Levels of Thinking and Reasoning The Bloom-Marzano Hierarchy

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  • Levels of Thinking and


    The Bloom -Marzano Hierarchy


    If you always do what you always

    did, you will always did, you will always get what you always got.


    One of the defining characteristics of human beings is held to be their capacity to learn from experience, yet how often is the resp onse to delivery failure to increase the exhortation just to do better or work smarter, rather than think of another way of tackling the issue? Even the current fashion for scenario planning tends to reinforce this. It is customary t o have three scenarios:

    business as usualbusiness as usualsmart working with performance managementdoing things differently

    The problem is that, like circus animals trained to jump through hoops, health planners and managers dont know what they dont kn ow, and may have a limited repertoire of response to complex problems. The only way to break new ground in to lateral problem solving is by creating environments that embrace diverse analysis, ideas, and experiences. JRA

  • Objectives for Today

    1. Define the levels of thinking and reasoning used in the Standard Course of Study and testing at the Altamira International School.

    2. Generate content-specific examples of the levels of thinking and reasoning.of thinking and reasoning.

    3. Apply the levels of thinking and reasoning to classroom practice.

    4. Evaluate effective use of the levels of thinking and reasoning in classroom practice.

  • Pre-Assessment

    On your own paper, construct a circle map.

    Within your circle write down all you know down all you know about Blooms Taxonomy.

    Blooms Taxonomy

  • Blooms Taxonomy

    1956: Benjamin Bloom publishes a small volume called Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, The Classification of Educational Goals, Handbook I: Cognitive Domain.Domain.

  • Benjamin Bloom wanted a way to

    Bloom publishes his Taxonomy of

    Educators use the taxonomy

    to write instructional objectives.


    Blooms Taxonomy

    wanted a way to classify educational


    his Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.

    Assessments are designed according to

    the taxonomy.

    State curricula were written according to

    the taxonomy.

  • Blooms Taxonomy

    Blooms Taxonomy was updated in 2001 by Anderson and Krathwol.


  • Taxonomy Redefined

    Problems with Blooms taxonomy:Oversimplifies the nature of thought and

    its relationship to learning (Furst, 1994).

    The taxonomy implied a hierarchy of thought processes running from lower to higher which did not hold up in research studies (Marzano, 2001).

  • Learning: What We Now Know

    Learning must take into account the

    types of knowledge

    Learning must take into account the

    learners control of types of knowledge

    as well as the thinking processes

    required for manipulating that


    learners control of his or her own

    thinking as well as the role of emotion

    and interest in acquiring


  • The Birth of Marzanos Hierarchy

    Robert Marzano set out to repair the deficiencies of Blooms Taxonomy in the 1990s.

    The result was Designing a New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (2001).

    Revised as The New Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (2006)

  • Marzano and Altamira

    Altamiras program requires testing, and teachers, as test designers, need a taxonomy for aligning the goals and objectives to test questions so that they could teach what they test and test what could teach what they test and test what they teach.

  • Marzano and Altamira

    Misconception Alert: Instead, AIS has

    hybridized Marzanos

    Altamira will not fully adopt Marzanos hierarchy.

    hybridized Marzanos work with the original Blooms Taxonomy.

  • Reflection

    What is the most important big idea uncovered in the previous slides? What would be different about the way we teach and assess if we all knew this big idea?

    In groups, come to consensus about one big idea from the material.

  • A Closer Look at Bloom and Marzano

    Who can name the levels of Blooms Taxonomy?









  • Bloom-Marzano Hybrid



    ApplyingHybrid Taxonomy






  • Similarities and Differences

    In groups, construct a Double-Bubble map comparing the Bloom Hierarchy to the hybrid Marzano -Bloom hierarchy.

