Assignment brief Qualification Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production Unit number and title Unit 2: Communication Skills for Creative Media Production Unit 22: Single Camera Techniques - Partial Unit 24: Writing for Television and Video - Partial Start date 31 st October 2011 Deadline 15 th December 2011 Assessor name Iain Goodyear Assignment title IG1 - PITCHING YOUR FILM IDEA The purpose of this assignment is to: Develop your skills and technical code analysis of short films. Develop your ideas generation and group work skills. Develop your research skills in relation to script commissioning. Familiarise you with script writing format and script drafting. Develop your ability to verbally pitch a short film idea to a panel. Scenario A crucial aspect of any media production is the successful pitch of an idea to media specialist commissioners. This process takes place early in the life cycle of a production and requires careful planning and consideration. The pitch is primarily an opportunity for media producers to convey their ideas and generate interest and enthusiasm for a production project with a view to securing funding. This assignment will require you to work in groups of 3 to verbally pitch a production company proposal for a short film to a panel of commissioners. The purpose of this pitch is to communicate how viable your film idea is and to secure funding that will allow you to realise your film idea into a short film production. The theme of your short film is ‘GOING ON A JOURNEY’ and your pitch, proposal and supporting documentation must make clear how your film will explore and communicate this theme. Prior to the delivery of your group pitch, you will be required to produce evidence of research and existing film influences. This will consist of the following sections: *Research that describes short film codes & conventions and production practices Practicing your verbal pitching of ideas and responding to feedback to improve your pitching skills Visual evidence of ideas generation and existing film influences An account of how your film will explore the provided theme through narrative, cinematography and mise en scene *Research that describes the writer’s role in the commissioning process with appropriate use of subject terminology A draft short film proposal, treatment and 1 st draft script 1

IG1 Assignment Brief

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Assignment briefQualification Level 3 Extended Diploma in Creative Media Production

Unit number and titleUnit 2: Communication Skills for Creative Media ProductionUnit 22: Single Camera Techniques - PartialUnit 24: Writing for Television and Video - Partial

Start date 31st October 2011

Deadline 15th December 2011

Assessor name Iain Goodyear

Assignment title IG1 - PITCHING YOUR FILM IDEA

The purpose of this assignment is to:Develop your skills and technical code analysis of short films.Develop your ideas generation and group work skills.Develop your research skills in relation to script commissioning. Familiarise you with script writing format and script drafting.Develop your ability to verbally pitch a short film idea to a panel.

ScenarioA crucial aspect of any media production is the successful pitch of an idea to media specialist commissioners. This process takes place early in the life cycle of a production and requires careful planning and consideration. The pitch is primarily an opportunity for media producers to convey their ideas and generate interest and enthusiasm for a production project with a view to securing funding.

This assignment will require you to work in groups of 3 to verbally pitch a production company proposal for a short film to a panel of commissioners. The purpose of this pitch is to communicate how viable your film idea is and to secure funding that will allow you to realise your film idea into a short film production. The theme of your short film is ‘GOING ON A JOURNEY’ and your pitch, proposal and supporting documentation must make clear how your film will explore and communicate this theme.

Prior to the delivery of your group pitch, you will be required to produce evidence of research and existing film influences. This will consist of the following sections:

*Research that describes short film codes & conventions and production practices Practicing your verbal pitching of ideas and responding to feedback to improve your

pitching skills Visual evidence of ideas generation and existing film influences An account of how your film will explore the provided theme through narrative,

cinematography and mise en scene *Research that describes the writer’s role in the commissioning process with

appropriate use of subject terminology A draft short film proposal, treatment and 1st draft script



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Tasks Grading Criteria Mapping

Task 1Produce a comprehensive word-processed analysis of three short films. Using subject specific terminology, comment on how meaning is communicated through the use of cinematography, mise en scene & the use of sound and music.

You must include still images from your chosen films to illustrate your observations and use appropriate terminology accurately.

*Your word-processed analysis must be uploaded to your IG1 assignment blog.

Unit 22: P1/M1/D1

Task 2Produce a comprehensive and well-structured video research report (using combination of still images, word processed text, music and sound recordings and compiled using Adobe Premiere) that describes the screenwriter’s role in the script commissioning process.

Your video report must clearly describe what you understand script commissioning to mean (including visual examples such as website screen grabs or book research source quotes as well as other references you have used to obtain this knowledge).

Your video report must also detail what processes of development a script writer goes through to develop a script for production (including visual examples such as website screen grabs or book research source quotes as well as references you have used to obtain this knowledge).

*Your video research report must be uploaded to your IG1 assignment blog as an embedded video.

Unit 2: P1/M1/D1 Unit 2: P2/M2/D2Unit 24: P1/M1/D1

Task 3Showing creativity and flair generate ideas for a short film production using the theme outlined in your assignment scenario on page 1.

These ideas can be presented in the form of sketches, hand drawn and digitally produced mind maps, mood boards, images you have gathered / found and photographs you have taken.

Your ideas generation must clearly state how your ideas relate to the provided theme in the scenario on page 1 of this assignment.

*All ideas generation must be uploaded to your IG1 assignment blog.

Unit 22: P2/M2/D2Unit 24: P3/M3/D3

Task 4Showing creativity and flair produce a 1 paragraph proposal and 1 – 2 page treatment of your short film idea. This must be based on, and further develop some aspects of your ideas

Unit 24: P3/M3/D3


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Your treatment must include information of chosen film genre, target audience, character biography information and a descriptive overview of your film idea’s narrative.

