In 21 st century, we live in the world that full with high technology and the lifestyle is more comfortable compare to the past. Unfortunately, the number of crime is increasing and become serious nowadays. Most of the reasons of crime happening are because people start to lose their humanity. I would like to propose a new nation that will bring a new changing to the situation now. The main idea of the new nation is to share; sharing can give out love and caring to the others. Self-sustain is also very important, a lot of younger generations have no ability to take good care of them and keep thinking to be rich in easiest way. We proposed the new nation so they can focus with their particular strength and use their strength to earn the income and give contribution to the country. We called our nation as “New Malaysia”, and the location we proposed is at Melaka. Melaka has strong historical background and the geographical advantages. As Melaka is situated in the interesting region between the highly developed Indian Ocean trade network and the Far East trade network, Melaka is a good choice for them as a port. Other than that, the geographical location is further enhanced because of the Monsoon winds. As the result, Melaka’s location in Southeast Asia meant that it is situated in a region that was the ideal stop point for ships from two highly developed trade networks. New Malaysia is focusing on self-sustainable nation which rich with natural resources. Malaysia has very rich natural resources and we didn’t manage to use them well. In New Malaysia, we wish that we can use and benefit the citizen through the agriculture sector, forestry, sea and the trading center. A state where they are self-sustaining enough is able to help other countries rather than seek help from others, just like China. China has strong economic influence power in the global market, it cause that no country will take risk to offense them. Therefore, in order to make our nation peaceful, economic is the main concern. However, the lack of resources makes a country very difficult to independent from other country therefore something causing conflict. That’s why our proposed nation is rich in natural resource and energy. The natural resources of the nation are the assets that make it to have own business instead of importing manpower and resources from other nations. As we are proposing nation that has four regions which with a trading center located at the center of different regions surrounding around it. The other three region of the

In 21st century

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Page 1: In 21st century

In 21st century, we live in the world that full with high technology and the lifestyle is more comfortable compare to the past. Unfortunately, the number of crime is increasing and become serious nowadays. Most of the reasons of crime happening are because people start to lose their humanity. I would like to propose a new nation that will bring a new changing to the situation now. The main idea of the new nation is to share; sharing can give out love and caring to the others. Self-sustain is also very important, a lot of younger generations have no ability to take good care of them and keep thinking to be rich in easiest way. We proposed the new nation so they can focus with their particular strength and use their strength to earn the income and give contribution to the country. We called our nation as “New Malaysia”, and the location we proposed is at Melaka. Melaka has strong historical background and the geographical advantages. As Melaka is situated in the interesting region between the highly developed Indian Ocean trade network and the Far East trade network, Melaka is a good choice for them as a port. Other than that, the geographical location is further enhanced because of the Monsoon winds. As the result, Melaka’s location in Southeast Asia meant that it is situated in a region that was the ideal stop point for ships from two highly developed trade networks.

New Malaysia is focusing on self-sustainable nation which rich with natural resources. Malaysia has very rich natural resources and we didn’t manage to use them well. In New Malaysia, we wish that we can use and benefit the citizen through the agriculture sector, forestry, sea and the trading center. A state where they are self-sustaining enough is able to help other countries rather than seek help from others, just like China. China has strong economic influence power in the global market, it cause that no country will take risk to offense them. Therefore, in order to make our nation peaceful, economic is the main concern. However, the lack of resources makes a country very difficult to independent from other country therefore something causing conflict. That’s why our proposed nation is rich in natural resource and energy. The natural resources of the nation are the assets that make it to have own business instead of importing manpower and resources from other nations. As we are proposing nation that has four regions which with a trading center located at the center of different regions surrounding around it. The other three region of the proposed nation are the sea region, mountain region, and paddy field region. Each of the regions has its own natural resources and represents us respectively and every region contributes its natural resources or economy income to other regions. It reflected out our group personality, we are from different background and we have our strengths. In order to finish the assignment, we split our job task clearly and complete it together as a group just like the country. Besides, our nation also fully uses the power of natural such as wind, solar and hydroelectric. In this way, it show our way that we do our project by fully using the power surrounding us, for example: searching information internet, studying book from library, do the survey with other people, getting the information and opinion that gave from them.