  • Bloom Marzano Hybrid:



    Knowing Gathering, storing, and recalling information

    Organizing Arranging and classifying informationOrganizing Arranging and classifying information

    Applying Using information in a new situation

    Analyzing Examining relationships among parts

    Generating Producing new meaning or ideas

    Integrating Combining information

    Evaluating Judging the quality of information

  • Bloom-Marzano Hybrid:


    Knowing Gathering, storing, and recalling information

    Organizing Arranging and classifying information

    Low-Level Cognitive


    Applying Using information in a new situation

    Analyzing Examining relationships among parts

    Generating Producing new meaning or ideas

    Integrating Combining information

    Evaluating Judging the quality of information


    High-Level Cognitive


  • Part 1: Low-Level

    Cognitive Tasks


    Knowing Gathering, storing, and recalling Knowing Gathering, storing, and recalling information

    Organizing Arranging and classifying information

    Applying Using information in a new situation

  • What does Knowing mean?


    identify label

    use the senses to



    recall information

    store information in memory

    senses to observe

  • Knowing Objectives

    ESL 3, NL 3.02 Recognize some high frequency words in simple or patterned text.

    Science 2, 1.03 Observe the different stages of an insect life cycle.

    Social Studies 5, 4.03 Describe the contributions of people of diverse cultures throughout the history of the United States.

  • Knowing Questions

    What is federalism?A. a form of government with elected

    representativesB. a division of power between the

    national and state governmentsC. a belief in the idea of national

    sovereigntyD. a form of government in which elected

    officials make all economic decisions

  • Knowing Questions

    What led to the decline of soapstone mining?

    A. Dwindling suppliesB. Discovery of micaC. Preference for potteryD. Interest in gold mining

  • What does Organizing mean?

    arrange information


    sequencing in order or by


    information in an

    ordered way



    in order or by a criteria

    changing the format of information

  • Organizing Objectives

    Social Studies 6, 9.01 Trace the historical development of governments . . .

    ELA 8, 3.03 Evaluate and create arguments by arranging details, examples, and reasons effectively.

    Advanced Functions, 1.02 Comparedistributions of univariate data.

  • Organizing Questions

    Why are parallel circuits, rather than series circuits, commonly used in wiring houses?

    A. They allow appliances to operate separately.

    B. They are cheaper.C. They have a higher total resistance.D. The voltage drop varies with each


  • Organizing Questions

  • What does Applying mean?

    using prior knowledge

    knowing when to

    use knowledge transferring

    knowledge from one


    knowledge in a new situation

    bringing together

    information to solve


    from one field to another

    recognizing similarities

    and differences

    between situations

  • Applying Objectives

    Healthy Living K, 2.06 Demonstrate how to get help in an emergency.

    Theatre Arts 6, 3.02 -- Plan and create a simple set for formal or informal dramatic presentations.for formal or informal dramatic presentations.

    Spanish for Native Speakers 1, 3.07 -- Applyunderstanding of conventional written and spoken expressions in a variety of settings by using appropriate and exact words to influence reactions, perceptions, and beliefs.

  • Applying Questions

    Which propaganda technique is represented by the quote My opponent is soft on crime!?

    A. Name callingB. BandwagonC. Glittering generalityD. Stacked cards

  • Applying Questions

    A boulder falls from a cliff. What is the boulders acceleration during the fifth second of the fall?

    A. 2.0 m/s 2

    B. 9.8 m/s 2

    C. 20.0 m/s2

    D. 98 m/s2

  • Review and Application

    In your groups, you will be given some sample objectives and test questions. Identify the thinking skill level for the objectives and test questions.

    Be prepared to defend your thoughts to the whole group.

  • Categorizing Objectives and

    Questions - A Caveat

    OFTEN, categorizing a question or an objective requires that you understand the amount of prior knowledge needed to process the objective at a particular level.particular level.

    Objectives in higher grades often assume prior knowledge, so what may be knowing to you is categorized as applying by them.

  • Strange Verbs Skills and Cognitive


    To what levels do you assign the following verbs?Acquire...Interact...Share knowledge...

    Verbs that often call for the student to dosomething imply Share knowledge...


    something imply procedural knowledge. Procedural knowledge

    requires the use of information to complete a task. Many times this is

    nothing more than application .

