u,,1ff}!u раrties bсс,,иse itЗ sисh а prob/еm t'ir шr to

rеmem|lсr 1lсosl/e З пLl|,lсs, |,m sogLт,-{ | 'еас/ thаt book аboиt iш1эrovеуoиr mеmotу, T/tе

аиthor sиggеsfui to lo еxсrсises, аиd thеу rеа//у hе/pеl, I stoppеl to шorrу аboиt шhаt

pеoplе -oи/сt thiпk of -е, ,тпс{ | triес/ to P,у аttэпtioп {1l luhаt pеop/е шerе sауiпg' Аs а

,еs"/t, l hа,t а3reаt titпс! I'm еrеи p/аииiпggoiпg iltпсiп7 шith thisgиу Leи

/ hаre ап Епglish tеst tomorroИl| so / shoи/d stop шritiпg пo- апс| stлrt stиdуiиg,

The book еvсп lптi somе9oo,| tips аboиtstиr/ц fbr аИ ех.1m, t hopе I rсmеmber иsitпJ somе,

ofthе* toпiqht!

Page 235: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Makё, HaVёl Let, HeIp,and Get

WffiP0INтСirсlе T (Truе) or F (Folsе).

т F The tеaсher in the piсturehas vеry striсt rules.

f t ' e qo i nq Nomake uэ эt,aуafter c|aэo,

|1e,|| nеver|et, me |ake тhаt

qu iz aqarn .

|aime Еsсalante with two of his students.

сI/,ARт сI]Eсt(Сirclе T (Truе) orF (Folse).

т F Moke, hove,and let arealways followеdby the baseform of thе verb.

т F Getсan befоllowed bуеither the baseform of theverb оr theinfinitive.

т F HеIp сan befollоwed byeither thе basеform of thеverb or theinfinitive.


| млкс/Hлvс/ |5uв,вст | Ltт/Hrtp I


l вo'. Foпмoв'вст t oг Vвпв

Тhе teaсhеrs (don't)



do homеwork.


I Gст/Hсw


I ""..t I t-rt-,t,"n

Тhе tеaсhеrs (don't)gethelp


to do homеwork.


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Make, Haven Let, Help,, and (ief I 227o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a o o o a o o o a o a a a a o o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a (

EхPREssжСompletе thеsе sentеnces with thе correсt form of thе verbs сorrесt or stay.

A: Did the teaсhеr get the students their essavs?

B: Yes. He had them their essays in gтoups.

A: Do vou think he,ll make thеm late again tоday?

B: I don't think so. But he'll let them late if they neеd help.

6rаmmar Axpianatioпs Е,xamp1*s

1. Use moke, hove, and let folIowed by objесt + r Thе tеaсhег makеs his students do homеworkbasе form of the vеrb to ta]k about things that еveгy night.someone саn rеouirе. сausе. or permit anotheг (Hе rеquirеs them to do homework.)person to do

l Hе has them tofte геsponsibi|ity for thеir ownlearning.(Hе cousеs thеm to takе rеsponsibilitу.)

r Hе lеts thern сhoose thеir own essay topiсs.(He pеrmits thеm to сhoosе their own essoy topiсs,)

You сan a|so usе moke to mean ,,сause to.,, r Тhis will make уou beсome a bettеr studеnt.(This will сausе уou to bесomе o bеttеr student.)

2. Help can be folIowеd by еither:

о obiесt + basе form of thе verbOR

. obiесt + infinitivе.

Тhe meaning is the samе.

Usдсr Noтц: HеIp + base form of thе vеrb ismore сommon.

r She helpеd me undеrstond thе homеwork.OR

r Shе hеlped me to understond the homework.

3. Get has a similar mеaning to mokе and hove, r Тhе tеaсhеr got иs to stoу a littlе latеr.b u t i t i s f o l l o w e d b y o b j е с t + i n f i n i t i v е , n o t N o тthе basе form of the vеrb. (Thе tеoсhеr pеrsuodеd us to stoу o littlе lotеr,)

r Shе a|ways gеts me to do my bеst.(Shе olwoуs persuodеs me to do mу bеst,)

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228 I unit sS

l .

тRUE 0R FАLiE o Reаd eoch numbеrеd sеntеnce. Write T (True) or F (Folsе) for thestаtеmеnt thot follows,

My teaсher made mе rеwritе the rеport.

т I wrotе the report again.

Мs. Tragеr lеt us use our diсtionaries during the tеst.

We had to usе our diсtionariеs.

Mr. Gоldberg had us translatе a short story.

Wе translated a short story.

Paulo helped Meng dо her hоmеwork.

Paulo did Mеng,s homework for her.

Ms. Batеs got thе dirесtor to arrange a сlass trip.

The dirесtor arranged a сlass trip.

Professor Washington let us сhoosе our own topiс for our term paper.

We didn't сhoose our own topiс.

сl]00sЕ o Сirclе the corrеct words to complеtе this orticle obout lаimе ЕscаIontе,


4 .

5 .

tttiraсle Tea.Gher/'* llr rU

"l/ lll. ,;it 11 7i 4! Ir1t tt, lll ' ,i ti. tk /i"

T ^ /hеn |aimе Еsсalantе first arrivеd at

v U Garfiеld High, the administration of

this Еast L.A.- high sсhool @Щзф gangs of1 .

studеnts roam thе halls and spray the walls

with graffiti. Howеvеr; this math tеaсhеr from

Bolivia bеliеved in his U.S. studеnts too muсh

to hеlp / lеt thеm run wild. He madе / lеt them

"'ь"n-,o"t; :":;Ъ: ; :"-;-;: ; ; :.:":'1ЦБ7 .

thеm drop out of сlass. Thеn hе did thе

impossiblе. Hе had / lеt his studеnts takе8.

thе Advanсеd Plaсеmеnt Ехam, a vеry

diffiсult national tеst. Whеn his students

passеd, thе testing сompany suspесted

thеm of сheаting. To provе thеir innoсеnсе,

Еsсalantе had / got thеm take thе test again.9.

Again, еVеryonе passеd. How did

Еsсаlantе work thеsе miraсlеs? In thе words

of a studеnt, Еsсalantе ..lеt / madе us fееl10 .

powегful, that wе сould do anything.',

do massive amounts of homеwork, had / got4.

thеm takе dailу quizzes, and еVеn got / lеt5 .

thеm to fill out daily timе сards. To devеlop

team spirit, hе got / madе his students do6.

football-likе сhееrs bеforе сlass. Hе knеw

*L.A. = Los Angelеs

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Y.1 |.: : . у ?.Y ?.,. *?.t: . I 2l f :.T.q .g?.t. .: . .?.??.. . . . . . . . .

sИriffiАRlzE o Rеod eoch numbered stotеmеnt. Сomplеte the summory with thе corrесtform of thе verbs in porenthеses. Сhoose bеtwеen offirmаtive ond nеgotive forms.

o' you сan rewrite this сomposition, but only if you want to.

didn't make ?ablo rewrite his сomposition.(makе / rеwri te)

2. Ms. Alr.вш: I know you prefer working alоne, Ana, but you really need to work in a

group today.

Suммдвy: Shе rn a gтoup.(makе / work)

3. Ms. Allвш: Listеn, everyone! No diсtionariеs during the test, please. You should be

able to guess the meaning from сonteхt.

Suммдп,y: She diсtionaries.

4. Ms. Allвш: Fernand(|еt / usе)

o, сould you do me a favor and сlean the board before you leave?

Suммдвr She the board.(hаvе / с |еаn)

5. Ms. Allвш: Jean-Paul, put the tip of your tongue between your tеeth and say

"th-, thorn." Yes! That's it!

1. Ms. Ar.r.вш: Pabl

Suммдвy: She

Suммдвy: She(9е t / p ronounсе)

6. Ms. Allшш: Greta, please use English in сlass!

Suммдву: She

an Engli sh th.

in German.(|еt / spеаk)

7. Ms. Alr,шш: olga, you сan take the test in the сlassroom. Just move your desk to

a сorner.

Suммдвy: She the room.(make / lеavе)

EDIT o Reod this studеnt,s journol еntry, Find ond correct seven mistokеs in thе use ofmakе, have, let, hеlp, ond get. The first mistoke is olreody сorrectеd,

tA/hen I was аtеeoagеr, n\ ?arеrftl nevеr |d mе#кЬиnti( I hаdtinishеdalt rny

hornеwork. Тhey evеn mаdе me hе|ping rт|\ brЙhers with their horneWorkbdore

I cou|d hаvе anv fиn , Оn Ihe onе nand, thеу cеvtаin|у goI mе |еаrn a tot. Оn the othеr

hаnd, they ml,de mе bеcametoo 5еr.ol15,l wish they hаd|d meto have a tittle more

tиn. ЦJhen 1bеcornе a ?аrеot,l want to haue m\ cn.|d |еarns re5?on5.bili\, bиt atso

I wou|d Want to |d hе or shе hаvеfиn. Аs Bеn Franklin 5а.d,,,Аll Work and no p|aу

makеs Jaоk bеcome a du|| bov.,, l want to аvoid thd rnistakе.

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lffiI 0шr

l. Maria,s gоing to stop dinneц so she may be late.

Сirclе thе lеtter of the corrеct onswеr to completе еаch sentеncе.

Еxдпtpш:Jennifer never соffеe.(A) drink(B) drinks

A@ с D(С) is drinking{D) was drinking

(A) еating(B) for eating

(A) wake(B) waken

tA) tоо оld tо(B) yоung enough to

(A) helping(B) to help

8. I bought this nеw sоftware(A) for learning(B) learning

(C) to eat(D) еat










2. My glasses arе in my bоok bug, but I dоn't rememberthem there.(A) putting(B) to put

3. I askеd him -, but he went anyway.(A} not to go (С) not gоing(B) to not gо (D) hе doesn't go

4. in a forеign сountry is sоmetimеs diffiсult.(А.) Ilive (C) Livе(B) Living (D) Lives

5. He's not used to - uP so earlY.

{C) I put(D) put

6. We're eighteen, So We'rе - vote.

(С) wakes(D) waking

(с) old enough tо(D) old enough for

7. I don't think Tom enjoyеd mе study for the tеst.(C) hеlped(D) hеlps

Chinese.(C) to learn(D) learnеd


10 .

We got a new сard holder losе our сrеdit сards.(A) in ordеr not to (С) not to(B) not (D) for not

It isn,t diffiсult this textbook.(A) understand (C) for understanding(B) in оrder to understand (D) to understand



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SelfTest lX r 231

t 1. Arе you rеady? It's time(A) for going(B) to go

12. I resented -(A) he said(B) he saying

(C) going(D) go

that. He сould have been more polite.(C) his saying(D) him to say














13. I talkеd to thе students about working hardeц but I сouldn't ABсDthem to study.(A) make(B) get

14. My mother - do my homework or I сan't go out. ABсD

(C) got(D) let

(A) makes me(B) helps me

(C) gets me(D) lets me

lffiIoNlтW0Еoch sеntеncе hos four undеrlinеd words or phrosеs. The four underlined portsof thе sentencе orе morkеd A, B, С, ond D. Circle thе lеttеr of the one undеrlinedword or phrose thаt is Nor сoRRЕст.

Exдmрш:Mike usuallv drives to sсhool, but today hе walks.

A B B DA B с@

t5. I deсided сhanging jobs beсausе my boss makеs mе work ovеrtimе.A B ( D

16. Most students appreсiatе their prinсipal's try to imprоve sсhool сonditions.A B с D

|7. I suссеeded in to find a job, So my parents didn't make mе gQ to сollеge.A B с D

18. Get mоre exеrсise appears to bе thе best Way to losе weight.

19. In ordеr to not forget things, I pцt a string around my finger.

20. Hans is only fourteen, but he seems enough old to stay out until ten.A B с D

21. I know you're too bus]z to stay, but I look forward to seе you again.A B с D

22, I forgot bu},ing gas, but I gф tо a gas station before I ran out.A в ( D

23. Getting enоugh sleep is important in order not fall asleep in сlass.A B ( D

24. Let's stop to ]цatсh so muсh TV so that Wе сan rеad or gо out instead.A B с D

25. I'm trying to pеrsuadе my sister to drive, but r сan't get her dо it.A B с D

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Phrasal Verbs:lnseparable

жPЙINтСheck thе correct onswеr.

Whеre does the womansuggest eating?

t at homе

П i., a rеstaurant

П t' a park

EхPREssжжUnscromblе thеsе words to form two sentenсеs.

i n t o оWe .Bоbо r an

gaуbewe эhou|deat oul.



сI]ART сHЕсKСhесk the correctonswеr.

Where does thеpartiсlе go?

П b"fo.e the direсtоbjeсt

t after the dirесtоbjесt


Suqвст | v.'' | гo*'.... I Dlпвст oв,вст


came baсk.

9avе uP.

ate out.

ran into his teaсhеr.

stuсk to thеir dесis ion.


ou t оWasoHeоеa t i n g

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Рhrasal Verbs: lг lsеparab|e l 233

& g"atъt у*t a в, Aк рЕ a rret*Фffi Ё ffixaжrpl*s

vеrb + pa r t i с |е

l. А phrasal verb (a|so сa|led a two-paгt or r We often eat out.two-word vеrb) сonsists of a vеrb + partiсle.

2. Partiсles and prepositions look thе same. . sr..Тl?'TlТ:xъ1l., .unn"r beсause sheHowеver, partiсles arе part of thе verb phrase, Wasn,t paying attеntion.and thеy often сhanoе thе mеaning of thе verb. (She сollidеd with anothеr runner.)

vеrb + part iс|еl l ran into |ohn at thе supermarkеt.

(l mеt John by oссidеnt.)

3. Тhe verb and paгtiс|e are usually сommon words, l Plеase 9сr on. I didn,t mеan to interгupt'but their sеparate mеanings may not heIp you (Plеose сontinue.)guess thе mеaning of the phrasal verb.

r We got back after dark.Usдсв Noтt: PhrasaI verbs are verv сommon in (We rеturned oftеr dork.)еvеryday spеeсh.

l They сallеd off thе mееting.(They сonсеled thе meеting,)

d i rес t ob iес t4. Most phrasal verbs are transitive. (Thеy takе r You shou|d go aftеr уour gools.

direсt objeсts).dirесt oLl jeсt

Some tгansitive phrasa| vеrbs are insеparab|е. r Shе ran into her friend at the |ibгaгy.Тhis mеans that both noun and pronoun objесts Noт Shе at thе |ibrary.always go after thе paгtiсlе. You сannot sеparatе____;.l^:;- , dirесt objeсtthe vеrb from its paгtiс|е. r Shе ran into her.

Noт Shе ran hег into.

5. Some phrasal vеrbs arе used in сombination r She (amе up with a bri||iant idеa.with сertain prеpositions. Тhеse сombinations r l droppеd out of sсhoo| and got a job.aгe usually inseparablе.

Сheсk it out!t.or a list of some сommon inseparable phrasal vеrbs, see Appendix 17 on pagеs 341_342.To learn about separable phrasal verbs, seе Unit 55, pages 236-237.

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234 I unit s4

|DENтIFY o Reod this orticle. Сirclе oll thе phrosol vеrbs.

The Аrt of Feng Shui 6|,/ffi: ffi,:ii:H:ж::: :';l, ;lТ:}Т;Т: find out. !9Fеng shui (mеaning ..wind and water',) is thе anсiеnt Сhinesе art of p|aсing things in thс

еnvironmсnt. Aссording to this art, thе arrangеmеnt of furniture, doors, and windows

аffесts our hеalth, wеalth, and happinеss. Мr. Ho was сoncеrnеd about his businсss,

but hr didn,t givе up. Following thе сonsultаntЗ adviсе, hе rеmodе|вd and rеdссorаtеd

his rеstaurant. His aсtions paid off. Soon businеss piсkеd up and Мr. Ho beсamс riсh...lt Was thс bеst dесision | еvеr made,'' hе glows. Аnd hе isn't alonе in his еnthusiasm.

Feng shui has сaught on with modеrn arсhitесts and homеownеrs еvеrywhеrе,

IllАтсlt о Writе еаch phrosol verb from thе orticle nеxt to its mеoning.

Phrasal Verb

1 .


3 .

came back


has beсome pоpular


were worthwhile

Phrasal Verb Meaning

learn information




5 .

сH00sE o Complеtе this student,s journаI entrу bу circling the correct pаrticles,

аЬ l jиsг tinished аn аrtic|е аbout tеng shui ' Аt thе еnd, rhе аutnor эuqgests siiting\ v . / v\7^Y

@ЦPin уour homе аnd thinking аbout how уour еnvironmеnt mаkеs уou tее|.1 .

5o todaу wnеo t gв цp+gщtrom schoo|, I tried iI, I noticеd fiаt mу apavtmеnI is

rеа||у quiIе dark аnd tt mаkеs rnе tее| down. l think with the аddition ot sornе |ights,

|,d chееr аwаu / ц? considеrаbly. l,ve comе out / цp with a lеw othеridеаstoo,3. 4.

Мy apartrnеrrt ts srnа||, bиt I think it will |ook more spаcious if l jиst. strаighten ч!

morе trеquеrftty. Hangin q sornе morе shе|vеs for rny books might work Чцwel(


With jиst a few smаI| chаngеs, I cou|d еnd out!.uP tее|ing hаppiеr in rny own nomе'

||,s оеуtаintv Worгh Щing on L.outl

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Phrasаl Verbs: lnseparable l 235

с'|oosE a I}мPLETE o Rеod this orticle аbout the orchitеct t, M. Pei. Сomplеte it using

thе correct form of the phrosol verbs in the boх.

сome up with give up go baсk go up фAАкФ keep on pay off turn out

Born in 1917, Ieoh Ming Pei (better known as I. M. Pei)

qrew uP in Canton, China. When he was1 .

seventeen' he wеnt to thе United States to learn about building.

As it , Pei beсame one of the most2.

famous arсhiteсts of the twеntieth сentury.

Pei is famous for his strong geometriс forms. one of his

most сontroversial projeсts was his glass pyramid at the Louvre rn Paris. The old museum

had a lot of problems, but no onе wantеd to destroy it. Pei had to

a solution. Мany Parisians were shoсked with his proposal for a 7l-foot-high glass

pyramid. It anyway, blending with the environment. Today4.

many people say that it is a good example of the prinсiples of feng shui.

Pei despite сritiсism. He strongly believed that..you havе5 .

to identify the important things and press for thеm, and not

His determinatron . He сontinued to build struсtures that7.

refleсted thе еnvironment. Pei rесeived many prizes for his wоrk. He used some of the

ptize money to start a sсholarship fund for Chinese students to study arсhitесture in

thе United States and then to to China to work as arсhiteсts.

EDIT o Rеod Bob,s note to his roommote, Find ond corrеct eight mistаkes in the use of

insеporoblе phrosol vеrbs, Thе first mistoke is olreodу corrected.

Eoггy thе аpагtment is suсh a mеss. Igotdfi. l+ lаtе this morning and didnt hаvе timе to

stгaТghtеn oиt |'m going to thе gym now to work off for anhour. Ishould 9еt aсгoss bеfore

уou, and |'ll сlean up thеn. ГJow about еаtТng tonTght out? Аftеrwаrd, Wе сan 9еt togеthеr with

*omе of thе gиys and maybе seе a movTе. oг mayЬe wе'll сome over with а betteг idеа. -Dob

oh' -| ranTom into at sсhool. Гle'll drop off to sеe you latеn

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Phrasal Verbs:Separable

WffiPЙINтСheсk the сorreсt answer.

The dog thinks that

t Geоrge is dreaming.

П G"o.ge is gеtting an idеa foran invention.



Suryвст | v."' I o,*..' oв,вст | гo*,....

dreamedthе idеa

i tuP.

workеdthе dеtailsthem


EхPREssжСomplete thеsе sеntеnсеs with thе сorrеct form of thе wards in porenthesеs.

сIllАRT сIIЕсKCheck the corrеctonswеr.

t Di'".t objeсtsthat are nounsсan go before oraftеr thе partiсlе.

П Di,".t objeсtsthat are pronounsalways go afterthe partiсle.


Suвlвст | v.." | гo*,.... I o.*..т oв1пст

Hеdreamеd uP thе idеa.

worked out thе dеtai|s


Who(dгеаm up / thаt idеa)

? Did уoш(drеam up / i t )

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Phrasаt Verbs: Sepaгable l 237

&y жжъжж жr Wжpfl.e g? eaй *t *.? s ffiжaввтр*es

vеrb + oartiс|еt. A phrasal vеrb сonsists of a verb + partiсlе. l Shе sеt up an еxperiment.

vеrb + prеpositionPartiсles |ook the same as prepositions, but r Hе looked up at the sky.thеy arе paгt of the verb phrasе. Тhеy often (Hе looked in thе direсtion of thе skу.)сhanqе thе mеaninq of thе vеrb.

vеrb + оаrt iс|еr He looked up thе information on the Internеt.

(Hе found the informotion on thе lnternеt.)

Тhe sеparatе meanings of thе vеrb and paгtiсlе r They turnеd down my appIiсation.may bе veгy diffеrent from the meaning of (They rеjесtеd my oppliсotion.)the phrasal vеrb.

2. Most phrasaI vеrbs are transitive (thеy takedireсt objeсts). Мost transitivе phrasal vегbsare sеparablе.Тhis means the dirесt objе<t сan go:

vегb + paгtiс|е + dirесt objесta. after the paгtiс|e r I just drеamed up o nеw ideo.

(vеrb and paгtiсlе аrе not sеparated) oпoR veгb + d i reс t ob iес t + oa r t i с |е

b. bеtween thе verb and thе partiсle r I just dreamed o new ideo up.(verb and paгtiсlе arе sеparated)

d i гес t ob jес tNotiсe that when the direсt objeсt is r Shе drеamed uP on unusuollу сomplicotedin a long phrasе, it сomes after the new deviсе.paгt iс|е. NoтShе


pronoun, it must go betweеn thе verb and Noт Shе drеamеd+ptЪthе oartiс|е'

3. With a smal| gгoup of phrasal verbs, thе veгband partiсlе must bе separated.

keep somеthing on

tolk someone into

l Кееp your hot on.Noт {феРonjourhа+

r Shе talked her boss into a raisе.NoтShe f f i a r a i s е .

Cheсk it out!For a list of сommon separable phrasal verbs, see Appеndiх 17 on pages 34|_342.

For a list of сommon phrasal verbs that must be sеparated, see Appendix 17 on pages З4I_342,

F.or information about inseparablе phrasal verbs, sее Unit 54, pages 232_233,

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238 r unit sS

lDENтltY o Rеod this orticlе. Undеrline thе phrosol vеrbs. Сirclе the dirесt objects.

сIIOOiE E, сOIf|PIETE. Reod obout onе of history,s greotеst invеntors, Сomplеtе thеinformаtion with the correct form of the appropriote phrosol verbs from thе boх,

fi|I up keep away bring about Ф6tr set up сarry out pay baсk piсk up

As a сhild, Thomas Alva Еdison (|847_19311 t,ried out1 .

almost anything he heard about-he evеn tried to hatсh goosе eggs

by sitting on them! Before he was twelvе, he2.

his first laboratory using money he had earned himself.

He had hundreds of bottles. and hе them

3.with сhemiсals for his еxperiments. He

labeled thе bottlеs ..poison,, to his family

a nеw skill. He4.

. Whеn he was fifteen, Edison5.

had saved a сhild,s life, and the gтateful fatheц a telegтaph operatoц

Еdison by teaсhing him tеlegтaphy. After that, Edison was ablе to

reka!: . Т - , - , r * i d youknow tha t twoсo l l е gеd ropou t s t hough tup@o f t he

a t#%.'"ё personal сomputer? What,s morе, they put it togеther in a garagе.Ъ

*"ъid you know thаt two сollеgе dropouts thought up(hе ideфof thе firstt#%.'"ё personal сomputer? What,s morе' they put it togеther in a garagе.

Invеntions don't havе to сomе out of fanсу laboratories. Averagе pеoplе in сlassrooms,kitсhеns, and homе workshops oftеn drеam up nеW and usеful ideas'

Thе abi l i ty to think of somеthing new seеms l ike magiс to many peoplе, but in faсtanyonе сan dеvеlop the qualitiеs of an invеntor. First, inventors follow their сuriosity.Thе Swiss invеntor Gеorgе dе Меstral wantеd to find out thе rеason it was so hard toremovе burrs from his dog's сoat. His answеr lеd to thе idеa for VеlсroЧ now usеd tofastеn everything from sneakеrs to spaсе suits. Sесond, invеntors use imagination to putthings togеther in nеw Ways. Walter Morrison watсhеd two mеn tossing a piе pan to еaсhothеr and thought up thе FrisbееЧ onе of the most popular toys in thе world. Perhapsmost important, suссеssful inventors don,t quit. Thеy сontinuously look up informationabout thеir idеas and try nеw designs out unti l they suссeеd.

work nights and his experiments during the day.

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Phrasаl Verbs: Separablе I 239

[n 1869, Еdison fiхed a piесe of equipmеnt for a сompany that supp1ied priсes to

gold brokers. This his first useful invention-the stoсk tiсker-

for whiсh hе reсeived $40,000. Hе was then able to spend all his time wоrking on his

new inventions. During his lifеtimе, Еdison was issued 1,093 patents!

сOilIPIЕтЕ o Rеаd thеse сonversotions thot tokе plocе in а school lаborotorу. Сomptetеthеm with phrosol vеrbs ond pronouns,

1. A: Please put on your ]ab сoats.

B: Do we really havе 1o ?ut them on ? It,s hot in here.

2. A: I сan,t figure out this problem.

B: I know what you mеan. I сan,t either.

3. A: Remembеr to fill out these forms.

B: Can wе at homе, or do wе have to do it now?

4. A: Are you going to hand out the neхt assignment today?

B: I a few minutes ago. Weren't you here?

5. A: I сan't get this to work. We,d better do the whole proсedure over.

B: We don't have timе to . Class is over in ten minutеs.

6. A: Are we supposed to turn in our lab reports today?

B: No. Please neхt week.

EDIT. Rеod on inventor,s notes, Find аnd correct sеven mistokеs in the usе of phrosolvеrbs. The first mistoke is olrеody corrеctеd.

l,ltаl,t 3

",ф 3

Аt,иtcrt 30.--_-

I d/еДJ,|4еtr,ж * ruф ryood, d^и,-а,jаt ,f P"*t t,utth, а"tt, аpphrлtor |i,ko thr, kh47, u,sd,for sh^oo

Fouo|u. It саn bo ttсd,,to touсh, oи, spоtт ott, o I12а//,, |///.12lФ pаф fuи,t t,tlалt to pаll,tt а, и,,fub

rooL|,I/. t bt,oltrа" I'uса'/Llуhлna.и^/"ordэr sеllеlа,/,уpех so I саntrуthД,И,iJ.|,.

tfJIЙ, dюиttl, аn аф)ratши,for а,pаtе,ltt аJ41, И4А'ilЙ, itуutеrф I'|| bo ab|^oto sф а, stroч алtr,

с,ot:l,шnч d^eи,t"ot<вtrа|шru of tЙ^o уodиrt иу sooru.

r d^eшлпstrаtеdt|аэ proda"ct аt аn oхh,ibtturufor d'pсorаtors' I tоа^etd,,to pоtлt oиt tЙдt t,t's uerу

ttэаt to Ц,sц so r Р,Иt иlhbo j/luu for t/аp d'"etи^oпвtrаНюn,. It |,Uu4t ouеr uеrу ше/L'

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2 .Yourmothеrсa l l ed .Shewantsyoutoсa l l he r - ton igh t .

4 .P1easeput -your labсoa tsbe fo reyou leave the labora to ry . ABсD(A) off{B} away

5. Мark works so hard that he's sure to -. ABсD

Сircle thе letter of thе corrеct onswеr to complеtе eасh sеntence,

Еxдmшr:Jennifer never сoffee.(A) drink(Bl drinks

A@с D{C) is drinking(D) was drinking

3. Could you turn thе musiс so we сan sleep?

1. Come in. Please sit(A) down(B) down it

(A) in(B) off

{A} down{B} away

(A) give up(B) work off

(A) сall baсk(B} givе baсk

(A) turn on(B) blow up

(A) look it over(B) сharge it up

(A) about(B) down

(с) it down(D) up

(C) baсk(D) over

(C) оver(D) up








6. Kevin is going to - from vaсation tomorrow.

(c) uptD) in

(С) up(D) it

(C) turn over(D) get ahead

(C) set baсk(D) gеt along

(C) put up{D) light up

(C) take it away(D) talk it over

(C) of(D) up

7. A lamp will - this соrner niсely.

8.Insteadofarguingabouttheproblem, let ,s- .

9. That's very original. How did you dream that idea?

l o. That pot is hot. Don't piсk - !(A) it up(B) up it



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seIfТest X l 24l

1 1 .


1 3 .

-It,s сold оutside. You nеed your jaсket.-OK. I'll put(A) it on (C) on it(B) it over (D) over it

She ran on the way home.(A) him into (C) into Jason(B) intо (D) Jason into

Slow down. I сan't kеep up - you!(A) оf (С) after(B) with (D) to










гffift-l TWo



1 5 .








18 .

Eoсh sеntеnce hos four underlinеd words or phrаses. Thе four undеrlined ports ofthe sеntence orе mаrked A, B, С, аnd D. Сircle thе letter of the onе undеrlinеdword or phrose thot is Nor сoRRЕст.

Exдмшr:Mike usually drives to sсhool, but today he walks.

A B с DA B с@

Could we talk over it bеfore yоu turn the whole idea down?A B с D

I know I let дцф down when I forgot to piсk his suit out fromA B ( D

the dry сleaner's.

16. I ran into him whilе I was getting thе bus off.A B с D

17. As soon as I hand in mlr report, I'm going to take all these booksA B (

on to the library.D

We'd better get the bus on now, or we're going to miss it.A B ( D

Instead of сalling q]ff thе meeting, maybe Wе сan just put it overA B с D

until next week.

If you don't use out the milk by Monday, plеase throw it awаy.A B с D

Chеt had to ч*

*+* after the сompany turnеd down hеr appliсation.

Do you want to ge!-цp by yourself or would you likе me to wakе up you?A B ( D

Tom asked mе to piсk some stamps for him at thе post offiсe up.A в с D

Did you frnd out how Jane talked into Meg working on Saturday?A B с D

Wе gФ over wеll after we found out we wеre both from Chiсago.



25.A B с D

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A(Ros' тH E AтLANтIсoN A REED BoAтBдквдoos-May |7, |970. Norwеgian

еxplorеr Thor Heyerdahl, along with

an intеrnational сrеw, has сrossеd thе

Atlantiс oсean on Ra Il. Thе rеed boat'

modеlеd aftеr those of thе anсiеnt

Egyptians, madе the iourney in 57 daуs. TH AMЕRlCA

w.жwPЙlNтСhесk the corrеct аnswer.

Thе namе of Hevеrdahl's boat WaS: П вu tt П Rеed Boat


Heyerdahl sailed Ra ll aсross the Atlantiс.

сo]vlпioN NoUNs

Тhе еxрlorer sailеd his boat aсross thе oсеan.


Aппсl.в/ |Nuмввп l Nouш



Aonе sailor ts


sailors aге



сoUNт NoUNs

IVвпв |


ts dangеrous.

Sai l ing

ExPREssжСirсlе thе correct words to сompletе these sentences,

The boats was / were made оf rеed. Crоssing the oсean was / werе hard.

сI]ARт сI]EсI( IСircle T (True) orF (Folsе).

т F Common nounsare writtenwith сapitallеtters.

сI/,АRт сI/IEсK 2Сircle T (Truе) orF (FoIsе),

т F Count nounsсan be plural.

т F Non-сountnouns сanbe plural.


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Nouns I 243

G rа nт Eтt ar *'жpla ПatiФtrъs Еxamplеs

1. Proрer nouns arе the names of раrtiсgjaloеopIе, o|aсes. and thinos. To thе гioht arе someсategories and examplеs of proper nouns.

CapitaIize thе first letteг of most propеr nouns.Wе do not usual|y usе an artiс|e (a/on or thе)with propег nouns.

Note that the is usеd with somе nouns of plaсеs.

Peoplе HеyегdahI, ЕgyptiansPlaсеs Afriсa, Moroссo, thе АtIantiс oсеanMonths Sеptembeг, oсtobегDays Monday, ТuesdayHolidays Еastег, Passover, RamadanLanguagеs Arabiс,Spanish

r Hеyerda| sailеd aсгoss the Atlantiс oсеan.

2. Common nouns гefer to peop|е, p|aсes, andthings, but not by their individual names. Forexample, ехplorеr is a сommon noun, butНеyerdohlis a proper noun.


exp|oгег, sai|oг, bui|dегсontinеnt, сountry, сitypots, еggs, fish, honey

3. Common nouns aге еitheг сount or non-сount.(ount nouns are things that you сan сountsеparately. Тhey сan bе singular oг p|ural. Foгеxample, you сan saУ a ship or thrее ships. Youсan use o/on or the bеforе сount nouns.

Form the plural of most nouns by adding-s or -es to thе noun. Thеrе are somеtimesspеl|ing сhanges whеn you form thе pluraI.

Br сдпвгul! Some nouns arе iгrеgu]ar. Thеy donot form thе plural by adding .s or -e5.

l a sai|or, thе sai|or, two sai|orsr an is land, the is land, three is landsI a ship, the ship, four ships

ship shipswatсh watсhes

foot fеetсhi|d сhi ldrеn

potato potatoеsсountry сountries

man menmousе miсe

4. Non-сount пouns arе things that you сannotсount sеparately. Foг еxamplе, in Еng|ish youсan say gold, but you сannot say o gold ortwo golds. Non-сount nouns usual|y havе nop|uгaI forms. Wе usua||y do not usе o/on withnon.сount nouns. Тo the гight arе somесatеgoriсis and еxamp|еs of non-сount nouns.

Some сommon non-сount nouns do not fit intothese сatеgories. You must mеmoгizе nounssuсh as thе ones to the right.

verbs and pronouns.

Abstraсt words сoUгa9е/ eduсation, timеAсt iv i t iеs exp|or ing, sai l ing, farmingFieIds of study gеography, historyFood сoгn, сhoсo|ate, fishGases air, oxygen, steamLiquids watег, mi|k, сoffee, gasolineMaterials сotton, plastiс, si|kNatural forсes сold, е|есtriсity, weathеrPartiсlеs dust, sand, sugaг, sa|t, гiсе

adviсe furnituге jewе|гy monеyсlothing garbagе |uggagе newsequipmеnt homewoгk maiI workfood information

l Reеd is a good matеrial for boats.r ,t fIoats in the hеaviest storm.

Cheсk iI oul!For a list of somе сommon irrеgular plural nouns' see Appеndix 18 on pagе 343.

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244 I Unit sci

lDENтltY o Reod this artiсlе obout Thor Hеуеrdohl, Сircle oll the propеr nouns.Underlinе oncе oll the сommon count nouns. Undеrlinе twicе thе commonnon-count nouns.

сOilIPLEтЕ o Mеgon аnd loson МcKoy arе planning ohiking trip. Сompletе thеir сonvеrsаtion with thе correctform of the words in porentheses.

Jдsoш: Thеrе still a lоt ofl . (bе )

work to dо this evеning.

fооd fоr the trip.2. (work)

Wе havе to plan thе

Mвсдш: You,re right. сеrtainly3. (Food)

important. I,vе been4. (be)

reading this book about сamping. Thеre

in it.


some good





6. ( idеa)

oh? What doеs it say?

We should bring a lot of

5. (bе)

and8. (r iсе)

good on сamping7. (bean)

9. (Potato) l0 . (bе)

too.1 1 . ( t r i p )



frеsh12. (vеgеtab|е)

when Wе pass1 3. (bе)

through a town.

wu' @Б'ьu) rеally thе first eХplorеr to

disсovеr thе Amеriсas? Thor Hеyеrdahl

didn't think so. Hе bеl iеvеd that anсiеnt

people Wеrе abiе to build boats that сould

сross oсeans. To tеst his idеas,

hе dесidеd to bui ld a сopy of

thе rееd boats that Wеrе

piсtured in anсiеnt paintings

Who ReallyDisсovrrеdAmеriсa?

honеy, oil, еggs, nuts, and frеsh fruit. Ra, thе

expеdition's boat, сarriеd an intеrnational

group inсluding a Norwеgian, an Еgyptian,

an ltal ian, a Мехiсan. and a Chadian.

Thе first trip failеd, but

еvеryonе survivеd and wantеd

to try again. Departing on

Мaу |7, |970, undеr the f lag

and sail aсross thе Atlantiс from North Afriсa

to Barbados. Heyerdahl 's tеam also сopied

anсient Middlе Еastеrn pots and fillеd them

with food for thеir journеy-driеd f ish,

of thе Unitеd Nations, Ra II сrossеd the

Atlantiс in 57 days. Thе ехpedition proved

that anсiеnt сivilizations had thе skill to

rеасh thе Amеriсas long beforе Columbus.

get some

toо hеavy tо сarry. Maybе wе

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*Ч*uаffis l 245

the ready? We should go over14 . (Bе) 15 . (equ ipment )

the сheсklist.

Mвсдш: I did that. We need for the radio.. l6. (battегy)

Jдsoш: Why do wе need a radio? I thought we were running away from сivilization.

lVIвсдш: But the never . I still want to know17 . (nеws)

what's happening.

Jдsoш: That's oK with me. By the way, do we have enough warm l,{.l"thi"ф

It gets сhilly in the mountains.

Mвсдш: That's true. And the really

18 . ( s top)

me at night.2o. (со|d) 21 . (bo thе r )

Jдsoш: But we have warm sleeping ,,. фaф

Mвсдш: And we have eaсh other!

EDIT. Tinа Arbеit soilеd oround the world olone on o smoll boot, Rеаd hеr dioryеntriеs. There ore fiftеen mistokes in the usе of nouns ond subjеct-vеrb ogreement.Find аnd corrеct them. Thе first two mistokes orе аlreodу corrеctеd.

CanarуОctober Т7. |'vе bееn onthе €aяary|s|andstorthrее daуs now. l,ll start hornе When

wea|her iэthe у+феrэаrе be]ter, I wаs 50 sur?risеd whеn I picked иP rnt7 mai|э todау.

Мy famil\ seГff mе sorne bivthdaу ?rеserfts. Му Birthdaу is the ъf . I Wont o1еn

thе gilts иntil then.

octobеr zg, I thinkthе vlефnеr is ge|ting worsе. l hеаrd thundеrs todау, but thеre

Wasnt anv rain , I stауеd tn bеd ulith rny cаt,Tуphlon, сvе^ltimе it thunderеd,

\phoon аnd I anugg|еd uP c|o;еr undеr thе covеrs. I stаYted rеаding 0, Nove|,

Brаve New Wor|d.

ОcIober ъ0, I leРt the с-anаry |s|аnds todау-1usГ like co|umbu5.1hеrе,s а sIrong wind

and ?|еnIу ot sцnshine now. l went z5'0 Мt|es.

Ос,tobеr Ъ1. |,rn u todaу| To ce|еbrаte, I drаnk aomе coffееs tor brеаktаst аnd I

o?еnеd rn\ ?rеsеnts. l qoI somе ?еr+urnr аnd ?rсit\ si|vеr jеwе|riеs.

Novernber l.1T.lе е|ectricities аrе Ven/ tow. |,d be1tеr not usе mucn иntil I gd nеаr

new York, |'|| nееdthе rаdiothеn. |t rаinеdtodау, so I co||еdedWа|еrstor cooklng.

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I 'm q ladI bought a lotof batterieэ'

.anу aand|eэ?


ЕхPREssжСomplete this convеrsotion with muсh or many.

A: We didn't buv batteries.

B: Well, we didn't have

A: That's true. We had

lP0 lNтСhесk the correсt onswеr.

The сhild wants to know ifthey have

П сhoсоlatе.

t a good supply of сhoсolate.

time beforе the storm.

things to do.

сI/iАRт сl|Есl(Сirсle T (True) orF (Folsе).

T F A lot of is usedwith both сountand non-сountnouns.

т F Severol is usеdwithnon-сountnouns.

т F A few isusеd withсount nouns.

т F Anу is usedin nеgativesentenсes.


l r

IQuлштlгlвп |Nouш

l havе

someenougho lot of


o fewsеvеrolmonY

l don,t havе

onуenougho lot ofmonY


I Quon,.,,.* | шoun

l havе

someenougho lot of


o littleo grеot deol ofmuch

I don,t havе

onуenougho lot ofmuсh


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Gluаntifiers l 247

Grammar Еxplaпat ions Examрles

l . Quantifiеrs arе еxprеssions of quantity suсh as r Wе usеd o lot of watеr |ast summеr.o lot of and monу. Тhеy arе usеd before a noun. I Тhere Wеге ,nony storms.

Quantifiеrs сan also bе usеd aIone, when it is A: How many еggs do wе havе?сlеar what they refer to. Notе that in o lot of, B: Not o lot, just o few'of is dropped.

сount non-сount2. Use somg еnough, o lot of, and oпy with both l Wе havе some batteriеs and some gasolinе.

сount and non-сount nouns non-сount сount

r Wе have enough water and еggs for a wееk.

сount non-сountr We have o lot of bеans and riсe Ieft.

non-сount сount

Usе oпy in ouеstions and in nеoative sentеnсes. A: Do we have onу milk oг tеabags?B: No, and wе don,t have onу сoffeе or

papеr platеs еithеr.

Use some whеn you makе an offег. l WouId you likе some сoffeе?

3. Usе o few, severol, and monу with l A few people got siсk.p|ura| сount nouns in affirmativе sentеnсеs. l $everol сhildrеn wеnt to thе hospital.

l Monу rеsCue workers arrivеd.

Usе o llttle, o grеot deol of, and mисh with l They had o little troubIe with the radio.non.сount nouns in affirmativе sentenсes. I Тhey thгew awaУ o greot deol of food.

l Muсh planning wеnt into the resсue.

Usдсв Noтв: ln affiгmativе sеntеnсes, monуis Moкг FoкмдL: Monу pеop|е agгееd.more foгma| than o lot ot much is vеry formal. Lгss Foпмдr: A lot of pеople agreеd.

Vгкv Foкмдt-: Hе showed much Courage.Lгss Foкмдt-: Hе showеd o lot of сouragе.

with fеw and littlе. Few and littlе usua|ly mеan (not a lot, but probablу еnough),,not еnough., ,

l Тhеy гeсеived little news last night.(probably not еnough nеws)

4. Use monу with сount nouns and much A: How monу people did you seе?with non.сount nouns in quеstions and B: We didn,t see monу.negativе sentenсеs.

A: How muсhfood did thеy сarrУ?Usдсr Noтв: In quеstions and nеgativе sеntеnсеs, B: Not muсh.monу and muсh are usеd in both formal andinfoгmal ЕngIish.

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248 l Цnit 57

IDENтIЕY o Rеаd this orticle obout preporing for noturol disostеrs. Undеrlinе thequаntifiers + count nouns. Сirclе the quontifiers + non.count nouns.

сl|00sE o Сircle the сorrеct words to complеte this rodio intеrview bеtwееn Тhis Morning(тM) ond food psуchologist Angie WеInitz (AW).

TM:Dr.Weln i tz , inu. . i . i . ,@Щtшhpeopleсraveсhoсolate.Doesсоmfоrt food1 .

have an), / many real benefit?2.

AW: Yеs. Sevеral / A little types of food help g,ve emotional balanсe. Choсоlatе gives an3 .

emotional lift beсause it сontains a great deal of / many sugaЦ for examplе.4.

TM: What about mashed potatoes? When I'm sad, I сook a lot of / muсh potatoеs.5 .

AW: They remind you of сhildhood, when you felt safe. lД*Чg"* traditional foods

сomfort us like this.

TM: I have a few / a little friends whо eat сomfort food to сelebrate. Why?7.

AW: Wе have muсh / many сhangе in our lives today and a fеw / fеw ways to сalm down.8. 9.

Comfort food tells us, ..Don't worr}.. Some / A little things are still the samе.',10 .

TM: We only have a few / a little time left. Tell us-what is уour favorite сomfort food?1 1 .

AW: Pistaсhiо iсe сream. I always feel better after I eat a few / few spoonfuls.12.

Bв PкEPARЕDfdlre you ready? Мany peop|e don't гea|izе that some natura| disasteгs suсh as earthquakеs

сans t г i k e* , , n@. l tmay takеseve гa l daу s f o гa s s i s t anсe to гeaсhyou .P гepa rеуou r

disasteг kit in advanсe! Herе are a few tips.

Watеr may be unsafe to dгink. Stoгe enough watеr foг sеveral daуs. Еaсh pеrson needs a

gal|on peг daу foг сooking and washing.

\ You wil] aIso neеd food for sеvегal daуs. |tЪ a good idea to storе a Iot of of сannеd mеat,\

fruit, vеgеtаЬ|es, and milk. Howevег, aIso inс|udе seveгa| kinds of high-eneгgу food, suсh as

Peanut buttег and je||y. And dont forget some..сomfort food'' Iike сookies and сhoсo|ate!

\ lf you don't havе anу eleсtгiсity, уou might not have anу heat eitheг. Keep some Ьlankеts,

s|eeping bags, and extГa с|othеs for eveгyone.

\ Prеpaге a first aid kit with some pain rеIieveгs, sevегaI sizеs of bandages, and an antisеPtiс.

\ ТhеAТMs might not be woгking. Do you havе any сashlYou shouldn't kеep muсh monеy

in thе house, Ьut you shouId have a lot of smalI bi||s, and a few |arger ЬilIs too.

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Gluantifiers I 249

сOI|ЛPLЕтE o Rеod thеsе сonversotions. Сompletе thеm with the corrеct words.

l. muсh, many' a fеw, a little

A: Hi, Barb. Did you and Jim lose manу treеs in the storm?

B: Just one. And the house is OK. We onlv lost windows.

How about you?

A: Wе didn,t have problems either. We didn't have

time to shop beforе thе storm, but thanks to the disaster kit,

we had сandles and food on hand.e. t.

2. little' a little' a few, fеur

A: It's intеresting to see what we usеd up from the disaster kit. I notiсed we havе

only hot сhoсolate left.a .

B: That's bесausе

more than

A: Six сans. I guess therе's

B: Wе lеarned

didn't we?

things taste bеtter in a сrisis. I bet there arе

сans of spinaсh, though.

reason to buy more of that.d .

things about сomfort foods during the storm,е.

EDIT. Reod this child,s diаrу entrу, Find ond correct sеvеn mistokеs in thе usе ofquаntifiers. Thе first mistokе is olrеodу сorrectеd.

We hod o Ьig stonm |ost week, ond we lost thе e|ectгiоitg fo{few dogs. onое I got

oven Ьeing sconed, it wos o lot of fсln_q |ittle like ооrnping oоt We hovе qn electnic

fогnoce, so We didn't hоvе sorne heot Wе sleрt in oоn sleeрing Ьogs oгound the

finep|oce. We sогe оsed 0Р rnong wood! Мorn Ьqked sorne Ьneod in on inon pon in the

fineplocе. She hod to tng seveгql tirnes, Ьоt it wos гeollg good when it woгked. Wе ote

it with litfle peonut Ьutten Тhe f]nst night we hod rnооh pnoЬ|erлs figoning out whot

to do, It got doгk eoгlg, ond wе on|g hod o little оondles_ond no TV!Сindg is five,

ond she wos гeo|lg fneoked out сlntilwе rлodе hot chocolote oveг the fiгe. Finollg,

evengЬodg took tсlгns tel|ing stonies, ] foоnd out thot Dod knows о |ot good stoгies.

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Artiсles:lndefinite and Definite

An evil mаgiсiаn from а universe beyondours is trying to сonquer the Eаrth.

The mаgiсiаn is Zаdo.He hаs four helpers-

WPЙINтСhеck thе correсt onswer,

Aссоrding to the ad fоr the vidеo gamе:

П Th"r" is only onе universe bеyond оurs. П Thе," is only onе Earth.

lN DЕt lN IтE DEF lN l тE


I A/Att I Nouш

Lеt,s rent a vidеo game.

It',s an adventurе.

PLURAL сoUNт NouNs/NoN-сoUNт NoUNs

t t

| (Soмс) | Nouш

Lеt,s p|ay(some)

vidеo games.

I won gold.

EхPRЕssжСirclе the corrеct аrticles to completе thesе sеntences.

Cerebro has a / the new video game. A / The game is сalled

Spacе Dеfendеr.

сl]ARт сl/iEсl(Сircle T (Truе) orF (Folsе).

т F A/An canbе used withnon-сountnouns.

т F Тhe сan beused withsingular andplural nouns.

т F Use the whеnyou mentiоn anoun for thesесond timе.


| т"' | шoun lLеt,s геnt

thе9amе by Сеrеbгo.

It',s adventure of Zado.


| т",| шou* lLеt,s p|ay

thе9ames wе rentеd.

It',s gold Zado lost.


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Artiсles: lndefinite arrd E}eflnite t 25|

6 и,a gBъ AЖ* r Жxрfl eвre*fi #}з $ Ежaтжplеs

l . We сan usе nouns in two Ways:

a. A noun is indefinite (not speсifiс) whеn A: Lеt,s buy a vidеo gamr.еither you or your |istеnеr do not hаve a B: cood idеa. Whiсh onе should we buy?partiсu|ar peгson, pIaсe, or thing in mind. (A ond B ore not tolking obout o speсifiс gomе.)

b. A noun is definite (speсifiс) when you and A: l bought the new game from Cеrеbro!your |istenеr both know whiсh person. pIaсе, B: Creat! Is it fun?or thing you mean. (А and B аrе both tolking obout o spесifiс gomе,)

2. Thе artiсle you Use beforе a noun dеpеnds onthе kind of noun (сount or non-сount) it isand on how you are using the noun (indеfinitеor definitе)'

a. Use the indеfinitе artiсle o/on with A: l,m reading about o magiсian.singular сount nouns that arе indеfinite. B: oh, rea||y? Whiсh onе?

A|so use a/on for singular сount nouns A: What do you do for a l iving?when you сlassify (say what something is). B: |,m o pilot. And you?

Use o before сonsonant sounds. l o magiсian, o grеat advеnturеUsе on bеfore vowel sounds. l oп еviI magiсian, on advеntuге

that determines whеthеr you usе o or аn. r o hostilе aгmy (pronounсеd ,,hostile,,)

. on honest warrior (pronounсed-,,ahnеst,,)

b. Use no artiсlе or somе with pIuгal сount r Тhеге are (some) games on thе shеlf.nouns and with non-сount nouns that r I had to buy (some) mеdiсinе.aге indеfinitе.

3. Use the definitе artiсlе fhe with most nouns A: The magiсian l to|d you about is on W tonight.(сount and non-сount, singuIar and P|uraI) that B: Let,s watсh him!are definitе.

Use the whеn:

a. a pеrson, plaсе, or thing is unique-thеrе is l Тhе moon is 250,000 milеs awaУ.only one. (Thе Еorth hos onlу one moon,)

b. the сontext makеs it с|ear whiсh person/ A: Тhe music Was gгеat.plaсe, or thing you mеan. в: l еnjoyеd it too.

(A ond B orе сoming out of o сonсert.)

с. the noun is mentionеd for thе seсond time r t magiсian is trying to сonquеr thе Еarth.(it has already beеn idеntified)' The magiсian is veгy poweгfu|.

d. a phrase oг an adjесtivе suсh as first, best, r Donkey Kong was the first video game withright, wrong' or only idеntifies whiсh one. a story.

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252 I Unit 58

с|I00sЕ s, DEsсRlBЕ o Reod thesе conversаtions. СirсIе thе letter of the stotemеnt thotbеst dеscribеs еoch conversotion.

Coпд: I'm bored. Let,s rent a video game.Fвво: oK.

a. Fred knows whiсh game Cora is going to rent.

@ Fred and Cora arеn,t talking about a partiсular game.

Coвд: Mom, where,s the nеw video game?Moм: Sorry, I haven,t seen it.

a. Мom knows that Cora rented a new game.

b. Мom doesn't know that Cora rented a new game.

Fвво: I'1l bet it's in thе hall. You always drop your things there.Coпд: I'll go look.

a. Thеre are several halls in Fred and Cora,s house.

b. There is only оnе hall in Fred and Cora's house.

Fввп: Was I right?Coвд: Yоu weren,t even сlose. It was on a сhair in the kitсhen.

a. Thеre is only one сhair in the kitсhеn.

b. There are sevеral сhairs in the kitсhen.

Fвво: Wow! Look at that! The graphiсs are awesome.Coпд: So is the musiс.

a. All video games havе gоod gтaphiсs and musiс.

b. The game Cora rented has good gтaphiсs and musiс.

Coпд: This was fun. But why don't we rent a sports game next timе?Fвво: Good idea. I love sports games.

a. Fred is talking about sports games in general.

b. Fred is talking about a partiсular sports game.

сl|00sЕ & сOмPLЕTE о Circlе thе correct аrticles to complеtе this porogroph,

Board games are popular all over a/@ world. Mah Jong is an / the eхample of1 . 2 .

a l an very old one. I had an l a unсlе who had an / the оld sеt from Singapore.3. 4. 5.

He kept a / tЬe set in thе / a beautiful boх in a / the living room. He usеd to open6. 7. 8.

t e / a box and tell mе about tЬe / a pieсes. They Were madе of bamboo, and eaсh9 . 10 .

one had a / the Chinеsе сharaсter on it. To me, they Were tЪe / a most fasсinating1 1 . 1 2 .

things in a / thе world.1 3 .

1 .


3 .


