Learning UML: Use Case Development and CIM Profiling EPRI Power Quality and Smart Distribution 2012 Conference and Exhibition June 4, 2012 Gerald R. Gray, PhD Sr. Project Manager Enterprise Architecture | Utility Enterprise Integration

Learning UML with Enterprise Architect

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Use Case Development and CIM Profiling. This presentation walks the user through typical diagrams used to complement use case development in standard UML.

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Learning UML: Use Case Development and CIM Profiling

EPRI Power Quality and Smart Distribution

2012 Conference and Exhibition June 4, 2012

Gerald R. Gray, PhDSr. Project Manager

Enterprise Architecture | Utility Enterprise Integration

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• Not a celebrity spokes model• Not a SparxSystems representative

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Course Outline

• EA Strengths/Weaknesses• Pre-requisites• Creating common use case related diagrams

– Used by UCAIUG, CIMug, OpenSG, MultiSpeak…• Model Baselines• Versioning Setup & Configuration• CIM Profiling


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Enterprise Architect: Uses and Benefits

• Supports IT system, software, and business processes• Model, design, build, and test software• Uses standard Unified Modeling Language (UML) • Central repository for process and IT system information• Interfaces with version control e.g. Subversion• Fast, built-in or custom document generation & HTML

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Enterprise Architect: Weaknesses

•May be a poor choice for complex system diagrams – Visio is “prettier”– PowerPoint also an option

•Complex User Interface– Extensive feature set may lead to confusion– Time saving “tricks” difficult to learn

•Diagrams not useful if team doesn’t see value– UML/BPM may be used currently at their site– Some users intimidated by tool

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• SparxSystems Enterprise Architect– http://www.sparxsystems.com.au/

• $135 - $699 depending on version• Enterprise Architect (v7.5 or greater) • v9.2 recently released

• Subversion command-line client• http://www.collab.net/downloads/subversion/

• TortoiseSVN (Windows)• http://tortoisesvn.net/downloads

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Common UCAIUG / CIMUG Diagrams

• Top Down Approach– Use Case– Business Process (Activity)

• Integration Requirements– Sequence Diagram– Profile

• Let’s look at some examples!

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Adding a Use Case

• Project Browser– New Package – grouping of diagrams– Add new diagram: Use Case– In the workspace add

• Actors, cases, associations– Save changes, check-in package

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Adding a Business Process

• Project Browser– Add new diagram: Activity– Open workspace, right-click for

Swimlanes and Matrix…– Add swimlanes

• Create new or use classifier to select existing actors

– Add Activity and flows

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Integrations Requirements

• Addition to the Activity diagram– Typically a hand-off from the business user to the

architect/software– Object flow between two activities, spanning actors

(swimlanes), between two systems– Add requirement (from common tools)

• Right-click properties• Type dropdown: Add integration

– Change node to identify service

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Adding Sequence Diagram

• Project Browser– Add diagram: sequence– Open workspace– Add Actors– Add flows (asynchronous)– Add returns (“Is Return” checkbox)

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Manage Baselines

• Corporate version required*• Internal “version control”

– Can be used in conjunction with DBMS• Baseline can be added to each package• Complements import/export of XMI

– Import XMI replaces everything in a target package– Can be compared to XMI to replace only desired


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Enterprise Architecture: Version Control

• Working Directory creation:– C:\Test\Working

• In Windows Explorer, right-click on folder• TortoiseSVN ►Create repository here…

– Connecting to a remote repository: • Using TortoiseSVN repo browse to repository

location:– Enter credentials if prompted– Right-click on folder in left-hand panel– Select Export… to directory created above

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Enterprise Architect: Version Control Settings

• From main menu select– Project Version Control

Version Control Settings…– Create a unique name– Select type: Subversion– Point to working directory– Subversion exe path should

pre-populate– Click Save

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Enterprise Architect: Adding a branch

• Right-click on Package• Select Package Control• Select Add Branch to Version

Control…• The key icon is added to each

package under version control

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• Addin to Enterprise Architect– Easy to create

• CIM UML profiles• Generate XSDs, RDFs• Uses CIM, MultiSpeak, and other models as reference• Used to design message payloads, etc

• Other tools can create CIM profiles, e.g. CIMTool

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Example UML Profile

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Profile Design

• CIMEA integrates into the EA user interface• Profiles built from references model, (CIM or other)• Right-click on reference model, select

– Add In (“Extensions” in v9.x) CIM EA Create a CIM profile…

– Give name…– Select classes, attributes, relationships

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Generating artifacts

• Using CIM EA add in facilitates quick artifacts (XSD, RDF) generation– Select Add In (“Extensions” in v9.x) CIM EA Generate

Artifacts– Example CIM profile

• Change the namespace• Change message – usually to just “m”• Change model location – this is used for sawsdl attributes

• Generate – and open in your favorite XML editor

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• Learned how to go from – Use case to…– Business process to…– Identifying integration requirements…– Creating sequence diagrams…

• Configuring version control• Design profile to…

– Generate an artifact

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•EA Free Trial– http://www.sparxsystems.com/products/ea/trial.html

•Subversion Documentation– http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.5/index.html

•EA Tutorials and Online Help– http://www.sparxsystems.com/resources/index.html

• CIMEA– http://www.cimea.org

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