Initial Plans Beth geldard

Initial plans

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Page 1: Initial plans

Initial Plans

Beth geldard

Page 2: Initial plans

Brief Considerations• What have you been asked to make?I need to create a product of my own. This will most likely contain lots of different products based upon a consistent concept. And this is what I will be doing in my final production as, I am creating a fashion show plus to advertise for this I will be having to create different media products to let people know about this. Product I am creating are •Poster •Website •Clothing (back stage for what the workers will be wearing)•Magazine Iv chosen these as they closely interlink with each other as they are a good way of viewing and finding out items. Even though print and digital media are shown in different way they both still grab your attention and each item you interact with. By creating each one of these I will be extending and increasing the view rate and letting more people to know about this fashion show. • Who is your target audience?*For my target audience I am aiming my product for teenagers/young adults female aged between 15-25. the reason for this is that I want to aim for a mature audience but this making it fun and unique.

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To create this I was influence by vogue and this is one of their magazines and their official website. I like how simple and elegant the lay out is, its clear and easy to understand what they are trying to sell and that’s what grabs your attention. By having the logo right at the top is a good selling point of knowing what the brand is as well it is visible for everyone to see. For the text being around Kate Moss shows that they want the main attention to be on her so you can see her flaws. The type of text they have used is posh, bold and pointy and all of these describe how well vogue has done as for posh, its aimed for upper-class audience; its bold to indicate the development of the procedure of how it has come to the top fashion magazine. By it being pointy shows the sharpness of going in to and aiming for this type of look and making it clear.

This links in with my work as, I was wanting to have a medium shot for the magazine cover as it selling her outfit as well your seeing her facial expression. What she’s trying to shows off is that she’s sexy and confident. By using a celebrity to model for the magazine this will consequently get people to read the magazine

The success of vogue magazine is an achievement as its well known and Popular as, comparison to any other magazine in fashion. A selling point of this magazine is that people know celebrities who are modeling for Vogue, which is increasing the population of who read it. Readers are influence and inspired by celebrities and try to be like them so they copy what they do. Linking back to my products I don’t want it to be as expensive I want to have affordable prices for them to entices them to buy it more as I am aiming for a young audience.


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The structure of vogue website they have used a lot of white space which makes it look pure and professional. The contrast between the image and the white space they’ve still wanted to make it look stylish and linking the ‘master head’ with the colours of the image. Because the website says ‘July’ they haven't tried it make it look colourful and bright.

The writing next to and on top of the image is small shows that the main attention is on the model. Because they haven't used a lot of writing on the homepage this intrigues the reader to find out more in what they are selling. 80% is an image they have done this because I don’t want you to think you have to read a lot. Don’t provide a lot of writing so there making you go through their website to find out what they are advertising. To extended there population they have advertised there magazine on their website so shows they do different media platforms to advertise fashion.

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Informal ProposalIdea 1 Idea 2 Idea 3

Concept Fashion Brand Rock Concert Merchandise

Promotional materials for a film in the romance genre

Type of products you would make

• Magazine • Clothing• Website/blog• Flyers

Magazine ClothingWebsite/blogFlyers

• Magazine • Clothing• Website/blog• Flyers

What you will need to make


Camera Model Computer photoshop

Computer photoshop

Computer photoshop

Audience teenagers/young adults, female audience; aiming for a mature audience

teenagers/young adultsFirst target audience male Second women

teenagers/young adultsAimed for women

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ChoicesDiscounted ideas Reasons for not choosing this

projectRock Concert Merchandise • I decided not to do this as I would have had to

get a calibration of people for me to take photos of. I don’t have much knowledge and experience within this genre and I would find making contacts hard to source and developing the overall brand to be different to existing ones challenging as so many already exist.

Promotional materials for a film in the romance genre

• I was not able to get a couple to pose for me and couldn’t think of any content to put on a leaflet to advertise for the story which would be different and interesting to the audience. I wanted to challenge and break the conventions of that genre but I could not get enough responses in my focus group to go forward with the idea.

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Final Idea ChoiceFinal Idea Fashion Brand

Reasons for Choice • I have more experience and ideas to put through this product and it will be easy for me to make contacts and source information and products.

Changes made from initial idea/mind map

• I was going to keep to a professional look with the colours but decided to go vibrant so it would stand out from the background and it would also keep the younger audience interested.

How does this product fulfil the brief?

• My product meets the brief as I have make my own product called ‘Turn Over’ and I have made different advertisements to go with it, pulling the brand across different media.

Planning/Production Issues • I was having to find people to model for my brand and getting a place where I could take the photos as the studio was in use.

What do you plan to make? • I plan to make a magazine, website, leaflet and a poster

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Mood Board AnalysisIs there any repetition in the images you have collected? Repeated colours/images styles/fonts/tone/moodThere is repetition is the images I have chosen such as for the front cover they have kept ‘Vogue’ as the top of the magazine. They might have done this so it is recognisable for the people that read there magazine. Another thing is that they have used baby pink on both of the magazine shows that they like to keep similarities between all of the magazine. The images are clear and vibrant which gives of a positive outlook on the magazine. Each of the models expressions have gone for a gormless look which makes them look natural and their makeup is quite subtle. Get the impression that vogue go for the simple look but a lot of effort has done in to them looking like that. For the covers of the magazine they have used close up/medium shots; they might have done this so you can see the emotion on their faces which gives off a powerful look I think . How will your mood board influence your final product?The types of images will influence me to know what type of camera shots I am wanting as well as the colours as they are all bold and positive so it catches the audience attention. By getting theses images it has helped me to decided on what I want each of my items that I creating to be like. Its helped me to show what grabs peoples attention. Its shown me what types of fonts to use as they look professional.

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The type of lighting they have used is high key. They have wanted to create a realism look, by using this lighting makes her look innocent as well makes her look perfect. Another thing is it look like there is a glow around her. They have used a soft focus which makes her look delicate. For the camera angle they have used a long shot , they have done this so you are able to see what they are selling as it is a clear view on her shoes and the design of the dress. Looks like they have gone for a vintage look with the type of back ground and what she is wearing. By her looking up makes the images look quite mysterious as we don’t know what she is staring at.

Its set in a set location which keeps a realistic look

to the hole image. They have enhanced the lighting to make it look like she is in

a studio. The images uses cool

colours the hole image creates a calming and

peaceful effect. What is wearing looks like

she is going out in the evening she look elegant

and sexy. There are no props around

so shows that they want you to keep your eyes on

her. I really like this image as I

love the position that she is in as its abit enclosed yet

you are still able to see what she is wearing. And

the closer complements the colour of her skin.

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For this image they have used a close up which is eye level which makes a connation with the audience. Another reason why they used a close up is so you can see the emotion on her face. By using a close up in a magazine get the impression that it will have something to do with a beauty products . They’ve chosen a soft focus to create a feminism look. From her fair skin to her white hair she creates an angelic look. This also reflects on the minimalistic colours within the photo only using white and creams creating a natural environment and a positive outlook There are no props to advertise what the aim of this picture. The location looks like its set in a studio which creates a professional look.This image creates a simple look by using different shades of whites and pink. As she looks fresh. Because she is making eye contact with the camera makes her look powerful and got control as it looks like she is following you.

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I have tried to create the same shot has the one I analysed before as I think its creative the way that she is positioned. Because it shows a clear view of what she is wearing and her facial expression. By choosing to have a white back ground creates a pure vibe and a positive look. This might inspire people to be like her as she looks elegant and confident with what she is wearing. And think it wanting people to think the same way. To improve this image what i could do is use a low angle shot so i am the same level with the model.