Inset 2013 SMSC - Behaviour Systems - Safety

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SMSC tracking

House system


Tutor time

‘MyLife’ challenge

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SMSC trackingRecording

Department analysis


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SMSC trackingRecording

Department analysis


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The House System

Dates needed

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From the students and staff of the life@DSHS development group

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Vision for the House System: 

Opportunities to take part, to feel a sense of belonging and to enjoy spending time with each other will be available to all.

Challenge, friendly competition and co-operation will enrich the school life we share.

We will learn about our self, each other and about how we work and play together. We will win and we will lose, and we will learn from those experiences.

People who come to Droitwich Spa High School will enjoy being here and invest effort to achieve.

From the students and staff of the life@DSHS development group

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Keeping it simple

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Keeping it simple• 2 competitions feeding in to 1 final


• Department challenges (5-25 points)

• Feedback results to me and I will collate

• SIMS points weekly (5 points per week)

• Weekly display in glass cabinet / on TV

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Keeping it simple• 2 competitions feeding in to 1 final


• Department challenges (5-25 points)

• Feedback results to me and I will collate

• SIMS points weekly (5 points per week)

• Weekly display in glass cabinet / on TV

You will be recognised and rewarded for :

• Contributing to the life of the school in a positive way

• Showing improvement, changing and making progress

• Excellent work or a!itude to learning

SIMS points

Praise Cards Curriculum Recognition

Stars of the Week

Awards Evenings and Assemblies


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Keeping it simple• 2 competitions feeding in to 1 final


• Department challenges (5-25 points)

• Feedback results to me and I will collate

• SIMS points weekly (5 points per week)

• Weekly display in glass cabinet / on TV

• Add them up to find the House of the Year and the winners of the House Trophy

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Scientific Spelling Bee

Creative Writing









Philosophical Enquiry







RugbyBig Quiz Tennis



SIMS / House Points


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Scientific Spelling Bee

Creative Writing









Philosophical Enquiry







RugbyBig Quiz Tennis



SIMS / House Points


Dates please

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Assemblies 2013-14

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HouseHeadteacherHead of Year





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1. People are naturally curious but not naturally good thinkers2. Factual Knowledge precedes Skill3. Memory is the residue of thought4. We understand new things in the context of things we already know5. Proficiency requires practice6. Cognition is fundamentally different early and late in training7. Children are more alike than different in terms of learning8. Intelligence can be changed though sustained hard work9. Teaching, like any complex cognitive skill must be practised to be improved

They are true ALL of the time in learning.

Based on EVIDENCE and lots of it as opposed

to ‘hearsay’

Using or ignoring WILL have sizeable impact

People know HOW they can apply it in schools

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Tutor time2013-14

Years 8-10

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Valuable time

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Valuable time• Year 8-10

• Structured time via the VLE course

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Valuable time• Year 8-10

• Structured time via the VLE course

• Morning• Thought for the day

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Valuable time• Year 8-10

• Structured time via the VLE course

• Morning• Thought for the day

• A"ernoon tutor period except assembly day• Citizenship requirement (1-2 days)

• Topical where possible and linked to learning assemblies

• Question based

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Valuable time• Year 8-10

• Structured time via the VLE course

• Morning• Thought for the day

• A"ernoon tutor period except assembly day• Citizenship requirement (1-2 days)

• Topical where possible and linked to learning assemblies

• Question based

• MyLife Challenge (1-2 days)

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Valuable time• Year 8-10

• Structured time via the VLE course

• Morning• Thought for the day

• A"ernoon tutor period except assembly day• Citizenship requirement (1-2 days)

• Topical where possible and linked to learning assemblies

• Question based

• MyLife Challenge (1-2 days)

• Reading

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‘MyLife’ challenge

The tutor ‘nudge’

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‘MyLife’ Challenge

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‘MyLife’ Challenge

• One simple personal challenge each term

• That push the boundaries of the student’s current life in or out of school

• Spiritual / Moral

• Social

• Cultural

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‘MyLife’ Challenge

• One simple personal challenge each term

• That push the boundaries of the student’s current life in or out of school

• Spiritual / Moral

• Social

• Cultural

• SMSC activities become the ‘vehicle’ for some

• Recorded in SIMS - House colours / Reward

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Behaviour Systems and Support

Paul Clayton

Deputy Head


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Behaviour Systems and Support

“Behaviour around the academy and in lessons is good overall and o!en outstanding. Students are courteous and polite to adults and each other. Students are safe and it is clear from their a"itudes and improving a"endance that they enjoy coming to the academy”

Ofsted, November 2012

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Behaviour Systems and Support

“Nearly all students behave well in lessons and around the academy. Misbehaviour in lessons is rare and is usually the result of less effective and engaging teaching. Students agree that poor behaviour is rare in lessons and, when it does happen, it is handled consistently and effectively by staff so that no learning time is lost. Students who are removed from lessons are also given work to do, so that they do not lose learning time.”

