French Revolution Katie LaBelle


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RevolutionKatie LaBelle

American RevolutionThis was the starting point

in the French Revolution.

It gave them the thought

and motivation that they

may be able to have a

revolution as well. The

French, just as America

did, declared war on the

British, and allied up with

the Americans. This was

the start of the snow-ball

effect that turned into the

French Revolution.


*Officially started on July

4, 1776

Calling of the Estates

GeneralIn July, General Lomiene

de Brienne asked the

Parliament to tax property

on all estates. Parliament

refused, however, which

caused quite a bit of


July 5, 1788

The Estates General

MeetingThe Estates General and

Louis XVI met in the Hall

of Mirrors, which was

located in the Palace of

Versailles. On May 5th,

though, the meeting

officially started.

May 2, 1789 or May 5,


The AssemblyThere was a ton of

disagreement in the three

estates, due to the voting

method that they had at

the time. The third estate,

however, wanted a voting

method that gave them as

many votes as people

they had. The first and

second estate wanted one

vote per estate, though.

June 17, 1789

Tennis Court OathSince the Third Estate

was locked out of its

meeting room, they met in

a tennis court by the

palace and signed an oath

that they would not split

up until they had a new


June 20, 1789

Storming the BastilleA mob of French citizens

in Paris attacked the

Invaildes fortress and got

guns, then attacked the

fortress jail and let 7

prisoners out.

July 14, 1789

The Great FearOnce people had finally

come to their senses and

stopped with the

revolution phase, they

started to begin to

become scared, hence

the title, “The Great Fear”.

Poorer citizens started to

attack rich peoples

homes, and people

started to become

hysterical and scared. The

military finally calmed

everyone down.

July 20, 1789

The Abolishment of

FeudalismPeasants started to

become angry about

Feudalism and believed it

was outdated. Rich

people started to seize

their rights when it came

to Feudalism. They

abolished serfdom a few

days later.

August 4, 1789

Declaration of the Rights

of ManThe Declaration of the

Rights of Man was very,

very similar to many other

countries’ independence

and rights documents. It

stated the equality of

everyone in France, and

many other natural rights.

August 26, 1789

March on VersaillesPeople were astonished

and very angry when they

heard about the rumors

that spread through Paris.

Some said that Louis XVI

stepped on a flag from

France. A group of women

led an assault on


October 5, 1789

Civil Constitution of the

ClergyThis was the first step to

control the church. This

constitution basically

would make the clergy

elected and citizens

salaries paid by the state.

July 12, 1790

The Royal Family

FleeingSince there was a lot of

tension in Paris, the

queen decided that it was

time for her and her family

to flee the country. They

were recognized and were

escorted back through

very angry crowds.

June 20, 1791

France and Austria Go

to WarFrance decided that they

needed to go to war with

Austria. Prussia was

aiding with Austria, so

they were fighting a 2 to 1

battle with both of the


April 21, 1792

Attack of the TuileriesA mob from Paris was

very upset with France

during the entire summer.

They decided to turn

against the king, and

attacked the Tuileries

where the royal family

was. They demanded a

new constitution and

forced a convention to

replace many different

government documents.

August 10, 1792

Massacres in

SeptemberPeople again began to

become nervous again.

Many rumors went around

that prisoners at the Paris

prisons were planning to

start an uprising. An angry

mob stormed into the

prisons and killed about

1,600 prisoners.

September 11, 1792

The Republic of VirtueThe government was

trying to create a new

society with more social

and culture changes and

just. They called their new

society “Republic of

Virtue”, and based it on


September 22, 1792

Executing Louis XVIThere was six weeks at

the debate at the

convention. It ended up

that the Jacobins wanted

the execute the king, so

they did. They had him

decapitated at the


January 21, 1793

Levee en MasseThe Committee of Public

Safety made it so that

they could put the entire

French population at war.

Men that were not married

and aged 18-25 were


August 23, 1793

Execution of

RobespierrePeople believed that he

was a tyrant and was

deserted by the people

who supported him. He

was then arrested, and

the day after, was


July 28, 1794

Napoleon’s reignNapoleon threw over

many parts of the

government and ended

the French Revolution for

good. He then became

the leader of France.

November 9, 1799

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