Lamborghini's By Kane Golding

Lamborghini's by kane golding 1

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  • 1. LamborghinisBy Kane Golding

2. How fast do they go?How much are they?How many passengers can it take?Who invented Lamborghinis? 3. How fast do they go?The Aventadors top speed is 370 kph.Broom Broom!!!!! 4. How much are they? The new Lamborghini Aventador is $675,000 NZD and already four have beensold and they havent even been put on show yet. 5. How many passengers can it take?Looks like onlyroom for two! 6. Ferruccio Lamborghini was born in Italy in 1916. Hewent to World War II and became famous because hefixed engines when they broke down. After the war hereturned to Italy and started a tractor engine business.Then in 1960 he started to build air conditioning units.Both businesses were successful. He owned Ferraris,Oscas and Maseratis but he never liked the engines inthem so he decided to build his own high performance car. 7. http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=plpp&v=etDhoZ35918 http://www.3news.co.nz/Test-driving-the-Lamborghini- Aventador/tabid/420/articleID/211076/Default.aspx http://www.lamboweb.com/History.ht mhttp://www.forbes.com/sites/hannahelliott/2010/08/24/lamborghin i-head-stephan-winkelmann-on-speed-weight-and-neon-colored- cars/