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Page 1: Location,props,costumes,actors







Page 2: Location,props,costumes,actors

LOCATION For our opening sequence, when deciding on the location

of the sequence, we needed to think about what exactly we wanted to portray through our character and also wil l i t relate to the genre we want to produce. As well as this we also needed to think logically, about whether it is physically possible to f i lm in certain locations. We came up with a number of locations such as down a local alley way, or inside one of our houses or outside one of our houses. We found that trying to f i lm inside one of our housing, would be a problem as it wil l cause signif icant in convenience to the family and wil l be hard to gain the required shots for the coursework.

Page 3: Location,props,costumes,actors


So by taking this all into consideration we decided not the fi lm inside someone's house. The next option would be to fi lm down a dark alley. This was probably the best option for our f i lm as it f it perfectly for our genre – crime. In terms of practicality of the location, it was perfect, as it had a lot of space for us to manoeuvre around and to shoot lots of different shot. However the problem we had with the location was the fact we had no control of the l ighting. When shooting we found that we would constantly run out of l ight to shoot, which wil l considerable drop the quality of our footage. So we decieded to move locations to outside Sophie's house.

Page 4: Location,props,costumes,actors

Our f inal decision was to shoot outside sophies house. This was due to the fact, she had a lot of street lamps outside her house, which meant we could continue to f i lm, without the fear of running out of l ight. Also outside her house, is a motion sensor l ight, which was vary helpful as it also allowed us to shoot for much longer than all the other locations.

Page 5: Location,props,costumes,actors


For our opening sequence, there was very l i tt le costume needed. This was mainly due to the fact that there is only one character shown in our opening. Due to the genre our opening, me, Sophie and amber decided to go with the stereotypical “black” teenager outfit, of all black everything. This wil l help draw out the stereotype of black teenagers of being thugs and roadmen.

Page 6: Location,props,costumes,actors


For our sequence we decided that there wil l not be a lot of props used in the opening sequence. We decided on using a knife for the main character to hold, to help promote the genre of crime but also help sympathise with the character over what has happened in the opening. Also we are going to use a mobile phone, this is a typical prop that teenagers use in there day to day routine. This help build a relationship with the younger audience.

Page 7: Location,props,costumes,actors


For our sequence we decided that there wil l not be a lot of props used in the opening sequence. We decided on using a knife for the main character to hold, to help promote the genre of crime but also help sympathise with the character over what has happened in the opening. Also we are going to use a mobile phone, this is a typical prop that teenagers use in there day to day routine. This help build a relationship with the younger audience.