Leila Egypt

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• I chose to study on Egypt because its my home country and its history is very interesting.

Egypt is a very nice country ,it has

So much sight-seeing and tourism.

1. Population:85,294,388million

2. Capital city: Cairo

3. west: Libya

4. south: Sudan

5. East: Red Sea

6. North: Mediterranean Sea


Without the Nile River, all of Egypt would be desert. Only about an inch (2.5 centimeters)

of rain falls in Egypt each year. But each summer, the river rises because of rains at its

source far to the south in Ethiopia. Floods cover the river's valleys, leaving things

needed for trees, plants, and crops to grow.




• About 90 percent of Egyptians are Muslim, which means they are followers of the Islam religion. Egypt's population is growing really quickly. This puts strains on Egypt's resources, since most people live in a narrow strip of land along the Nile River. Having so many people in such a small area is making it too crowded everywhere, from schools to apartment buildings to hospitals. Children are highly valued in Egypt, especially in rural areas where they help on family farms. Children are also expected to look after their parents in their old age.

Government and economyEgypt's geography, population, history is very eye-catching have made it highly influential in the region. Egypt is a democratic republic, although some critics claim that it is not truly democratic. Until 2005, there was never more than one presidential candidate to vote for. Despite its oil and gas exports, Egypt's largest single source of foreign income is tourism. Visitors flock to the country to see ancient monuments like the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx.


Most of the mountains in Egypt are in eastern Egypt, Where all the beaches are too . The “white desert”was all a sea in 1939 that’s why the rocks are whiteAnd are entirely produced with salt and not man made. In 1946 the sea all dissolved and no one knows why.


The first people to live on the banks of the Nile were hunters and fishermen, who settled there over 8,000 years ago. They learned to grow crops and raise animals, and they began to build

villages and towns. They traded with their neighbors and learned to sail boats. By 3000 B.C., a civilization was establish Around 3100 B.C., the kingdoms of Upper and Lower Egypt were

unified under a powerful king, later called a pharaoh. These kings built huge pyramids, temples, and other monuments. They also conquered other lands. By 1000 B.C., Egypt had split into smaller parts and the kingdom was in decline. Strong neighbors attacked and took over Egyptian territory. In 31 B.C., Egypt fell under Roman control. In A.D. 640, Muslim warriors took over Egypt and founded the modern capital, Cairo. They ruled for several

centuries. In 1882, the British invaded and occupied Egypt. The British wanted control of the Suez Canal, which linked the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea and greatly shortened the

sailing trip from Asia to Europe. The British stayed until Egypt declared independence in 1952.

Gods and goddesses of the pharaohs


God thothGod ptahGod orisisGoddesstefnut

God set

God raGoddess sekhment

God khnuum

Goddess mut

Goddess hathor

Goddess nut God horusGoddess neith

Other gods and goddesses

Goddess isis

God sobek

God anubisGod khepri

God atum Goddess bastet

Goddess ma’at

Mythology ammutMythology sphinx

Interesting factsOfficial Name: Arab Republic of Egypt

Form of Government: Republic

Capital: Cairo

Population: 78,887,007

Official Language: Arabic

Money: Egyptian pound,( guinay)

Area: 386,662 sq mi (1,001,449 sq km)

Major Mountain Ranges: Eastern Highlands

Major River: Nile

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BIBLIOGRAPHY1) Egypt on the map by David Flint copywright 1994

2) Egypt Elaine Landau copywright 2000

3) Count your way through Egypt by Jim haskins copywright 2007

4) Egypt by Marta Segal Block copy write 2012

5) Egypt Bobbie Kalaman copywrite 2000


Egypt is a amazing country and I learned that without the river nile egypt would intirly be a desert. And the last king was called king farouh.

I what to learn more about life for the slaves in

Anceint egypt. I am quite happy because it was

Fun learning about egypt.
