Human Osteology Anthropology 2414 Lab

Human Osteology

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Created for Dr. Erhart's physical anthropology laboratory class at Texas State University.

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Page 1: Human Osteology

Human Osteology

Anthropology 2414 Lab

Page 2: Human Osteology

QUIZ – September 27• Know the terms associated with the

yellow dots.• Click a skeletal feature to view its

photograph.• Click “?” to return to this key.

Cranial• Frontal• Nasal• Sphenoid• Zygomatic• Maxilla• Mandible• Temporal• Parietal• Occipital

Cranial Features• Coronal suture• Squamosal suture• Sagittal suture• Lambdoidal suture• Supraorbital ridge• External auditory

meatus• Temporal line• Nuchal line• Occipital condyles• Foramen magnum• Mastoid process

Vertebral Column• Cervical vertebra• Thoracic vertebra• Lumbar vertebra• Sacrum

Arm and Shoulder• Scapula• Clavicle• Sternum• Ribs• Humerus• Raduis• Ulna

Hand• Carpals• Metacarpals• Phalanges

Pelvis and Leg• Innominate• Pubis• Ilium• Ischium• Femur• Patella• Tibia• Fibula

Foot• Tarsals• Metatarsals• Phalanges

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Anterior View

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Skull – Anterior View• 1. Frontal Bone• 2. Supra-Orbital Ridge• 3. Orbit (Orbital Cavity)• 4. Superior Orbital Fissure• 5.Inferior Orbital Fissure• 6. Zygomatic Bone• 7. Infra-Orbital Foramen• 8. Maxilla• 9. Mandible• 10. Mental Foramen• 11. Incisive Fossa• 12.Symphysis• 13.Vomer• 14.Inferior Nasal Concha• 15.Middle Nasal Concha• 16. Perpendicular Plate of Ethmoid• 17. Nasal Bone• 18. Lacrimal Bone

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Lateral View

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Skull - Lateral View

• 1. Parietal Bone• 2. Coronal Suture• 3. Frontal Bone• 4. Nasal Bone• 5.Vomer• 6. Lacrimal Bone• 7. Orbital Part of Ethmoid• 8. Zygomatic Bone• 9. Maxilla• 10. Body of Mandible• 11. Ramus of Mandible• 12. Coronoid Process

• 13. Mandibular Condyle• 14. Mental Foramen• 15. Styloid Process• 16. External Auditory Meatus• 17. Mastoid Process• 18. Zygomatic Process• 19. Temporal Bone• 20. Sphenoid• 21. Inferior Temporal Line• 22. Superior Temporal Line• 23. Squamosal Suture• 24. Lambdoidal Suture• 25. Occipital Bone

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Posterior View

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Skull – Posterior View

• 1.Parietal Bone

• 2. Sagittal Suture

• 3. Lambdoidal Suture

• 4. Occipital Bone

• 5. External Occipital Protruberance

• 6. Superior Nuchal Line

• 7. Inferior Nuchal Line

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Superior View

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Skull – Superior View

• 1.Occipital Bone

• 2. Lambdoidal Suture

• 3. Parietal Bone

• 4. Sagittal Suture

• 5.Coronal Suture

• 6. Frontal Bone

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Inferior View


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Skull – Inferior View• 1. Anterior Palatine Foramen• 2. Palatine Process of Maxilla• 3. Palatine• 4. Greater Palatine Foramen• 5. Lesser Palatine Foramen• 6. Pterygoid Processes of Sphenoid• 7. Zygomatic Process• 8. Squamous Part of Temporal Bone• 9. Mandibular Fossa• 10. Styloid Process• 11.Stylomastoid Foramen• 12. Mastoid Process• 13.Mastoid Foramen• 14. Superior Nuchal• 15. External Occipital Protruberance

• 16.Median Nuchal Line• 17. Inferior Nuchal Line• 18.Foramen Magnum• 19. Condyloid Canal• 20.Occipital Condyle• 21.Hypoglossal Canal• 22.Jugular Foramen• 23.Carotid Canal• 24.Foramen Spinosum• 25.Foramen Ovale• 26.Foramen Lacerum• 27.Vomer• 28.Transverse Palatine Suture• 29.Median Palatine Suture

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• A. Cervical

• B. Thoracic

• C. Lumbar

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• 1.Promontory• 2. Transverse Ridges• 3. Coccyx• 4. Body of Sacrum• 5.Sacral Canal• 6. Superior Articular

Surface• 7.Median Sacral Crest• 8.Sacrum to Ilium

Articular Surface• 9.Dorsal Sacral Foramina• 10.Sacral Hiatus

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Thoracic Bones: Rib & Vertebra Articulated

• 1. Articular Facet of Rib

• 2. Interarticular Crest• 3. Neck• 4. Articular Portion of

Tubercle• 5. Nonarticular

Portion of Tubercle• 6. Angle of Rib

• 7. Costal Groove• 8. Body of Rib• 9. Articular Facet of

Transverse Process• 10.Transverse

Process• 11.Spinous Process• 12.Lamina• 13.Vertebral Foramen

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• 1.Jugular Notch• 2. Manubrium• 3. Sternal Angle• 4. Body (Gladiolus)• 5.Xiphoid Process

