Lyn Lall, (RSC EM Advisor), Carolyn Lewis (Vocational Innovation Ltd) Developing Digital Employability Skills

Insight into Developing Digital and Functional skills of those seeking employment, and in the workplace

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Lyn Lall, (RSC EM Advisor), Carolyn Lewis (Vocational Innovation Ltd)

Developing Digital Employability Skills

Learning Objectives

Raise awareness of how recruitment trends have changed and the skills required by tutors to support learners into employment

Raise awareness of digital skills used in the workplace and how these link to Functional Skills.

Consider how digital and functional skills can be developed in a training environment using digital solutions used in the workplace.

Poll: Employability Skills Training

Please answer one of the following:

A. We cover all the above in our delivery

B. We cover some of the above in our delivery

C. We do not include any of the above in our delivery

Inclusion in Employability Skills training:

• How to use social networking for job seeking• How technology is being used in the connected workplace• Using cloud technology in the workplace• Using voice over internet technology in the workplace• Workplace online responsibilities

May 2014: 975,000 young people aged

16-24 are unemployed.

“By 2015, 90% of jobs will need e-skills. Virtually all young people are familiar with electronic games and social networking and might be

considered as ‘digital natives’, but they are not ‘digitally competent’ in the sense that they do not know sufficiently how to use the digital world

in a business context”.

The Recruitment Landscape

77% of recruiters regularly search the internet for

information on prospective employees prior to hiring.

87% of the 100 million LinkedIn users are using it

for recruitment.

94% of recruiters use social media to support recruitment.

42% of recruiters have reconsidered a candidate based

on content viewed in a social profile, leading to

both positive and negative re-assessments

Recruiters use Applicant Tracking Software to find

CVs to match a job profile.

Why should job seekers be on the web?

An online presence to supplement your CV

definitely enhances your offerings as a candidate.

You want to have a digital presence on the web so that

recruiters can find you.

The web provides the opportunity to showcase your

talents, personality, style, and interests.

It shows employers you are internet savvy and have a

good understanding of social media.

Use of Social Media

Using the pen tool please mark the box of each social media platform that you use.

Keyword: a word or concept of great significance

Keywords are the backbone to your CV: without them, your CV won’t get a look-in. Make sure you use the right keywords to get your CV noticed. Jobsite.co.uk

Having the right keywords in your social profile is critical to making yourself visible to recruiters and hiring managers. Without the right keywords, your profiles (and you) are invisible, because your profile may never be seen by a recruiter. Jobhunt.org

The Importance of Keywords




RecruiterJob Seeker

Skills for Online Job Seekers

Create complete well developed profiles that are keyword rich.

Research the keywords that are the best fit for your skills and qualifications as found in job adverts.

A headline of your profile should be that you are job seeking.

Follow people and companies who are in the industry you are interested in.

Skills for Online Job Seekers

Join relevant groups and lists to research what is going on in your industry and to participate in discussions.

Share interesting topics from people in your industry – it shouldn’t be about self-promotion.

Recruiters have to be able to find you, so your profile must be public.

Don’ts for Online Job Seekers

Send a non-customised CV to a recruiter without the keywords associated with the job being applied for.

Make your CV available to recruiters as a pdf as Applicant Tracking Systems cannot scan and read the content.

Contact recruiters or companies on social networking with comments such as:

Can you help me find a job?Do you have any job openings that fit my profile?

Can you please send me ??’s email address / phone number?

Have any errors in your profile, CV and covering letter.

Job Hunting Using Twitter

#UKJobs, #Jobsuk, #JobSearch, #JobOpening, #JobListing, #HR, #Recruiting, #Hiring, #Employment, #ApplyNow

Use hash tags to search for jobs.

Use Twitter as jumping off point to more

detailed information

Use Twitter lists to store useful companies

Use Twitter apps created by recruiters

Stand out from the Crowd

“I had a personal website and blog (on which I posted about my profession). My current boss looked it up, printed out blog posts, and brought them to my interview to discuss my opinions, my writing, my voice, etc. I think they may have helped me land the job! A well-maintained personal website is an advantage”.

Stand out from the Crowd

Any Questions??

Digital Skills in the Workplace

Collaborate online

Share resources online

Upload content online

Organise tasks online

Represent the employer on SM

Join online meetings

Mobile Devices and Remote Working

Read documents

View emails & calendars

Take photos & watch video

Edit documents/take notes

Problem solve online

Process data

Advice from employers to those looking for work, (JISC project):

Start a blog Learn about social media rather than just using social media Make yourself the mobile queen/king Complete some online training or education Embrace technology and make it your passion - access the

growing market of flexible career options

These skills are more important than ever, due to the Internet making communication and information widespread, and companies responding to an array of new problems with new technology.

Gallup Survey 2013

Critical thinking and problem solving



Creativity and innovation

4 ‘Cs’ Employability Skills

Workplace Skills


Work collaboratively in your group to create a website on viruses and malware. Research what the threats are, what the impact is and how to protect against them.

1. Plan the project tasks to meet objectives

2. Record group members responsibilities

3. Research Viruses and Malware

4. Evidence searches used

5. Evaluate sources used

6. Store files appropriately

7. Organise an online meeting of the project team to report progress

8. Share drafted information

9. Create the website

10. Share the website with others

11. Send details of how to access the website to the tutor

ICT Functional Skills Level 2

Work collaboratively in your group to create a website on viruses and malware. Research what the threats are, what the impact is and how to protect against them.

1. Plan the project tasks to meet objectives

2. Record group members responsibilities

3. Research Viruses and Malware

4. Evidence searches used

5. Evaluate sources used

6. Store files appropriately

7. Organise an online meeting of the project team to

report progress

8. Share drafted information

9. Create the website

10. Share the website with others

11. Send details of how to access the website to the tutor

ICT Functional Skills Level 2



Putting Functional Skills into Practise

Work on a ‘Useful Guide’ project. Store and share work using Google Docs.

Answer knowledge questions via mobile


Conduct an online survey and share results online.

Host a Google Hangout to provide team members

with data collected.Create an e-magazine for a

specific workplace.

Create a flipbook on ICT security


Contribute to a joint report

using a wiki.

Contribute to an online


Create a professional website/blog or one for a

local community.

Research a career and give an online presentation.

Prepare an e-mailshot on trends in mobile device usage.

Set up a LinkedIn profile.

Videos Quizzes



Flip Workbooks



Track Activity

The Blended Model


PresentationShare your


PollsQ & A

Link with VLE

Interactive whiteboard

Link with workbooks

The Blended Model




Flip Workbooks





Flip Workbooks




The Blended Model

Any Questions??

Insight 2014 webinars coming up next

Thursday 5th June

9.45 – 10.30 Free tools, training, advice and resources from the Discover Jisc project

11.15 – 12.00 Why capture video and audio?

13.45 – 14.30 Online Delivery of Functional Skills

15.15 – 16.00 e-Assessment tools

Face to Face workshop days

• Oadby Campus, University of Leicester (10th June) or

• Albert Hall, Nottingham (11th June)