Horror Poster Analysis

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Page 2: Horror Poster Analysis

This poster for the 2012 film “The Possession” features many genre conventions and it is clear it belongs to the horror genre.

The poster is an extreme long shot, the character is alone and almost drowning in the seemingly isolated setting, this is typical of horror films.

The colour scheme of the poster is dark and bleak, typical of horror films.

“Based on a true story” is usually featured on horror film posters, it is intended to scare the audience. The tagline, “Pray for Her”, and the ghostly light coming from the streetlamp indicates a godly presence. This is typical of possession films which is a subgenre of horror films.

The girl’s body is thrown forward as if she is about to contort herself, this is typical behaviour of people who are possessed indicating the genre.

The character is seemingly a young girl, this is a recurring theme in horror films as adult audiences are proven to find films more chilling if they feature children.

Page 3: Horror Poster Analysis

This poster for the 2012 film “Sinister” features many genre conventions and it is clear it belongs to the horror genre.

The colour scheme is dark and bleak apart from the blood the girl is smearing on the wall which is red, this indicates danger and is a frequent colour on

posters for horror films.

The image behind the girl is frightening and indicates the

films genre. The setting of the poster does not give much

away, but like previous posters of horror movies the

girl seems isolated.

The tagline “Once you see him nothing can save you”

directly addresses the audience and indicates death, this is typical of many horror

movie taglines found on posters.

The character is seemingly a young girl, this is a recurring

theme in horror films as adult audiences are proven to find

films more chilling if they feature children.

The reference to the directors is a convention of a horror movie

poster in this case as it references other horror films

creating expectations amongst the audience.

The font of the title looks as if blood is seeping out of it, this makes it obvious it is from the

horror genre.

Page 4: Horror Poster Analysis

This poster for the 2012 film “House at the end of the Street” features many genre conventions and it is clear it belongs to the horror genre.

The central character is hiding, indicating something or someone is after her. It is ambiguous, typical of

horror movie posters

The font looks scratched and ghostly, typical of horror movies.

The colour scheme is completely dark except for a yellow glow coming from behind the door, this could indicate sinister events but also positivity. This is typical of horror movies with a central protagonist.

The tagline “Fear reaches out…to the girl next door” gives us the sense that this could happen to anyone, making us feel scared. Frightening the audience is a convention of horror movie posters.

The setting seems isolated, but the girl is alone and it seems she is not being rescued.

Page 5: Horror Poster Analysis

This poster for the 2007 film “Dead Silence” features many genre conventions and it is clear it belongs to the horror genre.

The dominant central image on this poster is a ventriloquist puppet. However its hand is sinister looking

with extreme wounds. Manipulated children’s toys is frequent in horror movies like “Childs play” and “Dolly


The colour scheme is again dark with accents of red and white, red indicating blood and danger, while white seems demonic and ghostly. This is a typical convention of horror

movie posters.

The reference to the directors is a convention of a horror movie poster in this case as it references other horror

films creating expectations amongst the audience.

The tagline “You scream, You die” directly references death and addresses this audience. When doing poster research I have frequently noticed this when spotting horror movie posters.

Page 6: Horror Poster Analysis

This poster for the 2011 film “The Cabin in the Woods” features many genre conventions and it is clear it belongs to the horror genre.

Despite their not being any characters in this poster, the cabin is still in an isolated setting, indicating the characters will be too. This is one of the most conventional features of horror movie posters.

The colour scheme is again dark and bleak and there appears to be a real absence of colour on this poster.

The poster appears to be scratched, giving it a chilling look. This is similar to the “Sinister” poster where it looks as if the walls have been cracked. From those things you can clearly tell they are both horror movies.

The tag line ‘you think you know the story’ allows the audience to change their perception of what this movie will include. It is setting the film up to be different from the typical horror films or from people thinking that this is film is going to be about people getting killed in a cabin. It ensures that audiences will be seeing something unique, twists and turns that they wouldn't expect.