5 .

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Artiсlеs: lmdеfinite anсJ E}efini*e l 253

сOil|PLEтE o Reod eoch сonvеrsаtion, Сomplеte it with the oppropriote ortiсIe(a, an, or thе).

1. A: сar just pullеd up. Are you еxpeсting Somеone?

B: No, I'm not. I wonder who it is.

2. A: Can we usе cat?

B: oK, but bring it baсk by 11:00 o'сloсk.

3. A: Let's turn off game system before we leave.

B: We don't have to. We сan just leavе it on Pаusе.

4. A: Do vou have gamе system?

B: Yеs, I do. I just bought a Sega Genesis.

5. A: Do you see the video storе? I was Sure it was on Main Streеt.

B: I think it's on

6. A: There it is.

side street. but I'm not sure whiсh one.

B: Good. You сan park right aсross street from the store.

7. A: Еxсuse me, do you have any new games?

newest gamеS arе in the front of the store.

8. A: W.e'd better go. Wе,ve bеen here for hour.

B: That was fastest hour f've ever spent.

9. A: Еxсuse me. I,d like to rent this game.

B: Just take it to сashier. She's right over thеre.

EDII . Rеod this mogozinе orticle obaut vidеo gomеs. Find ond corrеct ninе mistokes inthе usе of orticlеs, Thе first mistokе is аlrеodу сorrесtеd.

Ihe p lumber^^. nсе thеrе Was a plumЬеr namеd Мario. Рh*mЪсr had bеautiful girlfriеnd. onе daу,a apе fеll inl l\-/ lovе with thе girlfriеnd and kidnappеd hеr. Thе plumbеr сhasеd apе to rеsсuе his girlfriеnd.

This simplе talе bесamе Donkеy Koпg a first vidеo gamе with a story. It was invеntеd by

Sigеru Мatsimoto, a artist with Nintеndo, Inс. Мatsimoto lovеd thе vidео gamеs' Ьut hе wantеd

to makе thеm morе intеrеsting. Не likеd fairy talеs, so hе invеntеd story similar to a famous

fairy talе. Story Was an immеdiatе suссеss, and Nintеndo followеd it with The Маrio Brothers.

Thе rеst is vidеo gamе history.


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a, (No Artiсle) and The

WffiPЙlNтСhеck thе correct onswеr,

Who is talking about roller сoaster ridеs in gеnеral?

П tь. littlе girl П tье little boy

сliАRт сl|EсКСhеck thе сorrеctonsWеr.You сan usе o.(noartiсlе) for a nounthat is:

П i',defi.,itе

П d"fi''ite

You сan use o fоr aсount noun that is:

П singular

П plural


o + Noш-Couшт Nouш

Do you |ikе сotton сandy?

0 + Pluпдl Couшт Nouш

Rides сan be very exсiting.

Тr,Е (DEFlNlтЕ)

Tнс + Noш-Couшт Nouш

Thе сotton сandy in this park is gгeat.

Tнr + Pluпдl. Couшт Nouш

Thе ridеs in this paгk arе еxсiting.

Tнс + Slшсul.дп Couшт Nouш

Thе r ide nеar thе еntгanсе is еxсit inq.

arО УОU rnJОу|nqthe ride?

Ro|Ier сoaэ|rrr ideэ are a |ot | ike|ife'You 1uэL have|o rе|ax and anjoу


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g. !J::. *rj:.'.:l.?:.ч.Т:::..:..2-iР....... o. o l

ExPREssжСircle the or o (no orticlе) to completе thesе sеntences.

A: Did you enjoy Ф / t}re roller сoaster ride?

B: Yes, I lovе И / th.e roller сoaster rides.

A: And did you trу И / the сotton сandy?

B: No. I don't like o / the сotton сandy. It's always too sweet.

Grammar Еxplanatiопs A,xamplеs

1. Wе often use o (пo artiсlе) bеfore non-сountnouns and plural сount nouns thаt aгеindеfinitе (not spесifiс).

Use O when you:

a. havе no spесiflс pеrson, p|aсе, oг thing A: What do you want to do tonight?in mind. B: Lеt,s stav homе. Wе сan |istеn to musiс or

watсh uid"o,.

b. сlassify (say what somеthing or someone is). A: What,s that?B: |t,s сotton сandy.A: And what are thosе?B: Тhеy,rе tiсkets for the ro||еr сoaster. I bought

them whi lе you Wеre on thе phone.

G. makе genеral statеmеnts. r (otton сandy is vегy swеet.(сotton сondу in gеnerol)

r Roller сoastеrs aге popu|ar.(rollеr Сoostеrs in gеnеrol)

2. Usе the with non-сount nouns and сount nouns A: Can I tastе the сotton сandy?(singular and plura|) that are dеfinitе-when B: Suгe. Havе as muсh as you,d l ike.you aге ta|king about a spесifiс or uniqueper'on, plaсe, or thing that you and your

A: Wheге are the tiсkets for the rollеr сoaster?

|istener know about. -----. J -_.

B: I put thеm in my poсkеt.

A: Тhis is the best rollеr сoaster in the worId.

3. Bв сдпвгul! Singular сount nouns сannot stand r Тhis is o dеliсious сandy bar.a l o n e . Y o u m u s t a | w a y s u s е е i t h e r a n a r t i с l e , a N o т T h i s i s @pronoun, onel or a woгd suсh as this, thot, eасh,

l |t,s hard to еat just oпe сand у bar, isn,t it?or еvеry bеfore a singular сount noun.

r Civе mе thot сandy bar! You,vе had еnough.l |t,s mу сandу bar.

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256 I &jrъЁt mffi

iDENтiFY o Reod this onnounсеmеnt for o nеw аmusеment pork. LJndеrlinе olt thесommon nouns thot hove no orticles. Сirсlе oll the nouns with thе.

оl00$ о Сirсlе thе сorrеct words to complеtе this mаgаzine artiсIе.

Grand Opening! | -,\[ ,-t,'i '',\'

Do you еnjoy amusеmеnt parks? Tomorrow, Blarе Gardеns will opеn tо . / 1\ ]

ridеs and gamеs that will appеal to both adults and сhildrеn. And oГ сoursr anamusеmеnt park would not bе сompletе without сotton сandy and hot dogs. Thе foodat Blarе Gardеns promisеs to bе Vеry good. Comе еarly, bring thе wholе family, and bеsurе to stay for thе firеworks display that takеs plaсe right aftеr thе sun sеts. So сhесkit outl You won't bе disappointеd.

< Lrill.\ n l l I I j an d fti\Ь T:,;:ж;:::-%;.:]"::::,::2_ 3.

Disnеy World and Conеy Island offеr the l Ф fun, rеlaхation, and еsсapе from the / И4. 5 .

problеms and borеdom of еvеryday lifе. Thеy offеr bЧP adults and сhildrеn alikе a

сhanсe to take Чg

risks without ЧP

сonsеquenсеs. Thanks to advanсеs in

Ihe- | О tесhnologу, Ihg l Ф aссidеnts in thE i o amusemеnt parks are now rare. You сan9 . 1 0 . 1 1 .

go on th91 a rides that look sсary but arе aсtually safe. You сan sсrеam and laugh as12.

thg! Ф rollеr сoastеr raсеs down toward th9 l a ground and loops up to thе / И sky1 3 . ' 1 4 . 1 5 .

again, lеaving your сarеs and troublеs bеhind.

Еven though the l О roller сoastеrs are the / И most16 . 1 7 .

popular of all чlP

rides, thеy arе not for evеryonе. But

don't Worry. Today's amusеment parks offеr a lot more

than the l a thrills and сhills. Thеrе arе train ridеs1 9 .

through a rеpliсa oI theJ.Ф rain forеst. And there arе

thе-! а gamеs with thE1О prizеs too. The lИ hot dogs,21. 22. 23.

iсе сrеam, and соtton сandy сomplеtе фЭ!P piсturе of

this pеrfесt getaway for ЧlP

wholе family.

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3. !]Y:. .+fj:.l.:l.?:.Ч .Тl.:. .:..?77.. . . . o. . . .l

с0I{|PLEтE о Reod this convеrsotion obout on omusеment pork. Сompletе thеsеntences with the whеre necеssorY, Usе a if уou don,t nееd аn orticlе,

A: I'm going to Blarе Gardens next wеekend. You wоrk there. What,s it like?

B: That depends. Dо you |tke ?.

sсary rides? If you do, then you,re going

to lovе

A: What's

rides at Blarе Gardеns.

most exсiting ride there?3 .

B: The Python. I'vе seen peoplе aсtually shaking with fеar beforе they got оn it.

A: Sounds likе fun. By the way, how's food there? I

hatе hot dоgs.6 .

B: Then you might have a little problem. They sell - hot dogs and

pizza, and that's about it. But do you like -8 . " 9 .


A: I love it. I listеn to сountry musiс all the timе. Why?

5 .

l o .B: musiс at Blare Gardеns is grеat. They have bеst

1 1 . 12.

сountry musiс gToups i' i ,:

еntire state.

A: What eхaсtly do you do there? Maybе we']l Sеe you.

B: I dress likе a сartoon сharaсter and guide people around park.

ЕDlT. Reod this postcord from BIorе Gordеns, Find ond corrеct еight mistаkеs in thеuse of the ond a @o orticlе). Thе first mistаke is olreodу correctеd.

B|аrе Gаrdens Amusеment Pаrk

I /ove the rilrs here, I meаи, I,re bееи oи the rollеr

сoаsfurs befo,е, bиt пothiпg is likе the oпr thец,rrgot

here! Апd foo,l isgrеаt too, / иsиаl/у doп,t еаt the /lot

dogs, bиt hot logs /lere Йrrу/rе[It. So is 1эizzа. Doуoи

/ike thе аftl|Isl||tепt pаrk? lf so, уot,t,l,t: got to gсt loиr

fo-i/у to сomе. Тhе oпlу p,oblem is сroшds hеrе, Pеoplе

hаrе fu шаit fu qеt iиto сvсrlthiпg-еvси thс

restrooms! Sее уoи soo|t. Niсkц

To: Rуап Тиrпеr

31 Bаrсo/oпа Dr

Boиldеr Сo B03o3

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Reflexive Pronouns andReciprocal Pronouns

,,I и,ill not tаlk to mvself' I wil| пot tаlk to mvsеlf.',

@P0INTСircle T (True) or F (Folse).

т F The man is talking tоanother pеrson.

RЕFLЕxlvE РRoNoUNsSuryвст l l RвгlвxlvвPпoшouш i i Pпoшouш


looked at


You yourself.

He himsеlf.

She hеrsеlf.

I t itself.

Wе ourselves.

You yourselves.

Тhеy thеmsеlves.

EхPREssСircle thе corrеct words to completе this conversotion.

A: Is someone in there with УoU, or are you talking to

}roursеlf / themselves?

B: No one's here. I'm just talking to one anothеr / myself.

сI|ARт сI]EсКСirclе T (Truе) orF (Folse).

т F Singularreflexiveprоnouns еnd

, in -selves.

т F Reсiproсalpronounsalways rеferto mor,е thanone person.


suв;вст lPпoшouш l ]




lookеd atеaсh other.

onе anothеr.


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Reflеxive Pronouns and Reс-proeal Рrоnouns l 259

G rаffi.в уEт ** r #ж рfi ё gg etЁФrr $ Жxarтъ р$rs

subjесt = objeсt1. Usе a rеflеxivе pronoun whеn thе l Sara |ookеd a|herself in thе miггor.

subiесt and obieсt of a sеntеnсe rеfеr to thе (Saro lookеd ot hеr own faсe.)samе peoo|e oг thinos.

ln imperativе sеntеncrs usе:

-уourself when thе subieсt is singular l ,,Don,t push yoиrself so hard, Tom,,, Saгa said.

-уourselyes whеn thе subjeсt is pluraI I ,,Don,t push yourselves so hard, guуs,,,Sara said.

2. Use a rеf|exivе рronoun to emphasizе a l Tom was upset whеn hе lost his job. Тhеnoun' ln this сasе, thе reflеxivе pronoun usua||y iob itself Wasn,t important to him, but hеfo|lows the noun dirесtly. needеd the moneУ.

3. By + a rеflеxivе pronoun means olone or r Saгa |ivеs by herself.without onу help. (Soro livеs olonе,)

r Wе paintеd thе housе by oursе|ves.(No one hеlpеd us,)

Be + a reflеxive Pronoun means oсt in the r Just be yourself at your intеrviеw.usuаlwoy. (Асt likе уou usuallу oсt')

l Hе wasn,t himself aftеr hе lost his job.(Hе sеemed different,)

4. Usе a rесiproсal pronouп when the subjесt subjесt = obieсtand thе ob.ieсt of a sеntеnсe rеfег to thе r Тom and Sara mеt eссJr othеr at work.

samе peop|е and thesе peop|е have a (Tom met Soro, and Soro met Tom,)

two-way rеlationship. Usе eoсh other whеn subjесt = objесtthe subjeсt is two pеoplе. Use eithеr one r We all toId one onother about our jobs.

another or eoch other whеn thе subjeсt is oRmorе than two pеople. subjесt = objeсt

r We al! told eoch other about our jobs.

,:;,: i:;"; ;r,h

o ngеd i nformotion with еvе rу

reflexive pronouns havе diffеrеnt meanings. (Frеd tolkеd to lone, ond lonе tolkеd to Frеd,)l Fгed and Janе ta|ked to themselves.

(Frеd tolkеd to himsеlf, qnd Jonе tolked to hеrsеlf,)

5. Reсiproсal pronouns have possеssive forms: l Tom and Saгa took eoсh other,s numbеrs.eoch other,s, one onother,s. (Tom took Sora,s numbеr' Soro took Tom,s numbеr.)

Сheсk it out!For a list of verbs and expressions сommоnly used reflexivеly, see Appendix 16 on pagе 340.

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260 r unit 60

iDENтiFY o Rеod this ortiсlе obout sеlf-tаlk. IJndеrline thе rеflexive pronouns once ondthe reciprocol pronouns twice, Drаw on orrow to thе word thot each pronoun rеfеrs to,

сl]00sE o Tom ond Soro,s componу held on offiсe pаrty. Сhoosе thе correct reflexivе orreciprocol pronouns to complеte thе сonvеrsаtions,

1. A: Do you mind if we pour oч|эe|veo somеthing to drink?(mysе|f i oursеlvеs)

B:o fсoursenot .Andthere ' s foоdtoo .P lеasehe lp_ .(Уourse|vеs / thеmsеIves)

2. A: That,s the new head of Мarketing. She's standing bv .*.*n , nu^'.'*u

B: Let,s go and introduсе(h imsе| f / ou rsе l vеs )

3. A: I'm nervous about mу datе with Niki. I сut twiсe shaving.(mysеl f i hеrsе|f)

B: You'll be fine. Just relax and be(уoursе|vеs / yoursе|f)

4. A: My boss and I always givе the same holiday grfts. Every year(oursе|vеs / еасh othеr)

I give him a book and hе gives me a sсarf.

B: Funny. I always thought you bought a lot of sсarves.(yoursе|f / h imsе|f)

5. A: The nеw softwarе is so easy, it just seеms to run by(itsе|f / mysе|f)

B:Rea l l y? Inourdepar tment ,we , rеs t i l 1 teaсh ing@howtouse i t .

6. A: Did you and Armina go to Japan by or with a tour group?(yourse|f / yoursе|vеs)

a t P 'еlf-talk is thе waУ wе exp1ain a prob1еm to oursе1vеs. It сan affесt the way wе fее1

and how wе aсt. Tom and Sara, for example, both lost thеir jobs whеn thеir сomPany

laid off a lot of people. Sara kept hеrself fit and spеnt timе with friеnds. Tom gainеd tеn

pounds and spеnt all his timе by himsеlf. They Wеrе both unеmploУеd, so thе situation

i t s e l f с an , t e xp l a i nwhy . hThеma i nd i f f е r еn с е

was the waУTom and Sara explained the problem .o .й*'.,. Sara bеliеved that shе

hеrsеlf сould сhange hеr situation. Tom saw himsеlf as helpless. Latеr, everyonе got their

jobs baсk. Whеn thеy all talked to onе anothеr baсk at the offiсе, Tom grumblеd, ,,They

must havе been despеrate.,, Sara replied, ,,Thеy finally rеalized thеy nееd us!,,

B: With a gтoup. We'vе all kеpt in tоuсh with(one anothеr / oursе|vеs)

sinсe the trip.

Page 270: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

rР.f.l.:}jy.:.I::.T:YI:..1:9.l:.:l?:.?:3j.:Т:.T:.YI:. .:..?s!... o o o...

сOШIPLEтE О Gеorgе Prudеou is o high school French tеаcher, Сomplete his tolk to oTroup of new tеochеrs. |Jsе reflexivе ond rеciprocol pronouns.

I teaсh Frenсh, but the subjeсt itэe|f1 .

isn't that important. I think myexperienсe applies to all subjeсts. Your first Уeat may be hard, so teaсh

2.to use рositive self-talk and keep things simple. Remember that

a good teaсher helps students learn by

students' Was having trouble teaсhing

You will all have to deсide for

travel to Franсe, but I satisfy

. Reсently, John, one of my

how to bake Frenсh brеad.3 .

I enсouraged him to keep tфng, and in the end he suссeeded. As far as disсiplinegoes, I have just a few rules. I tell my students, *Keep

busy.Disсuss thе lessons, but don,t interfere with 's work." Keep

teaсhing materials simple too. I pride on bеing able to teaсh7.

anywhere' even on a street сornеr. Finally, the salary for teaсhers is not gтеat, butyou have a lot of freedom. I run my сlass by -just the way I want to.

5 .



if it's


worth it. I сan't afford to

trips to Quebeс!l o .

EDII о Reаd this womon,s diory, Find ond corrеct sеvеn mistokes in thе use of rеflexiveond rесiprocаl pronouns, The first mistoke is olreodу corrесtеd.

rforgot to ulLJаn ofu hl,s bi/t/4щ. I ,,,,,,),j*;#,Io ц, аJ4d,thе]Ф Iforgot

ryryI I filt turij/"o. му sustu Аt.tttд, saii,, ,,Dor.r,it bo so hАld oп,уourselueс,''

bцt t ЙZnt bеJhru hu. shэ prrnэс hg on rеJoLе),JulИ! еl,wуtll,rt1. Т/luJФ

I reа^оL ал,.аrtirJe oп, sфtа,|k. It sаij,tl'м r-ф саn с,hattgotЙp,ry щoхp{лl"lt, prob/Д44' to tЙдlуsеАteс. I rц/l2tl, t/.tАt thz шау I tа/h tо t,и.e iв

|J4'u/tt24!-0k2,tЙэ иtау oш фh'sсА"ooL И4лt{.|,tеА^d42/ шd,,to tа/hto u,r.

t t{шч|*, Jаn аJ47, I trедt ел,dФ otЙg И,е1,|,. tro forgаl,v ̂ /'"/ff'r Иу L?Йtа,k>,

,gl,t Ч, аJ4a I,frU*" hfufo,foyфt,,t1 oцr dlп*tll dАtott,tto шеd<s чo.Jаn шj, t cou/7,forgtlnt|4ДИ'е,br,с, so t gt,tэсs I *,f,U*,"/'Ч.

Page 271: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p


lffiI oшв

{A) the(B) somе

Сircle thе letter of the сorrесt onswеr to complеtе eoch sеntеncе. Choose И whеnno orticlе is nееdеd,

Еxдшptt:Jеnnifer never(A) drink(Bl drinks

сoffеe. д@с D(C) is drinking(D) was drinking

I .


3 .


5 .




l o .

I introduсed - to Bill as soon as I saw him.{A) himsеlf (C) myself(B) mе (D) eaсh оthеr

The job isn't a problem. It's my boss.(A) myself (C) himself(B) itself (D) it

The students ехсhange сards with during the holidays.{Al themselves (C) еaсh othеr's(B) ourselves (D) one another

What a beautiful braсеlet! Is it made of - gold?










I bought bottled water bеfore thе hurriсane.(A} a lоt оf (C) twelve(B) a few (D) many

Hоw eggs do you neеd for thе сakе?(Al many (с| И{B) muсh (D) more

She was lоnely beсause she had friends at frrst.(A) little (С) few(B) a littlе (D) a fеw

8. That's best movie I,vе еver sеen.(с) theDA

(qa(D) a

Еurope on vaсation.(С| И(D) the

astrоnaut. Thеre are siх оf them on this mission.(C) an(D) the

(A) a(B) an

Di's in(A) a(B) an


ь|a(B) a



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SelfTest Хl l 263

1 1 .


-I just rеntеd vidеo.-Great! Whiсh one?(A) the(B) some

We don't have fruit left.(A) muсh(B) some

(c) a(D) any

Could you buy some apples?(С) litttе(D) many









lъЕcтlrоNl тW0





1 5 .





Еаch sеntence hos four underlinеd words or phrosеs, The four underlinеd portsof the sеntencе orе morked A, B, С, ond D. Сircle the lеtter of thе onе undеrlinеdword or phrose thot is Noг сoRRЕст.

Еxдшptп:Mike usuallv drives tо sсhoоl. but todav hе walks._ - п*_ - - ъ_ - - С - - т - A B сo

13. There are a lot of food in the fridge, so help yоursеlf.A B с D

14. Do )лour families сome fоr thanksgiving or do you сelebratеA в (

by )'ourselves?D

The nеws arе starting, so let,s watсh TУ in thе living room.A B ( D

Lее wants to oрen his businеss in may and start workingA B с

for himself.D

18 .


|7. I m}zself don,t еat сhili, but it,s the most popular spiсе in a world.A в ( D

A mone-v isn't everything-the job rtsеЦ has to be interesting.A B ( D

Mathematiсs isn't Todd,s best subjeсt, but he suссеeds withA B (

hard work.

Hоw many timеs do we have before the movie starts?A B ( D

Smith Was an unpopular mayoц so he had a few friends in politiсs.A B ( D

Wе havе only a fеw milk left, so сould you piсk Some up for us?A B с D

We didn't know one anothеr names beforе Maria introduсеd us.B ( D

monеy so that hе сan go to *т,1 in фе fall.

I mеt an aссountant and a lawyer at }rour party, and an aссountantA B с D

said he,d help mе.









Ben has to savеA

a fеwB

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Тhe Passive: overview

WPЙINтСhеck thе informotion you con get from the od,

П tь" name of the founder

П tь" number of years thе magazinehas еxistеd

П tь" priсе of thе magazinе

Rеodеr's Digеst was foundеd in 1922.Today it is read Ьy pеoplе in every сountry in the world.Shouldn't you Ье onе of them? SuЬsсriЬе today.

сI/,АRт сHEсКСircle T (Truе) orF (Fаlse).

T F The objeсt of anaсtive sentenсеbeсomes thеsubjeсt ofthe passivesentеnсe.

т F Passivеstatemеntsalways havea fоrm оf theverb be.

т F Passivestatemеntsalways havean оbjeсt.

Mi||ions of peop|е buy it. l t is bought by mi l l ions of pеop|e.

Somеonе pubIished it in 1922, l f was publ ished in 1922.


PAsslvЕ sтAтElt,lЕNтst lI Pлsт |

Br (Noт) | Pяптrсlвlв | 1вr + oцвст)

It is (not) bought by mi|| ions of pеople.

I t was (not) publishеd in 1922.

YEs/No QUЕsтloNt l

Bс |,u",... | Еill...o..


l si t sold in Ch ina?





II Nвсдтlvв

Yes, itl s .

No, itisn ' t .

was. wasn't.

wн. QUЕsтloNsI l |гo,,

Шн- Woпo | в. I su"t.., l Ьii....o..Wherе l s i t sold?


Page 274: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Тhe Pаssive: Оverviеw l 26s

EхPREssжСompletе this sentеnce with thе possive form of thе verb print,

How many сopies of Rеаdеr,s Digеst

Grammаr Notеg

last year?


1. Aсtive and passive sеntеnсes oftеn have Aстlvвsimilar mеanings but diffеrent foсuses. l Mil l ions of peoplе rеad the magazine.

(Thе focus is on thе pеoplе,)Pдsslvгl Тhе magazine is read by mi||ions of peoplе.

(The foсus in on thе magozine')

2. Form thе passive with a form of be +past pa*iсip|е.

r |t is wri t ten in ninеtееn languagеs.r l t was publ ishеd in 1922.r lt has just been printed.

3. Usе thе passivе whеn:

a. thе agеnt (thе person or thing doing thе r Тhе magazinе was founded in 1922,aсtion) is unknown oг not important. (l don,t know who foundеd it.)

b. thе identity of the agеnt is с|еar from r Тhе magazine is so|d at nеwsstands.the сontеxt. (Wе сon assumе that thе nеwsstand ownеrs and

emp|oyееs sе|| it, Wе don,t neеd to mеntion thеm.)

C. you want to avoid mеntioningthе agent. I Some mistakеs werе madе in that artiс|e.(l know who mode thе mistakes, but l don,t wontto blame thе pеrson who madе thеm')

4. Use the passive with bу if уou mention r The aгtiсle was written by o psусhologist.thе agеnt.Меntion, thе agеnt whеn:

a. you introduсе nесеssary new information r John Dеlgado is a famous sports writеr.about the agent. He has just been hirеd by Notionol Sports

to writе a month|y сo|umn.(Thе nаmе of John,s еmploуer is nесеssorynеw information,)

b. you want to give сredit to someone who r Thе aгtiс|е was written by lohn Delgodo'сrеatеd somеthing.

с. thе agent is surprising. l ouг windows arе washed bу o robot.

to mеntion an agеnt in passivе sentenсеs. Noт Тhe magazine is publisheo bу+ьеa*+isнеrDo not inсludе an agent unnесеssarily. onсe a wееk.

Page 275: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

266 I unit 6i

сl]00sE о Rеаd thеsе sеntenсes ond dеcide if theу аrе Аctive (A) or Passive (P).

Readеr's Digеst was founded in 7922.

Millions of people read it.

A large-type edition is also printed. I;

They also reсord it. |;ff i

Rеadеr,s Digеst is published оnсе a month.ffi

It has been translated into many languages.

Мany readers subsсribe to the magazine.

It is sold at newsstands everywhere.

I read an interesting artiсle in it.

The artiсle was written by a famous sсientist.

REАD & с0I{LPIЕTE о Look otthе chort. Then complеtеthе sentenсеs, Use thе vеrbspeak in the octive or thеpossivе form.

1 .


3 .


5 .


7 .



10 .

Cantonese (China

Ho (Bihar and Orissa States, lndia

Swahili (Kenya, Тanzania, Uganda,Demoсratiс Republiс of Congo)

ТagaIog (Phi l ippines)


One million people

ken bу 126 mi||ion

bу 57 million pеople.



246 million people.

Мorе than 500 million peоple

in Uganda.

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The Passive: Оverview l 267

сOIлPLЕтE o Usе thе pаssivе form of the verbs in thе first set of porentheses tocomplеte this rеport. Includе thе ogent (from thе sеcond set of porenthеses)only if obsolutеlY nеcеssorу.

Mоdern Reader Nеwsletter Tпштн AшшlvвпsARY lssuс

Dto You l{ьlolry

} Modеrn fuа,dеr

. . . ?

waэ founded bу A, J. ThomPaon t.еn yеars ago.

) At first it

) Today it

'1 . ( found) (4. J . Thompson)

waэ printеd only in Еnglish.

in thrее forеignJanguagе еditions.

2. (print) fitgp*аtФ

3 . (pub| i sh ) ( thе pub l i shеф

) I t ln morе than tеn сountriеs.

) Sinсе

) Baсk

) Thеy

4. (rеad) (readеrs)

2000, twеnty nеW еmployееs

at homе, tеn nеW сomputеrs5. (h irе) (ouг intеrnаt ionаl off iсеs)

last month.

7. (usе) (our writers)

6. (purсhаse) (thе сompany)

to Writе our award-winning artiсlеs.

| Мodеrn fuаdеr

) our еditorial

) Thе intеrviеw

all ovег thе woгld.8. (аdvеrt isе) (аdvеrt isеrs;

staff last month.9. (interview) (Livе ot Tеn TV)

lo. (seе) (mi| l ions of v iеwers)

EDIT. Reod on editor's notes for o storyеight mistokеs in thе usе of the possive.

for Modеrn Readеr. Find ond correctThe first mistаkе is olrеody corrected,

are locatedTwo\hirds ot Bo|iviа's f ive miltion pеoplе W in thе cool wеstеrn highIаnds known аs thе Аttiptano.

For cеntцriеs, thе grаin quinoa hаs bееn grеw in thе moцnIаins, L|аmаs rаisеd ior iuц mеаt, аrld

transportаtion. Аnd tin, Bo(ivia,s richеst nаtцrа| (еaoцrce, is rnining bу minеrs in thе high Аndеs,

Ihе Оriеntе, аnothеr nаmе tor thе еаstеrn lowlаnds, is most|у Iropicа|. Ncе is thе major lood

crop, аnd cow; arе rаisеd for rnitk. oit is а|so tindthere,

АIIhough 5pаnish is thе aРtiсiat |аnguagе, Native Аmеricаn |anguаgеs аrе sIi|I spoken by

PeoPIе, Trаditionаt textites arе woven bу hаnd, аnd mt,lsic ptaуed on rеed pipеs Whose tonе

rеsеmb|еs thе sound of thе wind blowing ovеr high p|аins in thе Аndеs,

Page 277: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

ЭiII , эomeЬhinqhaэ t ,o be done abouL Еd,

|e эnoree eo |oud he,o аoinаLo knock ue ouL of orbit !

l know, Сar|a.l,e can be heardback on Еar th|

The Passive with Modals

жPЙINтСhеck thе corrеct onswеr,

Aссording to Carla,

П ва has to d.o somethingabout his snoring.

t somеbоdy has to dosomеthing aboutEd's snoring.

Suв|встHдvс (сoт) тo/Bс сotнс тo Br


Тhe сrew

has (got) todoesn't have tois (not) going to

bе rеplaсed nеxt month.

*Modals have only one form. Thеy do not have -s in thе third person singular.

сHARт с'{,Eсl( 2Chеck thе corrеctаnswеr,What сomesbefore the subjeсtin questions?

J ь e

П u modal or anauхiliary vеrb



s/rvo QU

,u",r.r I




willit be replaсed?



Aггlпмдтlvв | NвGAт|vЕ

Yes, itwi l l .

No, itwon' t .

should. shouldn't .

сIIARт сHEсl( lСirclе T (Truе) orF (Fаlse),

т F Passivеs withmоdals alwavsuse be.

т F You сannottalk about thefuture usingthe passivеwith modals.


Suв;вст l Mooдl.*

il,lЕNтsIl Pдsт

8g l PдптlсlPLEI

Тhe сrеwwill (not)should (not)

be replaсed nеxt month.


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Тhe Passive wit ir МосJals t 269

ExPREss,#ж--ф:;я,Сomplеte this conversotion with the pаssive form of


B: No. it

&y awуъхж ar tr"жp"a rъ et Ё Ф yв s

will preparе.

A: on board?

It on Earth.



Auxll.tдпv lVвпв | 5uв|вст

} QUEsтlo

I Hдvс тo/I Goпсс тo


I portBg I PдптlGtPLЕ


have tobe repIaсеd?

l s going to

s}|oRт ANsWЕRs

IAггlпмдтIvв l NвсAтlvЕ

Yes, itdoes.

No, itdoesn't.

l s . i sn ' t .

l. Тo form the passivе with a modaI, usemodal + bе + past partiсiple.

r The Spaсe Shutt|е wil l be launсhеd soon.r Тhe launсh won,t he postponеd.l Тhe сrеW,nиst be given time off.r Deсisions shouldn,t be madе too quiсkly.

2. Usе иdll or he going to with thе passivе to talk l lt will bе launсhed vегy soon.about thе futurе. oR

r lt,s going to bе launсhеd Very soon.

3. Use сoл with the passivе to exprеss r Thе blastoff con be seen for miles.present ability.

Use сoиld with the passivе to exprеss l |t сould bе seen vеry сlearly last yеar.

Past abil ity.

4. Use сou!d, froу, might, and сont with l |t сould be launсhed vеry soon.thе passive to exprеss futurе possibility r tгenсh sсiеntists moy be invited to partiсipate.or impossibil ity. r P|ants might bе grown on boaгd'

l |t con,t bе donе.

5. Use should, ought to, hod better, hove (got) to,and must with the passive to exprеss:

a. advisabilitу r Тhе сrеw shoиld be prepared to work hard.r Crеw members ought to be given a daу oft.r Pгivaсy hod better be respесted.

b. песessity l Rеpoгts hove to bе filed.r Еvеryone must be сonsulted.

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27O I unit 62

lDЕNтltY o Rеod this orticle obout the lntеrnotionаl Spаcе Stotion Unity. Undеrlinе ollthе possivеs with modаls,

с0I|PIЕтE o Comet Magazinе (CM) is interviewing аеrospocе engineеrDr. Bernord Koу (BK). Сomplеtе thе intеrviеw with the possive form of thе vеrbsin porеnthesеs.

CM: Dr. Kay, I'd like to ask how mеals w!|| be handled in the Spaсe Station.1 . (w i l l / hand le )

on board or2. (Bе going to / preparе)

from tubes?3. (squeеzе)

BK: Neither. Gourmеt meals4. (wi|| / prеpaсkаge)

on board.5. (сan / warm up)

CM: The Spaсe Station will have an international сrew. How

to suit everyone's tastе?6. (shou|d / сhoosе)

BK: An intеrnational menu . Food7. (havе to / offеr) 8. (сou|d / sе|есt)

from food preferenсe forms that the сrew mеmbers сomplete.

CM: dishes on board?9. (Wi|| / usе)

BK: Probably. But utеn.il. ,*nuo *.*., u,.*,

to the plates so they won't fly

on Earth and thеn thev

around! Meals

Living in outеr SpaсоPaсе Station Unitу will be сomPletеd within thе next dесаde, and intеrnational

tеаms of аstronаuts wil l thеn bе sharing с|ose quаrters for long pеriods of t ime.

Whаt саn be donе to improve |iving сonditions in spасе? Hеre,s whаt formеrаstronauts suggеst:

* Fooо lt doеsn,t tastе as good in zero gravity. Food should bе mаdе spiсier toovеrсome thosе еffесts. lntеrnаtionаl tаstеs must also Ьe сonsidеrеd.

s Cr-отнlГt[G Layerеd сlothing сould hеlp astronauts stay сomfortablе. Тhe top layerсould bе rеmovеd or аddеd as temPerаturеs vаry.

s Slввplгtс Bесаusе of wеightlеssness, sleep is oftеn interruptеd in spaсе.Сomfortаblе restraints must bе provided to give a sеnsе of stabi|ity.

s ЕмoтloNAL Nввps People nееd ,,down timе,, in spaсe just as thеy do on Еarth.Тimе ought to bе providеd for rеlаxation and privасy.

11 . (ought to / makе)as pleasant as possible.

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The Passive with Мосjals l 271

с,|00sE & с0|{|PLETE o Some scientists just completed o simulotion of life on the Stаtion,Сompletе their conversotions with thе modols in porеntheses аnd the сorrесt verbsfrom the box.

design improve keep remove Фh€

Kвшт: Thesе simulatiоns showеd that thеrе are still some problems. I hopе theу

can be эolved - bеforе thе rеal thing. For example, the temperature1 . ( сan)

at 68o, but I Was unсomfortably warm most of the time.2. (should)

Lyr,в: The material for our сlothing 3{ouфt tФ

. Maybe сlothing

4. (сould)

it's too warm.

in layers. A layer 5. (сaD


do dеliver give storе

Hдшs: I didn,t like the food very muсh. W" uo"* '

more fresh food.

H r s д :We l l , f r e s h f r u i t s a ndvеge t ab l e s b y t h eShu t t l e r e gu l a r l y .

Hдшs: What with the trash? Spaсe littеr is already a problem.8 . (w i l l )

Hrsд: I'm sure it on board and сarried to Earth bv the Shuttlе.9. (wi l l )

ЕDIT о Reod on ostronotlt,s journаI notеs. Find аnd сorrеct sеvеn mistokes in the use ofthе possive with modаIs, Thе first mistoke is olrеodу corrеctеd.

bе madeI usеd thе s|ееping rеlтаints tаst night аnd s|еф a lot bgtter,Thеч oцgffi to я+а]<e morе corrуtortаblе,

though, I feff trappеd, | 1ust tookеd in thе mirror. Мy face is pиtty аnd mу еуе5 аrе red. I'd be1tеr bе

gofrеn on thе ехеrcisе bikе right aWaV. I cаn bе misundеrEtаnding Whеn l took tike this. Lаst night

Мах thought l was аngrу аt him for tиrnin g on ,.5rаr Trеk,', Аctиatty, I love thаt show ' I might bе givеn

еаrIу lunch shitt todaу. I hopе thеу hаvе morе tеriуаki, |t's nicе аnd spicу, аnd thе 9аL|cе cаn actua|Iу

bееn taEtеd, еvеn аt zеro gravi\. Somе ol it hаd be1tеr be fty in on thе Sht,ttt|е ?rеttу aoon, o( tnеrе

might bе somе иnhaPPt7 аlтonаt,tts! Spеаking of иnhappy, |ast night Wistеn cа|Iеd аnd toId mе shе

Was Planningto qut acnoot. Ithink shе cou|dbetа|k 0иt oг it bиt |,m аlrаid|,|I gеt аng^|and yett i f

wе discцss i{' I might ovеrnеаrd bу othеrs, Wе nееd 50mе vrivаcу herе!

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Тhe Passive Gausative

WPOINTСhеck the correct onswer.

Thе guy wants to know if his girlfriеnd

П сut her own hair.

П went to a hair salon.

Н i , Е r и i l у l . . .l m m , , , Э o m e | h i n 7 ' e

differrnt, oid уouget, уour hair cut?-jE


сI]ARт сIllEсKСircle T (True) orF (Folse).

т F The passiveсausativealwaуs has aform of thеverb be.

т F You сan formthe passiveсausativе withhove or get.

т F The passiveсausativеalways nееdsan agent.

Suцвст | Hдvr/Gы


I port IoЦпст |Pлптlсlгlв|(Br + Aсвшт)

She has her hoir <ut by Andrё every month.

Hе has had his beord trimmed befoге.

got mу noils done at Andrё,s.

She is going to get her eors pierсеd.

VEs/No QUЕsтloNsAuxlI.lдпY lVвпв I Suв,встHлvr/Gст oцвст l Еfil...,.. | 1,, + Aсrшт)Does shе havе her hoir сut by Andrё?

Has hе had his beord trimmеd?

Did you 9еt уour noils done?

l s shе going to gеt her eors pierсed?


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EхPREssжСompletе this convеrsotion with thе

A: Where do you gеt your hair

B: I don't get it

sraпзmar fr xрlanet;{Эrъs

corrесt form of thе vеrb do,


Тhe Pаssive ёausative l 27З

it myself.


l. Usе thе passivе сausativе to ta|k about seгviсesthat you arгange for someone to do for you.

сausative (hod somеthing donе) with thе pastpeгfeсt in aсtive sеntеnсеs (hod donе something).

r I usеd to сo|or my own hair, but nowI havе it сolored'

r | get mу noils done by Mariе.

Stмpt-г Pдsт Сдusдтtvгr I had it done |ast wееk.

(Somеonе did it for mе')

Pдsт Pгпггстr I had donе it beforе.

(l did it mysеlf.)

2. Form the passivе сausativе with theappropriate form of hove or gеt + objесt +past partiсlple.

Тhе passivе сausativе сan bе usеd in all tensesand with modals.

l always have my hoir сut by Andrё.

I havеn,t had i t donе s inсе June.

Last yеaг | got mу coot сlеaned onсe.

Next weеk I,m going to have mywindows washed.

l,m gеtting them done by Spot|ess'

l had them washеd a long timе ago.

You should get the сor сhесkеd.

You ought to have it done soon.

3. Use by when it is nесessary to mеntion theperson doing thе sеrviсe (thе agent).

Do not mеntion thе agеnt unnесеssaгlly.

l Lynnе gets hеr hair donе by Andrё.

r Whеrе doеs Lynnе get hеr hair donе?Noт Wherе does Lynne gеt her hair donеЪyа+а+r+у+;вt?

Сheсk it out!For more inforrrration about whеn to usе an agent, sеe Unit 6L, page 265.

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274 I Unit 63

тRUЕ 0R tAIsЕ o Rеod еoch pеrson,s stotеment. Write T (True) or F (Folse) for thesеntence thot follows.

l. Jдкв: I'm going to get my hair сut tomоrrow after work.

F Jake сuts his own hair.

2. Dшвпд: I,m сoloring my hair this aftеrnoon.

Dеbra сolors her own hair.

3. Aмввв: I didn't paсk any nail polish, beсause I had dоne my nails bеfоrе the trip.

Amber did her own nails.

4. Jдкв: I'm thinking of gеtting the floors waхed before the party.

Jake might hire Somеone to wax thе floors.

5. Mдвrв: I had my apartmеnt painted two months ago.

Marie paintеd her own apartment.

6. Toшy: I'll wash the сar this weеkend.

Tony is going to wash the сar himsеlf.

FIND OUI & REPORт о lt,s Fеbruorу l5. Look ot thе Sontаnos, colеndаr ond writеsеntеnсes obout things they had donе ond things thеу are going to havе donе.

1. They / have / piсtures / take Thеу are going to have pic|ureэ taken,

2. Debra I get I her hair / perm Debra go| hеr hair ?ermed.

3. Amber / havе l t}re dog l gтoom

4. Theу l get / the windows / wash

5. They / have / th.e сarpets / c|ean

6. Amber / have / }rer ears / pierсе

7. Jake /get lh is ha i r la f t

8. Theу / have / food and drinks / dеliver

t ЕBRUARYSuшoдy M oш oдy Тuгsoдv Wвoшвsoдy Tнuпsoдy Fп loдY Sдтuпoду

1 2 3 4 5 6 7Dеb-hаirdreяеr

I 9 1 0 1 1 Jаkе- 12bаrber

1 3(аrреt5

Ambеr- 14doo oroomеr

Тodаy,s 15dаtе windows 16 1 7 1 8 1 9 20

food аnd drinks раrty!! 21

2 2 2 з 24 Ambеr- 25eаrs piеrсеd

2 6 27 28fаmi|y рiсturеs

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Тhe Pаssive Gausаtive l 27 5

сlt00sЕ t. с0/{|PLETЕ o Dеbrа ond Joke ore going to hove o pаrtY, Сomplete thеconversotions with the possivе cousotive of thе oppropriote verbs in the box,

dry сlean сolor сut paint wash

1 . Your nеW dress is a little long. Why don't уou Тet it эhortened














oK. They do alterations at thе сlеaners. I'll take it rn tomorrow.

My blue dress has a small stain. I havе to

I сan drop it off at the сleanеrs with my dress.

Thе housе is ready, exсept for thе windows. Thеy look pretty dirty.

Don,t wоrry. We tomorrоw.

were going to сut it.thought уouYour hair is getting really long. I

I deсided not to do it mvself this

by Andrё.

time. I

5. My hair's getting a lot of gтay in it. Should I

It looks fine to me, but it's up to you.

Thе housе looks bеautiful. you

Jдкв: Nо. aсtually we did it ourselves last summer.

ЕDlT о Rеod Аmber,s diorу еntry. Find ond correct sеven mistokеs in thе use of thеpossive сousotivе. Тhe first mistаkе is olrеаdy сorrесtеd.

|eЬruarу Z| ф..,w

The pаrty was tonTght. lt wеnt геally wеll! Тhе housе lookеd grеat. Мom аnd Dad had thе flooЁs

waxеd and аll thе windo -:хlжirofеssionаlly so еvеrything spаrklеd. Аnd of Coursе wе hаd thе

who\е housе paintеd oursеlvеs \аst summеr. (l'\\ nеVеr torgеt that.lt took us two wееks!) l woге my

nеw blaсk drеss thаt l hаvе shortеnеd by Do, аnd I gоt сut mу hаir by Аndrё. t-lе did а grеаt jоb. Thеrе

Werе а lot of gиеsts аt thе pаrty. Wе hаd аlmost fitty pеop|е invitеd, аnd they аlrrost аlI showеd

up! Тhе food wаs grеаf too. Мom mаde most of thе main dishеs hегsеlt but shе hаd thе геst of

thо fnnd nrог\яго by а сatеrеr: Мom аnd Dаd hirеd a profеssionаl photographеr, so аt thе еnd of theI l I v | v v Ч H | v t / Ч | v

pаrty wе аll took оur piсturеs. DadЪ gеttin9 thеm bасk nеxt wееk. | сan1 wаit to sее thеm!

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ffiБiТl oшп

l. This book written in 19g9.(A) istB) has

2. Coffеe is - in Colombia.(A) grow(B) gтew

Сirclе the lеttеr of the correct onswеr to completе еoch sеntence.

Еxдмptt:Jеnnifer never(A) drink(B) drinks

соffee. д@с D(C) is drinking{D) was drinking

3. Millions of peоple the movie.{A) saw(B) were seеn

4. The meеting won't{A) сanсel

(C) was(D) werе

(C) bееn growing(D) gтown

(C) will bе sееn(D) must be seen

(C) bееn сanсеlled(D) сanсelled

Shе - at the salon.(C) has it сut(D) gets it

tB) bе сanсеllеd

5. Sally doesn't сut her own hair.(A) сuts it(B) has сut it

6. That book was writtеn(A) at(B) by

Maya Angelou.(C) from(D) of










8. -When wil] the work be соmpleted?-It - bе by June, but I'm not rеally surе.

7. The report - soon.(A) publishes(B) is published

(A) has(B) might

(A) do you get(B) did you gеt

(A) take(B) takеn

(C) will be published(D) will publish

(с) will(D) won't

(с) had you gotten(D) havе you gоtten

(C) taking(D) took

9. How often your сar sеrviсеd sinсе you bought it?

lo. I have to get my piсture - for my Wеb site.



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11. Tomorrow I'm getting my сar serv=iсed frqm the meсhaniс that- A - - в с

Jakе usеs.D

18. Bеfore a final deсision is reaсhed, the various possibilitiesA

Еoch sentеncе hаs four undеrlinеd words or phrosеs, Thе four undеrlinеd ports

of the sеntеnce ore morkеd А, B, С, ond D. Сirclе the lеttеr of thе onе underlinеdword or phrosе thot is Noг сoRRЕст.

Exдшtpш:Мike usually drives to sсhoоl, but to4ay hе wъlks.-_*Т-.---

в с DA в сO


12. The rеports wеrе arri=ved late, so I hgd thепL sеnt to you this morning.A B с D

13. Some mistakes Wqre *g!е in the broсhure, but they might сorreсtеd

beforе yo" #


lд. You'll seе a сopy before they'це priцtеd by theдrinter.- A - B с D

A funny thing w-as happened when your ч* P ".+!ф


WЩ your stay be exteцded, or will you be rеLurned nеxt week?- A _ в с D

1 5 .


17. I used to do my own taxеs, but now I hEve done them Щ u. aссountant.A B

___---т- -D

probablv disсussеd !y the whole team.L v -



19. The house pa+!ф morе than three yеars ago, but I'm not &oiцg to

have it done again for a while.с D

20. We didn't knоw about the problem, so it shou=ldn't be handled in timе.A - в - _ с D

21. Ь lot of сrops сan't be gтеw in thе mountains beсause Ц g9щ too сo]d.,

A - B с D

22. That pottеry цLР foъnс! P

u" arсhaеologist while she was ЧLorkеd in

this area.

Does the lightbulb have to =replaсеd or is i=t still worЕing?A B - с D

Have you had your teeth сlе=an yet щ Dr. Ellin'S new oral hygienist?A - B - с D

Thе last payment shouldn't mqke until all thе work has FеenA B

сompleted and сarefully сhegked.- с D




















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Faсtual Gonditionals:Present

жPqINтСirclе T (Truе) or F (FoIsе).

т F The man may not be ablе to board the planе.

sтAтЕгvlЕNTslг Cиusв | Rвsul.т Cиusв

tfit snows, thе aiгport с losеs.

it's foggy, p|anеs Gan,t lеave.

YEs/No QUЕsTloNsRвsul.т Gьдusв | t, G.ou,.

Doеs thе airpoгt сloseif

it snows?

(an p|anes lеave it's foggy?

ltrf,- QUЕsтloNsRвsul.т Cиusв l lя Cиusв

Why doеs air get Iighteг l ,f it eхpands?

сI|ART сHЕсl(Сircle T (Truе) orF (Folsе).

т F The verbs inboth сlausesare in thеpresent tеnse.

т F TЬe if сlausealways сomеsfirst.

т F There is alwaysa сommabetweеn thеtwo сlausеs.

sтAтЕгvtЕNтsRвsul.т Gцusв i l. с.ou,.

Тhе airpoгt сlosеsif

it snows.

P|anеs Gan,t lеavе it's foggy.

s}toRт ANsWЕRsI

Arгlпмдтlvв | NвсAтlvЕ

Yes,i t doеs.

No,i t doеsn,t .

thеy сan' thеy сan,t'


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EхPREssжMotch the if сIouses with thе rеsult clаusеs,

1. If you hate airplane food,

2. You might not be able to board

3. If people travel a long distanсe' G. if you don't сheсk in at the gate.

Gramrпar Еxрlanat;ons Ёxаmplеs

1. Use prеsеnt faсtшal сonditional sentеnсes to if с|ausе rеsu|t сIausеtalk about gеnегal truths and sсiеntifiс faсts. l lf it 's noon in Lima, it 's 6:00 p.м. in Romе.

l f с |ause rеsu| t с IauseТhe lf сlause ta|ks about the сondition, and l lf air expands, it beсomes lightег.the rеsu|t с|ausе ta|ks about what hapреns ifthe сondition oссurs.

Usе thе simplе prеsent tеnsе in both сlauses.

2. You сan also usе presеnt faсtual сonditional if сlаusе rеsult с|ausеsentеnсes to taIk about habits and rесurгing l lf Bi|| fl iеs, he ordеrs a spесiaI mеa|.

еvents (things that happеn again and again).if сlausе гesult с|ausе

Usе thе simp|е orеsеnt tеnse oг pгesеnt l lf |,m travеlinq faг, l alwavs fly.progгessive in the if сlausе. Use thesimplе presеnt tensе in the rеsu|t сlause.

Faсtuаl Condit ionals: Рresent l 279

a. thеy often fеel jet lag.

b. you сan order a speсial meal.

4. Usе thе lmреrative in the rеsu|t сlause to givе r lf you want thе seat to гeс|ine, press thе button.instгuсtions. сommands, and invitations thatdepеnd on a сertain сondltion.

r |f thе sеat bе|t |ight is on, don,t leavе youг sеat.

l lf you сomе to Tokyo, stay with us.

3. You сan a|so use modals in thе гesu|t с|ausе. r lf you praсtiсе your Сhinеsе еveryday,

уou сon improve quiсkIy.

r You might learn moгe if you |isten toСhinеse tapеs.

5. You сan bеgin сonditioпal sепtenсеs with r lf the l ight goеs on, buсklе youг seat be|t.thе if с|ause or the resu|t сlausе. Тhе meaning is oRthе samе. r Buсkle youг seat bе|t i f thе l ight goes on.

Usе a сomma bеtwееn the two с|auses onlywhеn thе ff сlausе сomеs first.

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2aO r unit 64

IDENтIFY o Reod this orticlе. ln eoch foctuаl conditionol sentencе, undеrline thе resultclouse onсe. Undеrline the clouse thаt еxprеsses thе condition twicе.

sUмII|ARlzE o Rеod thesе conversotions obout Hong Kong. Summorizе the odvicе withconditionol sentenсes,

1. A: I hate hot wеather.B: Thе bеst time to go to Hong Kong is Novеmber or Dесembеr.

lf you hate hot weather, the beэt timе to qo to Honq Konq iэ November or December,

2. A: I,m traveling with my сhildren.B: Take thеm to Lai Chi Kоk Amusement Park in Kowloon.

PдssвшGЕRs, Rlснтs

If уou run into problеms on your iournеy, know your r ights as a passеnger. oftеn the air l inе

сompany is required to сompensatе you for dеlaуs or damages. For example, thе air l inе provides

meals and hotel rooms i f a f l ight is unduly delayеd. Howеvеr, thе air l inе owes you a lot morе i f i t

сausеd thе dеlay by ovеrbooking. This саn oссur еspесia l lу dur ing hol idaуs i f a ir l inеs sel| morе

t iсkеts than thеrе arе sеats. l f a l l thе passengers aсtual ly show up, then the f l ight is overbookеd.

Airl inеs usuаlly award upgradеs or additiona| freе travеl to passengеrs who voluntеer to takе a later

f l ight. Howevеr, i f no onе voluntеers, your f l ight may bе dеlayed. ln that сase, the air l inе must repay

you l 00pe r сеn to f t hесos t o f you r t i с kе t f o r adе l a yo f up to f ou rhou r sonan i n t е rna t i ona l f l i gh t .

l f thе delay is morе than four hours, you rесеivе 200 pеrсеnt of the сost of your t iсket.

3. A: We nееd a mсlderately priсеd hotеl.B: I suggest thе Harbour View International House.

4. Ьз We like seafood.B: Thеre are Wonderfu] seafood restaurants on Lamma Island.

