Understanding and Understanding and Manipulating the Urban Manipulating the Urban Computing workflows Computing workflows http://wiki.larkc.eu/UrbanComputing/ http://wiki.larkc.eu/UrbanComputing/ Daniele Dell’Aglio Emanuele Della Valle [email protected] [email protected] Joint work with: CEFRIEL: I. Celino, D.Dell’Aglio SALTLUX: K. Kim, S. Park VUA: Z. Huang SIEMENS: V.Tresp, Y. Huang, F. Steinke H. Werner

LarKC Tutorial at ISWC 2009 - Urban Computing

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The aim of the EU FP 7 Large-Scale Integrating Project LarKC is to develop the Large Knowledge Collider (LarKC, for short, pronounced “lark”), a platform for massive distributed incomplete reasoning that will remove the scalability barriers of currently existing reasoning systems for the Semantic Web. The LarKC platform is available at larkc.sourceforge.net. This talk, is part of a tutorial for early users of the LarKC platform, and describes a particular use case aimed at Urban Computing.

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Understanding and Manipulating Understanding and Manipulating the Urban Computing workflowsthe Urban Computing workflows

http://wiki.larkc.eu/UrbanComputing/ http://wiki.larkc.eu/UrbanComputing/

Daniele Dell’Aglio Emanuele Della Valle [email protected] [email protected]

Joint work with:CEFRIEL: I. Celino, D.Dell’Aglio SALTLUX: K. Kim, S. Park VUA: Z. Huang SIEMENS: V.Tresp, Y. Huang, F. Steinke H. Werner

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[source IEEE Pervasive Computing,July-September 2007 (Vol. 6, No. 3)]

Context – Urban Computing

2Terra Cognita Workshop, 26-10-2009

The integration of computing, sensing, and actuation technologies into everyday urban settings and lifestyles.

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Context – Urban Data Availability

• Some years ago, due to the lack of data, Urban Computing looked like a Sci-Fi idea.

• Nowadays, a large amount of the required informationlarge amount of the required information can be made available on the Internetavailable on the Internet at almost no cost. We are running a survey [1,2] and we have collected more than 50 sources of data:

– mapsmaps (Google,Yahoo!, Wikimapia, OpenStreetMap ),– eventsevents scheduled (Eventful, Upcoming…),– voluntarily-provided usersusers locationlocation (Google Latitude),– multimediamultimedia data with information about location (Flickr…)– relevant placesplaces (schools, bus stops, airports...)– traffictraffic information (accidents, problems of public transportation...)– citycity lifelife (job ads, pollution, health care...)

[1] http://wiki.larkc.eu/UrbanComputing/ShowUsABetterWay [2] http://wiki.larkc.eu/UrbanComputing/OtherDataSources

32nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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Sample Usage Scenario: Alpha Urban LarKC

• A user is in a (potentially unknown) city and would like to organize a organize a day/nightday/night by visiting some places, meeting his friends, attending a music concert, etc.

• He therefore needsneeds to:– Find interesting destinationsinteresting destinations

• Monuments or relevant places opened at the right time• People he knows who happen to be in the same city• Music or cultural events scheduled for that day

– Understand the most suitable way to reach themmost suitable way to reach them• Shortest path or “sightseeing” path• Most suitable combination of transportation means (car, parking,

subway, pedestrian)

• To solve the problem today, the user would have to use multiple applicationsapplications, manually checkcheck his requirements, manuallymanually passing intermediateintermediate resultsresults from a service to another one

42nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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Alpha Urban LarKC challenges

• IntegrationIntegration of multiple distributed data sources

• Overcoming data and system heterogeneityheterogeneity

• Selection of the relevantrelevant subsetsubset of data to be processed (problem of scalescale)

• Dealing with real-timereal-time requirements

• (Potentially) profilation and personalizationpersonalization of the service based on user preferences

• …

52nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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Alpha Urban LarKC at a glace


Web RetrievedData

PROBLEM: Which Milano

monuments or events can I

quickly get to from here?

PROBLEM: Which Milano

monuments or events can I

quickly get to from here?

