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DISTRIBUTION AND HABITATIxora coccinea commonly known as jungle of geranium and red ixora, is an evergreen shrub found throughout India. 

Native to Southern India and Sri Lanka

Widely cultivated in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand.

It has become one of the most popular flowering shrubs in Indian gardens and landscapes.

Ixora derived from sanskrit ‘IKVANA’ name of malaysian Diety which means Ishwara to whom flowers were offered.

Hindus believes that the bush as sacared to Shiva and Vishnu

Coccinia means Scarlet

BOTANYIxora coccinea is a low-growing tropical shrub notable for its bright coloured flowers which are composed of many small blooms massed together into dense heads. 

It takes up to five years for Ixora coccinea to grow to its maximum height of about 1.2m (4 feet).

LEAVESleathery, shiny, pointed oblong leaves up to 10cm (4 inch) long

FLOWERSSmall tubular, dense rounded clusters 2-5 in (5–13 cm) across and colours ranges from red yellow pink are produced almost all year long.


Globose, fleshy purple when ripe , containing single seeded fruits.

Fruit is favourable for Peacock

USESHedges and screensFoundation plantingsMassed in flowering bedsIndoor decorationsBonsai

MEDICINAL USESThe flowers, leaves, roots, and the stem are used to treat various ailments in the Indian traditional system of medicine, the Ayurveda, and also in various folk medicines.

The fruits, when fully ripe, are used as a dietary source.

Plant possesses Antioxidative,Antibacterial,Gastroprotective,HepatoprotectiveAntidiarrhoeal, Antimutagenic,Antineoplastic Chemopreventive effectsRoots are used for stomach troubles and dysentry

Treatment for blood shot eyes, sores and ulcers

A dense, medium-sized, cold-tender shrub with huge clusters of flowers most of the year.

It prefers sun or partial shade and requires humus-rich, well drained, acidic soil.


CULTIVARSThere are numerous named cultivars differing in flower colour (yellow, pink, orange) and plant size.

Several popular cultivars are dwarfs, usually staying under 3 ft (1 m) in height.


Ixora coccinea ‘Fraseri’ 


 Ixora coccinea must have at least four hours a day of direct sunlight.Tolerates some shade


Warmth is essential.

These plants cannot tolerate temperatures below 15°C (59°F).


Keep soil continuously moist, but reduce watering in the winter. Very high humidity is preferred.


Propagate Ixora coccinea from stem cuttings 5-8cm (2-3 inch) long taken in spring.

Trim each cutting immediately below a leaf, remove that leaf and dip the cut end in hormone rooting powder.

Plant the cutting in a 5-8cm (2-3 inch) pot containing a moistened equal-parts mixture of peat moss and coarse sand or perlite.

PROBLEMSNo major serious insect or disease problems. (aphids, thrips, scale and mealybugs and mushroom root rot)

Chlorosis may develop in alkaline soils.

Sooty mold may appear.


Tecoma is a genus of 14 species of shrubs or small trees in the trumpet vine family, Bignoniaceae.

12 species- America and 2 species - Africa

This is an easy to grow and gloriously floriferous plant that has great potential in the nursery industry.

Tecoma is the official flower of the U.S. Virgin Islands, where its cheerful yellow blossoms have long been appreciated for their contribution to tropical color.

A showy, attractive, long-blooming accent shrub for rock gardens, perennial gardens, and other home landscapes within its range


Tecoma has been used for a variety of purposes in herbal medicine.

Its primary applications have been in treating diabetes and digestive problems.

Extracts from Tecoma stans leaves have been found to inhibit the growth of the fungal infection, Candida albicans.

The root of the plant is reported to be a powerful diuretic, vermifuge and tonic

Medicinal uses


Tecoma stans

Tecoma capensis

Tecoma gaudichaudi

Tecoma smithii

Tecoma stans Origin: AmericaCommon names :Yellow trumpet bush, yellow bells, yellow elder,


 Tecoma stans is the official flower of the United States Virgin Islands and the National flower of the Bahamas.

It has sharply toothed, lance-shaped green leaves and bears large, showy, bright golden yellow trumpet-shaped flowers.

It is drought-tolerant and grows well in warm climates. The flowers attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.

The plant produces pods containing yellow seeds with papery wings.

Origin: South africaCommon name: Cape Honey suckle

Normally evergreen, but deciduous in temperate regions. The flowers are tubular, narrow, about 7.5 cm (3 in) long and bird pollinated, attracting nectar-feeding birds, especially sunbirds.

The flower colour ranges from orange to orange-red to apricot

Tecoma capensis

It can be propagated from cuttings or by removing rooted suckers during the active growth phase

A tall quick growing, sun loving shrub which bears clusters of golden- yellow flowers during the summer months.

It is grown in the back row of a shrubbery.

It needs drastic pruning

Tecoma gaudichaudi

Tecoma smithiiOrigin : Australia

This is supposed to be a hybrid between T.mollis and Tecomaria capensis.

The bright yellow- tinged orange flowers are produced freely in large panicles.

Temperature: Heat loving, but freeze sensitive.

Light: Full sun is required, will grows in an loose, open and rangy manner if shaded even lightly.

Soil: Tecoma grows on a wide variety of soils, including sand and lime rock.

Watering: Yellow bells responds well to regular water and fertilizer applications during summer by producing more vigorous growth and heightened flowering.

It is drought and semi-salt tolerant


Pruning can be done in the early spring to control shape and size and promote new flushes of flowers


Fresh seeds germinate readily in sandy soil in the spring.

Semi hard wood cuttings root easily under mist in the summer.

Bottom heat will encourage rooting in cooler weather.


Phytophthora root rot fungi occasionally cause sudden plant death in heavy soils

A leaf skeletonizer caterpillar will infest the foliage on upper stems primarily.