Ofsted, November 2012

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rules - routines - respect

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rules - routines - respect

consistent - caring - calm

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rules - routines - respect

consistent - caring - calm

choice - consequence

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rules - routines - respect

consistent - caring - calm

choice - consequence

recognise - reward

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rules - routines - respect

consistent - caring - calm

choice - consequence

recognise - reward

follow through and follow up

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Developing positive relationships

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meet, greet and seatDeveloping positive relationships

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meet, greet and seatknow names

Developing positive relationships

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meet, greet and seatknow names

engage with everyone

Developing positive relationships

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meet, greet and seatknow names

engage with everyonepraise positive participation

Developing positive relationships

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meet, greet and seatknow names

engage with everyonepraise positive participation

high expectations

Developing positive relationships

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meet, greet and seatknow names

engage with everyonepraise positive participation

high expectations

Developing positive relationships

value effort and achievement

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meet, greet and seatknow names

engage with everyonepraise positive participation

high expectations

Developing positive relationships

value effort and achievementengage and enthuse

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Developing positive relationships

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Separate the behaviour from the student

Developing positive relationships

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Separate the behaviour from the student

Describe, remind and re-direct

Developing positive relationships

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Separate the behaviour from the student

Describe, remind and re-direct

Choice - Consequence - provide “take up time”

Developing positive relationships

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Separate the behaviour from the student

Describe, remind and re-direct

Choice - Consequence - provide “take up time”


Developing positive relationships

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Separate the behaviour from the student

Describe, remind and re-direct

Choice - Consequence - provide “take up time”


“Thank-you” not “Please”

Developing positive relationships

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Separate the behaviour from the student

Describe, remind and re-direct

Choice - Consequence - provide “take up time”


“Thank-you” not “Please”

Developing positive relationships

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Head of Dept Head of Year



Teacher Department Pastoral Team SLT

Teacher Consequence

Department Consequence

Pastoral Team Consequence

SLT Consequence

Your choicePositive | Negative

Your choicePositive | Negative

Your choicePositive | Negative

You can choose to behave well at any point even when you have already made a mistake

If you make positive choices the problem ends

More than 6 Negative SIMS points in a 2 week period will mean an automatic


Lateness at any time and poor behaviour at break and lunch will also

receive consequences.

Life. Changing. Learning.

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Pastoral Scenarios

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A girl walks into your lesson wearing a nose-stud. When you ask her to take it out, she tells you that her form tutor has said that she could wear it,

adding that her mother has already been in touch with the school to explain why she cannot take it out. What do you do?

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A girl walks into your lesson wearing a nose-stud. When you ask her to take it out, she tells you that her form tutor has said that she could wear it,

adding that her mother has already been in touch with the school to explain why she cannot take it out. What do you do?

A boy calls another student “gay”, when that student has a#empted to answer a question but gave the wrong answer. The boy has quickly

apologised to you and said, “Sorry, it was just banter.” What do you do?

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A girl walks into your lesson wearing a nose-stud. When you ask her to take it out, she tells you that her form tutor has said that she could wear it,

adding that her mother has already been in touch with the school to explain why she cannot take it out. What do you do?

A boy calls another student “gay”, when that student has a#empted to answer a question but gave the wrong answer. The boy has quickly

apologised to you and said, “Sorry, it was just banter.” What do you do?

You notice a boy in your tutor group is very subdued during tutor time. He hangs around at the end of the session to speak to you. He tells you that his friend in another tutor

group has said that his father hit him the previous night a$er an argument and that his friend is frightened to go home a$er school. What do you do?

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A girl walks into your lesson wearing a nose-stud. When you ask her to take it out, she tells you that her form tutor has said that she could wear it,

adding that her mother has already been in touch with the school to explain why she cannot take it out. What do you do?

A boy calls another student “gay”, when that student has a#empted to answer a question but gave the wrong answer. The boy has quickly

apologised to you and said, “Sorry, it was just banter.” What do you do?

You notice a boy in your tutor group is very subdued during tutor time. He hangs around at the end of the session to speak to you. He tells you that his friend in another tutor

group has said that his father hit him the previous night a$er an argument and that his friend is frightened to go home a$er school. What do you do?

You are walking along the corridor on your way to the staffroom for morning break when a girl runs out of a classroom, slamming the door. When you ask

her to stop, she swears at you, and carries on running. What do you do?