StreetsMonumentsEventsData & Tools



Live Demo of the client application: http://seip.cefriel.it/alpha-Urban-LarKC/ A demonstration video: http://seip.cefriel.it/alpha-Urban-LarKC/alpha-Urban-LarKC-demo.htm

62nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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Alpha Urban LarKC workflows

• The Alpha Urban LarKC is composed by 3 different workflows:

– monument destinationselection workflow

– event destination selection workflow

– path finding workflow

72nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009


Web RetrievedData




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Monument Destination Selection Worflow

• To select monuments in Milano: – a Transformer analyzes the query to get the triple patterns to be

passed to the Identifier – the Identifier queries Sindice to get relevant RDF documents – a Selector filters the documents to extract information about

relevant monuments and – a Reasoner answers the query

82nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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Alpha Urban LarKC workflows

• The alpha Urban LarKC is composed by 3 different workflows:

– monument destinationselection workflow

– event destination selection workflow

– path finding workflow

92nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009


Web RetrievedData




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Events retrieval

• Actually in the Web a big amount of information related to events of every kind is available:

– Music

– Sport

– Education

– …

• There are several Web 2.0 sites where communities contribute inserting and managing event notifications

• In addition, these sites offer REST/SOAP services allowing interaction with applications and services

• We tried to integrate these data sources in the Alpha Urban LarKC

102nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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Events representation

• Every site uses a custom model to represent the events (usually described in the API documentation) and offers the information in XML and JSON formats

• On the other side, the Semantic Web community has developed several vocabularies useful to represent events descriptions in RDF:

– RDF Calendar – an RDF representation of iCalendar– Talis Address schema – to represent information about

locations (country, cities, postal codes...) – Geo – a vocabulary to express geo-location

coordinates– SKOS – to represent the events categories

112nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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Query: SPARQL query to get the events

• Using the vocabularies described above it’s possible to write a query to retrieve events. SELECT ?e ?s ?summary ?cat ?desc ?l ?lab ?lat ?lngWHERE{

?e rdf:type rdfcal:Vevent.?e rdfcal:summary ?summary. ?e rdfcal:description ?desc. ?e skos:subject ?cat. ?e geo:location ?l. ?l addr:localityName “Washington".?l rdfs:label ?lab. ?l geo:lat ?lat. ?l geo:long ?lng. ?e rdfcal:dtstart ?s . FILTER(

?s > xsd:dateTime("2009-10-25T00:00:00Z") && ?s < xsd:dateTime("2009-10-25T23:59:59Z")).


122nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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Event Selection Workflow

• In order to retrieve events in LarKC we developed a workflow composed by:

– a query Transformer processes the input SPARQL query and extracts location and time information

– an Identifier queries Eventful to get a list of events and passes the references to

– a Transformer, which translates the REST service XML response in RDF

– a Selector passes on all the triples to

– a Reasoner, which answers the query

132nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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SparqlToCityQuery Transformer (1/2)

• The query Transformer processes the input SPARQL query to extract the location and time information.

• The time information (red part) is a temporal range and it is simply extracted from the FILTER constraints

• Regarding the location information (blue part), in the query only the name of the city (and optionally the name of the country) is available.

– Using only the name some events could not be retrieved (“Milano” vs “Milan”).

– It will be possible to obtain more complete and precise responses if city coordinates are used

– To get the coordinates of a city the plug-in interacts with GeoNames Web service

142nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

Query:...?e geo:location ?l. ?l rdfs:label ?lab. ?l geo:lat ?lat. ?l geo:long ?lng. ?l addr:localityName “Washington D.C.".

?e rdfcal:dtstart ?s . FILTER(?s > xsd:dateTime("2009-10-25T00:00:00Z") && ?s < xsd:dateTime("2009-10-25T23:59:59Z"))....

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SparqlToCityQuery Transformer (2/2)

CODE INSPECTIONeu.larkc.plugin.transform.urbancomputing.ubl.SparqlToCityQueryTransformer

(from row 120)

152nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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Event Identifier (1/2)

• The Identifier receives the location and time information from the Transformer.

