DNA Write a fact about the word you find! Think how it links to todays lesson.

Just War Theory

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Just War Theory- for War and Peace Module- AQA- Short Course RE- Year 10- mixed ability.

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Page 1: Just War Theory


Write a fact about the word you find!Think how it links to todays lesson.

Page 2: Just War Theory

C/W Just War Theory 15th/01/13

• To know the 7 principles of the Just war theory

• To be able to apply these rules to the war in Iraq

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Imagine you are part of a team who will create a set of rules for war

In your book, write down 5 rules for warfare, i.e. How you will act before, during and after the war.

Think about:Enemies civilians ( normal people in enemy countries)

How and where will you fight your war?

If you win, what then?

What happens to the injured?

Captured prisoners

Reasons for going to war

C/W Just War Theory 15th/01/13

Page 4: Just War Theory

Can a war be justified?

Christianity has suggested rules for War if it is to be justified called “Just War Theory”

Video: Just WarWatch the following clip.

Is the example war justified/ what reasons are given to justify it?

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Peace is the ideal

• But most religious believers accept that war is sometimes a ‘necessary evil’

• So a set of rules has been formulated to judge whether a war situation is ‘just’

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Just War


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A Just War

• A Just War is….A war that is fought for the right

reasons and in the right way.

There are 7 just war principles to remember!!!!!

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The war must be fought by the PROPER AUTHORITY of a government or the United Nations.

The politicians must make the most important decisions

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The war must be fought for a JUST CAUSE.

. JUST – the war must be started for a good reason – e.g. self-defense, and not

because of greed,

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It must be fought with the to ESTABLISH GOOD. It must be fought to restore peace. A war can be fought if it is believed that it would prevent a greater evil. Most people argue that Britain and her allies, by taking on the Nazi regime of Adolf Hitler, prevented greater evil from happening

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There must be a REASONABLE CHANCE OF SUCCESS. You cannot go to war and waste the lives of

brave soldiers for something which you have very little

chance of winning, lives should not be wasted.

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A war is just if it is begun as the LAST RESORT, all non violent means of solving the

conflict must have been tried and failed before you

turn to war

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The force used in the war must be PROPORTIONAL to the

cause. It would not be proportional to drop a nuclear weapon on a small country for

invading a small island. SUFFICIENT FORCE!

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There must be CONTROLLED VIOLENCE. Every effort must be made to make sure that as

little violence as possible is used to achieve victory and


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Just War theory

Acronym to remember this theory…Make one up?

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Task Rank them in order of importance

from 1-7 (1 most important, 7 least important).

Write a short explanation: why do you think this?

Extension: Should every war be decided using the Just War theory? Why?

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Using the Just War criteria (PJERLSC)

- Look at the examples of war in Iraq in groups

- Use the table to decide whether it was a Just War and why/why not?

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For or Against War?

“Love your neighbour as yourself”

“Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God”

If someone slaps you on the right cheek, turn and offer him your left

Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you

“You shall not murder”

The Lord is a Warrior

Do not worry, when you are fighting your enemies, the Lord is on your side

“ An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a tooth”

Task: code your sheet – are they for or against war?

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Jihad and Just War

Just War Jihad

Task: Create a Venn diagram using the two principles – the similarities go in the middle, the differences inside the individual circles.

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Answer the 6 mark question in your booklet.

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- Number of rules to decide if war is Just ………

-2 quotes to support War ………..

-2 quotes against War -(Pacifism)…….