Expectation: Perception & Interpretation Choo Jun Quan, Stefan Perspectives from a study of Western Vocal Arts

GS6887A: Applying Musical Expectation- Perception and Interpretation (Individual project for "Sound, Music and Mind"

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A brief discussion on musical structures, expectations and emotions

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  • 1. Choo Jun Quan, Stefan

2. Disclaimer: Expectation is a theoretical construct whose meaning and definition is open to debate. (Ch. 3, Huron, 2009) What is accounted for in this presentation represents my personal experiences of the music, and knowledge of shared similar experiences made available through research or social experiences. 3. Overview Knowledge Management- Combining Musical Expectation and Interpretation Musical Structures and Chord Progressions Meter, Tempo, Note Density Frission Tears in Musical Expectation Does lyrics play a role in expectation? What is Musical Prosody? Defying expectations- Stravinsky Concluding thoughts 4. Musical Expectation: A Knowledge Management Perspective: explicit (codified) (e.g. theory, computation, visualization) Knowledge implicit (tacit) : Where listeners perceive musical structures and develop expectations for musical events Gained through learning: Knowledge comes about through the integration of information derived from data, plus theory that puts the information in the proper context, plus experience of how things work in the real world. This process of integration is also called learning.theorydatainformationknowledgeexperie nce 5. Musical Expectation: A Knowledge Management Perspective Polanyi (1966): Human beings acquire knowledge by ACTIVELY creating and organizing their own experiences explicit knowledge is the tip of the iceberg. We learn a language, not just by learning the fundamentals of grammar itself. Integration occurs as we shift our attention from the parts to the whole. The whole simple all parts because it takes on a different meaning in the whole. The integration of the whole is tacit knowing. Polanyis Concept of Tacit Knowing, Nina Abraham Palmer, Harvard 6. Music stimulus and possible responses Stimulus Fast Track Quick Unthinking Action Fear SurpriseThamalusMatches stimulus to primitive cuesHIJACKSlow Track Thoughtful appraisal Sensory CortexAmlygdalaAngerHippocampus Midbrain Periaqueductal grayPerigigantocellularis lacteralisDefense Coordinating CentreGiven context out of stimulusVisceral alerting responses 7. Tonal Knowledge and Perception of Musical Most songs use Structures 3 chords:the primary triad Stable cognitive reference point Tonic Dominant Subdominant E.g. C Major Key: Tonic: (C-E-G) Dominant: Subdominant:C Major G Major (G-B-D) F Major (F-A-C)Image obtained from http://www.visualcomplexity.com/vc/blog/uploa ds/2010/07/07_musa_rt.jpgVisualizing Tonality and Chord ProgressionMusa.RT 8. Applications: Chord Progression in Western Tonal Music Circle of fifths Chord progressions between chords whose roots are related by perfect fifth are common. For instance, root progressions such as D-G-C are common. For this reason, the circle of fifths can often be used to represent "harmonic distance" between chords. Tonic chords -home Conclusion of a song. C Major Key: C, G/B, Am, G, F, Em, D, G, C. Cadences (Demo) Full, Half, Deceptive, Plaga Interesting statstics on chords and keys commonly used in popular musicPicture obtained from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Circle_of_fifths_deluxe_4.svg 9. Music Expectations: Pitch Repetition is favored. Der Hlle Rache kocht in meinem Herzen, Dramatic Soprano, Diana Damrau Die Zauberflte, WA Mozart Small Intervals- Same pitch direction Large Intervals- Change of direction Post-Skip Reversal 10. Music Expectations: Pitch Playing with musical expectations is at the origin of musical expressivity, communicated by musical pieces. Pitch described as musical know-what (Facts) 11. Musical Expectations: Meter Know-when Performance in recognition tasks and communication. Recall Rhythm patterns Completion judgments Evaluations of music 12. Tempo, note Density on Emotions Chapter 14- Handbook of Music and Emotions, Juslin P. Fast Tempo- Expressions of Activity/ Excitement, Happiness/Joy/Pleasantness, Potency, Surprise, Anger, Uneasiness, Fear. Slow Tempo- Calmness/ Serenity, Peace, Sadness, Dignity/ Solemnity, Tenderness, Longing, Boredom, and disgust. Discussed in context of other structural factors. Note density (No of notes/ unit time)- Higher in expressions of happiness, anger, and fear. Tempo and note density may be additive- Higher activation To be further discussed in Musical Prosody Section. 13. What is Frission? Frission- Chills running down your spine or hair standing on ends Closely related to element of musical surprise, yet one of expected surprise. Experienced listening- Noema (Leigh Landy) Not everyone experiences music- induced Frission. More so in females than males. (Panskepp, 1995) Chill seekers are thin-skinned and reactive Less physical risk taking More likely to listen to music in concentrated fashion The capacity to experience music-induced frission may encourage certain people to pursue a career in music. (Ch 21, Handbook of music and emotion). 