Talaie Production Studios presents Tidal Waves Chapter 1: Hello, There Neighbor Photos by Talaie Edited with GIMP 2 and Corel Painter Essentials 3 Story by Talaie Proof Editor: SeleneCorvin Created with PowerPoint Hosted by SlideShare

Hello there Neighbor

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Page 1: Hello there Neighbor

Talaie Production Studios presents Tidal Waves

Chapter 1: Hello, There Neighbor

Photos by Talaie

Edited with GIMP 2 and Corel Painter Essentials 3

Story by Talaie

Proof Editor: SeleneCorvin

Created with PowerPoint

Hosted by SlideShare

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Scott examined his bookshelf, “Now, where did I put that book,” he pulled a rather old book off the top shelf.

He walked over to a work table with it.

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Glancing at the last page and pulling out a blank sheet of paper, ‘Dear Madame,’ he began to write,

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‘I need to inform you that one of our senior council members has passed away.’ Yeah, right a senior member,

Scott thought, Carma, more like a senile, old bat. ‘There will be,’ he continued to write, ‘a memorial service

held this Thursday. We shall be seeking someone to fill the vacancy of the council seat.

‘Hope this letter finds you in good health. Sincerely,

‘Dr. Scott Reamon’

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When he had finished, he folded the letter and place it in the book closing it. He then opened the book

again. The letter was gone. He closed the book again and returned it to it’s place on the shelf.


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Upstairs, Seraphine enjoyed a friends company.

“Seraphine, want a playmate,” the parrot squawked.

“Boo, I can do this on my own,” Seraphine snapped, “Dolphine ,want to play Mary Mack?”

“Yeah, I love that game.”


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In the nursery, Lilith and Cassandra played.

“The monkey chased the weasel all around the Mulberry bush. Pop, goes the weasel!” Lilith sang.

“Again, again,” Cassandra chimed.

“Okay ones more but then its beddy bye, my little monkey.”

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That evening Scott had dinner with Seraphine while Lilith got some rest.

“How was your day, Honey?” Scot asked.

“Dolphine stopped by, while you were in the study. We played Mary Mack, and then we played Hide And Go

Seek until he had to go home.”

“Did you have fun?”

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“Yeah,” she looked questioningly at her dad, “Is tomorrow Cassandra’s birthday?”

“No, it’s the next day. Your sister’s birthday is Friday.”

“Can we have a party?”

“I think we can.”



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It was birthday time at the Ottomen’s house. The family gathered in the kitchen. David had needed to take care

of college stuff, he wasn’t sure if he would get back in time for his little sisters’ birthday, and was sadly absent.

Sharla held Haylee and Samantha held Marci.

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“Alright birthday girl,” Sharla said, “Time to blow out the candles.”

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Soon two lovely little girls stood in the kitchen. Tommy ran up to Sharla when Marci and Haylee went up stairs

to change.

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“Let’s dance,” he said.

“Sure thing,” Sharla said giving Tommy the thumbs up.

The family had a lovely time, even if David couldn’t make it.

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The next day all four kids tromped off to the bus to Summer school and Day Care.

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Later that after noon everyone returned home.

“Please let these kid move to the next grade,” Samantha gritted at the sky.

Tommy’s friend Starr tagged along.

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“This summer break is horrible,” Timmy chatted.

“I can’t we believe that I have to go to Summer school,” Starr pouted , thinking sorely about his art home work.

“But at least we won’t be repeating next year.”



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Just as Scott promised, they had a party for Cassandra’s birthday. The family and some friends gathered to help


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“Alright birthday girl,” Scott said as the last strains of The Birthday Song ended, “Time to blow out the


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“Woot!” Cassandra cheered when the sparkles had vanished.

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There was a large group that decided to smustle, it lasted for some time.

“Want to show these kids how its really done?” Dorain asked Angel.

She smiled back.

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“Come on Irvine join in,” Lilith said during a breather.

“I’m not one for the smustle,” Irvine said a little abashed.

Morganna tapped him on the shoulder and whispered something into his ear.

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Upstairs Cassandra chatted up Dolphine, “I love rocket ships. I want to fly one someday.”

“That sounds super cool.”

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As the party ended, “Ew gross,” Dolphine said as Thane walked out of the bathroom,” Couldn’t you have waited

until you got home?”



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It was late in the night. Dorian and Angel had a hard time getting Thane to go to sleep. All he wanted to do was

talk about how he could now play with Cassandra and all the fun things he was planning for them to do. Just as

the clock rolled around to 1 am, Dorian awoke with a start.

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“Dorian, the baby is coming,” Angel moaned.

“I’m up, I’m up.”

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A short time later Angel was holding a baby girl in her arms and Dorian held another in his.

“I have daughters. They’re not boys.”

“Yes you do honey,” Angel said smiling down on the baby in her arms, “And if you ever want more, you can

figure out how to have them.”

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“What should we call them?” Dorian asked pretending that his wife comment hadn’t been said.

“How about… Eglantine and Nairne.”

“Welcome to the world girls.”


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The years passed by in France. Clara’s birthday rolled around. Kiara in an attempt to be nice had invited Clara’s

friend Poa Ray and his mom. The four of them gather in the dining room.

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“Go for it, Clara,” Poa cheered.

“This is it,” Kiara said to herself, “Years of planning are about to pay off.”

“Make a wish,” Poa’s mom called, blowing her noise maker into Kiara’s ear to make her move.

