How important are Congressional Committees (Student version)

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US Government & Politics

Enquiry Question: How important are Congressional Committees?

Learning ObjectivesTo identify the structure, role and powers of the committee systemTo explain the significance of the role of committeesTo examine criticism of the role of committees

Congressional Committee Camera SnapshotStanding CommitteesSelect CommitteesConference CommitteesHouse Rules CommitteeCommittee ChairsRolesPowersRolesPowersRolesPowersRolesPowersRolesPowers

YOUR TASK:Use the sugar paper to create a table of all the different types of committees make sure to leave columns for roles and powers of each.Using the textbook, identify the role and powers of each type of committee and the people who chair the committees.Once you have completed your table, we will take a snapshot for you to keep for your notes.

What is the role of Committee Chairmen in Congress, and why have they been the subject of criticism?

15 marks = 15 minutes


10 MinutesStart Timer


5 MinutesStart Timer

Committee chairmen in the House of Representatives have traditionally been extremely powerful. They are able to: pigeonhole bills, blocking their further progress, substantially rewrite bills, and actively work with other members of the committee to promote a bill. They have been criticised because, in the past, their appointment through seniority meant they have been able to run their committees as independent fiefdoms, for the benefit of themselves, their constituents and groups supporting them, and to disregard party and national interests. They may become one corner of an iron triangle. However, since 1994, successive Speakers have moved to restrict the power of committee chairmen by: imposing term limits, disregarding seniority in appointment and rewarding party loyalty, in addition to intervening directly in the committees proceedings to secure the outcome they want. In the Senate, the tradition of unrestricted debate, the ability of a minority to block the passage of legislation and a more collegial atmosphere mean that chairmen have traditionally been less dominant than their House counterparts. Nevertheless, committee chairmen are still able to exercise significant influence, as was seen in the role of chairmen such as Max Baucus during the passage of the health care legislation in 2009-10.Indicative Content

Learning ObjectivesTo identify the structure, role and powers of the committee systemTo explain the significance of the role of committeesTo examine criticism of the role of committees

The house sits, not for serious discussion, but to sanction the conclusions of its committees as rapidly as possible. It legislates in its committee rooms, not by the determination of majorities, but by the specially commissioned minorities (the committees), so that it is not far from the truth to say that congress in session is congress on public exhibition, whilst congress in its committee rooms is congress at work.

Woodrow Wilson 1885 future president WWI.

What does this suggest about the significance of Committees?

Quote of the Day

How significant are committees?Life or death over legislation; can kill legislation by not discussing it and not marking it up for debateChairs very powerful-can kill bill by refusing to schedule them for debate, push through favourite bill.Log rolling; bargaining over votes, e.g. Republican offer to support a traditionally Democrat bill in return for Democrat supporting a traditionally Republican issue. Often takes place between committees.

Learning ObjectivesTo identify the structure, role and powers of the committee systemTo explain the significance of the role of committeesTo examine criticism of the role of committees

Why have committees been criticised?DecentralisedEver smaller groups dictate what legislation gets passed. Role of congress as a whole is very limited as decision of committees are usually adhered to. Worsened in the 1970s with the growth of sub-committees.InefficiencyMultiple points of veto therefore slow and clumsy. Major legislation may cross the range of many committees- many points for a veto.Over-AmendingAmendments made due to log rolling so many amendments final bill may not resemble original billSpeedSlow-hearings are a major cause of delays

5. Iron TrianglesCongressional committeeHealth Committee

Department of HealthFederal Agency

Pharmaceutical companiesInterest groups

Funding and electoral supportApprove budget & support exec legisLow regulation/special favoursWhy have committees been criticised?

CorruptionCan lead to corruption-campaign contributions in exchange for benefits of interest groups.Protects elected officials from accountability-interest groups ensure re-election.Congressmen protect interest groups over policy needs.E.g. power of drug companies-contribute hugely to political campaigns. Therefore sabotage efforts to reduce cost of prescription drugs.Why have committees been criticised?

Learning ObjectivesTo identify the structure, role and powers of the committee systemTo explain the significance of the role of committeesTo examine criticism of the role of committees

Examine the claim that it is in the committee rooms that the real work of Congress is done.45 marks = 45 minutesCOMMAND WORD ExamineOPINION/ARGUMENT (NOT FACT) claimSPECIFICALLY committeeDEFINE? - real work

Remember how marks are weighted!Assessment ObjectiveNumber of marks% of marksKnowledge and Understanding1226.6%Intellectual Skills1226.6%Synoptic Skills1226.6%Communication and Coherence920%TOTAL45100%

Examine the claim that it is in the committee rooms that the real work of Congress is done.