5. A: I'm fasсinatеd by Chinesе opera.B: You might likе the street opera in the Shanghai Streеt Night Market.

6. A: I'd like to get a good viеw оf Hong Kong.B: You should takе the funiсular to the Pеak.

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Faсtшal cоndit ienals: Рrеsent l 28|

с0I[|BINE о Сomplete this intеrview betweеn Сareers Magazine (сM) ond flightottendаnt Moу Simko (Ms), Сombine thе sеntеnces in porеntheses to moke o fасtuolconditionol sentence. Use the sаme ordеr, Mаke nеcessаrY chongеs in copitolizotionond punсtuotion.

CM: How long arе you usually awaу?

MS: |f | 0o to the Bahamaэ, I havе a two-daУ |aУover.1. (I go to thе Bahаmas. I havе a two-day layovеr.)

CM: What do vou do for two davs?

MS:2 . ( | spеnd a |o t o f t imе a t thе poo l . I s tay a t a ho tе | . )


3 . ( | s tаy w i th f r i еnds . l spеnd t imе w i th thеm. )

CM: Sounds niсe.

4. (It ,s not 5o niсе. I gеt a , ,Drасulа. , ,)

That,s when you fly somewhеre at midnight, spend four hours, and then flу baсk.

CМ: Sounds likе a tough job. Is it wоrth it?

МS:5. ( l t ,s vеry rеwarding. You don,t mind hard work.)

CM: Who walks the dog and waters the plants when you'rе away?

MS:6. (You hаvе thrее roommatеs. You don,t havе troub|е f inding dogwа|kегs.)

best thing abоut this job?CM: What's thе

MS: Frеe trips.7. (A f| ight has an еmpty sеat. I r idе for frее!;


ЕDlT. Rеod Moу,s journаl еntrу. Find ond corrеct sеvеn mistokes in thе usе of prеsеntfасtuol conditionols. Thе first mistаke is olreodу corrесted. Don,t forgеt to сhесkpunctuаtion!

Whаt а greа{ ,,,еekeпi! lf-Loи аис/ Teri .zreп,t thе bсst llosts in thе шorlс|, ,*J2ьoш шllo is,

|'vе iиvitеd thеm to Neш,York, bиt 'f!u" /ivе iп the' Bаhаm'I' loи rаrе/у cuапt to /eаvе. Т.lmorroш [It

midпlht t f/у roипll trtp from Neш York to Pittsbи,gh, ThereЗ а/ш.zуs а priсе to P"!, |f I get а fее

'aееkeпс/ iп thе is/апds / а/tuауsgеt а ,'Drасрt/а,,аfrrи,аrr/s, oh, u,е//' tf t шoп,tfа// аs/eеp, I саn иsиаl/у

.qet а /ot of reаling с/o,e. Pаt аис| |{im both f/eш fu Loпdoп уesfurlау, / hopе someoИе саи ша/k FrЬkу

fo, mе. t/sиа//у, f t,// br u,o,kiи!I, oпr of tllem Ь off tf Frislg is а/oпe fo, а long timе, he b,тrkе,1 а /ot,

Thаt distиrbs thе пеghbors, fulауbе / shoи/djиst leаve thе TV oп fo' hio,, НеЗ аlшауs Vсr! са/m, if

thе TV is oи. or mауbе / l betfur са// Pаt апd аsk her аboиt ller sсhedи/e' tf it cuаs 6:00 p'm, hеrе iп

Nccu York, itь 17,.oo p.m, iп Loпdon, T/lrтt\s пot too /аtе to са//'

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FaсtuaI Gonditionals:Future


lf Bakеr ralsеs taxеs, sma|I businеssеs wil l leavе.

WPqlNтСirclе T (Truе) or F (FoIsе).

т F Baker is defrnitely goingto raise taxеs.

т F Small businesses aredefinitely going to leave.

NЕGAтlvЕ sтAтЕшlЕNтs

lг Cиusв: Pпвsвшт | Rвsul.т Cцusв: Fuтuпв

|f hе doеsn,t lowеr taxes, I businessеs won,t return'

YEs/No QUEsтloNsRвsul.т Clдusв: Fuтuпв | lг Cиusв: Pпвsвшт

WIII hе lowеr taxes if he wins?ls hе going to fight сrimе


Aггlпмдтlvп l Ntслтlvв

Yes, hewi l l .

No, hеwon't.

l s . i sn ' t .

сI]АRт сHEсКСhеck thе сorrеctаnswеr, '

Use the simplepresent tеnse in

П tьe ff сlausе'

П tь" result сlausе.

Use a сomma bеtweеnthе two сlauses

t whеn the if сlauseсomеs frrst.

П when the rеsultсlause сomes first.

AFFI пlliAтlvЕ sтAтElli ЕNтs

lг Cиusв: Pпвsвшт

lf Bakеr wins,

Rвsul.т Cиusв: Fuтuвв

hе,ll raise taxеs.hе,s going to fight сrimе.


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Faсtual Gonditionals; Futurе l 2a3

wH- QUЕsтIoNsRвsul-т Cиusв: Fuтuпв l l, с.ousЕ: PRESENт

Whatwi l l he dois hе going to do

if hе wins?

EхPREssжUnscromble thеse words to form o sеntencе. Add o comma if nеcеssory,

fight. she о сrime о shе'll о If o wins

&raffi fiTfr nr ffixрlamfttЕФffi s Еxamplеs

1. Usе fцturе faсtual сonditional sentenсes to if сlause rеsu|t с|ausеtalk about what wil l happеn under сertain l lf Bakег wins, he,l l raise taxеs.

сonditions. Тhe if сlausе statеs the сondition. (t,s o rеal possibility thot Bakеr willwin,)

The rеsult с|ause statеs the result.

Usе the simple рresent tеnsе in thе if сlause. r |f Soto wins, she,ll improve housing.Use the futurе wtth will or he going to in thе r lf Soto wins, she,s goin$ to improvе housing.result с|ausе.

You сan also use a modal in the rеsult сlausе. l lf you want to votе, уou must rеgistеr.

t l |f you don,t vote, you might rеgret it.

thе future, usе thе simple pгesent tensе. Noт {f*hе+vill*мiн

2. You сan bеgin сonditional sеntеnсes with r lf you vote for Soto, you won,t rеgrеt it.thе if сlause or the rеsu|t с|ause. Thе meaning is oRthе samе. l You won,t rеgrеt it if you votе for Soto.

Usе a Gomma betweеn the two с|auses onlywhеn the ffсlause сomes first

l. lf and unless сan both bе usеd in сonditional l If уou votе, you,|| havе a say in thе futurеsentenсes, but thеir meanings arе Very diffеrent. of our сity.

Usе иnless to state a nеgative сondition. l Unless you votе, you won,t havе a say in thefuturе of our сity.


Unless oftеn has the same meaninga s i f . . . n o t .

l lf уou don,t votе, you Won,t have a say in thefutuгe of ouг сity.

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2a4 l i-#вtit 6s

II|Атсlt o Еoch сondition will hovе o result, Motсh thе condition with theаppropriotе rеsult.

Cond i t ion

f t. If Soto wins. she


a. won't stay out of trouble.

е. will move their сompaniеsbaсk to the сity.

f. will lower taxеs.

9. will be a safer plaсe to live.

2. If shе lowеrs taхes, business peoplе b. won,t have a say in the

3. If thе eduсation system improvеs' we government.

4. Unless young people have hope for G.

::ч'.nfl"e an еduсated

the future, tйe WorK Iorсe.

5. If сrime deсrеases. this d. won't be ablе to votе.

6, Unless you registeц you

7. If you don't vote, you

3. (gеt)

DB: Wеll, lt's beеn a long, hard сampaign. - I

I a short vaсation beforе I begin my new job.

сOil|PIЕтE o Reod this interview bеtwееn Po|itiсs Тoday (PT) аnd moуorаI condidаtеDoniel Boker (DB). Сomplеtе it with thе correct form of thе verbs in porеntheses аndif or unIеss.

PT: What's the first thing you 'll do you1 . ( d o )

еleсtеd?2, $ l unIеss)

5. (win)

6. (tаkе)

PT: Sounds gоod. Wherе to?

DB: Sorry, but I,d rather not say. ,f,ш / U'ilеФ

I *o..".",


9. (trу)to keep my personal life privatе. Even mayors need privaсy.

PT: I сan understand that. Now, evеry eleсtion has a winnеr and a loser.

What \/nI r _1o . (do ) 11 . ( i f i un |еs s )

you12 . ( Iosе)

DB: this elесtion, I to be13 . ( | f / Un|еss ) 14 . ( l o sе ) 15 . ( сon t inuе)

aсtive in politiсs aS a private citizen. 16. 0f / Unbss)

both partiеs

, this сity as gтеat as it сan be.. l7. (сoopеratе) l8 . (no t bе)

Finally, _ the pеоple - me to offiсe this timе,19. ( i f / un|еss) 2o. (not е|есt)

I2. l . (bе)

baсk in four yеars to try again!

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Faсtual cоnditionalsl Future I zas

с0If,BINE. Yuko Tomori is trуing to decide whеther to go to lаw school. She modе odеcision treе to hеIp her decide. ln thе trеe, orrows connесt the conditions аnd therеsults, Write sеntencеs obout hеr decisions. Usе futurе foctuol sеntеnces.

bе in debt for yеаrs)

put mv sistеr \щ

run for mаyor )

|f I go t,o |aw эchoo|, |'|| iake out эtudent, |oanэ,

tаkе out student loans

not hаve to dеpеnd i@

go to law sсhool?

bе ablе to improvе t- life for othЬrs )

|f I take out эtuden| loanэ, |' l| be in deb| for уearэ,

l .

2 .

3 .


5 .





10 .

EDIT. Reod this journol entrу. Find ond correct siх mistаkеs in the usе of futurе foctuolconditionols, Thе first mistoke is olreodу corrеcted, Don,t forgеt to chеck punctuаtion!

Shou|d I campаtgn tor stцdеrft counci| vrеsidеntl |,|I hаvе to dеcidе soon it | ж fu run.lt l,tt be

busу cаmpаigning, I wont hаuе much tirnе to studу.Thаt,s а prob|еm, bеcацsе |,m not goinq to qеt into

а good co|Iеgе if I get good grаdеs this уеаr. Оn thе othеr hаnd, thеrе's so rnцch ta do in this schoo\

аnd nothing is gе\ting donе it Todd Lаker bеcomes prеsidеnt аgаin' A |ot ot vеop|е know that. gиt

wil{ l know whаt Io do if |,tt gеt thе 1ob? Nеver mind' |,I| dеа| with that prob|еm, if l win'

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Unreal Gonditionals:Present

wffiffiPЙINтCirclе T (Truе) or F (Folsе).

т F Sсhroеdeц the piano playeц wants tо marry Luсy.


Aггlпмдтlvв l Nвсдтtvв

Yеs, l would. t No, l wouldn,t.

Uyf,. QUЕsтloNsRвsul.т Glдusв | ,, с.ou,.

What would vou do ifyou lovеd her?you wеre in love?

iii t

r Jt :Бi€з:;t:


DID YOU SAY,..IF,,oR ..UNLЕss,,? I AD^^lт I sAlD..UNLЕss::.l{oPЕ!

сl|АRT сI|Eсl(Сirclе T (Truе) orF (FаIsе),

т F Use the simpleprеsent tensein thе l/ сlausе.

т F Usе were forall subjeсts.

т F U sea сommabetwееn thetwo сlausеswhen theresult сlauseсomes first.

AFFI R]vlAтlvЕ sтAТЕ]tл ЕNтs

lг Cиusв: SIмpl.в Pдsт | п.,u.' GI.дusв: Wouto + Bдsв Foпм oг Vвпв

tfhе lovеd hеr,hе wеre* in Iove,

hе would get marr iеd.

*Notе that шerе is usеd for all subjeсts with be.


|я CI.дusв: Slмpl-в Pдsт

ЕGAтlvЕ sтAтE]vlЕNтs

Rвsul.т Cиusв: Wouto + Bдsв Foпм oг Vвпв

tfhе didn,t lovе hеr,hе wеren,t in |ovе,

he would not gеt marгied.

YEs/No QUEsтloNsRвsul.т Gиusв | l. с.ou,.

Would | get marгied ifI loved hег?I were in lovе?


Noтв: For сontraсtions with шould, seе Appendix 24 on pagе 346.

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l . lnreal *оndit iсna|s: Рl.esеnt l 287

ЕxPREssжСirсlе thе correct words to сompletе this question.

What will /would hе do if /when he was /were a millionaire?

& g"аgъъ m*r Жжplffi *ъetg#ffi $ #"жжwwу"в#*ь

1. Use prеsent unreal сonditional sentеnсes . ,l,.,'ilТ"d

him, i.#l.".Jlffiarry him.to talk about unгеa|, untruе, imaginеd, or (But l don,t lovе him, so I won,t morrу him.)impossib|e сonditions and thеiг гesults.

if сlаusе rеsu|t с|аusеТhе ffсlausе prеsents the unrеal сondition. l lf I had morе timе, lwould travеl.Тhе result сlausе prеsents thе unrеal геsult of (But l don,t havе time, so l don,t trovеl.)that сondition.

/f с lаusе result с|аusе2. Usе the simplе past tеnsе in the if сlausе. r lf thеy had monеy, thеy wouldn,t l ivе thеrе.

Use would + basе form of the vеrb in theгеsult с|ausе.

a. Тhе ffс lausе usеsthеsimplе pasttenseform, l l f l had morе monеy now,lwou|d takеa tr ipbut thе mеaning is not past. aгound thе woг|d.

b. Don,t use woиldin thе if сlausе in pгеsеnt r |f shе knеw the answег, shе would tе|| you.unrеa| сonditiona| sentеnсеs. Noт |f shе weн|d |<new thе answеr . . .

G. Usewеre fora]I subjесtswhen thеverb in l I f I Wеre r iсh, lwould trave| around thewor|d.thе if сlausе is a form of be. Noт4f*.мrat+i#

Usдсв Noтв: You will somеtimes hear nativespеakеrs use wos in the if с|ausе. Нowever,manv pеople think that this is not сorгeсt.

3. You сan also use a modal in the rеsult сlause. r |f I had timе, | сould rеad moге.

4. You сan bеgln сondltlonal sеntеnсes with l lf I had more money, l would move.the if сlause or thе rеsult с|ausе. Тhe mеaning is oRthe samе. r lwould move i f l had morе monеy.

Usе a Gomma betweеn thе two с|auses on|ywhеn thе if сlause сomes first.

5. Statemеnts bеginning with lf l werе YoU, . , , l lf l wеrе уou, |,d гead ,,Pеanuts.,,

arе often usеd to Фve adviсe. lt,s rеally funny.

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288 r Unit 6A

тRUE 0R FАISE о Rеod eoch quototion from thesе ,,Pеontlts,, choroctеrs. Writе T (Truе)or F (Folsе) for thе stotеmеnt thot follows.

1. Sшoopy: If I werе a human being, I wouldn't even ou)n a dog!

F Snoopy is a human being.

2. Luсy to Sшoopy: Yоu wouldn't bе so happy if you knew what was going to happen.

Snoopy is happy.

3. Luсy to Lrrq;s: If I wеre УoU, I,d sleep underneath that tree.

Luсy is giving Linus adviсе.

4. Sшoopy to WоооsToск: What would уou dо if you had fоrty dollars?

Woodstoсk has forty dollars.

5. Sшoopy: If I ate one more snowflake, I'd turn into a Ъ|izzatd.

Snoopy plans to eat anоther snowflake.

6. Luсy: If we were married, Sсhroedeц I'd сome in everу morning and dust your pianо.

Luсy dusts Sсhroeder,s piano.

с0I|PLЕтE o Reod port of аn аrticlе obout thе comic strip ,,Peonuts,,, Сomplеte it withthе corrеct form of thе vеrbs in pаrenthesеs.

Peanuts What makes ..peanuts,, so poputar? Of сourse, if it weren't1 . (no t bе)

О . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . f u nnu , p egp t e it so muсh. But ..Peanuts,, pгovides2. (not I ikе)

more than just taughs. |t addresses suсh univeгsаt themes as [ove, jeatousg, tonetiness, аnd

hope. If the сhагaсteгs s0 гea[, we with them.3. (not bе) 4. (сou|dn,t / idеnt i fy)

Take Luсg, foг exampte. ln tove with the piano-ptauing Sсhгoedel LUсg сomptains, ..lf We

5. (bе)

gour gotf сtubs! lf gou

married, and Uou6. (|ovе)

a spoгts сa[ |

golf, I7. (hatе)

gouг spoгts8. (dr ivе) 9. (hаtе)

сaг! |f gou a bowteс I gouг bowting batt.,' Without1o. (bе) 1 1 . (ha tе )

tooking Up from his piano or missing a beat, Sсhгoeder asks, ..So?', "| hаte Uouг piano!' ' shouts

LUсg as she kiсks it out fгon4 Undeг him. Reсognizаbte behavioг? |n ..Peаnuts,, We see oursel'ves

atong with ouг weaknesses and hopes. But we don,t have to anatgze ..peanuts'' to enjog it.

l f i t12. (not bе)

a tittte tess fun.

foг сomiс stгips like ..Peanuts,,' oUг lives13 . (m igh t / bе )

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Unreal Conditionals: Prrsеnt l 289

1 .

сOIлBINE o Reod obout these ,,Peonuts,, chorаcters, Whot would hoppеn if thеirsituаtions wеrе different? Сombine thе two sentеncеs into one, using the unrеolpresent conditionol.

Sсhroeder ignorеs Luсy. She gets angry at him.

|f Эchroеdеr didn't, ignore Luсy, эhe wou|dn'| get, an1rу at, him,

2. Sсhroеder loves Bееthovеn. Hе plays his sоnatas all the timе.

3. Charlie Brоwn doеsn,t have enough friends. Hе feels lonely.

4. Sallу doеsn,t know her teaсhеr's name. Shе сan't send her a сard.

5. Linus is smart. He finds сlever solutions to life,s prоblems.

6, Woodstoсk and Snoopy have a сlose relationship. Woodstoсk сonfidеs in Snoopy.

7. Rerun's parents refuse to let him havе a dog. He tries to borrow Charliе's dog.

8. Pigpen doesn't take еnough baths. He,s filthy.

ЕDlT . Rеod this boу,s journol еntrу. Find ond сorrеct siх mistokes in the use of theprеsent unrеol conditionol. The first mistoke is olreody corrесtеd,

would,T,'ue,go,t t"o stop- sto ging up lote геodtng,,Peoлuts"/ ff I wеnеn]t olwogs so tiгеd' I t#ill bе oЬ|e

to зtog qwс,ke|n сlg-оs. Whenеven the tеoоhеn,co||s,on пe, J don't know whqt to sog. Тhen J,-,-

. gеt re-ol|gernЬonгgssed Ь'eоoosе of thot оute гed-hoined ginl thot I like' J woсrld tolk to heг if

I would,n"-t Ье so- shg. Мg fntend Joson sqgs, ..If I wos go0, I'd qsk hen to o pontg''' Ьоt I'm too

',,,o|roid thot if I osked he.n shе- woo|d hoye sqid no' Af.tег оlosо, J,ploged ЬoseЬo|l. NoЬodg

,wr;rntяd n'e on''tЬeiс,.tean'II I p-!og b-etten 1 woold get ch-osen-,,sornetirnes, Life is hoгdl ]. оon

rea||g u'ndenstond thot Chonlie Bгown choгocten in ,.Реonot.s,'' ]n foct if."I didn't loоgh so hoгd

whilе nеoding ,.Pеonots''' I woоld cniedJ

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W-.ffiPqlцтСirclе T (Truе) or F (Folse).

т F Gеorge Bailеy was nevеr in Bedford Falls.

Unreal Gonditionals:Past

YEs/No QUЕsТloNsRвsul.т Cиusв i lя CI-дusв

Woц|d you havе Ieft I if уou had had money?


Aггlпмдтlvв l NEGAтIvE

Yes, lwould havе. l No, lwouldn,t havе.

Sесtion 5l ЕштвктдINМЕNT 4^

ffi En,t Ent, fon Г-]ol;Joч Vn*ingIt's a Wonderful LifeRating: **** out of ****

Iflrh"t would have happenеd if you had never bееn

Y Y born? Gеorgе Bailеy,s guardian angеl, Сlarenсе,shows Ceorgе that lifе in Bеdford Falls would have bеena lot differеnt if Gеorge hadn,t beеn there. In thе proсеSs/Сlarenсе tеaсhеs us all how our livеs touсh thоsе оf othеrs.Highly reсommended for the whole family.

Gеorgе (seotеd)with his guordion ongеl

сI/iART сIllЕсКСhеck thе сorrесtonswеrs.

Usе thе past pеrfeсt in

t tьu l/ сlause.

t tьe rеsult сlause.

Use a сomma betwеenthе two сlausеs when

t tьe lf сlauseсomеs first.

П tь" result сlauseсomеs first.

sтATЕlt,lЕNTslя Cиusв:Pдsт Pвпгвст

Rвsul-т CI.дusв:Wouto (t,toт) ,]AvЕ + Pдsт Pдптlсlpl-в

lf I had (not) had money, I lwould (not) have movеd away.


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Unreаl condit ionals: Past f 29|

!vr,. QUЕsтloNsRвsul.т Cиusв i lя CI.дusв

What would you have done I if you had had money?


wou|d havе = would,vе

wou|d not havе = wouldn,t have

EхPREssжжСompletе this sentence with the correct form of the vеrb studу. Add а сommo if nеcеssorу,

if I had knоwn about thе quiz today.

& rarъъ rпar A,ж р|a*ъat*Фat s Еxаrnрles

if с|ausе rеsu|t сlausе1. Usе past unrеal сonditional sеntеnсеs to l lf Ceorgе had diеd young, hе wouldn,t havе

talk about past сonditions and гesu|ts that had сhildrеn.never happened. (But hе didn,t diе уoung, so hе had сhildrеn.)

Тhe if с|ausе pгеsents thе unrеal сondition. l |f Georgе hadn,t been born, many pеop|е,sТhe rеsult сlause presеnts the imаgined rеsult lives would havе beеn Worsе.of that сondition. (But Сеorge Was born, so thеir lives wеrе bettеr.)

if сlausе rеsu|t сlausе2. Usethе past pеrfесt in thе if сlause. r lf thеfi|m had won an osсar, itwould have

Use woald hove + past paftiсiplе in bесome famous right away.thе resu|t с|ause.

3. You сan also use modals in thе result сlausе. l lf Cеorge had gonе to сollе9е, he might hovebесomе an arсhiteсt.

r lf cеorgе had bесomе an arсhiteсt, hе сouldhove designed bridges.

4. You сan begin сonditional sentеnсes with l lf he had won a miIl ion dollars, hе wouldthe ffсlausе oг thе result сlausе. Тhе mеaning is havе travеlеd to Сhina.the samе. oR

Use a Gomma bеtwеen the two сlausеs only r Hе wou|d have travеlеd to China if he had

whеn thе ffс lause сomеs f i rst . ----_--- - . . .J

won a mi l l ion dol lars.

5. Past шnrеal сonditionals are often usеd to l lf I had known Mary was in town,еxpress regret about what happened in thе past. I would have invited hеr to the party.

(l regret thot l didn,t invitе her,)

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292 t unit 62

1 .


3 .


тRUE 0R FАIiE o Rеаd еаch numbеrеd sеntеncе. Write T (Truе) or F (Folse) for thеstotеment thot follows,

If I had had time, I would havе watсhed lt,s a Wondеrful Lifе.

т I didn't havе time to watсh It's a Wondеrful Lifе.

I would havе taped the movie if my VCR hadn,t brokеn.

I taped thе movie.

If Clarеnсе hadn't bеen there, Gеorge might have killed himself.

Clarеnсе was there.

George wouldn't have met Mary if hе hadn't gone to his brother's gтaduation party.

George didn't go to the party.

George would have been happier if he had beсome an arсhiteсt.

Gеоrge bесame an arсhitесt.

The movie wouldn't havе bеen sо good if James Stewart hadn't played the part оfGeorge Bailey.

Jamеs Stewart played the part of George Bailey.

сOltlPLEтE o Gеorge is thinking obout thе post, Сompletе his thoughts with thе corrеctform of thе words in porenthеses.

1. I didn't go into businеss had gone into


business with him, I

2. I сouldn't go into thе

with my friend Sam.

would have become a Suссess.(bесomе)

army bесause I was deaf in onе ear. I

(not show)

I f I

I f I(go)


into the armv if I my hearing in that еar.(not losе)

3. Mary and I wеren't ablе to gо on a honeymoon. We

my father siсk.(not get)

4. Clarеnсе showed mе how the world would look without me. I

away if(сan / go)

(not know)

me.that I was so important if Clarenсe

5. Mу old boss onсe madе a tеrrible mistake.

to jail.(саn i go)

Mary a happy lifе if shе(maу l not lеad)

him, hе(not hеlp)


7.(not marry)

i f ILife herе(bе)

rеally diffеrent(not I ivе)


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Unreаl Gonditionals: Past l 293

REWRIтE o Rеod еoch truе situotion. Thеn writе o post unrеol conditionol sеntenсе toеxpress how things could hove bееn diffеrent.

1. Clarenсe wasn't a first-сlass angel, so he didn't havе muсh self-сonfidenсe.

|f C|arеnce had been a firэt-c|aээ ange|, hе wou|d havе had morе ge|f-confidеncе,

2. George was unhappy about his businеss. He уеlled at his daughter on Christmas Еve.

3. Poor people сould buy houses beсause Gеorge's business loaned them money.

4. Mr. Potter wasn't able to triсk Gеorge, so George didn,t sеll Pоtter the businеss.

5. George's Unсle Billy lost $8,000. George got into trouble with thе law.

6. George's friends didn't know about his troubles. They didn't help him right away.

7. George,s friends сolleсted money for him, so he didn't go to jail.

ЕDlT. Rеod Clorencе,s diorу еntrу. Find ond corrесt siх mistokеs in thе usе of the unrеolconditionol, The first mistoke is olrеody corrеcted, Rеmеmber to cheсk punctuotion!

Deау ohrу,hadn't

It's fu^И}у /t"ottrt/,laчs оuоrk, outt sot,иlti,уиэs. tf 0eоr9oы+ И,а,J4tеj,to jotшу

0f t/.IАt brфo oп, сhristt,t,tд"с Еuo, I щht Иauer l.IА1,,o!еrt|J4! аn шаportалt

job ti/<l, sаliч lЙ44,. АИ^d, if |4,, |шjnt bцn so stшbborщ t mш/l, ИД)er |4аl,

thЧ|'t of t/,|2, ilxn ф shnш,п1 hjJ4,t, (ф tn Bфrd, Fаl|Б иlttlшиt ш44,, ottэ of th"o sа^d^dprt

tl|l,ttgs иtаs su,lл1 а,/,/,tJшso P-Pb ш|ш dj"dnt hwo hюшв. If ]eoryo7allo t,t? ал^d, so|tr, hiх

bшсiltl;s to /vlr. Рottщ tЙon Pottе,r иloи/tr, hД,o rшtd, roш.dlttrш аpаrdпutts to а/L thlso

P-ф. Bцt bцш,cгo ф 7е.orjи щ шоtr hшo jooоL h"orиpг. ву tJ*tш42, иto tttuof,rЙhl),

Qеlrjo reа"/,uzd, hp rелЩ /4аl, а, иnnduf,cl ф trt,frct, hx, ИI1]/ hшogottэ to jаl,L hofrФ,

'f |Й fi,Й hлint jil)еn ш,И, rJ* *ry h2 ИIojxn. WеIL,, |ДIkц щ h,Jr4j, h"u,ш oф

аJud hp dЙnt go to jаl/,, АИ^оL I got ry t,,'|t!s аJ4d, beсаи,t"o а,f.rst-с/лss *!"L!

Page 303: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Wish: Present and Past

reТиrеrЧVi'hеsnе day a poor woodсuttеr WaS givеn

thrее wishеs by a trее еlf. Whеn his

hungry wifе hеard thе nеws, shе

said,..I wish I had somе sausagеs.,,

At onсе fivе sausagеS aPpеarеd on a platе.

Thе woodсuttеr was furious about wasting a wish. ..I wish thosе sausagеs werе hanging

from your nosе'', hе shoutеd. At onсе thе sausagеs hung from hеr nosе. Thе two strugglеd

to gеt thеm loosе, but thеy соuld not...I wish I hadn't madе that wish,'' thе woodсuttеr

sighеd. At onсе thе sausagеs Wеrе on thе platе again. Thе сouplе happily atе thе sausagеS

and wishеd for nothing morе. ifli 49

Tiпу Fаiry Thlеs Т н ь Т н к н г W t s н L :

WPЙINтСheck the correct answer.

The woman wantеd sausages

t that day.

t the dav before.

снАRт снEсl( IСhесk thе correctonswеr.

In wishеs about thеpresent, what vеrbtensе follows wish?

П tь" simple present

П tь" simplе past


Mлш Cиusв i Wlsн Cиusв

She wishеs shеhad somе food гight now.

wеre* r iсh.

*Notе tЬat ulеrе is used for all subjeсts with be.


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Wish: Preseпt and Рast l 295

сl|АRт сl]Eсl( 2Сhеck thе corrеctаnswer.

In wishеs about thеpast, what verb tеnsеfollows wish?

П tье simplе past

П tье past pеrfeсt

EхPREss r;#,#;!;,f;#Сomplеte thеsе sеntencеs with the corrесt forms of thе vеrb know,

. Iw i s h I

. Iw i s h I

a good story to tell in my next сlass.

more storiеs as a сhild.

& w жwж ;Ye &Y Жи., w* жrз mk#* rв s #.жarжpf*ж

l . Usе wish fo|lowеd by a vеrb in thе simplе past r Hе wishеs he hod a yaсht.tense to talk about things that you want to bе (He doеsn,t havе o уoсht, but he wonts onе.)true now but that arе not tгuе.

Аfter wish| usе werе instеad ot wos. l Sometimes l wish I wеre a сhi|d again.Noт Somеtimеs l wish l was a сhi ld again.

2. Use wjsh followеd by thе past perfeсt to r Thеy wish theу hod moved to thе сity.exprеss rеqrets about еvеnts in thе past. (Thеу didn,t movе to the сitу and now thеу think

thqt wos o mistakе,)

3. Use would after wish to express a dеsire for l l wish уou would <ook bгеakfast. You havesomеone or somеthing to aсt in a diffеrеnt way. more timе than l do.Тhis oftеn сommuniсatеs a сomp|aint oг a rеgrеt.

r l wish she wouldvisit morе often. l rea||ymiss hеr.

Do not usе t,vil/ after wish, Noтffi moге often.

4. Usе сould or could hove after wish toеxpress abiIity.

Do not usе сon af|er wish.

r Hе wishеs he сould earn morе money now.

r Hе wishеs hе could hove found a better jobwhеn he was youn9ег.

Noтf f imorеmonеУ.

Wls}tЕs ABoUт т}lE PAsт

Mдlш Cиusв l Wlsн Cцusв

He wishes hеhad had food last night.

had bеen г i сh as a сh i |d .

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;i1l1шl]l1}'i) .,-'j

296 I unit 68

1 .




тRUE 0R tALsE o Rеod eoch numbered sentеncе.stotеmеnt thot follows.

I wish I were a prinсess.

т I'm not a prinсess.

I hatеd living in a big house as a сhild.

Writе T (True) or F (Folsе) for the

I wish I had lived in a small housе.

Hе wishes hе сould find a better job.

Hе likes his job.

They сouldn,t takе сomputеr сlasses in сollege' so they arе taking them now.

They wish they сould take сomputer сlasses.

Hal's wifе plays сomputer games a lоt. Hе wants hеr to stop.

He wishes she wouldn,t play сomputer games.

He wishes he had a lot of money.

Hе dоеsn't have a lot of money.

с0IлPLETE о Rеod this orticlе from o psусhologу mogozinе, Сomplеtе it with thе сorrеctform of thе verbs in porentheses.

5 .

PsyснorocY ЕoR You April 2000

Wls}lЕs AND soluтloNs.Г hе old soying goеs, ,,If wishеs Wеrе horsеs, thеn beggors would ridе.,, ,.I wish it

Л' у"::". thot eosy,,, SOys thеropist }oel Grimеs. ..But we сon,t just wish1. (bе)

p rob l е[email protected]оvе tomokeou rownso l u t i on s . , , A с сo rd i ng toh im ,

сomploiners ore rеolly soying, .,I wish I a mogiсol solution. I wish

4. (not havе to / dеal)with this myself.', Onе сliеnt, for еxomple, kept сomploining,

" l wish I@peoplе,butmyoportmеnt is toosmol l . , ,Gr imеsurgеdher

to solvе thе problеm. This Уear' shе hostеd o holidoy open housе, with pеoplе сoming ot

diffеrеnt timеs. Shе still wishеs shе hеr wholе fomily lоst yеoц, but6. (сan l inv i te)

she lеorned shе сould solvе hеr own problems. .,At first сliеnts gеt angrУ ot me for not

honding thеm solutions,,, soys Grimеs. ,,But when thеy expеriеnсe thеir own powеr, thеy

wish thеy7. (know)

obout it soonеr.,,

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Wish: Рresеnt апсJ Рast l 297

RЕWRIтE o loеI Grimes,s clients comploin obout things in the post ond in the prеsent.Rеwritе their сomp|oints os wishеs.

1. I didn't havе time to read bedtime stories to my сhildren.

l wigh l had had time to rеad bedtimе эtorieэ to mу chi|dren,

2. Mv husband won't ask for a raise.

3. My wifе сouldn't balanсe thе сheсkboоk last month.

4. My boyfriеnd is out of shape.

5. I'm too old to go baсk to sсhool.

6. I сan't stop smоking.

7. Mv son doesn't сall me.

8. My parents didn't undеrstand mе.

EDIT. Rеod this journol еntry. Find ond corrеctfivе mistokеs in thе usе of wish.Thе first mistаkе is olrеodу corrеctеd.

Todaу I Еold Dr. Ir ivne9,, ,L wish Lhere фвs a wavу Lo speиd w|ore L irиe wiLh иr l boуfr iend,

bиL we're boLh Loo busу. ' , He )usL said, , .Lf wishes Were horgest beggars woиLd r ide' , ' -ГhaL's

cuLe, bиЕ I wish I uиdersLaиd i ls vлeaиiиg. |v\aуve iL yиeаиs LhaL wishiиg woи,t solVe

problerrns ' WeLL, LhaL,s whr7 I WeиЕ LО see hiи!!! I wish he wiLL ЕeLL }f le what Lo do r iqhL

LheYl avld Lhere, buL he refused. 9peaKing of wishfиL Lhinkiиg,I wish Todd and L couLd have

sPeиL Lhe Weekend LogeLher иexL week. Му eюvvls ̂ re over t bиL he has Lo fLу to Deлver Lo

his job. If wishes Were horsesl L,d r ide oиe Lo Denver ' |1eу| Todd is aLwaуs saуivt9,(.I wish

r7oи woиLd covne with wre sowteLiиes' , ' L gueg; L 9Э! 9o wiLh hirи Lo Dewer. Dr. ar iwles ииsL

have vneanLLhaLL caи soLve vиy oWи problerмs. Now I wish Lhaveи,Lbeen so rude Lo hiwr.

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lffil 0}|Е

l. Ifyou a headaсhе, you



7. If I -- you Wеre siсk, I would have сalled Sooner. ABсD(C) would have known(O) know

8. If yоu want to go skiing in the South, to Blaсk Мountain. ABсD

Сirclе thе lеtter of thе corrеct onswеr to completе еoch sentenсе,

Еxдмptп:Jennifer never(A) drink(B) drinks

(C) is drinking(D) was drinking

(A) ,l1 havеtB) had

2. I wish we =-(A) have(B) had

3. it rains very hard,(A} If(B) Always

4. We'll be late unless we(A) leave

should take an aspirin.(C) havе(D) are having

a bigger house. This one is too small.(C) would havе(D) had had

thе strеets flood.(C) During(D) Unless







{B) don't leave

What would Tom do if he(A) would knowtB) has known

If I -.- УoЦ, I'd сall(A) am(B) would be

(A) have known(B) had known

(A) you go(B) you'll go

now.(C) had left(D) have left

the truth?(C) knows(D) knew

and apol oфze.

{C) were(D) was

(c) go(D) went

9. Jennifer has trouble with сollеge math. She wishes shemore in high sсhool.(A) studies(B) has studied

(с) had studied(D) studied



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SelfТest Х|ll I 299

ro. -If wе invited Уou. wou]d you сome?-of сourse I -.(A) do(B) am

(A) сampaigns(B) would сampaign

1l. Jake will win the eleсtion if he - harder.

(C) would have(D) would

(C) will сampaign(D) сampaigned

(C) havеn't(D) hadn't



ABсD12. If you told us about thе bad serviсe, we would haveеaten there.(A) didn't(B) wouldn't have

rFtriщ.l тW0Eoch sentеnсе hos four undеrlinеd words or phrаsеs. Thе four undеrlinеd ports ofthе sentencе orе morkеd A, B, С, ond D, Сirсlе the letter of thе onе underlinedword or phrose thаt is Noг сoRRЕст.

Еxдмpш:Mike usuall}, drives to sсhool, but toda}r he walks.

A B с DA B сO

1 3. ]f you had been hеrе yеsterday, you would havе sее Jean. A B с DA B с D

14. I wish our family сould of takеn vaсations whеn We were younger. A B с DA в с D

15. Unlеss we work hardeц we will finish on timе. A B с DA B с D

16. If I will have to make a diffiсult deсision- I always disсuss it with A B с DA B с Dmy friends.

17. ЦLara is oldeц she would try to get a job in California. A B с DA B с D

l8. Wе сould had done more Ц-e had had more time. A B с DA B с D

19. We ate оutside tomorrow unless it rains. A B с DA B с D

20. I would take the job if I am you. A B с DA B с D

27. What would you do if you will won thе lottery? A B с DA B ( D

22. It,A hot, so you will fеel bеtteц if yоu drink more water. A B с DA B с D

23. If I had set my alarm сloсk, I woulda gotten up on time. A B с DA в с D

24 . ЦIhave to f l y , Iwou ldge tverynervous , soIusua l l yd r i vе . A B с DA B с D

25. Lynn wishes she had a bigger apartment and сan bu}r a сar. A B с DA B ( D

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ffi;, :]Мlffi*Wl!ffiii]ll]:;iili,:..]]'.]:,.1]i,.i]]lli]]l'l']]'rlilil]i]i::li!]]

Adjective Clauses withSubjeсt Relative Pronouns

POINтСircle T (True) or F (Folse).

т F The man is talkingabout the womanholding a report.

сIIART сHEсI(Сhеck thе corrеctonswеrs.Adjeсtive сlausesdesсribе:-tLJ nOUnS

t verbs

Adjeсtive сlausеsсan go:

П b"fo.е thе шiainсlausе

П i.' thе middle ofthe main сlausе

t after thе mainсlause



Suqпст | |

Rвlдтlvв Pпoшouш | Vвпв

f-That,s my friеnd

-lwho lives in Rome.

EхPREssжUnsсromblе thеsе words to form o sеntencе.

thе man о works . who . in thе сafeteria . That's


гt,|AlN сtAUsE AD'ЕстlvE CLAUSЕ

i:iЕ.J. Pпoшouш | u.*"

]t,lAlN сLAUSЕ(сoшт.)

vMy friеnd

-lwho livеs in Romе is a danсеr.


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ff ir жwwyж *w Жжp* arъжY.*wжs

Adjeсtive Glauses with Subjeсt le|ative Ргогrоuns l 3o1


l. Usе adje<tive сlaшsеs to idеntify or givеadditional information about nouns orindеfinite pгonouns suсh as someonе'somebodу, something, onothai and other(s).

Тhe adjeсtive сlausе dirесtly fol|ows thе noun(or pronoun) it is idеntifying or dеsсribing.

l know thе woman who lives therе.(Thе adjесtive сlausе idеntifiеs thе woman wе oretolking obout.)

Romе is a сity whi<h attraсts tourists.(Thе adjеctive сlausе gives additionаl informationobout thе сitу.)

Someonе who has a |ot of friends is luсky.Noт

2. Sеntеnсеs with adjeсtive сlauses сan bеseеn as a сombination of two sentenсes.

l hovе o friеnd. + He lovеs to shop, _

I have a friend who loves to shop.

Му friеnd livеs in Romе. + Shе points. =Мy fгiеnd who lives in Romе paints.

3. Adjесtive с|auses arе introduсed byrelative pronouns.

Subjeсt rеlative pronouns are:

a. who or thotfor peoplеUsдсп Noтв: Thot is lеss formal than иЙo.

b. whiсh or thot foг plaсеs or thingsUsдсв Noтв: Thot is lеss formaI than which.

G. whosе + noun for pеop|e,s possеssions

pronoun аnd a subjeсt pгonoun (l, уou, hе, shе,it, wе, thеy) in thе same adjeсtivе сIause.

I have a friеnd who livеs in Mexiсo.I have a friend thot lives in Mexiсo.

Nеw York is a сity whiсh nеVеr slеeps.Nеw Yoгk is a сity thot nеvеr slеeps.

l Hе,s thе man whose dog baгks a|| day.

r Sсott is somеon e who Ioves sports.Noт Sсott is somеone@.





4. Subjeсt rеlative pronouns havе the samе formwhеther thеy геfer to singular or p|ural nounsor to masсuI inе or fеminine nouns.

Тhat,s thе man r,yho livеs nеxt door.Тhat,s the woman who Iives next dooг.Those are thе people who l ivе nеxt door.




5. Тhе vеrb in thе adjeсtive сlausе is singular ifthe subjeсt re|ative pronoun rеfегs to a singularnoun. lt is pluгa| if it rеfers to a plura| noun.

Bн сдпвгul! Whеn whose + noun is thе subjесtof an adjесtivе сlausе, thе vеrb agгеes innumbеr with the subjeсt of the adjeсtive сlausе.

l Bеn is my friеnd wfto l ives in Boston.l A| and Еd arе my friеnds who live in Boston.

r Mеg is a pеrson whose friends depend on hеr.Noт Mе9 is a pеrson@on heг.

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3O2 I Unit 6e

IDENтIFY o Rеod this porogroph obout friеndship. First circle the relativе Pronouns ondundеrlinе thе odiectivе clousеs. Then drow on orrow from thе rеlotivе pronoun to thеnoun or pronoun it describes.

АLvnosL eуerхlovle has trievlds, Dut ideas abouL-'frlevldsbl}-У'a"rц lro-ш.Persoу''-Lo*

РersaИJ'..or,-n,,*'^ f-,i.,'d i,-'o*Й. nu,-,. ̂ iLn ,/o.n ̂aу..Еhr.--LnЕerneL-Еэ:.''---


*эх:ll.Lу Kлэуss-у-aм,--L-p,o.---l.hers-9уLv- уsэtr"hcIэrm-Lo'r--S9-mэ9-"x'e yuh o- Ки"ows''v.,o-Vr-,-'''','''-''

iуиэrmpsLs-e-u-eLь AЬhaaф,,,-".Е*эrыLpэo-pk- evnPhasiъe-djffot*o.nL-asР9LLs-o-*- --

_fr'€иd"shj,у-, Lh.ere is ovte3emeиLrш-hlсh, is alwаvs Рrfs.9шЬЫA-Lb*isЭhe-,eJ'эYl19уE--


PegРlэ ЕhaL-rjdэ--L"',he-,D|^5 wЙ-|^Я DuL,-LLсаJ1-P'lэK"-u,cti,rjandь As ыnL'hrэуo.Lo*glsЕ-.

МargarcL !Аead oпce said,,'Ь.trievld is sovvleone'.who-choos-es and is chosen:---"-

J*L)s Lhjsj-r-"o-adэШ_gf-Й-oi.c.e L.hЫ.. maKes-frieи"dshiР sиф а sPgciaL_reLЫ',:pуshtР'- .

с0IIPLЕIE о A U.S. mogozine, Psyсhologу Todaу, сonduсted o notionol surveу anfriеndship. Herе orе some of thе rеsults, Сomplete еoch sеntеnce with on аpproprioterеlotive pronoun ond the correct form of thе vеrb in porenthеsеs,

1. Peоple wno

2. People

have moved a lot havе fеwеr friends.

lived in the samе plaсe havе more friеnds.

in a magazine may not reprеsent everyonе.

thе magaztne might have othеr ideas.



5 .


3. The qualities most important in a friеnd are loyalty,(bе)

warmth, and the ability to keep seсrets.

Someonе a сrisis turns to friends befоrе familv.(faсе)

Bеtrayal is the сausе

ending a friendship.

most often responsible for

Мany peоplе have friends soсial оr religious baсkgтounds

different from theirs.

7. Most pеople friends mеmbers of thе opposite sex say( i nс |udе)

that thesе rеlationships arе different from relationships with people of thе samе Sеx.





A survey


(not rеad)

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Adjeсtive Glauses with Subjeсt Relative Pronоuns l 3o3

сOII|BINЕ o Rеаd еoch poir of sentences, Use o rеIotive pronoun to combinе them intoonе sentence.

l. I have a friend. Мy friend livеs in Mехiсo City.

1have a friend who |ivee in gexico Citу,

2. Mexiсo City is an exсiting сity. The citу atttaсts a lot of tourists.

3. Marta has a brothеr. Her brother's name is Manuеl.

4. He works for a magazine. The magazine is vеry popular in Meхiсo.

5. Мanuel writes a сolumn. The соlumn dеals with relationships.

6. An artiсle won a ptize. The artiсle disсussed friеndships.

7, A pеrson is luсky. That person has a lot of friends.

EDIТ . Rеod port of а studеnt,s essoу. Find аnd сorrеct siх mistokеs in thе usе ofodjеctive clouses, Thе first mistokе is olrеody сorrectеd,

A wгitег onсr said that friends aгe born. not made. This means that we

automatiсally bеcome friеnd's with people who Йd arr compatiblе wlth us. I d.on't

aglee with this wгitеr. Last summeц I made frlends wlth some peoplе who's

сompletely different fгom me.

In July' I wеnt to Mexiсo City to study Spanish foг a month. In ouг gгoup' therе

Was a teaсher which Was muсh oider than I am. Wе bеcame rеally good friеnds. In

my fiгst wеek, I had a pгoblem whiсh was getting mе down. Mexiсo City is a сity

who has a lot of distractions. As a rеsuit, I went out all the tlme, and I stopped going

to my сlasses. Bob helpеd me $et baсk into my studies. After the trip, I kept wгitlng

to Bob. He always wгitеs stoгies that is interesting and еnсouгa$in$. Nеxt summeц

hе's lеading another trip what sounds inteгesting. I hope I сan $o.

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Adieсtive clauses withobjeсt Relative Pronounsor When and Where


сrаюoиriх *fufu! t'.teros ш

уitttшo фt|,u, |44АiJ'' sqь|,а,ro ИIit1,v

tш ф t,dtlo I sуаr, аIl, rу

ti*tцp. саn уo* fiot шp wit}v th,o

,,.,- t', iЙ t|4Аt r шлrэ у PБwщ ?

t|os а, t,uritu, иrith,gorgut,ts

9,,ш еуu! I,w in lowl


ffiжPЙlNтCirclе T (Truе) or F (Folse).

т F Vana is pointing outher favorite сafb.




:ТlvЕ CLl

,urr.., ]



f-He геads all thе books

-lthot she writеs.


EхPREssжUnscromble thеsе words to form а sentence.

I о the . movies . all . hе о dirесts О sеe о that

сHАRт сIIEсI(Сhесk thе сorrеctonswer.

Thе verb in theadjeсtive сlauseagrees with

П tь. noun in themain сlause.

П tь" subjeсt of theadjeсtive сlausе.

Сircle T (Truе) orF (False).

т F The adjесtivесlausе alwaysfollows themain сlause.



стlvЕ сl




tY|AlN CLAUSЕ (сoшт.)

тг'. ьJoк_lthot they borrowed sееms very interеsting.


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Adjeсtive 0laнses '"viil,i Оbjс:сt tiеlаtivе Ргottоuns ar W|.lerl and Wflerr l 3o5a a a a a a a a a a . a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o o a a a a a a a a a o a a a a o a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a

t ym в"m gж ar ЖжpГ'а gъ etiФ gъ$ W ж'жъaзpТ*'ж

1 . A rеlativе pronoun сan be thе objесtof an adjeсtive сlausе' Notiсe that:

a. The obieсt rеlativе pronoun сomesalthe beginning of thе adjeсtivе с|ausе.

b. objeсt гelative pronouns havе thе sameform whеther they rеfеr to singu|ar or pluгa|nouns or to masсu|inе or fеmininе nouns.

с. Thе vеrb in thе adjесtivе сlausе agIеrswith the subjесt of thе adjeсtive сlausе.

Bв сдпвгul! Do not usе both an objeсt rе|ativеpгonoun and an objeсt pronoun (mе, you, him,hеr, it, us, them) in thе samе adjeсtive с|ause.

Noтв: Objесt rеlativе pronouns arе often |еft out.

o o l .Еvo is q writer. + l sow her on TV, =

ob j .l Еva, who(m) l saw on TV, is a wгitег.

Тhat,s thе man who(m) | mеt.Тhat,s thе woman who(m) | mеt.Thosе arе thе pеople who(m) l met.

subj. vеrb| |ike thе сo|umns which hе writes.l |ike the сo|umn whiсh thеy writе.

She is thе writег who I saw on TV.Noт She is thе wгitеr who I saw hеr on TY

r Shе is the writeг l saw on TV.






2. obiесt rе|ativе Pronouns aге:a. whom, who, or thot tor pеoplе

Usдсв Noтв: Whom is vеry formal.Thot is less formal than who.Leaving out the pronoun is the lеast foгmal.

b. whiсh or thot foг thingsUsдсц Noтв: Thot is less formal than whiсh.

G. whose * noun for pеople,s рossessions

Shе,s the writег whom l mеt.Shе,s thе wгitеr who I met.Shе,s thе writеr thot I mеt.She,s thе wгitег l met.

I rеad thе book whiсh shе wrote.l геad thе book thot shе wrote.l rеad thе book shе wrote.

l Тhat,s thе author whose book l read.










3. A rе|ativе pronoun сan be the objесt ofa preposition.

Usдсв Noтв: In informaI speaking and writing,we put the pгеposition at the еnd of thе сlausе,and wе often |eavе out the гe|ative pгonoun.ln formal Еnglish, we put the preposition at thеbеginning of thе с lausе. ln this сase, We Usеonlу whom and whiсh (not who or that).

Hе,s thе writеr. + l work for him, =l Hе,s thе writег thot I work for.l He,s the writeг l woгk for.

l Hе,s the writer for whom I work.

r Тhat,s the book about whiсh I told you.

4. Where and when сan also bе usеd to intгoduсeadjeсtivе сlausеs:

a. Wherе rеfers to a p|aсе.

b. When or thot refегs to a timе.

That,s thе library. + Shе works there' =Тhat,s thе library where she works.

l rеmеmbеr thе daу. + l mеt him then. =| геmembeг the day when l met him.l геmеmbеr thе day thot I mеt him.



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306 I unit 7<r

iDENтIFY o Reod this pаrt of o book rеviеw. Underlinе oll thе odjеctivе clousеs withobiесt rеIotivе pronouns. Сirclе thе obiect rеIotive pronouns-, whеn, or whеre , Thendrаw а linе from thе сircled word to thе noun it rеfers to,

сOIпPIEтE o A sсhool newspopеr, thе Grover Bugle (GB), interviewеd o studеnt,Mаniyo Suorеz (Ms). Сomplеtе thе interview with relotivе pronouns-, whеn, orwhere, ond thе corrесt form of thе verbs in parenthеses,

Seсtion 4 Booкs

Iost in Trаnslа,tion:А lф in а, Neш lаngшаge

д t thс agс of ninс, Еva Hoffman lсft Poland/-%' with hеr family. Shе was old еno-фknow what shе was losing:Сfaсow, a сiфbа!)shе lovеd as onе lovеs a pеrson, thе sun-bakеd villagеs whеrе thеy had takеn suпrmеrvaсations, and thе сonvеrsations andеsсapadеs with hеr friеnds. Disсonnесtеdfrom a сity whеге lifе was livсd intеnsеly, hеrfathег would bссomе ovегwhеlmеd by thеtгansition to Сanada. Еva would losе thеparсnt whom shе had watсhеd in livеlyсonvrfsation with friеnds in Сraсow сafёs.

And nothing сould rеplaссhеr friеndship with thеboу whosе homе slrсvisitеd dailу and whomshе assumеd shе wоuldsomеdaу marry..Worst of all,howеvец shе would misshеr languagе. For yсars, shс

wotrld fееl no сonnссtion to thе Еnglishnamс of anуthing that shе fеlt was impoftant.Lost in Trаnslаtion: А Life in а |{еtuLаngшаge (Г{еw York: Pеnguin, 1989) tеllshow Еva сamе to trrms with hеr nеw idеntityand languagе.It's a story that rсadеrs will findfasсinating and moving.

E,t,a HоJftuttп

-4GB: Мaniya Suarez is a studеrrt who Iтany of your alrеаdy

know1 .

. Мaniya, why сliсl yoltr farтily sеttlе in Atlallta?2. (know)

MS: Thе сotlsirl with at first3 . 4. (stay)

lives lrеrе'.I.lratls thе rеasol.l \^/е сhosе Atlatrtа.

GB: What was thе nrost diffiсrrlt tlrirrg abotlt goirlg to sсIroсll irr thе U.S.?

l\1аlr i1,.r SLlаl.t 'Z

l\4S: Tlrе сlass in thе biggсst pr.оhlсrr ls аt f i l .st5.

was Еnglish. It was hard to say the thirrgs

6. (havе)

7 .

you8. (wаnt)

GB: Wlrat is tlre biggеst сl,rangе so far?1o. (expеr iеnсе)

МIS: We usесl to livе in a lroltsе tltеrе1 1 . r2. (bе)

a lсlt of people. Hеrс I livе witlr l1.ly l]arеnts arrd trvo yotltrgеr sistеrs

l4. (takе сarе of)aftеr sсlroоl. I get a little lorrеly sometitrrеs.


