21st Century Pedagogy Supporting 21st Century Learners Area 1 Learning Leaders - Presentation Area 1 Learning Leaders - Presentation Introduction Introduction February 13, 2008 Yoda’s music created in Garageband for the Mac The theories children build, whether they are right or wrong, are not capricious. They are often logical and rational, and firmly based in evidence and experience. Susan Worth Power of Children’s Thinking

Learning Leaders 21st Century

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Teacher Leaders need to look at teaching and learning differently: from the students perspective, and the teachers perspective, and work from there.

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21st Century PedagogySupporting 21st Century Learners

Area 1 Learning Leaders - Presentation IntroductionArea 1 Learning Leaders - Presentation IntroductionFebruary 13, 2008Area 1 Learning Leaders - Presentation IntroductionArea 1 Learning Leaders - Presentation IntroductionFebruary 13, 2008

Yoda’s music created in Garageband for the Mac

The theories children build, whether they are right or wrong, are not capricious. They are often logical and rational, and firmly based in evidence and experience.

Susan WorthPower of Children’s Thinking

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What does the brain tell us about learning?Implications for teaching and learning in 21C

Engage prior understanding, and challenge misconceptions

Teach some subject matter in depth, providing many examples in which the same concept is at work and providing a firm foundation of factual knowledge.

Teach meta-cognitive skills, which should be integrated into the curriculum in a variety of subject areas

• Once learned, misinformation may be difficult to correct.

• People do not get ideas; they make them.

• “A report by the office for Standards in Education on FE teacher training, said that ‘the quality of trainees’ teaching is affected adversely by their limited knowledge of how to teach their subject’” OFSTED, 2003:6

• Learning how to learning; thinking about thinking; teaching about how to think

Teachers in the 21st Century are to:

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Misconceptions?Frequently, when science is taught to … school pupils, it is taught as if the children had had no prior experiences relative to the topic being studied. Misconceptions research contains findings indicating that this is not a valid assumption. Children come to school already holding beliefs about how things happen, and have expectations--based on past experiences--which enable them to predict future events.

Patricia Blosser

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It is all to often unfortunate but true—teachers teach the way they were taught (Frank, 1990; Goodlad, 1990; Handler, 1993). Teaching methods courses, perhaps, offer one of the few opportunities for preservice teachers to view new knowledge through lenses different than the ones tainted by prior knowledge about teaching and learning.

P. Molebash


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When you think of the teachers with whom you are working, what ideas do they hold about teaching and learning in the 21st Century?

How will you know?

What will you do?


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Who are they?

Learners in the 21st CenturyLearners in the 21st CenturyLearners in the 21st CenturyLearners in the 21st Century

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They are … and …

Go to

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David Warlick is a 30 year educator, author, blogger, and Web 2.0 programmer.

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“Teacher education programs are caught in the bind of informing teacher candidates about the importance of prior experiences and misconceptions while also having to deal with these candidates’ own prior experiences and misconceptions about both teaching and content.”


“Teaching well depends on more than "knowing subject matter," understanding learning, and being able to present material clearly. Teaching is itself a specialized form of work that entails substantial content-based problem solving and reasoning.”

Abstract to Ball’s Keynote Address

Depth of Content Understanding

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“The cases suggest interrelationships between teachers content knowledge and their organization of content knowledge for instruction” (263). “The cases suggest interrelationships between the nature of classroom … discourse, and teachers syntactic [rule-bound] knowledge of mathematics” (264). The cases suggest interrelationships between teachers assessment of student thinking … and understanding … students reasoning processes, and teachers content … syntactic, and metacognitive knowledge” (266). Millsaps

Depth of Content Understanding

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How will you engage teachers in learning and inquiring about their work, so the conversation is substantive in supporting their development in content, and pedagogical expertise?

Depth of Content Understanding

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Meta-cognition: Learning how to learn

Critically important, yet overlooked …

Metacognition involves thinking about one’s own cognitive processes

Thinking about one’s thinking, learning, reasoning, problem solving, ...

– Metacognition is essential for effective learning in complex situations

Copyright Marsha Lovett, 2008. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

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Copyright Marsha Lovett, 2008. This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.

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“Self-regulated learning is characterized by three central features; awareness of thinking, use of strategies, and situated motivation. … Understanding the notion of self-regulation is important for teachers because teaching requires problem-solving and invention. Teachers face problems and challenges that are complex and rarely straightforward. … It is ironic that teachers are often taught with pedagogical methods that are contrary to the principles that they are being taught, such as direct instruction on problem-based learning or cooperative learning.

Paris and in Blakey and Spence

“The ability to recognize the limits of one’s current knowledge, then take steps to remedy the situation, is extremely important for learners of all ages.”

How People Learn (National Research Council)

Learning About Learning; Thinking About Thinking

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Learning About Learning; Thinking About Thinking

“Beliefs about what it means to be an expert [likewise, a professional] can affect the degree to which people explicitly search for what they don’t know and take steps to improve the situation.”

How People Learn (National Research Council)

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With this understanding in mind, what will you do to uncover teacher’s understanding of their work as professionals? If warranted, how will you model and coach them through teaching expertise, thinking about thinking, and learning about learning?

