Islamic Art

Islamic Art

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A Report by Jose Radin L. Garduque in MAT Soc. Sci. class of Prof. Jonathan Adjijil in Filamer Christian University, Roxas City (First Semester, A.Y. 2013-2014)

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Page 1: Islamic Art

Islamic Art

Page 2: Islamic Art

Islamic Art:

• Historical Context• Aesthetic

Consideration• Spiritual Motif• Visual Arts (Painting…)

• Architecture• Literature• Theater/Drama• Music• Dance

Page 3: Islamic Art

Islamic Art: Historical Context

Islamic Art emerged in 610 A.D. It started in Saudi Arabia and flourished throughout West Asia, North Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia and some parts of Europe. It evolved from Roman, Early Christian, Byzantine, Coptic, Sassanian/Persian, Central Asian, Chinese and Indian influences.

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Islamic Art: Historical Context

Religious and civic architecture were developed under the Ummayad Dynasty (661-750 A.D.) The Dome of the Rock was constructed in Jerusalem during this period. Abd al-Malik introduced a standard coinage that featured Arabic inscriptions, instead of images of monarchs.

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Islamic Art: Historical Context

Calligraphy began to be used in surface decoration of pottery during the Abbasid Dynasty (750-1258 A.D.). Magnificent palaces were built in Spain during the 1300s. Turkish carpets and the use of crescent as the symbol of Islam became dominant during the Ottoman Empire (1300s – 1900s). Nowadays, the carpet industry remains at large!

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Islamic Art: Aesthetic Consideration

The beauty and uniqueness of Islamic Art outshines in calligraphic designs found in paintings, pottery, textiles/carpets, sculpture and architecture. Such calligraphy are mainly derived from Quranic verses. Other inscriptions include verse of poetry, records of ownership and donation.

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Islamic Art: Aesthetic Consideration

For most of the Islamic period, majority of coins only showed letterings. No Islamic product has become better known outside the Islamic world than the carpet, more commonly referred to as oriental carpet/rug. Its beauty is emphasized by calligraphic, geometric/batik, landscape & arabesque designs.

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Islamic Art: Aesthetic Consideration

In painting, Chinese influence include the adoption of bird’s eye view of hilly landscapes or palace buildings. Calligraphy in Islamic pottery were also influenced by the Chinese. When it comes to architecture, the trademark of an Islamic structure includes horseshoe-shaped archs and onion-shaped domes.

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Islamic Art: Spiritual Motif

Islamic art is not at all restricted to religious art, but includes all the art of rich & varied cultures of Islamic societies as well. It may include secular elements that are frowned upon by Muslim theologians who are mostly iconoclasts.

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Islamic Art: Spiritual Motif

Although figurative paintings like depictions of the Prophet Muhammad exist, it is strictly prohibited in Islamic establishments like Mosques. The use of human and animal figures in Islamic art is feared by many Muslims because it can be considered as idolatry.

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Islamic Art: Spiritual Motif

That is why Islamic Art has focused on calligraphy and arabesque. Arabesque is a form of Islamic art that uses geometrical, floral or vegetal designs in a repetition. It symbolizes the transcendent, indivisible & infinite nature of God. Mistakes in repetitions maybe intentional to prove that only God can show perfection.

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Islamic Art: Visual Arts (Painting, Sculpture, Tapestry)

Pisa Griffin – largest surviving bronze animal sculpture in Spain

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Islamic Art: Visual Arts (Painting, Sculpture, Tapestry)

Jami Al-Tawarikh – an artist who created a painting of Muhammad lifting the black stone to the Kaaba

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Islamic Art: Visual Arts (Painting, Sculpture, Tapestry)

Kiswa – embroidered covering of the Kaaba with expensive and exquisite calligraphy (Quranic texts)

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Islamic Art: Architecture

Kaaba – located in Al-Masjid al-Haram in Mecca, it is a cubed-shaped building to which Muslims face during prayers and worship.

