Uniting Malaysians after GE-13 Uniting Malaysians of Multi-Races

KXEX2163 Critical Thinking_Unity

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Uniting Malaysians after GE-13Uniting Malaysians of Multi-Races

Recognizing the Problems

Evidences showing Disunity among Malaysians

83.33 % aged above 30

93.33 % said YES

Identifying the Problems

Root Cause of the Problems

Lack of economic collaboration among races. Less politicizing, more practical solutions. Lack

of trust! Racial based politics…Race-base politics__Short-sighted rakyat**** Random racist speech by mainstream media### Race

based politics____Lack of transparency in terms of financial allocation by the

government. Invisible supreme protection by the Federal Constitution. Invisible supreme

protection by the Federal Constitution. Invisible supreme protection by the Federal

Constitution. Lack of trust. Quota system. The bad politicians that we have. The lack of

profession as the MP. Corruption!!!!!


“What If...“ Forum

2.30pm, 21st May 2013 (Tues)BP204, Faculty of Engineering, UM

Purpose:(i) To generate alternative solutions(ii) To implement and evaluate the chosen solution

Sports UniteMalaysians

Country Harmony Sports Day

“Sports is a universal language that knows no racial divide but rather in the heat of competitiveness enables us to put our

differences aside to unite upon one common goal, one common aspiration.” – Sarah

Chong Ee Mei, MASUM athlete from Faculty of Education, University of Malaya

“The solution to national unity is to abolish vernacular schools.”

- Dr. Abdul Rahman ArshadPro-Chancellor of UiTM

“Good education must reflect diversity, encourage

understanding of various cultures and lifestyles.”

- Abdul Razak, 1956

Hannah Yeoh and Ramachandran Muniandy

“Kami diberikan borang untuk diisi. Jadi kami letak 'anak Malaysia' di ruangan 'bangsa' tetapi seorang pegawai berkata bangsa mestilah didefinisikan mengikut keturunan ibu bapa mereka, iaitu Cina atau India”

Teresa Kok

“If Najib genuinely believed in 1Malaysia, he would have long instructed NRD and his entire government to stop categorising Malaysians as Melayu, Cina, Indian, or others.”


• Norsana, S & Najib, M (2012). Multicultural Education In Malaysian Perspective: Instruction And Assessment. Retrieved on May 2013, from http://www.iaea.info/documents/paper_30171b59e.pdf.

• Survey form on http://bit.ly/10EYZv1• The Cornell Daily Sun: Sports Unites People, Fosters Trust

authored by Wankyu Lee on April 26, 2011 from http://cornellsun.com/node/47037