Japan and WW2 Social Studies 2

Japan and World War II

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The Involvement of Japan in World War 2.

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  • 1. Japan and WW2Social Studies 2

2. Ideologyis a set of ideas thatconstitute onesgoals,expectations, andactions. 3. Fascismis a form of radical authoritariannationalism. Fascists seek to unify theirnation through a totalitarian state thatseeks the mass mobilization of thenational community through discipline,indoctrination, and physical training 4. NazismIt is a variety offascism thatincorporatesbiological racismand antisemitism. 5. Jews 6. Gas Chambers 7. Auschwitz 8. Genocide 9. Concentration Camps 10. DemocracyDemocracy is a form ofgovernment in which all eligiblecitizens have an equal say in thedecisions that affect their lives.Democracy allows eligiblecitizens to participate equallyeither directly or through electedrepresentatives 11. EMOTIONS 12. JOSE RIZAL - NATIONALISMIMMEDIATE FACTOR 13. UNDERLYING FACTORS 14. SALEM WITCH HUNT FALSE ACCUSATIONSWOMEN GAINING POWER 15. 1 EVENT CAN TRIGGER ANEMOTION/CAN CHANGEHISTORY 16. FIELD OF DREAMS 17. IDEOLOGY+CHARISMA 18. CHARISMATIC LEADER: BOMIKE 19. PropagandaPropaganda is a form ofcommunication that is aimedtowards influencing the attitudeof a community toward somecause or position by presentingonly one side of an argument. 20. FEAR IN JAPANS NATIONBUILDING 21. EAST ASIA CO-PROSPERITYSPHERE 22. Asia for Asians 23. Evaluating a propaganda 24. JAPAN IS POOR IN NATURALRESOURCESEMBARGOBOYCOTT 25. INDUSTRY : CAR 26. Japanese Discipline 27. Conquest Imperialism Aggression InfluenceGreater East AsiaCo-Prosperity Sphere 28. La Salle Brothers 29. Huks, Hukbalahap(Hukbo ng BayanLaban sa Hapon) 30. ku klux klan 31. Angst a feeling of anxiety, apprehension, or insecurityIntense Feelings. Overly Zealous. 32. WW2Japan : Full of Angst 33. Underlying reason for JapanPractical : Economics 34. December 7, 1941Then GermanyAnd Italy declaredWar on the USA. 35. December 8, 19416:30 am - Davao Citywas bombed 36. December 10, 1941 FirstInvasion of the Philippinesby the Japanese 37. By a Burmese NationalistWe often told you theBritish were sucking ourblood out of you. Well theJapanese are here to suckthe marrow out of yourbones. 38. Natural ResourcesRubber MalaysiaOil Dutch East Indies (Indonesia)Tin BurmaHow about the Philippines? 39. Battle of Midway 40. Bombing of Hiroshima August 6, 1945 Pres. Truman ordered the bombing because hedid not want hundreds of thousands moreAmericans killed. To end the war. The next day, because Japan did not reply tothe command of US for Unconditional Surrender,they bombed NAGASAKI. 41. How did the bombing ofNagasaki and Hiroshimaaffect the worlds view ofatomic weapons?Perhaps the greatest legacy ofNagasaki and Hiroshima is thatnuclear weapons have neverbeen used again as weapons ofwar.