Top 10 University Continental Continental Europe Europe 2013 Clay Casati 20Ott13

Le 10 migliori Università Europee 2013

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Le 10 migliori Università dell’Europa Continentale nel 2013, secondo Times Higher Education World University Rankings, sono 3 in Germania, 2 in Olanda e in Svizzera, 1 in Belgio, Francia e Svezia. Il podio vede prima ETHZ (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich), al secondo posto Karolinska Institute, al terzo EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne). Tutte le università europee Top 10 sono impegnate in iniziative MOOC. Alcune ospitano i loro MOOC su piattaforme USA (e.g. Coursera, edX, …), mentre altre stanno sviluppando proprie piattaforme. 

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Top 10University



Clay Casati 20Ott13

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T 10 U i it C ti t l E 2013 Top 10 University Continental Europe 2013

Classifiche differenziate per settori disciplinari

Online Learning Revolution – MOOC

Times Higher Education World University g yRankings



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Times Higher Education World University Rankings




Immagine di copertina da: 2981271756.jpg , gulfnews.com

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11. . ETHZ ETHZ 2. 2. KarolinskaKarolinskaTop 10 – Continental EU


3. EPFL3. EPFL 4. LMU4. LMU 5. Leuven5. Leuven 6. Göttingen

7. ENS7. ENS 8. Leiden 9. Heidelberg9. Heidelberg 10. Delft10. Delft

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#WorldRank Times 2013 – TOP 10 CONTINENTAL EUROPE# Rank Times 2013 TOP 10 CONTINENTAL EUROPE

1 14 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, ETHZ Switzerland,

2 36 Karolinska Institutet, Solna Sweden

3 37 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology L EPFL SwitzerlandLausanne, EPFL

4 55 Ludwig-Maximilians-Uni. München Germany

5 61 Catholic University Leuven UCL Belgium5 61 Catholic University Leuven, UCL Belgium6 63= Georg-August-Uni. Göttingen Germany7 65= Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris, ENS Francep ,8 67 University of Leiden Netherlands9 68 Ruprecht-Karls-Uni. Heidelberg Germany0 69 D lf i i f h l h l d


10 69 Delft University of Technology Netherlands

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WORLD RANK2013: 142013: 14

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, ETHZ S it erland

You don't have to be Albert Einstein to study here, but it doesn't hurt. ETH Zurich (set up in 1855) now teaches around 15,000

ETHZ, Switzerland

students in 16 faculties. Einstein received his diploma here in 1901.


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WORLD RANK2013: 362013: 36

Karolinska Institutet, Solna, SwedenCelebrating its 200th anniversary in 2010, Karolinska is a top global

medical university and a member of the 22-strong League of European Research Universities (LERU). On two campuses it covers

the gamut of research and clinical medicine and pharmacology with the gamut of research and clinical medicine and pharmacology, with a faculty of more than 2,300 serving around 8,000 students.


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WORLD RANK2013: 372013: 37

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, EPFL, Switzerland

Education, research and technology transfer are core to EPFL, which boasts more than 250 on-campus laboratories. Today, the "parc

scientifique" is home to some 7,000 students and 3,000 professors,


q , , p ,assistants and entrepreneurs grouped into seven schools and

associated research institutes.8

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WORLD RANK2013: 552013: 55

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany

Some of the most famous figures in modern history spent their salad days at Munich: Richard Strauss, Marie Stopes, Erich Fromm, Konrad

Adenauer, Lord Acton and others. Founded in 1472, now hosts around


, ,44,000 students pursuing degrees in 150 subjects under the guidance

of approximately 700 professors and 3,600 academic staff.9

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WORLD RANK2013: 612013: 61

Catholic University of Leuven (UCL), BelgiumFounded in 1425, UCL is the world's oldest surviving Catholic university and is the largest university in Belgium. Today, it is a leading European research university and offers a comprehensive catalogue of Dutch and

English language degree programmes Its 6 800 senior and junior English-language degree programmes. Its 6,800 senior and junior academic staff serve more than 40,000 students.


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WORLD RANK2013: 632013: 63

Gottingen and world leaders seem to go together. Otto von Bismarck

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Germanyg g g

studied law here and Napoleon declared: "Gottingen belongs to the whole of Europe." Founded in 1737, since the Brothers Grimm taught

here, 45 Nobel laureates have walked its grounds. Currently there are around 24,000 students at the university, which is informally

known as "Georgia Augusta".11

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WORLD RANK2013: 652013: 65

Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris (ENS), FranceFounded in 1794 during the French Revolution to train teachers in

the secular spirit of the Republic, today as a leading grande ecole it sees its role as training future leaders in public service and private endeavour Some 2 300 students and 650 doctoral researchers are endeavour. Some 2,300 students and 650 doctoral researchers are

served by a faculty of about 800 on three Paris campuses.