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“I wish for…” Clara closed her eyes and blew out the candles.

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A newly teened Clara looked sadly away from Poa. softly to herself she said, “I wish Poa could be a teenager now

and not have to wait.”

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Poa had walked into the hall, tears in his eyes at seeing his friend grow up. Sparks came out of nowhere and

enveloped him. When they had vanished a teenaged Poa stood in shock, “This is weird. But I kind of like it.”


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There were summer mornings that were just too nice , and some people would hop right out of bed and run outside to


“Don’t throw so hard,” Morganna cringed as she dropped the ball.

“Sorry mom, I’m used to playing with Seth.”

“Dolph, just play nice with everyone,” Morganna sighed, as she took the ball into the house, “Come on its time to get



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If Angel’s house was the teen hangout,

Irvine and Morganna’s seemed to be the

younger kids hangout.

“I want to be big and famous when I grow

up,” Thane said as he and Dolphine


“I want to be an explorer,” Dolpine replied.

“This song is cool. What did your dad say

it was?”

“Rapper’s Delight,” Dolphine said, “He

said it was all the rage when he was a in

College, whatever that means.”

“Hey, Seraphine, come join us.”

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Seraphine was playing chess by herself, “No, you guys come over here.”

Both boys stuck their tongues out at her, “No!”

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Seraphine didn’t have to wait too long for someone to join her though.

“So how do you play this game again?” Starr asked scratching his head.

“I douno I’m still learning. Wan’a still play?”

“Oh, Okay.”

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Dolphine and Thane finished building a sand castle.

“I wonder if there are any abandoned castles on this island?” Dolphine looked thoughtfully at the castle.

“I don’t know. My dad likes to tell stories about Fayemoore the Great and how he lived on this island. Maybe his

castle is hidden somewhere.”

“I hope so, that way when I’m a great adventurer I can go searching for it.”

“Alright Mr. Adventurer let’s play hide and seek.” The boys ran off into the house.

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Irvine was talking to Scott as the boys barreled in, “No running. So, what was I saying?”

“Weather patterns.”

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“Right, I was really hoping there was some way to stop this frightening weather we’ve been having lately. I mean

the other day the whole house lost power during the worst of the lighting.”

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“I don’t think there is anything I can do. I don’t control the weather I just forecast it.”

“Oh right,” Irvine said a little angry but cheering up, “Will you be here for Dolphine’s party?”

“Wouldn’t miss it.”


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The day had come. “I set up everything for the party. Want to kill a little time with me before everyone gets

here?” Irvine purred.

Morganna giggled and followed him upstairs.

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“I love you, honey.”

“Me too.”

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A little later the guests began to arrive, they gathered in the side yard.

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Dolphine looked at all the guests and then at his cake, “I hope that I get to be what I want. I wish…” he blew out

the candles. The light took over and the next minute.

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“Now, to go explore,” Dolphine said with a slight undertone.

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Not much cake was eaten. Guests were far too busy dancing and chatting.

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As the sun set some of the party moved inside.

“So man you ready,” Ulrich asked.

“Nah, I still have to finish summer school.”

“I hear ya. I just finished last week. Mom was pissed. She thought I’d never finish in time to start college.”

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“My dad’s been all over Starr’s case about finishing his home work. And Starr’s just been being a totally crank

about it.”

“Well there’s only one week left and then everyone is free until the fall.”

Dolphine sighed and Ulrich went off to find someone happier to talk to.

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The party went over well. Some of

the guests weren't that keen on

leaving until all sign of daylight

had fled.


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Dolphine struggled with his summer homework and Starr was overjoyed to have passed his last test and didn’t

have to go any more.

“Stupid history class,” he muttered.

“Na, na. I don’t have to do homework for a whole n’other month.”


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Stormy had begun seeking time alone. No one really questioned her about it, especially with two young

babies and four older boys in the house.

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“Cycles,” Stormy said to Ulrich one night.


“That’s what this is about. That’s what dad was trying to tell me.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Sorry, bro, I just needed someone to talk to me.”

Ulrich was going to respond but chose not to.

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Dorian came up to Stormy a few days later. “I know that I promised you that I would take you to meet one of

the Faye. Well, come on.”

Stormy did not answer but followed him.

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They took a boat over to one of the other islands. They walked in silence for a while. It wasn’t until they passed

through Red Gate that Stormy found her voice.

“Um dad…”

“Stormy, I know that you’re nervous, but trust me, it will all be alright.”


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They arrived at their destination. Dorian knocked on the door.

“Coming,” said a familiar voice to Stormy.

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When the voice opened the door ,Stormy in her shock fell to the ground, “Miss O.”

“Dorian, how nice to see you, and Stormy,” Samantha smiled.

“Miss Ottomens , “ Dorian said looking over to Stormy, “This is my daughter. I know the two of you have met

before, but I promised Stormy I would take her meet a member of the Faye.”

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Stormy struggled to her feet, still in a bit of shock.

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“Would the two of you please come in. I was just making lunch. The kids are outside playing in the tree house,”

she explained.

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That’s it for this chapter part. The next one will take me longer to get out. I just hope its not another 3 months

like the previous part.

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And here is a little helpful pronunciation guide:

Starr = Star

Eglantine = Egg lan tine

Nairne = Nearn

Dolphine = Dolphin

Marci = Marcie

Morganna =More ganna

If you have a question about the other names just let me know.