My Dart Experience Paul Brauner

JAZOON'13 - Paul Brauner - A backend developer meets the web: my Dart experience

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My Dart ExperiencePaul Brauner

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Page 3: JAZOON'13 - Paul Brauner - A backend developer meets the web: my Dart experience

• PhD in Logic / Types

• Postdoc in Languages

• Now at Google


About Me

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• PhD in Logic / Types

• Postdoc in Languages

• Now at Google


About Me

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• PhD in Logic / Types

• Postdoc in Languages

• Now at Google


About Me

map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs

for (x <- xs) f(x)

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• PhD in Logic / Types

• Postdoc in Languages

• Now at Google


About Me

map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs

for (x <- xs) f(x)

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Dart Contributor

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• Writing backends

• Writing background jobs (mapreduce)

• Mostly Java, C++


My Work Involves

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• Code navigation, completion, static errors

• Libraries / Modules

• Generated documentation

• Reasonable performance


I Take for Granted

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I ♥ the Web Platform

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I ♥ the Web Platform

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I Web Development *

* except for fast edit-refresh cycle, that's awesome

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> [] + {}[object Object]> {} + []0> {} + {}NaN

WAT (h/t Gary Bernhardt)

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WAT - Reloaded

var x = "top-level";function foo() { if (true) { var x = "inside-if"; } console.log(x);}foo();

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WAT - Reloaded

var x = "top-level";function foo() { if (true) { var x = "inside-if"; } console.log(x);}foo();


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Web Development?

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• Language and Libraries

• Tools

• Virtual Machine

• Compiles to Javascript



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Targets All Browsers


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Targets All Browsers


Virtual Machine


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Targets All Browsers


Virtual Machine



edit/refresh deploy

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• CoffeScript & Friends: only improve syntax

• Closure: structure but same semantics

• GWT: good but slow edit/refresh cycle (fixed in

upcoming version!)



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• Semantics

• Structure

• Fast edit/refresh cycle



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Dart in a Nutshell

class Point {

double x, y;

Point(this.x, this.x);

toString() => "($x, $y)";}

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Dart in a Nutshell

class Point {

double x, y;

Point(this.x, this.x);

toString() => "($x, $y)";}


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Dart in a Nutshell

class Point {

double x, y;

Point(this.x, this.x);

toString() => "($x, $y)";}


Optionally typed

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Dart in a Nutshell

class Point {

double x, y;

Point(this.x, this.x);

toString() => "($x, $y)";}


Optionally typed

Terse syntax

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Dart in a Nutshell

class Point {

double x, y;

Point(this.x, this.x);

toString() => "($x, $y)";}


Optionally typed

Terse syntax

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Dart in a Nutshell

class Point {

double x, y;

Point(this.x, this.x);

toString() => "($x, $y)";}


Optionally typed

Terse syntax

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Clean Unsurprising Semantics

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• Only true is truthy

• There is no undefined, only null

• No type coercion with ==, +


Clean Semantics - Examples

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Clean Semantics – Missing Getter

"hello".missing // ??

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Clean Semantics – Missing Getter

"hello".missing // ??

Class 'String' has no instance getter 'missing'.

NoSuchMethodError : method not found: 'missing'Receiver: "hello"Arguments: []

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Clean Semantics – Index out of Range

[][42] // ??

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Clean Semantics – Index out of Range

[][42] // ??

RangeError: 42

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Clean Semantics – Variable Scope

var x = "top-level";void foo() { if (true) { var x = "inside-if"; } print(x);}void main() { foo(); } // ??

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Clean Semantics – Variable Scope

var x = "top-level";void foo() { if (true) { var x = "inside-if"; } print(x);}void main() { foo(); } // ??


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Clean Semantics – Scope of this

class App {

App(button) { button.onClick.listen((e) => this.foo()); }

foo() { … }}

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Structure - Libraries

library game;import 'dart:math';

class Game { … }play(Game game) { … }

_secret(Game game) { … }

Module system

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Structure - Libraries

library game;import 'dart:math';

class Game { … }play(Game game) { … }

_secret(Game game) { … }

Module system

Scoped definitions

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Structure - Libraries

library game;import 'dart:math';

class Game { … }play(Game game) { … }

_secret(Game game) { … }

Module system

Scoped definitions

Private definition

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Structure - Packages

name: parsers version: 0.13.6

dependencies: persistent: '>=0.7.0 <0.8.0' dev_dependencies: unittest: any

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• Optional types

• Mixins (class A extends B with C)

• Method cascades (foo..bar(1)..baz(2))

• Future proof APIs


Towards a Better Language

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• Optional types

• Mixins (class A extends B with C)

• Method cascades (foo..bar(1)..baz(2))

• Future proof APIs


Towards a Better Language

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Future Proof APIs

class Point { // now polar coordinates double angle, radius; Point(this.angle, this.radius);

… }

How do we prevent clients from breaking?