  • Part 2: High-Level

    Cognitive Tasks


    Analyzing Examining relationships among partsAnalyzing Examining relationships among parts

    Generating Producing new meaning or ideas

    Integrating Combining information

    Evaluating Judging the quality of information

  • What does Analyzing mean?

    cause and effect

    identifying the

    attributes of things

    identifying parts of


    identifying the main


    parts of objects

    identifying relationships and patterns

    identifying logical errors

  • Analyzing Objectives

    Physics, 8.01 Analyze the nature of electrical charges.

    US History, 6.01 Examine the factors that led to the United States taking an increasingly active role in world affairs.

    Visual Arts 7, 3.04 -- Explore and discuss the value of intuitive perceptions in the problem -solving process.

  • Analyzing Questions

    A cell with 5% solute concentration is placed in a beaker with a 1% solute concentration. What will happen to the cell over time?

    A. The cell will gain H 2O and expand.B. The cell will lose H 2O and shrink.C. The cell will both gain and lose equal amounts of

    H2O; thus, it will remain the same size.D. The cell will undergo no exchange of H 2O with its


  • Analyzing Questions

    Why did the horse in The Runaway Stallion most likely run through the water to the opposite bank?

    A. He was afraid that Jeff was trying to capture him.capture him.

    B. He wanted the oats in the bucket.C. He needed to cool down in the water

    before eating.D. He was frightened by a noise that

    Hank made.

  • What does Generating mean?

    exploring hypothetical


    producing new

    meaning or ideas

    inferring new meaning


    elaborating by adding examples or details


    predicting outcomes

    drawing a conclusion

  • Generating Objectives

    Theatre Arts 6, 5.04 -- Infer meaning from a script to create characters.

    Science 8, 5.05 -- Use maps, ground truthing and remote sensing to make predictions regarding remote sensing to make predictions regarding changes over time, land use, urban sprawl, and resource management.

    Civics, 2.02 Explain how the United States Constitution grants and limits the authority of public officials and government agencies.

  • Generating Questions

    Which best explains why the author includes this line in the play?

    HANNAH: There are tougher questions we have to deal with than baseball movies . . . or which river is the longest . . . or . . .which river is the longest . . . or . . .

    A. To create sympathy for JayB. To reveal Hannahs wisdomC. To foreshadow the choice Jay will have

    to makeD. To reduce the tension building between

    Jay and Hannah

  • Generating Questions

    While cleaning a saltwater aquarium, students placed the aquarium plants in a container of distilled water. What effect will this have on the plants?

    A. The plant cells will separate.A. The plant cells will separate.B. The plant cells will shrink.C. The plant cells will swell.D. The plant cells will remain the same.

  • What does Integrating mean?

    connecting and

    combining information


    from examples or


    restructuring ideas to

    include new information

  • Integrating Objectives

    ESL 9-12, IH 4.05 -- Write an organized and focused composition with supporting details on familiar and previously studied topics.

    US History, 12.01 Summarize significant events in foreign policy since the Vietnam War.

    Science 7, 5.05 -- Summarize the genetic transmittance of disease.

  • Integrating Questions

    Which of the following statements concerning diffusion and active transport is correct?

    A. Both diffusion and active transport require cell energy.require cell energy.

    B. Neither diffusion nor active transport require cell energy.

    C. Diffusion requires cell energy while active transport does not.

    D. Active transport requires cell energy while diffusion does not.

  • Integrating Questions

    A house plant is wilting; however, it is still green. What vital resource is it most likelylacking?

    A. Plant foodB. WaterC. SunlightD. Air

  • What does Evaluating mean?

    judging the reasonableness of information

    Evaluatingestablishing criteria for


    checking the accuracy of


    rating ideas by quality

  • Evaluating Objectives

    Civics, 6.08 Evaluate methods used by society to address criminal and anti-social behaviors.

    Algebra II, -- 2.05 Use rational equations to model and solve problems; justify results.and solve problems; justify results.

    ELA 7, 4.03 -- Develop the stance of a critic by considering and presenting alternative points of view or reasons, remaining fair-minded and open to other interpretations, and creating a critical response/review of a work/topic.

  • Evaluating Questions

    The scatter plot shows the number of absences in a week for classes of different sizes. Trevor concluded that there is a positive correlation between class size and the number of absences.

