History of Individuals with Disabilities By: Rachael Mulhisen

History of disabilities 2

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  • 1. History ofIndividuals withDisabilitiesBy: Rachael Mulhisen

2. Individuals from the beginning withdisabilities where mistreated andtaken advantage of 3. Eventuallyinstitutions tohelp thementally andphysically illbeganappearing 4. Many individuals were put intothese institutions but little helpwas provided 5. The amount of people withdisabilitiesdramatically 6. Unfortunately many ofthese institutions hadlimited help and theresidents suffered living intheir filth in mistreatedconditions 7. The worst oftheseinstitutionswas knownas 8. After findingout aboutthe terribleconditionsatWillowbrooknew lawswere putinto motionto helpimprove thelives ofthose whoweredisabled 9. Slowly conditions 10. Americanswith Disabilities Act Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities 1990 IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in 1975 allowed children with disabilities free appropriate education as any other child would receive Zero Tolerance policy 11. We can still do though Manyindividuals with disabilities are still discriminated against in Jobs Society School Athletics 12. https://angel.canisius.edu/section/content/default.asp?WCI=pgDisplay&WCU=CRSCNT&ENTRY_ID=CF72F06054C34D4F8654309E7F3D2870 13. And rememberPeople who have a disability are still the as and