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WORLD RANK2013: 672013: 67

University of Leiden, NetherlandsThe city is Leiden's "campus", as befits the institution's status as a gift to the citizens by William of Orange in 1575 for withstanding a siege by the

Spanish. It has some 17,000 students and 4,000 academic staff in six faculties of archaeology humanities law medicine mathematics and faculties of archaeology, humanities, law, medicine, mathematics and

natural sciences, and social and behavioural sciences.


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WORLD RANK2013: 682013: 68

The ancient university was founded by Rupert I one of the Holy Roman Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg,Germany

The ancient university was founded by Rupert I, one of the Holy Roman Empire's Prince-Electors, and it is associated with 11 German and foreign heads of state. Today, it has 12 faculties, with more than

13 300 employees and offers degree programmes in 100 disciplines to 13,300 employees, and offers degree programmes in 100 disciplines to around 31,000 students.


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WORLD RANK2013: 692013: 69

Founded in 1842 by King Willem II as a royal academy, became a

Delft University of Technology, Netherlandsy g y y,

university in 1905. TU Delft is the largest and oldest institute of technology in the Netherlands. TU Delft’s eight faculties are home

to over 17,000 students and some 900 academic staff and cover the entire spectrum of technology, with a combined science,

engineering and design focus.15

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Times UniRankings 2013 2012 2011Continental

E 24 22 19Top100

Europe 24 22 19

UK 11 10 12USA 46 47 51USA 46 47 51

Times UniRankings 2013 2012 2011


Continental Europe 134 140 133

UK 49 48 52

The Higher Education continues to be characterized by significant

400 UK 49 48 52USA 109 111 113

The Higher Education continues to be characterized by significant challenges to the traditional hegemony of US-UK.


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La crisi della zona euro non sembra aver influenzato, in modo significativo, i risultati per l'Europa Continentale nel 2012-13:

l’Olanda ha migliorato la sua eccellente posizione, con tutte le sue 12 università del Top 200 in miglioramento;tutte le sue 12 università del Top 200 in miglioramento;

la Germania ha mantenuto le posizioni delle sue migliori istituzioni - guidate da Ludwig-Maximilians-UniversitätMünchen (55° posto in classifica mondiale)München (55 posto in classifica mondiale)

la Francia segna un ottimo anno, con il suo istituto Top, Ecole Normale Superieure, Parigi, al 65° posto.

Fonte: Phil Baty, editor, Times Higher Ed ti R ki


Education Rankings.

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Engineering & Technology

Life Sciences

Clinical, Pre-clinical & Health

Phisical Sciences

Social Sciences

Arts & Humanities


Page 19: Le 10 migliori Università Europee 2013

# World Times 2013 – TOP 10 CONTINENTAL EUROPE# Rank Engineering & Technology

1 8 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Z i h ETHZ SwitzerlandZurich, ETHZ

2 15 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, EPFL Switzerland,

3 23 Delft University of Technology Netherlands

4 26 Technical University of München Germany

5 34= KTH - Royal Institute Technology Sweden6 34= Technical University of Denmark Denmark7 36 Catholic University of Leuven Belgium7 36 Catholic University of Leuven Belgium8 39= RWTH Aachen Germany9 52 Karlsruhe Institute Technology Germany


gy y10 57 Ecole Polytechnique France

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# World Times 2013 – TOP 10 CONTINENTAL EUROPE# Rank Life Sciences

1 15 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Z i h ETHZ SwitzerlandZurich, ETHZ

2 22 Wageningen University Netherlands3 35 Ludwig-Maximilians-Uni. München Germanyg y

4 38 Uppsala University Sweden

5 40 University of Gent Belgium6 42 University of Copenhagen Denmark7 47 University of Helsinki Finland8 48 G A t U i ität Götti G8 48= Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Germany9 48= Université de Lausanne Switzerland

10 57 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology S i l d


10 57= Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, EPFL Switzerland

Page 21: Le 10 migliori Università Europee 2013

World Times 2013 – TOP 10 CONTINENTAL EUROPE# World

RankTimes 2013 TOP 10 CONTINENTAL EUROPEClinical, Pre-clinical & Health

1 14 Karolinska Institute Sweden2 37 Erasmus University Rotterdam Netherlands3 38= Catholic University of Leuven Belgium

4 40 Ruprecht-Karls-Uni. Heidelberg Germany

5 43 University of Maastricht Netherlands6 46 L d i M i ili U i Mü h G6 46 Ludwig-Maximilians-Uni. München Germany7 51 Medical University Vienna Austria8 54 Universität Basel Switzerland8 54 Universität Basel Switzerland9 59 University of Copenhagen Denmark10 61 Free University Amsterdam Netherlands