    Which statement best describes why Trevors conclusion was incorrect?conclusion was incorrect?

    A. The largest class does not have the most absences.

    B. The smallest class does not have the least number of absences.

    C. The data show no relationship between class size and number of absences.

    D. The data show a negative relationship between class size and number of absences.

  • Evaluating Questions

    Which of the following pieces of information is most helpful in supporting the writers request for a replacement?

    A. The writer knew she had the perfect gift for her mother.gift for her mother.

    B. The writer gave the hand vacuum to her mother for her fortieth birthday.

    C. The vacuum had no suction.D. The writer and her father read the

    owners manual together.

  • Review and Application

    In your groups, will you be given some sample objectives and test questions. Identify the thinking skill level for the objectives and test questions.

    Be prepared to defend your thoughts to the whole group.

  • Thoughts for the Classroom

    Should teachers start at the bottom of the hierarchy and work their way up to more

    complex levels of thinking?

    In other words, should we always start with knowing and end up at evaluating?

  • Some Thoughts for the

    Classroom[The] view [that learners must start at the

    bottom and work toward the top] may be characterized as the climbing the ladder model of cognition.

    This model is at odds with This model is at odds with contemporary views of the learning

    process and may confine students to a boring regimen of low-level, skill-drill

    activities, rote memorization of discrete facts, and mind-numbing test prep


  • Some Thoughts for the

    ClassroomTeachers should incorporate Marzanos

    vocabulary into questioning:

    Use a variety of questions at different cognitive levels.

    Ask different students questions.Vary the questions asked for each

    student.Challenge all students to answer

    complex questions.

  • Some Thoughts for the

    ClassroomUse the Marzano structure for developing

    assessment items:

    Write or re -write multiple choice items to match the hierarchy.

    Construct open -ended items according to the cognitive demands of the objective.

  • Some Thoughts for the

    ClassroomEmbed using the vocabulary of the

    hierarchy in everyday work without focusing on the structure itself:

    Students do not need to knowStudents do not need to knowthe levels of thinking and reasoning.

    Students do need to know what common terms like verify, assess, analyze, and infer mean.

  • Some Thoughts for the

    ClassroomDoes posting the objective daily mean that the

    teachers or the students actually understand it?

    NO! NO! NO! NO!The evidence of understanding of the The evidence of understanding of the

    objective comes from how it is unpacked in the classroom.

    Teachers should work at making objectives student friendly and encouraging students to personalize objectives.

  • Marzano and CITW

    How does this hierarchy connect to Marzanos Classroom Instruction that Works?

    Similarities and Differences

    Comparing & Classifying = OrganizingDifferences OrganizingMetaphors & Analogies = Analyzing and Generating

    Nonlinguistic Representation

    All forms of NR can be used at each level of the hierarchy.

    Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback

    Objectives (NC SCOS)Feedback = Analyzing and Evaluating

  • Thinking Skills Levels: Thinking Maps

    Knowing Organizing Applying Analyzing Generating Integra ting Evaluating

  • A Few Big Ideas

    Categorizing an objective or a question often depends on the interpretation of that item as well as the background

    Since the Bloom -Marzano hierarchy is the language of the SCOS of testing, it is essential that it be understood and background

    knowledge of the student.

    understood and applied to classroom practice.

  • A Few Big Ideas

    Objectives must be unpacked to get at what is implied for students to know, understand, and be able to do in the

    The NC SCOS did not adopt the full Marzano hierarchy, so teachers must pay attention to other critical issues such as metacognition, able to do in the

    classroom.such as metacognition, emotion, and interest and the roles they play in learning.

  • Conclusion -- Administration

    As a result of this information,How will my administrative practice


    What will I look for in lesson plans and observations?

    How has my understanding of the curriculum and testing changed?

  • Conclusion -- Teachers

    As a result of this information,What will I do differently in my classroom


    What will I do with my lesson planning?

    How will I unpack my curriculum to get at what students should know, understand, and be able to do?

  • Conclusion

    Questions?Comments?Next Steps?