Horro survey

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Are You Male or Female?

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What Sub-Genre of Horror Do You Like?

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Favourite Horror Film and Why?These films got more than one vote each:

•The Saw Films: ‘Because they are cleverly constructed and have brilliant effects.’ ‘Because without saw scary movie 4 would be boring.’ ‘They have such a good story line in terms of people having to make a choice between good and evil! Plus some of the traps are pretty epic .’ ‘I'm a bit sick in the head and I think the ideas of the "contraptions" are very clever.’•Paranormal Activity Films: ‘Because it was really realistic.’ ‘It's different to other horror films, and it plays on my mind because I believe in ghosts.’ ‘It held you in suspense a lot and was a good film.’ ‘Made me poo my pants.’ ‘They are different to pretty much most of the horror films about.’ ‘I can actually sit through the whole thing and not get scared’.• The Shining: ‘Not too scary, much more psychological, final girl actually survives.’ (x2)

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Other films that were voted for:

•Shaun of the Dead: ‘Really funny, fairly gory and zombie filled!’

•The Hole: ‘Actually quite scary.’

•The Grudge (Japanese): ‘Well done, subtle.’

•Sleepy Hollow: ‘Because its a good story, Johnny Depp is in it!’

•Black Christmas: Great cast, great characters and it is THE original slasher, forget Halloween! ‘

•The Evil Dead trilogy: Just a classic. Good balance of horror with comedy.’

•Resident Evil: ‘I'm obsessed with zombies.’

•Donnie Darko.

•Blair Witch Project: ‘Messes with your head and is terrifying without having to resort to gore or violence.’


•The Uninvited: ‘Because it's so clever and has such an unexpected and twisted ending.’

•Blade series: ‘Because exploding vampires are awesome’.

•Cabin Fever: ‘It's freaky in an interesting way. It's fairly realistic too which makes it more believable therefor successful at being scary’.

•Halloween (Original): ‘Cant beat a bit of little brother killing whole family and friends and walking round in the mask made out of someone's face.’

•Final Destination: ‘Because its gruesome which makes it scary.’

•28 Days Later: ‘Able to relate to it as it's British, feeling of dystopia, complex story line that has more to it than appears, brilliant sound track and unique camera shot which captures the motion in a more effective way.’

•Pulse: ‘It was different to other horror films in that it didn't use a "generic horror storyline". Well written and acted, and actually makes you jump.’

•Zombieland: ‘Because of ZOMBIES.’

•The Horsemen of the Apocalypse: ‘The plot is a confusing one, sort of like a game of Cluedo where you have to piece together what's happening from the comforts of home.’

•Eden Lake: ‘You can place yourself in the position of the monsters and the victims. The situation spirals out of control for the monsters and they feel like there is no going back and the final girl becomes a monster herself as she is fighting for her life.’

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Least Favourite Horror Film and What Made it So Bad?

These films got one than one vote each:

•The Saw Films: ‘The deaths were ok but the storyline was just bad and flawed.’ ‘After the third or fourth one, it gets a bit boring and there's no storyline anymore.’ ‘Despite being really frightening at parts I think it is a little the same after a while.

•The Grudge: ‘Story line was too hard to follow and it was too scary.’ ‘The effects made it look fake.’

General comments:

•I don't like the gory, non realistic.

•Any movie with a really bad storyline/poor structure.

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Other films that were voted for:

•The Scary Movies ‘Because there not really horror movies any way.’•The Mist: ‘It was just silly! It was entertaining; for how poor it was.’•Tormented: ‘Because the ghost was more like a zombie. It was a gombie.’•I Know What You Did Last Summer: ‘It's stupid.’ •Sickle: ‘It was an independently made film, was just so bad, so many continuity errors and audio was terrible.’•Jeepers Creepers: ‘A flying scarecrow? Yeah, no.’•Sex and the City: ‘I couldn't watch it all! It was all bad, all so very bad!’•The Shining: ‘I just don't think it's scary at all, almost funny.’•Vacancy: ‘A really poorly made horror film... didn't jump once...I don't recommend it.’•They: ‘Everything about it was bad.’•Black Sheep: ‘Mainly because it was about killer sheep.’•The Hills Have Eyes: ‘The rape scene was way to weird, I think they director must of enjoyed it as he made it pretty long. And the part where the baby was torn from his mothers arms before she was raped was to much.’•Scream 3: ‘Because Scary Movie ruined it.’•Drag Me To Hell: ‘It was really stupid.’•Paranormal Activity: ‘Restricted to one scene, only two proper characters which act poorly, nothing really happens until the end, the whole idea of a door closing randomly or a chair moving really isn't that scary and the couple also act completely irrationally to the circumstances.’•Hostel 2: ‘Plot was terrible, and it wasn't at all scary enough. Wasn't anywhere near as good as the first one.’•Jaws: ‘Its super corny.’ oh and the old •Friday the 13th (Original)•The Wrong Turn Saga: ‘Everything's just too predictable and i don't think the acting is that great either.’•Snakes On A Plane: ‘The acting was shoddy and the special effects were bad.’•Seventh Moon: ‘It wasn't scary at all. In fact it was quite funny.’•Jennifer's Body: ‘Basically just a pile of shit, no real story line and the plot is just ridiculous.’•Sixth Sense: ‘I hate ghosts, they scare me!’•Piranha

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Are You Influenced By Actors, Directors, Franchise or Companies?

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If Yes, Please Specify Which And Why

• Directors usually because if I like their output I see more of it.

• Well obviously people have their favourite actors and directors and such, If you see them make a film you haven't seen or if it has an awesome cast then your going to want to see it.

• Actors, being as I do drama, I like to look at experienced actors and apply them to my own performances.

• If I see an actor I like in a film I'm more likely to watch it.

• The use of special effects interests me.

• Influence ideas for photography/drawing.

• The Asylum make budget horror movies and to be honest you can quite easily see that but I kind of like picking the flaws out of them and having a joke makes it kind of less scary.

• Also I suppose as I already have an idea of the scare level of that franchise of movies, as with the saw, I'm prejudiced to wanting to see them as I know what graphical content they will have and what I expect them to be like.

• If there are some of my favourite actors in the film then I am much more likely to watch it rather than some random low budget actors.

• Because I like to see good actors in a film.

An answer specifying why they put no:

• No, I freaking hope not. Why should I idolize some one just because they can learn learns and is attractive? Actors and celebs are just people so I don't understand the big obsession.

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What Setting Do You Find Most Scary?

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What Makes You Want To See A Horror Film?

• “The adrenalin rush you get when a films is scaring you.” “For the excitement and anticipation I guess.” “Scary...” “For the thrills.” “Sudden scares and parts that make you jump when not actually a danger to the character (lead up with heavy breathing and a POV approaching a lonely character and then...BAM! its a good character.” “The thrill and excitement, hoping to get scared.” “Jumpy bits.” “I want to get scared.” “Being scared?” “The thrill of the chase, trying to work out the whole plot before the films ended.”

• “Being invited to do so.”

• “Nothing.”

• “I like horror, if I feel that I would like it I go ahead and watch it.” “Fun to watch.” “They are interesting.”

• “How scary it looks from the TV trailers.” “The quality of the trailer.” “A good trailer.” “Trailers.” (x 3) “If I watch the trailer and it looks good I'll want to watch it.” “A good trailer.”

• “Good ratings.” “Friends telling me it's good.” “People talking about how good it is.” “Word of mouth.”

• “Knowing it has a good story line.” “Premise of the plot usually.” “Original storyline.” “Interesting storyline.” “Good plot outline.” “If it has a good story line, not just mindless violence. Because that's not horror.” “Decent storyline nothing to cliché.” “A good plot.”

• “The advertisement.”

• “Controversial”

• “A film that gives off a dark feeling that you don't experience in every day life.”