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*9j.::.tjy.?.91?.ч:.::..Y:,l.?PJ::j.1:'.1ЧY:. гj::3.1:: .?:,Y:P:.?:* Уjl?::..:. .3:.7.. o. o... o..

сOIf|BINЕ o Rеod eoch poir of sеntеncеs, Usе а rеIotive pronoun| when, or where tocombine thеm into onе sentence.

l. That,s thе house. I gтеw up in thе hоuse with my sister Emilia.

That'э the houэe that I grew up in wit,h mу эiэ|er Еmi|ia.

2. Thе housе was beautiful. We lived in the house.

3. Еmilia and I shared a room. Wе spent nights talking there.

4. Aсross the hall, I had a good friend. I went to sсhool with hеr.

5. I took piano lessоns from a Woman. I met her in the bakery.

6. I rеmеmber one Summer. The whole familv went to thе lake thеn.

7. Those wеre good times. I,ll always miss them.

ЕDIf . Reod this studеnt,s еssoy. Find ond correct ninе mistokes in the use of odjectiveclouses with objеct relаtivе pronouns. Thе first mistoke is olrеodу сorrected.

whеre oк in whichTal Dong is bhe small сity in southeastеrn Taiwan тмhieЬI $гew up. My fami1y

moved theгe from Taipei the summer whеn I was boгn. Thе house ln whiсh I 6pew

up in is on a main stгeet in Tai Don$. My father sold tea, and my mother had. a

food stand in ouг fгont сourtyaгd whегe she sold omeiets еaгly in the mornin$.

A сustomeг who I always сhattеd with him had a son my a$е. ТAIe were best friends.

A cousin who his family I visited eveгy summer llved with us. He Was an

apprentiсe whiсh my fathеr тшas tеaсhing thе tеa businеss to. on the first flooг of

our house We had a hu$e kitсhen in where we ail $athегed foг dinnеr. It was a fun

and noisy plaсe. Thе bedrooms where the family siеpt Was upstairs. My two brothers

slеpt in one bedroom. I slept ln one what I shaгed with my oldеr sister. My youn$er

sister shared a bedroom wlth anotheг cousin whlсh my family had adoptеd.

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Adieсtive Glauses:ldentifying andNol')-ldentifying

WPulNтСirсlе T (True) or F (Folse),

т F There is only one piсturе filе onthe сomputer.

ЕхPRЕssжСross out the rеlotivе pronouns when possiblе,. I gave away my сomputец whiсh was only thrее years old.. I bought a new onе that had a lоt morе mеmory.o It was thе соmputеr whiсh we saw at Е-Leсtroniсs.

Тhiэ rnueт be |heoicNure fi|a he to|d mе

notto openl

сl|ARт сHEсl(Сheck the corrеctonswеr.

Whiсh type ofadjeсtivе сlause hasсommas around it?

t idеntifying

П non-identifying

Сirclе T (Truе) orF (Folse).

т F You сan lеaveout a relativeptonoln onlуwhen it is anobjесt relativepronoun inan idеntif-vingadjесtivе сlausе.

lDЕNтlгYlNG AD'ЕстlvЕ сLAUsEs

Suв;вст lRвlдтlvв Pпoшouш l

Тhе сomputeг which is in thе family room is brokеn.

(oщвстRtlдтlvв Pпoшouш)

Тhе сomputeг (which) she bought last wееk is not working.


Suв,встRвlдтlvв Pвoшouш

ADlEстlvE сLAUsЕs

Тhe сomputeг, whiсh is in the family room, is broken.

oв1встRвlдтlvв Pпoшouш

Тhe сomputer, which shе bought last weеk, is not woгking.


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Adjeсtive Glauses: |dentifuing and Nоn.|dеntifуiпg l 3o9

й уawъ rтъ жr Жжplemeхi-*{eуi, Жxarnр|еs

1. Adjесtive сlausеs сan be idеntifyingor non-identifying.

a. Use an identifying adjeсtive сlause to r l havе thrее phonеs. Thе phonе whiсh is inidеntify whiсh mеmber of a group the the kitсhen is brokеn.sеntеnсе talks about. (Thе adjесtivе сlouse is neсessory to idеntifу whiсh

phonе is mеont,)

b. Usе a non-idеntifying adjесtive сlausе r I have on|y one phone. Thе phone, whiсh is into give addjtional jnfoгmation about thе the kitсhen, is brokеn.noun it rеfеrs to. Тhе information is not (Thе odjесtivе сlousе givеs odditionаl informotion,neсessary to idеntify the noun. but it isn,t neеded to idеntifу thе phonе,)

non.idеntifying adjeсtive с|ause. Usе who me |ast night.for people and whiсh for p|aсes and things. Noт Marie,

2, ln writing', a non-idеntifying adjeсtive r Тhе switсh, whiсh is on the baсk, is off.сlaшsе is sеparаted from thе rеst of the (Thе moсhine hqs only onе switch. lt,s onsеntenсe by сommas. thе boсk.)

ln spеaking, a non-identifying ad|есtive сlause r The switсh (pouse) whiсh is on thе baсkis sеparatеd from thе rеst of the sеntеnсе by (pousе) is off.bгief pauses. (Thе machine hos onlу onе switсh' lt,s on the baсk.)

Without сommas or pausеs, the сlause is an r The switсh whiсh is on the baсk is off.idеntifying adieсtivе сlausе, and the (Thе moсhine has morе than onе switch. This onesеntenсе has a very differеnt mеaning. is off ,)

3. You сan leave oшt:

a. objeсt rеlativе Pronouns in identifying r That,s thе сomputer thot l bought.adieсtivе с|аusеs r Тhat,s thе сomputer l bought'

b. when r l rеmembеr thе daу when l mеt him'r I rеmembeг thе day l met him.

Usдсв ]toтв: Thе most сommon spokеn form isthe one with no ге|ativе pronoun.

4. You сannot lеavе out:

a. rеlativе pronouns in a non-identifying r She remembеrs Marс, r.yho shе visitеd oftеn.adiесtive сlausе Noт She rеmembегs Marс 5hе+i5itеd'€#tеn.

b. whose r That,s thе author whose book l rеad.Noт Тhat,s thе author ffi.

C. where l Тhat,s thе |ibraгy where l work.Noт Тhat,s thе librarУ .|+tэtlt.

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31O I unit 7'rl | l l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o . о . .

1 .

тRUE 0R FAISE o Rеod eoch numbered sentence. Writе T (True) or F (FoIsе) for thеstotеmеnt thot follows.

Use thе сomputеr whiсh is in the living room.

F There is only one сomputer.

Prеss the red button, whiсh is on thе right.

There is probably only onе red button.

My sister who fixеs сomputers lives in Tехas.

I havе more than onе sister.

My stereo, whiсh worked yеsterday, dоesn,t work today.

It's likely that I havе another sterеo I сan use.

A сеll phone whiсh remembers numbers is very сonvеnient.

All сell phones сan remembеr numbers.

My roommate, who is afraid of сomputers, has never been on the Internеt.

I probably have more than onе roommate.

ADD & сROss OUT. Reod this orticle obout tесhnophobio. Add сommos whеrе nеcеssorY.Cross out thе rеIotivе pronouns thаt cаn bе left out.

3 .


5 .

, teсh . Jlo . 'Pho . Ьia (пottп)a fеaгJh{ Somе pеoplе havе about using tесhnоlogy

l f you have it, you'rе one of thе 85 pеrсеnt of

l peoplе that this new ..disease'' has struсk.МayЬe you Ьought a phonе on whiсh you сan

Program 25 numЬеrs_then сouldn't turn it on.or pеrhaPs you havе just rеad that your nеWCD player9 whiсh you have finally tеarned howto use9 will soon Ьe rеplaсed by DVD whiсhyou havе nеvеr еvеn hеard of.

Somе еxpеrts say that things havе justgottеn too сomplex. Wil l iam Staplеs whoauthorеd a Ьook on thе еleсtroniс agе tried tohelp a fr iеnd who had just Ьought a nеWstеrеo. Thе stеrеo whiсh workеd Ьefore wasn'tworking anymorе. ..On thе front of thе stеrеorесеivеr it literally had a сouplе of dozеnЬuttons,'' says Staples. Donald Norman who

has writtеn aЬout the effeсts of tесhnologyon pеop[е Ьlames the dеsignеrs of thеsеdeviсеs, not thе peoplе who use them. ..Тhe

Ьest Way to сurе tесhnophoЬia is to сurethe rеasons that сausе it_that is, to designthings that peoptе сan usе and design thingsthat won't Ьrеak,'' сlaims Norman' MiсhaelDyrenfurth who tеaсhes at the University ofМissouri.ColumЬia Ьеl iеves Wе сause our ownproЬlems Ьy Ьuying teсhnology that wе justdon't neеd. ..Do We rеalty nееd an elесtriсtoothЬrush?'' hе asks. Aссording to Dyrеnfurth,important teсhnology that wе сan't afford torun away from aсtual[y exists. Тo prospеr, Wehavе to overсome our teсhnophoЬia and lеarnto usе it.

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Adjeсtive Clauses: ldentifying and Nоn-ldentifying f 311

с0I{lBlNЕ o Rеod thеsе pаirs of sentenсes. сombinе thеm by сhonging the sесondsentence into on odjectivе clousе. Use o relotivе pronoun only whеn nеcеssorY.Use commаs for non-identifуing odjеctivе clousеs.

l. I bought a сell phоne. I сan usе it to sеnd and reсeive e-mail.

I bought a oel l phone I can uэe t.o эend and receive e-mai|.

2. Мy new сеll phonе has beсome a neсessary part of life. I only bought it a month ago.

r remеmbеr thе day. I was afraid to use my nеW сomputеr then.i'4. Noщ thеrе are psyсhologists. They help tесhnophobеs use teсhnology.

5. Dr. Miсhеllе Weil wrote a book about..teсhnostress.'' Shе is a psyсhologist.

6, I work in an offiсe. In my offiсe, the software сhanges frequеntlу.

7, A lot of pеоple suffеr from tесhnostrеss. Thosе pеoplе work in my offiсe.

8. Some pеоplе dream of a job. They сan do the jоb without teсhnologу.

EDIT o Reod this studеnt,s book report, Find ond corrеct six mistokes in the use ofidentifуing ond non-identifуing odjectivе clousеs. The first mistoke is olreodу corrected.

I just гead a book сallеd Technostress' тлrhiсh was written by Dr. Miсhеllе \Aleil.

Her сo-author was Dr. Larry Rosen, that is heг husband and. also a psyrhoioglst.

Acсoгdin$ to thе authoгs, everybody feеls stress aboub teсhnoio$y. our сell phones

and bеepегs, that we buy foг еmeг$enсies, soon invade our pгivacy. сIust bесause

they сan' peoplе сontaсt us at plaсes, where We are гelaxin$. Anotheг problеm is

having to 1earn too muсh too fast. Teсhnologiсal сhan$es, used to сome one at a

time, now oveгwhеlm us. Dr. Weil suggests dealing with tеоhnostгess using tips fгom

hеr latest book whiсh сan bе puгсhasеd fгom her wеb sitе.

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::]i!]tвПшffi fi н|{frt|ItЕ}'}{ jlfi нiiliillаift]lЁ1li?lffi ffi ffi $iiii! lr


ffiloшпСircle the lеttеr of thеno word is nееded.

corrеct onswer to complеtе eoch sentence. Сhoosе И whеn

Exдшtptl:Jennifer never сoffee.(A) drink(B) drinks

A@с D(с) is drinking(D) was drinking

1 . That's my friend - lives in Rio.(A) whiсh (С) whom(B) who (D) where

The plants whiсh in the living room need a lot of water.(A) are (C) is

tB) be (D) am

She's thе woman - sistеr babysits for us.(Al who (C) that's(B} whiсh (D) whose

That,s the doсtor for Cliff works.(A) that (С) whom(B) whiсh (D) whose

Мarie, I met at the party, сailed me last night.(A) that (C) whiсh(B) who (D) whose

I remеmber Al, rode the bus tо sсhool with.(A) I (C) whiсh I(B) who I (D) who

I used tо enjoy the summeц we had a big family piсniс.(A) where (C) whiсh(B) when (D) that

Take in thero l l o f f i lm-Unс lePe te tooka t thеreun ion .(A) what lq A(B) with whiсh (D) whom

Plеasе pay all the bills are duе this week.

l^) O (C) when(B) that (D) they

Let,s try tо agтee on a timе We сan all get tоgethеr.(A) whiсh |с| И(B) whеre (D) at


















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self,?-eвt Ж.*Чf l 313

11. Tell me about the сity you grew up. A B с D(A) that (C) whiсh(B) where tDI И

12. Annie found the souvenirs that wanted at thе gift shop. A B с D(^| И (C) she(B) where (D) whiсh

Е.Ф}'lтW0Еoch sentеncе hos four underlined words or phrosеs. Тhе four undеrlinеd portsof the sentеnce ore morkеd A, B, С, ond D, Сirclе thе lettеr of thе one undеrlinеdword or phrosе thot is Noг сoRRЕст,

13. After a week, wе finally got to Miami, that my aunt lives. A B с DA B с D

14. My favorite unсle, whiсh lives in Teхas- arrived last night. A B с DA B с D

15. Paulo is someоne who hе really loves Soссеr. A B с DA B с D

16. one singer who,s voiсе ! likе a lot is Madonna. A B с DA B ( D

17. The stories what I've told you are all true. A B с DA B с D

18. I enjo}zеd reading the artiсle that you told me about it. A B с DA B с D

19, Shе's read Somе books that disсusses the time when this arеa A B с DA B с D

was undeveloped.

20. San Franсisсo, that is a beautiful сity, has a population of six milliоn. A B с DA в ( D

21. Do you know whom wrote the song that Al цras singing last night? A B с DA B с D

22, My aunt,s new house is neхt to a beautiful сanal in where we ю A в с DA B с D

swimming evеry day.

23. Van, who with I went to sсhоol, has beсome a famous writer. A B с DA B ( D

24. Do you remember the night whiсh we ate at the restaurant that A B с DA B с D

Bill оwnеd?

25. our neighbors, whо their daughtеr babysits for us, have moved. A B с DA B с D

Еxдмptt:Mike usually drives

A Bto sсhool, but today he walks.

( DA B сo

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Direсt and lndireсtSpeeсh: lmperatives

WPЙINтСheck the doctor,s exaсt words.

П ..Eat a heavy mеal bеfore bed.,,

П ..Don't eat a hеaw mеalbefore bed."

П ..Not to еat a hеavv mеalbefore bed."

ЕхPREssryжСircle the сorrect words to complete thesе sеntеncеs,

. The doсtor told me go / to go to bed at the same time every night.

. She told me, "Don't work / Not to work in bed."

сIIART сIlEcI(Сhесk thе corrесtonswеr,Whiсh type ofspeесh usesquotation marks?

П dirесt speeсh

П i.'di,есt speeсh

Сirclе T (True) orF (Folse).

т F Indireсtimperativesalways use theinfinitivе fоrmof the verb(to + basе form).


I R.oo"t,*" ISuвtвст l vвпв l Dlпвст Spввсн

He said,"Dr ink mi lk.",,Don't drink сoffее.,,


I R.oo*t,n"Suв,вст l Vвпв


Nouш/ lPвoшouн l lшolпвст Spввсн

Hetold hеr to dr ink mi lk.

not to drink сoffеe.sa id


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Direсt and lndireсt Sрeeсh: lmрeratives l 315

fi rашm rr*ar Жxр8aвnetiФrr 5 A.кarmрlеs

1. Dirесt spеeсh states thе еxaсt woгds a spеakеr l ,,Come early and bring your insuranсeusеd. ln writing, use quotation marks' Gard,,' said thе doсtor.

lndireсt spеeсh reports what a speakег said r Тhe doсtor to|d hеr to сome еarly and bringwithout using the еxaсt words. Тhеre are hеr insurance сard.no ouotation marks.

2. Тhe reportlng verb (suсh as soy or telf) is Dlпвст Spвгснusua|ly in the simple past tеnsе for both diгeсt l ,,Dгink Waгm miIk,,, hе said.and indirесt speeсh. lшptпвст Spввсн

r Hе told hеr to drink warm milk.

mеntioned. Do not use tell. Noт Hе +r{*tо<tt|.l-f,j.m in thе morning.

3. Diгeсt spеесh impеrativеs use the basе form ofthе verb. lndireсt spеeсh imperativеs usethe infinitivе to rеpoгt:

Dlпсст Spггсн tг.iolпгст 5pггснa. instruсtions ,,Comе ear|у,'' hе said. He said to come еarly.

b. сommands ,,Ullait.,, Hе told me to woit'

с. requests ,,Сould you p|easе Shе askеd himarrivе by 8:00?,, to orrive by 8:00.

d. invitations "Could you join She invited me to ioinus for lunсh?,, thеm for |unсh.

4. Use a nеgativе infinitive (not + infinitive) Dlпвст Spггсн lшotпвст Spввснto report nеgative imperativеs. ,,Don,t go.,, Hе to|d hеr пot to go.

5. ln indirесt spеесh, makе сhangеs to kеepl thеspeakeг,s origina| mеaning.

a. Сhangе pronouns and possеssivеs. r Hе said to Ann, ,,Tеll me your prob|em.,,l He to|d Ann to tеll him her problеm.

b. Changе time phrases. I ,,Ca|| me tomorrow.,,l She said to сa|l hеr thе neхt doу.

с. Change tftis and hеrе. I ,,Sign this form hеrе.,,r She told him to sign thаt form there,

Сheсk it out!For punсtuation rulеs for direсt speeсh, seе Appеndiх 25 on page 347.For a list of сommon rеporting verbs, see Appеndix 13 on page 340.For a list of common time word сhanges in indireсt speeсh, see Appendix 14 on pagе 340.

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316 l Urзit 7ё

lDЕNтlFY o Rеod this orticlе аbout slеep disordеrs, Сirclе oll thе reporting vеrbs,IJndеrline oncе аIl thе direct impеrotivеs, Undеrline twice oll thе indirect imperotives,

сIIOOiE о Сonnie Sung visited Dr. Thorpe,s slеep clinic. Сomplеte her notеs with thеcorrect words in porеnthesеs,

1"3:j-T,l3oс ТurninEfan't

slееp? Y)tt'fе not alonе. Мillions of

\ pеoplе arе up tossing and turning

instеad of gеtting thеir zzzz,s. Dr. Ray

Thorpе, Dirесtor of thе Slсеp Disordсrs

Cliniс, @,..Don't think that loss of slееp

is iust a minor inсonvеniеnсе.'' During an

intеrviсw hе @mс to think abollt what

сan nappсn irpсopl@

ti..d Еvсry yеar up to 20o,000 сar aссidеnts

arе сallsеd bу drowsy drivеrs. Thеn lrе

askеd mе to think abottt a frсеnt industrial

disastеr' Сhanссs arс that it was сausеd at

lеast in part by slссp dеprivation.

Bеing an insomniaс mysеlf,I askеd

Dr. Thoгpс for Somе suggеstions. Hе told mе

to stop drinking сoffее. Hе said to havе a

warm glass of milk instеad...A lot of old-

fashionеd rеmеdiсs work. Havе a lrigh-

сarbоhydratс snaсk likе abanana bеforс you

go to bсd''' hс said. But hе advisсs patiеnts

not to сat a hеavy mеal bсforе turning in for

thе night. \Иhat about ехеrсisе? ..Rеgulaг

ехеrсisе hеlps, but don't ехсrсisе too сlosе

to bеdtimе,'' hе srrggеstеd. Finallу, hе told mе

not to dсspair. ..Don't Worfy about nсlt

slееping.It's thе woгst tlring to do,,'hе said.

I don't know. Aftеr thinking about thosе

industrial aссidеnts.I doubt I'1l bе ablе to

slсеp at a|||

Last wеek I visitеd. thе slеep сiiniс. Dr. Thoгpe сalied. and asked mе t,o arrive1. (arr ivе / to arr ivе)

at 8:3O . H е mе to bring2. (tonight / that n ight) 3. (sа id / totо; 4. (my / your)

ni$htshiгt and toothbгush. I arrived on sсhedulе. Thе teсhniсian, Juan Estrada,

invited me TV in thе loun$e. Hе to relax5. (watсh / to watсh) 6. (sa id / to ld)

while thеy got my room ready. An hour latец "Iuan сamе baсk and7. (hеrе / thеrе)

got me ready to slеep. He attaсhеd eleсt,rodes to my body and hooked mе up to a

machine. ..Could you pleasе ?'' I asked. The maсhinе rесords bгain8 . (еxp|a in / to exp|a in )

aсtivity, .Iuаrr instтuоted me 9. (do,/t / not ю)

leave the bеd until 10. (tom*.o* / th"

"е^t)mornin$. To my suгprise, I fell aslеep ri€ht away. In the morning, Dr. Thorpe told me

that еxсept for some ie$ movements duгing the ni$ht, I have healthy slеep patteгns. He

advised me1 l . ( g e t / t o g е t )

some more exеrсise.

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Е}irert аnd lndirert speerh; lrзlреrativсэs l З17

REWRIтE о Rеod the odvicе thot TV news commеntotor John Stosse/ govе viewеrs oboutthе сommon ond verу dongеrous problem of fеeling slеepy whеn driving. Rewritе hisodvicе in indirect speech.

t. "Pull over and take a brief nap." He told them to pull over and take a brief nap.

2. "Don't take a long nap." He эaid no| to take a |ong nap,

3. ..Sing to уourselvеs.''

4. ..Turn your radiо to an annoying station.,,

5. ..Don,t drink сoffee.''

6. "Open your window."

7. *Let сold air in.''

8. ..Bе сareful when you stop your car,,,

9. ..Don,t stop on a desertеd rоadside.',

1o. "Don't drink and drive."

EDIT. Rеod this studеnt,s journol еntrу, Find ond correct fourtеen mistаkеs in theusе of indirеct impеrotivеs.

.Гhе first mistаke is olreody corrеcted. Remеmber to

chеck punctuotion!

|n writing c|аsstodау,Jиan rеаd onе at his sIories' lt waE wondеrtцI' АtГer class,

the tеаcher inurtеd '!}nnа а stor1 in clаss orхt lшееk, |fowеvеr, I o,skеd hеr no to cа|| on

me nert weekbecацse |'m hаvingIroцb|е gdting ideаs, 5hе sаid mе not to worYх1, аnd

shе sаid to waitfortwo wеeks'Thеn ItаIkеd to Jиan, aod | аsked hirn tett methе soцrcе

tor уour idеаs' |1е sаid thсt they camе trom his drеаms, аnd hе to|d me keep а dreаm

.1oиrna( tor idеаs' |]е invitеd mе,Чo rеаd somе ot hisjoиrnal.,' lt was verry intеrеsting, s'o

I аsked him to grvе me some tips on rеmembering d:rеаms, Hе said ge\ting а good

night,s s|ee? bеcацэеthе |onger drеаms lornе аltеr а |ong pеriod ot s|ееp, |]е аIso IeI|

me Io keeр rny -1oцrnаI bу the bеd аnd to Wrrte a5 5ooo аs I wake up, |1е sаid to no movе

tromthеslееptngposition,|1еа|sotoldmеto dontthink аboutthеdачаttirsI, (lf yoи

think аbout уour dау, чot,t rnight torgeI уoш:r drеаms) Мost irnpoгtаnt- еuец night hе

te||s himsetf that Io remеmbеr his dreаmstomorrow morning'

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WPпlNтСhесk thе mon,s еxaсt words.

П ..It loоks great on yоu!'' t

lndireсt Speech:Statements (1 )

..It looked great on mе!,,


I R,oo*,.шс | шouш/ lSuв;вст i Vвпв l Pпoшouш | lшolпвст Sтдтвмвшт

She toldJ immе (thot)

shе l iked the dress.

shе had bought i t on salе.

she had worn it twiсе.sa id

EхPREssжСirclе thе corrеct words to completе this sеntencе,

She said / told thе salеspеrson that she is / was going to buy thе drеss.

|| |ookэqreaL on уou|

iL |ooked qreaL Оn rne,| , || |ake thеrn aIII

сHARт сHЕсl(Сheck thе corrеctаnswеrs,

What сan сhangеwhеn you go from adireсt to an indirесtstatement?

П thе punсtuation

t th" word ord'еr inthе statеmеnt

П tь" vеrb tеnsе inthe statemеnt

П p'o.'ouns in thеstatement


I R.oo*r,*" ISuв;вст | vвпв l Dlrrвст Sтдтвмвшт

She said,

,,l l ikе the drеss.,,, ,I bought i t on sа|е., ,,,|,vе worn it twiсе.,,


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Gr*mъamar Жxpfi aнatiсrжs

::9:::.:}. :Р.:.::.T: .::?::T.-.:l:.(]]. .:..?.1?... .. . . . . .Жx*rжрfr*s

1. An indireсt speесh statеmеnt гeports what aspеakеr said without usino thе еxaсt words. Thеwoгd thot сan introduсe thе indireсt statеmеnt.

thе listenег is not mеntionеd. Do not usе tell.

Dtквст 5pгвснl ,,|t,s a great drеss,,, hе said.lшolпвст Sрввснl He told hег thot it was a grеat drеss.r He told her it was a great dress.

r Hе said that it was a grеat drеss'Noт Hе to{d+hаt it was a gгeat dress.

2. Whеn thе rеporting vеrb is in the simplеpast tеnsе, thе vеrb in the indirесt speесhstatement is often in a diffeгеnt tense from theverb in the dirесt spеeсh statеmеnt.

Dtпвст SpвгснSimp|е prеsent

Present progrеssive

Simple past

Presеnt peгfeсt

lшotпвст Spввсн-+ Simple past

-) Past progressive

---) Past pеrfeсt

-+ Past pеrfесt

Dtпвст SpввснHе said, ,,It,s grеat.,,

,, l ,m lеaving.,,

,,I madе it.,,

He said to her,,,|,ve neVеr l iеd.,,

|шotквст Spгвсн

He said it wos gгеat.

Shе said shе wos leoving.

Hе said that hе hod modе it'

Hе to|d hеr thаthe hod nеvеr lied.

3. |n indirесt spеeсh thе verb tensе сhangе isoptional whеn rеporting:

a. somеthing somеone has just said

b. somеthing that is sti l l truе

G. a gеnеral truth or sсiеntifiс law

A: What did you just say?B: I said l ,m t i red. oп | said I was t i rеd.

r Riсk said the bank wаnts a сheсk.r Riсk said thе bank wonted a сhесk'

r She said that evеryone lies somеtimе.r She said that evеrvone lied sometime.

4. When thе rеporting vеrb is in thе prеsenttеnse, do not сhange the verb tensе inindirесt speесh.

,'I r||n a milе every daу.,'

She says that shе runs a mile еvеry day.

5. Rrмпмввп! Сhangе pгonouns, timе expressions,this, and herе in indireсt spеесh to kеep thespеakеr,s oriфal meaning.

Ann to|d Riсk, ,, l bought this dгess hеre.,,Ann told Riсk that she had bought thot drеssthere.


Сheсk iI out!For a list of сommon

For a list of сommon

rеporting vеrbs, seе Appendix 13 on page 340.timе word сhangеs in indirесt spеeсh, sее Appеndix 14 оn page 340.

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32O r unit ?3

lDЕNтlFY о Reаd this аrticle obout lуing. Сirclе oll the rеporting vеrbs, Underline once аIlthе direct stotemеnts. Underlinе twice аll thе indirеct stotеments,

сOilIPIfIЕ o Reod this mogozine orticlе. Сompletе it with thе сorrесt words in porеnthеses.

TH Е T RU Т H A BOU'T tY l }| G BY,'N N.FЕR },'o*At q.oо Riсk Spivak's bаnk phonеd and@)that his сredit саrd paУment was latе.,.Thе сhесk is in thе mail, ' ' кiсk@ПеЪq,i.кly. лt l tит кi.к ьrt ro' . lzю иgaсross town. Arriving late, Riсk told his сlient that traffiс had bееn bad. That evеning,Riсk's f ianсёе Worе a new drеss. Riсk hatеd it. ,.|t looks |ust grеat on you,' ' hе said.

Threе l ies in one day! Yet Riсk is just an ordinary guу. Еaсh t imе, hе told himsеlf thatsomеtimеs thе truth сauses too many problеms. He told himsеlf that his f ianсёе Wasfеel ing good about hеr purсhase. Why should hе hurt hеr fееl ings?

Is tеl l ing l ies a nеw trеnd? тhе maiority of people in a rесеnt survеy said that pеople

Wеrе morе honеst ten уears ago. Neverthеless, lying wasn't rеal ly born yеstеrday. ln theеightееnth сеntury, thе Frеnсh phi losophеr Vauvenarguеs told the truth about lyingwhеn hе wrotе. ..All mеn arе born truthful and die liars.''

.,Lying during a iob intеrviеw is risky businеss,'' said Мarta Tolеdo''1 . (sa id / to ld)

dirесtor of a managеmеnt сonsulting firm. ..Thе truth alwaуs a funny2. (has / hаd)

way of сoming out. ' ' Tolеdo tеl ls the story of onе Woman applying for a iob as аn offiсe

shеmаnagеr. Тhе woman thе intеrviеwеr3. (sa id / to ld) 4. (that / what)

a B.A. dеgrеe. Aсtual ly, shе was еight сrеdits short. Shе also said5. (has / had)

$30,000 at hеr last |ob. Thе truth was $5,0006. ( l / shе) 7. (madе / had mаdе)

lеss. Whеn thе intеrviеwеr сallеd to сheсk thе information, the appliсant's formеr boss

told hеr that the appl iсаnt . Anothеr appl iсant, Gloria, rеpoгtеd that8. (has | iеd / hаd | iеd)

she -hе r сu r r еn t j ob t oadvanсеhе r сa r ее r . Shеgo t t henеw job .9. ( is quit t ing / was quit t ing)

All wеnt wеll unti l thе сompany hirеd Pеtе, who had worked at Gloria'S old сompany.

Pеte еventual ly told his boss that his old сompany Glor ia .1o. ( f i rеd / had f i rеd)

The nеw сompanу f ired hеr too, proving, onсe again, that it doesn't pay to l iе.

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lndireоt Speech: statemеПts i"l) r 321,

REP0Rт o Liso ond Ben ore tolking obout Bеn,s job seorсh, Use the verbs in porеnthеsesto rеport their conversotion. Mokе nесеssorу chonges in vеrbs ond pronouns.

l. Bшш: I'm sti]l looking for a job.

(tell) He to|d her he waэ эti|| |ookino for a job,

2. Lrsд:


I just heard about a jоb at a sсientifiс researсh сompany.

3. Bвш: I majored in sсienсe at F'lorida Statе.


4. Lrsд: They want somеonе with Somе еxperiеnсe aS a progтammer.

(tе1l l

5. Bвш: I work as a progTammеr for Data Systеms.

(tе l l )

They don't want a reсent сollege graduatе.6. Lrsд:


7. Bвш:

(tеl l)

8. Lrsд:


I got my degтеe four years ago.

It sounds likе the right job for you.

ЕDlT. Rеod this studеnt,s essoу, Find ond correсt ten mistokes in thе usе of indirectstotements. The first mistoke is olrеodу corrесtеd,

onсe when I was a teenageц I wеnt to my Aunt Leah's housе. Aunt Leah сolleсtеdtold

pottеry, and whеn I !!ot thегe, she s,a** mе that she wants to show me hег nеw bowl.

She to1d she has just bought it. It was beautiful. \ДГhen Aunt Lеah went to answeг the

dooц I piсked up the bowl. It sШppеd fгom my hands and smashed to pieces on the floor.

\AГhеn Aunt Lеah сame baсk, I sсгeamed and said what the сat had just broken your

new bowi. Aunt Lеah got this funny look on hеr faсе and told me that it isn't important.

I didn't slеep at ali that ni$ht, and thе nеxt mornln$, I сa1led mдr aunt and сonfessеd

that I have broken hеr bowl. She said I had knoтлm that a1l along. I pгomised that

I am going to buy heг a new one somеday. Wе still laugh about thе story today.

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lndirect Speeсh:Statements (2)

WжPЙINTСhеck thе wеothеr forecostеr,sexaсt words,

П ..It would be windy.''

П ..It will be wind.v.''

сI]ARт сHEсI(Сhеck the modols thotdo not chongе whеnyou go from dirеct toindirect speech.П will

П ought to

П mightt

Ш must

П *ay

t should have

DIREст sPEЕс}tt t

; Rппoптlшс |Suв,вст | Vвпв i Dlпвст Sтдтrмвшт

Hе said,

"l ' l l leave now."" l 'm going to dr ive.""Traffic may be bad.",,Shе might movе.,,"He Gan help.",,Тhеy havе to stay.,,,,You must bе сaгеfu|.,,,,Тhеy ought to buy battеriеs.,,.,We should havе left soonеr.,,



Rвpoптlшс | шouп7 |Vвпв | Pпoшouш l tшolпвст 5тдтвмвшт

Hе toldJ immethem


hе would lеavе thеn.he was going to drive.tгaffiс might bе bad.she might movе.hе сould hе|p.thеy had to stay.|/wе had to be сarеful.they ought to buy battеries.thеy should havе left soonеr.said


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j :.ч: Т:.Y}. :P.Y::* : .чlilY T ::т. J rj. . .- . Р.?.1 . . . . . . . . (

EхPREss #h:;'#jRеod Jim,s words. Сhеck the sentence thot correctly rеports whot he soid.

Jrм: ..I may move soon.''

t ;im said that I mav move soon.

6 в-a жъ gтъ жr Жжp**в* m**gнъ s

П .ltm said that he might mоve soon.


1. As you leaгnеd in Unit 73, whеn thе reportingvеrb is in the simple past tеnse, in thеindireсt spеeсh statеmеnt thе verb tеnse oftenсhangеs.

Modals ofiten сhange in indireсt spеесh too.

Dlпвст Spвгснwill -)



lшotпвст Spввснwould



-+ had to

Dtпгст SpггснShe sa id ,

"lt 's windy."

Dtпвст SpвгснI said, ,,Тhе winds

wi l l be strong."

Тhеy told us, ,,You

сan stay with us.,,

He said, "The stormmay last a l l n ight."

Shе told us,,,You must lеavе.,,

lшo lпвст Spввсн

Shе saidit wos windy.

lшotпгст SpввснI said the winds

would be stгong.

Thеy to|d us Wеcould stoy with thеm'

Hе said that thе stormmight lost all night.

She told uswe hod to leove.

2' Some vеrbs do not сhange in indireсt spеeсh.

a. Do not сhangе should, сould, might, andought to in indireсt spеесh.

b. Do not сhange thе past perfeсt in indirесtspeесh.

G. Do not сhange verbs in presеnt andpast unreal сonditional sеntenсеs inindireсt spеесh.

d. Do not сhange past modals inindirесt spеeсh.

Dtпtст Spгвсн"You should l isten

to thе wеathегrеport,,, hе to|d us.

"l had just movedhеrе a wееk bеforе,,,she said.

,,|f l knеw,I would te l l you."

"lf I had known,I would have told

УoU,,, said Iim.,,l should havе


lпolпвст SprвснHе told us that wе

should listen tothе wеathеr rеport.

Shе said shehod just movеd thеrеa wеek bеforе.

Jim said if he knew,he would tell me.

Hе said i f hеhod known, hewould hove told mе.

He said that hеshould hove left.

3. Rвмвмвtп! Change pronouns, timе phrаses,here, and this in indirесt speесh to kеep thespеaker,s original mеaning.

,,| just got hеrе yеsterday.,,Sam told me he had just gottеn thеrethe dау before.



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324 I vnit 74

сH00sЕ о Rеod whot somеone rеported obout thе weother forеcost. Thеn сheck thesentencе thot shows the wеаther forеcoster,s exасt words.

1 . She said it was going to be a terriblе storm.

П ..It was a terrible storm.',

И ..It,s going to be a terrible storm.''

She said the winds might rеaсh 170 miles pеr hour.

П ..The winds may rеaсh 170 miles pеr hour.',

t ..The winds would rеaсh 170 miles per hour.,'

She said thеre would be more rain the next day.

t ..Therе will bе more rain the neхt day.,,

t ..Thеre will be morе rain tomorrow.''

She told people that they shоuld try to lеavе the area.

t ..You should have tried to lеavе thе arеa.''

t ..You should try to leavе thе area.',

She said that they сould expeсt a lot оf damage.

t ..We сan ехpесt a lot of damage.''

t] ..We сould expесt a lot of damage.,,

, ,Тhе Weаthеr Watсh,, on Channеl 5



REPaRт о You ore in New York, lmoginе you hеord thеse rumors obout o hurricаnе inFlorido уesterdaу ond уou orе rеporting thеm todoу. Use They said to rеport the rumors.

1. ...Thе hurriсane will сhange dirесtion tonight.,,

Theу эaid that |he hurricane wou|d ahange direo|ion laэt night.

2. ..It's gоing tо pass north of hеre.''

3. ..It may beсome a tropiсal storm when it lands herе.,'

4. ..They had to сlose somе bridges yesterday beсause of high tidеs.''

5. ..They won't rеstore eleсtriсity until tomorrow.,,

6. ..Thе sсhools hеre mav be сlosеd for a whilе.''

7. ..We ought to use bottled water fоr a few days.,,

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!1g:::.?}.3Р.:...:j:: .?lil::.-:P. j3J..:. .?.?1o. . . . o . .

REwRlтЕ o Rеаd this intеrviеw with o mеtеorologist. Rеwritе his onswеrs os indirectspeech, Сhаnge verb tensеs when possiblе.

1. Qз A hurriсane is just a bad storm, right?

A: To be a hurriсanе, a storm has to have winds of at least 74 miles per hour.

He эaid |hat, to be a hurricane, a э|orm had t.o have windэ of a| |eaэt74 mi|ee per hour,

2. Q: Wе seem to bе having more of these big storms.

A: It's true, and they will probably beсome more frequent.

3. Q: Why is that?A: The planet may be getting warmeц and that сan сause more severe storms.

4. Q: What rvent wrong aftеr the last storm?

A: Еmergenсy workers should have arrivеd muсh more quiсkly.

5. Q: Is there an upside to all this?

A: The new satellitеs will hеlp. If wе didn't have them, we wouldn't bе able to warn people.

EDIT o Reod Rito,s e-moil to hеr friend Emily. Find ond correct twеlvе mistokes in thе useof reported speеch, Thе first mistokе is olrеodу corrected.

Rе:Hu r r i с anе 4шж

We had some exсitement here beсause of the hurriсane last week. Jim's mother сa||ed

just before the storm. She said ,r."Е1i.tening to the weather report and that she was

worried about us. She told Jim that if you two weren't so stubborn, We wiII paсk up and

leave immediately. Jim's father told us how to get ready for the storm. He said we should

have put tape on our windows right now and that we ought to fil l the bathtub with water.

He also told Jim that we should buy a Iot of batteries before the storm hit tonight. Sue

сaIled. She said that her pIaсe was too сlose to the сoast and that she сouldn't stay here.

She to|d me I wanted to stay with me and Jim. She said she shouId сaIled us sooner.

l to|d her she shou|d сome right now. Тhen we listened to the weather advisory, and the

foreсaster said that the storm is going to go out to sea. She said it won't hit this area at all!

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lndireсt Gluestions

ГAre.@] PпlNтСheck Mя Bеntley,s eхaсt words,

П ..Why Were you still single?,'

П ..Why are you still single?''Thе Stress Interview

сl]ARт сIIEсI( IСirсlе T (Truе) orF (FoIsе).

т F You сan leaveout if оrwhether inindirесt уеslnoquestions.

т F You do notuse do to formindirесt уеslnoquestions.


! п.oo*,,n" ISuв'вст i Vвпв i Dtпвст Quвsтloш

Hе askеd,,,Do you have any еXpегiеnсе?,,,,Can you use a сomputеr?,,


I R.oo*,.шс | 1шouш/ lSuв'вст i Vвпв | Pпoшouш) l

YE,s/No QUЕsтloNs

lшolпвст Quвsтloш

He askеd(Mel issa)(hеr)


she had any expегienсе.she сould usе a сomputеr.

сI|АRт сI]ЕсK 2СirсIе T (Truе) orF (Folse).

т F An indireсtquestion alwaysends in aquеstion mark.

т F You do notuse do toform indirесtшh- questions.


DIRE(т SPЕЕCH: l,t/},- QuЕsтloNsRвпoппшс |Vвпв | Dlпвст Quвsтloш

Hе askеd,,,Who told you about thе job?,,,,lA|hen do you want to staгt?,,


I R.oo*r,*" ISuв!вст | vвпв l

сT sРЕЕсHz WH. QUЕsтloNsI

(Nouш/ lPпoшouш) | lшolпвст Quвsтloш

Hе askеd(Mеl issa)(hеr)

who had told her about thе job.

when shе wanted to start.


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tndireсt Gluestions l 327

EхPREssжUnscrombIе thеs

why o hе . job

He asked him

e words to complеtе thе indirеct quеstion.

о his . quit о had

6 ra*вт gТ}a r A,эсрЕ *rзatiоnт s Еxamрl*s

l. Use i{ whether, or whether or nat to form Dtквст Spггснindirесt уes/no quеstions. l ,,Can you type?,, shе asked.

!шotпвст 5pвгснr Shе askеd if I сould typе.

Usдсв Noтt: Whether is more formal than if. r She askеd whethеr (or not) l сould tyPe.

2. ln indirесt уes/no quеstions, the subjeсt Dtквст Spвгснсomes before the veгb, the same as in l ,,Can I start tomoггow?,,statemеnt word order. INDIREст Sprгсн

r Hе askеd if hе сould start tomoггow.Noт Hе asked соtt}*hе*ta+ tomorrow.

Beсausе of the statеment word order, Dtпвст Spввснdo not usе do. does. or did to form I ,,Does thе |ob provide bеnefits?,,indireсt quеstions. lNDlREст Sprгсн

l He askеd if thе job providеd benefits.Noт He askedфbеnef i ts.

3. Use question words to form indirесt Dtпвст Spввснwh- quеstions. I ,,lAlhere is your offiсe?,, I askеd.

lшolпвст Spввснl l askеd where his offiсе was.

4. ln indireсt wh. questions, thе subjесt aIso Dlпгст Spггснсomеs bеfore the verb as in statеments, and you ,,Why did you lеave уour job?,,do not use do, does, or did. IND|REсТ Spггсн

r She asked me whу l had left my job.N o т S h е a s k e d m е @

ln indirесt wh. questions aboцt thе Dlпгст Spввснsubjeсt, thе quеstion word is the subjесt and l Bob askеd, ,,Who got thе job?,'the vеrb fol|ows as in statеment word oгder. Iшplпгст Spввсн

r Bob asked who had gottеп thе job.

5. Indirесt questions oftеn еnd in a period, l l askеd whу | didn,t get thе job.not a quest ion mark. Noт lasked r

Cheсk iI out! For a list of сommon verbs used tо report questions, seе Appendix 13 on pagе 340.

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, 32a I unit zS

IDENтIFY o Rеod this аrtiсIе obout strеss intеrviews. IJndеrline аII thе indirеct quеstions.

lлAтсl1 . Сhеck thе dirеct questions thot mаtch thе indirеct questions in thе orticle.

t 1. Can you Work under pressure? П д. Was there an aссident in a nuсlear

a 2. Who wrote your appliсation letter power plant?

for you? t 5. How old are you?

П 3. Arе you gсling to ask me any serious П с. When Were you married?questions?

t 7. Is the question improper?

REP0Rт о Сloire,s friend loime wonts to know oll obout hеr intеrview, Rеporthis quеstions.

1. ..What kind of job is it?,' Hе aэked what kind of iob it waэ.

2. "When is the interview?"

3. ...Wherе,s thе соmp an:rу?',

4. ..Do you need direсtions?,'

5. ..HoW long dоes it take to get there?,,

6. ..Are you going tо drivе?',

7. "'Who's going to interview you?"

8. ...When will they let yоu know?''

A fеw wееks ago, Мelissa Мorrow had a strеssintеrviеw, onе whiсh fеaturеd tough, triсkyquest ions and negat ivе evaluat ions. F irst , theintеrviеwer asked why shе сouldn't workunder prеssure. Beforе shе сould answец heaskеd who had writtеn her appliсation lеttеrfor her. Melissa was shoсkеd, but shе handlеdhеrself vеry wеll. Shе askеd the intеrviеwеrwhethеr he was going to ask her anу sеr iousquest ions. Then shе left .

Companiеs give strеss intеrviеws in orderto watсh how сandidatеs handlе prеssure.

Supposе , fo r ехamplе , that thеrе i s anaссidеnt in a nuсlеar power plant. Thе plant 'spubl iс rе lat ions off iсеr must rеmain сalmwhen rеportеrs ask how thе aссidеnt сouldhavе happеnеd. вe awarе, howеver, that insomе сountries, Iike thе Unitеd Statеs, сеrtainquеstions arе not allowеd unlеss thеy arеdireсtly rеlatеd to thе iob. If your intеrviеwеrasks how old you arе, you сan refusе toanswеr. Thе intеrviеwеr also should not askwhеthеr you are marriеd or how muсh monеуyou oWе. l f you think a quеst ion is improper,ask how thе question rеlatеs to thе iob. If itdoеsn't, you don't havе to answеr.

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tndireеt Quеstlons t 329

REWRITE o Thesе quеstions Wеrе osked аt Cloirе,s interviеw. Dеcidе which onеsСIoirе osked ond whiсh onеs Pеtе, thе monаger, oskеd. Rеwritе eoсh question osindirеct spеесh,

l. ..WЪat type of training is availablе for thе job?''

C|aire aэked what tуpe of training waэ avai|ab|e for the job,

2. ..WЪat kind of eхpеrienсe do you have?,'

?ete aэked what kind of experience ghe had,

3. .Arе you interviewing with other сompanies?''

4. ..What will my rеsponsibilities Ъe?,,

5. ,.How is job performanсe rewarded?''

6. "What was your starting salary at your last job?"

7. ..Did you get along well with your last еmployer?,,

8. ..Do you hire many wоmen?',

EDII . Rеod port of o mеmo on intеrviеwer wrotе, Find ond сorrect eight mistokes in thеusе of indirесt quеstions. Thе first mistokе is olrеody corrected, Сheсk punсtuotion!

Inter.offiсe П,Iemo

I did some stress questioning in m;r intегview with Carl Tren$ tШs morning. I askedhe couldn't

Mr. Tren€ why соrtrfirt't*tawork under pressuгe. I also asked him w}цr did his

supervisor dislike him. Finally, I inquired when he would quit the job with our

сompany? Mr. Trеng answered my questions сalmly, and hе had some еxсellent

questions of his own. He asked ..if We expeсted сhan$es on the job.'' He also want.ed

to know how often do we еvaluate employees. I was impгessed whrn he askеd why

did I deсide to join this сompany. I thlnk we should hire him.

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Embedded Gluestions

;шж-жPЙlNтСhесk thе quеstions thepeoplе hove.

t Should wе lеavе a tip?

П Wu' thе serviсe any good?

t д,e thesе guys going to leavea tip?

П Is the serviсe inсludеd?

I don't know whethеr to tip.

Do you knowhow muсh to tip?where to leavе thе tip?

EхPREss,ж#.##,Pu nctuotе thеsе sеntеncеs.

A: Do you know how muсh to tip-

B: About l\vo. But I'm not sure wherе to leave the tip-

I wonderwhat kind of

tip t,heэe guуaare goinglo leave.9erv|ae ю

includedThе eеrvicewao Ierrible! | wonder

leave a tip.1-/ oo


сI]АRT сIIEсI(Сircle T (True) orF (False).

т F Embеddedquestionsalwavs endwith a period.

т F You сan usе thеinfinitive aftеrwhether or aquestion word.


l,m not surе


if l |eft thе right tip.whether it was еnough.

Сan you remembеrhow muсh it was?whеre we ate?


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Еrчrbeddad *шestitэtъs l 331

ffi r жжwwжw жr Жжp* eуъ {eж&# {B% Жжжжвp**ж

l . ln Unit 75 уou lеaгnеd to usе indireсt Dtпгст Quвsтtoп lшotпвст Quгsтtoшquеstions to rеport another person,s words. Should l tip? Hе askеd if hе should tip.

lndirесt questions arе a kind of еmbedded Емввooгo Quвsтloшquеstion_onе thаt is inсluded in аnother Do you know whethеrsеntenсe. Тhis unit disсusses еmbeddеd quеstions l should tip?that do not report anothеr person,s words.

2. lf thе embedded question is in a statemеnt, Mдtп Sвштвшсв = Sтдтвмвштuse a period at the еnd of thе sentеnсe. lf the l I don,t know who our sеrvег is.еmbeddеd quеstion is in a question/ use a Mдtш Sгштвшсг = Quвsтtoшquestion mark at thе end of thе sеntеnсe. l Do you know who our sеrvеr is?

3. We oftеn usе еmbеdded quеstions to

a. expгеss something wе do not knovY. l l wondeг why he didn,t tip the mесhaniс.

b. ask politе|y for information. l Can you tell mе if thе tip is inсludеd?

Usдсl Noтв: With strangегs or in a forma| Lвss Foпмдr-situation, an еmbеddеd quеstion is сonsidегеd l Does our bi|| inсlude a tip?morе poIitе than a dirесt question. Moпг Poltтt

l Can you tel| mе i f our bi l l inс ludes a t ip?

4. lntroduсе embedded yes/no questions with r Do you know if he tips?if, whether, or whethеr or not. r Do you know whеther (or not) he tips?Usдсв Noтп: Whether is more foгmal than if.

lntroduсe embeddеd wh- questions with a l Many tourists wondеr how muсh they shouldouеstion word'. tip their rеstaurant sеrver.

You сan a|so use thе infinitivе after a quеstion r Many touгists wondеr how much to tip.word or whether. l Somе wondеr whether to tip at a||.

if or whу. Noт Wе wondеrеd iiф1t*o-{еаve+ttР.

5. Bв сдпвrur! Use statеment word ordеr r Could you te|| me whеre they are?in all embeddеd questions. Noт Could you tеll mе иAеte*+е*hеу?

Do not lеavе out if or r,yhetherin embеdded r Cou|d you tе|| me if it is 6:00 yet?

уеs/no questions. Noт Сould you tell me iэiЕ6..€Фуеt?

Do not use do. does, or did in embedded r I don't know when the pizza Game.questions. Noт | don,t know

Сheсk iI out!For a list of сommon phrases introduсing embedded questions' see Appendix 15 on page 340.

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332 r Unit 76

IDENTIFY о Rеod this onlinе od for thе book Tips on Tipping. IJndеrline theеmbedded questions,

REWRIтE o Сomplеtе thеsе quеstions obout tipping сustoms. Сhonge the direсtquеstions in pаrеnthеses to еmbeddеd quеstions. Use thе infinitive whenеvеrpossible. Usе corrеct punctuotion.

1. Can you tell mе whether to l ip ln Canada?(Shou ld l t i p i n Саnadа?)

2. I,m going to Franсе. Please ехplain(How сan I t е l | i f thе t i p i s i nс |udеd in thе b i | | ? )

3. Can you tеll mе(Why did sеrv iсе pеop|е in Iсе|аnd rеfusе my t ips?)

4. I'm moving to Japan. I'd like to know(How muсh shou|d I t ip a i rport portеrs?)

5. We're visiting Australia. Pleasе tell us(Who еxpесts а t ip аnd who doеsn,t?)

6. r,m vaсationing in Norway. I'd like to know if

7. I tоok a job in China. I neеd to know whether( l s t i pp ing s t i l l i l l еgа| thе rс? )

(ShouId I t ip my sk i instrr . rсtor?)

:T..lРs on llppnq By Iквхв Fкдшквt- (Мnктrш Uшltмtтгo, lшс.)

This Ьook is for you if . . .you've evеr avoided a situation just Ьесause you didn,t know how muсh to tip.you've evеr rеalized (too [ate) that you Were supposеd to offer a tiP.you've evеr given a hugе tip and thеn wondеrеd if a tip was neсеssary at all.you'vе еvеr needеd to know how to сalсu[ate thе right tip instantly.

you're nеw to the Unitеd Statеs and you're not sure who you shoutd tip here.youU likе to learn how tipping properly сan get you thе Ьеst sеrviсe for your monеy.

What rеaders arе sayiПt . . .,.l сan't imagine how I got along without it!, Сhris Sаrton, Мinnеаpolis..Тakе Тips along if you want a stress-freе vaсation.,, Мidori otаkа, Оsаko, Jаpаn

Сtiсk hеrе to sеnd for thе ultimotе guidе to tippingl .E

8. In Gеrmany the tip is inсludеd. I don't know whеthеr(ShouId I t i p аnyway?)

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Еmbe<Jded Questiоns t 333

сIlOOsE & REwRlтE o Two foreign еxchаngе studеnts ore visiting Wаshington, D,С,Сomplеtе their conversotions, Сhoose thе oppropriаtе quеstions from the box ondchongе them to еmbеdded quеstions. Remembеr to punctuotе thе sentеnces сorrесtly.

How muсh should wе tip thе taxi drivеr? Where is thе Smithsonian Museum?

Could wе rent a сar and drive? What did thеy put in the sauсe?