Learning About Learning; Thinking About Thinking

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Change the Design

The AxiomsGuiding Principles of EduCon 2.0:

1) Our [teachers] must be inquiry-driven, thoughtful and empowering for all [students an colleagues]. Pedagogies which personalise learning

2) Our [teaching] must be about co-creating -- together with our students -- the 21st Century Citizen

3) [Teachers] must serve pedagogy, not the other way around.

4) Technology must enable students [and teachers] to research, create, communicate and collaborate

5) Learning [and teaching] can -- and must -- be networked.

What is EduCon2.0?

EduCon 2.0 is both a conversation and a conference.And it is not a technology conference. It is an education conference. It is a School 2.0 conference. It is, hopefully, an innovation conference where we want to come together, both in person and virtually, to discuss the future of schools. Every session will be an opportunity to discuss and debate ideas -- from the very practical to the big dreams.

Words Replaced: 1. Schools, members 2. Schools 3. Technology

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Andragogy: Teaching adults

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Toffler's School of Tomorrow

These are the fundamentals of the futurist's vision for education in the twenty-first century:

* Open twenty-four hours a day * Customized educational experience * Kids arrive at different times * Students begin their formalized schooling at different ages * Curriculum is integrated across disciplines * Nonteachers work with teachers * Teachers alternate working in schools and in business world * Local businesses have offices in the schools * Increased number of charter schools

Daly, James. 2007. Future School: Reshaping Learning from the Ground Up: Alvin Toffler tells us what's wrong -- and right -- with public education.

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Ball, Deborah. 2003. Using Content Knowledge in Teaching: What Do Teachers Have to Do, and Therefore Have to Learn? Keynote Address, Archive of the Third Annual Conference on Sustainability of Systemic Reform. Accessed from http://sustainability2003.terc.edu/go.cfm/keynote, February 10, 2008.

Blakey, Elaine and Spence, Sheila. 1990. Developing Metacognition. ERIC Digest. ED327218 1990-11-00ERIC. Clearinghouse on Information Resources Syracuse NY. Accessed from http://www.eric.ed.gov/contentdelivery/servlet/ERICServlet?accno=ED327218, February 11, 2008.

Blosser, Patricia E. 1987. Science Misconceptions Research and Some Implications for the Teaching of Science to Elementary School Students. ERIC/SMEAC Science Education Digest No. 1, 1987. Accessed from http://www.ericdigests.org/pre-925/science.htm, February 4, 2008.

Hausfather, Sam. Content and Process in Constructivist Teacher Education. In J. Rainer (Ed.), Reframing Teacher Education: Dimensions of a Constructivist Approach (pp. 63-80). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. Accessed from http://www.esu.edu/sps/Dean/content_and_process.htm, February 10, 2008.

Millsaps, Gayle M. 2005. INTERRELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN TEACHERS' CONTENT KNOWLEDGE OF RATIONAL NUMBER, THEIR INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICE, AND STUDENTS' EMERGENT CONCEPTUAL KNOWLEDGE OF RATIONAL NUMBER. Dissertation. College of Education. Ohio State University. Accessed from http://av.rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A0Je5W3DQa9HS0kBz1uDBqMX;_ylu=X3oDMTBwMjNqdWVsBHBndANhdHdfd2ViX3Jlc3VsdARzZWMDc3I-/SIG=12cresnq9/EXP=1202754371/**http%3a//www.ohiolink.edu/etd/send-pdf.cgi%3fosu1124225634, February 10, 2008.

Molebash, P.. (2004). Preservice teacher perceptions of a technology-enriched methods course. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education [Online serial], 3(4). Available: http://www.citejournal.org/vol3/iss4/socialstudies/article1.cfm

National Research Council. 2000. How People Learn: Brain. Mind, Experience, and School. Washington, D.C.: Washington Academy Press.

Paris, Scott G. and Winograd, Peter. The Role of Self-Regulated Learning in Contextual Teaching: Principles and Practices for Teacher Preparation. A Commissioned Paper for the U.S. Department of Education Project Preparing Teachers to Use Contextual Teaching and Learning Strategies To Improve Student Success In and Beyond School. Dr. Kenneth R. Howey, Project Director. Accessed from http://www.ciera.org/library/archive/2001-04/0104parwin.htm, February 11, 2008.

Purcell, Jeanne H. and Deborah E. Burns. 2002. STAFF DEVELOPMENT EVERY DAY: NEW ROLES FOR TEACHERS OF THE GIFTED. Professionally Speaking NEWSLETTER OF THE PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT. DIVISION OF THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GIFTED CHILDREN. Summer, 2002. Accessed from http://www.nagc.org/uploadedFiles/About_NAGC/summer02a.pdf, February 10, 2008.

Warlick, David. 2006. PRE-CONFERENCE KEYNOTE: Derailing Education: Taking Sidetrips for Learning. Accessed from http://k12onlineconference.org/?p=26, February 4, 2008.

Worth, Karen. The Power of Children's Thinking. Chapter Four in Inquiry: Thoughts, Views, and Strategies for the K-5 Classroom. FOUNDATIONS. National Science Foundation.