Aim ? To establish a knowledge base from which the Education & Training Foundation can develop a professional and career framework for leadership and management in the education and training sector The Leadership Conversation

Leadership from Beyond the FE Sector - ETF

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Aim ?

To establish a knowledge base from which the Education & Training

Foundation can develop a professional and career framework for leadership

and management in the education and training sector

The Leadership Conversation

5 members of project management team (157, NIACE, AELP, IfL, Gazelle)

+ Additional 10 members on Steering Group

Sector-based partnership

1. Develop a Leadership Framework

2. Identify gaps in leadership development opportunities and recommend how to address these

3. Stimulate engagement in the Leadership Conversation


• Undertake interviews with education and training sector leaders

• Seek additional contributions from sector practitioners, stakeholders and employers

• Seek feedback on leadership development; work with Sector Task Group

Key Activities

• Establish International Academic Advisory Group

• Develop leadership think-piece videos

• Implement a virtual brainstorming process

Virtual Brainstorming

Slides courtesy of the Shoshin Partnership

Wisdom of Crowds

Large groups of people are smarter than an elite few, no matter how brilliant - better at solving problems, fostering innovation, contributing to wise decisions, and even scoping possible futures.

A conventional ‘futures thinking process’ means that you:

Decide focus of ideas collection

Conduct interviews

Analyse interview transcripts

‘Manually’ cluster ideas and develop ‘signals’

The Virtual Process is designed to address issues of:

Numbers Time Resources + Organisational Identity

Very time-consumingand costly to engagelarge numbers of participants

Engages a diversity of thinking (‘wisdom of crowds’) through the innovative communications technology.

Applies a rigorous process with freedom of input - it allows individuals to be free from organisational identity and ‘political correctness’ in their anonymous contribution of ideas and responses. Combines participants’ ideas and analysis on a scale unachievable by conventional means - the process can be used in contexts involving many thousands of people. Provides a wide range of reporting systems that filter, prioritise and present perspectives on collected ideas using sophisticated data-mining techniques. Retains unique data sets that can be then inform various future development paths and investigate possible outcomes that may otherwise be overlooked.

The Benefits of the Method



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http://www.157group.co.uk/practice/ leadership-conversation

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