Association of California School Administrators January 16, 2014 !Determine “Behavior Readiness” for the Classroom: The Student Inventory for Behavior Support (SIBS) Makes These Decisions Easier! 1 Can We Meet the Challenge? !The “We” is General and Special Educators !The “Challenge” design supports for special needs students in general education !The “Question” special educators need to answer “How do we determine the level of support students need based on evidence based data?” !Did you know 57% of students with special needs now spend 80% of their time in General Education 3 Rethinking Special Education: Nathan Levenson 2011 " Special Education costs are increasing rapidly " Students with Autism and Behavioral and Emotional issues increasing more rapidly than any other disabilities " Funds are shrinking because of current economic crisis " Greater scrutiny for funding because of a lack of results in learning " Nationally Special Education spending has increased from 4% to 21% between 1970 to 2005 " Numbers are increasing in every category: Mild to Severe 5

John caliso

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Association of California School Administrators January 16, 2014 !!!

!Determine “Behavior Readiness” for the Classroom: The Student Inventory for Behavior Support (SIBS) Makes These Decisions Easier!


Can We Meet the Challenge?

!The “We” is General and Special Educators !The “Challenge” design supports for special needs students in general education

!The “Question” special educators need to answer “How do we determine the level of support students need based on evidence based data?”

!Did you know 57% of students with special needs now spend 80% of their time in General Education


Rethinking Special Education: Nathan Levenson 2011

" Special Education costs are increasing rapidly!" Students with Autism and Behavioral and Emotional issues

increasing more rapidly than any other disabilities!" Funds are shrinking because of current economic crisis!" Greater scrutiny for funding because of a lack of results in

learning !" Nationally Special Education spending has increased from

4% to 21% between 1970 to 2005!" Numbers are increasing in every category: Mild to Severe


Page 2: John caliso

Reasons for dollar increases" Co-teaching!" more personnel needed with co-planning time!

" ParaEducators!" numbers have increased 123% between 1980s to the

mid 2000s!" Both forms of help – according to research - have not

improved learning!" Related Services OT, PT, Speech, Counseling!" Pull-out for Instruction


ParaEducator Growth• 1965 -10,000 aides - Responsibilities -

clerical !• 1997 – 300,000 aides !• 1999 - 2000 621,000 aides!• 2006-07 54% of 6 million students with

disabilities spend 80% of time in Gen Ed (3,240,000)!

• 2010 – 1.4 Million ParaEducators! !! ! !

Source: US Dept Ed.


Supporting Students in the Classroom" Best of Intentions!" Reality Check: !" Do we really know the student's behavioral needs in the

classroom?!" Do we design supports without the benefit of precise

meaningful information?!" Is there a way to get better at what we do in designing



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Reasons for School Based Observations!Evaluation of child’s behavior across multiple behavioral domains

!Bi-directional interactions between child,teachers, and peers

!ascertain child’s ability to engage and master various academic and developmental tasks

!observe child in both academic and nonacademics


Experts Beyond Our Walls

!IDEA 2004 and 2011 Parents are Experts !Independent Evaluators: neuropsychologists, learning specialists, parent advocates, and attorneys

!Doubters special education does not work per State Testing

!My “Primary Goal” today is to help you preserve your professional status as an EXPERT


SIBS Protocol – Each Case" 1 Team Leader!" 6 Observation Team Members!" 6 Observations Per Case!" 1 observation per observation team member = objectivity!

" 45 Minute Period divided into 15 - 3 minute segments!" Observation Team Member Narrates each 3 minutes


45 minute Observation Period

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SIBS’ Portal: Provides an Evidence Based Data Report

!Global Summary Report !Observation Graphs !Magnitude of Intervention Table/Bar Graph !Customary, Mild, Moderate, and Intense !Level of Engagement Table/BarGraph !Weak, Good, and Strong




! Create a meaningful data driven report that provides interventions for special needs or

RtI students ! With SIBS you are able to view a bank of

interventions to customize the report in the following categories:

! teacher instructional practice; ! increasing participation level; ! increasing on task behavior/attention for

pro-work behavior !17


!obtaining student attention and maintain motivation in the classroom

!sustain on task behavior during seat work !sustaining student attention during the lesson


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Questions You Intend to Answer

!Discuss with teacher(s), parents, and others the questions to be answered with the observations

!What is the magnitude of intervention required? !What is the level of engagement in the classroom?

!What supports will be designed to help the student?


!Performing Observations in the Classroom !Your objective is to determine how intrusive is the behavior and its impact on pro-work skills

!Step1: Behavior Assessment !Duration !Frequency !Pattern !Latency !Intensity


Key Functional Indicators Definitions!Three distinct forms of KFDs !Pro-work Behavior !Participation Level !Non-engagement Behavior


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Two Realtime Observations!Task: Viewing film of actual student and recording what you observe every three minutes

!Two different observations same student !1. In small group instruction !2. In whole class instruction !Scoring the two observations for comparison