Where сan wе buy metro tiсkеts? М

1. Мдвтд: We're going to the Hotel Edison. Do you know whеrе it, iэ?

Dвryдв: Sure. Gеt in and I,ll take vou there.

2. Mruкr: (ulhispering) Do you know

Mдвтд: Aссording to the book, we,re supposed tо leave 10 tо 15 perсent. I've got it.

3. Mдвтд: Exсuse me. Can you tеll me

oгr.lсвв: Sure. Just turn right at the сorner. You,ll see it right away.

4. Mruкr: I'd like to take thе mеtro to the zoo, but I don't know

Мдвтд: Probably right in the station.

5. Mдвтд: I want to visit Williamsburg. Do yоu think

Mruкr: Let,s find out. That sounds like fun.

6. Mдвтд: This is deliсious. Let,s try to find out

Mruкr: It tastes like ginger and garliс to mе.

EDII . Reod this entry from Morto,s journol, Find ond correct sеvеn mistokes in theusе of еmbеddеd quеstions. Thе first mistoke is аlrеodу corrected. Rеmеmber tochеck punctuotion!

Whеn you live in а foreign сountrу еVеn а smаll oссаsion сan Ьe an advеntuге! Beforе my dаte| эhou|d

with Jаnеk tonight I didn't evеn know whаt dtоиlф+ wеаr! Jeans? А dress? JohnЪ GrTll TsnT а

fancу гestаиrant but it was JаnеkЪ birthday and I wаntеd to mаkе Тt a big oссasion. MiukT was

vеry helpfиl, а3 alwаys. l knеw how to gеt to JohnЪ GrTll, but l didn't know how long it was goTng

to takе fo gеt thеrе? l lеft at 6:00, whiсh should havе givеn mе plеnty of timе, but whеn l got

off thе bus, I wаsnt surе If to turn lеft or right. l аskеd а poliсе offiсеr whеre wаs JohnЪ, аnd

I wаs only а fеw minutеs late. l hаd plannеd to takе Jаnеk out foг a spесiаl dеssеrt аfterwаrd,

bиt l сouldn't rеmembеr how I to find thе plасе Мiиki hаd sиggеstеd, and Jаnеk hаs bееn herе

evеn less timе than mе. (Аnywaу' the dеssеrts аt JohnЪ tиrned oиt to bе vеry good.) Then,

whеn we got thе bil l ' l wаs wondеring whether to tip or no.I had to аsk Jаnеk did he know.

Гortuna|ely' hе hаd rеаd Tips on Tipping, so hе told me to lеavе aЬout |5o/o.

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ffil 0шв

1. ..You look bеautiful in that dress.',Last night she told me - bеautiful in that dress.{A} you look (с) I,l1 look(B) you looked (D) I looked

2. We'd better find out the train lеft.(A) if (C) has

tB) does (D) did

-Should we turn lеft or go straight?-Hmm. I,m not sure whiсh way(A) dо we turn (C) should wе turn(B) to turn (D) it turned..Why don,t you join us for сoffee, Don?,,After thе movie, we asked Don us for сoffee.(A) wоuld hе jоin (С) to join(B) why he didn't join tD) for joining

"We must leave immediately!"When the fire alarm rang, our tеaсher said leave immediately.tA) we had to (C) not to(B) we have to (D) he must

"Today is the happiest day of my life."At the reсeption last night, the groom said the happiеst dayof his life.(A) today was(B) that day is

7. I wonder who(A) our waiter is?(B) is our waiter.

8. ..Plеase don,t leavе уour boots in the hall.,'Мymоther i sa1ways te l l i ngme-boots in theha1 l .

{A) not tо leavе my (C) to not leave my(B) not to leave your (D) don't leave my








Сirclе the lеttеr of thе corrеct onswеr to complеtе еаch sеntence,

Еxдшtptt:Jennifer never(A) drink(B) drinks

сoffee. A@с D(C) is drinking

{D} was drinking



5 .


(C) yеsterday was(D) today is

(C) our waitеr is.(D) is our waiter?



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Se|fТest XV t 335

9. "Hi, Bob. Did you take the job?"Bob's friend asked him -- the job.(A) did he take (с) if he had taken(B) did you take (D) had he takеn















10. ..Weather patterns сhange.''Experts now say that weather(A) сhanged(B) are сhanging

patterns(с) had сhanged(D) сhangе


11. The teaсhеr said the сlass that hot air rises and сold air sinks.A в с D

16. Do }zou know if or not we nееd to bring our passports?

17. Shе didn't know !f to tip, so shе asked me what to do.A B с D

18. Ron said that hе wasn't Surе' but the storm might stop already.A в с D

19. I'd like lоbsteц but the menu doesn't say how muсh does it сost.A B с D

20. Lin alшayg says that hе ran a milе еvery da}r these days.A B с D

21. Could you tell me when thе nеxt train leavеs and where to buy tiсkеts-.A в с D

22. 1If you сan wait a few minutes ,- I will give you a ride._ Rhoda said.A в с D

23. Jim wants to know сould }zou сall him and tell him wherе to meеt you.A B с D

24. The dentist said to brush thrее times a day and don,t eat сandy.A B с D

25. At the intеrviеw they askеd mе when сan you start work-'-A в с D

Еoсh sentеnce hos four undеrlined words or phroses. The four underlined portsof the sеntеncе аrе mаrkеd A, B, С, аnd D, Сirclе thе lettеr of thе onе undеrlinеdword or phrosе thot is NoТ сoRRЕст,

Exдшtptп:Мike usually drives to sсhool, but today he walks.

A B с DA B сo

12, I asked Sean how to pronounсe his name?A в с D

t 3. Gerry сalled last wеek and said that hе nеeded the report right now. A B с DA B с D

14. Two days ago, the weather foreсaster warned us that a tornado is сoming. A B с DA B с D

15. Sandy сalled from Miami duringthe storm and said she was swimminghеre. A B с DA B с D

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BдsвFoвмariseawakebebeatbeсomebeginbеndbеtbitebleedblowbreakbringbuildburnburstbuyсatсhсhooseс|ingсomeсostсrеepсutdealdigdivedodrawdrеamdrinkdriveеatfаllfеedfеelfightfindfitflеefl ingflvforbidforgetforgivefreezеgetgivego


lrregular Verbs

Slмpl.вPдsтaroseawokewas/werebеatbeсamebeganbеntbetbitblеdblewbrokebroughtbui l tburned/burntburstboughtсaughtсhoseс|ungсameсostсreptсutdеaltdugdived/dovediddrеwdreamed/dreamtdrankdroveаtefellfedfeltfoughtfoundfitfledflungflewforbаde/forbadforgotforgavefrozeg0tgavеWеnt




lightlosemakemеanmeеtpayproveputquitrеad /rid/rideringriserunsaysеeseeksellsendsetsewshakеshaveshinеshootshowshrinkshutsing


l iUlightedlostmademeantmеtpaidprovеdputquitread irеdlrodеrаngroseransaidsawsoughtsoldsеntsetsewedshookshavedshonеshotshowedshrank/shrunkshutsang

PдsтPдвтIсlplвgroundgrownhunghadhеardhiddenhitheldhuгtkeptkneltkniVknittedknownlaidledleapt|еftlеntletla inlit/lightedlostmademeantmеtpaidprovediprovenputquitread /rеd/riddenrungrisеnrunsaidsееnsoughtsoldsentsetsewn/sеwedshakenshaved/shavenshoneshotshownshrunk/shrunkenshutsung

keepkneеlknitknowlayleаdleaplеavеlend|еtlie (l ie down) Iay

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BдsвFoвмsinksitsleеpslidespeakspeedspendspi l lspinspitsplitsprеаdspringstandsteа|stiсkstingstinkstrikeswear

Eмoтloшsadmirеаdoreapprесiateсaredetestdisl ikedoubtenvyfeаrhatel ikeloveregretrespeсttrust

SlмpцвPдsтsanksatslepts l idspokеspеdspentspil led/spiltspunspit/spatsplitspreаdsprangstoodstolestuсkstungstank/stunkstruсkswore


sunksatslеpts l idspokenspedspеntspiIlеd/spiltspunspatsplitspreadsprungstoodstolenstuсkstungstunkstruсksworn

BдsвFoвмsWеepswimswingtaketeaсhteartellth inkthrowunderstandupsetwakеwearweaveweepwinwindwithdrawwringwrite




Gommon Non-aсtion (Stative) Verbs

Mвштдl. Sтдтвsagrеe KnoWassume meanbeliеve mindсonsider presumedisagree reа|izedisbe|ieve reсognizeеstimate rеmembеrеxpeсt see (understand)feel (believe) supposefind suspесtguess think (be/ieyе)hesitаtе understandimаgine wonder

Wдштs дшoPпвгвпвшcвshopenеedprеfеrWаntwish

PввcвpтloшAND тнЕ Sвшsвsfeе|hеarnotiсeobsеrvеperсeiveseesmel ltaste

Appвдвдшсвдшo Vдluвappеar0eсostequalfeellookmatterrеpresentresеmbleseemsignifysmеl lsoundtаstеweigh

Possвsstoшдшo RвцдтloNsнtPbelongсontаinhavеownpo5sеs5



reыr Gommon verbs Followed by the Gerund (Base Form of Verb + -ing|| Т

aсknowledgeadmitadviseаppreсiatеavoidсan,t hеlpсeIebrate

сonsiderdelaydenydеtestdisсontinuеdisсussdis l ikе

en0ureenjoyesсapeexplаinfеe| likefinishforgive

give up (stop)imaginejustifykeep (сontinue)mеntionmind (obiесt to)



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advisеal lowask*сause

beginсan,t stand

admit toadvisе againstаpo|ogizе forapprovе of

Gommon Verbs

сan(,t) affordсan(,t)waitсhoosес0nsentdeсidedeserve





lnfinitive (Тo +



Base Form of


by the



voIunteеrwaitWаntwishwould |ikеyearn

Verbs Followed by Objects and the lnfinitive

еnсourаgе getexpeсt* he|p*forbid hirеforсe invite

hаtel ike

|ovе remember*prеfer start

want*warnwish*wou|d I ikе*


talk aboutthink аboutwonder aboutworry about

srсk ofslow atsorry for/аboutsurprised at/about/bytеrribIe аttired ofused toworried about

re|uсtant surprisedsad touсhedshoсked upsetsorry wi l l ing



*Тhesе verbs саn a|so bе fo||owed by the inf init ive without an objeсt (eхаmp|е: ask to leave or ask someone to leave)'

Gommon Verbs Followed by the Gerund or the lnfinitive

*Тhese verbs сan bе fol lowed by eithеr thе gеrund or thе inf init ive but there is а big differenсe in meaning.

Common Verb + Preposition Gombinations

believе inсhoose betwеen/among

сomp|ain about

сount ondeа| withdream about/offeel like/about

insist onlook forward toobjeсt topay for

plan onrely onresort tosuссеed in

common Adieсtive + Preposition Gombinations

aссustomеd toafraid ofamаzed at/byаngry atashamеd ofaware ofawful atbаd at


*Exаmp|e: l ,m happу to hear that'


аnxious deprеssed disturbеd enсouraged happyashamed dеterminеd eager еxсited hesitantсurious disappointed eаsy fortunatе l ikеlyde|ighted distressed еmbarrassеd g|аd |uсky

bored with/byсapаble ofсarefuI ofсonсerned aboutсontent withсurious aboutdiffеrent fromexсited аbout

famous forfed up withfond ofglаd aboutgood athappy aboutinterestеd innervous about

opposеd topIeasеd аboutready forrеsponsib|е forsаd аboutsafe fromsatisfiеd withshoсked aUby

Gommon Adieсtives that Gan Be FolIowed by the lnfinitive*


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Aovвввbadlyfarwel lIitt|е

muсh*/a |ot




- ingmovingparalyzingpleаsingrelaxingsatisfyingshoсkingsurprisingterrifyingt ir ingtouсhingtroubling

Supвпl.дтlvвсommonest / most сommonсrue|est / most сruе|dеadliеst / most deadlyfriеndIiest / most friend|yhandsomest / most handsomehappiest / most hаppylikeliest / most l ikelyliveliest / most l ively|onе|iest / most |onе|yloveliest / most Iovelynarrowest / most narrowp|eаsantest / most p|easantpolitest / most po|itеquiеtеst / most quietsha||owest / most shаllowsinсerеst / most sinсerestupidest / most stuPidtruest / most truе

ffi lrregular сomparisons of Adieсtives, Adverbs' and Quantifiers

Ao.lвстlvвbаdfargoodlittlemany/a lot ofmuсh*/а |ot of

*Muсh is usuа||y on|y used in questions and negative statеmеnts.

-ingdisturbingembarrassingentertainingexсitingexhaustingfasсinatingfrighteninghorrifyinginspir inginterestingirritаting


ffi Gommon PaЁiсipial Adjectives-edalаrmedаmazedamusedannoyedastonishedboredсonfusеddеprеssеddisаppointеddisgusteddistrеssed


GoмpдвдтlvвсommOner / morе сommonсruelеr / morе сruе|deadlier / morе deadlyfriеndliеr / more friеnd|yhandsomеr / more hаndsomеhappier / morе happyIikе|ier / more Iikelylivelier / more livelylonelier / more lonelyIoveIier / more lovе|ynarrower / more narrowpleasanter / more pleasantpo|itеr / morе politequiеter / more quietshallower / more shallowsinсerer / more sinсerestupider / morе stupidtruеr / more true

ffi Some Adieсtives that Form the Gomparative and SuperIative in TWo Ways

Ao.lвстlvвсommonсrueldeadlyfriendlyhandsomеhаppylikelylivelylonelylovelynarrowpleasantpolitequietshа| lowsinсerestupidtrue


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Gommon RepoЁing Verbs


с|aim indiсatе rеplyсomp|аin mаintain reportсonсlude mean sayсonfess note stаtedeсlarе observe suggеstdeny promise tellexсlaim remark Warnexp|аin repeat write

lшsтпucтloшs, coммANDsRвouвsтs' AND lшитдтloшsadvisе invitеask orderсaution sаyсommаnd tеlldеmand urgeinstruсt Warn

Quвsтloшsaskinquirequеstionwant to knowwonder

Do you know . . . ?D o y o u u n d е r s t a n d . . . ?Сan you te|| mе . . . ?С o u l d у o u e x p | a i n . . . ?С а n y o u r e m e m b e r . . . ?Would you show me . . . ?W h o k n o w s . . . ?

ffiVerbs and Еxpressions commonly Used Reflexively

fеel sorry for onеsеlfforgivе onеsеlfgivе onеselfhеlp onesеlfhurt onesеlfimaginе onеse|fintroduсe oneself

keеp onese|fkil l oneselflook after oneselfIook аt onese|fpride oneself onpush oneselfrеmind onesеlf

see onesеlftаke сare of onese|ftalk to onesеlfteaсh oneselftell oneselftreat onesеlfwash onеsеlf

ffiCommon тime Word Ghanges in lndireсt Speeсh

Dlпвст Spввсн lшotввст Spввснnow -) thentoday -Э that daytomorrow -+ thе next day oп the following day oп thе dаy after

yestеrday -+ thе day beforе oк the prеvious day

ihis week/month/year J that weеk/monthlyearlast week/month/year -+ the week/month/year beforеnext wееk/month/year _) the following week/month/year

ffiCommon Phrases lntroduсing Еmbedded Questions

I don't know . . .l don,t undеrstand . ' .l w o n d e r . . .l,m not surе ' . .| сan't remеmbеr . . .l саn,t imagine ' . '|t doеsn't say . . .

amuse oneselfаsk onesеlfavail onеself ofbe hard on onesеlfbe onesеIfbe pleased with onesеlfbе proud of oneself

bеhavе oneselfbelieve in oneselfbIamе onеsеlfсut onеsеlfdeprivе onеsеlf ofdry oneselfеnjoy onesеlf

l,d |ikе to know . . .I want to understand . . .l,d |ikе to find out . . .Wе need to find out . . .L e t , s а s k . . .


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Some Common Phrasal Verbs

(s.o._ someonе s.t' = somethin9)

Noтв 1: lnsepаrable phrasal verbs arе shown with the objeсt aftеr the paгtiсle (go after s't,)'Separable phrasal verbs аre shown with the objeсt bеtween thе vеrb and the partiс|e (calls'o' up),Verbs whiсh must be sеparated are shown with an аsterisk (-) (do s.t. oyer).

Noтв 2: Sеparable phrasal verbs сan have the noun objeсt either betweеn thе verb and thе partiсlеorafterthepart iс|e (сal lJan up0R сal l upJаn).Тheseverbsmust,howevеLbeseparatedwhenthеreis a pronoun objeсt (call her up N0Т

Pнвдsдl. Vввв Mвдшlшсask s.o. over invite to one's homebloсk s.t. out stop from passing through (light, noisе)blow s.t. out stop burning bу blowingblow s.t. up fillsomething with air (a balloon,

a water toу)blow (s.t.) up (make s.t') eхplodebreak down stop funсtioningbreak out oссur suddenlуbring s.t. about mаke something happenbring s.o' or s.t. baсk return someone or somethingbring s.o. down dеpressbring s.t. out introduсe (a new produсt, a book)bring s'o. up raise (сhildren)burn (s.t.) down burn completelусall (s'o.) baсk return a phonе сallсall s.t. off сanсelсall s.o' up tе/ephone 50meoneсarry on s't. сontinueсarry s.t. out сonduсtсаtсh on beсome popularсheer (s.o') up (make somеone)feel happierсlеan (s.o. or s.t.) up сlean сompletelусlear (s.t.) up make or beсome сlearсome about happenсome along aссompanусome baсk returnсome in enterсome off s't. beсome unattaсhedсomе outсome up


сome up with s.t. inventсover s.t. up сover сompletelусross s.t. out draw a line throughсut s.t. down bring down bу сuttingсut s.t. off 1' stop the supplу of something

2. remove bу сuttingсut s.t. out remove bу сuttingdo s.t. over do againdream s.t. up inventdress up put on speсial or formal сlothesdrink s.t' up drink сompletelуdrop by/in visit uneхpeсtedlу


Pнвдsдl. Yвпв Mвдшlшсdrop s'o. or s.t. off tаke someo nelsomething someplaсedrop out (of s.t.) quitеat out eat in a restaurantempty (s.t.) out emptу сompletelу

figure s.o. or s.t. out understand (after thinking about)

еnd up

fall off

f i l l s . t . infi l l s.t. out

get ahеadget alongget bасk

go baсkgo offgo on сontinuego out leave

1' do something uneхpeсtedor unintended

2' reaсh a final plaсe or сonditionbeсome detaсhed

сomplete with informationсomplete (a form, an application)

make progres' suссeedrelate wellreturn

2. be part ofreturneхplode (a gun, fireworks, a roсket)

fill (s.t.) up fillсompletelуfind (s.t.) out learn informationfollow (s.t.) through сompletefool around be plaуfulget s.t. aсross get people to understand an idea

get by surviveget out (of s't.) leave (a сar, a taхi)get s.t. out of s.t.* benefitfromget together meetget up rise from bedgive s.t. away give without сharging moneуgive s.t. baсk return somethinggive s.t. out distributegivе (s.t.) up quit, abandongo aftеr s.o. or s.t. pursuego along with s.t. 1. support

go overgo upgrow up

suссeed with an audienсеbe builtbeсome an adult

hand s't' in give some work to а boss or teaсherhand s.t. out distributehang up end a phone сonversationhang s.t. up put on a hook or hanger

(continшеd on nехt pagе)

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Pнвдsдl. Uвпвhelp (s.0.) outhold onkеep (s'o. or s't.) awaykеep onkeep s.t. on*

keep up(with s.o. or s.t.)

lay s.o. offleave s.t. on*

leаvе s.t' outIet s.o. downlet s.o. or s.t. inIеt s.o. offlet s.o. or s.t. outlie downlight (s.t.) uplook outlook s.o. or s.t. overlook s.t . upmake s.t. uppass s.t. outpay s.o. or s.t. baсkpay offpiсk s'o. or s.t. out

piсk uppiсk s.o. or s.t . up

play aroundpoint s.o. or s.t. output s.t. awayput s.t. baсkput s.o. or s.t. downput s.t. offput s.t. on

put s.t. togеtherput s.t, uprun into s.o.run out (of s.t.)see s.t . through*sеt s.t. offset s.t. up

Mвдшlшсassшtwait, not hang up thе phone(сause to) staу at a distanсeсontinuenot remove (a pieсe of сlothingor jewelrу)

go as fast asend someone,s еmploуment1. not turn off (a light, a radio)2. not remove (a pieсe of сlothing

or jewelrу)omitdisappointallow to enterallow to leave (a bus, a train, a сar)allow to leavereсlineilluminatebe сarefuleхaminetrу to find in a book or on the lnternetсreatedistributerepaуbe worthwhilе] . se/eсt2' idеntifуimprove1 . lift2. get (an idea, a new book, an interest)have funindiсateput something in an appropriate plaсereturn something to its original plaсestop holdingpostponeсover the bodу with a pieсe of сlothingor jewelrу

аssemb/eereсtmeet aссidentallуnot have enough of a supplусompleteсаuse to eхplode1. establish (a business,

an organization)2. prepare for use

Pнвдsдl. Vвввshow s.o. or s.t. offshow upshut s.t. offs ign upsit downstand upstart (s.t.) over*stay upstiсk with/to s.o. or s.t.straighten (s.t.) upswitсh s.t. ontake s.t. away/offtake s.t. baсktakе offtake s.o. ontakе s.t. outtalk s.o. into*talk s.t. overteаm up with s.o.tear s.t, downtear s.t. upthink baсk on s.o. or s't.think s.t. ovеrthink s.t. upthrow s.t. away/outtouсh s.t. uptry s.t, ontry s.t. outturn s.o. or s.t. down

turn s.t. inturn s.o. or s.t. intoturn s.o. offturn s.t. offturn s.t. onturn outturn upturn s.t, upusе s.т. upwake upwake (s.0.) upwatсh outwork s.t. offwork out

work s.t. outwrite s.t. downwrite s.t. up

MвдшIшсdisplaу the best qualitiesappearstop a machine or lightregistertake а seаtrisestart againrеmain awakenot quit, not leavemake neatstart a maсhine or a lightremovereturndepart (a plane)hireborrow from a librarуpеrsuadedisсussstart to work withdestroуtear into small pieсesrememberсonsiderinventdisсardimprove bу making small сhangesput сIothing on to see if it fitsfind out if something works1 ' rejeсt2, deсrease the volume (a radio, a TV)submitсhange from one form to another(s|ang) destroу intеreststop a maсhine or lightstart a maсhine or lighthave a particular resultappearraise the volumeuse сompletelу, сonsumеarise after sleepingawakenbe сarefulrеmovе bу work or activitу1. be resolved2' eхеrсisesolvewrite on a pieсe of paperwrite in a finished form


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Some Common lrregular Plural Nouns




Slшсul.дпhalfknifеleafl ifeloafshelfwife


Slшсut.двmanwomanсhi td



Slшсul.дв Pьuвдl.mousе miсe

deer deerfish fishsheep sheepfeet


3 .

1. Add -lng to the base form of thе verb.

rеаd readиgstand stаnding

2' |f a verb еnds in а si|еnt -e, drop the fina| -е and add -ing.

leave leavinqtаkе taking

ln a one-sy||ab|е word, if thе |ast threе |etters arе асonsonant-Vowе|-сonsonant сombination (СVС), doub|еthе last сonsonant bеfore adding -iп9.

с V сJ J Js i t

с V сJ J Jr u n running

1. Add -s for most verbs.work worksbuy buysride ridesrеturn returns

2. Add -es for words that еnd in -сh, -5, -5h, -х, or -z'

wаtсh watсhes

Spelling Rules for the Present Progressive

pеrson people

Howevel do not doublе the |ast сonsonаnt in words that endin w, х, or у'sеW sewinofix fiхingenjoy enjoying

4. ln words of two or morе sy|Iab|es that end in a сonsonаnt-vowe|-сonsonant сombination, double the Iast сonsonanton|y if the last sy|lаb|e is stressed.

admit admittlng (The |ast sy||able is strеssed,so you double the -t,)


whisper whispering (Тhe last sylIabIe is not stressed,so you don't doub|е thе -r.)

5. lf a verb еnds in -ie, сhange thе ie to y bеforе adding -ing'

3. Сhange the y to i and add -es when the base form ends inа сonsonant + y.study studieshurry hurriesdry dries

Do not сhange thе y when the bаsе form еnds in а vowel+ y. Add -s.

play playsenjoy enjoys

4. A few verbs have irrequ|аr forms'be is



diе dуing

Spelling Rules for the Simple Present Tense:Third-Person Singular (he, she, it)




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Spelling Rules for the Simple Past Tense of Regular Verbs

1. |f the verb еnds in a сonsonant, add -ed.

return returnedhelp helped

2. |f thе verb еnds in -e, add -d.

|ive |ivеdсrеatе сreateddiе died

3. In one-sy||ab|е words, if thе vеrb ends in а сonsonаnt-vowe|-сonsonаnt сombination (сVс), double the finalсonsonant and add -ed'

с V сJT Jh o p hopped

с V сJ J Jr u b rubbed

1. Add -er to onе-sy|Iab|e adjeсtives to form the сomparative.Add -est to one-syllab|е adjeсtives to form the superlative.сheap сheаpеr сheapestbright brighter brightest

2. |f the аdjeсtive еnds in -e, add .r or -st'

niсe n |сеr n |се5r

3. |f the adjeсtive ends in a сonsonant + y, сhangе y to i

Spelling Rules for the Gomparative (-er) andSuperlative (-est) of Adjeсtives

Howеve1 do not doub|e one-sy||abIe words ending in-w' -х, or -у'

bow bowedmix mixedp|ay p|аyed

4. ln words of two or more sy|lables thаt end in a сonsonant-vowel-сonsonant сombinаtion, double the |аst сonsonanton|y if the |ast sy||ab|e is strеssed.prefdr prеfеrrеd (Тhе last syllablе is strеssed,

so you doub|е the -r.)

uli' visited (Тhe |аst sy||ab|e is not stressed,so you don't double the t.)

5. |f thе verb еnds in а сonsonant + y, сhangе the y to i аndadd -ed.

worry worriedсаrry сarried

6. |f thе vеrb ends in a vowе| + y, add -ed. (Do not сhаngеthe y to i.)p|аy p|ayedannoy annoyedЕxсeptions:pay-paid, Iay-|aid, say-sаid

4. lf thе adjeсtive ends in a сonsonant-vowe|-сonsonantсombination (сVС), double the finаl сonsonant beforeаdding -er or -est.

с V сJ J Jb ig b igger b iggest

Howevеr, do not doub|e the сonsonant in words еndingin -w or -у'

slow slowerсoy сoyer


before you add -er or -est.

prеtty prettier prеttiestshyestExсeption: shy shyer

Spelling Rules for Adverbs Ending in -Iу

1. Add -/y to the сorresponding adjeсtive.niсe niсelуquiet quiet/ybeаutiful bеautifu|/y

2. |f thе adjeсtivе ends in а сonsonant + y, сhаngе the y to ibefore adding -/y.

easy easilу


3. lf thе adjeсtive ends in ./e, drop the e аnd аdd -y.

possib|е possib|y

Howeve1 do not drop the e for other аdjeсtives ending in -e.

eХtrеmе extremе/yExсeption: truе trulу

4. lf the adjесtive ends in -iс, add -allу,

basiс basiсallуfantastiс fantastiсa//y

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Gontraсtions with Verb Forms

1. SlмpI-в Pпвsгшт Tвшsв, Pпвsвшт PпoспвsslvЕ, AND lмpвпдтlvг

Contrасtions with Be

l a myou arehe isshe isit isWe arеyou arеthеy are

l аm notyou are nothe is notshe is notit is notwe are notyou arе notthеy are not

Contraсtions with Do

l 'myou'rehe'sshe'sit'sWе,reyou'rеthеy,re

l 'm notyou're not orhe's not orshе,s not orit's not orwe're not oryou're not orthey,rе not or

you aren'the isn'tshe isn'ti t isn ' twе аren,tyou aren'tthey aren't

Slмpl.в Pпвsвштl'm a student.Hе,s my teaсhеr'We,rе from Сanаda.

SlмpI.в PввsвштShe,s not siсk.He isn,t |аte.We аren,t twins'They're not here.

Pпвsвшт Pпoсввsslvвl ,nr studуing herе.Hе,s tе.rсhirig verbs'We,rе l iv i trg here.

Pпвsвшт PпoсввsslvвShe,s nсr t rеаd i l rq .He isn, t соmi i . . i : .We arеn, t |еа i l i г rп .They,rе nоt р iа ' ; i t l i : .

do notdoes not


Slмpl.в Pпвsвшт IмpвпдтlvвТhey don,t l ive here. Dоn't ruп!|t doesn't snow muсh.

Slшplв Pдsт Pдsт PвoсREsslvEHе wаsn , t a poe t . He was г l . l s i nq inq .They weren, t twins . Тhey wеren t s leер i l ; r : .We didn't see her.

Fuтuвв wlтн Wtt.t| ,|| tаke thе trа in.It' l l be faster that wav.We'll go together.Hе won't сome with us.They won't miss the train.

2 . Slмpt.г Pдsт Tвшsв AND PAsт Pпoспвsslvг

Contraсtions with Bewas not = Wasn'tWеrе not = Werеn,t

Contraсtions with Dodid not = didn't


Contraсtions with VУil/I w i l l = l ' l lyou wi l l = you' l lhe wi l l = he' l lshe wi l l = she' l li t wi l l = i t ' l lwe wi l l = we' l lyou wi l l = you' l lthеy wiIl = thеy,ll

wil l not = won't

3 .

(continuеd on nехt pagе)


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у '


Contraсtions with Be going tol аm going to = l ,m going toyou are going to = you're going tohе is going to = he,s going toshе is going to = she,s going toit is going to = it's going toWe are going to = Wе,rе going toyou are going to = you're going tothey are going to = they're going to

Pпгsншт Pгпгrст AND PRЕsЕNт PЕRFEст Pпoспвsslvв

contraсtions with HayeI hаvе = l,veyou have = you'vehe has = he'sshe has = she'sit has = it'swе have = We,vеyou have = you'vethey have = they've

hаve not = haven,thas not = hasn't

5. MooдI-s AND MoDAL.LIкЕ Expпвssloшs

сannot or саn not = сan,tсou|d not = сouldn,tshould not = shouldn'thаd better = ,d betterwou|d prefer = ,d prеferwould not = wouldn'twould rather = 'd rather

сou|d have = сould,veshou|d havе = should,vеwould hаvе = would,vemust have = must'vemight have = might've

6. CoшolтloNAls Wlт}l Wouto

lwou ld = l 'dyou would = you'dhe would = he'dshe would = she'dwe would = we'dyou would = you'dthey would = they'd

would havе = would,ve

would not = wouldn't

Fuтuпв wlтн 8g GoING тo|,m going to buy tiсkets tomorrow.Shе,s going to сalI you.It 's going to ra in soon,We're going to drive to Boston.Тhey,re going to сrash!

You've already read that page.We've been writing for an hour.She,s been to Afriса three timеs.lt,s beеn raining sinсe yesterday.We haven,t seen any e|еphants yet.Тhey haven,t been Iiving hеre |ong.She hasn't taken any photos today.

Shе сan,t danсe.We shouldn't go.Тhey,d better deсide.|,d prefer сoffee.She wouldn't .l 'd rather take the bus.

Wе сould,ve waIked.We might,ve arrived |аte.

|f I had timе, l,d travel'lf you moved here, you'd be happy.|f she knew the answе1 she,d tell you.We,d buy a nеW сar if we had the money.|f you invited them, they,d сome.lf I had known, I would've told you.l wouldn,t do thаt if I were you'


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Punсtuation Rules for Direсt Speech


Direсt speeсh may еither fol|ow or сomе beforе the reportingvеrb. Whеn dirесt speесh follows thе reporting verb,

а. Put a сOmmа after thе rеporting vеrb.b. Use opening quotation marks (..) bеfore the first word of

the direсt speесh.с. Begin the quotation with a сapital |еttеr.d. Use the appropriatе еnd punсtuation for the dirесt speeсh.

lt may be a period (.), a quеstion mark (?), or an exс|аmа.tion point (!).

е. Put сlosing quotation marks (,,) after thе end punсtuationof the quotаtion.

Еxamples: He said, ,,I hаd а good timе.,,5he аskеd, ,,Wherе,s the party?,,Тhey shoutеd, ,,Be сarеful!,,

Pronunсiation Table


When direсt speeсh сomes before the reporting verb,a. Begin the sеntenсе with opening quotаtion marks (,,).b' Usе the appropriаtе end punсtuation for thе dirесt speeсh.

lf thе dirесt speeсh is a statеmеnt, usе a сomma (,).lf thе dirесt speeсh is a question, use а question mark (?).lf the direсt speeсh is аn exсlаmation, use an exсlamationpoint (!) .

с. Usе сlosing quotation marks after the еnd punсtuation forthе direсt spеeсh (,,).

d. Begin the reporting сlause with a lower-саse |еttеr.e. Usе а period at thе еnd of thе main sentеnсe (.).Еxamples: ,,I hаd a good time,,, he sаid.

,,Where,s thе party?,, she askеd.,,Be саrеfu|!,, they shouted.


Symbol Key Word

i beat, fеed

r bit, did

еI date, paid

е bet, bed

& bat, bad

o box, odd, father

э bought, dog

ou boat, road

u book, good

u boot, food,student

A but, mud,mothеr

Symbol Key Word

а banana, among

т shirt, murder

aI bite, сry, buy,eye

au about, how

JI voiсe, boy

rr beer

tr bare

or bar

)r door

ur tour

Sтввss' shows main stress.

Symbol Кey Word

p paсk, happy

b baсk, rubber

Symbol Кey Word

! ship, maсhine, stаtion,speсiaI, disсussion

3 mеasurе, vision

h hot, who

m men

n sun, knoщ pnеumonia

Ц sung, r inging

w wet, white

I l ight, long

r right, wrongy yes, use, musiс

t. buttеr, bottlе












сame, key, quiсk

gamе, guеst

сhurсh, nature, watсhjudge, genеrаI, major

fan, photograph


thing, breath

thеn, breаthе

sip, сity, psyсhology

zip, p|eаse, goes


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Pronunciation Rules for the Simple Present Tense:Third-Person Singular (he, she, it)

1. Тhe third person singular in the simp|е present tеnse alwaysеnds in the lettеr .s. Тhere аre, howеver, threе different pro-nunсiations for the final sound of the third person singular.

4. The fina| sound is pronounсеd /z/ aftеr al| vowel sounds,

agree agreеstry triеsstay staysknow knows

5. Тhe finaI sound is pronounсed |п|aftеr thе sounds Is|, Iz|,It|, $|' /f/, and lфl' llzl adds a syllable to thе vеrb.

rе|aх rе|aхеsfreеzе frеezеsrush rushesmassаgе massageswatсh wаtсhesjudge judges

6. Do and sаy havе а сhangе in vowеl sound.

2. The finaI sound is pronounсed /s/ after the voiсeIess soundslpl, lll, lkl, and lf L

top topsget getstаke tаkes|аugh |аughs

3. The fina| sound is pronounсed |zl after the voiсеd soundslbl, ldl, lgl, lvl, 16l, lml, lnl, lr1l, l l l , and lrl.

desсribе dеsсribеsspend spendshug hugslive l ivesbаthe bathеsseem seеmsremain remainssing singstel l te l lslower lowers

The rеgu|аr simp|е past aIwаys ends in thе |ettеr -d. Тhereаrе, howevеr, thrеe diffеrent pronunсiations for the finа|sound of thе regular simp|e past.


says |sеz|does ldьzl

massаge massagedсhange сhangedrhymе rhymedreturn returnedbаng bangedenrol l enrol ledаppеar appеaredbathе bathеd

4. The fina| sound is pronounсеd /d/ after аlI vowe| sounds.

agree agreеdp|ay p|аyeddie diedеnjoy еnjoyedrow rowеd

5. Тhe fina| sound is pronounсed /rd/ after |tlаnd /d/./td/ adds a syllаble to the vеrb.

start stаrteddeсide deсided

lsl lzltаlks |ovеs

Itl ldlrасed |ived




] Pronunсiation Rules for the Simple Past Tense of Regular Verbs

1 .


3 .

The final sound is pronounсed /t/ after thе voiсe|ess soundslpl, lkl, lfl, lsl, l [], and I{1.

hop hoppedwork workedlaugh laughedaddress аddrеssedpubl ish publ ishedwatсh watсhed

Тhe final sound is pronounсеd /d/ after the voiсed sounds|b|' |g|, |v|, |z|, |3|, |ф|, |m|, |n|, |цl, ||l, |r|, and |6l'

rubhugl ive


surprise surprised


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Alan, 25О_25|A fешlfeu:, 246_247A grеat dеal of,246_247A little I little, 246-247A lot of, 246-247Abilitу' 116_117

passive, 269with ut ish.295

Aсtive/passive, 264 _265

Additions, 110-111Adjeсtive сlauses

identifying andnon-identifying, 308-309

with objeсt relativе pronouns,304-305

with subjeсt relativepronouns, 300-301

with шhеn ard шhеre. 305Adjeсtives

сomparatives, 184 _1B5,

339,344сontrast with adverbs.

172-t73equativеs, 180_181followed by infrnitives,

2r0-21r ,215,338irregular сomparisons, 339partiсipia|, |7 6_|7 7, 339with preposition

сombinations. 203. 338supеrlatives, 188_189,

339' З44Adverbs

сomparatives, 192_193' 339сontrast with adjeсtives,

r72-t73ending in _lу, I72_I7З,344equatives, 180-181of frequencу,7followed by infinitives, 215irregular сomparisons, 339of manneц I73superlatives, 192-193

Adviсe, \28_129If I шеrе уou,287

imperativе, 19passive, 268-269

Advisability in the past, 162-163After

with futurе time сlauses, 89with past perfect, Tl

Agеntwith passive, 264-265with passive сausative,

272-273Аgo, 25AIrеadу

future perfeсt,97past perfe ct, 7Ipresent perfeсt, 50_51


a/ an, 243, 250-25Ino artiсle,250_25|no artiсle сontrasted with thе,


As in equatives, 180-181As soon as

futurе time сlauses,89past perfect, Tl

Assumptions, 158-159Auхiliary verbs

in additions, 110-111with questions about

prеdiсate, 103in tag questions, 106-107

Bесontraсtions. 345foliowed by reflеxive

pronoun, 259simple past tens e, 24-25,

28-29Bе able to' |16_117Be (doing), 2-3Be going to

сontraсtions' 346

сontrast with other futureforms, 84-85

faсtual сonditionals, 283future, 80-81,84-85future progтessive,92with passive, 268-269

Be supposed to, I50-1,5IBe used tolused to, 33,203Beforе

future time сlauses' 89past perfect, Tl

Bуwith futurе perfeсt,97with pass iv e, 264-265, 268-269with passive сausative,

272_27Зwith past perfect, TLfollowеd by reflexive pronoun'

259Bу the time, 89

Canabil ity, 116-117permissioл, |20_L2Тrequests, I24-I25

Can'tabil ity, 116-117assumptions, 158-159with passive,269prohibition, 146-147speсulations about the past,

166-167Can't haae, 166-167Commands

imperativе, 18_19indireсt speeсh, 315

Commaswith adjeсtive сlauses, 309with faсtual сonditionals,

279,283with time сlauses,41, 89with unreal сonditionals.

287 .291Common nouns, 242-243


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Comparativesadjeсtives, 184_18 5, 339, 344advеrbs, 192_193,339irregulaц 339

Conditionalsfuturе faсtual, 282_283past unreal,290-29Iprеsеnt faсtual' 27 8_27 9present unreal, 286-287with utish,294-295

Contraсtionswith vеrb forms. 345_346

CouIdability, 1.16-11-7assumptions, 158-159futurе possibility,

154-155indirесt speесh, 323with passivе, 269pеrmission, 120_12|requests, I24-I25speсulations about the past,

166-167suggestions, 132-133after шish.295

CoшIdn,tassumptions, 158-159impossibility, 155past abilitу, tt6_It7

Could haueadvisability in thе past,

t62-t63speсulations about the past,

1.66-167Count nouns/non-сount nouns'

242-243and artiсTes, 250-251.,

254-255and quantifiers, 246-247

-d Gее _ed)

Defrnite artiсle, 250_25IDirесt speeсh

imperativе, 314_315punсtuation rules, 347questions , 326-327statements, 318-319,

З22_323Dirесtions, 19


Dowith additions, 110сontraсtions, 345tag questions, 106-107

Do уou mind if, I20_I2IDontt haue toltnust not.


Each otherleach other's.258-259


adjесtive ending, I7 6_177past partiсiplе, 46past tense,24

Embedded quеstions, 330_331phrasеs introduсing, 340

Enoшghwith сount and non-сount

nouns, 246-247with inflrnitive s, 2I4-2I5

Equatives, 180-181-еr

сomparativе adjeсtives,184-185,344

сomparative adverbs, 192_193-est

supеrlative adj eсtives,188-189, 344

superlative adverbs, 192-193Euеr

with past perfect, T0with present pеrfeсt, 55with superlatives, 189

Ехpeсtationsbe supposеd to, 150_151

Faсtual сonditionalsfuture,282_28Зprеsent, 278_279

Feus|a fеu:' 246_247Forlsincе,46_47Future

bе going,q 80_81сontrast of future forms. 84_85passive,269presеnt progтessive, 85simple present tense, 85timе сlausеs,88_89

шill, 81',85Futurе faсtual сonditionals'

282-283Futurе perfесt, 96_97Future perfeсt progтessive,

96-97Future possibilitу, |54_1'55, 269Futurе progrеssive, 92_93

Gerundsсontrast with infinitives.

222-223aftеr prеpositi ons, 2О2-2ОЗ,

223as subjeсt or objeсt, 198_199after сеrtain verbs, 198_199,

223, 337-338Get (s.o. to do s.t.), 226-227Getlhaue (s.t. done), 27 2-27 3Gеt шsеd to|шsed to,33,203Go + gerund, 199

Had bееn (doing), 74_75Had better

adviсe, 128_|29with passive,269

Had (donе), 70_7IHad to hansе, 166_167Hardlу, I73Haae

сontraсtions, 346presеnt perfeсt, 46_47, 50_51,

54-55prеsent perfeсt progressive,

62-63Haoe (s.o. do s.t.).226-227Hauе beеn (doing)

present perfeсt progressiv e, 62Hauе (done), 4647, 50_51,

54-55Hauelgеt (s.t' donе), 272_27 ЗHante (got) to

assumptions, 158-159neсessity, I42_I43with passive, 269

Help (s.o. do s.t.),226-227Horo abou| 132-133

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Identifying adj eсtive сlauses,308-309

rfсontrast with unlеss' 283in embedded questions,

330-331in indireсt question s, 326_З27

^ffсlausesfuture faсtual сonditionals,

282-283past unreal сonditionals,

290-291.prеsеnt faсtual сonditionals,

278_2т9prеsent unreal сonditionals,

286-287If I шerе уou, 287Imperative, 18-19

dirесt and indireсt speeсh,314-315

faсtual сondition als' 27 9reflехive pronouns,259

In order to,2tB-2I9Indefrnite artiсlе, 250_25IIndеfinite past, 54_55Indireсt questions, 326_327, 33 1Indireсt speeсh

imperatives, 314-315indireсt questions, З26_327pronoun сhanges, 315, 323reporting verbs, 315, 340statеments, 318_3 t9' 322_323time word сhanges, 3I5, З23,

340verb tеnse сhanges' 319,


after сertain adjeсtives,270-211,215,338

after advеrbs, 215сontrast with gеru nds,, 222_22Зwith indireсt imperatives,

314-315negative, 206-207 , 218-219,

314-315after сеrtain nouns, 2I0_2tIaftеr objeсts, 2О6_207, 227of purpose,2IS-2I9aftеr question words, 330_331with too and еnough, 2I4_2I5

after сertain verbs, 206_207,338


as adjeсtive endin g, 17 6_1'77future perfeсt progтessive,

96-97future progтessive, 92_93gerunds, 198-199, 202-203past pеrfeсt progтеs siу e, 7 Ц7 5past progтеssive' 36_37presеnt perfeсt progтessive,

62-63present progтessiv e,, 2-З

Inseparable phrasal verbs,232_23З' 34I_342

Instruсtionsimperativе, 18_19indireсt speесh, 315

Invitationsimperative, 19indireсt speесh, 315

Irregular plural nouns, 343Irrеgular verbs

lists, 336-337simple past tens e, 24-25, 28

It,s + adjeсtive + infinitive,2|I


Latelу, 54_55, |73Lessltnorе, I84, |92_|93Let (s.o. do s.t.),226-227Lеt,s, 132_133Littlel a little, 246-247_Iу

as adjесtive ending, I73as adverb ending, 172-173,


Make (s.o. do s.t.,),226-227Manу,246_247Maу

assumptions, 158-159futurе possibilitу, 15 4_155, 269permiss ion,I20-I2l

speсulations about thе past,166-167

Maу haaе, |66Maуbе

сontrast with maу bе, I55in suggestions, 132-133

Mе neithец |||Me too, II1,Might

assumptions, 158-159futurе possibilitу, 154_|55,

269indireсt speeсh, 323speсulations about the past,

r66-t67Might haae

advisability in the past,t62-I63

speсulations about thе past,166-167

Modals (sеe also spеcific modals)faсtual сondition als. 27 9. 283indireсt speeсh, 323and passive,268-269and unreal сonditionals. 287.

29IMore|less, 184_18 5, |92_19ЗMostllеasd 1B8_1B9, 192_193Much,246-247Mшst

assumptions, 158-159neсessity, r42_I43with passive, 268-269speсulations about the past,

1,66-167Must haue, t66-I67Must notldon't haaе to.

I46-147Must not (hauе), 166_167

Nесessityhauе (goD to and must'

t42-I43passive, 269

Negative inГrnitivesimperatives, 315of purpose,2tB-219after сеrtain verbs, 206_207

Nеithец 110_111


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Neuerwith Past Perfect,TIwith presеnt perfeсt, 54

with simPle Present tense, 7

Non.aсtion verbs, 10_11

list, 337Non.сount nouns/сount nouns'

242-243and artiс|es, 250_25|, 254=255

and quantifrers, 246-247

Non-idеntifying adj eсtive

сlauses, 308_309

Not at all, 720-12I, t25

Not еithеr, |IО_|IТ

Not уеt,50_51Nouns

сommon' 242-243

сount, 242_243, 246_247,

250-251,254-255definitе,254_255indeflrnite ,254-255followed bу infinitives, 210_211

irregular Plurals, 243, 343

non-сoun t, 242_243, 246-247,

250-251" 254-255plural, 243' 343propeц 242_243with quantifi e t s, 246-247

objeсtgеrunds, 198_199

befоrе infinitives, 206_207, 227

with inseParable and

seParable Phrasal verbs,

232_23З,236_237objeсt relativе piоnouns,

304-305,309Оften' 7Оnе anothеrlone another,s,

258-259Оught to

adviсe, t2B_|29in indireсt speeсh, 323

with Passive, 269

Ought to haae, 162-163

Partiсipial adjeсtiv es, t76_177

list, 339


Partiсlesсontrast with prеpositions,

232-233,237inseparable Phrasal verbs,

232-233,34t-342separable Phrasal verbs,

236-237 ,341-342Passive

with agent, 264-265

сontrast with aсtive, 264-265

with modals, 268-269

Passive сausative, 27 2_27 З

Past Gее Simp|e past tеnsе)

Past partiсiplesto form future pеrfeсt, 96_97

to form Passive, 264-265,

268-269tо fоrm passive сausative,

272-273tо form past perfect,70_77

to form present perfeсt,

46-47 ,50-51, 54-55

Past perfeсt, 70_7t

with a|rеadу,7Iwith еUеr,7|indireсt speeсh,323with nеuеr,7tw i th уеt ,7|

Past perfeсt progтеssive, 7 4_7 5

Past progтessive, 36_37

сontrast with simple past

tеnsе, 37,4lwith simplе past tense,40_4|

with шhi|е' 37,40_4t

Past unrеal сonditionals,290-291\323

Permissiоn,I20-I21-polite answers, 121

Phrasal verbsinseParable,2S2-233list,34l-342separable ,236-237transitive ,233,237

PIeasewith permissiоn, t2Т

with requests, 125

Plural nouns, 243,343

PossibilitYfuturе, |54_tб5,269questiоns,167

Prеdiсate, 102_103

Prеfeц 136_137Prefеrenсes, 136_137

Prepositionsсombinеd with adjeсtives, 338

сombined with verbs, 338

сontrast with partiсlеs,

232-233,237followed by gerun ds, 202-2О3,

223relative pronoun as objeсt of,

305Prеsent соntinuous (sее Prеsеnt

progrеssiuе)Present faсtual сonditionals,

278-279Prеsеnt perfесt

with alrеadу and уеt, 50_51

сontrast with presеnt pеrfесt

progтessive, 66_67

сontrast with simplе past

tеnse,58_59with еuец 55indefinite Past, 54-55

with7иsf, 55with latеlу,55with sincе and foц 46-47

Prеsеnt perfeсt progтеssiv e, 62_6,3

сontrast with present pеrfeсt,

66-67Presеnt progтessiv e, 2-3

сontrast with simple presеnt

tense, 14-15fоr future, 85

spelling rulеs, 343

Present unrеal соnditionals,286-287

Prohibitionmust not and can't, 146-147

Pronounsreсiproсal,258_259reflexivе, 258_259rеlative, 300_30 1, 304_305'


simple past tense оf regular

verbs, 348

simplе present tensе, 348

taЬle, З47ProPer nouns' 242-243

Page 362: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p




Punсtuation (sее also spеcificpunctuation)

direсt speeсh, 347aftеr suggestions, 133


Quantifiersand сount nouns, 246_247irrеgular сomparisons, 339and non-сount nouns. 246_247

Question marksin еmbedded questions,

330-331in indireсt questions, 326-327in suggestions, 132-133

Questions (seе olso Wh_quе stions; Yes/Ir(o quе stions)

еmbedded, 330-331, 340indireсt, 326-327,33Ipermission,,I20possibilitу,167about prediсatе, 102_103rеquests, 124simple past tense, 28-29about subjeсt, 102_103tag, 106-107

Quotation marks, 314_315, З47

Rarеlу,7Rеcentlу,54_55Reсiproсal pronoun s, 258_259Reflexive expressions, 340Reflexivе pronouns, 258_259Regret

past unreai сonditionals, 291with шish,295

Regular verbspronunсiation rules, 348simple past tense, 24-25, 28

Relative сlauses Gее Adiеctiuеclausеs)

Relative pronounsin identifying and

non-idеntifying adj eсtiveсlauses, 308_309

objeсt, 304_305subjeсt, 300-301

Reported speeсh (sеe Indirеctspеесh)

Reporting verbs, 314-315, 340Rеquests, |24_t25

imperatives, 19indireсt speeсh, 315polite answers, 125

Seldomr TSeparable phrasal verbs,


adviсe, I28_r29indireсt speесh, 323with passivе, 269

Should haue, 162-163Shouldn't, I29ShoшIdn't hanse, 162_|63Simplе past tens e, 24_25, 28-29

сontrast with present perfeсt,58-59

irregular verbs, 24-25,336-337

with past prоgressive, 40_4Ipronunсiation rules, 348spelling rules, 25,344

Simple present tеnse, 6_7сontrast with present

progressivе, I4_I5for future, 84-85with futurе perfeсt, 97with futurе perfeсt

progтessive,97in future time сlausеs, 89pronunсiation rules, 348spеll ing rulеs, 343

Sincelfoц 46_47So, 110-111Soпt,e, 246_247, 250_25ISornetirnes, TSpeсulations about the past,

166-167Stative verbs (sее Non-а,ction


gerunds, tg}-199,223

of imperative, 19tо h_ questions, 102_103

Subjeсt relative pronouns,300-301

Suggestions, 132-133impеrative, 19

Superiativesadjeсtives, 188_189, З39, 344adverbs, I92-I93

Tag questions, 106-107Tel l lsaу,315, 319Than, 184-185, 192-193That

with indireсt speeсh, 318_319rеlative pronoun, 301,

304-305Thatlu:hich' 3ОIThе

definite artiсle. 250_25I.254-255

with superlative adjeсtives,188-189

with superlativе adverbs,I92_I9З

Time сlausesfuturе, 88_89' 93,97past, 40-4I, 7L, 75with sincе, 47

Tooin additions, 110-111with infrnitive s, 2\4-215

Transitivе phrasal verbs, 23З,237Two-word/part verbs (sее

Phrasal uеrbs)

Unlеsslif' 283Unrеal сonditionals

past,290-29Ipresent, 286-287

Unti l ,89Used to,32-33

сontrast with bеlgеt usеd to,33, 203



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tдiЁi#яglвlнЕill:|,], ll.i .