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Left Scapula

Posterior Aspect• 1.Coracoid Process• 2. Scapular Notch• 3. Superior Margin• 4. Supraspinatus Fossa• 5.Superior Angle• 6. Scapular Spine• 7.Vertebral Margin• 8.Infraspinatus Fossa• 9.Inferior Angle• 10.Axillary Margin• 11.Glenoid Cavity Margin• 12.Acromion Process

Lateral Aspect• 1. Coracoid Process• 2. Glenoid Cavity• 3. Scapular Spine• 4. Acromion Process• 5. Infraspinatus Fossa• 6. Inferior Angle• 7. Axillary Margin

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• 1. Head• 2. Anatomical Neck• 3. Lesser Tubercle• 4. Intertubercular

Groove• 5.Greater Tubercle• 6. Surgical Neck• 7.Deltoid Tuberosity

• 1.Radial Fossa• 2. Lateral Epicondyle• 3. Capitulum• 4. Trochlea• 5.Medial Epicondyle• 6. Coronoid Fossa• 7.Olecranon Fossa

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• 1.Olecranon Process• 2. Semilunar Notch• 3. Coronoid Process• 4. Tuberosity• 5. Radial Notch• 6. Ulna (Shaft)• 7. Head of Ulna• 8. Styloid Process

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Right Radius

• 1. Head of Radius• 2. Neck of Radius • 3. Radial Tuberosity • 4. Radius (Shaft)• 5. Styloid Process• 6. Ulnar Notch

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HandDorsal surface

• 1. Styloid Process of Radius• 2. Navicular (Scaphoid)• 3. Lunate• 4. Triquetral• 5. Pisiform• 6. Trapezium• 7. Trapezoid• 8. Capitate• 9. Hamate• 10. Metacarpal• 11. Proximal Phalange• 12. Middle Phalange• 13. Distal Phalange• 14. Styloid Process of Ulna

Palmar surface• 1. Navicular (Scaphoid)• 2. Lunate • 3. Triquetral• 4. Pisiform• 5. Trapezium• 6. Trapezoid• 7. Capitate• 8. Hamate• 9. Metacarpal• 10. Proximal Phalange• 11. Middle Phalange• 12. Distal Phalange

A. Carpals

B. Metacarpals

C. Phalanges

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Innominate• 1. Anterior Superior Spine• 2. Iliac Crest• 3. Posterior Superior Spine• 4. Posterior Inferior Spine• 5.Greater Sciatic Notch• 6. Body of Ilium• 7.Ischial Spine• 8.Lesser Sciatic Notch• 9. Body of Ischium• 10.Ischial Tuberosity• 11.Obturator Foramen• 12.Inferior Ramus of Ischium• 13.Inferior Ramus of Pubis• 14. Body of Pubis• 15.Acetabulum• 16.Anterior Inferior Spine

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• 1. Head• 2. Neck• 3. Greater Trochanter• 4. Intertrochanteric Line• 5. Lesser Trochanter• 6. Shaft of Femur• 7. Gluteal Tuberosity• 8. Intertrochanteric Crest• 9. Linea Aspera

• 1. Medial Condyle• 2. Lateral Condyle• 3. Intercondylar Fossa

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• 1. Intercondylar Eminence

• 2. Lateral Condyle• 3. Tibial Tuberosity• 4. Anterior Crest• 5. Medial Condyle• 6. Anterior Surface• 7. Medial Malleolus

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• 1. Head of Fibula• 2. Neck of Fibula• 3. Anterior Crest• 4. Lateral Malleolus

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• 1. Calcaneus• 2. Talus• 3. Navicular• 4. Cuboid• 5. Cuneiform, First• 6. Cuneiform, Second• 7. Cuneiform, Third• 8. Metatarsal• 9. Proximal Phalange• 10. Middle Phalange• 11. Distal Phalange

• 1. Calcaneus• 2. Talus• 3. Navicular• 4. Cuboid• 5. Cuneiform, First• 6. Cuneiform, Second• 7. Cuneiform, Third• 8. Metatarsal

A. Tarsals

B. Metatarsals

C. Phalanges

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• 1. Tibial Collateral Ligament• 2. Medial Condyle of Femur• 3. Posterior Cruciate Ligament• 4. Anterior Cruciate Ligament• 5. Lateral Condyle of Femur• 6. Fibular Collateral Ligament• 7. Lateral Condyle of Tibia• 8. Lateral Meniscus• 9. Medial Meniscus• 10. Medial Condyle of Tibia• 11. Tibia• 12. Fibula• 13. Transverse Ligament

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Human Skeleton

• 1. Skull• 2. Mandible• 3. Hyoid Bone• 4. Cervical Vertebra• 5. Clavicle• 6. Sternum• 7. Costal Cartilage• 8. Ribs• 9. Scapula• 10. Humerus• 11. Radius• 12. Ulna• 13. Carpal bones

• 14. Metacarpal Bones• 15. Phalanges of Fingers• 16. Thoracic Vertebra• 17. Lumbar Vertebra• 18. Sacrum• 19. Innominate• 20. Femur• 21. Patella• 22. Tibia• 23. Fibula• 24. Tarsal Bones• 25. Metatarsal Bones• 26. Phalanges of Toes