Since when has a medicine become legal through a vote and not by research, studies and FDA approval. Why and who is trying to circumvent the FDA process? Isn’t this a step backwards in science and medicine. 1

History of Legalizing Marijuana

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Since when has a medicine become legal through a vote and not by research, studies and FDA approval. Why and who is trying to circumvent the FDA process? Isn’t this a step backwards in science and medicine.



None of these foundation, organization or associations support smoked pot as a medicine. They are aware that some components of marijuana speciallically cbd has some medicinal value and they promote studies and research to produce the best possible medicine for ailing patients.


Which of these looks like 21st century medicine, which has guidelines and has been researched, studied, established quidelines and proven to beneficial in helping a patient and often curing diseases.

Crude Drug- No Practice Guidelines FDA approved. Specific Guidelines for every medication

last phase of the FDA approval process and Epidioloex has just been granted Orphan drug status with the FDA meaning that physicians can use it in Investigative Drug Trials for kids with sezuire disorders.


Since the 70’s -It has always been the goal of pro-marijuana organizations to

legalize recreational pot this campaign was advancing too slowly so a new

marketing campaign was adapted…


Repacking smoked pot as a medicine. Every state that has legalized pot as medicine has then begun to legalize full recreational use.



in 1996 ca legalized smoked pot as a medicine…


For the past year you can read new articles daily from that state about the state of turmoil co is in with medicinal and now full legalization.


Tobacco companies have always wanted a piece of the action and now that cirgateesmoking has been decline there is plenty of land available for marijuana crops.


"For decades, the tobacco industry misled the public into believing that low-tar or light cigarettes were safer for smokers,"

Now that people are finally realizing the health hazard it is to smoking cigarettes fewer people are smoking and land is free to grow pot.

Why would it be harmful for the lungs to smoke cigarettes but not pot? Really… pot is typically drawn deeper into the lungs and thus more harmful.


"For decades, the tobacco industry misled the public into believing that low-tar or light cigarettes were safer for smokers,"

Now that people are finally realizing the health hazard it is to smoking cigarettes fewer people are smoking and land is free to grow pot.

Why would it be harmful for the lungs to smoke cigarettes but not pot? Really… pot is typically drawn deeper into the lungs and thus more harmful.


That takes us to today in Florida.

Although Pollara said. "Literally thousands of volunteers contributed their time, collecting petitions in the rain and heat, on their weekends and holidays.'‘National Voter Outreach, a Nevada-based company that specializes in organizing signature drives.

professional petition gatherers from $1 a signature to as much as $4, hiring people from around the country to solicit signatures outside courthouses, restaurants, stores and post offices. In addition they were paid an hourly rate of $25-$30. http://www.tampabay.com/news/politics/group-says-they-have-enough-signatures-to-get-medical-marijuana-on-the/2161231

Does this really sound like someone who cares about a person’s health or…. Filling his own pockets.?


Sadly, this has become a political and financial issue. Ben Pollara, a Democratic fundraiser and campaign manager for the United for Care group, stated “We want to be able to have our stereotypical, lazy pothead voters to be able to vote from their couch on Election Day.


Financially just Follow the money from the cultivating classes to the grow sites, to the pot shops to the law suits. Personal attorney lawyers will potentially make thousands if not millions off the unsuspecting and innocent people in our state who believe smoked pot is a medicine, many of whom may become addicted changing their lives and their families forever.


Will a drug free work place even exist in the future? What’s in it for a personal injury attorney?

What if an employee high on medical marijuana get’s injured on-the-job? Do you have to pay for his healthcare, what about disability, what if the high employee injures a customer as well as himself? Sounds like lots of opportunities for lawyers and many, many unbudgeted fees & expenses for employers… do you think customer will be willing to pay a higher end price for products and services to cover these costs?


employers' right to drug test is questioned. Coats was angry because Dish Network fired him in 2010 after his random drug test came back positive for traces of pot.

He sued Dish Network, claiming the marijuana he uses is just like any other medicine

“If the Colorado Supreme Court were to rule in the employees’ favor proponents of marijuana use will be making the case that employees should have protections for using marijuana

“There’s a great deal of statistics out that drug use and alcohol, cost employers an enormous amount of money, in the hundreds of millions of dollars a year. And that drug testing, saves them money,” what will happen if drug testing is no longer an option?

“There’s a great deal of statistics out that drug use and alcohol, cost employers an enormous amount of money, in the hundreds of millions of dollars a year. So, the marketing message is that by drug testing, they can save money,” Graves said, adding that employers are also concerned about potential liability costs if there is an accident and an employee tests positive for pot use.


In addition to the increase cost of insurance, absenteeism,, healthcare cost for substance treatment there be a substantial added expense of lawyer fees. Will businesses be able to afford these additional costs?


Look at the ads that pop up when researching ‘medical’ marijuana.


With the infrastructure in place from pill mills Florida is the perfect storm for being the supplier of pot for the east coast.


With the infrastructure from the Pill Mills still in place ...

The next pot state and first one on the east coast. Even if you don’t live in Florida you should help prevent it from becoming legal…


Now you can see why florida has been targeted and what states will be next. This has been the strategy for years



If this were really about medicine and caring about the sick… if so why aren’t these so called philanthropic organizations encouraging patients to participate in clinical trials that exist throughout our nation to provide a safe and researched medicine with standards of care.


Because it isn’t about healthcare it is about personal injury attorneys and entrepreneurs

preying on innocent people, promoting pot as a miracle drug, and standing to make

billions of dollars off this industry in a variety of ways. Who are you going to believe?

Is this a scam or healthcare?


Send this information to your family, friends, co-workers, boss, church members. We need to educate our communities. Our nations future depends on all of us. Don’t be silent… don’t let fl become another co, wa or ca. Don’t be doped.

For more information- articles, brochures, documentations and videos go to No2Pot.