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# World Times 2013 – TOP 10 CONTINENTAL EUROPE# Rank Phisical Sciences

1 23 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology L EPFL SwitzerlandLausanne, EPFL

2 25 Université Pierre Marie Curie Paris VI France3 29= Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris France3 p

4 31 Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Germany

5 38= Ecole Polytechnique Francey q6 42 Technical University of München Germany7 43 Ruprecht-Karls-Uni. Heidelberg Germany8 48 St kh l U i it S d8 48 Stockholm University Sweden9 55 University of Bonn Germany10 56 Université Paris Sud (Paris XI) France


10 56 Université Paris Sud (Paris XI) France

Page 23: Le 10 migliori Università Europee 2013

World Times 2013 – TOP 10 CONTINENTAL EUROPE# World

RankTimes 2013 TOP 10 CONTINENTAL EUROPESocial Sciences

1 34 University of Amsterdam Netherlandsy2 47 Erasmus University Rotterdam Netherlands3 50= HEC Paris France

4 56 University of Leiden Netherlands

5 58 Ludwig-Maximilians-Uni. München Germany6 61 C th li U i it f L B l i6 61= Catholic University of Leuven Belgium7 68 Tilburg University Netherlands8 69 Utrecht University Netherlands8 69 Utrecht University Netherlands9 74= University of Maastricht Netherlands10 78= Pompeu Fabra University Spain


Page 24: Le 10 migliori Università Europee 2013

W ld Times 2013 – TOP 10 CONTINENTAL EUROPE# World

RankTimes 2013 TOP 10 CONTINENTAL EUROPEArts & Humanities

1 21 Ludwig-Maximilians-Uni. München Germany1 g y2 22 Freie Universität Berlin Germany3 25 Ruprecht-Karls-Uni. Heidelberg Germany4 28 University of Leiden Netherlands5 29 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Germany6 35 University of Vienna Austria6 35 University of Vienna Austria7 36 Catholic University of Leuven Belgium8 41 University of Amsterdam Netherlandsy9 56 Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen Germany10 62 University of Helsinki Finland


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MOOC – Massive Open Online CourseMOOC è un corso online con accesso aperto via web e

strutturato per una partecipazione illimitata.


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“Powerful new online learning tools [MOOC] are rapidly evolving from resource to revolution, and they’re bringing higher education its most profound technological transformation in more than 500 g fyears,” declared MIT President L. Rafael Reif in his fall 2012 inaugural address.

At the same time, President Reif emphasizes, the Institute will “explore ways in which these new technologies might make on-campus, in-person technologies might make on campus, in person education even better—better at helping students develop their potential, magnify their creativity, extend their networks and achieve their dreams ”extend their networks, and achieve their dreams.


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Tutte le università europee Top 10 sono impegnate in iniziative MOOC. Alcune ospitano i loro MOOC su piattaforme

SA ( C d ) l USA (e.g. Coursera, edX, …), mentre altre stanno sviluppando proprie piattaforme.

Il New York Times ha eletto il 2012 “L'Anno del MOOC”. La rivista Time ha dichiarato che i MOOC aprono le porte alla

Ivy League per le masse [The term Ivy League has connotations of academic excellence, selectivity in d i i d i l liti ]admissions, and social elitism].

MOOC Production Fellowship è una iniziativa germanico-europea di iversity e Stifterverband für die Deutsche WissenschaftWissenschaft.

FLOT : Formation en Ligne Ouverte à Tous, MOOC donné en langue française (MOOC : Massive Online Open Course, cours interactif diffusé sur le web ) Vedere ENSinteractif diffusé sur le web.) Vedere ENS


Page 29: Le 10 migliori Università Europee 2013


1 14 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, ETHZ

TorqueInitiative *

2 36 Karolinska Institutet, Solna edX (Klx)2 36 Karolinska Institutet, Solna edX (Klx)

3 37 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, EPFL Coursera

4 55 L d i M i ili U i Mü h C4 55 Ludwig-Maximilians-Uni. München Coursera5 61 Catholic University Leuven, UCL edX6 63= Georg-August-Uni Göttingen iversity6 63 Georg August Uni. Göttingen iversity7 65= Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris Coursera8 67 University of Leiden Coursera9 68 R ht K l U i H id lb i it9 68 Ruprecht-Karls-Uni. Heidelberg iversity10 69 Delft University of Technology edX

* "Tiny Open-with-Restrictions courses focused on Quality and


Tiny, Open with Restrictions courses focused on Quality and Effectiveness". The term highlights the importance of teaching


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Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2013 Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2013, powered by Thomson Reuters, ha l'ambizione di valutare le performace delle università di livello mondiale in tutte le loro missioni fondamentali - didattica, ricerca, trasferimento di conoscenze e prospettive internazionali.