*Your word-processed proposal and treatment must be uploaded to your IG1 assignment blog.

Task 5Produce a short film script based on your developed idea to near professional standards.

Your script must be a 3 to 5 page document.

Your script must NOT contain dialogue but should feature clear scene headings, make specific reference to characters by name and feature detailed descriptive character action

*Your word-processed scripts must be uploaded to your IG1 assignment blog.

Unit 2: P3/M3/D3Unit 24: P5/M5/D5

Task 6As a production team you must then decide on which film proposal you will take through to the pitch stage and further development in your next assignment.In teams of 3, you must present a summary of your ideas to the others in your group. Then, as a group you must decide which idea you are collectively going to develop into a verbal group pitch to a panel of commissioners.

You must then produce a PowerPoint that visually shows your ideas generation and existing film influences (this will be played throughout your verbal pitch). Prior to your actual pitch you will present a practice pitch to your class for which you will receive written feedback.

You must present an analysis report that also visually interprets your feedback with the use of graphs and charts that makes specific reference to audience feedback questions. This analysis should also include a summary of what changes you, as a group, will implement to have a beneficial effect on your final pitch.

*Your word-processed practice pitch analysis must be uploaded to your IG1 assignment blog.

Unit 2: P2/M2/D2Unit 2: P3/M3/D3

Task 7Pitch your short film idea to a panel of commissioners, showing creativity and flair and to near professional standards.

Your final pitch must be no more than 3 minutes long and you will be stopped after this time has elapsed so rehearse your pitch thoroughly before you deliver it.

*Your group final pitch video must be uploaded to your IG1 assignment blog as an embedded video.

Unit 2: P4/M4/D4Unit 2: P5/M5/D5Unit 24: P4/M4/D4


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Sources of information

This brief has been verified as being fit for purpose

Assessor Iain Goodyear

Signature Date 03.10.11

Internal verifier Harry Arnold

Signature Date 03.10.11

Unit 2 Communication Skills for Creative Media Production (Level 3)P1: use appropriate techniques to extract relevant information from written sources

M1: use appropriate techniques to extract information from written sources with some precision

D1: use appropriate techniques to extract comprehensive information from written sources

P2: present a media production report which conveys relevant information [IE]

M2: present a structured anddetailed media productionreport which conveysinformation and explainsconclusions with clarity

D2: present a well-structured and substantial media production report which conveys information with precise exemplification and justifies conclusions with supporting arguments

P3: review reports to make changes with occasional beneficial effects [RL]

M3: review reports to makechanges with frequentbeneficial effects

D3: review reports to makechanges with consistentlybeneficial effects

P4: deploy and manage appropriate technology to pitch a media production proposal [SM]

M4: deploy and managetechnology to pitch a media production proposal effectively and with someimagination

D4: deploy and managetechnology to pitch a mediaproduction proposal withcreativity and flair and tonear-professional standards

P5: employ appropriate forms of address in a media production pitch to communicate ideas [CT]

M5: employ forms of address in a media production pitchto communicate ideaseffectively

D5: employ forms of address in a media production pitch with flair to communicate ideas with impact

Unit 22 Single Camera Techniques (Level 3)P1: describe the features of single camera production with some appropriate use of subject terminology

M1: explain the features ofsingle camera production with reference to detailed illustrative examples and with generally correct use of subject terminology

D1: comprehensively explain the features of single camera production with reference to elucidated examples and consistently using subject terminology correctly

P2: generate outline plans for a single camera production working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance [CT]

M2: generate detailed ideas for a single camera production showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance

D2: generate thoroughly thought through ideas for a single camera production showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations

P3: produce a single camera production working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance [SM]

M3: produce a single camera production to a good technical standard showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance

D3: produce a single camera production to a technical quality that reflects near professional standardsshowing creativity and flairand working independentlyto professional expectations

Unit 24 Writing for Television and Video (Level 3)P1: describe the writer’s rolein the commissioningprocess using some subject

M1: explain the writer’s role in the commissioning process with reference to detailed illustrative

D1: comprehensively explainthe writer’s role in thecommissioning process with


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terminology appropriately [IE] examples and with generally correct use of subject terminology

elucidated examples andconsistently using subjectterminology correctly

P2: collect and prepare suitable background materials for a scriptwriting project with some assistance [CT]

M2: collect and prepare goodbackground material fora scriptwriting projectcompetently and with onlyoccasional assistance

D2: collect and prepare excellent background material for a scriptwriting project to near-professional standards working independently to professional expectations

P3: produce script proposalsfor specific purposesworking within appropriateconventions and with someassistance [CT]

M3: produce script proposals for specific purposes showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance

D3: produce script proposals for specific purposes showing creativity and flair and working independently to professional expectations

P4: pitch a prepared proposal M4: pitch a prepared proposal effectively

D4: pitch a prepared proposal to a near-professional standard

P5: produce a script for a specific purpose working within appropriate conventions and with some assistance. [CT,SM]

M5: produce a script for a specific purpose competently showing some imagination and with only occasional assistance

D5: produce a script for a specific purpose to near-professional standards and working independently to professional expectations

:PLTS: This summary references where applicable, in the square brackets, the elements of the personal, learning and thinking skills applicable in the pass criteria. It identifies opportunities for learners to demonstrate effective application of the referenced elements of the skills.