Knol khol cultivation

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Page 1: Knol khol cultivation






(Brassica caulorapa)

Page 2: Knol khol cultivation

INTRODUCTION Family:- Cruciferaceae

Origin:- Northern Europe

Also known as Kohlrabi, Kohlrabi greens, Navalkol, Gunth Gobhi,

The Whole plant is edible however, it is mostly used for its bulged

swollen stem

It is excellent vegetable if used at its early stage before it becomes

tough and fibrous

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MORPHOLOGY• formation of knob (tuber) which arises from a thickening of the

stem tissue above the cotyledons

• The fleshy edible proration is an enlargement of the stem, which develops entirely above ground and is used as a vegetable

• The edible portion is globular to a slightly flattened stem

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Climatic Requirement cool season crop

Temperature It can withstand extreme cold and frost better than

other cool season crop Germination - 15 0C to 300C Tuber production- 100C to 200C The low temperature - develops anthocyanin pigments

on knobs or plant parts Continuous hot weather is detrimental which induce

knob development

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soil successfully grown on all types of soil

But the sandy loam and clay loam soils are best

suitable pH 5.5-6.8 A soil rich in manures and fertilizers produces excellent


does not grow well in highly acidic soil

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VARIETIES•White Vienna

• Purple Vienna

• Grand Duke

• King of North

• Large Green

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• variety this is an early variety with globular, light green, smooth, tender, medium-sized knobs having creamy-white tender flesh with delicate flavor

• plants are dwarf, leaves and stems are medium green

• yield potential of 150–200q/ha

• It matures 55–65 days after transplanting

• takes 50–60 days for knob formation

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•Medium size

• one week later than White Vienna

• Knobs are purplish-blue with greenish-white flesh

• It has purple leaves

• . It requires 55–65 days for knob formation with slightly better yield potential than White Vienna

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• plant height of 20–30cm foliage is dark green, knob flattish-round, leaf sheath large and well-spread over the knob

• It matures 60–65 days after transplanting

• . Early varieties mature 30–45 days after planting & characterized by the horizontal position of the lower leaves

• The late varieties mature 70–100 days after planting

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• The land should be well prepared and of good tilth for sowing of Knol- Khol, 5- 6 ploughing should be given to prepare a good tilth

• Planking is essential to make soil pulverized and leveled

• The beds and channels are prepared to facilitate irrigation

•weeds and stubbles of previous crop should be removed before the transplanting of this crop

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NURSERY MANAGEMENT • usually propagated by seed

• can also be propagated by cuttings such as tip cutting and leaf cutting

• 60cm wide and 2.5m long nursery beds are prepared

• For minimizing the seedling damage, the nursery beds should be treated with formalin (40% formaldehyde diluted in 5–6 parts of water or captan )

• Then covering nursery beds for 2 days

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• Soil is aerated well for at least 4 days before sowing

• Seeds are sown in rows at a distance of 5–6cm for ease in manual hoeing, weeding and thinning

• A depth of 1.5–2cm is optimum since deeper sowing delays the germination

• SEED RATE :- 1 to 1.5 kg/ha

• Time of Sowing:-Variety Time of sowing seed in

NurseryTime of transplanting in the main field

Early August September

Main September October

Late October November

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Then nursery bed is covered with grass to conserve moisture for uniform germination

Watering according to whether condition

mulch is removed just before the seed germination to control damping off

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• 3 to 4 week old seedlings become ready for transplanting

• Ridges and furrow type beds used

• spacing 25cm × 25cm, 25cm × 30cm, 25cm × 40cm or 30cm × 45cm depending on climatic condition

• seedlings should be watered and protection may

be given from sun rays for 4 – 5 days

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• Knol-khol responds well to manuring, as it is a heavy feeder.

• Add N - 100 kg/ha , P - 80 to 90 kg/ ha ,K – 150 to 175 kg/ha.

• Nitrogen is applied in 2 equal split doses, 3 weeks after transplanting and at knob development stage .

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•Weeds are removed from field by hand weeding

• generally 2-3 weeding are done in the initial stage of growth

• the field must be kept free from weeds

• plant should be earthen up after 25 – 30 days of transplantation

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• The knobs may become elongated - in close spacing due to lack of light as in knobs growing in the shade

• The production of elongated knobs may also be induced by high temperature and excess of N

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• Knol-khol requires a continuous supply of moisture for uniform growth and development of knobs

• after transplanting, should be watered for 4 to 5 days(as stated the seedlings, after transplanting, should be watered for four to five days)

• should be given an interval of 6 to 7 days

• thereafter irrigation is done when needed, depending on soil and weather conditions

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PEST & DISEASESPests• Aphids

• Thrips

•Mustard saw fly

• Semi looper

• Nematods

• Caterpillars & beetles

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Mustard saw fly

Semi looper

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• Damping off

• Leaf spot & blight

• Club root

• Black rot

• Root fly

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• Pruning of the old leaves

•Weed control & clean of field

• Use chemical & organic pesticides (foliar spray of garlic extract at 3% concentration, Spray Trichoderma at 2-3 % against root fly & black rot)

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HARVESTING• knobs are harvested by cutting the stem just below it by a sharp

knife or sickle before they are fully grown

• should be harvested when swollen stem reach a diameter of 5 to 7 cm and before it becomes tough and woody

• The plants are pulled out from the land

• generally marketed after removing both leaves and roots

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Storage• It can be stored in 3 – 4 days under ordinary conditions

• Cold storage can be stored for more number of days wrapped knobs store well with better quality comparatively unwrapped knobs

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• rich in the antioxidant , so helps fight cancer

• contains high amounts of vitamins C, E and carotene

• considered good sources of dietary fiber

• contains sulphoraphanes and other isothiocyanates, which are believed to stimulate the production of protective enzymes in the body

• have antidiabetic activity

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