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Future Proof APIs

class Point { // now polar coordinates

get x => … set x(value) => …

operator [](int index) => …

toString([bool asJson]) => … }

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Future Proof APIs

class Point { // now polar coordinates

get x => … set x(value) => …

operator [](int index) => …

toString([bool asJson]) => … }

Getters / Setters

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Future Proof APIs

class Point { // now polar coordinates

get x => … set x(value) => …

operator [](int index) => …

toString([bool asJson]) => … }

Getters / Setters

Operator overriding

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Future Proof APIs

class Point { // now polar coordinates

get x => … set x(value) => …

operator [](int index) => …

toString([bool asJson]) => … }

Getters / Setters

Operator overriding

Optional arguments

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Future Proof APIs

class Point { // now polar coordinates

factory Point(x, y) { return new Point.polar(…); }

Point.polar(angle, radius) { … }}


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Future Proof APIs

class Point { // now polar coordinates

factory Point(x, y) { return new Point.polar(…); }

Point.polar(angle, radius) { … }}


Named constructors

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• Modern, consistent library (collections, typed

HTML bindings, futures, streams, ...)

• JS interoperability

• Server-side programming


Not Just a Language

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Flip It!

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Flip It!

Snappy UIOffline playing

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Flip It!

Snappy UIOffline playing

Validation required

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Code Reuse

class Board { Board.decode(str) { … } String encode() { … } bool validate() { … }}

common.dart server.dart




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3rd Party Libraries

Bootstrap for Dart

Google APIs client libs

OAuth2 authentication

PostgreSQL driver

Web Server

Clientside routing

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3rd Party Libraries

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Can I Have my Reader Now?

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Can I Have my Reader Now?

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• "Widgets" are a bunch of nested divs

• Unique IDs leak all over the place

• CSS leaks to parents / children


The Problem with HTML

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• "Widgets" are a bunch of nested divs

• Unique IDs leak all over the place

• CSS leaks to parents / children


The Problem with HTML

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• "Widgets" are a bunch of nested divs

• Unique IDs leak all over the place

• CSS leaks to parents / children


The Problem with HTML

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MVC Boilerplateclass Model { StreamController _onCurrentBoardChanged = new StreamController(); StreamController _onPreviousBoardChanged = new StreamController(); StreamController _onCurrentPathChanged = new StreamController(); StreamController _onPreviousPathChanged = new StreamController(); StreamController _onStateChanged = new StreamController(); StreamController _onUserInfoChanged = new StreamController(); StreamController _onSignInStatusChanged = new StreamController();

void _initStreams() { onCurrentBoardChanged = _onCurrentBoardChanged.stream.asBroadcastStream(); onPreviousBoardChanged = _onPreviousBoardChanged.stream.asBroadcastStream(); onCurrentPathChanged = _onCurrentPathChanged.stream.asBroadcastStream(); onPreviousPathChanged = _onPreviousPathChanged.stream.asBroadcastStream(); onStateChanged = _onStateChanged.stream.asBroadcastStream(); onUserInfoChanged = _onUserInfoChanged.stream.asBroadcastStream(); onSignInStatusChanged = _onSignInStatusChanged.stream.asBroadcastStream(); }

void _currentBoardChanged() { _onCurrentBoardChanged.add(null); }

… }

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Web Components

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Web Components

<messages> <message> <subject> Please fill out the TPS report </subject> <sent>2012-10-03</sent> <summary> I'm going to have to ask you to come in... </summary> </message> <message> <subject> Reminder: fill out that TPS report! </subject> <sent>2012-10-04</sent> <summary> It's been 24 hours... </summary> </message> ...</messages>

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Custom Elements


Structure Behavior Styles

<div> <input> <p> <span></span> </p></div>

tag.verifyAccount();<style> p { color: red; }</style>

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Custom Element


import import import

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• Based on emerging web standards

• Browser vendors interested

• Already partially implemented!


Future Proof

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Polymer: Web Components Today


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Custom Element Declaration

<polymer-element name="my-message">


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Custom Element Declaration

<polymer-element name="my-message"> <template>

<div id="frame"> <b>Subject: </b><content select=".subject"></content> <content select="p"></content> </div> </template>



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Custom Element Declaration

<polymer-element name="my-message"> <template> <style> #frame { border: 1px solid black; } </style>

<div id="frame"> <b>Subject: </b><content select=".subject"></content> <content select="p"></content> </div> </template>




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Custom Element Declaration

<polymer-element name="my-message"> <template> <style> #frame { border: 1px solid black; } </style>

<div id="frame"> <b>Subject: </b><content select=".subject"></content> <content select="p"></content> </div> </template>

<script type="application/dart" src="my_message.dart"></script></polymer-element>




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Custom Element Instantiation

<head> <link rel="import" href="my_message.html"> </head>


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Custom Element Instantiation

<head> <link rel="import" href="my_message.html"> </head>


<my-message> <span class="subject">Hello</span> <p>How are you?</p> </my-message> </body>



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Custom Element Instantiation

<head> <link rel="import" href="my_message.html"> </head>

<body> <div id="frame">This won't be framed</div> <my-message> <span class="subject">Hello</span> <p>How are you?</p> </my-message> </body>




