Knowing your Students!

Knowing Your Students

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Know your Students

SEN / EAL / Gifted and Talented Information is always to hand within each Business and Economics Classroom. Staff have the latest copy of the SEN Information handbook and Gifted and Taleted Register to refer to and ca adjust elements of lessons accordingly to maximise learning….

Staff keep different examples of past achievement data - below in the left margin you can see GCSE points listed against the names of A-Level Economics students. The code is A*,A,B,C/lower grades at GCSE so 0243/0 corresponds to a GCSE record of no A*, 2 As, 4 Bs, 3 Cs and no grades lower than C. FFT data is not always the most reliable data source.

Electronic and paper copies of classwork and coursework performance are shown below…

Examples of further more detailed records are also available on the next page…

The example below is of a spreadsheet we use to

Page 3: Knowing Your Students



track progress of students on GCSE Applied Business where they have to complete 13 separate mini assignments in Year 10. We share this information with students and parents and this particular system was commended in the OFSTED 2006 report.

The School makes use of the SIMS database to store further student details. Here is a typical student record and progress tracking sheet….