How did you attract/address your audience? Media Evaluation Question 5

How did you attract

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  1. 1. How did you attract/address your audience? Media Evaluation Question 5
  2. 2. Throughout my magazine I feel as though I have attracted my audience through a variety of techniques. These techniques were those that I had researched and carefully analysed throughout my Main Task- Research and Planning and it is clear where I have implemented them in my own media product. In terms of the language that I have used in my magazine, I have adopted a colloquial tone in order to create a relationship with my audience and allow the audience to see the magazine as almost a friend, someone who understands what they like and that they can relate to. There are rhetorical questions and bold declarative phrases used in my front cover, rhetorical questions have been used to lure the reader in, whereas the bold declarative are featured in order to stand out and force the reader to take notice of those particular words/ phrases.
  3. 3. With regards to my double page spread I had to adopt two very different tones. Firstly, as I was writing from both the interviewers and my artists point of view I had to engage with two contrasting dialects. In terms of the interviewer I researched the ways in which an interviewer speaks to and interacts with their guest and as a result of this research I ended up with a very formal yet humourous tone. On the other hand, when I was writing on behalf of my artist I felt as though I was in my element. Having already studied so many interviews with this music star purely for my own leisure I found it difficult to stop writing as there were that many interesting things I wanted to say. I had to adopt a completely different tone to that of a formal one. As my artist likes to swear an awful lot and sees himself as a rock n roll rebel I was forced to engage with words that may not feature in your everyday interview.
  4. 4. With regards to the language used in my masthead and the title for my double page spread I am attracting my audience as they are instantly aware of what to expect. Mainstream Madness instantly lets the audience know what genre of music they can expect to be reading about and gives them an insight to the anarchy and chaos featured inside the magazine. When this title is accompanied with my MM logo it makes my media product instantly recognisable and therefore attracts my audience. Whats the Story with Noel Gallagher? This attracts my target audience as not only is it a pun but it also intrigues the audience as they are left wondering what the main body of this article is going to be about. The font that I have used throughout my media product attracts my target audience as it is very unique and exclusive to my magazine. I chose such a rare font so that my magazine stands out. I have used a different font for my masthead and double page spread in order to highlight their significance and how they are different from the other features.
  5. 5. I have used a consistent house style throughout my magazine both in terms of font and graphics. This consistency will attract my target audience as they will become to know what to expect. I also feel that my magazine attracts the audience as it offers a chance of escapism. My main target audience is 16-25 year old males as my questionnaire results suggest. This is a rather difficult time for people especially with exams and moving away from parents etc. and I feel that my magazine allows them to escape from their worries ad troubles and allows them to be fully submerged in what interests them and give them some relaxation time. I feel as though my images and their subsequent captions particularly on my contents page are appropriate and attracting as just like my title they give a clear indication as to what the audience can expect.
  6. 6. By offering the reader a chance to win a prize or the opportunity to enter a competition I am instantly attracting them as it gives them a reason to want to purchase my magazine. Even if they are not particularly interested in the content of my media product the idea of them being able to win prizes is a huge incentive. By offering tickets to concerts that I have researched in my questionnaire I am offering them the chance to win things that they are interested in. I am also attracting my audience by the convergent links featured within my magazine. Having already researched what forms of social media are the most popular and analysed the results in my questionnaire, I know that I am appealing to my audience by showing them that we can be reached on a variety of multi-media platforms and that the magazine is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of content.
  7. 7. The following graphs document the findings I have been discussing the previous slides.
  8. 8. To conclude, I believe that I am appealing to my particular niche group as I am quite simply giving them what they want to see. They know that by purchasing my magazine they will get in depth coverage of all things mainstream music. I am appealing to them because I am giving them what they want. Prosumers know that if for example, they wanted a magazine about country music my magazine would be the last place to go. However, If they wanted a magazine that focused solely on mainstream music then they should look no further. By using a variety of different linguistic techniques and adhering to what my audience want thanks to my analysis of my questionnaire results I am appealing to my target audience in a variety of ways as discussed previously.