The Story of the Three Little Kiwi’s NZ

Jack and danny

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Page 1: Jack and danny

The Story of the Three Little Kiwi’s


Page 2: Jack and danny

There was an old kiwi with three little kiwi’s and

as she had not enough to keep them, she sent

them out to seek their fortune. The first that

went off met a mate with a bundle of flax, and

said to him, "Please, mate, give me that flax

so I can build me a house." Which the mate

did, and the little kiwi built a bach with it.

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Nek minute came along a stoat, and knocked at the door,

and said, "Little kiwi, little kiwi, let me come in."

To which the kiwi answered, "No, no, get lost!

The stoat then answered to that, "Then I'll kick, and I'll

smash, and I'll blow your bach up." So he kicked, and he

smashed, and he blew his bach up, and gobbled up the

little kiwi.

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The second little kiwi met a mate with a bundle of sticks,

and said, "Please, mate, gimmie that pile of sticks so I

can build a bach." Which the mate did, and the pig built

his house.

Then along came the stoat, and said, "Little kiwi, little

kiwi, let me come in."

"No, no, get lost

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"Then I'll kick, and I'll smash, and I'll blow your house

up." So he kicked and he smashed, and he kicked, and

he smashed, and at last he blew the house up, and he

gobbled up the little kiwi.

The third little kiwi met a mate with a load of bricks, and

said, "Please, mate, give me those bricks to build a

house with." So the mate gave him the bricks, and he

built his house with them.

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So the stoat came, as he did to the other little kiwi’s, and

said, "Little kiwi, little kiwi, let me come in."

"No, no, get lost

"Then I'll kick, and I'll smash, and I'll blow your bach up."

Well, he kicked, and he smashed, and he kicked and he

smashed, and he kicked and smashed; but he could not

get the bach down. When he found that he could not,

with all his kicking and smashing, blow the house up, he

said, "Little kiwi, I know where there is a nice field of


Let me come in

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"Where?" said the little kiwi.

"Oh, in Mr.Danny’s home field, and if you will be

ready tomorrow morning I will call for you, and we

will go together and get some for dinner."

whatever said the little kiwi, "I will be ready, What

time do you mean to go?"

"Oh, at six o'clock."

Well, the little kiwi got up at five, and got the

turnips before the wolf came (which he did about

six) and who said, "Little kiwi, are you ready?"

The little kiwi said, "Ready! I have been and come

back again, and got a nice potful for dinner."

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The stoat felt very angry at this, the stoat was very angry indeed, and declared he would eat up the little kiwi, and that he would get down the chimney after him. When the little kiwi saw what he was about, he hung on the pot full of water, and made up a blazing fire, and, just as the stoat was coming down, took off the cover, and in fell the stoat; so the little kiwi put on the cover again in an instant, boiled him up, and ate him for dinner, and lived happily ever after.