Korean War

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Page 2: Korean War

Containment case study 1:

The Korean War 1950 – 53.

Page 3: Korean War


The head stone reads: In memory of the League of Nations. Died of lack of exercise facing wanton aggression.

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The head stone reads: In memory of the League of Nations. Died of lack of exercise facing wanton aggression.

What is the cartoon saying about the actions of the USA and the United Nations?

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Page 6: Korean War

Task 1:

Read hand out page 177.

In four simple steps explain how the UN, led by the Americans, came to be involved in Korea.

Page 7: Korean War

Steps to war in Korea.

1) China, which shares a border with North Korea turned Communist in 1949. The USA feared that this was the latest step toward Communist world domination.


Page 8: Korean War

Task 2:

Read hand out pages 178 and 179.

Complete the focus task at the bottom of page 179.


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Page 10: Korean War


General MacArthur was an American hero following WW2. However, as we’ve already read today, he was a bit of a maverick. The attributes that had made him such a great general led him to fall out, with Truman, over Korea. He wanted to bomb China and wasn’t against using the atomic bomb to be successful.

MacArthur was sacked when differences of opinion became too much.

You have just been appointed to Truman’s administration with the sole task of advising him on what to do in Asia. You have to stop Communism spreading but want to avoid being drawn into further wars.

Try to come up with a 10 point plan in a letter [SWALK!] to avoid situations like Korea again.

Page 11: Korean War


Was the Korean War a success for Containment?


Strongly Disagree

Strongly Agree


Page 12: Korean War

Learning outcome

By the end of the lesson we will have....

Improved our understanding of the Korean War

Page 13: Korean War

1-10 in back of book

Page 14: Korean War

1. Who was the American President during the TOV?

2. Who was the American President at Yalta?3. Who was the American President at

Potsdam?4. In what month (s) was the Yalta

conference?5. In what year was the UN set up?6. In what year did China become

Communist?7. When did the Korean War start?8. When did the Korean War finish?9. What was the result?10.What was the full name of the UN


Page 15: Korean War

1. Who was the American President during the TOV? Wilson

2. Who was the American President at Yalta? Roosevelt

3. Who was the American President at Potsdam? Truman

4. In what month (s) was the Yalta conference? July-Aug 1945

5. In what year was the UN set up? 19456. In what year did China become

Communist? 19497. When did the Korean War start? 19508. When did the Korean War finish? 19539. What was the result? Draw10.What was the name of the UN

commander? General Douglas MacArthur

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Turn to page 338-341

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Date of birth (youngest wins!)



Personality :- out of 10?


Page 21: Korean War

The Issue What methods did the Americans use?

What problems did they face?

What was the outcome?

Page 22: Korean War

“Overall the USA succeeded in the Korean War.”

How far do you agree with the statement? [10 ]

Use the sources and your own knowledge to answer the question.

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Source A

Source B

Source C

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Source D Source E

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“Overall the USA succeeded in the Korean War.”

How far do you agree with the statement? [10 ]

Use the sources and your own knowledge to answer.....

Level 1 [1-2] Simple agree / disagree. Lacking in detail

Level 2 [3-4] Agrees or Disagrees with the quote. Talks about what the Korean War was, One sided answer that sometimes answers the quote.

Level 3 [5-7] Agrees and Disagrees. Places in context Korean War with the Cold War.

Level 4 [8-10] Agrees and Disagrees with a supported conclusion. ATQ and RTTQ at all times.

Max L2 if refer to sources only

Max L2 if refer to historical knowledge onlyMax L2 if do not refer to ALL the 5 sources, Max L3 if refers to 3 or more.

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Page 27: Korean War

A.T.F.QAnswer The Flippin’ Question

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Balance = personalise

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R.T.T.QReturn To The Question = at the end of each paragraph

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“Overall the USA succeeded in the Korean War.”

How far do you agree with the statement? [10 ]

Use the sources and your own knowledge to answer the question.

Page 32: Korean War

“Overall the USA succeeded in the Korean War.”

How far do you agree with the statement? [10 ]

Use the sources and your own knowledge to answer the question.

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Page 34: Korean War

Action Have you done this?

Completed an essay plan

Talked about when the Korean War was

In your introduction offered a balanced answer

Referred to all the sources

Returned to the question at the end of each paragraph

Completed a conclusion – in which you discuss how far you agree

Added bits of your own knowledge