• “Good reputation from prequels (such as paranormal activity being so good, I went to see the second one)”

• “Actors/director.”

• “More than just gore...”

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What Do You Like In A Horror Trailer?

• “I like it when they give a true taste of how thrilling/gory/scary the film is.” “I like to be scared.” “Creepiness and unpredictable ...” “Taster scares.” “Scary faces? Things popping out at you? Screams? Something like that.” “Freaky images.”

• “Ghostly stuff.”

• “Ones that draw you in, they have to have power.”

• “A good story line.” “When it shows you the main story line but makes you want to go and see what happens.” ““When it gives you an insight into the films story.” “I like one that actually explains the story rather than flashing images.” “Sign of interesting plot.” “A good summary of the story that pulls you in.” “Telling a brief overview of the storyline while simultaneously showing interesting parts of the film.” ““Enough of the plot to be enticed.”

• “Short clips of the action to get you engrossed.” “Good scenes of action.” “Quick and short shots.” “I like them to be jumpy and exciting.” “The scary parts not the crap parts where there just walking down a hallway.” “Fast cuts between the scenes to get an overview of the film, not all of the scary parts in the trailer.” “Lots of flashing.”

• “The music is very important.” “Emotive music.”

• “Something that doesn't give too much away, but gets the target audience wanting to watch it, sort of like a cliff hanger type thing.” “To see bits leading you on, and you don't find them out in the trailer, which makes me want to go see them.” “Mysteriousness.” “The way they tease you about what could potentially make you jump.” “Ones that don't show too much of the storyline so you have to watch the film to find out more. Also don't show too much in the trailer it'll spoil it.” “Scenes that leave you on the edge of your seat, giving you a huge insight in such a small clip.” “A snapshot of some on the screen action, not enough to give it away but also some epic scenes showing off the tension and the brilliant cinematography.” “Being kept on the edge.”

• “Some gory bits.” “Gore.”

• “Unique and controversial ideas, abstract images.”

• “Zombies or something that indicates a messed up situation.”

• “Inter-titles rather than voiceovers, voice overs can be so cheesy and American!”

• “Clever camera angles.”

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What Have You Seen In Other Horror Trailers To Make Them

Bad?• “When half the movie is show to you and its not in any way scary.” “Giving too much away.” “Giving away the story line.” “Giving away the whole story in the trailer.” “Giving the story away, plus they're not tense just pictures of people screaming.” “Too much given away in the trailer, e.g. all the good parts are in the trailer.” “Too much of the plot.”

• “When there's a trailer that makes a film look really good but then you watch the film only to discover that the trailer was a lie.” “The trailers show the good bits, and when you sit down to watch the film, there is nothing to make you jump etc.”

• “If the advert scares me I wont watch it.”

• “The stupid voiceover that you often get, the same American guy. It's tacky and it turns me right the fuck off.” “Voice overs usually make them quite bad.” “Cheesy over the top voice over/announcers.” “Overuse of that American guy with the deep voice - you know who I mean.” “Cheesy intertitles/voice over.”

• “Terrible sequels to good films that just look tacky.”

• “People over / underacting.” “Really bad acting.” “Bad acting.” (x 3) “Annoying actors.” “Bad actors.”

• “Really bad effects.” “The effects.”

• “Too much gory stuff.”

• “When its just random scenes and you can't really tell what the story is.” “Short bursts of scenes.” “No look at all at what the film is about.” “Failure to summarize the plot.”

• “Plots that revolve around pretty women who get raped and die.”

• “A non gripping theme.”

• “Too much pointless dialogue.” “Cheesy lines.”

• “Superficial, unoriginal ideas that have been milked dry over the past decade.”

• “Lack of interesting scenes.” “Typical cliché plots/scenes.” “Just violence.” “Not enough horror like scenes. You may even watch a trailer and not even realise its for a horror movie.” “Ridiculous plots, that could never possibly happen.” “Constant screaming.”

• “A door and then going to a different seen after cutting it off.”