• It uses this information to preparare an invokation for the Eventful REST service and to get the list of the events

• Starting from this list, the plug-in build a set of XMLDocument objects containing:

– the link of the XML describing the event

– a pointer to a XSLT file to perform the translation in RDF/XML

162nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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Event Identifier (2/2)

CODE INSPECTIONeu.larkc.plugin.identify.urbancomputing.ubl.EventIdentifier

(from row 95)

172nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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XML2RDF Tranformer (1/2)

• The InformationSet Transformer receives a couple: <XML, XSLT> (contained in a XMLDocument object)

• It loads the XML file from Eventful and the XSL file and it performs the XSLT transformation

• The result is an RDF graph containing the event description

• If two or more events are retrieved by the Event Identifier, the LarKC platform will invoke the XML2RDF Transformer several times (one for each XML document)

182nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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XML2RDF Tranformer (2/2)

CODE INSPECTIONeu.larkc.plugin.transform.urbancomputing.ubl.XML2RDFTransformer

(from row 73)

192nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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Alpha Urban LarKC workflows

• The alpha Urban LarKC is composed by 3 different workflows:

– monument destinationselection workflow

– event destination selection workflow

– path finding workflow

202nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009


Web RetrievedData




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Input data: Street Topology in RDF

Classes:• Node• LinkProperties (domain / range):• from (Link / Node)• to (Link / Node)• lat (Node / xsd:Float)• long (Node / xsd:Float)• linkWeight (Link / xsd:Float)

A type Node.B type Node.D type Node.A lat 9.456.A long 45.123.

l1 type Link.l1 from A.l1 to B.l1 linkWeight 3.l2 type Link.l2 from B.l2 to D.l2 linkWeight 5.

Node definitions

Link definitions







l5 l6























45.123lat long

212nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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Output data: path definition in RDF

Classes:• Node• Link• Path

Properties (domain / range):• from (Link / Node)• to (Link / Node)• lat (Node / xsd:Float)• long (Node / xsd:Float)• linkWeight (Link / xsd:Float)• contain (Path / Link)• pathWeight (Path / xsd:Float)• pathFrom (Path / Node)• pathTo (Path / Node)

The new schema:




















222nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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Query: SPARQL query to get the path

• Having introduced the notion of Path and counting on a reasoner that can generate paths, the query can be expressed in plain SPARQL

SELECT ?p ?w ?n1 ?l ?n2WHERE{

?p rdf:type Path.?p pathFrom <startingNode>.?p pathTo <endingNode>.?p contain ?l.?l from ?n1.?l to ?n2.?p pathWeight ?w


Note: this is a simplification, the query should request also the coordinates of each node

232nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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Alpha Urban LarKC Path Finding Workflow 1

• Decider AlphaUrbanLarkcDecider

• Identifier RemoteGraphLoaderIdentifier

• Selecter GrowingDatasetSelecter

• Reasoner OpResPathFinderReasoner






LocalPlug-in Manager

LocalPlug-in Manager


Plug-in APIPlug-in API

LocalPlug-in Manager

LocalPlug-in Manager


Plug-in APIPlug-in API

LocalPlug-in Manager

LocalPlug-in Manager


Plug-in APIPlug-in API

242nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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Identifier strategy

• Selection of the whole graph (in this case the one of the Milano centre area)

• Implemented in RemoteGraphLoaderIdentifier

252nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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OpResPathFinder Reasoner (1/2)

• In order to process the most desirable path we choose to follow a Operational Research approach

– the Milano graph described in RDF is converted in a suitable form

– Dijkstra’s algorithm is applied to find a path between the start and the goal node

262nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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OpResPathFinder Reasoner (2/2)

CODE INSPECTIONeu.larkc.plugin.reason.urbancomputing.ubl. OpResPathFinderReasoner

(from row 85)

272nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009

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Much more to come!


Keep an eye on http://wiki.larkc.eu/UrbanComputing

282nd Early Adopters Workshop, 25-10-2009