Let's Speak Music on the 2nd Creative Classroom Group Unconference

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  1. 1. Do you speak Music? European Music Portfolio (EMP) Francisco Prendes Veiga @FPVMus
  2. 2. http://emportfolio.eu/emp/
  3. 3. Music and language Music and language development Music and early language acquisition Music as a teaching tool Singing and music as aids to language development Enhancing learning skills through music Benefits of music in child development Music ignates all areas of child development: intellectual, social and emotional, motor, language and over all literacy (www.peps.org) https://vimeo.com/90559103
  4. 4. European Music Portfolio Research and experience show that language and music support each other and promote motivation through the development of skills and understanding. Listening, perceiving, imitating, and creating are basic skills in both language and music
  5. 5. https://vimeo.com/99406014
  6. 6. Let's Speak Music eTwinning Project
  7. 7. European Music Portfolio
  8. 8. Links an resources mentioned: European Music Portfolio: http://emportfolio.eu/ EMP Summer course in Finland: http://www.schooleducationgateway.eu/en/pub/tools/catalogue/detail.cfm?id=18 EMP Maths/Music training course in Barcelona: http://maths.emportfolio.eu/index.php/training-on-emp-maths-events/19-octob Incredibox: http://www.incredibox.com/ Let's Speak Music in VIMEO: https://vimeo.com/user28298054/videos Schiers experience (youtube channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCob5Ane-mdN5rD3tDpe2ttw
  9. 9. THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION @FPVMus [email protected] franmusicalarcos.blogspot.com.es