How to Set Up ESET Smart Security 4 and Update I- Setup ** Dabble Click on (ESET Smart Security (32bit).msi) or (64bit) then see below picture: for click “Next” then see below picture: for click on “I accept the terms in the License Agreement” then click “Next” as picture below:

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How to Set Up ESET Smart Security 4

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How to Set Up ESET Smart Security 4 and Update I- Setup ** Dabble Click on (ESET Smart Security (32bit).msi) or (64bit) then see below picture: for click “Next”

then see below picture: for click on “I accept the terms in the License Agreement”

then click “Next” as picture below:

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then see picture below, you must click on “Custom (allows for more detailed configuration)” and then “Next”

And “Next”

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You will see the picture as below:

So must tick on “Set update parameters later” and “Next” you will see the picture below: And you must tick on “I do not use a proxy server” then “Next”

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Click on “Next”

You will see picture below: So you must click on “Next” with tick any thing.

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then you see picture below: for click “Next”

then you will see the picture below for select one option:

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You must select as show on picture below:

then “Next” than “Next” => Install (wait) => Finish.

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Click on "Allow sharing" and OK if you want to share. If you don't want to share click on "Strict proection" and read folowing descrition for cuntine.

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II- Update Open this Anti-Virus by: Dabble click on logo of ESET as show on picture below:

“Dabble Click” or open it on the desktop then you will see as picture below:

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How to Up Date After Open as picture below:

then chose “Advance mode” by click on “User interface” as show below:

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then go to “Setup” => chose “Advance setup” as show below:

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then you will see as picture below:

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You must scroll to “Update” as show below: But before “Edit” update server, you must create one folder in Drive C: For Example: “Eset Update”. This folder will keep all update files that you download from internet or from other.

then Click “Edit...” you will see as below:

then you must write folder name the same in Drive C: like this “c://Eset Update”. See below:

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then click on “Add” => “OK” than “OK” as see below:

then you must go to “Update” as see below:

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Than click on”Update virus signature database” as below:

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Click here for update on "Update virus signature database" For next time update after you get update files from internet you must open ESET than you will see as below to update: and just click on that, it will update.

Click to update

---The End---

By Phally Kim email: [email protected]