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Islamic Art: Architecture

Al-Masjid al-Haram – the most sacred mosque in Islam built around the Kaaba

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Islamic Art: Architecture

mosque/masjid – place of Islamic worship, equivalent to church/cathedral

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Islamic Art: Architecture

minaret – slender tower where the muezzin performs the Islamic call to prayer (adhan/azan)

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Islamic Art: Architecture

ablution facilities – include fountains/faucets where Muslims wash themselves and shoe shelves/racks where they place their footwear before entering the mosque

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Islamic Art: Architecture

musallah – the prayer hall inside the mosque where Muslims perform their prayers, worshipping and listening to sermons

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Islamic Art: Architecture

qibla wall – set perpendicular to the location of Kaaba in Mecca so Muslims face it during worship & prayer

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Islamic Art: Architecture

mihrab – a niche at the center of qibla wall indicating the direction of Mecca

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Islamic Art: Architecture

minbar – pulpit for the speaker of sermon

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Islamic Art: Architecture

Quba Mosque – oldest Mosque located in Medina

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Islamic Art: Architecture

Dome of the Rock – mosque in Jerusalem where Muhammad is believed to have ascended to heaven

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Islamic Art: Architecture

Hagia Sophia – cathedral converted into mosque in Turkey

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Islamic Art: Architecture

Great Mosque of Cordoba – mosque converted into church in Spain

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Islamic Art: Architecture

Great Mosque of Xian – first mosque in China established during the Tang Dynasty

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Islamic Art: Architecture

Taj Mahal – great Islamic tomb in India

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Islamic Art: Architecture

Sehan – Islamic courtyard/garden adjacent to some mosque, a representation of paradise

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Islamic Art: Literature

Quran/Koran – holiest book of Islam, believed to be the word of God revealed by Archangel Gabriel to Muhammad for a period of 23 years (609 632 A.D.)

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Islamic Art: Literature

Surah – Chapters of the Quran

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Islamic Art: Literature

Bismillah – “In the Name of Allah/God,” an opening phrase of every Surah

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Islamic Art: Literature

Hadith – book that contains the life and sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

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Islamic Art: Literature

Shahadah – the first pillar of Islam wherein a believer declares “La Illaha ill Allah, Muhamadar Rasul Allah” (There is no god but God, Muhammad is the Prophet of God)

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Islamic Art: Literature

Arabian Nights (A Thousand and One Nights) – compilation of folk tales by Persian Queen Scheherazade

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Islamic Art: Literature

Shanameh – national epic of Iran written by Ferdawsi

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Islamic Art: Literature

Hay ibn Yagdhan – first fictional Arabic novel written by Ibn Tufail

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Islamic Art: Literature

adhan/azan – the Islamic “Call to Prayer”

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Islamic Art: Theater/Drama

Moro-Moro – depicts battle between Muslims and Christians

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Islamic Art: Theater/Drama

Tazieh – portrays martyrdom of Imam Hussein

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Islamic Art: Music

*Some Muslims believe that only vocal music is permissible (halal) and that instruments are forbidden (haram), but other Muslims contend that instruments are lawful – like daff, zarb, rebab, etc.

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Islamic Art: Music

Hamd – song in praise of Allah

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Islamic Art: Music

Naat – a song in praise of Muhammad

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Islamic Art: Music

Nasheed – traditional religious song (e.g. Talaal Badru Alayna, a 1400 year old nasheed sung by the people of Medina upon the prophet’s arrival to their city)

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Islamic Art: Dance

Singkil - this dance takes its name from the bells worn on the ankles of the Muslim princess. Perhaps one of the oldest of truly Filipino dances, the Singkil recounts the epic legend of the "Darangan" of the Maranao people of Mindanao.

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Islamic Art: Dance

Vinta - Also called Pangalay ha Pattong, this dance is named for the picturesque boat with colorful sails which glide across the Sulu Sea. Central to this dance are the Royal Couple who each balance atop a pair of swaying bamboo poles, simulating their ride aboard a vinta.

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Islamic Art: Dance

Katsudorotan - depicts a royal manner of "walking" among the Maranao people who live mainly around Lake Lanao. Ladies of the royal court perform this stately dance in preparation for an important event. The bright colors and flowing handkerchiefs add to the drama of the dance.

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Islamic Art: Dance

Sema - performed by dervishes (equivalent to monks) by whirling their bodies to repetitive circles as symbolic imitation of the planets in the solar system

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Islamic Art: Music

Dhikr/Zikr – worship dance of Sufi Muslims

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Islamic Art

A Report by Jose Radin L. Garduquein MAT Soc. Sci. class of Prof. Jonathan Adjijil in Filamer Christian University, Roxas City (First Semester, A.Y. 2013-2014)

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