THE KNIFE-FISH SIXTH SENSE BY: Dylan Steinhaus Computer literacy 4/12/12

Knife fish

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BY: Dylan SteinhausComputer literacy


What is a electric Knife-fish??

Better known as the Black Ghost Knife-fish. It is native to South America in the

Amazon basin. They like to live in fast moving sandy

water in tropic like climates. They can be found in the Paraná River but

mainly in the Amazon River South American natives believe that the

ghosts of the dead are resurrected in these fish giving it the name Black Ghost

The Knife-fish’s sixth sense

Recent discovery shows like than of an electric eel the knife fish has an electrical field.

Unlike a eel it does not use it to Paralyze its prey.

It uses its electrical sense to communicate, navigate, and hunt.

Since they are a nocturnal fish there electric field tells them what's around so they don’t get killed

There electric field is produced by a small organ in its tail and small receptors along the body

How is this sense useful

Knife-Fish are a weakly electric fish but needs the electric field to do simple daily tasks.

It allows the fish to know what is happening 360 degrees around its’ self so it can escape a threat.

As well as protecting its’ self it also lets the fish know if it has prey near by.

It also uses this sense to communicate with other knife-fish.

And being a nocturnal fish it also uses this sense to navigate around in the dark murky water.

The Appearance

The fish is all black except for two white rings on its tail, and a white blaze on its nose, and rarely extend into a stripe down its back. It moves mainly by a long fin on its stomach. It does not have scales. Black Ghost Knife-fish
