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Instructional strategy

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Instructional Strategies:

Pre instructional Activities:

The vodcast will start with a series of questions, which are designed to grab the attention of the

learners. Once the learners have been motivated and the relevance of the subject matter has been

established they will be presented with another set of questions on pre-requisite entry skills. If the

learners answer “no” to any of these questions they will be asked to acquire those skills and

complete the training module at a later time. The questions used in the vodcast may be found in

Appendix I.

After this series of questions, there will be a brief break in questioning when the anticipation

guide is presented to the learners. This guide will be a series of eight questions that the learners

will respond to by placing a check next to them if they agree with. The anticipation guide is

designed to give them a boost in confidence by assuring them that they already know something

about the unit and to transition them to the training that is to come. The anticipation guide will

then be re-presented at the end of the training session in order to show the learners a growth in

their learning. The questions used for the anticipation guide can be found in Appendix II.

Content Presentation

This is a performance-based project. It will be delivered in two programs in either two separate

computers or on the same computer with two programs running side by side. The learners will

switch between the two in order to link the instructions with their learning. The training module

will be delivered through a video podcast involving a screen cast demonstrating the desired

activity and the objective. For each of the steps or a new objective there will be a simulated

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activity containing a screen cast of the activity so it is easy for the learners for follow through

with the direction. The learners will also be presented with a quick reference diagram so that they

can visualize their learning process. The diagram can be found in Appendix III.

In order to assess their performance a series of interactive questioning will be embedded after

each objective or step of the training has been completed. The unit as a whole may be presented to

the learners as a standalone activity or in a group setting where the learners can collaborate

amongst each other. Learners will be able to access the training guide anytime on the Refugee

School website. The training guide, instruction material and assessment questions may be found

in Appendix IV.

Learner Participation:

Throughout the training the learners will be presented with questions to check

understanding and receive feedback. This unit is recommended for training in a group setting so

that learners can give each other feedback and consult for any tips. Activities in most of the steps

are designed in such a way that any further activities are based on the understanding and

performance of the previous activity. Therefore, learners can check their performance directly

before moving onto the next section.

These entry-level skills may be checked and verified through the use of the anticipation guide. If

the learners do not possess the entry skills they may go through additional training in order to be

ready for the instructional unit. The learners may be able to evaluate themselves on their

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achievements upon completion of the unit and using the rubric. Besides, upon completion of each

of the steps in the training learners will be posed with a series of interactive application questions,

which will act as a self-assessment and evaluation. These application questions may be found in

Appendix V. Answers to the questions are found in Appendix VI.

Learners may be able to get feedback from their peers as well. The final task in this unit is to

create a gradebook and assign a grade to a group of students. After completion of the task the

evaluator or the learners themselves may be able to assess the learning and performance through

the use of the rubric, which can be found in Appendix VII. After completing the unit learners will

be posed with the anticipation guide to assess the growth in their learning. Learners will also be

asked to respond to a survey as an evaluation for the instructional unit.

Follow through activities:

The vodcast is a real world experience, which will enhance the learner’s overall

experience of learning. Although there is no memorization required learners will be able to

visualize the learning processes by referring to the diagram in Appendix III. The diagram

outlines the entire process of the training module.

Media and delivery mode:

The training material will be delivered through a web-based vodcast through the use of

online media tool such as a YouTube. This training will be an independent study material with

feedback from an independent evaluator or a peer. Media that have been selected for the

instructional unit are as follow:

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Vodcast: The vodcast containing the anticipation guide and the questions will be emailed to all


Screen cast and simulation: Will be available through a YouTube video

Training guide: will be emailed to all the learners.

Diagram: Will be emailed to all learners.

First draft of Instructional Materials:

Appendix content:

Appendix I: Instructional material.

Appendix: II: Questions to motivate the learner and to grab their attention.

Appendix III: Anticipation guide.

Appendix V: Diagram.

Appendix VI: Answers key to Application questions.

Instructional material:


Welcome to Edmodo training instructions for Refugee Teachers!

Ask yourself the following questions:

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Appendix II:

Are you tired of grading papers and wonder if anyone else could do it for you?

Do you wish that there were a better way to do record keeping?

Are you tired of having to hand write all of your exams and having to change them all

over again every year when the curriculum changes?

Do you wish that you did not have to spoon-feed missed work when a student is absent?

Are you overstressed during a grading season and wished that grading could have been


If you have answered “yes” to any of the questions you may be ready to add some technology to

enhance your classroom instructions. Edmodo is the perfect tool for you to try in order to better

instruct your students as well as make your life easy to maintain records and grade assessments.

Are you ready yet? Before we proceed we need to answer a few questions to test your entry-level

skills. Please take a moment to read the questions on this anticipation guide. You may only

answer agree or disagree:

Appendix III:

Yes No Statement

I have at least fifth grade reading skills

I am familiar with the use of a mouse

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I am familiar with simple web-based learning tools and generally to able to

edit and save information

I have and am able to sign up and log into online websites

Please note that questions #1 through #4 are pre-requisite before you begin this unit. If you

answer “no” to any of these three questions you should obtain more basic skills before


Agree Disagree Checklist

I am familiar with Edmodo and it’s relevance to use in a classroom setup.

Edmodo may be used as a social networking tool between teachers and their

students as well as with other educators.

I can run my classes through the use of Edmodo.

I can set up classes in Edmodo as a “group”.

I can upload assignments onto Edmodo and can disseminate information to

my students without having to repeat them every time

I can create a quiz and grade it on Edmodo

I can create a gradebook for each student.

I can add reading material to the library and can share with my students


If you are at this point in the instructional unit you must have filled out the anticipation guide.

Please do not worry if you already do not know how to carry out some of these tasks yet. We are

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here to learn those skills! As you may have guessed that we have many exciting features about

this wonderful Internet tool to introduce you to. In every step of the training a web simulation

will being provided. You may watch the corresponding video on YouTube and follow through

with the instructions on either another window or another computer.

Please refer to the diagram to visualize your learning and follow through with all the required

steps. After completion of each of the step you will answer one multiple-choice questions and

refer to the answer key provided. If you have gotten the right answer you may proceed to the next

step. If not, please repeat he same step. At the end of the training you will get to look at the

anticipation guide to chart your progress. The rubric given at the end of the unit will give you a

chance to evaluate yourself and see how you did.