Peter Godwin University of Bedfordshire 24 November 2010 Library 2.0 : Bah Humbug ? http://www.flickr.com/photos/ 49333775@N00/2412695555/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/janed42/328142926/

Library 2.0 : bah Humbug!

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An update on academic library take-up of Web 2.0 and how this affects our conception and delivery of information literacy. Presented at "Web 2.0 untangled : reaching our users with new technologies" at Wolfson College, Oxford, 24 Nov.2010.

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Page 1: Library 2.0 : bah Humbug!

Peter Godwin

University of Bedfordshire

24 November 2010

Library 2.0 : Bah Humbug ?



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Peter GodwinUniversity of Bedfordshire

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Library 2.0 : Bah Humbug?Where we are now in 2010It’s mobile and socialLibrarians transformedStudents in 2010Social media success storiesInformation Literacy in 2010

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http://www.flickr.com/photos/garry61/3191250682/sizes/m/in/photostream/moonbow=rainbow at night by Garry

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… for adults 50 to 64 years old, the use of social

networking sites have jumped by 88 percent in the past year, the study found. For those 65 and older, it's doubled. - Pew

Internet and American Life Project

There are 50 million tweets

every day Facebook passed 500

million members in

July 2010

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Web 1.0 to Web 2.0Web site written by

an authorSearching based on

fixed termsHtml, pdf pagesBookmarkingPower in hands of

the author

Web sites offering participation

Searching with possibility of user-created tags

Blogs, wikis..Social bookmarkingPower to the users

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Mobile and social


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What’s in your pocket?

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Students owning handheld device which can access the internet

and do use it: up from 33.1 in 2009 to 48.8% in 2010

ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2010


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Horizon reports

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Librarians transformed

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Be a librarian in 2010?

Not about BOOKSAll about PEOPLE

Also about TECHNOLOGYSocial Media = good

Be prepared for change!

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A Day in the Life

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But how far?

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Ohio University's Chubb Library students studying ca early 1960s


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Students studying in a group on 4th floor, Alden Library, 1994


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Expect your user profile to get more complexWith use of technology there are no stereotypes (ECAR)



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The nerds are the minoritywww.flickr.com/photos/36330825983@N01/493046910www.flickr.com/photos/36330825983@N01/493046910

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They text and share


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But are reluctant to share

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2.0 in libraries

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But the implications of Web 2.0 are still not fully understood...

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2.0 winners

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My social Network on Flickr, Facebook, Twitter and MyblogLog


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How is HE changing?

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“The nature of search in this new world of mobile Internet devices will shift. This is because the journey that Generation Y is taking on the Internet is more concerned with social expression than finding information”

(Taptu White paper Feb 2008 “Making search social for the mobile generation”)

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What’s happened

to Informati

on Literacy?

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Old stylemessage

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Today’s message

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Is there an elephant in the room?


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Changing literacies?Media literacy Digital literacy

IT literacy Information literacy

Language literacy Visual literacy E literacy Transliteracy Information fluency Emotional literacy I-skills Information skills

http://www.flickr.com/photos/80835774@N00/2854028807/MY stick by Picture Taker 2

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http://www.flickr.com/photos/danahlongley/4472897115/sizes/m/in/photostreamInformation Literacy UmbrellaJust some idle charting on the concepts of information literacy, media literacy, critical thinking, etc. This is simply one (librarian-centric) possible model of these concepts. The idea is all the other literacies (media literacy, 21st cent literacy, ICT, translit, etc.) involve interacting with information in one form or another, so "information literacy" acts as the umbrella under which all the others sit.Danah Longley or danahlongley

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More about providing an environment for them in which to create and share

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Less about search and more about sifting and evaluationhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/daviddehoey/4320927690/

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More about scoping the topic

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Let’s experiment!


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Let’s create


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QR codes


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Less about training and more about facilitation


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Information Literacy beyond Library 2.0

Edited Peter Godwin and Jo ParkerFacet

End of 2011 ?

The book

The blog

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In a mobile social world it’s about changing mindsets and attitudes rather than checking skill sets !

http://www.flickr.com/photos/bunchofpants/4920373053/sizes/m/in/photostream/ bunchofpants

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Mobiles –the ultimate portable computer