14. Frission Inducing Music Pieces? Guillaume Tell- Overture (Gioachino RossiniWilliam Tell) Antonio Pappano & Orchestra dell' Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia Defying Gravity (Wicked! The Musical OST): Idina Menzel, Kristina Chenoweth & Cast of Wicked!Nella Fantasia (Koreas got talent- Youtube): Sung- Bong Choi, Runner-up with 60million YouTube ViewsVoi- Che Sapete (From Mozerts Opera The Marriage of Figaro, Characterized by a young pageboy Cherubino): Joyce DiDonato, Mezzo- Soprano, Grammy Winner of Classical Voice Solo, 2012 15. Reflections on Voi Che Sapete Is there a particular difference for the last piece? Did anybody experience an instantaneous uplift from a depressed state? Presence of Frission/ Surprise? Fitting Structures in Classical Music Is The Mozart Effect present in this particular piece? 16. What about Tears? Annatomy of a tear jerker- NY Times: Presence of Appoggiatura (to lean upon John Sloboda, Psychology of Music (1991) Chills often descend on listeners at moments of resolution. When several appoggiaturas occur next to each other in a melody, it generates a cycle of tension and release. This provokes an even stronger reaction, and that is when the tears start to flow. 17. Anatomy of a Tear Jerker? Do all appoggiaturas evoke tears? Joan Slobada melodic appoggiatura applies for certain kind of dissonant note, or non-harmonic tone. Melodic appoggiatura differs from most other non-harmonic tones Dissonance occurs on a strong beat and therefore receives more emphasis than usual. 18. Recap: Comparison of degree of consonances (Lecture 5) 19. Tear Jerker: Caro mio ben Giuseppe (My Dear Beloved) Giordani, 1751-1798 (Baroque Era)Giuseppe Giordani (Giordanello)Resolve Note: F (Major 2nd) Chord: Eb Major: Eb-G- BbLuciano Pavarotti: 20. Prosody Definition of PROSODY Meriam- Webster http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/prosody1. The study of versification; especially : the systematic study of metrical (/metrology/) structure 2. A particular system, theory, or style of versification 3. The rhythmic and intonational aspect of languageProsody was the music of everyday speech (Wennerstrom, 2001) 21. Prosody in Speech Lexical meaning of syllables across languages Tonal Languages, e.g. Mandarin, Thai: Pitch Contours Non-tonal Languages: Accent Stress (e.g. someWHERE, VAlley, CHRISTmas, Phrasing of sentences I will LOVE you until my dying day. I will love you until my dying DAY? 22. Musical Prosody Performers vary music, manipulating sound properties: Frequency (pitch), Amplitude, Time and Timbre Musical prosody focuses on rhythm, grouping and prominence, not intonation. Linguistic meter and musical meter are often modelled with similar hierachial rules. Question: Why do audiences well- react to some performers but not others? 23. Musical Prosody and Expectations Listeners without musical knowledge are adept at segmenting musical cues into units One of this expectation is musical phrase. Lots of information occurs at phrase boundaries, undetailed in a musical score. Musical prosody: acoustic changes in features that form grouping, prominence and intonation. 24. Musical Prosody Often includes features not given in score. Intensity Tempo Articulation Staccato, Legato Onsets/ Offsets Voiced/ Unvoiced consonants- xxxx-t, xxxx-k. e.g. come round right- (Simple Gifts, Aaron Copland) 25. Enhancing prosody interpretation with use of technology Freeware: Sonic Visualizer AccentCrescendoPhrase groupingsSustain/ Delay ~50-75msDerescendo 26. Application of Prosody Analysis Dotted lines Inexpressive performance Solid LinesExpressive performanceprosodic slowing down with intent at phrase boundaries. Expressive nuances are systematic and hence can be explicitly learnt. At least some expressive Structural representations of a musical performance. From 5 measures from a Prelude from Chopin nuances correspond to the musical intent. 27. Premier of Igor Stravinskys Rite of Spring in Paris, May 1913. Sacrifice of a young pagan woman to pacify the gods of spring. Inharmonic notes, strong use of dissonances. Triggered shouting, clamoring and near- riot in the audience. and the noise, fighting, and shouting in the audience got so loud, he had to shout out the numbers to the dancers so that they knew what they were supposed to do. Igor Stravinsky's "The Rite of Spring" 28. Concluding Thoughts/ Questions Music; a universal language that transcends ALL cultures. Yes/ No? Or Emotions underlying Music that transcends? What is the point of transmission of music?: Expressing and inducing emotion. (Mithen, Steven- The Singing Neanthdrals Addendum from Prof Miller: Music structure in itself does not drive any emotions. Its the acculturation that assigns emotions to music structure. Music and emotional capacity: Are the development of humans whole without music? Movie Equilibrium- 2012? Human Emotion as the root of all conflict? Perfect world where Art/ Music & Feelings not exist? Equilibrum movie trailer