Welcome There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomized words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet. Welcome

IEREK Conferences

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WelcomeThere are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomized words which don't look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn't anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text. All the Lorem Ipsum generators on the Internet tend to repeat predefined chunks as necessary, making this the first true generator on the Internet.



What We Do?

Workshops Conferences Summer School

Winter School

IEREK – International Experts for Research Enrichment and Knowledge Exchange – is an international institution that is concerned with the exchange

of knowledge and enhancing research through organizing and managing conferences in all fields of knowledge.


ConfereneAttend IEREK Conferences & Go International.....

ChairmanFabio PollicePro fes sor of Ge og ra phy Eco nom ics-pol i tics and Ge og ra phy of De vel op ment and the En vi ron ment at the Uni ver sity of Salento, Lecce.LocationLecce, Italy

Date14 -16 October 2015


ConfereneAttend IEREK Conferences & Go International.....

ChairmanAna CatalaniPro fes sor of ar chi tec ture, Reader, School of Ar chi tec ture & De sign, Col lege of Arts, Lin colin Uni ver sity, UK.

LocationCairo, Egypt

Date2 – 4 December 2015


ConfereneAttend IEREK Conferences & Go International.....

ChairmanDouglas C.ComerCo-Pres i dent of the In ter na tional Sci en tific Com mit tee on Ar chae o log i cal Her itage Man age ment (IC AHM). He is also Prin ci pal, Cul tural Site Re search and Man age ment, Inc. (CSRM).

LocationLuxor & Aswan, Egypt

Date23 – 27 November, 2015


ConfereneAttend IEREK Conferences & Go International.....

ChairmanProfessor Dr. Hassan Abdulla Dean, School of Architecture, Computing and Engineering, University of East London (UEL)

LocationLondon, UK

DateApril, 2016


Workshops 2014Your Future begins

with US!!


Workshop 2015

The theoretical part is discussing the usage of space syntax as one of the spatial configuration theories that can be applied starting

from the micro level (inside buildings) to the macro levels (the city level). Space syntax theory attempts to understand why, from a

spatial point of view, the built environment takes its shape in relation to corresponding socio-cultural activities. 

Your Future begins with US!!


Workshop 2015

The overall aim of course is to provide managers of physical assets with a better understanding of the operation of the maintenance

function, an understanding that will enable them to identify problems within organization and prescribe effective solutions.

Your Future begins with US!!


Workshop 2015

The overall aim of the course is to provide engineers and chemists aiming to join oil and gas field with a better understanding of the

operation of oil and gas field, an understanding of process life cycle that will enable them to be familiar with oil and gas

organization to identify process integration , energy optimization and performance analysis.

Your Future begins with US!!


Meet Our TeamMeet Our Team

After studying BA (Hons) Roman Archaeology &

History of Art, University of Pisa, Italy and MA in

Museum Studies, University of Leicester,

Anna completed her PhD research in Museum Studies (University of


Anna Catalani

professor of Geography Economics-politics at the university of the Salento Since 2011, Associate

Professor of Geography at the University of Salento


Fabio Pollice

Co-President of the International Scientific

Committee on Archaeological Heritage

Management (ICAHM). He is also Principal, Cultural

Site Research and Management, Inc.


Douglas C.Comer


Meet Our Team

Assistant Professor of Urban Planning at the Faculty of Engineering

and Architecture of Kore University of Enna

Fabio Nasille

a visiting assistant professor of digital media and design computing in


Sherif Abdelmohsen

a research Fellow as a software develop at the University of Enna Kore

since 2012

Barracco Alessandro


Educational Services

Summer SchoolPrograms provide you with both knowledge and recreation. The programs are one-week or two-week long in which you learn about your area of interest and you learn a lot about the new culture through visiting the historical sites and the modern tourist attractions.

Winter SchoolAs a truly International School, IEREK  has created a number of Winter programs based Worldwide, specifically designed for those who want to expand their international experience whilst growing knowledge in their chosen subject.

Studying AbroadStudying abroad with IEREK widens your range and adds other levels to your college experience, enabling you to learn in young ways..

Thank You!!