In what ways does your media products develop forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways does your media products develop forms and conventions of real life media products?

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Page 1: In what ways does your media products develop forms and conventions of real life media products?

In what ways does your media

products develop forms and

conventions of real media products?

Page 2: In what ways does your media products develop forms and conventions of real life media products?

Camera workIn our teaser trailer, we used many different camera shots, movements, as well as camera angles.

The purpose of this is make our teaser trailer look more professional by using a wide range of camera shots, movements and angles in order to develop our ideas using real media products.

The different camera shots, movements angles each have different purposes. For example, a high angle shot may be used to make the antagonist seem superior to the protagonist.

Page 3: In what ways does your media products develop forms and conventions of real life media products?

Camera workAs a group we watched the teaser trailer for the film ‘In Fear’, and we noticed that camera work has been used very effectively.

The picture above is of a screen shot from the teaser trailer for the film ‘In Fear’. This film has the same genre as ours, therefore we decided to research into their teaser trailer. The picture above is of a low angle camera shot.

The low angle suggests that the dark, forest is superior to the characters. It also suggests that danger is lurking around. This camera angle is very effective in showing the audience what the film could be about with the use of the mise en scene.

Page 4: In what ways does your media products develop forms and conventions of real life media products?

Camera workBy analysing the camera work involved in the teaser trailer for the film ‘In Fear’, we were able to develop ideas of camera work for our own teaser trailer . We liked how the camera angle in ‘In Fear’ was able to show danger lurking around, therefore we used a similar camera angle in our teaser trailer to also connote danger.

The picture above is a screen shot from our teaser trailer. This is the opening scene in the teaser trailer, therefore we wanted to use a low angle camera shot of the car driving past houses with the trees above. The low angle makes the characters feel vulnerable and it makes. Using this angle at the start of our teaser trailer makes our teaser trailer look more professional.

This camera angle is similar to the low angle that was used in the teaser trailer for the film ‘In Fear’. However the only difference is that we used this particular camera angle right at the beginning of our teaser trailer, whereas the camera angle in the teaser trailer for the film ‘In Fear’ was not used in the beginning of the teaser trailer. It was used in between the beginning and the middle.

Page 5: In what ways does your media products develop forms and conventions of real life media products?

Camera work

The picture above is of a screen shot from the teaser trailer for the film ‘In Fear’. In this particular scene, a medium shot has been used. This camera shot is very effective in its purpose of showing the body language and performance of the character looking lost and confused in the woods.

The setting and location, which is an element of mise en scene. also helps to connote the lost and confused feelings of the character with the use of the medium shot. The character is standing in the woods, which is very dark, and with the use of the medium shot, it connotes danger.

Another example of how we developed our ideas by using real media texts is by doing further research into the camera angles for the teaser trailer ‘In Fear’.

Page 6: In what ways does your media products develop forms and conventions of real life media products?

Camera workThe medium shot that is used in the teaser trailer for the film ‘In Fear’ is very effective in showing the body language, as well as the performance of the character. Therefore, we decided to also use a medium shot in the scene where the protagonist is in the forest.

The picture above is of a screen shot from our teaser trailer. It is quite similar to the scene in the teaser trailer for the film ‘In Fear’, where the character is in the forest looking lost and confused. In the picture above, the protagonist is also looking lost and confused.

The medium shot effectively shows that the protagonist is lost and confused because of the body language and performance. The medium shot is very effective in showing the character’s hands above his head, which suggests that he is thinking and is feeling stressed.

Page 7: In what ways does your media products develop forms and conventions of real life media products?

EditingIn our teaser trailer, we have used a few editing techniques in order to keep a steady flow of shots throughout our teaser trailer.

In real teaser trailers, the editors use different editing techniques in order to make the shots make sense to the audience understand and become engaged.

Each different editing technique has its own purpose. For example a shot reverse shot may be used during dialogue between two characters. The shot consists of showing one character looking at the other character, and then showing that other character looking back at the first character.

Page 8: In what ways does your media products develop forms and conventions of real life media products?

EditingThe editing techniques used in the teaser trailer for the film ‘Inception’ are very effective in showing a flow of a sequence. Our research on this teaser trailer is a example of how we developed our ideas from real media texts.

The three pictures above are screen shots from the teaser trailer for the film ‘Inception’. An editing technique has been used here, which is a fade. The first picture shows the actual scene, the second picture starts to show the editing. The scene is starting to fade out. The third picture shows the fade out more effectively because the picture is starting to look black.

The fade in and out technique works by the editor fading out a scene into a black picture and then fading in to a different scene. It is usually used to show a change in location and time. This also makes the teaser trailer look much more interesting and appealing to the audience.

Page 9: In what ways does your media products develop forms and conventions of real life media products?

EditingWe have also used editing techniques. We have used a flashback, which cuts events from the present and shows a event which occurred in the past.

The four pictures on the left show how the flashback has bee used. The first picture is of the protagonist on the phone to the blackmailer, the scene then cuts back into the past, which is the second picture, where the protagonist is signing a contract and a flashback has occurred.

The second picture then cuts back into the present time of the protagonist on the phone to the black mailer. This scene then cuts back into the past again of the lawyer handing the briefcase over to the protagonist and another flashback has occurred.

The purpose of this is to make the audience understand what is occurring in the present that involves the past.

Page 10: In what ways does your media products develop forms and conventions of real life media products?

TitlesTitles are very important in teaser trailers. They give out various different important information to the audience, such as the name of the film, the release date, or even the real names of the main characters.

Titles don’t always contain information for the audience. They can even be used to make the audience think for themselves. A tagline could be used to make the audience think for themselves.

In our teaser trailer, we have also used titles in order to develop the forms and conventions of real media products.

Page 11: In what ways does your media products develop forms and conventions of real life media products?

TitlesIn the teaser trailer for the film ‘Inception’, there have been a few very effective titles that have been used to make the audience think for themselves.

Above are three pictures of how titles have been used effectively in the teaser trailer for the film ‘Inception’ to make the audience think for themselves. The first picture is of a title that says ‘Your mind’. In the teaser trailer, this title first appears straight, and then it rotates clockwise while the background is moving. The title then fades in to a black background.

The black background then fades out to the second picture above. At first the text ‘Your mind’ makes the audience think that the title is talking to them, however when the second picture is shown, it then makes the audience think that the title may be referring to the protagonist. After the face of the protagonist is shown, another title also appears, which says ‘Is the scene of the crime’.

This links back to the first title which says ‘Your mind’. This suggests that the mind of the protagonist is the ‘scene of the crime’. However it could even be trying to state that the audience’s mind could be the ‘scene of the crime’. These titles make the audience think for themselves.

Page 12: In what ways does your media products develop forms and conventions of real life media products?


The two pictures above are of the two titles that we used in our teaser trailer. The first picture is the title of our film name, ‘The Last Judgment’. All the teaser trailers that we analysed had the title of the film in the teaser trailer, mainly shown towards the end. We have also placed our title of the film towards the end as well. The purpose of having the title of the name of the film in a teaser trailer is so that the audience are aware of what the film is called.

The second picture is of another title, which says ‘Coming Soon’. Not all teaser trailers have this title on their teaser trailer, however in the teaser trailer for the film ‘Inception’, they did have a title saying ‘Coming Soon’. The purpose of having this is to make the aware that the film will be out soon, but a release date has not yet been confirmed.

We have used two titles at the end of our teaser trailer. Both of the titles give out important information for the audience.