Vеrbswith both aсtion and

non-aсtion meanings, 10_11сombined with prepositions,

203, 338followed by gerund, 198-199,

222-223,337-338impеrative form, 18_19followed by infrnitives,

206-207 ,222-223,338irregulaц 24_25, 28' 336_337non-aсtion, 10_11, 15, 337phrasal, 232-233, 236-237,

34r-342regulaц 24,28,344,348reporting, 314_315, З40simplе past tens e, 24_25,

336_337,344,З48tag questions and auxiliary,

106-107transitivе ,233, 237used refleхivelv. 340

Warnings, 19Waslu:еre (doing)' 36_37Wеre

in present unreal сonditionals,286-287

in wishеs,294_295When

with adjeсtive сlauses,305, 309

futurе time сlausеs. 89past perfect, T0past perfeсt progтessive, 75simple past tense, 40-41

Wherewith adjeсtive сlausеs, 305, 309questions, 103

Whetherin embedded questions,

330-331in indirесt questions, 326_327

Whether or not, 327Which

identifying andnon_idеntifying adj eсtiveсlauses, 308_309

relative pronoun, 301, 305, 309Whilе

with future time сlauses. 89with past pгogтessive, 40_4t

Whowith questions about subjeсt

and prediсate, 102_103relativе pronoun, 300_30 1,

305, 309Whom

with questions aboutprediсate, 103

rеlative pronoun, 305Whosе,301, 305, 309Wh- questions

embedded. 330-331

indireсt, 326_327subjeсt and prediсatе, 102_103

Whу don,t, 132_133Whу not, I32_L33wiu,80-91, 84-95

сontraсtions, 345faсtual сonditionals, 283with passive, 269with requests, 124-125

wiш be (doing), 92_93wiш haaе been (doing),96_97will hаue (donе),96_97

Wish, 294-295Would

сonditionals,286-287with requests, 124-125with utish,295

Would haae,290-291Would prefeц 136_137Would rathец 136_137Would уoш mind' I24_I25

Yеslno questionsembeddеd' 330_331indireсt, 326_327

Yеtwith future perfeсt, 97with past perfect, Tlwith prеsent perfесt, 50_51


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Answer KeyNoтг: In this answег key, whегe thе сontraсted form is given, the ful l form is a|so сoгreсt,and whеrе the fu|| foгm is givеn, thе сontгасtеd form is a|so сorгесt.

Present Progressive

жPqINтIt's happening now!

сI]АRт сItEсl( lbe + base form of vеrb + -ingbе

сHARт сHEсl( 2F

EхPREss,,{#:r:/ЬТ;:;Аare . . . leavingare . . . performing oв're . . performing

ffiI@very hard these days, but Ihavе some good nеws. Right noщ I,m sitting

at a dеsk in the Entertainment Seсtion of

tJne T|ibunе! Оf сourse I@still6ki"Djournalism сlasses at night as well. The job

is temporary_Joe Sims, the regular reporteц

@this month off to writе a book. This

week *u{ЗБТrejarinЪto intеrview your

favorite grouP, the Airheads. In faсt, at this

very moment they're flying into town by

heliсopter. The performing the King

Theater all week. How@rou @@you still @-usiс? oops! The сrew

is сalling me. They,re leaving for the

theater now. Write soon!

2 . a r e . . . g o i n gз. is waiting oв,s waiting4. 'm workings. 're not doing oR aren't doing6 . ' r e . . . s i t t i n g7. 'm sitting8 . ' m . . . t h i n k i n g9. are staying

3. Why are you touring again?с. What are you working on thеse days?5. WЪo,s singing with you now?6. Is she replaсing Toti?7. No, she isn't. oв No, she,s not.'m writingI wrte to you from my hotel room. Еveryone

э|eeping 'm эi t| ingelse is slфр, but I si++iаg here and watсhing

the oсean. Wе,re staying at the Plaza in

Atlantiс Beaсh, and the viеw is beautiful. Thego ing

tour is gэеs wеll. The audienсe is uazу about

the nеw songs' but the fu.,.Тalways asking

for you. How is thе baby? She has a gтeatАre

voiсе. Dо you teaсhing her to sing yet? Maybe

both of you will сome along for the neхt tour!

Simple Present Тёnse

жPЙINтHank's Working Habits

сHARт сl]Eсl(T 'ЦF

EхPREss,{:1:;,:,'ЯЯ':'4,Why does he rush

ffiIn today,s fast-paсed world, *" @ esсapestress. Strеss @affeсts us psyсhologiсally,

but aссording to Dr. Roads, author of the

new bestselleц CaIm Doшn!, it also affесts

us physiсally. For eхample, stress сauses

high blood pressure. Doсtors @щqqmediсation for stress-related illnesses.

Мediсine @rlalDlowers a patient's blood

(continuеd on nехt pagе)


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356 r &nswer Key

pressure. But, Dr. Roads сlaims,..You don'tI . f r n r(alwavs)need prlls. Relaxation exerсlsеs

qщ@as effесtive as pills. For

example, breathing exеrсisеs both relax yоu

and lower your blood prеssure. It only takes

a few minutes!"

3. take4. rushes5. isn't6. is

ж-*:ffiPЙlNтhas the flavor of сhiсken


7. doesn't finish8. worries9. doesn't havе

1o. doesn't have


Does he work on reports in the afternoon?Nо, he doesn,t.WЪen does he see сlients? He sees сlientsfrom 9:00 to 12:00.Does he take a lunсh break? Yes, he does.What does he do from 12:30 to 5:00? Hеreturns phone сalls.

7. Where does he go at 5:30? He attends oвgoes to night sсhool.

never haveI,m so tired. I hаv€-flеv€+ time to relax.

etudуI wоrk all day and str*dies all night. My bosste||эteЦ me that I nеed a vaсation. I agтеe, but

I 'm th inkI afraid to takе one. Does my boss thinks that

don'tthe offiсе сan funсtion without me? I dоnt want

them to think I'm not neсеs.sary. But my wifе

is unhappy too. sь" ifllfi that she never

sееs mе anymore. My sсhed,,t" * crazу,I

don't think I сan keep this up muсh longer.wanl

I don't wants to quit night sсhool, thоugh.often

I^think оften that there has to be a better way.

Non.Aсtion Verbs

5 .6.

EхPREss,LТr:;:.i{:,i:#'m tasting, tastes

Ar-rшв: This steak tastes deliсious. Your

salmon looks good toо.

Bвш: Herе, I'm putting somе on your

plate. I think you'll likе it.

Alrшв: Mmm. I like it. Funny, I usually

@Гфti.ь.Bвш: Red6фthat effeсt on people.

Aьrшв; I have no idea what you'rе talking

about. What do you mеan?

Bвш: Well, сolors сan сhange the way we

@ For example, people often@Ф

hungrier in a red room. I notiсe that

you're lооking right at thе red


Ar,rшв: And I сertainly feel hungтy right

now. I'm eating half your salmon.

Bвш: That's oK. I'm tasting your steak.

z. is looking3. сost4. wantss. hatеs6. seemsz. likes

2 . 'm tas t ing3. needs+ . D o . . . w a n t5. tastesс. think7 . 'm thinking8. isn't9. sounds

1o. 'm looking

8. doesn't suspeсt9. knоw

1o. is thinking1 1. doеsn,t havе12. hears

11. don't know12. i s13. 'm smelling14. 'm not15. love1с. smells17. know18. mеanlP. feel

Not a good day! I feеl kind of depressed andhave need

I'm haviэg a headaсhe. I-m_+eеdi+s to do

somеthing right away to сhange my mood

and get rid of this pain. Last wеek, I rеad an

artiсle about how smells сan affeсt mood'm эmе|| inаand even hеalth, so right now I smеЦ an-

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orange (for the dеpression) and a gТeen

apple (for the headaсhe). They smell niсe,don' l th ink

but l*_no#+}rinking that I notiсe a differenсeprefer

in how I feel! I think IЫрrefеrri*s to eat

something when I feеl down. But I worrywеigh

that IЫ+veiiфins too muсh. So, at the'm having

moment I hа.ve a Ъup of peppermint tea with

lemon. The artiсle says that the peppermint

smell helps you eat less. Well, I don't know

about that! A сhoсolate iсe сream sundae

sounds pretty good right about now!эeemэ

ItЪsеemi*g that there are no easy solutions.

Present Progressive andSimple Present Tense


с,iART с']Eсl(two partstwo forms



Suвlвст 1 Bг 1 Bяsв Foпм + -'NG I

a m buуing

flowеrs now.You a re . buу ing

He i э buуing


Suв lвст l l Vвпв l

usual ly


сhoсolates.You buу

He buуe

Answer Key I 357

ffiJune zв: (Б sittlnD in a seat 30,000 fеetabove the earth en route to Argentina!

I usually have dinner at this time, but

right now I@ a headaсhe from the

exсitement. My seatmate@*,

food. She6йЕ} happy.

Junе 30: It,s 7:30. My host parents

6Ьstill@. Carlos, my fatheц

works at home. Мy little brother Riсardo

is сute. He looks (and aсts) a lot like

Bobby. Right.'o*, ь@over my

shoulder a''d@БDto read mу journal.

July 4: The weather@сold now. I usually

spend thе frrst weekend of July at thе

beaсh. Today I@around in a

hеavy swеater.

August 6: I@Б}so tired tonight. Еveryone

else feels gтeat in the evening beсausе

they take long naps in the afternoon.

1. b. 'm waitingс. lookd. 'm workinge. 's talkingf . isn,t looking oв's not lookingg. looksh. doesn't mean

2. a. 's talkingb. 're takingс. 're standingd . D o . . . t h i n ke. 're datingf . don't thinkg. meansh. сomei. stand

3 . a . i s . . . w a l k i n gb. startsс. hasd. walksе. appear

4. a. ate. . . shakingb. knowG. shaked. meet

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358 r Answer Key

,m эitt,ingIt's 12:30 and I sit in the library right now.

Мy сlassmates are eating lunсh togetheц butnever eat

I'm not hungry yеt. At home, we еа*-:ae\rer

this early. Today our jоurnal topiс is сulturе

shoсk. It's a good topiс for mе right now

beсausе I,m tiф pretty homеsiсk. I miss myеa|

old routine. At home wе always areеati*g a

big meal at 2:00 in the afternoon. Then weI have

rеst. But here in Toronto Еm+аtring a 3:00

сonversation сlass. Еvery day, I almost fall

asleep in сlass, and my teaсher xif-", .A."

you borеd?" of сourse I,m not bored. I justio a|waуэ

need my afternoon nap! This сlass *Ьлraуsis're workingfun. This semеsteц we werk on a projeсt with

video сameras. My team is filming gтoups ofana|уzing

peoplе in diffеrent сultures. Wе are anaфzе

..soсial distanсе.,, That means how сlosе to

eaсh other these people stand. Aссording to'm leavingmy new watсh, it's 12:55, so I }eavе now

for my 1:00 сlass. Tеaсhers herе reallydon't like

aren++я<+щ whеn you сome late!


WPпlNтgiving instruсtiоns on hоw to do the Jab

сHАRт сI|EсКdon't inсlude a subjeсt


Bдsв Foпм oг Vппв |

Liэten to thе mus iс .

Touch your toеs.

Эtand straight.


Doн,т | вo,. Foпм or vппв |Don'l | iэten to thе musiс'

Don'l touoh your toеs.

Don' l эtand straight.


2.3 .

2.3 .4.5 .6.

c 4 .bs .

2. Learn3. Deсreasе4. Inсrеasе5. Beсоme6. Don't miss

1 . 82 . D3 . 4


z. Take8. Choosе9. Don't wait

to. Register

9.1 0 .1 1 .12.


Wash six strawbеrriеs.Cut the strawbеrries in half.Pour orange juiсe into the blender.Add the fruit to the orangе juiсе.Blend the ingredients until smooth.

For the Blaсk Belt essay, Master GibbonsWrite

gave us this assignment: )bu-wri*e about

somеthing important to you. My topiс is Thе

Right Woу, thе rules of life for the martialreэpeс|

arts. !.irst, respeeёs other peopie-treat thеm

the way you want them to treat you. Seсond,hе|p

h€Ы people in nеed. In other words, usedon't,

yo\rr strength for others, flot-to use it just fordon't,

your own good. Third, ne lie or steal. Thеsе

are thе most important rules to me.


(Total : 100 points. Each itеm : 4 points.)

ffiI ONE5.6.7.

с 1 3 . Dв 1 4 . DA 1 5 . вA

DAвB4 . ^ 8 .

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iIsЕcтtoNl тW0(Corrесt anSIDеrS arе in parеnthеsеs.)

16. A (swims) 21. с (hatе)17. с (is raining) 22. ^ (usually arrives)rs. B (are you) 23. B (aren,t oв are not)19. с (don't)20. B (sеems)


сlIАRт сltEсl(two-d ot -еd

EхPRЕssжжfжwas, wereсamesaved

24. D ('m alwaуs losing)25. B (dеlеtе уo,,i

Simple Past Tense:Affi rmative Statements

Matsuo Basho@-ore than 1,000 thrее-

line poems, or ..haiku.'' He@,ooiсs from

nature, daily life' and human emotions. Hео т

Qggeщ9one of Japan's most famous poets,

and his work еstablished haiku as an

important art form.

Matsuo Basho @фbo.n near Kyoto in

1'644. His fathеr wanted him tо beсome a

samurai (warrior). Instead, Matsuo moved to

Еdo (prеsеnt-day Tokyo) and studied poetry.

By 1681, he6aDmany students and admirers.

Basho's home burnеd down in 1682.

Thеn, in 1683, his mother died. After these

events, Basho@restless. Starting in 1684,

he traveled on foot and on horsebaсk all

over Japan. Sоmetimes his friends.ioined,/---;\him, and they@Ф9poetry togethеr. Travel

GЬaimсult in thе seventeenth сentury, and

Basho oftenGФsiсk. He diеd in 1694,

during a journey to osaka. At that timе he

6uDz,ooo students.

Answer Key r 359

2. wrotе3. werед. led5. beсamе6. left7. saw8. worе9. wrote

lo. addressed11. appearedl2. happеned14. sawts. b i t16. ate17. drankls. hopped

Today in сlass we read a poem by Robertenjoуed

Frost. I really еftjоу it. It was about a personahoэe

who еheesed bеtween two roads in a forest.

Before he made his deсision, he #- a lot

of timе trying to deсide whiсh road to follow.wa9

Many people thought the person wеFe Frost.took

In the end, he tаt<e the road that was less

traveled on. He deсidеd to be a poet. Thatchanged

deсision еhange his lifе a lot.

Sometimes I fеel a littlе like Frost.decided

Two years ago I d€ €idе to сomе to thiswa9

сountry. That wеfе the biggest deсision of

my life.

Simple Past Tense:Negative Statementsand Questions

WWPЙINт? , F ,7

сl]ARт сI]Eсl( Inotdid not

сHARт с|tEсK 2was, weredid

ExPREssжDid she have a navigator?She didn,t flУ alone.

4.5 .





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lit'fii}li;фiii' "'

360 l Aпsиrer Key

2. Where did she study? (At) ColumbiaUniversity.

3. How long was she a soсial worker? (For)two years.

4. WЪere did her last flight lеavе from?(From) New Guinеa.

5. How many books did she write? Three.6. What was her nationality? Ameriсan.7. When did she disappear? (In) 1937.

3. Were4 . N o . . . w e r е n ' t5. didn't want6 . D i d . . . f e e l7 . Y e s . . . d i d8. didn't keep

9 . D i d . . . d r е a mro. didn't think11. Were1 2 . N o . . . w a s n ' t13. Was1 4 . N o . . . w a s n ' t

receNe}Ii! Did you reeеi+ed my last letter? I didn'tknowknеr^r your new address so I sent it to your

did уou moveold one. Whеn уou_n*oveа? Did your

roommatе move with you? Right now I'm оn

board a plane flying to El Paso to visit Ana.meet

Did you met her at the сonferеnсe last уeat?didn't have

I wanted to visit her in June, but I ne-had

thе time. At first I was gоing to drive from

Los Angeles, but I deсided to fly instead.

This is оnly my third flight, but I love flying!didn't

I dn*nt know flying сould be so muсh fun!

Hope to hear frоm you.

Used to

WryWТPulNтa habit he had in the past

сIlАRт сltEсI( IT

сl]ARт сl]Eсl( 2d i d . . . u s e t o

EхPREssжusеd touse tosay

(Ansulеrs mау Uarу slightlу.)z. Thеy (only) used to сome in two styles.

(high-top and low-top)3. How muсh did a pair of men's high-tops

In many ways' fashion used to be muсh

simpler. Women didn't use to wear pants to

the offiсe, and men's сlothes never used to

сome in bright сolors. People also used to

dress in speсial ways for different situations.

They didn't usе blue jеans as business

сlothеs or wear joggrng suits whеn they

traveled. Today you сan go to thе opеra and

find somе womеn in evеning gowns while

others arе in blue jеans. Even buying jeans

used to be easier-thеy only сame in blue

dеnim. I,m still not used to buying gтеen

jeans and wearing them to work!

2. used to have3. used to dress4. used to danсe

5. used to wear6. used to сarrv

use to соst?(They used to сost) [email protected]. Women's sneakers didn't use to сost thesame as men's snеakers. Women,s sneakersused to сost less than men's sneakers.Th"y (only) usеd to wеar low-top sneakers.There used to be (only) two sizes. (smalland large)

When I was youngeЦ сlothing didn,t r*sеd to

o. 3дioolem.

All the girls at my sсhool used

to wоre the same uniform. I used to think

that it tооk away from my frееdom of сhoiсe.

Now I сan wear what I want, but сlothes


5 .6.

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сost so muсh! Еven blue jeans, today'suэed

..uniform,'' used to be сheaper. Мy mom r*ses

to pay less than $20 for hers. I guеss theyu g e

didn't used to sell designer jеans baсk then.

You knoщ I uрж used to bе against sсhool

uniforms, but now I'm not so sure!

Past Progressive

{ш:: |i, 1ш P 0 l Nтwhat she was doing at the time of

her aссident


сIiАRI сI]Есl( 2before the subjeсt

EхPREss Т#;tr:;.r:H:ffiA : w е r e . . . s t a y i n gB: was staying

2.3 .4.



5 .6.

3. werе sitting outside.4. wasn't snowing.5. were wearing sunglassеs.6. Wеren't wearing gloves.z. was serving drinks.8. wasn,t serving lunсh.9. wasn't smiling.

1o. was holding a сеll phone.

3. was rесovering4. wasn't performing5 . w e r e . . . t h i n k i n g6. were waiting7. wasn't thinking8. were watсhing9. wеre . . . snowboarding

1o. was watсhing11. (was) dreaming1 2 . W a s . . . p r a с t i с i n g13. was

dtж*ъ*я*эв. K**y l 361

Tonight, Shеila and I w.as looking at some

photographs from my snowboarding trip

with Fritz's family last year. By thе end ofwеre

thе evening, weJaughing like crazу. That

was my frrst experienсe on a snowboard, so

the piсtures Were pretty embarrassing. Incominа

one shot, I was еаmе'dоwn the slope on my

baсk. In another one' my board. #H"falling

out of the ski lift while I was riding up thetook

slope. Fтitz wа++ан+s that piсture from thewaэn'I

lift entranсе. Good thing hе nоt standing

right undеr me! Wherе was I when Fritz

was falling down the slope? I guеss I wasn'tcarrуing€атrу my сamera. It was amazing how fast

Fritz,s girlfriеnd, Karyn, learned that

wеekеnd. Shе was doing jumps by thewaэ эpending

sесond day. By that time, I sреnt a lot of

time at the ski сaf6.

Past Progressive andSimple Past Тense

WшmPaINт2, r

сI]ARт сI|Eсl(цT

EXPRESS'"{#!;::{;:i;:jWhеnwas he driving

2.3 .

4. werе waiting5. notiсеd6 . W a s . . . s p е е d i n gт. got8. was

9. was goinglo. reaсhed1 '1. wasn't.l2. were сrossing13. h i t



4.5 .

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362 l &msияer Кexr

1 4 . D i d . . . s t o p15. sawtс. didn,t'17. was talking18. was drivingr9. didn't stop2o. weren't paying

21. were walking2 2 . W a s . . . s n o w i n g23. happened24. was25. wasn't26. started27. arcived

z. she was driving homе, she listened to herсar radio.

3. She pulled ovеr to the side of the road . . .thе visibility got very bad.

+. She heard about the aссident . . . she waslistening to thе news.

s. She drove to thе poliсe station . . . itstopped snowing.

6. shе was talking to the poliсe, she wasthinking about her еditorial for themorning papеr.

Yеsterday' a man was talking on his сelldr iv inа

o}:3" while he was d+iv6his сar. Maybe

he^сhесking his daily planner while he

was making his next appointment. He was

сertainly not сonсentrating on the road

when the light suddenly ,n *3tTfji**s ,"4.tried

Thе two mеn in thе streеt were trying to

jump out of the way when they saw him, but

it was too latе. No one was badly hurt, but

that was just luсk. Last yeaц the City CounсilА idn't paээ

weren+Ёаssiаg thе ..talking and driving

law." We need that law!


(Total : 100 points. Each itеm : 4 points.)

ffiffg 0NЕ7 , ^ 1 0 . с8 . B 1 1 . с9 . o 1 2 . 8

1 . A 4 . B2 .D s . A3 .D 6 . в

ffi"ЖтW0(Corrеct ansu)ers arе in parenthesеs.)

13. с (сa l l )

lц . C (was)

15. A (wеre)

17. B (not )1s. D (dropped)19. A (was)

20. ̂ (d id)21. D (got)22. с (got)

24, B (dеlеtе comma)25. D (saw)

16. D (wеrе sleеping) 23. B (was driving)

Present Perfeсt:Sinсe and For


сHARт сl|Eск lhauе * past partiсiplebase form ofverb + -d ot _еd

сHARт сl]Eсl( 2a length of time

EхPREssТ3:;!:'!;'::,:' ,:driuеn: irregularcompеtеd: regularшon: irregulartriеd: regular

Martina Hingis piсked up her first tennis

raсkеt at the age of ,*o.@ she has

bесome one of the gтeatest tennis players

in thе world. Born in Slovakia, she has lived

in Switzеrland'@ She beсame

the outdoor Swiss сhampion at age nine.

@ shе has won many international

сompetitions inсluding Wimbledon, the

U.S. Open, and the Australian Open.

For young stars like Мartina, life has

its diffiсulties. They are under сonstant

pressure to win, and they don't havе time

to just hang out with сlassmates. In faсt,

Martina hasn't attended sсhool @,and she has beеn in the publiс spotlight

{Фiiйф. But she seems to bе handling her

inсе she turned оrofessionasuссеss wеll.

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she has playеd tеnnis all over thе world

and has earned millions of dollars. Shе

sеes her life as normal beсausе tennis

has bеen the most important thing to her

inсe she was a little gir

3. 've beenц. fot5. Forс. has attended7. hasn't doneв. Sinсе9. has taken

10. hasn't gotten11. Sinсe12. has mеt13. hasn't thought14. 's known15. s inсe

Jыw3 2. How long has she livеd in Switzerland?| -ы

(Shе has lived in Switzerland) formany years.

3. Has she won any сompetitions sinсe thеoutdoor Swiss сhampionship?Yes. she has.

4. Has she attended sсhool sinсe 1994?No. she hasn't.

5. How muсh money has she earned sinсeshe began her сareеr?(She has еarned) millions of dollars.

6. How long has tennis bеen important to her?(Tennis has beеn important to her) sinсeshe was a little girl.

have beenI am in Ms. Rodriguez's physiсal eduсation

forс1ass sin€e two months. I enjoy it a lot and

miээedhavе only miss two сlasses sinсe the

beginning of the semester. I esгесiф',,*f;fo

tennis, but sinсe SeptemЪer we dоnЪp}aу

beсause the weather hнre bеen too сold. I

also like volleyball, and my team ьu, l#

two games sinсe we t6 started to сompеte

with Linсoln High Sсhool. I'm looking

forward to the nеxt game.

lLnswer F'{*у l 363

Present Perfeсt:Alreadу and Yet

Т::::. :':ж,1',:'З P 0I NтF

сHARт сHEсК Iuse alrеadуu s e n o t . . . у е t

сIlАRт сltEсl( 2T

EхPREss ;:j:#.:!;F;;лHavе you had lunсh yet?Yеs, Vwe have. oR Ir[o, Vwe haven't.

ffi 2'c3 . a

4 . Ъ5 . d

alreaф, but l,ll do it on the way home. Ritah a э

hаJйе already had dinner and she's alreadycal led

had her bath. Have you eaЦ Mr. Jaсobsona| readу ca | |ed

yet? He's еaцеа-а+reaф threе times today.h a'n't,

His daughter has gotten her flu shоt yet.

Is it too late? Sеe you later.

# lY.# 3. Has . . . disappeared already oв yet

4 . Y e s . . . h a ss. have already develoPed6. haven't been able . . .Yet7 . H a s . . . m a d e . . . y е t8 . N o . . . h a v e n ' t

wlw 3. Helmut has already baked thе сakе.I-Д

д. Gisela has alrеady bought flowеrs.s. Helmut hasn't put the turkey in the

oven yet.с. Gisela has already washed the windows.z. Helmut has already mopped the floor.в. Gisеla has already hung the balloons.9. Hеlmut hasn't washed thе dishеs yet.

1o. Gisela hasn't wrapped the gifts yet.

ж gone

Y,& I'm in a hurry. I haven,t wеn+ shoppingУeт

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iii:;;!!l$]i4ii$фll:l:!: j..;!!li

364 t Ansияеr Key

4 . Fs . F

Present Perfeсt:lndefinite Past


сl]ARт сl/iEсК IT

сltАRт сIiEсK 2before the past partiсiple

EхPREssr;i;;i:;i;,,:у;',}Have you evеr watсhed..Thе Simpsons''?Yes, Vwe have. oв No, Vwе haven,t.


z . Fз . T

с. F'т . T

2. 'vе had 6. ,ve . . . wanted3. 've stopped 7. havе . . . traveled4. Have . . . talked 8. 've travelеds . h a v e . . . w a n t e d 9 . h a v е . . . m a d e

2, I,уe never even been in a сhat room.3. How havе you сhanged as an aсtor?4. I've beсome a better tеam player lately.5. who has been your role model?6. Charlie Chaplin has had gтeat influenсе

on me.7. What has bеen your best moment on

this show?8. Jimmy has just wоn the Еmmy.9. what have you found most rewarding

about this experienсe?.Io. I,ve met some fantastiс peopie on

this shоw.

watchedI'vе just w.atеh thе Blind Date episodе on

Feldstein! Have ro,, # seen anything so

funny? I LovЕ this show! It,s the best showgeen 've

I havе ever sаlv in my life. I^realiy enjoyednoticed

it lately. By the way, have you notiсе that

Jimmy and Arlenе are beginning to get

along? I think Jimmy #. started to rеally

like her. Last night Arlene Ж moved right

neхt door to Jimmy, but he doesn't know it

yеt! I сan't wait to see what happens on the

neхt episode. Does anyone know when

Jimmy,s book is сoming out?

Present Perfeсt andSimple Past Tense


сl/lARт с,]Eсl( lthe present perfeсt

сIiARт сHEсК 2hauе * past partiсiplе

EхPRES|T#,!':i;"{',,!iii!нmеt, have been

Many modern marriages are finding

interеsting solutions to diffiсult problems.

Joe and Maria, for exampt",@

married sinсe 1995. After their wedding, the

сouple settled down in Boston, where Maria

opened an aссounting business. Then in 1997

Joe lost his job. By that timе, Maria's new

business was booming, so they didn't сonsider

moving. Joе never found a new job in Boston,

but in 1998, he got a gтeat offеr on the other

side of the сountry-in Los Angeles. Thе

.o.'pl"@ apart ever sinсe. How

6u?") tь"y @ thi s .. с o mmuter marri age,,

up to now? Joe notes,..It сertainlyz--=* -\

reщщs99 easy. w(ygщФ geogтaphiсallyseparated, b..,t *@a lot сloseremotionally. For that reason, it( beфworth it."

2 . 73 . F

4.5 .


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3. haven't stoppedд . h a s . . . b e e ns. slept6. haven't gotten7. sawв. didn,t dog. didn't bother

1o. Have . . . tried oв Did . . . try1'1. Yes, I have. oR Yes, I did.12. ,уe drunk13. drank

5. Did you start your business beforе yourmarriage?

6. No, I didn't.z. How long have you owned уour own

business?8. (I've owned my own business) sinсe

1995/for slr years.p. When did you frnd your job in Los

Angeles?1o. (I found my job in Los Angeles) in

I998/thrеe years ago.11. Has your сommuter marriagе been very

diffiсult?12. Yеs, it has!

'э beenIt,s 8:00 p.м. It wаs a hard week. and it's not

over yеt! Iэ|arted

I've 'tartedwrlttenwrete only five pagеs. And it,s due nехt

haэ beenweek! Work wаs so diffrсult lately. I,ve

worked latе every night this week. I'm tired,didn't get

and I ьаve+t-sot+eft muсh sleеp last night.5aw

I miss Joe. I,ve seеn him last weekend, but

it seems likе a long time ago.

Present PerfeсtProgressive

still have to finish that report.

it last Monday, but so faц I've

f f iPq lNтPeople are still сollесting Beanie Babies.

сl|АRт сltEсК lT

Answer Keу l 365

снАRт сI]Eсl( 2bеen * base form + -ing

ЕхPRЕssжA: hasB: ForA: beenB: сolleсting

2 . b3 . 4

4 . b5 . a

6 . b

3. havе been flyingд. has been living5. has been sendingс. havе beеn appearing7. has . . . bеen attraсting8. has been сhoosing9. Havе . . . been standing

1o. No, they haven't.lt. havеn't been asking

2. He hasn,t been tеsting the inline skates.3. He hasn,t bеen shooting baskеts.4. He,s been еating pizza.s. He hasn't been drinking soda.6. Hе's been building a raсing сar.7. He's beеn playing video games.8. He hasn't bеen sending e-mail messages.

Thank you very muсh for the Pokёmon7|aуing

сards. Мy friend and I have been Р}aу ч,i11'

them all day. So faц I j* been winning.haэ

I really love Pok6mon. My Momleen buying

thе toys for us beсause she thinks they'rehave been

сute too. All my friends w€re сolleсting the

сards for months now. Tonya loves theЭhе'э

сomputer game you sent too. Shе}е bеen

asking mе to play with heц but I've been

having too muсh fun with my сards. Howthinking

havе you been? I've been thэi*фt about you

a lot. I hope you сan сomе and visit us soon.

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366 I Answer Key

Present Pel.feсt andPresent PerfectProgressive


сIiARт сI]Есl(T

EхPREssжA: eatingB : h a s . . . b e e nA: has oв ,s

B: HasA : N o . . . h a s n ' t

шl Т o .T

z. has published3. have already diedс. has givens. has spоken6. have been waitingz. has lived oв has been living8. has worked oв has beеn workingg. has сrеatеd

2 . ' v e . . . s e e nз. has bеen living oв has livedд. has expеrienсed5. has survived6. have tеsted7. have hunted8. have saved9. has beеn moving

1o. has bеen еating11. (has bееn) resting12. has beеn raining oв has rainedl3. have found oв have beеn finding

Еlеphants and their anсestors havе beenl iv inglive on this planet for 5 million years.

Sсientists have found thеir bones in many

plaсes, from Asia to North Ameriсa. Present-have

day еlephants Ьas also survived in differеnt

kinds of еnvirоnmеnts, inсluding veтy dry

4 . Fs .T

areas in Nigeц gтasslands in Еast Afriсa,

and forests in West Afriсa.

Beсause of their n"?:"zix1*)d strength,

elephants have always fаseina+ing humans.

our fasсination has almost сaused Afriсan

еlеphants to bесome extinсt. Pоaсhеrskilled

(illegal huntеrs) have already be€+-kil+ing

hundrеds of thousands of elephants for thе

ivory of their tusks. Aftеr 1989 it bесamе

illegal to sеll ivory. Sinсe then, the elеphant7rown oк been growing

population has ьеenеrоw+ steadily.

Reсently several сountries have been

proteсting elephants in national parks, andbecome

herds have bе€affir larger and healthiеr.

Past Perfeсt

Гfi€-ffiФ@ P0INтoprah deсided on a сarеer.

сI|АRт сI//Eсl( lT

сHARт сIIEсК 2bеfore the subjeсt

ЕхPRЕss ffiffiжA: arrivedB: hadn't

f f i r . , 4.F 6.r5 , . т 5 . F

2. hadn't yet gotten3. had already gottenс. hadn't yet been5. hadn't yеt gotten6. had already bеenz. hadn't yet builts. had already starrеd

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z. Had he reviewed . . .з. Had he rеviewеd . . .д . H a d h e m e t . . .s. Had he taped . . .с. Had he worked out .

No, he hadn't.Yes, he had.No, hе hadn't.Yes, he had.Yes, he had.


*t Oprah Winfrey is an amazrng person! By the|Ы had

time she was tweivе, she hаs already dесided

on a сareеr. I.{ot long afterward, shе got herhad

first radio job. Although she hadn't hаve any

experienсe, she beсamе a news reporter. had

When she got her own TV talk shoщ she h*s

alrеady aсted in a major Hollywood movie.

Bу thе latе 1980s ..oprah Winfrey', hadbeaomebесаmе a housеhold word. Then in 1994 she

deсided to improve the quality of talk-show

themеs. She also made a personal сhange.

She had always had a wеight problem, but

in 1995 TV viеwеrs Saw a nеw Winfrey.Ioэt

She had М almost ninety pounds as a

result of dieting and working out. She hadcompeted

also eоrеpetе in a marathon. She has rеallу

been an inspiration to many people.

Past PerfeсtProgressive


сI]ARI сltпсl(bеen

EхPRЕssжA: had . . . been praсtiсingB: had been praсtiсingA: Had . . . been praсtiсingB: hadn't, had beеn praсtiсing

Answer l(ey t З67

6 . c

z. had been planningз. had bеen joking and laughingа. had bеen praсtiсings. had beеn runningс. had been looking forward7. had bеen waiting

з. had you been runningа. had you been datings. Had you been living6. No, I oв we hadn,tz. Had you been eхpeсting8. No, I hadn't

I just got baсk from the marathon! I,m tired

but very huppy.Whеn I сrossed the frnishhad

line, I hаvr bеen running for four hours and

twenty-five minutes. Jeremy was standingwaiting

thеrе. Hе had bеen wаi+ed for me the whole

time. Wе were both soaking wet-I, bесausе

I had been sweating; he, beсause it hаs been

raining just a little whilе bеforе. I was solooking

glad to see him. I had beеn }eok forward to

this day for so long and hoping that I сould

finish the raсe in less than four and a half

hours. When I got home, I сalled my parents.beеn

They had^watсhing the marathon on TV and

had aсtually seen me сross the finish linе!



4 . as . f

(Total : 100 points. Each itеm

Iffil oшt

: 4 poirtts.)

1 . с s . B2 . D 6 . с3 . с 7 . B4 . ^ 8 . в

9.1 0 .1 1 .

12.1 3 .14.



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368 I Answer Keya a a o a a a a a a a a a a a o a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a o a

3 . ' 1 1 . . . u s e4 . W i l l . . . g e t5. won't6. will have7. 'll repair

lffi,кlтWo(Corrеct ansшеrs arе in parеnthеsеs.)

15. с (dеlеtеhas)16. D (yet)17. с (seemed)1s. A ('ve bеen reading)1e. A (Have)20. D (for)21. D (taken)22. B (has already been in business oR for

fifty years alrеady)23, с (drink)24. с (dеlеtе,ve)25. с (had)

Futurez Be going toand wiil

WrPoШтThe man is going to fall into the holе.

сItАRт сHEсl( Ithree

сltАRт сltEсl( 2F

сltARт сltEсl( 3T

EхPREssжжжIt's going to rain.I'll get an umbrella.

ffi items сheсked з 2,4, б

ф2. tle,s golng to takе a trip.3. He,s not going to drive. oв He isn,t going

to drive.4. Hе's going to givе a speeсh.5. He's going to answer the phone.6. He's not going to watсh TV. oв Hе isn,t

going to watсh TV.

s . w i l l . . . b es. will have

t o. will look1 1. ' l l open12. 'll adjust

ffiI'm sorry that we #i* be able to get

1 3 . ' 1 l . . . с o n t r o l t с . w i l l . . . с o s t14. Will . . . prevent 17. won,t be1s. wi l l

together in Madison. Мartha. too. willmiээ

misses you. Perhaps we сan get together

sometimе neхt month. Мartha and Iж

going to bе in Minnеapolis until July 15.to

After that, we are going^visit our son in

Phoenix. His wife is pregna"t Jа,-:iii,f;".a baby the first week in July. It's hard to

beliеve that we,r "'Жoe

gтandparents!are ОR're

How eхсiting that you^going to talk at

the сonferenсe! I,m sure it #il- be great.

I've got to run now. The sky is getting rеallyit,'э going to

dark and i#Ц storm. I want to get out of this

offiсe before then. More later.

Future: Contrast


сl]АRт сI]Eсl(TF

EхPREss Тtr;;:,{*ffi'I'm lеaving in five minutеs.Are you going to the сonferеnсe in Mav?

ffi Russ:Ellen! It's niсe to sеe you. Are youpresenting a paper this week?

Gвввш: Hi, Riсk. Yеs. In faсt, my talk startsat two o'сloсk.

Russ: oh, maybе I,ll go. What arq yousoing to talk about? Robots?

Gвввш: Yes. I'm foсusing on personal robotsfor household work.

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Ixii Russ: I'd like one of thosе! Where's your

son, by the way? Is he here with You?

Gвввш: No. Tony stays in Denver with his

gтandparents in the summer.

I'm going to visit him after the

сonferenсe. So, what are you

wоrking on these days?

Russ: I,m still with the Mars Assoсiation.

In faсt, we,re going to be holding a

news сonferenсe next month about

the Mars shuttle launсh.

Gвввш: That's exсiting. Maybe I'll see

you thеre.

Russ: Great. The сonferenсe begins at

noon on the tenth.

z. it's going to rain3. I' l l seeд. I'll сall5. I'm going

6. I'm mailing7. I'm givings. will you be, lands,

I'll see

t. ' l l wait2. 's going to rain, ,ll сheсk oR'm going to

сheсkdo . . . board oв will . . . board oвarе . . . going to board, 're flying'l1 сarrydo . . . land oR are . . . going to land oвwill . . . land oR arе . . . landing,'rе going to be oп,'ll bе're going to get oв get oR'rе gettingoR'l l gеt, ,m having oR'm going to have're going to start oR 'll start oв start

3 .

4.5 .



Я^ж..Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. ThisI a ыr--il iO afe

will-be your сaptain speaking. Wе Ьe going

to leave the Еarth's gтavity ''",u'#,,u}"o".

fifteen minutes. At that time, you are able to

unbuсkle У o"''?:*Hтn ж*,,|l"*


the сabin. Host robotфake orders for

dinner soon. After these storm сlouds,'re going |o have oк'|| havewe-a+ehа:*itg a smooth trip. The shuttle

arrives on Mars tomorrow at 9:00. Tonight's

&*ъswer' &{**у l 369

temperature on the planet is a mild minus

20 degтees Celsius. By tomorrow morning lhqwi|| be

- 'э going to fee| oк '|l feeltеmperature Ь 18 degтees, but it is{re}ing

more like 28 dеgтeеs. Еnjoy your flight."

Future Time Glauses

,.':|:i:i;* P0lNтThe сhild is planning her future.

сltARт сI]Eсl(Ц F

ЕxPRЕss ',.i',,,i":.'.,,"::;ii,,.,;.!|3What will she be whеn she grows up?She,s going to be a sсientist.



4.5 .

6 . 7


8ЫлYА 2. They are going to move to a largers apartment. .. Jeff gets a raise.

3. . . . they move to a larger apartment,they're going to have a baby.

с. Sandy will get a part-time job . . . theyhave thеir frrst сhild.

5. . . . Sandy goes baсk to work full-time,their сhild will be two.

6. Sandy will wоrk full-timе . . . Jeff goes tosсhool oв Jeff will go to sсhool . . . Sandyworks full-time.

т. Jeff will frnd another job . ' . hе gтaduates.

gтaduateш.1. get, 'l1 have oR 'm going to havе2. save,'11 buy oR'm going to buYз. ' l l feеl oR'm going to fеel, amIШ.r. get up' ,ll buy oв ,m going to buy2. speak,' l l ask oR'm going to askз. ' l l look oR'm going to look, go4. go, 'll improve oR'm going to improve

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37o l &nswrr Кey

wTomorrow is my frrst danсe reсital! By the

timе I й*x write my next journal entry, it

will alrеady be over! As soon as we finish

the performanсe' therе * goi,'g to be a big

party for us. Reporters will be therqxwhen

we enter the room. While we йiК сelebratе,

the press will interview membеrs of the danсe

group.As soon as I get up Sunday morning,

I'll buy thе paper and read the interviеws.

We're going to perform this show for

two wеeks. As soon as it,s finished,'rе going |o |еarn oк'|| |earnwе }.earned a new progтam. I'm so exсited.

Ever sinсе I was little' I,ve wantеd to be a

ballеt danсer.

Future Progressave

{-: :.. "i':::::::,.} P 0 l NтBеfore 12:00

сHART сIiEсl(T

EхPRE,ssi;!::;::i;i/:,:1Will you be working tomorrow?Yes, I will. oв No, I won't.What are you gоing to bе doing?(Ansшеrs ulill uarу.)

ffiToday we find most robots working infaсtoriеs around the world. But what

will robots of the future bе doing? one

Massaсhusеtts Institute of Tесhnology

designer prediсts that in just a few years,

small, intelligent robots are going to be

taking сare of all the housеhold сhorеs.

This is going to make lifе a lot еasiеr. While

one robot is сooking dinnец anothеr onе

will bе vaсuuming the {1oor' But what about

outsidе the home? Witl robots be playing

football or frghting wars? Sсientists aren't

surе. What is сertain, howeveц is that robots

will be playing a more and more signifrсant

rolе in our livеs.

3 .



3 .


5 .



с. ,ll be goinga. are . . . going to bе leavingb. won't be gettinga. are . . . going to be сomingb. 'll be takingс. Arе . . . going to be havingd. No, wе arеn't. oв No,.we'тe not.a. 'm going tо be visitingb. won,t bе buying

will bе dusting oв is going to be dusting . . .is vaсuuming oв vaсuums the living room.will be repainting oR is going to bеrepainting the kitсhen . . . is doing oвdoes the laundry.is making oв makes . . . will be reсyсlingoв is going to be reсyсling the garbagе.will be giving oв is going to be givingMr. Gee . . . is shopping oв shops for food.will be making oR is going to be making . . .is hеlping oв helps Tony with homework.is playing oв plays . . . will be walking oвis going to be walking the dog.

ffiIn the future, robots *itt ь"Pffigmorе and more tasks for humans. This

havewill kю*avi+s both positive and negative

effeсts. on the one hand' while robotsare doing oе dowill_ьe-аei*s the boring and dangеrous

jobs, humans will be devoting more time to

interеsting pursuits. In this way robot,1Т

going to bе making lifе a lot easier for

humans. on the othеr hand, the widespreadto

use of robots is going^сteate"a lot оf future

unemployment. Pеople will^losing their jobs

as robоts fill thеir positions. And some

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robots сould even beсome dangerous.

I'm afraid that in the not-too-distant future,

robots will be operating nuсlear power

stations! And before too long, robots aref ighr ing

going to be fiфt in wars. Although, on

sесond thought, that will be bеtter than

humans killing eaсh othеr!

Future Perfeоt andFuture PerfeсtProgressive

r',rumPoШтHе hasn't bеen saving for thrее years yet.

сHARт сI]EсI( IF

сI]АRI сltпсl( 2T

EхPREssr:i;:;::i|;!!l*3driving, driven



4.5 .

6 . 7

WfY# 3. won't havе gтaduatеd

a. will have attended oв will have beenattending

5. won't have bought6. 'll have bеen driving7. won't have opened8. ,il havе bеen saving9. will have aссomplished

3. gтaduate4. ,|I havе already beеn thinkings. is born6. won,t have gтaduatеd . . . yetz. will havе already frnished8. сеlebrate9. won't havе started . . .yet

1o. ,ll havе alrеady bеen getting11. open12.'I| have alrеady bесome

lhnsrяrer A{ey l 37|

m _ have bеenY# By August I'll bе a word proсessor forf l have еarnеd oкhavе been еarninа

ten yеars. And I'll еarn almost the Ъamе

salary for threе years! That's why I've madе

a New Year's resolutiоn to go baсk to sсhool

this year. First I'm going to write for sсhool

сatalogs and start saving for tuition. By Marсh,figured

I'11 have figl*rе out how muсh tuition will

сost. Then I'll start applying. By summец'll haveI hдd reсeived aссeptanсе letters. In August,

I'll talk to my boss about working part-time

and going to sс.hool part-time' By that time,a|readу эavёd

I'll have sаvеМf enough to pay for a

semеster's tuition. By neхt New Year's Day,

I,ll have ь"".,,ffiЪ, o.'" whole semestеr!


(Total : 100 points. Eqch itеm : 4 points.)





5 .6.7.8.

9.1 0 .1 1 .12.

1 3 .14 .

ffiчl oшп1 .2.3 .4.

ffii\жI тW0(Corrеct ansu)еrs arе in parеnthеsеs.)

ts. B (be)16. D (will go)'t7. D (finish)1s. с (driving)"|9, ̂ (bе traveling)20. ̂ (will frnish oп is going to frnish)21. B (work oR be working)22. с (alreadу oн delеtе уet)23. A (will you)z+. D (is)2s. B (have)

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372 l &rъ*wer" E'eу

Wh- Gluestions:Subjeсt and Prediсate

r" PпINтthe events on the night of May 12ththe names of people who saw the witness

сlIАRт сltEсI( IT

сliARт сl/iЕск 2Е .T

EхPREssТ;::,""iii'..ffiWhat happеned last night?What did vou do nеxt?

д . b5 . с

6 . e

2. How did you get home?3. Who gave you a ride?д. What happenеd next?s. Who(m) did you sеe?6. Who is Dеborah Collins?7. What did you do?8. How many people сalled you?

3. What timе (oв When) does сourt begin?д. How many witnesses testifiеd?s. Why did the jury find Adams guilty?6. What happened?7. How long (oв How many weeks) did the

trial last?8. Who spoke to the jury?9. How muсh did Adams pay his lawyer?

to. Who(m) did the distriсt attorney question?

d idWhat time^the suspесt rеturn home?

эawWho di*sеe him? Were there anv witnesses?

WhoWhom was at home?

Why did he сall A. Smith?happened

What *++appen next?d i d h e

Whеre hе4id go?did he takе

How muсh monev he_+oоk with him?


Тag Cluestions

ш..'..3.:",,',r,"'Z| "}POINT

The man is сommenting on the weathеr.

сHАRт сI]Eсl(F ' цT

ЕхPREss/',;ij#,:,: '!You,re an aсtol aren,t vou?



Кдy: Hi, Tom. It's a niсе day, isц'Ц!?Toм: Sure is. Not a сloud in the sky. How

are you doing?Kду: Good, thanks. You don,t know of any

vaсant apartments, do yоu? Мy sonis looking for onе.

Tом: He is? I thought hе was staying with you.Кдy: Well, he really wants a plaсe of his

own. Do yоu know оf anything?Toм: As a mattеr of faсt, I do. You knоw thе

Sobotas, don't vou? Wеll, I just foundout that they're moving to New Yorkneхt month.They are? What kind of apartment dothey have?A onе-bеdroom.It's not furnishеd, is it?No. Why? He doesn't need a furnishedapartment, doеs hе?

Kдy: Well, he doesn,t have furniturе. But Iguess hе сan always rеnt some, сan't hg?

Toм: Why don't you give your son mynumbeц and I,ll give him some moreinformation?

Кдy: Will you? Thanks, Tom.

ffi:, 'n4 . f

2. did you3. doesn't it4. haven't they


1 0 .

5. aren't youс. don't you7. isn't it

s .b6 . 97. a


ffiBвш: It,s been a long time,.lo", ffi it?

Joв: That depends on what you mеan by ait

long time, doesn't м?

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Bвш: What are you doing around here,

anyway? It's dangerous.

Joв: I сan take сare of myself. I,m stillaren'l

alive' аmn+ I?

Bвш: Yes, but you,re still wanted by thearen'l

poliсe, ате you?

Jов: Look, I need a plaсe to stay. You havе

a plaсe, don't you? Just for onе night.

Bвш: I havе to think of my wifе and kids.can' l

You сan find someplaсe else, eaR you?

Joв: No. You,ve got to help mе!

Bвш:: I've already helped you plenty. I wentdidn't,

to jail for you, hаYе*+ I?

Joп: Yeah, oK, Ben. You remember whatdon'l*

happened in Vegas, 4o you?

Bвш: oK, oK. I сan make a сall.

*oR: You don'l remember what happened inVеgaэ, do уou?

Additions with So, Too,Neither, and Not either

WшtrffiPqlNтThe men like the same things.

сI|АRт сl]Eсl(ЦцT

EхPREss,Lжжffi#}"and neither is Мarkand so does Gerald



2 . F3 . 7

2. did I3. сan I

4 . 7s . F

4. do tоos . d o l

с . do I в .7 . d o l

6 . 77 . F


2. too 4. did с. So3. neithеr 5. eithеr z. So

Arъswer Key l 373

My brother is just a year older than I am.

We have a lot of things in сommon.

First of all, we look alike. I am 5'10", andi э h e

so he_is. I have straight blaсk hair and dark

brown eyes, and so does he. We share many of

the same interests too. I love to play soссeцdoeэ

and he^,too. Both of us swim every day, butneither

I сan't divе, and either сan he.

Sometimеs, bеing so similar has its

problems. For example,last night I wanted thed ia

last pieсe of сhoсolatе сake, and so doеs he.

often I won,t feel like doing the dishеs, andwi l l

neither won't he. Worst of all, sometimes I'm

interested in dating a сertain sсhoolmate, andI э he

so hg-is. Howeveц most of the time I feel our

similarities are really niсe. So does my brother.


(Total : 700 points. Each itеm : 4 points.)

{щЕТlъ! 0}|E1 . 4 4 . ^2 . с 5 . D3 . 4 6 . D

!ЕtrтJЗщ]тW0(Corrеct ansшеrs arе in parеnthеses.)

13. с ( isn ' t)14. с (didn't)ls. D (has his brother)16. D (have)17. ̂ (did you work oR were you working)18. D ( i t)le . D (?)20. D (I am too oв so am I)21. D (they)22. с (aren't)z3. D ftе)zд. C (go)2s. ^ (Why did you)

7. D8 . De . B

10 .1 1 .12.


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374 I Answer Key

Ability:Can, Could, Be able to


сI|ART сl]Eс'( IT

сIiARт сltEсK 2bе

сI]ARт сIiEсK 3a form ofbе

EхPRЕssжA : I s . . . t oB : i s . . . с a n

A surprising numbеr of young people havebеen able to сreate suссеssful Web-basedbusinesses. One young entrepreneur is SamRoberts. Sam сould dеsign Web pages whenhe was eight, but he got his break at twelvewhеn a writеr hired him to dеsign a Wеbsitе. Sam,s first business failed beсause heand his partner weren't ablе to gеt along.Howevец his nеw business, Webman, is upand running. Another young businessman,Jay Leibowitz, was able to sell two softwarеprogтams when he was fоurtеen. He made$30,000 on the deal and now Jay runs hisown Web site. Dan tr'inley writes reviews ofnew software. He started his business atsiхteen. A full-timе сollеge student, Danсan pay a staff of writеrs and still earn $s0оa month. Although they all make money, allthree startеd out to have fun at thеir hobbv.not to make a profit.

2. Sam3. Dan+. Sam

1. сan, ,l l be able to2. hasn't beеn able to, сan3. сan't,, l l be able to4. haven't been abie to, сan't, сan,t,'ll be able to

2. Were . . . ablе to сommuniсate3. сan hеlp4. сouldn't follow

s. сouldn't deсide6. сan managez. '11 be able to otganize8. be able to speak

Today in mу Will B. Happy Teamwork сourse'

I learned about work styles-"Drivers" and

..Enthusiasts.', I'm a Driveц so I сan maketo

dесisions, but I,m not ablе..listеn to other

pеoplе,s ideas. The Enthusiast in our groupaommunioale

сan еоmmu+iеаtes well, but you сan't

depend on her. Now I understand what was

happening in my business сlass last yeaцfeel

when I сouldn't flе}t сomfortable with my

tеam. I thought that thеy all talked toоweren'l

muсh and did#t able to work effiсiently.waэ ab|e toI еоt*+d gеt an A for the сourse, but it was

hard. I сan do a lot more alone, but some

jobs are too big for that. our instruсtor saysbe

that soon the Drivers will..able to listеn andwill be able to

the Enthusiast еоu+4 be more dependable.

Permission:Maу, Can, Оould,Do уou mind if . . .?

WPЙINтThe student is asking the teaсhеr to allowhim to take the test tomorrow.

сI|ARт сI|Eс'( lcould

сIiARт сl]Eсl( 2цT

EхPREssжA: hеlpsB: Not at all, help

жы E ' * 4 . cЫ. . '3 . e 5 . a

6 . b

Page 384: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

r+3. Do you mind if he staysс . I d o5. May I usе6. you may not oR you сan't7. you сan't start8. do you mind if I borrow9. It{ot at all oв Ir{o, I don't oв Go right ahead

1O. you may open1l. Can I сome12. you сan,t

(Ansшеrs.maу uarу slightlу.)z. Could I use your phone?3. May I (oв we) park herе?+. Could we movе up a few rows?5. Can wе (oR he) tape the сonсеrt?6. Do you mind if I (oв we) lеave?

z. B (сan't)з. B (сhange)с. B (сan)s. C (havе)с. A (may not oв сan't)7. p (plays)8. A (No, I don't oв Not at all)e. C (we)

10. A (Yes, We сan oR Sure oв Certainly)

Requests:Wiil, Can, Would, Could,Would Уou mind . . .?

