Intro to postmodernism

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POSTMODERNISM Is the fashionable term used to describe

CONTEMPORARY culture, or the very recent CULTURE which we live amongst. We are inhabiting a POSTMODERN WORLD.

The term is a lose one , hard to define because of vagueness about the MODERN era, there is no definite start or point of change when society suddenly became postmodern

The term gradually ‘crept in during the 1980s! Articles and books on postmodernism started to be published from the early 1980s.

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Post-modernism is a set of theories which suggests that society is undergoing a radical series of changes where modernism is either: coming to an end or, being rejected by people or, changing into a new order.

Postmodernism it is general the era that follows Modernism

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It started with postmodern architecture

Architects and their grew bored with the restrictive rules of modernism which dictated that form follow function and allowed for no decoration.

Philip Johnston’s tower has a classical greek pediment shape on the top taken from furniture design

They started to make reference to older styles of architecture and develop playful forms

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There is postmodern food . .

A blending of culturesA HYBRID FORM!!!

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Postmodern fashion Fashion can also be inspired by other cultures and by the past

Katharine Hamnett >

Henry Holland?

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Get into groups of four Each member will have a different form of post modernism.

You must read it out to the rest of the group.

As a group, can you think of any examples of this form of post modernism in media texts that you consume.

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PastichePastiche is a work of art, literature, music, movie etc, that imitates the work of the previous media text but embracing the text in a positive way.

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ParodyParody is a media text that mimics or imitates another media text in order to ridicule or create humour.

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Bricolageis a collection or collage of different media text which forms one text. This can create a new form on its own.

E.g: documentary + soap opera + game show = reality tv

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Making reference to another media text, within a media text.

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Is technology enabling us, the audience to create postmodern interpretations of media texts?


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• Pastiche is a work of art, literature, music, movie etc, that imitates the work of the previous media text but embracing the text in a positive way.

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• Parody is a media text that mimics or imitates another media text in order to ridicule or create humour.

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• is a collection or collage of different media text which forms one text. This can create a new form on its own.

• E.g: documentary + soap opera + game show = reality tv

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• Making reference to another media text, within a media text.