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Custom Element Instantiation

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Custom Element Instantiation<my-message> <span class="subject">Hello</span> <p>How are you?</p></my-message>

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Custom Element Instantiation<my-message> <span class="subject">Hello</span> <p>How are you?</p></my-message>

<div id="frame"> <b>Subject: </b><content select=".subject"></content> <content select="p"></content></div>

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Custom Element Instantiation<my-message> <span class="subject">Hello</span> <p>How are you?</p></my-message>

<div id="frame"> <b>Subject: </b><content select=".subject"></content> <content select="p"></content></div>

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Custom Element Instantiation

<style> #frame { border: 1px solid black; }</style>

<div id="frame"> <b>Subject: </b><content select=".subject"></content> <content select="p"></content></div>

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Custom Element Instantiation

<style> #frame { border: 1px solid black; }</style>

<div id="frame"> <b>Subject: </b><content select=".subject"></content> <content select="p"></content></div>

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Custom Element Instantiation

<style> #frame { border: 1px solid black; }</style>

<div id="frame"> <b>Subject: </b><content select=".subject"></content> <content select="p"></content></div>

<div id="frame">This won't be framed</div>

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Custom Element Instantiation

<style> #frame { border: 1px solid black; }</style>

<div id="frame"> <b>Subject: </b><content select=".subject"></content> <content select="p"></content></div>

<div id="frame">This won't be framed</div>

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@CustomTag('my-message')class MyMessage extends PolymerElement { enteredView() {

… this.children …


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@CustomTag('my-message')class MyMessage extends PolymerElement { enteredView() {

… this.children …


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@CustomTag('my-message')class MyMessage extends PolymerElement { enteredView() {

… this.children …


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@CustomTag('my-message')class MyMessage extends PolymerElement { enteredView() {

… this.children …


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@CustomTag('my-message')class MyMessage extends PolymerElement { enteredView() {

… this.children …


Which ones?

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Shadow DOM

shadow root

b content content


span p

"Hello" "How are you?" "Subject:"


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@CustomTag('my-message')class MyMessage extends PolymerElement { enteredView() { }}

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@CustomTag('my-message')class MyMessage extends PolymerElement { enteredView() { SpanElement subject = host.query('.subject'); subject.text = subject.text.toUpperCase(); }}


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@CustomTag('my-message')class MyMessage extends PolymerElement { enteredView() { SpanElement subject = host.query('.subject'); subject.text = subject.text.toUpperCase(); DivElement frame = shadowRoot.query('#frame'); frame.style.borderWidth = '3px'; }}

Shadow DOM


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• Declarative Model-View-*

• Supports two-way bindings out of the box


Data Binding

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Data Binding<polymer-element name="click-counter"> <template> <button on-click="increment">Click Me</button> <p>You clicked the button {{count}} times.</p> </template> </polymer-element>

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Data Binding<polymer-element name="click-counter"> <template> <button on-click="increment">Click Me</button> <p>You clicked the button {{count}} times.</p> </template> </polymer-element>

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Data Binding<polymer-element name="click-counter"> <template> <button on-click="increment">Click Me</button> <p>You clicked the button {{count}} times.</p> </template> </polymer-element>

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Data Binding

@CustomTag('click-counter')class ClickCounterElement extends PolymerElement { @observable int count = 0; void increment(Event e, var detail, Node target) { count += 1; }}

<polymer-element name="click-counter"> <template> <button on-click="increment">Click Me</button> <p>You clicked the button {{count}} times.</p> </template> <script src="click_counter.dart" type="…" ></script></polymer-element>

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Data Binding

@CustomTag('click-counter')class ClickCounterElement extends PolymerElement { @observable int count = 0; void increment(Event e, var detail, Node target) { count += 1; }}

<polymer-element name="click-counter"> <template> <button on-click="increment">Click Me</button> <p>You clicked the button {{count}} times.</p> </template> <script src="click_counter.dart" type="…" ></script></polymer-element>

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Real World Example

data List<A> = Nil | Cons(A x, List<A> xs)

class List<A> { … }class Nil<A> extends List<A> { … }class Cons<A> extends List<A> { … }

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Real World Example

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Real World Example

<h2>Define</h2><textarea value='{{input}}'></textarea>

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Real World Example

<label> <input type='checkbox' checked='{{finalFields}}'> final fields</label>

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Real World Example

<h2>Profit</h2><code> <pre id='generated'> {{generated}} </pre></code>

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Real World Example

<h2>Profit</h2><code> <pre id='generated'> {{generated}} </pre></code>

String get generated { final config = new Config(finalFields, … ); return generate(input, config);}

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Can I have my Reader Now?

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Can I have my Reader Now?


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• Haskell backend

• Polymer.dart* frontend


Bringing Reader Back to Life

* actually its ancestor

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Bringing Reader Back to Life

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Thanks for the attention!

Follow me on G+ (Paul Brauner)[email protected]
