Green Innovations IISc Wi Camp

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Earth = HomeLet’s go back to history Innovation – 2 sides of a coinA Geometry of NatureConcepts: Mimic nature and Send

back where it is !

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(Picture taken from Apollo 8 ) Christmas Eve, 1968

“This is one spaceship…. There are no passengers. we’re all crew…….No one can sit it out. It’s a matter of investing in our survival” UN Official,1990

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It is born 3.8 bn. years back It’s climate is a complex system

( Butterfly effect)Population : 6.3 bn. and counting

( 2007)To me : where I stand only matters !

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“For want of a nail, the shoe was lost ;For want of a shoe, the horse was lost ;For want of a horse, the rider was lost ;For want of a rider, the battle was lost ;For want of a battle, the kingdom was lost ! “

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Pre electronic revolution (no computers ,no mobiles ,no internet ,no Laser,…..)

Pre industrial revolution (no steam engines, no rail roads, no burning coal & oil,…..)

No electricity (Natural sunlight) 1 bn. Pre 1800, 2 bn. in 1930, 3 bn. in 1960

(half of current population during John F Kennedy era)

London to Edinburgh ( In 1745,it took 2 weeks to travel….tomorrow I can reach in 2 hrs by Air France)

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Barcamp – Wicamp (Collaboration)Surpassing mediaFree promotion Flourishing new ideas “ Imagine, every single person on the planet is

given free access to the sum of all human knowledge”…..wikipedia.org

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Complexity increased

Fragility to black swans

Recursive loops

Information is bad

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Benoit . M ( Rock star of Mathematics ) Does Mother Nature went to Euclidean

Geometry classes ? Fractal Geometry ( seen in trees, clouds ,

mountains..)Creative arts: visual arts, Music , Poetry Rough, broken and self similar Industrial applications : Image

compression, Movie animations, Income distribution

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Janine M Beniyus – Biologist ( Bioneer) Nature as “model, measure and

mentor “ 3.8 bn. years of R & D Biologists @ your design table Case studies : Termite mound,

Kingfisher and Lotus

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William McDonough , Architect Buildings like trees and cities like

forests This book is not a tree 2 questions - Biodegradable or

recyclable ? 3 E Model – Ecology, Economy and

Equity Case studies : Nike, China city , Ford


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“If you’re sitting in an ivory tower, it’s easy to say we have to all change our behavior . But, what if we don’t ? Do you really want to kiss the earth goodbye ? “ …..Dan Schrag (Harvard Climatologist)

“….having a miserable day or getting angry because you feel cheated by a bad meal, cold coffee , a social rebuff ,or a rude reception.”

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“The world will not evolve past its current state of crises by using the same thinking that created the situation” A.E.