Lesson b

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Page 2: Lesson b

GRAMMAR: Present continous for

the future, going to.

We often use the present continuous tense to talk about the future. Of

course, we normally use the present continuous to talk about action

happening in the present, but if we add a future word, we can use it

to talk about the future. (By "future word" we mean words or

expressions like tomorrow, next week, in June. The future word may

be clearly expressed or understood from the context.)

Sometimes there is no real difference between an intention (going to)

and a plan (present continuous). In this case, it doesn't matter which

we use.We're going to paint the bedroom tomorrow.

We're painting the bedroom tomorrow.

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We use the present continuous only when a plan

exists before we speak. Look at these examples:

Mary is taking her music exam next year.

They can't play tennis with you tomorrow. They're


We're going to the theatre on Friday.

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Wear a costume Go trick or treating


Go out for a romantic dinner Give someone chocolates

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Sing «Happy Birthday» Blow out candles on a cake

Get a degree or diploma Wear a cap and gown

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Shout «Happy New Year» Go to see fireworks

Exchange rings Have a


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«Vague» expressionsA.- Do you go to a restaurant to celebrate birthdays and stuff?

B.-Yeah, we know a nice place. They bring out cakes and


A.- Are youy into traditional music and stuff like that?

B.- Yeah, we have a lot of music festivals and things like that

around here.

A.- What are yiu doing for New Year’s?

B.-I´m going home. I really want to see my family and


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“VAGUE” RESPONSES Can use responses like these if you’re not sure about

your answer: I don’t know. I’m not sure. Maybe It


A)Are you going to the fiesta this weekend?

B) I don’t know. It depends.

C) What is it exactly .

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On 31st. October people in Britain and the U.S.A. celebrate Halloween.It´s one of the funniest festivals

Halloween is traditionally said to be the night on which ghosts and witches can be seen.On that night people -specially children- dress up with witches' hats, Dracula's, cloaks, frightening masks, etc. to scare their family and friends.They make a lantern cutting the shape of a face from ahollow pumpkin. Then they light a candle inside it and put the lantern in the window. Also they play traditional gameslike"bobbing apples" and "trick or treat".

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St. Valentine is on 14 th. February.

It´s the day of Love.

On that day people send Valentine cards and presents to their husbands, wives, boyfriends and girlfriends.

You can also send a card to a person you don't know, but traditionally you must never write your name on it.

Some British newspapers have a page for Valentine's day messages on February 14th.

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It was originally a day when people celebrated the end of the harvest and thanked God for it.The first celebration was held by colonists inMassachussetts in 1.621 because they wanted to give thanks for their first harvest and the end of the horrible 1.620 winter! The Native Americans helped them that winter, so the colonists sent invitations to them. Everybody wore their best clothes and brought their family. The celebration lasted for three days!It is a family holiday; people get together with their relatives. They share the traditional feast of turkey, corn, potatoes and pumpkin pie. Often there is a lot of food left over!

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In England, people give Easter eggs as a present. They are usually chocolate eggs or hen's eggs with a painted shell.

Easter is a religious festival when Christians celebrate the death and resurrection of Christ.

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Christmas Eve - December 24 th.

Christmas Day - December 25 th.

Boxing Day - December 26 th.

The first Christmas tree came to Britain when Queen Victoria's husband - Prince Albert -brought this German tradition. He and the Queen had a Christmas tree at Windsor Castle in 1.841. A few years after, nearly every house in Britain had one.Traditionally people decorate their trees on Christmas Eve.You can eat roast turkey and Christmas pudding in the most important dinner on Christmas Day.An older tradition is Christmas mistletoe.Before Christmas, groups of singers go from house to house. They collect money and sing traditional Christmas songs or carols.

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