WPqlNтasking someone to dо something

сI|ARт сHЕсl( IT

сIllАRт сIiEсl( 2OK

ExPRЕssжA: WоuldB: No, nоtA: will oR сan oв would oв сouldB: сan,t

t. Mдвсrд:


Mдвсlд:2. Loвшд:


з. MдвсIд:




Loвшд:д. MдвсIд:


Answer Key l З75

Hi. You must be thе new offiсeassistant. I'm Marсia Jones. Letrne know if you need anything.Thanks, Marсia. Could you showme the сoat сloset?Certainly. It's right over here.Marсia' would you explain thеseinstruсtions for thе fax maсhine?Surе. Just put your letter inhеre and dial thе numbеr.I'm leaving for lunсh. Would youlikе to сome?Thanks, but I сan't right now.I'm really busy.Do you want a sandwiсh fromthe сoffeе shоp?That would be gтеat. Can you getme a tuna sandwiсh and a soda?

MдвсIд: Surе. Will vou answer m.y phoneuntil I get baсk?Certainly.Lorna, would you mind makingsome сoffее?I'm sorry, but I сan,t do it now.I've got to finish this lettеrbefore 2:00.

2 . a3 . a

4 . b5 . a

6 . b

2. you file these reports?3. turning on thе lights?4. you buy some сеreal?5. you сall baсk later?6. you shut thе door oв you mind shutting

the door?

The mеetings arе going well but they have

beеn еxtended a day. Could,o,, #ffffi

Doug Rogers to try to resсhеdule our

salеs meeting?Cert,ain|у oк of сourae oк ЭureNo+-a+-аlt I'll do it right awaу.

We,ll nеed three extra сopies of the monthly

saies rеport. Wouid you ask Ann to take сarе

of that?Certain|у oк of courъe oк 1urey+s_'++Yоuн. (Ann-Coцld you do this?)

(сontinuеd on nехt pagе)

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376 I Answer KeY

workinаI hate tо ask, but wouid you mind te werL

on Saturday? We,ll need thе extra time to go

over the nеw information I've gotten.сan,I

Sorrу, but I €€{*ldnzt. My in.laws are

сoming for a visit. But Rob Lin says he

сan сomе in to the offiсe to help out.

one last thing. I was going to piсk up those

new business сards, but I won,t bе baсk in

time. Would you mind doing that for me?Not at all oP.I'd be glad tosф$o{*'d. I'lГstop at the printer's

during my lunсh break.

Adviсe:Should, Ought to,Нad better

W.жPЙlNтThe intеrviеwеr is suggesting a type of jоb fоr

the appliсant.

сI]АRт сHEсl( IT

сI]АRт сHЕсl( 2should

ЕхPREI|жffiffiA: ShouldB : N o . . . s h o u l d n ' t

[tems сheсked: 1, 5,6

2. shouldn't s. shouldз. shоuld с. ,d bettеr not

д. shouldn't 7. 'd better

2. You should (oв You ought to) look neat

3. What time should I arrive?4. you shouldn,t (ов you,d better not) arrive

after 7:15s. Should I bring a gift?6. You shouldn't (oв You'd better not) buy an

expensivе gift

7. What should I buY?8. you should (oв ought tо) get some flowers

ffiwe are so happy to hear about your new job'

Congтatulations! Just rеmember-you

shouldn't Хwork too hard. Thе mоst

important thing right now is your sсhoolwoтk.ouаh| to

Maybe you only oughtа work two days a

week instead of three. Also, we think you'd

better ask yоur boss for timе оff during

exams. That way you'll have plenty of time'd

to study. You weuld better give this a lot of

сareful thought, oK? Please take good сarebetter not

of yourself. You,d nоt_bet+еr start 'o'o,|;lo*

meals, and you defrnitеly shоuldn't wо+ked'd

at night. At your age' you чriЦ better get a

good night's sleep. Dо you need anything

from homе? Shоuld we send any of your

books? Let us know.



Could, WhY don't .Why not . . ?, Let's,Нowabout . . . ?


сIIАRт сI]EсI{ ldoes not сhange for differеnt subjесts

сIIARт сIllEсl( 2F'

EхPREss ж:.ffi:;ф'Let's take the train.Maуbе we сould take thе train.Why not take the train?How about thе train?


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Eмrr.y: Why don't we go to the raсes?I hear they,re really exсiting.

Mвсдш: I,d like to, but I neеd to go shopping.Eмrr.y: Then let,s go to the Temple Street

Market tonight. We might еven seesome Chinese opera in the streetwhile we're there.

Mвсдш: That sounds likе fun. If we dothat, whv not go to the raсes thisafternoon?

Eмrr.у: oK, but let,s яеt somеthing toeat first in one of those floatingrеstaurants.

Мвсдш: I don't think we,ll have time.Mavbe we сould do that tomorrow.Right noщ how about getting dlпtsиrn at the Kau Kee Restaurantneхt door? Then we сould take theStar Fеrrv to Hong Konя Islandand the raсeсourse.

Емrr,у: Sounds good. Here,s an idea fortomorrow. Whv not take one ofthose small boats-Йoldo-toLantau Island? When we сomebaсk, we сould have dinner at theJumbo Palaсe.

Mвсдш: Let,s do that. It's a little expensive,but at least it floats!

2. How about3. Why don't wеa. Maybe we сould

5. Lеt's6. Let's not

2. going to the beaсh?3. buy another one.4. we take a trip togethеr?5. try that nеw seafood plaсе'

Emily 3:00

I'm going shopping. I'11 beеat

baсk at 5:00. Let's еа+ing

at 7:00. OK?


&rз*ъ*в*r,Ж'*у l 377

Megan 4:00

7:00 for dinner is fine.go ing ?

How about go to a mоvie afterwardx

See you later.

Е .

Emily 5:00

I'm going to be too tired

for a movie. Maybe we сouldnang

just hangЬg around the hostel after

dinner. Let's talk about it later.

I'm taking a nap.


1\,{- 6:00

Let,s not eat at thе samе restaurant tonight,ХtrУ

Why don,t we trуing a new plaсe??

How about Broadway Seafooф

I'll meet you downstairs at 7:00.

E .

Preferenсes:Prefer, Would prefer,Would rather

T:!:: PotNTTеenagers like to watсh TV bettеr than theylike to do other things.

сl]АRт сltЕсl( lulould prefеr ('d prеfеr)

сHARт сHEс,l( 2the gerund or the infinitive

EхPREssread, than, shopping



2 . F3 . F

4.5 .

6.7 .

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37a l l\rзsъ*я*r Keу

2. I'd rather not сook3 . W o u l d . . . r a t h e r g o4. I'd rather not

I'd rather haveI'd rather notI'd rather seе

5 .6.7.

l . p r e f e r . . . t o2. 'd rather . . . than, prefer oR'd prefer3. ,d prefеr4 . p r e f e r . . . t o5 . ' d r a t h e r . . . t h a n6. do . . . prefer . . ., prefer . . . to

жFor my study, I interviеwed frfty men and

women. There was no differenсe in men,s

and women's prefеrenсes for TV. I found thatto

everyone prefers watсhing Tv thaft going to

movies. Men and women both enjoy news

progтams and entеrtainment speсials.

Howeveц men Would rather #g

adventure progтams and sсienсe fiсtion,

while Women prеfer soap operas. Mеn also

like to watсh all kinds of sports, but womenthan

would rather see game shows to sports.

Reading preferenсes differ too. Men preferio read oк readinамing newфapers, while women would

rathеr read magazines and books. When mento read oк reading

read books, they prefеr rеad nonfiсtion and

adventure stories. Women "*"ffi*



(Total : 100 points. Each itеm : 4 points.)

Жotlt1 . A 5 . с2 . 83 . D

6 . с7 . B

e . A1 0 . с1 1 . D

12. ^1 3 . B14. D

4 ,D s . в

WrжтW0(Corrеct ansшеrs аrе in parеnthеsеs.)

1s. D (able to dive)16. D (?)17. с (better not)18. A (\Мould)19. B (borrow)20. D (ask)

21. D (etve)22. A(Maybe)23. с (was able to)24. с (dеlеte we)2s. D (than)

Necessity:Have (got) to and МIust

WжPutNтa requirement

сIIARт сliEсK IF

сI|ARт сl]Eсl( 2a form of do

EхPREss,,,,/#;,;:;;/;;F;:э'A : d o e s . . . h a v e t oB: must


w Dvгv: Department of Motor Vehiсles. May|-;@ l hЪlp you?

Bвш: I'm moving to California soon. Will Ihave to get a California liсense whеnI move?

Dtшv: Yes, you will. California residеntsmust have a California driver's liсense.

Bвш: Whеn will I have to get my Californialiсense?

Dtшv: You have to replaсе your old liсenseten days after you beсome a resident.So сome in and apply for your Californialiсense right after you get there.

Bвш: Do I have to take any tests toexсhange my Illinois liсense for aCalifornia liсense?

Dttтv: Sinсe you alreadу have an Illinoisliсense, you won,t have to takе theroad test. But you will have to takethe written test.

Bвш: How about the eye test?Dмv: oh, everyone has got to take thе

eye test.Bвш: oK. Thanks a lot. You've beеn very


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2. ,ve to (oв ,ve got to) piсk up3. Do . . . have to сhange+. I don'ts. didn't have to do6. 've to (oв've got to) takez. Does . . . have to paсk8. he doesn't9. 's got to (oв has to) help

10. 've had to сall

2. must turn3. must drive4. must not drivе

5. must ride6. must not walk

How are you doing? We've been herе about

siх weеks. It's strangе living in the suburbs.

There,s no publiс transportation, so you'vegot э ignget to drive еverywhere. I had to signs up

for driver,s ed this semester so I сan grt my

liсense by summertimе. It's the law here thatmuol

everyone ffi*s+s wear a seat belt. I used to

hate to buсkle up, but with the traffiс here,

I have сhanged my mind. There are a lot ofаoN to

freeways, and you've Ьottа know how to

сhange lanes with a lot of fast traffiс. Еven myhaэ

Mom hа$e had to get usеd to it. Dad works athad

home, so he hasn,t hаs to do a lot of driving.

Have you beaten thоse сomputer gamеs

yet? I'm having a lot of trouble with "Doom."'ve

You^got to writе to me and tell mе how to

get past the fifth level!

Ghoice: Don't have toNo Ohoiсe: Must not

and Can't

9:iж;i;;:{"* POINтstop to ask for dirесtions

сI]ART сltFсl( ldo

&e.aжъ*яe**, Ж*у l 379

сltАRт сltFсl( 2F

EхPREss {H:;,ж#:ruHе doesn't havе to stop here.You must not drive too fast.

New drivers arе usually exсited about their

nеw freedom:..My mom doеsn't havе to drive

me ever)Дvhere anymore! I don't have to ask

my friends for ridеs to sсhool!,,When you

don't have your own сar yet, any priсe seems

worth paying. But onсe you buy a сaЦ you

@your сar payments and insuranсe

premiums' or you won't be a drivеr for very

long. Yoo {бnТleФ gas and maintеnanсе

out of the budget either. Car sharing offers

an alternative to thеse problеms, however.

Меmbers of сar-sharing gтoups have a cat

whеn they nееd onе for еither short trips

or vaсations, but they don,t have the high

еxpenses of ownеrship. Thеy pay vеry little

to use a sharеd сaц and they don't have to

worry about maintaining the сar or paylng

the insuranсe. Fees for short trips are onlу

about $3.00 an hour plus $0.50 per mile.

Groups do nоt havе striсt requirеments

еither. Members@ьua

driving reсords or poor сredit, and they

ust not retu the сars in poor shapе or

they will pay extra.

z. сan't уell3. сan't turn4. сan't park5. don't have to worry

2. don't have to bring3. must not play4. must not dive

W.e got to the motel late this еvening beсausе

we got lost. But We wеre luсky-thеy kеptdidn't have lo

our room so wе mr*st_nоt find another motel.

6. don't have to get7. haven't had to buy8. сan't bring9. don't have to listen

5. don't havе to bе6. don't have to leave

(сontinuеd on nехt pagе)

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38o I &rъжwзw* Ж*у

doeэn ' IJimmy is really happy bесause he de#t have

to go to bed until after 10:00, when thedon'l have lo

swimming pool сloses. We Рдr*s+n+ leave

until 11:00 tomorrow (сheсkout time), so

we сan stay up later. Yosemite is only fourhave

hours awaУ, so We won't had to drive the

whole day tomorrow. It's going to be exсiting.

My parents say we absolutely must not )d.

go out by oursеlves beсausе there are bears

there. I,d love to sеe a bеar (from the insidе

of the сar). I'll send a postсard of one.

Expeсtations:Be supposed to

' ,"::::::::,, P0lNтthe usual way somеthing is done at a wedding

сI|АRт сl|Eсl(T

Еs s ! ;.;.;|,.:; :.: :: .. ;'!;werewas

It Wasn,t Supposеd to Be a Big Wedding

Providenсe, July 19-The Striсklands

wantеd a quiеt wеdding-that's why theу

eloped to Bloсk Island, off thе Atlantiс Coast

of the Unitеd States. The island is quite

small, so the Striсklands paсked their bikеs

for the ferry trip' The wеather was supposed

to be lovely, and they had asked the mayor

to marry thеm on a hill ovеrlooking

thе oсеan...Whеn we got there, we found a сrowd of

сyсlists admiring thе vieщ,'laughed Beth.

When Bill kissed his bride, the audienсe

burst into loud applause and rang thеir

biсyсle bеlls...We weren't supposed to have



fifty wedding guests, but we love сyсling,

and wе,re not sorry'" Bill said'

Whilе paсking the next day, Beth lеft

her wеdding bouquеt at the hotеl. Мinutes

before the ferrу was supposed to leave, Billjumpеd on his bike, got the flowеrs, and

made it baсk to the ferry on time...Cyсlists

are supposed to stay fast and fit," he said.

2 . F 3 . F 4 , 7 s .T

2. a. Were . . . supposed to dob. No, they weren'tс. were supposed to deliver

3. a. is supposed to startb. are . . . supposed to stand

4. a. aren't (oR,re nоt) suppоsed to beb. aren,t (oв,re not) supposed to seе

5. a. 'm supposed to wearb. 's supposed to rain

6. a. 's supposed to be

I,m so sorry-I know I:жsuppоsed to write

to you last weеk about my plans to visit.

I've been awfully busy. My friend Netta is

getting married soon, and she's asked me to

be her maid of honor. Shе and Gary want a

big wedding. They're supposed to have

about two hundred guests. I havе a lot of

responsibilitiеs. l.uiii"ь" supposed to give

Nеtta a shower before thе wedding (that's a

party where everyone brings presents for the

bride). I am ut.ouffito help her сhoose

thе bridesmaids,drеsses. The best man's name

is Jim. Hе,ll help Gary gеt ready. I haven't

met him yеt, but ь".. #ЕA# tо be very niсe.

I'd better say goodbr" ,o*.lffrpposed

to leave for rehеarsal frvе minutes ago.

P.S. About my visit-I'm ffi;i to get some

time off in July. Would that be сonvenient?

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Future Possibility:МaУ, Мight, Could

Wff iPqINтF

сI]Аnт о]Eсl( lT

сI]ARт сIiEсI( 2in answers

ЕхPREssжB: mightA: mightB: might not

Ar,rсв: I just heard that it may snow today.Are you going to drive to work?

Brr-r.: No. I'll take the 7:30 train instead.Ar,rсв: I'll take the train with you. I have

some work to do in the library.Brr-ь: Great. Why don,t you сut your

aftеrnoon сlass and have lunсh withme too?

Ar,rсв: oh, I сouldn't do that. But let,s meetat thе train station at 6:00, oK?

Brr,ь: I might have to work until 8:00tonight. I,ll сall you and let you know.

1. Certain2. Impossible3. Possible

2. сould 4. may not3. might 5. 'm going to

6. may7. might

3. Shе's going to a meeting withMrs. Humphrey at 11:00.

с. Shе may (oн might) have сoffee with Suеaftet сlass.

5. Shе,s going to go to work at 1:00.6. She may (oв might) gо shopping

aftеr work.z. Shе may (oв might) take thе 7:00 train.8. She's going to piсk lp pizza.

Еvery few years, the oсean near Peru

beсomes warmer. Called Еl Niflo, thismaу

variation in temperature fnaуbе сausе

Ansuver Key I 381

weather сhanges all over thе world. The

west сoasts of North and South Ameriсa

might D6have heavy rains. On the other sidebеcome

of the Paсifrс, New Guinea might beеomеs

very dry. Northern areas сould have warmeЦ

wetter winters, and southеrn areas сould

beсome muсh сolder. These weather сhangеsmaУ not

affесt plants and animals. Some fish maу#t

survive in warmer waters. Droughts сouldcauoe

еаtrsing сrops to die, and food may get very

expensive. Еl Niflo may happen every twomaу ОK might

years' or it eor*}d not сome for seven years.

Will Еl Niflos get worsе in the future? They

сould Ъ'(. Pollution holds hеat in the aiц andmaУ oR might oк cou|dit will inсrease the effeсts of Еl Niflo. but no

onе is sure уet.

Assumptions:Мay, Мight, Could, Must,Have (got) to, Can't

WщrPaШтmaking a guess

сI]ARт сI1Есl( IT

сItАRт сl]Eсl( 2F

EхPREssжA: сouldB: might, сan't

mw2.d 4 .Ъ

3 . e 5 . 9

2. must3. 's got to4. сoulds. Could

6 . a7 . c

might beсоuldn'tmight notmay

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З82 l Ansrrver Кey

2. I might (oв сould) be3. It сould (oR might oв may) be the сat4. You must еat a lot5. Could it be6. it сan't (ов сouldn't) be7. It must сome from your own pipe.8. Therе сan,t (oв сouldn't) be any othеr

explanation.9. thеre сould (oв might oв may) be

The rnain сharaсtец Molly Smith, is a сollege

ЕSL teaсhеr. Shе is trying to frnd her dead

grandparents,first home in thе Unitedbe

States. It may briflg in a nearby tоwn.

Thе townspeople there seеm sсared. They

сould Ж,have a seсrеt, #?[ъ;ж*:ж;'',

hatе strangers. Molly has some old lеtters

that might lead her to the plaсe. They are in

Armеnian, but one of hеr stude.,t. #Нi*have lo

translate them for her. They hа*a bе

inrportant beсausе thе author mentions

thеm right away. Thе letter must сontain

family seсrets. Who is the bad guу? It сouldn't

be the student bесause he wants to help. It

might Хbе thе newspaper editor in thе town.

Advisability in the Past

WPЙlNтregrets things in his past

сHARт сI|Eсl( lF

сI{iАRт сI|EсI( 2T

сI{lАRт сHEсl( 3ought to hauе

EхPREssr*жA: haveB: should havе

4.5 .

6 . 7ffii: Т FT

z. shouldn't have donе3. should have studied4. сould havе done5. ought to have gonес. shouldn,t have stayed7. сould have preventеds . m i g h t . . . h a v e с a l l e d9. Should, . . have сontaсted

Io. shouldn,t havе11. сould have saved

2. I shouldn't have eatеn all thе сhoсolatе.3. She might havе сalled.4. Hе сould havе offerеd to lend mе some

(money).5. I shouidn't have joggеd five milеs yesterday.6. They shouldn,t havе сharged me

(for thе plastiс bags).7. I ought to have invited Cynthia

(to the partу).8. He might havе sеnt mе a сard.

About a week ago, Jennifеr was latе for

work again, and Doug, our boss, told mе hе

wantеd tо get rid of hеr' I was really upset.have

of сoursе' Jеnnifer shouldn't hаd been latehave

so often, but he might has talked to her

about the problem before he deсided to lеt

her go. Then he told me to make her job

diffiсult for hеr so that she would quit.

I just pretended I didn't hear him. What aought to

mistake! I ou€hta have сonfrontеd him

right away. or I сould at least have warnеd

Jennifer. Anyway, Jennifer is still hеre,

but now I,m worriеd about my own job.have

Should I оf told Doug's boss? I wonder.

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have handledMaybe I should hаnd}e things differently

havelast week. Thе сompany should never has

hired this guy.

Speсulationsabout the Past

WP0lNтif it was possible that something happened

сllАRт сIiEсl( IT

cI|АRт сI]Есl( 2could

EхPREssжhavе сarved, might havе


2 . a3 . f

4.5 .

6 . b

2. Thеy must havе beеn3. They may havе4. He might not havе been5. He must have

2. сould not have built3. had to have gotten4. must not have knowns. сou].d have сarved6. (сould have) transported7. might have been8. may have livеd9. must have had

In 1927, Toribio Mexta Хesspe of Pеruhave been

must bе very surprised to see linеs in thе

shapes of huge animals on the gтound bеlow

his airplanе. Created by the anсient Nazсa

сulture, these forms arе toо big to reсognize

from the ground. Howeveц from about

600 feet in the air the giant forms takе

shape. Without airplanes, how сould an

Ansvwer Key I 383

haveanсiеnt сulture had rnade thеm? What

purpose сould they havе had? Author Еriсh

von Dd'nikеn beliеves that the drawingsmarked

might have mаrk a landing strip for thе

spaсeсraft of astronauts frоm another

planet. Arсhaeologists, howevец now bеliеve

that the anсiеnt Nazсan сivilization mighthave dеve|oped haved€vеlоp flight. They сould оf built hot.air

deэignedballoons and design the piсtures from the air.



SelfТest ш

(Total : 100 points. Each itеm : 4 points.)

IffiI oшl1 . с2 , 83 . 84 . 8

s . A6 . 87. D


1 0 .

lffiEt\|l тW0(Corrеct а,nsшеrs arе in parenthеsеs.)

14. с (must not have known)1s. D ( leave)16. c (havе)17. B (looked)ls. A (have got to)19. с (сan,t)20. A (must not)21. B (have)22. ^ (may oв might oв сould)23. ̂ (was oв is)24. с (have to)2s. ^ (should have)

W-жPqlNтwarm and сozy

сItАRт сHEсKF . F . T

1 1 .12.1 3 .

Adieсtives and Adverbs

Page 393: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

384 l #lrrsr*яer Кe3r

ЕxPRЕss,,ш:{!#,;f,"#'A: sloщ slowlyB: slow, slow

: _",1WА 2. tеrriblv disappointedl 1 ы| @

3. surprisingly еasy4. extremelY safes. inсrеdibly fast6. awfullу slowly7. YerУ сlearly8. unusuallY loud9. exсeptionally pleasant

Studеnts! Are yоu lоoking fоr u .ou6ul pfi."

to livе? Come to 140 Grant street, Apt. 4B.-.-.----_----..-

This apartment is (absolutely) peЦfeсt for two- :

q,dfi;йdеnts who are looking for a 99,!

neighborhood, just 15 minutes from сampus.

This lovelv apartrтrent is in a new building.

It is a 'h.,?йtk to the bus stop. The eдpдggq

bй go6sGireсtliinto tоwn. At night the bus. ---- r-----r

6u'aD-ik"' any stops at all. You сan wPlk

6"f"i)through thе wonderful parks on your

J-y ьo*e. The,",,t i. eбБфub.€

Call for an aPPointment: 555-5050'r--7t----'

This apartment will rent@g).

2. largeз. bеautifullу+. happilys. busy6. niсe

7. quietв. hardly9. niсe

ro. shyt r . good

g , - a - 1 - f u n n y . ^W,Аffi Somе apartment ads are so flffiftitу! one ad.-.ы warrn

desсribed a plaсе as ..warml)r aпd eozу.,' It was

really hot and сrowded, but the owner insistedperfect|у

that it suited me'perfееt. I was trying veryhard

h"-d'у not to laugh whilе he was desсribing

it, so I had to leave quiсkly. Anothеr plaсecule

I saw was supposеd tо be..niсe and еute\r.''


What a mess!! I lеft that plaсе vеry fаsф

too. I'm not asking for the moon! I only want

a small plaсe in a сlеan building with

friеndly neighbоrs. I'm loоking at another

plaсe tomorrow. The ad says'..Clean and

bright. Small but сonvenient apartment onаuiet

lovely, q-iiet'у bloсk.,, I wonder what that

really means!

PaЁiсipial Adieсtives


сHARт сl|EсI(T

EхPREss ж'ж,,ffiexсiting exсitedinteresting interestedfrightening frightenedamusing amusedtiring tired


some сountries, peоple who are intеrеsted

in meeting оthеrs turn for hеlp to pеrsоnal

ads in newspapers and magazinеs, and

onlinе. A@number of busy people

view these ads as a praсtiсal way of

inсrеasing their soсial сirсle. ..I,ve tried hard

to meеt people on my own,,, said one satisfiеd

сustоmеr...I was new in town and wanted to

make friеnds fast. The personals prоvidеd

me with a quiсk way of mеeting many

@people in a short Period of time'"

Others are not so impressed. "I think it's

kind of@when peоple need tо resort

to plaсing ad's to make friends,'' observed

one man. 'A friend of mine tried the ads

several times and was really disappointed

with the rеsults. It's just not personal enough.',

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2. puzzled3. plzz|тлg+. interesting5. interested6. fasсinating

2. boring3. interestеdс. fasсinating5. amusedс. horrifying

diэappointedJust got home. I'm disаpроi+ti+g with the

evening. At first I thought Jake was anintereat ingin+еrested guy, but tonight I felt somewhat

bored with his сompany. We saw a veryenter la in ingеn+e+tаiаеd movie. but Jake didn,t like it.

In faсt, it seеms 1ikе we have сompletely

diffеrent tastes in things. After the movie,

I tried to make сonvеrsation, but all I really

wantеd was to go homе. So, I told him I wasexhauэt,еd

eхьal*s+ins and didn't want to gеt home late.inf,erеэted

If hе asks mе out again-I,m not i+teres#ing.fruэ|rat,ing

Trying to meet people сan be very f+r*strated.

Adieсtives and Adverbs:Еquatives

; ,: ,,:l;"-l-.-:!:"t P0INIriding speed, сontrol of bikе

сHАRт сI]EсI(os' an adjeсtive or an adverb

EхP REss,. .,|'-:.,,'..''|,',. |'A: as ехpensive as, as well as B: as gоod as

So you were riding thе trails this weekеnd,

and you hit thе dirt. Now your сlothes loоk

as ladзq your bike. Nеver mind. They'll

look as ggщ!-щ nеw nехt weekend. We

сheсked out thrеe majоr brands of detergent,

7. fasсinated8. disappointеd9. surprising

1o. surprised

7. сonfusingв. depressed9. amazed

1O. amusing11. exhausted

&rъ*ияс*в. &{*xr t 385

and wе сan tell yоu whiсh onеs сlean best

and whiсh ones don't rеmove trail stains

€. "ББйiГ;Ь others.

overall, Brite and Kleеn arеn,t

as eхpensive as Trend, but they didn't

p".fo..''@ *Ыйithеr. Howevец the5r were

almost as good in partiсular сategoriеs.

Trend removed both mud and gтass

stains effeсtively. Brite removed mud just

effeсtively Trend. but it didn't remove

gтass stains @ Kleen was effeсtivе on

gтass stains, but not on mud. Britе сleaned

сlothes thoroushlv as Kleen, but again,

Brite and Kleen weren't as good as Trend

in this сategory. on thе other hand, Brite

сame out on top in brightening. Colors

washed in Kleen and Trend just didn't look

as bright as thе ones washed in Brite.

1. b. aren't as wideс. aren't as hard

2. a. c|eans as effeсtively asb. isn't as unfriendlyG. sounds as eхсiting asd. еxpresses . . . as сlearly as

3. a. was as noisy asb. (will) pedal as quietly as

2. doesn't stop as slowly as3. isn't as expеnsive as4. doesn't feel as сomfortable as5. isn,t as сheapс. rides as сomfortably asz. handles as well as8. don't handle as well asg. shifts as easilv as

RE: Not as many bruisеs!

Inexperienсеd riders should try the South

Trail at Bеarpaw Park. The sсenery is justbeautiful

as beа+tifuф, but its riding traсk isn,t asa e

unfriеndlv t,hаn the North Trail's. Thе

slopes u.".r't as steep, and you won't fallfreаuent|v

as f+еiрeni bесausе therе aren,t as manу

(сontinuеd on nехt pagе)

Page 395: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

386 l Jlв,tsvtяеr Kвy

roсks. It isn,t as short tfll .ь" North, so

you'll still gеt a good ride, and you won't

feel as disсouraged at the end ofthe day.

RE: the (expensive) new T?aх

Does anyone have any experienсe with

this bike? I test-drove it around thе store

parking lot, and I'm not impressed. Мy oldiuэ t aэ

Traх shifts Ьjt*.,t easily, and it handles as

smoothlу too. of сourse it,s not u, ffi,but then it doesn't сost $999 either.

Adjeсtives: Comparatives

rru-ru"йPЙINTdifferеnt from the old restaurant

сl]АRт сlIEсl(F ,T

EхPREssТ-?:;i[:!iТ',i,!'m o r e . . . t h a n

2 . 7 3 . 7 4 . F s . F

2. less expensive than oR isn't moreeхpensive than

3. hotter . . . spiсier than4. more fattening thans. healthier oв more healthy than

mлw 2 . be t te r . . . be t teцL.Ы

thе better . . . the morе eхpensiveз. thе more popular . . . the slower4. worse . . . worse, thе smokier . . . thе worses. The more сrowded . . . thе noisierс. The bigger . . . the harder7. more .' . more deliсious, heavier . . . heavier

ffiPеte,s Plaсe has just reopened under newmanagement. The dining room looks biggeц

brighter thanmоrе-ьrieh+, and prettier as thе old one.

Although thе food isn't bеtteц it ls just as

good. The menu is more varied and lessеxpenэive

ехpeasiveЕ. T.y one of their pasta dishes.

You won't find a Do*{fresher tomato sauсe

in town. And lеave room for dеssert. Thеybetter

just keep gеtting gооd and better.

The wait staff is friеndly but not able to

handlе large numbers of people-t#]iio*a"a

the rеstaurant, the slowеr the sеrviсе. At

dinnеrtime the lines outside this popularlonger

eatery are getting lоnger and mоre-lо+g.Try

lunсhtime for a quietеr u'dlffi*Еd-uul.

Adjeсtives: Super|atives


сltARт сl|Eсl(thе, _еst, most ot |еast

E x P R E s s'',{:F';i:ж|Jl(the) niсest(the) most beautiful(thе) warmest(the) happiest

waT,# 2. the happiest . . . of my life

3. the best . . . in the sсhool+. thе сoldest . . . of thе year5. the niсest . . . in our family oв of all6. the wisest . . . of all oв in our familv

You are the best mother in the whole wideworld. You are the smartest, thе brightest,and thе funniest of all moms r,ve everknown. You are the niсest mom r've everhad. You are the most wonderful anddefinitely tь"ffim in thewhole widе world is bеttеr than you. Yоu arethe greatest mother of all. I love you very,very muсh! Happy Mother's Day!

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2. is the most unusual gift.3. is the least praсtiсal gift.a. is the smallest gift.s. is the biggest gift.6. is thе most expensive gift.7. is the funniest gift.

moet эer ioueRamadan is thе sе+ior*ses+ time in Muslim

сulturе. During Ramadan, we do not eat

from sunup to sunsеt. This is diffiсult for

evеryone, but teenagers havе thе hardest

time. Right aftеr Ramadan is the Eid al-Fitr.

This holiday lasts three days, and it's the

Eоffi happiest time of the year. The morning

of Eid, my family gets up early and goes to

the mosque. After we gтеet our nеighbors by

saying..Eid Mubarek', (Happy Еid), we go

home. Wе еat 'nl,LlЁЪeakfast you have

evеr sееn. our parеnts give us gifts, usually

nеw сlothes and money. onе yeaц Еid сame

around the time I gтaduated from high

sсhool. That Уear,I got the mоst beautifulfatteot

сlothеs and thе fаtte+ envelope of moneу of

all the сhildren in my family. Еid Mela is

part of Еid al-Fitr. on that day, wе all go to

a big park. Last yеar at Еid Мela, I had thebeot

b€+te+ timе of my life. I met my оld high

sсhool friends, and we all ate junk food and

showed off our new сlothes.

Adverbs: Comparativesand Superlatives



Ansrlrreв. K*у l 3a7

сl]АRт сltЕсl(morе or |еss, thе

EхPREss,жthan. thе bеst

In thе first soссer game of the sеason, theGolds beat the Silvers, 6 to 3. The Silverteam played a truly fantastiс game' but itsdefense is still weak. The Golds defendedthe ball muсh more aggressively than theSilver team did. of сourse' Aсe Jaсksonсertainly helped win the game for the Golds.The Golds' star player was baсk on the fieldtoday to the dеlight of his many fans. Hewas hurt badly at the еnd of last season,but he has reсоvered quiсkly. Although hеdidn,t play as well as people eхpeсted, hestill handled the ball 1ike the old Aсe. Heсertainly handled it the most skillfully ofanyone on the team. нe соntrollеd ttrе ball!h.e }eф, kiсked the ball фg fallbgФ, andran thе fastest of any of the players oneither team. He played hard and hеlped theGolds look good. In faсt, the harder heplayed, the better the Golds performed.Watсh Aсe this season.

And watсh the Silvers. They have a newсoaсh, and they,rе training more seriouslythis year. I think we'll see them play betterand better as thе season progrеsses.

2. bеtter3. fastеrс. lesss. more rapidlyс. harderz. the most slowly oв thе slowestв. the most сlearlyg. thе longest

10. more quiсkly than11. more сompletely than

з. the most slowly oв the slowest4. more slowly than oв slower thans. the farthesto. faster thanz. higher thanв. the bеstg. the worst

Page 397: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

388 I Answer KeYa o a a a a a o a a a a o a a t "

" " " " . J '

ffiLast night I watсhed the Lakеrs and thе

Bulls. Both teams playеd morе aggressivеlythan-

J "" еver seen them. In faсt, they playеd thе

bеэ|b.tt* of any game I've watсhеd this season.

In the frrst half Miсhael Jordan sprained his

left anklе, and Shaquille o,Nеal was out of

the game beсause of fouls. But they still didn'tthan

start the sесond half any slower that the first.

With Jordan out, Kukoс sсored the mostfrеquenl|у

ffеqiюn+е+ of any player. He,s been playingbelter and

mоre-а++mо+е better as the season goes on.l he

In faсt,^morе he plays, the better he looks.

The Bulls won 97 to 88. The Lakеrs sеemеdI e 5 э

to get tired at the end. Thеy played l+ьtl€

and less сonsistently as the game went on.

SelfТe'*m(Totа| : 100 points. Eаch itеm : 4 points.)

lffil 0NЕl .

2.3 .4.

15. с (thе less)lс. C (ofl17. B (amazed)

ls. с (сute)

19. B (hardеr)20. A (run as quiсkly)

e .Dlo . B1 1 . A

12.1 3 .14.




5 .6.7.8.

lffiq-rcTWo(Corrеct ansu)еrs arе in parеntheses,)

21. B (delеtе morе)22. B (most)23. с (more)

24. с (disgusting)

2s. B (hot)

Gerunds:Subjeсt and objeсt

Т:::i:i/,ff.ж PпINтeхеrсise

сHАRт сI|EсI(-ing, not

EшPRESS f:r;f:.ff#;ffi.A: DrinkingB: drinkingA: not drinking

Swimminя is gтeat eхerсise. It,s healthy,

fun, and relaхing. Beсause swimming is a..low-impaсt'' sport, most people enjoypartiсipЬting in this aсtivity withоut fear of

injury to their bones or musсles. Jogging,

whiсh is a..high.impaсt,' aсtivitу, сan at

times bе harmful. I know this from personal

experienсе. Last year while I was jogging,

I injured my right knee. I don't go iogging

anymorе. Aftеr a painful month of rесovery,

I stopped running and switсhed to water

sports. I'm now сonsidering.joining a

swimming tеam and сompeting in raсes.

2. Еating3. Not drinking+. inсrеasing5. doing

2. quit smoking3. go swimmingд. dеnied oв denies smoking5. aсknowledges being6. is avоiding eating7. is сonsidering taking

Smok inqWays I Can Quit smоkе Cigarettes

эmokingPiсk an еxaсt date to quit smоke.

СuttinаStop smoking соmpletеly. te+* ilown is

hardеr than stopping all at onсе.)be inq

Avoid +€+ъ around othеr smokеrs

(at least at thе bеginning).

6. swlmmlngz. walking, running8. not going

Page 398: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

ЕxerciэingStart exerсising daily. T+gсerеise сan

reduсe stress.NotNо drinking сoffee may help too.

beingImagine br€ft a non.smoker. Positivе mеntal

images сan help.jo in ing

Consider +о-jоin a support group.aэk ing

Don't delay te.аsk for help. Call Dr. Burns

right away!

Keep trying and don't give up!

Gerunds after Prepositions

жPqlNтц Ц F

снARт сl]EсKa preposition, the gerund

ЕхPREssжA: joiningB: joining

We, the members of thе Student Counсil,would like to share with уou the thoughtsand сonсerns of the general student body. Asyou probably knoщ many students areсomplaining about life on сampus. Wе areintеrested in meeting with you to disсussour ideas for dealing with thesе сomplaints.

We know that you arе tirеd of hearinяstudents сomplain and that you are notused to working with thе Studеnt Counсil.Howeveц if you really believе in givinя nеwidеas a trу, we hope you will think aboutspeaking with our representativеs soon. Welook forward to hеaring from you Soon.

2. in listening3. about going, about driving4. to staying, relaxing5. for having6, at lеarning7. on сoming8. on reading, (on) going

Answer Кey l 389

ffi,We сan make сhanges by tеlling theadministration about our сonсеrns.The administration сan help by listeningto our сonсеrns.In somе сases' students just сomplaininstеad of making suggestions forrmprovemеnts.

5. Studеnts get annoyed with some teaсhersfоr соming late to сlass.

6. You сan improve your gтades by studyingrеgularly.

I have been attеnding Lоngtree Collеge fоrэtudуing

a year. I,m very happy about st+*dу here.

At first, it was a little hard getting used toэpeakingsреаk English all the time, but'now I feel

very сomfortable about "ж#xin my

seсond language.

I just joinеd an international studentaboul

grouP, and I,m exсited wi++} meeting new

people. Summer break is сoming, and a fewdoing

of us are planning. on dо some traveling

togеther. Beforе #ffi this gтoup, I used to

spend holidays alonе.

Please write. I look forward ,!#.t

from vou!

!nfinitivesafter Ceftain Verbs

W3PqlNтMegan thinks ..Impatient', should сonsider his

proposal more.

сI|ARт сHEсl(Е ' T ' F

ExPRЕssжI want to write to Annie.

3 .


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39O I Answer Key

Slow down! You appear to be in too muсh ofa hurry. You'vе only known this pеrson for amonth and yet you asked hеr to marry you!What,s the big rush? Whу can,t you afford towait? Are you afraid that if shе gеts to knowyou betteц she may deсide not to tie theknot? I agree with your girlfriend. You neеdto сonsider things more сarefully. You сan'texpесt her (or voursеlfl to make suсh animportant deсision so quiсkly. If you don'twant to regret a hasty deсision, I advise vоuboth to get to know eaсh other better beforеyou hurry to the altar.

2. attempt to find3. warns single people not to leave4. urges them to use5. fail tо plan6. plan to fail7. wish to meets. Ask two friends to read9. Choose to partiсipate

lo. advisеs people not to fееl11. wants to be

(Ansulеrs mсIу uarу slightlу.)2. would likе Tom to сall hеr at 10:00.3. rеminded Emily to buy gas (today).a. invited Marta to join thеm for сoffeе.5. agтeed to be home by 10:30.6. forgot to go to the 2:00 staff meeting.7. enсouraged her to try again.8. needs to use thе сar (tonight).

ffiAnnie ad.vised. ,^" ffi a сlub or,take a

сlass, and I frnally did it! I deсided^beсome a

member of the sсhool's outdoor Adventure

Club, and I went to mу first mеeting last

night. I'm really eхсitеd about this. The сlub

is planning a hiking trip nеxt wееkеnd. I

definitely want to go rafting in the spring.

At first I didn,t want :Ы#rup, but thеnol to

leader was so niсe. He urged me *о-not miss

this trip, so I put my name on thе list. After

the meеting, a group of people asked mе to

go out with them. We went to a сoffee shoplo

and talked for hours. Wеll, I hoped^make

some friends when I joined this сlub, butlo be

I didn't ехpeсt everyone r"# friendly.

I'm glad Annie persuaded me *o to give up.

lnfinitivesafter Certain Adjeсtivesand Ceftain Nouns

wPulNтЕinding good fries is diffiсult.

сI|АRт сl|EсKfo * base form of vеrbсertain nouns and adjeсtives

EхPRES|жжIt's сonvеnient to eat fast food.That's a low priсe to pay.

NPlеasе takе a fеw minutes to сompletе thisquestionnairе about fast-food rеstauтants.Cheсk (/) al]r the answers that areappropriatе for you.

А1. How often are you likely to eat at a

fast-fоod restaurant?

ll 1-3 times a week

О 4_6 timеs a wеek

D more than 6 times a weеk

D never

2. In your opinion, fast food is:A

t яood to eatN

П a wav to save timeд-

] fun to order oссasionallv

п .,.,ьJaltь to have evеry day

Whiсh statement best desсribеs your

feelings about the сost of fast food?N

c It,s a high priсe to pav for сonvenienсe.

D You get a lot for just a little monеy.N

Is it a good idea to inсlude healthy

сhoiсes in fast-food menus?

D Y е s c N o

3 .


Page 400: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

2. delighted to find3. way to go4. fun to eat5. pleasure to eat6. mistake to bring

z. readу to сry3. willing to work4. hard to wake up5. surprised to hear6. eaget to gеt

7. outrageous to sеe8. good to еat9. essential to have

ro. diffrсult to go

7. important to keep8. time to deсide9. сhanсe to show

lo. еasy to find

to askTonight I madе thе dесision askеd Chris

to take the night shift. I really thought shelo \et,

was going to be glad fоrgеt.ti*g the offer.to

She has her own rent^PaУ, and I know it'sher

hard for shе to meеt all her еxpenses. Looksto aэk

like shе was the wrong pеrson {-аsked! Thе

problem was, she wasn't willing to # Vu,

or No, and I'm afraid I got a little impatient.

It was Wrong of me to threaten to ask Stеvе.

I сould tеll that she was prеtty upset to hear

that. I'll think about giving hеr the promotionto gеt

anylvay. She dеserves gеttirч a break.

lnfinitivesWith Too and Еnough


сl]АRт сltEсl(too

EхPREssжShe's too young to votе.We're old enough to work.

2 . Ъ3 . a

4 . b5 . a

6 . b

Answer Key I 391

2. It,s too far for us to get homе by ten. G3. I,m maturе enough to take сare of

myself. G4. It,s too dangerous to drivе at night. M5. I worry too muсh to give you permission. М6. You aren't eхperienсed enough to drive

that far. M

mыr 2. сheap enough for us to afford.Ы

3. large еnough tо hold4. too good for me to misss. big enough to share6. too late to stopz. old enough to stay8. early enough to сome9. too slow to beat

1o. safe enough to drive

m ^ , n r . rы Thе Phish сonсеrt was awesome! Now I,m

too ехсitea ьJ-iflЕiЬ. That Mike Gordоngood enough

сan really sing. My voiсe isn,t еаоt*gЬ€оed

to sing in the shower! After the сonсert wetoo

wеre really hungry, but it was to late to go

fot pizza.I }IATE this stupid сurfew! It's toolo

weird^understand. My friend Todd works

and has to pay taхes, but thе law says he'sto эtaу

too young fоr-s+aуiftg out past 10:00! That's

qazУ enough to make me want to sсream.

That reminds me. I sure hope my mother

сhanges her mind soon enougь ro#1o buy

a tiсket to the Hampton сonсеrt. They sell

out very quiсkly. Why doesn,t she thinkenough

I'm mature^to drive fifty miles? I'll have to

do it sometimе! Well, I,d bettеrotrУ to 8et

some sleep or l,ll be too tired too gеt up in

the morning.

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392 r Answer Key

lnfinitives of Purpose

WPЙINтan address book, a diсtionary, a note pad

сltARт сlllEсl(TF

EхPREssжI use an organizet to store addresses.I set my alarm сloсk in ordеr not to oversleep.

Yoкo: It,s 5:00. Aren't you going home?Lвв: No. I'm staying late to finish this

report. What about уоu? Aтe yougoing straight home?

Yoкo: No. I,m going to stop at the bankto get some сash. Then I'm going toLaсy,s Department Store to takeadvantage of the sale they're having.

Lвв: oh, what are you going to get?Yoкo: one of those new eleсtroniс

organizers they're advertising. I'vebeen looking for something to helpme with my work.

Lвв: What,s Wrong with just a regularсalсulator?

Yoкo: Nothing. But sometimes I have toсonvert other сurrеnсies to dollars.

Lпв: What else are you going to use it for?Yoкo: oh, to store important names and

phоne numbers and to balanсе myсheсkbook.

Lвв: What did we do beforе they inventedall these elесtroniс gadgets?

Yoко: We made a lot of mistakes!

2. To withdraw $100.3. To invite Rika and Taro to dinner.4. To buy milk and eggs.5. To buy battеries.6. To get gas.

First Part:3 . f 4 . a s . d 6 . e T . cSeсond Part:3. She went to the storе (in order) to buy

some dishes.4. We disсonneсted our phone in order not

to get any phone сalls.

thе radio (in order) to listеn

me he was siсk in order not

Datalator (in ordеr) to store

to getI went to Dr. Towbin ф+iflg my teeth

сleaned today. While I was waiting, I used my

Datalator to study for the TOЕFL. Then I usedhe lp

it to hеф me pronounсe..novoсainе,, and

"dental floss" for my appointment. After the

dentist, I сheсked my sсhedule and saw..Rika

and Taro, dinneц 7:30.,,I should use it in ordеrnol to+o-aоt forget appointmеnts! Luсkily, my reсipes

are already on the Datalatoц so I used themto make

ьr-mаkins a quiсk shopping list. When I got

home, there was a note on my door-"Call

bldg. super.'' I сheсked the Datalator

diсtionary to find ..bldg. super.,,The ..building

superintendent'' wantеd to сome up in orderto^frx the doorbell! Rika, Taro, and I played

with the Datalator all evening. You сan

progтam it}tr to play сomputer games too.

I don't know how I lived without it!

Gerunds and lnfinitives


сl]ARт сl]EсKЦF ,T

ЕхPREssжжto go, Gоing, talking, to talk oR talking


He turnеd onto thе nеws.He didn't tellto worry me.Shе bought ainformation.


2 . 73 . F

4 , 7s . F


s .T

Page 402: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

2. to trust3. to forget, to remembеr4. going5. to remember6. to turn offz. Playing, improving


(Ansшеr.s maу Uarу slightlу,)2. meeting Natalya last yеar (at Riсhard's

PartY).з. spilling grapе juiсе (on thе сouсh).д. listening to jazz oн listening to Riсhard

p|aу jazz (at his partiеs).going danсing (some time),to go (danсing some time).to give Marta a ride home,to stay a little longer.

эtudуlng t,o uэestuф for an exam. I hope I remember r*sing

some of thеm tonight!

Make, Have,and Get

{:::':ж,::: P0lNтT

сHARт сIIЕсl(T ,цT

5 .


ffiWhat a gтeat party! I usua1ly avoid ffi to

parties beсause it,s suсh a problem for me to

remеmber people's namеs. I'm so glad I read

that book about #WЖ your mеmory. Thеdo inа

author suggested tо4о eхerсises, and theyworrv|nа

really helped. I stopped te weriу about what

people would think of me, and I tried to pay

attention to what people Wеre saying. As a

result, I had a great time! I'm еven planningt,o go ОR on gotngsоins danсing with this guу Lev.

I have an English test tomorroщ so I

should stop writing now and start studying.

The bоok even had some good tips about

Let, Help,

Ansияer Жeу l 393

ExPRЕsl,{ffr###'A: to сorreсtB: сorreсtA: stayB: stay


2 . F 4 . F3 . T s . T

6 . F

s. hade. had

1O. made

2.1et s . gotз. made 6. madед. had 7. let

2. made her work3. didn't let them use (their) diсtionariesa. had him сlеan5. got him to pronounсeс. didn't let her speakz. didn't make her leave

When I was a teenageц mу parents never

let me !q play until I had finished all myhelp

homework. They evrn made me hеlping my

brothers with their homework before I сould

havе any fun. on thе onе hand, they сertainlyto

got me^le atn a lot. on the other hand, thеуbecome

madе mе be€аm€ too serious. I wish they

had let me ),6. have a little more fun. When

I bесomе a parent, I want to have my сhildlearn

}eа+ns rеsponsibility, but also I wouldhim or her

want to let h+э+_she have fun. As Ben

Franklin said,'All work and no play makes

Jaсk beсome a dull bov.'' I want to avoid

that mistake.


(Totаl : 100 points. Eаch itеm : 4 points.)

ffiffioNE1 . с2 . ^

3 . 4 s . D4 . B 6 . с

7 , As . с

Page 403: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

394 I Answer KeYa a a a a a " " " " " " " ' o " " " '

e . A 1 1 . B

10. D 12. с

ЕF'€.@1 тW0

r 3 . B14 . A

(Corrеct ansшеrs arе in parеnthеsеs.)

15. B (to сhange) 2|. D (to seeing)

'u. с itrying) " 22. ̂ (to buy)

17. в(finding) 23. D (not to fall)

18. A (Gеttini) 24. B (watсhing)

le. B (not to) 2s' D (to do)

20. с (old enough)

Phrasal Verbs:lnseParable

ffiPqINтin a restaurant

сIIARт сI|Eсl(before the direсt objeсt

ЕxPпEss Т#:#FжWe ran intо Bob.

Hе was еating out.

ffiHo Da-ming's new restaurant was failing'

His сustomers rarely @ Why?

Mr. Ho сontaсted a fеng shui сonsultant to

6ndТф. Feng shui (meaning "wind and

water,,) is thе anсient Chinese art of plaсing

things in the environment. Aссording to this

art, the arrangement of furniture' doors' and

windows affeсts our health, wealth, and

happiness. Мr. Ho was сonсernеd about his

business, but hе didn'tФ_e Ф Following

the сonsultant's adviсe, hе rеmodelеd and

red'есoratеd his restaurant. His aсtions

@Soon businessбiфЪГuDand Mr. Ho

beсame riсh...It was the bеst deсision I еver

madе,,,he glows. And he isn't alone in his

еnthusiasm. Feng *hoi@

with mоdеrn arсhiteсts and homeownеrs


1. has сaught on

2. сame baсkз. paid off

2. baсk3 . u p4. up5. up

2. turned out

3. сome up with

с. went up5. kePt on

ffiSorry the apartment is suсh a mess. I got

to straight"., #. I,m going to the gyT'Р*

,. -".- жfor an hour. I should gut #il,

bеfоre you, and I'l1 сlеan up thеn. How about

out loniqhteating t""ig#Ы? Afterward, wе сan get

togеther with some of the guys and maybe

see a moviе. or maybe we,ll сome #Ь with

a bettеr idea. into Iom

oh-I ran Te+iдtо at sсhool. He'll drop

#,o see you lateт.

Phrasal Verbs: SeParable

ffiPЙINтGeorge is getting an idеa for an invention.

сt|АRт сI/iEсI(Direсt оbjeсts that are nouns сan go bеforе or

after thе partiсle.

ЕxPRЕss .{#;!H,#3'

dreamed up that idеa oв drеamed that idea up'

dream it uP

д. frnd out5. give uPс. piсked up

6. оut7 . u p8. оut

6. give uPz. paid off8. go baсk

Page 404: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Did you know that two сollеge dropouts

thought up@of the first persоnal

сomputеr? What's morе' theу pц!@together

in a garage. Invеntions don't have to сome

out of fanсy laboratories. Avеrage people in

сlassrooms, kitсhеns, and home workshops

often dream up and useful i

The ability to think of something new

seems like magiс to many people, but in

faсt anyone сan develop thе qualitiеs of an

inventor. First, inventors follow thеir сuriosity.

The Swiss inventor Georgе dе Mestral wanted

to find out@дgщФit was so hard to remove

burrs from his dog,s сoat. His answer led

to the idеa for Vеlсro@, now used to fasten

everything from sneakers to spaсe suits.

Seсond, inventors use imagination to put

6БГй!qg9феt in new ways. Walter Morrison\_________Y_-/-

watсhed two mеn tossing a pie pan to eaсh

other and thought up @;п'мф, one of

the most popular toys in thе world. Perhaps

most important, suссessful inventors don't

2.3 .4.5 .

6 . p a i d . . . b a с k7. сarry out8. brought abоut

5. do it over6. turn them in

JыW3 2. fisure it out| , Ы

3. fill them out4. handed it out

quit. They сontinuously look up@about their ideas and цy@ewТesigфoutuntil thev suссeed.

set upf i l l e d . . . u pk е e p . . . a w a ypiсked up

u ?May 3 I drеamеd ovеr a really good idea-a

jar of paint with an appliсator likе the kind

used for shoe polish. It сan bе used to touсhu ?oa spots on a wall, when people don't

want to paint a whole room. I know ahim up

manufaсturer. I'll сall ф+iffi and ordеrout

several types, so I сan try them in.

Answer !{ey I 395

July 3 I frlled d3lL an appliсation for a

patent and mailed it yesterday. I,ll bеuP

able to seцa strong and сonvinсing

demonstration of the produсt ф soon.

August 30 I demonstrated the produсt at an

exhibition for deсorators. I wanted to point

out that it,s very nеat to use' so t p,*fl"ыt.

gloves for the demonstration. It went over

very wеll.