L l ifi f i f ti l ti ilib ti La classifica fornisce confronti completi, equilibrati e attendibili a studenti, docenti, dirigenti universitari, industrie e governi.

La metodologia utilizza 13 indicatori – qualitativi e quantitativi - raggruppati in 5 categorie.

Sito: www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/


Page 32: Le 10 migliori Università Europee 2013

Criterion Indicator WeightCriterion Indicator WeightCitations –research

1 - Citations impact (normalized average citations per paper). Database: Thomson 30%

influence Reuter’s Web of Science.Teaching - the learning

1 - Income per academic2 R t ti l t hilearning


2 - Reputational survey – teaching3 - PhD awards per academic4 PhD awards / bachelor’s awards4 - PhD awards / bachelor s awards5 - Undergraduates admitted per academic


Source: www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/

Page 33: Le 10 migliori Università Europee 2013

Criterion Indicator WeightResearch –volume, income and reputation

1- Papers academic and research staff30%2 - Research income (scaled)

and reputation 3 - Reputation survey – researchInternational mix staff and

1 - Ratio of international to domestic studentsmix – staff and


7,5%2 - Ratio of international to domestic staff3 - Proportion of internationally co-3 - Proportion of internationally co-authored research papers

Industry income 1 - Research income from industry (per 2 5%


- innovation academic staff) 2,5%

Page 34: Le 10 migliori Università Europee 2013

Ti Hi h Ed ti W ld U i it R ki h Times Higher Education World University Rankings ha comeobiettivo la valutazione della intera gamma delle attivitàuniversitarie, dalla didattica alla ricerca fino al

f d ll d 3trasferimento della conoscenza (sistema di misura su 13indicatori) www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings

La classifica ARWU valuta prevalentemente la “Universitàche ricerca” (6 indicatori inclusi: numero di docenti ealumni che hanno vinto Premi Nobel e Fields Medalsalumni che hanno vinto Premi Nobel e Fields Medals,numero di pubblicazioni in riviste di alto livello, citazioni).www.arwu.org

QS orientata principalmente a valutare la “Università cheinsegna” (6 indicatori, inclusi: reputazione ed eccellenzadidattica, valutazione dei datori di lavoro,internazionalizzazione) www.topuniversities.com


Page 35: Le 10 migliori Università Europee 2013

Classifica Generale – valutazione globale della guniversità per quanto riguarda didattica, e/o ricerca, e/o trasferimento della conoscenza

Classifica per Settori e Facoltà - la più significativa per le università specializzate e le significativa per le università specializzate e le singole facoltà


Page 36: Le 10 migliori Università Europee 2013

studenti per scegliere università e corsi di laurea,

accademici per decisioni informate sulla loro carriera,

team di ricerca per identificare nuovi partner p pper le collaborazioni scientifiche,

manager delle università per confrontare, in a age delle u ve s tà pe co o ta e, modo competitivo, le performance e definire le priorità strategiche.


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http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/world-university-rankings/2013-14/world-ranking/region/europerankings/2013 14/world ranking/region/europe

www.mladiinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/ eth_zurich.jpg (ETHZ)

http://www.topboxdesign.com/wp-content/uploads/2011 /04/Sweco-Architects-Karolinska-Institutet-Science-Park-design-by-Sweco-Architects-588x366 jpg (Karolinska)design-by-Sweco-Architects-588x366.jpg (Karolinska)

http://boiling2012.epfl.ch/files/content/sites/boiling2012/files/epfl_1.jpg (EPFL)

http://www.ppw.philosophie.uni-munchen.de/bilder/ web_bilder_l/hauptgebaeude_l.jpg (München)


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http://mladiinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/ Katholieke university.jpg (Leuven)Katholieke_university.jpg (Leuven)

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cf/G%C3%B6ttingen_Aula_May06.jpg (Gottinghen)

http://www.ens.fr/IMG/image/ecole-gravure.jpg (ENS)

http://mladiinfo.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/ http://mladiinfo.com/wp content/uploads/2009/12/ leiden_university.jpg (Leiden)

http://rhein-neckar.bundesimmobilien.de/387166/ Heidelberg_Universitaet.jpg?size (Heidelberg)

http://www.e-architect.co.uk/images/jpgs/holland/ h l j d kk 140108 1 j (D lf )geotechnology_jeannedekkers140108_1.jpg (Delft)


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