In our nation, the government type to be proposed is democratic socialist politic. There are four key elements consisted in democracy. First, choosing and replacing the government through free and fair elections, the nation will have an election every four years. Supreme is only can inauguration for two terms, it is to ensure that every supreme does not rest on the same party for long period and it also gives more chances to the citizens who have ability of leadership to be the prime minister of the country. Secondly, all the active citizens got the right to take part in politics and civic life. The citizens can make their own decision that which sector they want to go. It will make the work more efficient

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because they are doing the job due to their interest. Third, the protection of the human rights is provided to all the citizens. Human rights are very important in the relationships that exist between individuals and the government that has power over them. The government exercises power over its people. However, human rights mean that this power is limited. States have to look after the basic needs of the people and protect some of their freedoms. Lastly, the laws and procedures are applied equally to all citizens. For education, the syllabus teaches the basic knowledge of conservation and innovation through the use of natural resources and basic macroeconomics. Each sector studies the same syllabus before deciding which sector to work and settle in. The education system focuses on equality therefore giving the freedom of equal education to everyone. A final exam will determine which sector suits them the most and they will be sent to that particular sector to contribute themselves. We wish every citizen get the same treatment equally from the government. In these ways, I believe that will make the country to meet the citizens’ need.

Forming of a unique nation, humanistic and behavior of the citizens are very important and need to have highly attention and serious consideration. We suggested that all of our citizen can have good manner and well educated, because all of this small attitude will affect the first impression to the other visitors whoever come to the nation. Although our citizens are living at the different sector but the entire citizen are having the same humanistic behaviors such as, respectful, self-discipline, punctual, and hardworking, cleanliness and teamwork. All of these good habits are implanted to the citizen since young age. The school teachers and parents are playing an important role and take their responsibility to teach their children. The most important ones is respectful, If people start to respect others then only they will going to stand at the others position to think about the situation, the younger generations are also showing love to the elderly, the workers are also obedient to their head. It is good and able to reduce the conflict and argument between the citizens. Self-discipline, punctuality and hardworking is also very important because they are able to affect the quality and quantity of product that they produce. If the quality and quantity of the products those produced from the nation drop, it represent that the income of the nation will also going down in very short time. Cleanliness is the key to bring up the tourism development and attract more visitors to our nation. We suggest that the nation can learn from the Japanese culture, they are not littering anywhere but taking back and throw. Recycling also highly encourage to the citizens, the government will bring in more technology that help to recycle the waste. In this kind of situation the rubbish of the nation will highly reduce and bring a comfort and enjoyable place to the visitors. Now is coming to the main, hence our nation are separate to 4 regions so teamwork is a good significant value for us. Although there are different regions, but they are all connected and have close relation with each other. They are focusing and put a hard effort on their own part, and they sharing their result of effort to their partners. Agriculture sector provide the harvest of their plantation, forestry are provide the natural resources such as timber and ores, sea are providing the entertainments and food. However, the trading center is the middle part of the nation, the role of the sector is mainly control the economy of the nation. When any sector is facing any problem, the other sectors will also willing lend a helping to solve the problem together. E very half-year, there is also a general meeting to share their problem, suggestion, and ideas. They will discuss how to improve and solving method and the amount of the resources that needed. After conclude, the trading center will collect, separate and send according to what the sector need. These form the efficient teamwork and every sector are treated equally.

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Finally, the nation suggested is form by different race and regions, and all of them have their own culture and different festival celebrations, it bring different experience to the visitor to come when different seasons, for example exhibition day are celebrated by the citizens of the trading center, harvest day are celebrated by the agriculture region, and the oceanic and mountainous regions will have rituals occasionally for providing food and resources to them. Although the nation are form by different culture and having different celebration, but all of the celebrations is open and welcome visitors to come and experience the feeling together with them. Other from that, they will also come together and celebrate the independence day of the nation. The most attractive part is all the architectural design will be emphasize on the self-sustained strategies. The building are design with vernacular building materials and self-sustainable to respond to the tropical climatic condition. All of the buildings have strong characteristic based on the surrounding and the site context. Besides, the entire material used are took from natural resources from the nation without importing other materials from other country to bring out the self-sustainable idea. Due to location strategies, the nation has harnessing sun, and strong wind and sea waves, so we also have built wind turbine, solar panel, and hydro power station. We are appreciating and fully use and no waste any resources of our surrounding.

All citizens are threatened equally, the teamwork of difference region, and self-sustained strategies are all the very attractive points of the nation. I believe that there will be a lot people are willing to come and join us. All of these ideas are proposed together with my teammates, and all the ideas are relying with our characteristic. Even it is not a perfect nation, but we are keeping improve from the mistake to form a better live just like us. Although the nation is not yet achieved but I trust that there will be a nation which is almost similar to this in the future, and I will say, “I’m willing to join it.”