(Totаl : 100 points. Each itеm : 4 points.)

ffiI oшt1 . 42 . с3 . 44 . 8

s .D6 . с7. D

8 . D 1 1 . A9 . D 1 2 . с

l o . A 1 3 . в

ffi--grтW0(Corrеct ansшеrs arе in parеnthеsеs.)

14. A (it over)ts. D (up)16. D (off thе bus)77. D (baсk)ls. B (get on the bus)tg. D (оfflzo. A (up)2r. в (her up)22. D (wake you up)23. D (piсk some stamps up for him . . . oR

piсk up some stamps for him . . .)24. D (Meg into)2s. B (along)


жPпlNтRa II

Page 405: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

396 I Answer Key

сI|ARт сHEсl( lF

сltАRт снEсК 2TF

EхPREssffi#"жi#,were, was

ffiwur@really the first explorer todisсovertь"@@didn't think so. He believed that anсientpeople wеre able to build boats that сould

сross oсеans. To test his idеas, he deсided

to build a сopy of the reed boats that wеrеpiсtured in anсient paintings and sail aсross


щgyglaeb,s team also сopied anсient Middle

Eastern pots and fillеd them with foщl for

their.iournev-dried fiф, hqцgy, 9Ц, eЯЯS,

nuts, and fresh ftцit @,the expedition's

boat, сarried an international group inсluding

u@, u.,@' u.r@aliui, u

цщ$!g9, and uQцФц'.The first trip failed, but everуone

survivеd and wanted to try again. Departingo"@ 17,Ig7O, under the flas of the(GitЫшutБ',)6_u ш\.ossed the@БrrtiE in57 davs. The expedition proved that anсient

сivilizations had the skill to reaсh the


3. Food 13. are+. is 14. Is5. are r 5. equipmеnt6. ideas 16. batteries7. beans 17. nеWs8. riсe 18. stops9. Potatoes 1я. сlothing

1o. arе 2o. сold1 1. trips 21. bothers12. vegetables 22. Ъags

СanarуОctoЬet 27. I,ve bеen on the еа*afу Islands

for thrеe days now. I'll start homе whеnweather io

thе \ffеаth€fs_аre bеtter. I was so surprised

mai lwhen I piсked up my mai+s today. My

family sеnt me some birthday presents.birthdaу

My Bi++hdaу is the 31st. I won,t open the

gifts until then.octobеroe+ober 29. I think thе weather is getting

worse. I heard -ж- today, but thеre

wasn't any rain. I stayed in bed with my

сat, Typhоon. Every time it thundеred,Tуphoonф and I snuggled up сloser undеr

novе|the сovers. I started reading a Nove},

Brauе Nеш World.

oсtober 30. I left thе Canary IslandsCo lumbua

today-just like ео}r*mbr*s. There,s a

strong wind and plenty of sunshine now.mi|eэ

I went 250 ц4+lеs.

oсtober 31. I,m2I today! Tо сelebrate,coffee

I drank some еоffееs for breakfast and

I opеned my prеsents. I got sоme perfume

and prеtty silver dEЖ

Novembеr 1. The "-#ilЁi*%

very low.

I'd bеtter not usе muсh until I get nеarNewnеw York. I'll neеd the radio then. It rained

walertoday, so I сolleсted waters for сooking.


жPЙlNтa good supply оf сhoсоlatе

сl|ARт сltЕсKЦF 'ЦT

ЕхPREss,{:iж:,ffi::#'A: many B: muсh A: many

Are you ready? Many peoplе don,t reaIizе

that somе natural disastеrs suсh as

Page 406: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

еarthquakes сan strike *i.h@tl*..,ф.

It may take sevеral days for assistanсе to

reaсh you. Prepare your disastеr kit in

advanсe! Here arе a few tips.о Water may Ьe unsafe to drink. Store

@for several d'ays. Eaсhperson needs a gallon per day for сooking

and washing.

You will also need food for sevеral davs.

It's a good idеa to store@

- " at-ffiD, vesetable s, and 6iiD.

Howevец also inсlude sеveral kinds of high-

еnergy fоod, suсh as peanut butter andjelly. And don't forget me..сomfort food

like сookies and сhoсolate!. If you don,t hu,.e6.,y el*t.iсiф yo'

might not have@either. Keep

some blankеts. sleeping bags. and extra

сlothеs for еveryonе.о Prepare a first aid kit with some pain

relievers, sеvеral sizеs ofbandages, and

an antiseptiс.о The ATM,s might not be working. Do

you havе (fryсasф You shouldn't keep

@@in the housе, but you should

have a lot of small bills, and a few larger

bills too.

2. anу3. Several4. a great deal of5. a lot of6. Manу7. a few

1. b. a fеwc. manyd. muсhе. a fewt. a little

8. muсh9. few

1O. Some11. a l i t t le12. a few

2. a. a littleb. fewс. a fewd. littlее. a few

фWe had a big storm last weеk, and wе lost

thе eleсtriсity foцfew days. onсe I got over

being sсared, it was a lot of fun-a little like

Answer l(ey I 397

сamping out. We have an eleсtriс furnaсe, so

we didn,t havе Jн" heat. We slept in our

sleeping bags around thе fireplaсe. We surea lot of

usеd up naаnу wood! Mom bakеd some bread

in an iron pan in the fireplaсe. Shе had to

try several timеs, but it was really gоod

when it worked. We ate lt wlthtittlе peanut

butter. The first night *u ьuа*i%flf

problems figuring out what to do. It got darkfew

early, and we only had a liЬtЪ сandles-and

no TV! Cindy is five, and she was reallу

frеaked out untii we made hot сhoсolate

over the fire. Finally, everybody took turns

telling stories. I found out that Dad knowsof

a lot^goоd stories.

AЁiсles:lndefinite and Definite

w| PпINтTherе is only one Earth.


ЕxPRЕssжa, The

2. an3 . a4. an5. an

2. the3. the4 . a

6 . a

1o. thel '1. a12. thеr 3. the

8. an, the9. the

4 . bs .b




5 .6.7.

Page 407: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

398 r Answer Key,

t , a a a a a a a a o a a a a o a o a o a a a a o a a o a a a a a a a a a

onсe there was a plumber named Mario.Тhе p|umber aPh+inb€]F had^beautiful girlfriend. onе day,

T uo"fell in love with thе girlfriеnd andthe

kidnapped her. The plumbеr сhased^ape to

resсue his girlfriend'

This simple tale beсame Donkеу Kong,thea first vidеo gamе with a Story. It was

invented by Sigeru Matsimoto,Тartist with

Nintendo, Inс. Мatsimoto loved tЬr. video

games' but he wanted to makе them more

intеrеsting. He liked fairy tales, so hea

invented;story similar tо a famous fairy talе.The эtorуs+о+у was an immediate suссess, and

Nintendo followed it with Thе Mаrio Brothеrs,

The rest is video gamе history.

o (No AЁiсle) and The

WPOINTthe little girl

сl]ARт сIiEсl(indеfinitеplural

EхPRЕss rdry.ffiA: the Bз И A: the Bз И

Do you enjoy amusement parks? Tomorroщ

Blare Gardens will open to @" p.,БГdfo'

@-fi.'tТйЪ@fеaturеs awidе

variety of rides and games that will appeal

to both adults and сhildren. And of сourse

an amusement park would not be сomplеte

without сotton сandv and hot dogs (fйfooD

at Blarе Gardens promises to be very good.

Come еarly, bring whole famil and be

thе firеworks displsure to stay for that

takes plaсе right after@@.ets. So,сheсk it оut! You won't be disappointed.


2 . И3 . И4 . И5. thе6 . И7. os.a9 . И

2. thе3. the4 . И5. the6 . 4

10. Ил.a12. И13. thera. thе15. thеr c . 417. thе

7. as .ae.a

10. И

1 8 .

1 r. The12. the13. thela. the

Hi! Blare Gardens is awesome! This ttlf;.r,

vaсation We,ve ever gonr on! I lovе the rides

here. I mean, I,ve bеen on tE roller сoasters

bеfore, but nothing is likе the one they'vethe

got hеre! And^food is grеat too. I usually

d.on,t еat il € hot d.ogs, ь.*lf"t dоgs here arеthe

gтeat. So is^pizza. Do you like l# amusement

parks? If so, you've got to get your familythe

to сome. The only problem isрrowds herе.

People havе to wait to get тnto еuеrуthing-

even thе restrooms! Sеe you soon.

Reflexive Pronouns andReсiprocal Pronouns


сHARт сI|Eсl(цT

EхPRЕssжA: yourselfB: myself

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Self-talk is thе way We explain a problem to

ourselves. It сan affeсt the way wе feel and

horлr we aсt. Tom and Sara, for eхamplе, both

lost their jobs when their сompany laid off a

lot of people. su6Т"ЕБй"Цfit and spent

time with friends. т"е€"':1d ten pounds

and spent all his time by himsеlf. They were

both unemployed, so the .itйТio'@!f сan't

explain why they aсted so differently from

.u.ь6ТБЫТй main differеnсe was the way

Tom and Sara explained the problem to

thеъr"Б;.suсould сhangе her situatlo.,. тoйЪa* tйgqЦ

as helplеss. Latец evеryonе got their jobs


baсk at the offiсе, Tom grumblеd,..They

must have bеen desperatе.', Sara replied,..They frnally realizеd thеy need us!''

1. yourselves2. herself, ourselves3. myself, yourself4. eaсh otheц yourself5. itself ourselvеs6. yourselves, one another

2. yourselves3. themselvesa. himself5. yourselves6. eaсh other

oR onе anothеr

7. mysеlf8. myself9. yourselves

1O. myself

I forgot to сall Jan on his birthday.mуoe|f

I remindеd mе all day, and thеn I forgot

anyway! I felt terrible. My sister Anna said.уourэe|f..Don,t be so hard on уot*rselves,,,but I didn't

herэe|fbelieve her. She prides her on rеmembering

everything. Then I read an artiсle on

self-talk. It said that people сan сhangе thеthemэe|vеэ

way they eхplain problems to t'hеi+sеlvеs.

I realized that the wav I turк tl"Ell.

Answer Key I 399

insulting-like the way our high sсhool

math teaсher used to talk to us. I thought,

Jan and I treat eaсh other well. He forgaveme

mуs€lf for my mistakе right away, and I

forgave him for forgetting our dinnеr date

two weeks ago. Jan and I сould forgiveеach o|her

thеэдselves, so I guess I сan forgive myself.


(Total : 100 points. Each itеm : 4 points,)

lэЕffil oNE1 . с2 . 83 . D

4 . сs . A6 . 4


1 0 .1 1 .12.



lsЕстloN] тW0(Corrеct ansu)еrs arе in parеnthеsеs.)

tз . A ( i s ) 19. D (dеlеtе Lhe)14. с (Thanksgiving) 20. B (muсh time)

capita|izе MonеyJ 25. D (the aссountant)

The Passive: Overview

жPqtNтthe number of years the magazine has existed

сltART сltEсl(ЦЦF

ExPRЕssж'жwere printеd

1s. B (is starting)16. B (May)17. D (the)ls. A (dе|еtе Ьaпd

21. с (few)22. B (a iittle)23. B (onе anothеr,s)24. B (a littlе)


10 .

2.3 .4.5 .6.



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4OO I Answer Key

3. Tagalog is spoken4. is spoken by 417 million people5. Seventy-one million people speak6. Arabiс is spoken bу7. speak Еnglish8. Swahili is spoken oR

People speak Swahili

3. ispubl ished(iф)с. is read (ffi)5. have been hired by our

internatiоnal оffiсes6. were purсhased (fuошФ)7. are used (Фнriffi)f. is advertised (fu*i*)9. was interviewed by Liuе at Ten TУ

1o. was seen by millions of viewers

Two-thirds of Bolivia,s fl.vе million peoplеare locatedМ in the сool western highlands known

as the Altiplano. For сenturies, the gтain

quinoa has bеen's"in the mountains.are

Llamas^raisеd for fur, meat, and

transportation. And tin, Bolivia's riсhеstmined

natural rеsourсe, is rninhg М in

the high Andes.

The Oriente. another name for the

eastern lowlands, is mostly tropiсal. Riсe is

the major fоod сrop,,and сows are raised for

milk. Oil is also find there.

Although Spanish is the offiсial language,

Native Ameriсan languages are still spoken

М. Traditional textiles are woven by

hand, and musi.|pьy"a on rеed pipes whose

tonе resembles the sound of the wind

blowing over high plains in the Andes.

Тhe Passive With Modals

WPЙINтsomebody has tо do somеthing about

Еd,s snoring

сHARт сHEсl( lЦ F

сltАRт сltEсl( 2a modal or an auxiliary verb

EхPREssжA : W i l l . . . b е p r e p a r e dB: it won't, will be prepared

ffiSpaсe Station (Jnitуwill bе сompletеdwithin the neхt deсade, and international

teams of astronauts will then be sharing

сlose quarters for long periods of time. What

сan be done to improve living сonditions in

spaсe? Here's what former astronauts

suggest:О FooD It doеsn't tastе as good in zеro

gravity. Food should bе made spiсier to

overсome those effeсts. International

tastеs must also be сonsidered.О сLoTнIшG Layered сlothing сould help

astronauts stay сomfortable. The top

laуer сould be rеmoved or added as

temperatures vary.o SLЕЕPINс Beсause of weightlessness,

sleep is often interrupted in spaсe.

Comfortablе restraints must be provided

tо give a sense of stability.. EМoTIoNAL Nшвоs Peoplе nееd..down

time'' in spaсe just as they do on Earth.

Time ought to bе provided for relaxation

and privaсy.

2. Is . . . going to be preparedз. (is going to be) squeezedд. will be prepaсkaged5. сan be warmеd.'p

Page 410: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

с . s h o u l d . . . b е с h o s e n7. has tо be offerеd8. сould bе seleсted9 . W i l l . . . b e u s е d

10. had bеtter be attaсhedr 1. ought to be made

2. should be kept3. ought to be improvеdд. сould be designed5. сan be removed6. ought to be given7. are going to be deliverеd8. will be dones. will be stored

I used the sleeping rеstraints last night andbe made

slept a lоt bettеr. They ought to make more

сomfortable, though. I felt trapped. I just

looked in the mirror. My faсе is рuffy andger

my eyеs arе red. I d better bе_gоtte+ оn

thе eхerсise bike right away. I сan bemieunderstood

@ when I look like this.

Last night Maх thought I was angTy at him

for turning оn ..Star Trеk.'' Aсtuallу, I love

that show. I might be given early lunсh

shift today. I hope they have more teriyaki.

It,s niсe and spiс5l, and thе sauсe сan aсtuallybe

bеrn tasted, evеn at zero gтavity. Some of itflown

had better bе flу in on the Shuttle pretty

soon, or there might be some unhappy

astronauts! Spеaking of unhappy, last night

Kristen сallеd and told me shе was planningtalked

to quit sсhоol. I think shе сould be falk out

of it, but I'm afraid I'll get angry and yell ifbe

we disсuss it. I might^overheard by others.

We nеed some privaсy hеre!

Ansиler Key l 40|

The Passive сausаt.ve

TжPqlNтwent to a hair salоn

сt]ARт сl{,Eсl(F . T . F

ЕхPREss Тi;:;;'f.ж#A: donеB: done, do

4.5 .

6 . 7

3. Amber had the dog groomed.a. They arе going to get the windows washed.5. They had the сarpеts сlеaned.о. Amber is going to have her еars pierсed.7. Jake got his hair сut.в. Thеy arе going to have food and

drinks deliverеd.

1. oR have it shortened2. get (oв have) it dry сlеaned3. ,re getting (oв having) them washed oв

,re going to get (oв have) thеm washed4, 'm getting (oв having) it сut oR,m going

to get (oв have) it сut5. get (oв have) it сolored6. Did . . . get (oв havе) it painted

The party was tonight. It went really well!

Thе house lookеd great. Mom and Dad had

thе floors waхed and all the wind "*:,ж

profеssionally so everything sparkled. Andoainted the whole houee

оf сoursе wе

ourselvеs last summеr. (I,ll never forget

that.It took us two weeks!) I wore my new

blaсk dress that I жshortеnеd bv Bo. and

' -ъ?,.TLlу*#l' by Andrё. He did "a

gteatjob. There wеre a iot of guests at the party.had invited oк inviNed a|mogt, fiftу peop|e

We , and they



(сolttinuеd on nехt pаgе)

Page 411: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

4o2 l Answеr Key

almost all showed up! The food was gтeat

too. Mom made most of the main dishes

herself but she had the rest of thе foodpreparedpfераfе by a сaterer. Mom and Dad hirеd a

professiоnal photographeц so at the end ofhad our pia|ureз |aken

the party we all ф. Dad,s

getting them baсk nеxt week. I сan't wait

to see them!

1 . с2 . D3 . 4

4. B 7.5 . с 8 .6 . 8

Ж.*#*...reтW0(Corrеct anSIDеrS arе in parеnthеsеs.)

r r. C (by)12. ̂ (dеlеtе were)13. с (bе сorreсted)14. D (de|etе by the printеr)15. A (dеlеtе was)16. D (rеturn)17. с (them done)1s. с (be disсussеd)1e. A (was painted)20, с (сouldn,t oR wasn't able to)21. в (gтown)22. D (was working)23. в (havе to be replaсed)24. с (сleaned)2s. ̂ (be made)

(Total : 100 points. Each itеm : 4 points.)



'ж|,'^"TF;з PпINT


снARт сl]Eсl(ЦF ' F

с 9 . DB 1 0 . B

Faсtual Gonditionals:Present

EхPRЕss'жffi.rc,1 . b 2 . c 3 . a

If you run into prob ,knоw vour rights as a passenger. oftеn the

airline сompany is required to сompensate

you for delays or damages. For example, the

airline provides meals and hotel rooms ifзfllght is undulv delм. Howеveц the airlinе

owes vou a lot more tr it сausea tье aelф

overbqgьщg. This сan oссur еspeсiallv

during holidavs rf airtines sett mo

tьan tьere arе seaь. tг att tьe passengerc

aсtuatty sьow up, then the flight is

overbookеd. Airlines usually award

upgтades or additional free travel to

passengers who volunteer to take a later

flight. Howevец tг no one votunteers' your

flight mav be delaved. In that сase, the

airline must repay you 100 perсent of the

сost of your tiсket for a dеlay of up to four

hours on an international flight.ЩlЦq j9lay

ls more than four hourc, you rесeive

200 perсent ofthe сost ofyour tiсkеt.

oв The bеst time to go to Hong Kongis Nоvember or Dесеmber if you hatehot weather.If you're traveling with your сhildrеn,take them to Lai Chi Kok AmusemеntPark in Kowloon. oR Take your сhildrento Lai Chi Kok Amusement Park inKowloon if you're traveling with them.If you need a moderatеly priсed hotel,I suggest the Harbour View InternationalHouse. oп, I suggest the Harbour ViеwInternational House if you need amoderatеly priсed hotel.If you like seafood, there are wonderfulsеafood restaurants on Lamma Island. oвThere are wonderful sеafood restaurantson Lamma Island if you like sеafood.If you'тe fasсinated by Chinese opera'you might like the street opera in theShanghai Streеt Night Markеt. oвYou might like the streеt opera in the


3 .



Page 412: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Shanghai Street Night Markеt if you,refasсinated by Chinese opera.

6. If you'd like to get a good view of HongKоng, you should take the funiсular tothe Peak. oR You should take the funiсularto the Peak if you'd like to get a goodview of Hong Kong.

3Affi 2. I spend a lot of time at the pool if I stay|ы

at a hotеl.3. If I stay with friends, I spend time

with them.4. It's not so niсe if I gеt a ..Draсula.,'

5. It's very rewarding if you don't mindhard wоrk.

6. If you have threе roоmmates, you don'thavе troublе finding dog'walkers.

7. If a flight has an empty seat, I ridе for frее.

What a gтeat weekend! If Lou and Teridon'l

aren,t thе best hosts in the world, I w€a+

know who is. I'vе invited thеm to New York,

but if you live in thе Bahamas, you rarely

want to lеave. Tomorrow at midnight I fly

roundtrip from New York to Pittsburgh.

There's always a priсe to pay. If I get a free

wеekend in the islands' I always r"2!,,"..Draсula'' afterwards. oh, well. If I wо{з+

fall asleep, I сan usually gеt a lot of reading

done. Pat and Kim both flew to London

yesterday. I hope someone сan walk FriskyI 'm

fоr me. Usually, if Pl++е working, one of them

is off. If Frisky is alone for a long time, hebarkэ

Ьarked a lot. That disturbs the neighbоrs.

Maybe I should just leave the TV оn for him.

He's always very сalnъ,aif the TV is on. or

maybe I,d better сall Pat and ask her abоut

hеr sсhеdule. If it,** 6:00 p.м. here in New

York' it,s 11:00 p.м. in London. That's not too

latе to сall.

&взsw*r Key l 4o3

Faсtual Gonditionals:Future

WruщPЙlNтF , F

сIiАRT сIiEсKthe if сlausewhеn ttre if сlausе сomеs first

EхPREss Т:#I,:!{;{:;3If shе wins, she'll fight сrime.


2 . e3 . с

4 . as . g

6 .

7 .

3. get4. If5. win6. 'll take oв'm going to takе7. If8. beсomе9. 'l1 try oв'm going to try

10. will . . . do oR are . . . going to do1 r . i f12. lose13 . I f14. losе15. 'll сontinuе oR 'm going to соntinue16. Unlеss17. сoopеrate18. won,t be oк isn,t gоing to bеle. i f20. don,t eleсt2,.. ,|| bе oв'm going to bе

(possib|е ansшеrs)3. If I takе out studеnt loans, I won't have

to depend on my family, oR I won't haveto depend on my family if I take outstudent loans.

4. If I gо to law sсhool, I'll еarn more monеy.oв I'll earn more money if I go to law sсhool.

5. If I еarn more money' I'll be able to paybaсk my (student) loans quiсkly. oR I'llbe able to pay baсk my (studеnt) loansquiсkly if I earn more money.

6. If I puy baсk mу loans quiсkly, I'll putmy sister through сollеge. oв I,ll put mysistеr through сollege if I pay baсk myloans quiсkly.


Page 413: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

4o4 l &nswвr *€*у, a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a

7. If I go to law sсhool, I,ll go into politiсs.oR I'll go into politiсs if I gо to law sсhool.

s. If I go into politiсs, I'll be able to improvelife for others. oR I,ll be able tо improvеlife for others if go into politiсs.

9. If I go into pоlitiсs, I,l1 get еleсted to theсity сounсil. oв l,ll get elесted to the сityсounсil if I go into politiсs.

1o. If I gеt elесted to the сity сounсil, I,ll runfor mayor. oR I'll run for mayor if I getеleсted to the сity сounсil.

Should I сampaign for studеnt сounсilwanт

president? I,ll have to deсide soon if I rл*an+edI'm

to run. If РlЦe busy сampaigning, I won't

have muсh time to study. That's a problem,

bесause I,m not going to get into a goodunleoэ*

сollege if I get good grades this year. on the

other hand' there's so muсh to do in thiswi|| get oк iэ going |o gеt,

sсhool, and nothing is-gr++i]fts done if Todd

Laker beсomеs president again. A lot of

pеople know that. But will I know what toI

do if РЦ get the job? Nеver mind. I,ll deal

with that problemyif I win.

"oR if I don'l gel

Unreal Gonditionals:Present


сl]ARт сI]EсI(F ' Ц F

ЕхPREss|)?iii'i.i{ii:i'. jwould, if, were

2. wouldn,t likе3. werеn,t

д. сouldn't idеntify5. were6. lovedz. 'd hate oк would hate8. drove9. 'd hatе oв would hate

1o. wеre11. ,d hate oв would hate12. werеn,t13. might be

2. If Sсhroeder didn,t lovе Beethoven, hewouldn,t play his sоnatas all the timе.

3. If Charliе Brown had enough friends, hewouldn't feеl lonely.

4. If Sally knew her teaсhеr's name, sheсould send her a сard.

5. If Linus werеn't smart, he wouldn,t findсlevеr solutions to life's probiems.

с. If Woodstoсk and Snoopy didn't have aсlose relationship, Wоodstoсk wouldn'tсonfide in Snoopy.

7. If Rerun's parents didn't refuse to lethim havе a dog, he wouldn't try toborrow Charlie's dog.

s. If Pigpen took еnough baths, he wouldn,tbe frlthy.

I'vе got to stop staying up late readingwould..Pеanuts''! If I weren't always so tired, I wil+

be able to stay awake in сlass. Whenevеr the

teaсher сalls on me, I don't know what to say.

Then I get really еmbarrassed beсause of that

сutе red-haired girl that I like. I would talkweren't,

to her if I ъver*ldn,t Ье so shy. My friend Jason

says' ..If I l,ж you, I,d. ask her to a party,,, but

I'm too afraid that if I asked heц she wouldэaу

halre-said no. Aftеr сlass, I played baseball.p|aуed

Nobody wanted me on their team. If I praу

bеtteц I would get сhosen sometimes. Life is

hard! I сan rеally understand that Charlie

Brown сharaсtеr in..Peanuts.,,In faсt, if I didn,t

laugh so hard while rеading..Peanuts,,,crУ

I would еfЫ!

4 . Fs . F


6 . F

Page 414: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Unreal Conditionals:Past


сl]АRт сl|Eсl(tЬe if сlausethe if сlause сomes first

ЕхPREssжwould have studied


z . Fз . T

4.5 .

с . T

2. сould (oв would) have gone oк would havеbeen able to go, hadn't lost

3. сould have gone' hadn't gotten4. wouldn't have known. hadn't showns. hadn't helped, сould have gone6. might not havе led, hadn't married7. would have beеn. hadn't lived

(Ansшеrs maу Uarу slightlу)1. oR Clarenсe would have had more self-

сonfidenсе if he had bееn a first-сlass angel.2. If George hadn't been unhappy about his

business, he wouldn't have yelled at hisdaughter on Christmas Еve. oв Georgewouldn't havе yelled at his daughter onChristmas Eve if he hadn't been unhappyabout his business.

3. Poor people сouldn't have bought (oвwouldn't have been able to buy) housesif George's business hadn't loaned themmoney. oв If Gеorge's businеss hadn,tloaned them money' poor people сouldn,thave bought (oв wouldn't have been ableto buv) houses.If Mr. Potter had been able to triсk George,Gеorgе would have sold Potter the business.oв Gеorge would havе sold Mr. Potterthе businеss if Pottеr had been able totriсk Gеorge.If George's lJnсle Billy hadn,t lost $8,000,George wouldn't have gotten into troublewith thе law. oв George wouldn't havegotten into trouble with the law if hisUnсlе Bil ly hadn't lost $8,000.

5 .

Ansvrrer Кeу l 4o5

6. If George's friends had known about histroubles, they would have helped himright away. oв George,s friends wouldhave helped him right away if thеy hadknown about his troubles.

7. If George's friends hadn't сolleсted moneyfor him, hе would have gone to jail. oвGeorge would have gone to jail if hisfriends hadn,t сolleсted moneY for him.

It's funny how things work out sometimes.hadn'N

If George hаs#+ wantеd to jump off that

bridge on Christmas Evе, I might nevergotten

have ge++ing an important job like saving

him. And if he hadn't been so stubborn,havе

I would never hаd thought of the idea of

showing him life in Bedford Falls without

him. onе of the saddest things was seeing

all those people who didn't have homes.had given up

If Gеorgе gаrйеr*p and sold his business to

Mr. Potteц then Potter would have rented

run-down apartmеnts to all those peoplе.

But beсause of Geоrgе, they now have good

homes. By the time we were finished, George

realized he really had a wonderful life. Inwould

faсt, he rriЦ have gone to jail happilyif his

friends hadn't given him thе money he

needed. Well, luсkily they helped him out,

and he didn,t go to jail. And I gоt my wings

and bесame a first-сlass angel!

Wish: Present and Past

жffiPЙlNтthat day

сltАRт сltEсl( Ithe simple past

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406 f Answer Кey

сHАRт сl1Есl( 2thе past perfeсt

EхPREss,#ж#,knеw. had known

2 . 73 . F

4.5 .

6 . 7

2. would go away3. hadс. didn,t havе to dеal5. сould entertain6. сould have invited oв

had bеen able to invitez. had known

z. I wish my husband would ask for a raise.3. I wish my wife had bееn ablе to balanсe

(oв сould havе balanсed) the сhесk booklast month.

+. I wish my boyfriend weren't out of shapeoR were in shape.

5. I wish I weren,t too old to go baсkto sсhool.

6. I wish I сould stop (oв Wеre able to stop)smоking

7. I wish my son сalled (oв would сall) me.8. I wish my parеnts had undеrstood me.

Today I told Dr. Grimes, "I wish there lX:.

way to spend more timе with my boyfriend,

but we're both too busy." He just said, "If

wishes wеre horsеs, beggars would ride.',underэtood

That's сute, but I wish I r*nderstatd its

meaning. Мaybe it means that wishing

won't solve problems. Well, that's whyhad told

I went to see him!!! I wish he rмil}4eЦ me

what to do right then and thеrе' but hе

refused. Speaking of wishful thinking,

I wish Todd and I сould ьu##"ot 11,"

wеekend together nехt weеk. My ехams arе

oveЦ but he has to fly to Denver to his job.


If wishes were horses, I'd ridе one to Denver.

Hеy! Todd is always saying,..I wish you would

сome with me sometimes.'' I guess I can go

with him to Denver. Dr. Grimes must have

meant that I сan solve my own problems.hadn't

Now I wish I hаvе#+ beеn so rude to him.

4 . 4s .D6 . с


1 0 . D1 1 . A12. D

lъl.Е.<тFгq.] lтW0(Corrеct ansшеrs arе in parеnthеsеs.)

20. D (were)21. с (dеlеtе wi]r|)22. с (dеlеte comma)23. с (would have)24. с (get)25, с (соuld)

Adjective Glauses withSubjeсt Relative Pronouns


сltАRT сl]Eсl(nounsin the middle of the main сlause. after the

main сlause

EхPRЕssжThat,s the man who works in thе сafetетia.

serrre*m(Total : 700 points. Each itеrn : 4 points.)

lmF| 0NЕ1 . с2 . 83 . 4

13. D (seen)14. B (сould have)15. B (won't)16. B (havе)17. B (werе)1s. A (сould have)19. A (' l l еat oв

are going to eat)


Page 416: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Almost everyone has friends, but ideas

about friendship vary from person to person.

For some, a friend i, ,o*Ыo.," йф сhats\-_with you on the Internet. For others, a friend

1S a person


others only use the term fo. .o.6.,Ъ@\-knows }zour innermost seсrеts. Although

different people emphasizе different aspeсts

of friendship, therе is onе "t",{Ыt@ш

alwavs present, and that is the element of

сhoiсe. We may not be able to selесt our

families, our сo-workers, or even the people

tf'-our friends. As anthropologist Margarеt

Mead onсe said,.A friend i. ,o.6.,Ъ@

сhooses and is сhosen.,, It is this f.""dй-ofсhoiсe

speсial relationship.

1. oR that have2. who (oв that) have3. that (oв whiсh) are4. who (oв that) faсes5. that (oв whiсh) is6 . w h o s e . . . a r e7 . w h o s е . . . i n с l u d es. that (oв whiсh) appears oR appeared oв

has appearеdwho (oв that) doesn't read oв hasn,t read

Mexiсo City is an exсiting сity that (oвwhiсh) attraсts a lоt of tourists.Мarta has a brother whose nameis Manuel.Hе works for a magazine that (oв whiсh)is very popular in Mеxiсo.Manuel writes a сolumn that (oв whiсh)deals with relationships.An artiсlе that (oв whiсh) disсussedfriendships won a prizе.A person who (oв that) has a lot of friendsis luсky.


5 .



Answer Keу l 4o7

A writer onсe said that friеnds arе born'

not made. This means that we automatiсally

beсome friends with people who iЬdare

сompatiblе with us. I don,t agrее with this

writer. Last summeц I made ftiends with somеwere oR are

people whoХ сompletely different from me.

In July, I went to Mexiсo City to study

Spanish for a month. In our group, therewho oB. that

Was a tеaсher whieh was muсh oldеr than

I am. We beсame really good friends. In my

first week, I had a problem whiсh was

getting me down. Mехiсo City is a citуthat oк whiсh

чrhо has a lot of distraсtions. As a result,

I went out all the timе, and I stoppеd gоing

to my сlasses. Bob hеlped me get baсk into

my studies. Aftеr the trip, I kept writing

to Bob. He always writеs storiеs thutj#

interesting and enсouraging. Next SummeЦthat oк which

hе's leading another trip whаt sounds

interesting. I hope I сan go.

Adjective Clauses withobjeсt ReIative Pronounsor When and Where


сl]АRт сltпсl(the subjeсt of the adjeсtive сlausеF

ЕхPREssжI sеe all thе movies that he direсts.

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4O8 I Ansvver Key

At the age of nine, Еva Hoffman left Poland

with her family. She was old enough to know

what she was losing: Craсoщ u .l6@she

loved as onе loves a person, the sun.bakedr"------7-

villages (т,ьereltьеv ьaa taкe

vaсations, and the сonvеrsations and

esсapades with hеr friends. Disсonneсtеdr-"->-

from u.iiy

her father would beсоme overwhelmed by

the transition tо Canada. Еva would losе thе--.-..----ъ

parent -сonversation with friends in Craсow сafёs.

And nothing сould replaсe her friendship

w i t h t ь " ь -.J

andGhoй)she assumed she would someday

marry. Worst оf all, howeveц she would miss

her language. For years, she would feel

no сonnесtion to the English namе oft -

anything . Lost

in T|anslation: A Lifе in a I'{еul Languagе

(New York: Pеnguin, 1989) tеlls how Eva

сame to terms witLЦ nЗw identity and

language. It'sastoryЩ

fasсinating and moving.

r. oв that3. who oв whom oв that4. stayed oR werе stayings. whiсh6. had7. that oв whiсh8. wantеdg. that oв whiсh

1o. have experienсed11. wherе oв in whiсh12. wеre13. who oв whom oв that14. takе сare of

1. oR. . . in whiсh I gтew up . . .2. The house that (oв whiсh) we lived in

was beautiful. oв The house in whiсhw е l i v е d . . .

з. Еmilia and I shared a room where(oв in whiсh) wе spent nights talking.

Aсross the hall I had a good friеnd who(oв whom oв that) I went to sсhool with.oR . . . with whom I went to sсhool.I took piano lessons from a woman who(oв whom oв that) I met in the bakery.I remember one summer when (oв that)the whole family went to the lakе.Those are good times that (oв whiсh) I,1lalwavs miss.


5 .


mб.'-жfl Tai Dong is the small сity in southeasternr. .Г where oк in whioh oRthat. . . in

Taiwan \ДДj€h I gтew up. My family moved

therе from Taipei the summеr when I was

born. Thе house in whiсh I gтew ,,pьdi. o.'

a main street in Tai Dong. My fathеr sold

tea, and my mothеr had a food stand in our

front соurtyard where she sold omelets early

in the morning. A сustomer who I always

сhatted with hiб had a son my agе. We werеwhoэe

bеst friends. A сousin whe-his family I

visitеd evеry Summer lived with us. He waswho oк whom oкthat

an apprentiсе whiеh my father was teaсhing

the tea businеss to. on the first floor of оur

house wе had a huge kitсhеn gЖк wiere

all gathered for dinner. It was a fun and

noisy plaсe. The bеdrooms wherе the familywere

slept was upstairs. My two brothеrs slept inthat oк which

onе bedroom. I slеpt in onе wЪ*t I shared

with my older sister. My younger sister

shared a bеdroom with another сousinwho oк whom oK thar,wм my family had adoptеd.

*oR the houэe whiah (oк rhat) | grew up in

Page 418: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

Adjective Glauses:


ldentifying andNon- ldentifying


сI]АRт сl]Есl(non-identifyingT

ЕхPREss.жжIt was the соmputеr ЕЬi<fi we saw at


2.3 .



4.5 .

с . F

ffi, teсh o no . .pho . bia (noun) a fear th#.

Some people have about using tесhnologу

If you have it, you,re one of the 85 perсent

of people itfr this new ..disease,' has struсk.

Maybe you bоught a phone on whiсh you

сan program 25 numbers-then сouldn,t

turn it on. Or perhaps you have just read

that your new CD player' whiсh you have

finally learned how to use9 will soоn be

replaсed by DVD9 whiсh you had nеver еven

heard of.

Some experts say that things have just

gotten too сomplex. William Staples9 who

authored a book on the eleсtroniс age9 tried

to help a friеnd who had just bought a new

stereo. Thе stereo9 whiсh worked before'

wasn't working anymore. "On the front of

the stereo rесeiver it literally had a сouple

of dozen buttons," says Staples. Donald

Norman, who has written about the effeсts

of teсhnologу on people' blames the

designers of these deviсes, not the people

&mжъrue*" Egзw l 4o9

who use thеm...Thе bеst waу to сure

teсhnophobia is to сurе the reasons that

сause it-that is, to design things ж

people сan use and design things that won,t

break,'' сlaims Norman. Miсhael Dyrenfurth,

who tеaсhes at thе University of

Missouri-Columbia' believes We сause our

own problems by buying teсhnology iЬ{we

just don,t need...Do we rеally need an

elесtriс toothbrush?,,hе asks. Aссording to

Dyrenfurth, important teсhnology lЫ. we

сan,t afford to run away from aсtually exists.

To prospеЦ wе have to overсomе our

teсhnophobia and learn to use it.

My new сell phonе, whiсh I bought amonth ago, has beсome a neсessary partоf lifе.I remember the day when I was afraid touse my new сomputer.Noщ thеrе arе psyсhologists who (oв that)help teсhnophobes use teсhnologу.Dr. Miсhelle Weil, who is a psyсhologist,wrote a book about ..teсhnostrеss','

I work in an offiсe wherе (oв in whiсh)thе softwarе сhangеs frequently.A lot of people who work in my offiсesuffеr from teсhnostress.Some people dream of a job they сan dowithout teсhnology.

I just read a book сalled Technostress9 whiсh

was written by Dr. Miсhelle Weil. Her

сo-author was Dr. LatуRosen, HH ,, n..

husband and also a psyсhologist. Aссording

to thе authors, everybody feels strеss about

teсhnologу. our сell phоnes and beepеrs,wh iсht,hat wе buy for emеrgenсies, soon invade

our privaсy. Just bесause they сan, people

3 .


5 .


7 .


(сontinuеd on nехt pagе)

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4|o f Ansanлer Key

сontaсt us at plaсes1where we arе relaxing.

Another problem is having to learn too

muсh too fast. Teсhnologiсal .ь".'glli!"а

to сome one at a time, now overwhelm us.

Dr. Weil suggests dealing with teсhnostress

using tips from her latеst book9 whiсh сan

be purсhased from her web site.

7. B8 . сe . B

1 0 . с1 1 . B12. с

(Total : 100 points. Each itеm : 4 points.)


Sel fTestш

1 . B 4 . с2 . ^ s . B3 . D 6 . 8

ГЖЖjre-.WтW0(Corrеct dnsшеrs arе in parеnthеsеs.)

r з. C (wherе)' ,4. A(who)15. с (dеlеtеЬe)16. B (whose)'.7. B (that oв whiсh oв' dеlеtе what)ls. D (dеlеtе it)19. с (disсuss)20. B (whiсh)21. ̂ (who)22. с (in whiсh oв where)23. B (with whom)24. с (whеn oв that oв" dеlеtе whiсh)2s. ^ (whose)

Direсt and lndireсtSpeeсh: lmperatives

YI;%IHЖ PпINт..Don't eat a heavv mеal before bеd.''

сI]АRT сltпсКdireсt speeсhT

EхPREssT,:i#::i;'f::лto go, Don't work

Can't sleep? You're not alone. Millions of

people are up tossing and turning instead of

gеtting their zzzz,S. Dr. Ray Thorpe, Direсtor

of the Sleep Disorders Cliniс, @, ..Don,t

think that loss of sleеp is iust a minor

rnсonvenrenсe...During an intеrview hе@

me to think abоut what

arive wьen tьev,re . Еvery year up to

200,000 сar aссidеnts are сausеd by drowsy

drivers. Then hu @me Фlhtцkзboц!зreсent industrial . Chanсеs are that

it was сaused at least in part by sleep


Being an insomniaс myself I askеd

Dr. Thorpe for some suggestions. HeGiDme

to stop arinкing сO . H" @ф rayез

warm slass of milk i . 'A lot of old-

fashioned rеmedies work. Have a high-

сarboh}zdrate snaсk like a banana before ]rouso to bеd.'' hе 6aiD But he 6a.',ъЬoatiеnts

n o t t o e a t a ь е a v y m e

thg_ццh!. What about exerсise? ..Regular

exerсise helps, but don,t ехerсise too сlose to

bеdtime,'' ь" @ Finally, he@me

цФlg-_dqq!aщ. ..Don,t worry about not

sleeping. It's the worst thing to do," he 6il)I don't know. After thinking about those

industrial aссidents. I doubt I'l1 be able to

sleеp at all!

ffilY# 2. that night

3. told4. my5. to watсh6. said

1. oR He said to pullbrief nap.

7. there8. explain9. not to

1o. the neхt1 1. to get

over and take a

2. oR He told them not to take a long nap.з. Hе told them (oв He said) to sing to

themsеlvеs.д. Hе told them (oв He said) to turn thеir

radios to an annoying station.5. He told thеm (oв Hе said) not to

drink сoffee.

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6. He told them (oв Hе said) to open thеirwindows.

т. He told them (oв He said) tо let сo1d air in.в. He told them (oв Hе said) to be сarеful

when they stop their сars.9. He told them (oв He said) not to stop on

a desеrted roadside.ro. He told them (oв He said) not to drink

and drive.

In writing сlass today, Juan read one of his

storiеs. It was wonderful. After сlass, thе

teaсher invited,,,J!"ua a story in сlass neхtnot

week. However. I asked her nо to сall on

me nеxt wеek beсause I'm having troubletold

getting ideas. Shе s+id me not to worry, and

she said to wait for two weeks. Then I talkedto

to Juan, and I asked him^tell me the sourсеh iэ

for уо+r ideas. He said that they сame from

his dreams, and he told -Jj.".o a dream

journal for ideas. He invited me Хto read

somе of his journal.XIt was very interesting,

so I asked him to give me some tips onto аet

remembering dreams. He said gэtЁiяg a

good night's sleep beсause the longer

dreams сome afber a long period of sleep. Hetold

also teЦ me to keep my journal by the bed

and to write as soon as I wake up. He saidnot tote-до move from the sleeping position. Hе

not toalso told me t+-dоnt think about the day at

frrst. (If you think about your day, you might

forget your dreams.) Мost important-every

night hе tells himself thd to remеmber histhe neх|

dreams t€m€+rоqдl morning.

Ansз*яeя" !{ey l 411

lndireсt Sp@eсh:Statements (1)

жPqцNT..It looks grеat on you!''

сl]АRт сltЕсl(the punсtuationthe verb tensе in thе statеmеntpronouns in thе statement

ExPREss'жtold. was

ffiAt 9:00 Riсk Spivak,s bank phonеd and 6iDtьat ьls сrealt сar ...The

сheсk is in the mail,', Riсk @quiсkly. At

11:45 Riсk left for a |2:00 meeting aсross

town. Arriving late, Riсk6tilьi. сlient фq!t.amс ьaa ьeе" ьм. That еvеning, Riсk's

fianс6e wore a new dress. Riсk hatеd it' "It

looks just gтeat on you,,' h" @Threе liеs in one day! Yet Riсk is just

an ordinary guy. Eaсh time, he@tDьimself

that sometimеs the truth сauses too manv

Pщщщg. He@!фhimself ЩФ дЦлeц999

was ьeting good abo . Why

should he hurt her feelings?

Is telling liеs a new trend? The majority

of people in a reсent survey @щel!99pl9were morе honеst tе .

Nevertheless, lying wasn't really born

yesterday. In the еighteenth сentury, the

Frenсh philosopher Vauvenargues told the

truth about lying whеn he @ ..All mеn

are born truthful and diе liars.''

z. hasз. toldд. thats. hadс. shе

z. had madeв. had lied9. was quitting

to. had firеd

Page 421: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

412 f &resъaясэв- Ж.ey

2. Lisa said (that) shе had just heard abouta job at a sсientifiс rеsearсh сompany.

3. Bеn said (that) he had majored in sсiеnсеat Florida Statе.

д. Lisa told him (that) they wantеd someonewith some experiеnсe as a progтammer.

5. Ben told her (that) he worked as aprogrammer for Data Systems.

6. Lisa said (that) they didn,t want a reсentсollege graduatе.

7 Ben told her (that) he had gotten hisdegree four years ago oв beforе.

8. Lisa said (that) it sounded like the rightjob for him.

onсe when I was a teenageц I went to my

Aunt Leah's house. Aunt Leah сolleсtedtold

pottery, and when I got there, shе sаid mewanted

that she wаnts to show me her new bowl.me* had

She told^she hаs just bought it. It was

bеautiful. When Aunt Leah went to answеr

the dоoц I piсked up the bowl. It slipped

from my hands and smashed to pieсes on

the floor. WЪen Aunt Leah сame baсk,that

I sсreamed and said чrhаt the сat had justher

broken уоt*т new bowl. Aunt Leah got this

funny look on her faсe and told me that itwaЭn,f,is+t important. I didn't sleep at all that

night, and the neхt morning, I сalled myhad

aunt and сonfessed that I hаv€ broken hero h e

bowl. She said I had known that all along.

I promisеd that I*#going to buу her a

nеW one someday. We still laugh about thе

storу today.

*oв 9he эaid эhe . ' .

lndirect Speeсh:Statements (2)

,ry:i%:.ffi P0lNт"It will be windy."

с,{ARт сltEсl(ought to, might, should have

ЕxPпЕss ,{;tr;:;ffi:3Jim said that he might move soon.

2. ..Thе winds may reaсh 170 miles pеr hour.''3. "There will be more rain tomorrow."4. ..You should try to leavе the area.''5. ..We сan expeсt a lot of damage.,'

z. They said (that) it was going to passnorth of therе.

з. They said (that) it might beсome atropiсal storm when it landеd there.

+. Thеy said (that) they had had to сlosesome bridgеs the day before beсause ofhigh tides.

s. They said (that) they wouldn't rеstorеelесtriсity until today.

с. They said (that) thе sсhools thеrе mightbe сlosed for a while.

z. They said (that) thеy ought to use bottledwater for a few davs.

z. He said (that) it was true, and (that) theywould probably beсome more frequent.

3. He said (that) the planet might be gettingwarmeц and (that) that сould сause moresevеre storms.

д. He said (that) еmergenсy workers shouldhave arrived muсh morе quiсkly.

5. He said (that) the new satellitеs wouldhelp. He said (that) if we didn't havеthem, we wouldn,t bе able to warn people.

Wе had some exсitement here beсause of

the hurriсane last week. Jim,s mother

сalled just before the storm. She said ,ьJ;1u

listening to the wеather repоrt and that she

Was Worried about us. Shе told Jim that if

Page 422: Longman grammar express for self-study and classroom use - 425p

would# .*o wеren,t so stubborn' We wiЦ paсk

up and leave immediatеly. Jim,s father told

us how to get ready for the storm. He said

we should h< put tape on our windowsthen

right nоw and that we ought to fill the

bathtub with water. He also told Jim that

we should buy a lot of batteries before thethat niаht

storm hit tоnф*it. Sue сalled. She said that

her plaсe was too сlose to thе сoast and thatt,here эhe

she сouldn't stay hе+€. She told mе I wanted

to stay with me and Jim. She said she shouldhave

^сalled us sooner. I told her she should сomethen

right Rоw. Then we listened to the weather

advisory, and the forесaster said that thewa5

storm is going to go out to sеa. She said itwouldn'lчre#t hit this area at all!

lndireсt Cluestions

WщPqINT..WЪy are you still single?''


сI{,АRт сlllЕсl( 2F ,T

ЕхPRЕssжffiwhy hе had quit his job.

A few wееks ago, Мelissa Morrow had a

stress intervieщ one whiсh fеatured tough,

triсky questions and negative evaluations.

First, the intеrviewer asked wh]z she сouldn't

work under pressure. Before she сould answeЦ

he asked who had written her appliсation

letter for hеr. Mеlissa was shoсkеd, but shе

Aпsиrer Кey l 41.3

handled hersеlf very well. She asked the

intеrviewer whether hе was going to ask

her anv serious questions. Then she left.

Companiеs give strеss interviews in

order to watсh how сandidatеs handlе

pressure. Suppose, for example, that there

is an aссident in a nuсlear power plant. The

plant's publiс rеlations offlrсеr must rеmain

сalm when reporters ask how the aссident

сould have happеned. Be aware, howeveц

that in somе сountries, like the United States,

сertain questions are not allowed unless

they are direсtly related to the job. If your

interviewer asks how old.vou are' you сan

refuse to answer. The intеrviewer also should

not ask whether }rou are married or how muсh

money you owe. If you think a question is

impropeц ask how the question relates to the

jgb. If it doesn't, УoЦ don,t havе to answеr.

Items Cheсked: 2. 3. 5

2. He asked when the interview was.3. He asked where the сompany was.4. Hе asked if (oв whether) she needеd

direсtions.5. He asked how long it took to get thеre.6. He asked if (oв whether) she was going

to drive.7. He asked who was going to intеrview hеr.8. He asked when thеv would let her know.

Pete asked if (oв whethеr) she wasinterviеwing with other сompanies.Claire asked what her responsibilitieswould be.Claire askеd how job performanсe wasrewarded.Pete asked what her starting salary ather last job had been oв had bеen at herlast job.Pеte askеd if (oв whether) she had gottenalong well with her last employer.Claire asked if (oв whether) they hiredmany women.



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414 I Answer Key

I did some stress questiоning in my interview

with Carl Treng this morning. I askedhe couldn' l

Mr. Treng why еor*ld#t-he work under

pressure. I alsо asked him why i}id hisdiэ| iked

supervisor dislikе him. Finally, I inquired

when he would quit the job with our. t ,

сompanyxMr. Treng answered my questions

сalmly, and he had some exсellent questions

of his own. He askеdXif we expeсted сhanges

on the job} Hе also wanted to know how

often it6* we evaluate employееs. I wasI had decided

impressed whеn he asked why di*ldeeide

to join this сompany. I think we should

hire him.

*oR how often we evaluated

Еmbedded Cluestions

W-,жPпlNтShould wе lеave a tip?Is thе serviсe inсluded?

сI|АRт сI]ЕсI(ЦT

ExPREss,,,{#::;жffiA : ? B : .

This book is for you if . . .

о you've evеr avoided a situation just

beсause you didn't know how muсh to tip.

о you,ve ever realized (too late) that you

werе supposed tо offеr a tip.

o you've ever given a huge tip and then

wondered if a tip was neсessary at all.

ф2. how to tell if thе tip is inсluded in the bill.3. why serviсе people in Iсеland rеfused

my tips?4. how muсh to tip airport porters.5. who expeсts a tip and who doesn,t.6. I should tip my ski instruсtoт.7. tipping is still illegal therе.8. to tip anyway.

2. how muсh to tip (oв how muсh we shouldtip) thе taхi driver?

3. where the Smithsonian Museum is?4. where we сan buy (oв where to buy)

mеtro tiсkеts.

о you've ever needеd to know how to

сalсulate thе right tip instantlv.

. you're new to the United States and you're

not surе who vou should tip here.

о you'd like to learn how tipping properlv

сan get vou the best serviсе for vour monev.

What readers arе saying . . ...I сan't imagine how I gоt along without it.',

..Take fips along if you want a strеss-free


wе сould rеnt a сar and drive?what they put in the sauсe.

When you live in a foreign сountry even a

small oссasion сan bе an adventure! Before

my date with Janek tonight, I didn't even| эhou|d ОR to

know what shоr*l*I wear! Jеans? A dress?

John,s Grill isn't a fanсy restaurant, but it

was Janek's birthday and I wantеd to make

it a big oссasion. Miuki Was vеry helpful, as

always. I knеw how to gеt to John's Grill,

but I didn't know how long it was going to

take to get therеХ I lеft at 6:00, whiсh

should havе given me plenty of time, but


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whetherwhen I got off the bus, I wasn't sure # to

turn left or right. I asked a poliсe offiсerJohn'э waэ

where waqJtohnЪ, and I was only a few

minutes late. I had planned to take Janek

out for a speсial dessert afterward, but

I сouldn't remember hоwХto find thе plaсe

Miuki had suggested, and Janek has been

here even less time than me. (Anyway, the

dessеrts at John's turnеd out to be vеry

good.) Then, when wе got the bill, I wasnot

wondering whether to tip or no. I had to askif he knew

Janek di*he-knelдr. Fortunately, he had read

Tips onTipping, so hе told me to ieavе

about 1,57o.

Answer Кey t 4l5

SelfTest ш

(Total : 700 points. Each itеm : 4 points')

lFffilWoшпr . D 4 , с 7 . с 9 . с2 . ^ s . A s . A 1 0 . D3 . в 6 . с

tffiqf-IqЪ] тW0(Corrеct ansшеrs arе in parеnthesеs.)

11. A (told oв said to) 19. D (it сosts)1 2 . D ( . )

13. D (then)20. с (runs)21 . D ( ? )

14. D (was сoming) 22. D (, , ,)15. D (therе) 2з. B (if you сould)16. B (whether or not oR ifl 24. с (not to)17. ̂ (whether) z5. B (I сould)ls. D (might have stopped)

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