Symposium of Applied Linguistics I E N S - C C S A Helping students in the classroom: Papers at home… never again! Lic. Samuel Fernández www.samuelfernandez.webs.com PART I


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  1. 1. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! Lic. Samuel Fernndez www.samuelfernandez.webs.com
  2. 2. Symposium of Applied Linguistics TEACHERS Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  3. 3. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Reasons to help students in the classroom: Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  4. 4. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Reasons to help students in the classroom: Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  5. 5. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Reasons to help students in the classroom: Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  6. 6. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Reasons to help students in the classroom: Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  7. 7. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Reasons to help students in the classroom: Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  8. 8. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  9. 9. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Do you enjoy your class? Do your students enjoy their class? Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  10. 10. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Do you enjoy your class? Do your students enjoy their class? Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  11. 11. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  12. 12. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  13. 13. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! 1. Write three benefits of using lemon. 2. Write three diseases lemon helps to cure.
  14. 14. Symposium of Applied Linguistics
  15. 15. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! 1. What would you use lemon for?
  16. 16. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! 1. Nasty 2. AU pair 3. Fruit picker
  17. 17. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! 1. What jobs has the girl had? 2. What was her worst experience? Why?
  18. 18. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! 1. What kind of jobs have you had? 2. What was the worst one?
  19. 19. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  20. 20. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! Images
  21. 21. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! Reading Humor is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use.
  22. 22. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Benefits of laughter Humor is infectious. The sound of roaring laughter is far more contagious than any cough, sniffle, or sneeze. When laughter is shared, it binds people together and increases happiness and intimacy. Laughter also triggers healthy physical changes in the body. Humor and laughter strengthen your immune system, boost your energy, diminish pain, and protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Best of all, this priceless medicine is fun, free, and easy to use. Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  23. 23. Symposium of Applied Linguistics
  24. 24. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Now, lets speak! Purpose: To describe the benefits of laughter. Instructions: 1. Make TWO LINES FACING ONE ANOTHER. 2. Describe the benefits of laughter to the person who is in front of you. 3. Move one position when youre asked to do so. 4. Use the given language functions and structures. 5. Share the most important information with the class.
  25. 25. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Language functions and structures: 1. Based on the reading, two benefits of laughter are: _________________________________________ 2. Some benefits of laughter are: _________________________________________ 3. When people laugh, they get some benefits; such as: _________________________________________
  26. 26. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  27. 27. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! Brainstorming 1. What do you do to be happy?
  28. 28. Symposium of Applied Linguistics The Key to a Happy Life Everyone has a mind, however, very few of us possess a deep understanding of the nature and functions of the mind. For example, if we have not studied and trained in Buddhas teachings we probably know next to nothing about the different types of mind, how they are generated, and what effect they have on our lives. Therefore, it is difficult to distinguish virtuous minds from non-virtuous minds, and we are clueless about how to cultivate the former and abandon the latter. Why is it necessary to understand our mind? The answer is simple and logical. Happiness and suffering are states of mind, and so if we want to be free from suffering and enjoy true happiness we need to possess a thorough understanding of the mind and how to control it. There is no other way that we can we definitely improve the quality of our life, both now and in the future. Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  29. 29. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! Mind Types States of mind Present and future ...
  30. 30. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Since we all have within us unlimited potential for peace and happiness, we may wonder why it is so hard to maintain a continually happy and peaceful mind. This is because of the delusions that fill our mind and disturb our inner peace. Delusions are distorted ways of looking at yourself, other people, and the world around us like a distorted mirror they reflect a distorted world. The delusion of anger, for example, views other people as intrinsically bad, but there is no such thing as an intrinsically bad person. Desirous attachment, on the other hand, sees its object of desire as intrinsically good and as a true source of happiness. If we have a strong desire to eat ice cream, ice cream appears to be intrinsically desirable. However, once we have overeaten and start to feel sick, it no longer seems so delicious and may even appear disgusting. This shows that in itself ice cream is neither delicious nor disgusting. It is the deluded mind of attachment that projects all kinds of desirable qualities onto its objects and then relates to them as if those qualities come from the object itself. The Source of our problems
  31. 31. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  32. 32. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  33. 33. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  34. 34. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  35. 35. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  36. 36. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  37. 37. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  38. 38. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again!
  39. 39. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! 1. I _______making reservations last time. a) took care of b) tooking of care c) take care of d) took caring of
  40. 40. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! 2. Because he didnt feel well, the boy ______to stay at home after school. a) Was wanted b) Wanted c) Want d) Wanting
  41. 41. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! 3. This exam _______everything in chapter five. a) cover b) covering c) covers d) to cover
  42. 42. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! 4. Although she was tired, Patty continued _______ her paper. a) To work on b) Work on c) On working d) Working on
  43. 43. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! 5. Charlie ________in this restaurant several times. A) has eating B) eaten C) have eaten D) has eaten
  44. 44. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! 6. The professor _________the answers on the board, so everyone could see them. A) Writes B) Had written C) Wrote D) Has written
  45. 45. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! 7. The piano _________to be used at the museum. A) being bought B) was bought C) bought D) It was bought
  46. 46. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! 8. That book ________ in the library. A) can be found B) can be finding C) found D) to be found
  47. 47. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! 9. _______ has improved over the past few weeks. A) Janes driving B) Jane drives C) Jane drove D) To drive Jane
  48. 48. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping Students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! 10. Valerie decided ________a garden this year. A) for growing B) to grow C) grow D) grown
  49. 49. Symposium of Applied Linguistics COFFEE BREAK
  50. 50. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Helping students in the classroom: Papers at home never again! Lic. Samuel Fernndez www.samuelfernandez.webs.com
  51. 51. Symposium of Applied Linguistics INSTRUCTIONS 1. Work in pairs. 2. Think of one activity you can develop to help students in the classroom, and avoid taking papers home. 3. Ask for help at any time. 4. Develop your activity, asking your colleagues to participate. 5. Reflect on the pros and cons of the activity, and share them with the audience.
  52. 52. Symposium of Applied Linguistics Extra! webs.com
  53. 53. Symposium of Applied Linguistics