Influences Yours?

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Knowledge: What Influences Yours?

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Elder Maxwell: The Inexhaustible Gospel

What stuck out to you?

What did you learn?

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Elder Maxwell: The Inexhaustible Gospel

“You and I should be fully qualified and certified in traditional education and its processes for yet another very good reason: bilinguality. The men and women of Christ should be truly educated and articulate as to secular knowledge but should also be educated and articulate in the things of the Spirit.”

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How do you approach your


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Effective Study Skills Use a schedule that takes into account every class,

laboratory, lecture, social event, and other work in which you engage.

Studying should be carried out only when you are rested, alert, and have planned for it. Last minute studying just before a class is usually a waste of time.

Choose a place to study that is not distracting. Libraries, study lounges or private rooms are best.

SQ3R: Survey, Question, Read, Recite, Review. Take notes and use a highlighter. Practice with others.

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Effective Study Skills Begin studying no less than 30-90 minutes after a meal. Never study within 30 minutes of going to sleep. Prioritize! Make a list of what you intend to study,

prioritize the list, and stick to it! If possible, study no more than 30-40 minutes at a

stretch. Many students retain more by studying for short periods with breaks in between. It all depends on what you're trying to study, but generally, after a period of study, take a break.

Take study breaks away from your desk or wherever you are studying. Let the break be a time to think about other things. Use some break time to reflect, not constantly review what you have just studied.

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How do you approach

your gospel studies?

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Effective Scripture Study Skills

Be alert. Exercise, shower, and pray before you study.

Study at a desk or table where you can write and remain alert.

Ask yourself, “What is the author saying? What is the central message? How does this apply to me?”

Set goals to live what you are learning? Visualize what you are studying. Use a study journal to take notes, ask questions,

and set goals. Memorize scriptures.

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Effective Scripture Study Skills

Share what you learn with others. Review chapter headings to give you an idea of

what to look for in the chapter. Try writing a summary of the passage in one

sentence. Plan your study activities before beginning to study. Prepare a talk or lesson on a topic. Frequently review your notes and goals. Use the Bible Dictionary, church history maps,

Index, etc. to gain a better understanding of history, culture, background.

Look for key words.

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Effective Scripture Study Skills

Look for connecting words (therefore, thus, wherefore, etc.) and see how the passages relate to each other.

Avoid excessive marking. The benefit is lost if you can’t understand your markings because you have made too many notes, lines, or colors.

Use footnotes and the Topical Guide to see how the same word is used in other contexts.

Use a variety of study methods. Always have a purpose at the beginning of your

study session.

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Renowned heart surgeon

Vice Chairman of Sutter Health System

Mechanical engineer

Utah Supreme Court Justice

Task Force for President Reagan’s Private Sector Initiatives

Senior Vice President of Bank of America

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“The Lord and His Church have always encouraged education to increase our ability to serve Him and our Heavenly Father’s children. For each of us, whatever our talents, He has service for us to give. And to do it well always involves learning, not once or for a limited time, but continually.”

-President Henry B. Eyring

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